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Finish Her!

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Offline Jackflash Jump

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1485 on: January 01, 2018, 08:48:20 AM »
Diana Argon vs Kaley Cuoco: Battle for the New Year


Fireworks erupted over Manhattan as the clock struck midnight, but the real pyrotechnics were happening withing the walls of a penthouse high above 5th Avenue.

The two blondes were back to back, chests heaving as they panted for breath, their skin glistening with perspiration, their hair disheveled, and their designer cocktail dresses torn to tatters.  Diana reached her arms up and back, clasping her hands beneath her opponent's chin for a chin lock.  As Argon suddenly dropped to her knees, pulling the still-standing Kaley backward, arching her spine to an agonizing degree, Cuoco let out a sharp groan of pain.  The sound of her rival's anguish brought a mischievous sneer to Diana's face.  She was winning, she knew it, and it wouldn't be long now before victory was hers.

Kaley knew it as well; it had been a hard-fought battle for nearly thirty full minutes, with both blondes evenly matched.  But for the past five minutes, the advantage had been entirely Argon's, and she was simply out-wrestling Cuocco.  If the embattled beauty had any remaining hope of turning the tide and triumphing, she knew she had to do something drastic...and quickly!

Grabbing tight to the wrists of her tormentor, Kaley planted her feet firmly to the floor..and then suddenly executed a backflip, her curvaceous body arcing gracefully through the air, until it nearly completed a 360? rotation.  What brought it to a halt was Cuoco slamming her feet into her bewildered adversary's torso, sending Diana flat onto her back, stunned.

Standing over her rival, Kaley now began to stomp her foot again and again down upon Argon's belly, breasts and face, smashing her into a deep daze.  Once she was satisfied that Diana was pounded to the point of haplessness, Cuoco halted.  She bent forward a bit, placing her hands on her knees as she gulped into air, taking a few moments to catch her wind and rally her fading vestiges of strength for the finale.

That came by dropping to her knees, shoving the moaning Argon over onto her belly, mounting her back, and locking a Camel Clutch on her.  The sharp crackle of pain to her neck and spine shocked Diana from her stupor, but she was too battered and spent to offer any resistance greater than loud sobs.  After what must have seemed like an agonizing eternity to the poor girl...but in truth was barely a minute...Diana cried out, "NO MORE!  I SUBMIT!  LET ME GO!"

With a smug grin on her face, Kaley released her hold, but remained seated upon her vanquished opponent.  Brushing an errant lock of hair away from her face, Cuoco beamed with pride as a sash bearing 2018 across it was placed around her, and she was declared Celeb Catfighter of the New Year!

Happy New Year to one and all!



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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1486 on: January 01, 2018, 12:55:51 PM »
Awww, Diana :(

Great work as always, JackFlash! What a way to bring in the new year! :D


Offline Xtra164

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1487 on: January 01, 2018, 08:04:42 PM »
Emma Watson vs. Kristen Stewart

New year, same results between the two bitter rivals. Emma yet again challenged her arch nemesis to a bout, hoping to kick off 2018 riding high and basking in triumph, only for Kristen to crash her party like she's done so many times before. Stewart would zero in on specifically Watson's purposely exposed mid-section with a barrage of gut punches, stomach strikes and tummy takedowns. Even after disrobing Emma's already skimpy outfit down even further to her bra and panties after ripping her jean jacket away and yanking her short shorts down and off, Kristen remained lazer-focused on her opponents soft and yielding belly as if it was her own personal punching bag.

After a methodical and merciless pounding Kristen decided to go in for the kill. Squashing Emma never got old for her and even still in 2018, it felt just as good as the first time she whipped Watson's skinny little English ass around the ring years before and since. Stewart crotched down in the corner and waited for a disoriented Watson to turn around on wobbly legs before shooting out towards her like a cannon and connecting her front shoulder with Watson's caved in tummy for a ring-shaking spear that almost snapped Emma completely in half. As if that wasn't enough, which it was most certainly was to end the match but not quite sufficient enough for Stewart's insatiable thrist for Watson's blood, Kristen was to add one more exclamation point on her victory. With Emma spread-eagled and knocked out, Kristen quickly climbed up the turnbuckle, motioned to the roaring crowd and jumped high in the air cocking her elbow out and driving it right down onto Emma's stomach! It was a perfect bullseye by Stewart as the impact from the elbow drop caused Emma's upper body and limbs to flop up and back down to the mat; her eyes rolled to the back of her head and her tongue hanging out of her mouth.

Kristen got up to her feet and proceeded to actually waltz right atop her flattened foe with one foot on that beyond abused belly and her other foot plopped right on Emma's zonked out face for a sensational victory pose; camera flashes across the arena all documenting Kristen's domination of Emma for seemingly the hundredth time.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2018, 09:35:47 PM by Xtra164 »


Offline Ginny38

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1488 on: January 01, 2018, 09:20:37 PM »
Not sure why, but I'VE always thought of Stewart as kind of a "snake" who'd be dangerous in a fight, while poor Emma comes across as a sweetheart who couldn't hurt a fly. (Based in the results of most of the stories about them, I seem to be in the majority!)


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1489 on: January 01, 2018, 09:55:54 PM »
Not sure why, but I'VE always thought of Stewart as kind of a "snake" who'd be dangerous in a fight, while poor Emma comes across as a sweetheart who couldn't hurt a fly. (Based in the results of most of the stories about them, I seem to be in the majority!)

Boooooo to this. Emma stronger than people think, and despite the fact she's a sweethaert, people forget that there have been strong faces in fighting. To be frank, I'm not a fan of this recent trend of Emma being a creampuff, and while I dont mind her losing, her being a jobber is intolerable to me. I just might have to do something about it....

Also, the results between Kristen and Emma have been more even in general (a good thing in my opinion for a good rivarly, we dont want to Dawn Marie, Torrie Wilson it after all), so I'm not sure you're in the majority.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1490 on: January 02, 2018, 12:05:47 AM »

...Emma stronger than people think, and despite the fact she's a sweethaert, people forget that there have been strong faces in fighting. To be frank, I'm not a fan of this recent trend of Emma being a creampuff, and while I dont mind her losing, her being a jobber is intolerable to me. ...

... the results between Kristen and Emma have been more even in general (a good thing in my opinion for a good rivarly, we dont want to Dawn Marie, Torrie Wilson it after all)...

NOTE: After I deleted (...) all the stuff that wasn't flattering to ME, there wasn't much left!!! (LOL) But AKMaster makes an EXCELLENT point. (Once you accept the "Emma's not a creampuff" tone of his post) it IS vitally important to - pick your sport - that the STRONG teams have someone who can be perceived by the fans - rightly or wrongly - as a legitimate threat to their hegemony.

(Whether or not Emma fills this niche for Kristen is a point that could, and possibly will, be endlessly debated.)

Although there are those (myself included) who are not totally convinced Kristen Stewart is, or ever will be, the New York Yankees... even Stewart needs someone to push her to be "all she can be" (props to the US Army recruiting office for that!).

(Point of information: if you don't get my New York Yankee reference, do what I did... GOOGLE "Most dominant teams in sports history"... THEN skip the ones you've never heard of or considered.. until you find one that rivals "the US Women's basketball team" and pick that!

I chose the NY Yankees because: a) I'm from New England and we all grew up hating on the Yankees; b) I don't know (bleep) about Euro Soccer; and c) I figured most of youse GUYS would've heard of the Yankees, even if you ARE Euro-trash... if not in fact, in spirit. SO I went with Yankees!
(go to GOOGLE and search for "so sue me!")


Offline AKMaster

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1491 on: January 02, 2018, 12:31:29 AM »

...Emma stronger than people think, and despite the fact she's a sweethaert, people forget that there have been strong faces in fighting. To be frank, I'm not a fan of this recent trend of Emma being a creampuff, and while I dont mind her losing, her being a jobber is intolerable to me. ...

... the results between Kristen and Emma have been more even in general (a good thing in my opinion for a good rivarly, we dont want to Dawn Marie, Torrie Wilson it after all)...

NOTE: After I deleted (...) all the stuff that wasn't flattering to ME, there wasn't much left!!! (LOL) But AKMaster makes an EXCELLENT point. (Once you accept the "Emma's not a creampuff" tone of his post) it IS vitally important to - pick your sport - that the STRONG teams have someone who can be perceived by the fans - rightly or wrongly - as a legitimate threat to their hegemony.

(Whether or not Emma fills this niche for Kristen is a point that could, and possibly will, be endlessly debated.)

Although there are those (myself included) who are not totally convinced Kristen Stewart is, or ever will be, the New York Yankees... even Stewart needs someone to push her to be "all she can be" (props to the US Army recruiting office for that!).

(Point of information: if you don't get my New York Yankee reference, do what I did... GOOGLE "Most dominant teams in sports history"... THEN skip the ones you've never heard of or considered.. until you find one that rivals "the US Women's basketball team" and pick that!

I chose the NY Yankees because: a) I'm from New England and we all grew up hating on the Yankees; b) I don't know (bleep) about Euro Soccer; and c) I figured most of youse GUYS would've heard of the Yankees, even if you ARE Euro-trash... if not in fact, in spirit. SO I went with Yankees!
(go to GOOGLE and search for "so sue me!")

I'm going to take that as a compliment and I'll admit that I might be a little salty from her recent losses, so sorry if my tone was off putting. On the bright side, it has inspired me to start writing again, so after I post my other story tonight, I take in a request from somebody. Any volunteers?


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1492 on: January 02, 2018, 01:41:46 AM »
I'll gladly volunteer, AKMaster! How about a top-charting showdown between the oh-so-thick and curvaceous Demi Lovato and the new, more cocky and fierce persona Taylor Swift has debuted with her latest album?


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1493 on: January 02, 2018, 02:26:10 AM »
As always I love the Emma vs Kristen feud. More, please.


Offline AKMaster

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1494 on: January 02, 2018, 02:28:45 AM »
Kate Upton vs Emma Watson - One Month Slave Match.

{alt} {alt}

After Emma disastrous 2018 defeat to Kristen, it seemed that word was going around that Emma was now past her prime in 2018. That her strong years were over, and that she now was nothing more than a sexy, but ultimately hopeless Jobber. To add insult to injury, many were vying for her to be their first match of the year, looking for a easy win to start 2018. One said challenger was none other than Kate Upton herself, who had dominated the celebrity fight arena all of 2017, and now looked at Emma with greedy eyes.

 Wanting the Brit to service her, she had challenged here to a one month slave match, submission only, bikini attire, loser was a slave to the winner for a month. Many thought Emma wouldn't dare agree to it, after all, there were easier challengers for to try and salvage her reputation, especially considering how dominant Kate really was. But surprisingly, she did and most immediately consigned her to defeat, in fact, subscription offers for the live stream of Kate having Emma as her slave were bought in droves.

When both girls had entered the wrestling arena, both have touted gorgeous and sexy bikinis, showing themselves at their best. Yet that did little in regards to everyone's expectations of the match as they circled one another around the ring. That soon changed when the fight started, as it was clear that Emma had heard the rumors as well and sought to prove herself, fighting Kate with skill and vicious though fair ferocity to overcome the size difference. Kate was initially caught off guard, but she quickly recovered and soon it became a back and forth for the ages and soon the cheers were loud for both fighters.

Emma showed her skill by stripping Kate naked and hitting her with a stretch muffler, a vicious headscissors, a four figure leglock and a terrible rocking horse that nearly make Kate submit. However Kate, was dominant for a reason, stripping Emma as well and she fought back by  giving Emma a cruel stacked camel clutch, a boston crab, a abdominal stretch and finally a devastating standing breast smother, which Emma was struggling in now!

Kate smiled as she squeezed Emma's head into her now exposed breasts, enjoying the slowing struggles of Emma in the inescapable smother. Kate could have possibly ended it there, but Emma had hurt her and she wanted her to remember the consequences of such a thing. Letting Emma go, Emma crumpled to the floor as Kate, the fight clearly taking a toll on her, slowly walked to the turnbuckle and started to climb it. Emma was completely out at this point, and barely stirred during this, as Kate reach the top of the turnbuckle. Eating the adoring crowds for a few seconds, Kate turned towards Emma and jumped towards Emma in a leaping frog!

Yet Emma had been playing possum all this time, having found a small gap for her to breath during the smother, and she lifted her knee. Kate could do nothing as her stomach landed hard on on Emma's knees, hitting with a recoil that forced to land hard next to Emma. Kate gasped and cough, the wind completely out of her as Emma slowly got up. With a determined, angered and red sweaty look at her face, Emma grabbed Kate's hair and forced her to her feet. Grabbing her arm, Emma whipped Kate into the turnbuckle, followed by a quick body splash and few kicks to her stomach that left Kate drooping on the turnbuckle.

 Breathing heavily, Emma saw Kates state and gave a small smile. The breast smother had been humiliating and Emma wanted Kate to pay for that. Backing off Kate, Emma took a step back and gave her a few punches to her breasts, getting a pain moan in response before clawing out her hands and grabbing Kate's breast in a vicious breast claw. Kate, weak from the fight, could do nothing but moan and groan in response, as he held onto Emma's hand as they guided her breasts in circles, squeezing hard with each rotation saying.

"You thought you had me there didnt you? So did everyone else right, the jobber losing to big bad Kate?" Emma squeezed even harder in response. "Well, I've heard the rumors, and I'll say, I'm not amused." With that, Emma grabbed Kate's nipples and gave a purple nurple, causing Kate to screech in response, her efforts to pry Emma off did nothing. Emma with a grin, pulled Kate forward, guiding her by her nipples, before pulling hard and tripping her so that Kate hits the ring floor hard.

Kicking Kate onto her back, Emma laid on top of her, and snaked her legs around and pinned her arms down in a grapevine pin, stretching Kate's legs in the process, exposing her womanhood in full to the whole crowd. Emma was not done though, and she used one of her free hands and continued to squeezed at Kate's breasts, all the while staring into Kate's anguish face saying, her British accent taking an even more posh tone.

"Wonder why I accepted your challenge Kate? " Emma suddenly drove her lips into Kate's in a dominating kiss. Kate widen in shock and horror as she felt the first in a long time of being dominated and her attempts to fight back were interrupted with more clawing. After a few seconds of this, all of which the crowd ate it up, Emma released the kiss saying.

"Because I know that I if I beat you I'd put those rumors to rest!" Emma squeezed clawed at Kate's breast again, all the while stretching Kate's legs to the breaking point, as Kate screams in agony, tears flowing down her face. Emma did this for a few minutes, before stopping and leaning over to Kate saying.

"So Kate, what you say? Give up?" Emma gave another squeeze and stretch to emphasize. Kate, despite her wanting to admit it, was at her ropes end, her body and hair soaked with sweat along with Emma's. Pain and exhaustion filled her and it was too much, and despite knowing the consequences, bleated out.

"Ye.... ye.. yes yes."

"Yes what Kate?"

"I give, I give, you won!" Emma smiled in response, making sure the whole crowd could hear but stretch Kate a little more saying.

"And Kate? Remember why you challenged me! What am I not?"

"You're, you're not a jobber! You're not a jobber! Please let me go!!!"

"Thank you," said Emma and she let go of the hold, as Kate recovered, holding her breasts and legs in pain, fighting the tears in her eyes. However, her torment was not over, as Kate heard Emma coming back, with a leash in hand. Kate shook her head in desperate plea, the idea of starting 2018 with a loss was bad enough, but to endure it like this was unbearable. Yet her attempts to escape were futile as Emma kicked her hard and placed the leash around her neck. Dragging Kate to all fours, Emma dragged Kate around the ring, making sure the world could see it, as Kate whimpered and cry in pain and humiliation. Finally, Emma had enough and she gave a brief curtsy before she started to drag the naked Kate to her car before turning to the camera and saying.

"Btw, those who bought the live stream subscriptions, please expect it to be on soon. Offer still stands, just one minor adjustment. Oh by the way, Rule Britannia!" At which Emma winks at the camera before dragging Kate off to start her punishment.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2018, 02:42:47 AM by AKMaster »


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1495 on: January 02, 2018, 04:32:02 AM »
Kate Upton vs Emma Watson - One Month Slave Match.


I've never thought Upton was as great as some here think she is, but I assumed with something like a 25 lb. weight edge she could handle Watson.

What was it someone said about the "size of the dog in a fight and the size of fight in the dog"?
Emma showed you should never underestimate anyone because you can't judge someone's heart from the outside.

I've always been a fan of the "smaller fighters" like Watson, Stewart, Cyrus, Panettiere, who pound for pound provide a lot more entertainment than some of the big girls who just roll around.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1496 on: January 02, 2018, 05:18:22 AM »
What a great way to start 2018 thank you AKMaster your the greatest


Offline Jackflash Jump

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1497 on: January 02, 2018, 06:12:23 PM »
Regardless of who wins, Watson/Stewart is always in my Hall of Fame for rivalries.  What a great way to kick off the new year!   ;D


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1498 on: January 02, 2018, 08:02:10 PM »
Clearly its a matchup that sparks much debate!

No hard feelings AKMaster! And great story!


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1499 on: January 03, 2018, 12:50:41 AM »
Just wanted to share the "finish her" style recaps I wrote for the third Celebrity Wrestling Federation PPV as well as a link to the blog. As always, I'm more than happy to take match-up suggestions, so let me hear those as well!

Link to the poll results as well:


Yvonne Strahovski
Age: 35
Height: 5'9
Weight: 130 lbs
Bust: 32B
Hometown: Werrington Downs, Australia


Jessica Biel
Age: 35
Height: 5'7
Weight: 125 lbs
Bust: 36C
Hometown: Ely, Minnesota

Jessica Biel (51%) defeats Yvonne Strahovski (49%)
"The leggy brunette artfully retreated a half step from the sluggish blonde, Yvonne's hands witlessly extending in an attempt to close the gap Biel had created. With a dexterous pirhouette, Jess extended one of her muscular stems towards the blonde's exposed chin, catching her jaw with a bone-rattling toe kick. The blonde's skull sickeningly snapped opposite the strike, a crimson mist sloshing from between her lips as her arms turned to lead, buttoning up against her sides. Yvonne let out a gruff, tapering groan as she staggered back a few unsteady steps, her knees knocking together before dropping like an anchor.

A follow-up would have been overkill as Biel instead continued to confidently twirl through her roundhouse kick, the flush contact and subsequent quaking of the ring as Yvonee crumpled to the ground all the validation the brunette needed to know she was out. The blonde's 5'9 frame remained sprawled spread eagle in the center of the ring, motionless as her crystal blue eyes fluttered and rolled into the back of her head."

- Submission by Taylor Hawkins


Age: 30
Height: 5'9
Weight: 140 lbs
Bust: 34B
Hometown: Los Angeles, California


Mandy Moore
Age: 33
Height: 5'10
Weight: 135 lbs
Bust: 34B
Hometown: Nashua, New Hampshire

Kesha (58%) defeats Mandy Moore (42%)
"Mandy throatily mewled as she pressed half-way to all fours, her bared breasts teardropping against the mat just a few short inches below her hanging bosom. Her silky black bra was still draped loosely over her slumped shoulders, the cups having been snapped in half early on by a relentless, insatiable Kesha.

"This prissy bitch is the best thing you can throw at me?!" The blonde was practically foaming at the mouth over her downed brunette playtoy, the ever-charming Moore little more than a blubbering punching bag from the drop. Kesha kept a boot planted on Mandy's bubbly backside, pinning her to the canvas like a helpless, wounded butterfly despite her valiant efforts to rise. Once she had her fill of the brunette's kicking and squirming, she replaced the heel on her ass by taking a rough seat on Mandy's arched spine. Moore let out a hoarse groan as Kesha made sure to grind her full weight into the small of Mandy's back, ruthlessly draping the crooks of Moore's elbows over her thighs.

"No, no, no, NO, NOOO!!" Mandy sobbed as Kesha locked her wrists under the brunette's chin and sadistically wrenched her head backwards. Moore breathlessly wailed as her 5'10 frame was curled into a crude "C", her pert breasts pointed nearly skyward as Kesha continued to rip and contort her lithe body into a shape it wasn't meant to bend. Moore helplessly pumped her legs against the canvas as Kesha violently attempted to solicit a submission. When nothing came, Kesha took matters into her own hands; sliding her fingers into the corner of Mandy's mouth and humiliatingly yanking her head even further backwards like a hooked carp. With her opposite hand she ran her sharpened talons over the brunette's milky chest, cupping one of Moore's fleshy orbs and sinking her nails deep into the tender flesh. Through the piercing squeals rang out a desperate submission as the brunette furiously tapped, her hands quaking as she lightly pattered against one of Kesha's calves. Only when physically prompted by the official did Kesha relinquish the hold, brutally spiking Mandy face-first into the canvas and instantaneously knocking her out cold. The brunette's body fell completely slack as her skull limply lulled against the mat, only to be rolled over to her backside by the blonde to ensure the whole world saw her handiwork. Mandy's chest was still softly jiggling as Kesha planted a heel against her throat, her once-flawless, milky white skin marked with crimson streaks as the blonde raised her hands in victory."

- Submission by Taylor Hawkins