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Finish Her!

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1635 on: July 04, 2018, 09:28:05 PM »
MAYBE this is why we don't see more of Jennifer Lawrence oil wrestling.... well, what I meant is if we saw more of Jennifer Lawrence oil wrestling, maybe we'd see MORE OF Jennifer Lawrence. Still, she's one woman we'd all like to see more of.....


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1636 on: July 05, 2018, 09:50:25 PM »
It's wonderful to have you back, Nicole...and I'm sure I speak for Michelle as well.  ;)


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1637 on: July 05, 2018, 10:28:34 PM »
(At the request of Xtra164 :) )

FLASHBACK 2008:  Kristen Bell vs Hayden Panettiere


Although still a rookie newcomer to celeb catfighting, Hayden had been impressive in the few matches she had had.  Still, it was considered highly impudent when she challenged the far more experienced Kristen, and the general consensus was that Bell would bring a crashing halt to Panettiere's fast-rising star.

It wasn't quite as easy as that.  Proving that the initial impression that she is a tremendous talent as a fighter is accurate, Hayden gave the veteran as tough a challenge as she's had in a while.  The two petite blondes held back nothing as they brawled, their alabaster skin glistening with perspiration, they heavy pants for breath combining with grunts and groans as the soundtrack for their violent tableau.  Ultimately however, Kristen's greater experience titled the tide in her favor, and at last she was ready to finish off this annoying cocky bitch off.

Some of her supporters had taken to calling the move "For Whom the Bell Tolls", but Kristen laughed that off, and simply referred to it as the Sleeper.  But no matter what its sobriquet, there was no denying that Bell was one of the very best practitioners of it, and it never failed to secure a submission or knock out.  Mila Kunis...who had endured the hold first-hand...had warned Panettiere, "Don't let yourself get caught in that, and if you do, just accept that the fight is over."

So as Bell clamped her arms around her opponent's skull, Panettiere thrashed in seeming panic for a few moments.  Then her entire body went slack and her knees crumpled under her as she let out a long, despairing sigh.  This was certainly impressive...none of the spectators could recall Kristen having knocked out a foe as swiftly as this.  Releasing her hold, Bell let Hayden slump to her knees, eyes closed and body slowly swaying, and stepped around to face her.  Smiling in triumph, she took her adversary's right wrist and lifted her arm, then letting it drop limply.  "One" she said, joined in unison by a chorus of spectators.  She repeated it, and the response was "Two".  One more, and the match was over.  Bell raised the arm, but suddenly Panettiere roared to life, throwing an upward forearm smash between Kristen's legs, her left arm slamming into the older blonde's crotch with a brutal blow.  Bell shrieked and stumbled backward before crashing onto her butt.  It had never occurred to her that her rival was playing possum, so convincing was the teenager's apparent capitulation into nescience.  "Guess this proves I'm the better actress, right?" Kristen said with a smirk.  She then pressed her palms to the inside of Bell's knees and pressed her legs wide.  A moment later, Hayden landed a headbutt to Kristen's still-throbbing groin, causing the moaning blonde's eyes to roll wildly in her sockets as her tender womanhood exploded in agony.

Had she so desired, Panettiere could doubtless have won the match then.  But she didn't want to simply win...she needed to make a statement.  And so for the next ten minutes, Kristen Bell found herself mauled without mercy.  Her legs and arms with twisted, her spine bent, her neck wrenched.  Fists pounded her belly and breasts.  Strands of her hair littered the floor.  Her screams filled the air, but her pride prevented her from submitting...which suited her tormentor just fine.  By the end of the assault, Kristen was stripped naked and left sobbing in a heap on the penthouse floor.  Standing proudly over her, Hayden scanned the room, and saw all eyes affixed on her.  It's fair to say that when the match began, some 3/4 of the spectators were avid partisans of Bell.  Now, Panettiere knew, she owned their allegiance and adulation.  She was their new goddess.

Crouching down, Hayden grabbed the blubbering Kristen by the hair and tilted her head up for all to see.  "Do you give up?" she sneered.  "Yes!  Yes!  No more...please!" Bell sniveled.  Having broken her opponent physically, the victrix now sought to crush her spirit as well.  She commanded that Kristen get to all fours, which the beaten battler did without protest.  Hayden then sat upon her back and used Bell's own discarded bikini briefs as a bridle, pulling it between her teeth, and demanding that the conquered woman crawl around the room, parading the triumphant Panettiere like an Amazon queen atop her steed.  Tears streamed down Kristen's face, her head spinning in confusion as she tried to understand how so certain a victory all went so horribly, horribly wrong.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1638 on: July 06, 2018, 02:44:55 AM »
Thank you so much Jackflash! Yet another amazing piece from you and the twist was brilliantly revealed :D Poor Kristen really went from the top of the world to down in the dumps in the blink of an eye; serving as just a mere stepping stone for Hayden to walk all over!

And for you good sir:

Hayden Panettiere vs. Vanessa Hudgens


Among the decadent bounds of glistening silver walls that belonged in an art museum, lush fur rugs atop endless marble floors and heavenly gold curtains gently swaying in the breeze, two of the most tenacious and indomitable pint-sized powerhouses were once again demonstrating what a real rivalry looked like. Hayden and Vanessa had already clashed on multiple occasions throughout their simultaneous rise to stardom; almost to the point where both girl's knew more about each other than some members of their families! They knew each other's strengths, each other's weaknesses and even each other's behavioral tendencies so accurately that it bordered on mutual obsession. And once again this much was very evident as they put on yet another catfighting classic in front of a very exclusive group of some extremely lucky spectators at one of the most private and secluded mansions in Hollywood.

Hayden's success was largely predicated on her incredible power and brute force she had always been capable of and combined with her sneaky way of playing possum and acting like she was gassed only to put the pedal to the metal out of nowhere, Vanessa knew that she could never quite count her out until she was completely zonked out for good. Hudgens's strengths were mainly her elusiveness and, thanks to her background in gymnastics, she most definitely held the clear advantage once she was allowed to leap and soar through the air with stunning quickness and pinpoint precision. Hayden always tried to keep the fight firmly cemented on the ground level while Vanessa was constantly looking to spread her wings, but it was easier said than done for both of them. And while one would think the setting tonight might favor Hayden's core stoutness and braun, it was Vanessa who actually got increasingly comfortable using the odd backdrop of this luxurious mansion to her advantage!

With both girl's partially stripped down, Hayden having lost her gold skirt and Vanessa actually losing both her white top and matching short shorts leaving her in just a very skimpy pair of white lace bra and panties which certainly lingered in the back of her mind as an added obstacle with her body exposed in the middle of battle, Panettiere like a shark could smell the blood in the water so to speak. After knocking Hudgens down via a brutal sliding knee strike across the shiny marble floor almost clocking her foe completely unconscious right in her noggin, Hayden patiently waited as Vanessa slowly and clumsily got back up her feet not only dazed and disoriented but having a noticeably hard time getting her feet right under her because how slippery the surface was. Hudgens was running on fumes but even in this woozy state she knew that Hayden must've been stalking behind her ready to pounce in for the kill shot as soon as she turned around. In such a subtly deft moment, Hudgens regained her composure enough to quickly scan the room just as she was about to face Hayden and eyed her unlikely salvation: those flowing gold curtains waving as if the ritzy decor was practically beckoning to her.

Hayden made a bee-lining sprint towards her rival just as Hudgens began to turn around but was beyond stunned when she came up with nothing but air! In seemingly a flash, Vanessa used the slick floors to her benefit gliding across the room so fast you could almost see smoke left in her speedy trail. Using every last bit of energy she had and all those hours she spent at gymnastics practice in her college days, the rollocking brunette leaped up on the curtain, swung around high in the air like a spider monkey and came shooting back down jutting her legs out and in mid-air clamping around Hayden's neck and flipping herself down for a sensational hurricanana! Panettiere landed down hard on the marble and with Vanessa's legs still locked tight around her neck like a vice in a position that the blonde was not used to being in at all. The flipping tumble down took some out of Hudgens herself as well but at least she found herself in the dominant position and now putting every last little drop of endurance and fortitude she has left to give in making sure Hayden's head remained firmly trapped between her upper thighs. The added embarrassment of her adversary's crotch right in Panettiere's increasingly red face while she tried desperately to squirmed free unfortunately wasn't quite enough motivation to supplement her rapidly draining energy as it finally looked like Vanessa had conquered her rival for good; at least for tonight anyway.

Keeping the hold locked in for a few extra minutes just to make sure this wasn't a bluff, Vanessa felt her opponent's body go limp and immediately after releasing would collapse completely on the ground in complete exhaustion. It been a grueling and unforgiving contest just as every meeting had been between them, but this time it was Hudgens who barely came out on top with the lasting image of the evening being both mini-warroirs flat on their backs but with one of Vanessa's arms raised high with her hand in a fist in drained yet jubilant triumph!
« Last Edit: July 06, 2018, 06:08:47 AM by Xtra164 »


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1639 on: July 06, 2018, 03:03:24 AM »
Fantastic, my friend!  One of my very favorite match-ups, beautifully crafted.  Thank you!   ;D


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1640 on: July 10, 2018, 11:48:54 PM »

Mila Kunis vs Kristen Bell: Wrestling Match

Mila Kunis is dressed in a black bikini with white polka dots, her wrestling boots are black leather. Kristen in an emerald green, one piece swimsuit cut high on the hips. Her boots are white.

The turning point in the match came, as it often did, when one overeager wrestler made a crucial mistake, Mila Kunis was sprawled in a corner of the ring, her back propped up against the lower ropes, trying to shake the cobwebs out of her head after being pummeled by her opponent’s punches.

That opponent was the pretty blonde, Kristen Bell, a longtime rival. Licking her lips at the sight of the dazed Mila, Kristen backed up into the opposite corner and took a running start planning to launch herself into Kunis. However just as she was about to reach her destination, Mila stretched out one of her legs and nailed Kristen right in the chin with a devastating kick. Kristen felt like she’s been kicked by a mule, Her legs turned into Jell-O as she staggered away from Mila before collapsing flat onto her face.

Mila could barely believe her luck. The kick had been a last minute desperation move after a match that the blonde had been dominating for the most part. Now Mila finally had a chance to get some revenge. Crawling over on her hands and knees, she reached down and applied a crippler crossface to the dazed blonde. Kristen immediately started panicking as the brunette’s hands pulled back her neck at a grotesque angle. The pain in Kristen’s neck and lower back was agonizing.

Kristen immediately wanted to pound out her submission on the mat but her pride was too strong and she endured. Mila was in the driver’s seat and slooooooooolwy rocked back and forth, alternating the pressure on the blonde’s neck. When she pulled back really hard it almost looked like the limber blonde’s lower back was bent at a 90 degree angle.

“Unghhh…..ungh…unghhh….” Kristen sobbed, her eyes watering.


“Awww, is pretty baby gonna cry?” Mila taunted her.


Mila kept the crossface on for a long time, thoroughly draining and paralyzing Bell. When she finally let go, Kristen flopped face first onto the mat again. She was soaking wet with sweat, after being in agony for so long.

A satisfied Mila surveyed he destruction for a moment. She ran her hands down Kristen’s body, from her shoulders down to her shapely rear end. She noticed Kristen shudder when she touched her lower back. Taking advantage of the vulnerability, Mila sat herself on the blonde’s bum and started firing short, sharp punches into the small of Kristen’s back and into her kidneys.

The blonde bit her lip in pain, trying desperately not to scream. Her eyes were closed and her hands were clenched tightly until they were white. Mila noticed how much pain she was causing to the blonde and this just encouraged her. She kept slamming punches into the same targeted areas.

Finally after a few more clubbing blows and Mila took a moment to catch her breath. She was pretty tuckered herself after beating on Kristen. There was no question though that the blonde was in far worse shape.

After a minute or so, Mila grabbed Kristen by a handful of hair and dragged her into the closest corner of the ring. She propped Kristen up against the lower ropes, reversing their positions from a few minutes ago…before that lucky kick…

Mila sat herself in Kristen’s lap and pressed her weight against the blonde. Still holding Kristen by the hair, Mila used her other hand to grab her face by the cheeks. She was delighted at how dazed and helpless her blonde enemy looked.

“How you doin’ Kiki? Little out of it, huh?” teased Mila

Kristen’s eyes had a hard time focusing on the threat right in front of her.

“I don’t think you’ve got much punching power left now, huh” taunted Mila.

The brunette then moved to the coup de grace. She wrapped her arms around Kristen’s head in what looked kind of like a really tight embrace, almost like she was going for a breast smother. Once she pulled her in nice and tight, Mila used one arm to start firing up punches right into the point of Kristen’s chin. Giving their close proximity, Mila couldn’t put a lot of mustard into each punch but what they lacked in power they made up for in sheer volume.


One after another, a long series of small explosions rocked Kristen’s world. She had already been on the verge of passing out after the kick, the devastating crosswing and the vicious kidney punches, now she started blacking out under the rain of uppercuts to her chin.

Dreamily, Kristen wondered where she had gone wrong. She had trained so hard. She was in the shape of her life. She had not underestimated her opponent. She had scouted Mila carefully and come up with a good game plan to take her out. She had controlled her for most of the match….no, it just came down to one mistake, one lucky kick….

Paclk! Pack! Pack! Pack..

Kristen tasted some blood. One of the punches had caused her to bite her tongue

Pack! Pack! Pack! Pack!

From behind, one could see that Kristen’s arms which had been wrapped around Mila’s hips had loosen and then go completely limp. With every uppercut that Mila landed, Kristen’s body jerked a little. She was out now but still Mila kept pounding her into a puddle.

Finally after minutes of this beatdown, Mila raised her arms up in the air. “Whooooooooo!!!” she exclaimed, Ric Flair-style.

She grabbed Kristen yet again by a mop of hair and dragged her into the centre of the ring. Mila flipped her over so she was on her back. The blonde was totally limp, knocked out silly. Mila then grabbed one leg and pinned the blonde to the mat as the ref counted 1-2-3.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1641 on: July 11, 2018, 01:32:17 PM »
Wonderful write-up, Savant! My dear Kristen just can't catch a break and gets squashed in the end once again  ;D


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1642 on: July 11, 2018, 11:29:53 PM »
Fantastic, my friend!  One of my very favorite match-ups, beautifully crafted.  Thank you!   ;D

Glad you enjoyed it, thanks!


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1643 on: July 14, 2018, 06:54:11 PM »
It's wonderful to have you back, Nicole...and I'm sure I speak for Michelle as well.  ;)

We're also really glad to have Nicole back too - she is one of our favorite writers on here and that's saying something too, when we have so many talented writers on here with individuals like Xtra164 and of course, Jackflash too - just to mention a few!    But, everybody on here is so insanely talented and we're very lucky to get to see the work of so many creative people keeping this thread going.    We love each story that comes up and kudos to everybody who puts forth the effort to come up with these short, but always sweet, fights between celebrities!


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1644 on: July 16, 2018, 09:24:25 PM »
Julianne Hough vs Scarlett Johansson


Preparing her strategy for this apartment wrestling match, Scarlett knew one unalterable fact:  do NOT get caught between Julianne's legs.  Hough's dance-sculpted gams were perhaps the most lethal in all of celeb wrestling, and to be ensnared in her scissors would most likely spell doom.

Unfortunately for Johansson, this strategy came to naught in the wake of a superkick to her jaw that dropped her in a daze to the penthouse floor.  From that point on, Julianne had her way with her opponent, punishing her first with a bodyscissors that felt, to Scarlett, that she was being cut in half by a pair of giant shears; next came the headscissors, the steely vise-like thighs of Hough squeezing her hapless rival until Johansson's face turned purple from the unrelenting pressure; following that, she trapped Scarlett's arms behind her with a Lotus Lock, her merciless legs flexing and drawing forth wails on anguish from the embattled blonde.  Any one of these holds quite likely could have won the match for Hough, had she so desired.  But rather, she was enjoying the opportunity to so completely dominate the vaunted Johansson, to break her down physically and mentally, and establish beyond a shadow of a doubt just who the superior blonde battler is.

Eager to now taunt her foe as well as punish her, Julianne sits on the floor opposite Scarlett, who sits upright but sways in stunned bewilderment.  She snakes her legs around Johansson's already aching waist and gives enough of a squeeze for the pain to shock the victim from her stupor.  Groaning in anguish, Scarlett's hands press and tug at her oppressor's limbs, trying to pry them loose.  With a sneering smile, Hough then starts to slap at her adversary's breasts.  "I heard you like to use those knockers to finish off other girls," she sneers.  "Too bad for you that won't be happening tonight."  Grabbing Scarlett's bikini top, Julianne yanks it, causing her foe's bosom to spill out.  Hough then pinches and twists her nipples, drawing ear-piercing shrieks from Johansson, who battles back tears.  If any of Scarlett's partisans in the crowd of spectators had it in their power, they would spare her any more of this humiliating destruction by throwing in the towel on her behalf.  None held hope that she could turn the match around at this point, no matter how magnificent a fighter she had proven to be countless times past.

Julianne leaned in close to her opponent, leering in triumph as she hissed, "I own your ass, bitch...and I own these cow udders of yours, too!"

An instant later, Johansson swung both of her arms up, the heels of her palms slamming into Hough's ears with all of the force she could muster.  Everyone in the room had underestimated Scarlett's endurance, and Hough was now about to pay the price for that mistake.  She flopped onto her back with a yowl of anguish, hands covering her throbbing ears as her legs snapped open, freeing her adversary.  Scarlett wanted nothing more than to curl into a ball on the floor and burst into tears, but instead she forced herself to slowly, agonizingly, first get to her hands and knees, and then to push herself upright onto unsteady legs.  Still stunned by the ear ringer, Julianne also staggers back up to her feet, fury in her eyes as she reaches for Johansson, intent of putting her through a hell like no other for this affront.

But even as her rival's hands reach for her hair, Scarlett whirls around to turn her back to Julianne, and her own hands reach up and back to grab Hough's own sun-kissed mane.  Pulling the startled blonde up against her back, chin pressed against Johansson's shoulder, Scarlett suddenly drops to her butt, executing a Stunner that violently snaps Hough's head back.  With a loud grunt, Julianne collapses in a heap to the carpet, glazed eyes struggling to focus.  With her own last fading dregs of strength, Scarlett shoves Julianne onto her back, then climbs atop her.  While her hands pin down Hough's arms to the floor, her feet press against her opponent's inner legs, grapevining them wide.  Johansson then drops her torso down, her size 36 breasts, enveloping the face of Hough.  The sweat soaking the skin of both beauties helps form an airtight seal, cutting off virtually all oxygen to Julianne, whose muffled cries betray her panic.  Hough squirms desperately beneath her resurgent adversary, but to no avail.

Although she managed to hold out longer than most would have expected, inevitably Julianne's body goes limp and ceases to move, signaling that she has succumbed to unconsciousness.  Utterly spent herself, it's all that Scarlett can do to just roll off of her beaten foe.  They both lay there side by side, chests heaving as each gulps in precious air.  But the hard-won, seeming impossible to achieve victory was Scarlett's alone.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1645 on: July 18, 2018, 11:53:37 PM »

Join us for the last sixty seconds of tumultuous battles between brawling beauties!


Fight fire with fire, the old maxim goes.  But in the case of Alyson Stoner, the best way to beat Miley Cyrus is dousing that fire with water.

In battle, Miley is pure fury, all frenzied rage.  She overwhelms opponents with a brawling style that's pure chaos, impossible to predict or plan against.  Alyson, on the other hand, is known to be focused and poised in her fights, sticking with her strategy no matter what.  Both beauties have a habit of winning more matches than they lose.

It was a fervent topic of speculation leading up to the match as to which style would prevail.  And in truth, throughout much of the fight Miley was in clear command, mauling her adversary ruthlessly.  Nevertheless, Alyson withstood the onslaught, and when Cyrus had finally exhausted herself, Stoner made her move.

Having snared Miley in a cobra clutch, Alyson tightened the pressure.  Cyrus gasped and gurgled, squirming in her adversary's grasp as panic raced across her face.  Her struggles dwindled...until finally they ceased, signaling that she was unconscious.



So rasped Selena in response to Dakota's demand that she submit.  But the blonde wasn't perturbed by her opponent's refusal; rather, she gave a crooked smile, happy that she would get to inflict more punishment on her.

Fanning sat back further on Gomez's back, yanking the Latina's legs back with her, drawing more howls of agonized protest from her victim.  Selena's hands tugged at her own hair, trying to counter the pain searing her spine, but to little avail.  Tears welled in her eyes, but still she refused to give up.

Looking to prompt her adversary to reevaluate her stubborness, Dakota continues to pull her legs back, but also takes advantage of the fact that Gomez's foot is so tantalizingly close.  Without warning, Fanning bites her teeth down on her rival's toes.  '"YOUFUCKINGBITCHSTOPIT!!!" blurts out as a single exclamation from the embattled brunette.  Followed moments later by "¡NO LO SOPORTO MÁS!  STOP!  I QUIT!  LET ME GO!"


Sitting on Max's back, Penny pulled the brunette's arms up over her bent knees.  But rather than cup her hands under her victim's chin in order to yank her head back for a camel clutch, the blonde impishly slips her index fingers into the corners of the New Yorker's mouth, stretching her mouth wide in a cruel rictus.  "Smile pretty for the nice people" the California doll says as Max groans in discomfort.

It had been, us always, a brutal brawl between the two arch-nemeses.  But for the past few minutes its been Penny in command, and she's making the most of her dominance.  She pulls her finger's from her foe's mouth, but she isn't being kind; instead, the blonde sticks two fingers into Max's nostrils and pulls her head up that way, causing the East Coast beauty to howl in pain and frustration.

Penny's inclination is to continue to abuse her rival this way, but she knows from bitter experience that Max has an aggrivating talent for turning the tide her way, and not wanting to give her opponent the chance, the blonde now uses her hands to pinch shut the New Yorker's nose and cover her mouth, smothering her.

Max squirms frantically beneath her oppressor, but is unable to break free.  Then, her movements rapidly grow sluggish until they cease altogether and her eyes shut.  For all intents and purposes, she appears unconscious,

But Penny isn't about to be fooled...she's fought this bitch too many times to fall for her tricks.  "Nice try, buttecup...but I know you've got a big ol' pair of lungs."  Max's fury-filled eyes snap open and she again thrashes, incensed that her attempt at playing possum failed.  But now she knows she's in real trouble, as the last of air she had managed to suck in fades away.  And now as her eyelids flutter shut, it becomes clear that this time she is indeed knocked out, and defeated.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1646 on: July 21, 2018, 12:21:48 AM »


The spectacle would be almost comical, if it weren't so gravely least for Emma.  Reeling from a barrage of slaps by Kristen, the British lass was too stupefied as her nemesis picked up Watson's previously stripped bikini bottoms, and from behind she pull the garment down over Emma's head, tying it off with a tight knot.  Now blindfolded by her own togs, the nude Watson whines as her fingers fruitlessly tug at the fabric, desperately trying to regain her addled wits as well as remove the improvised hood.  The equally naked Stewart can't hold back her peels of laughter at the pathetic sight of her rival; Watson angrily throws a few wild punches toward the sound of her tormentor's jeers, but misses.

But Kristen doesn't miss with a punch to her opponent's belly that sinks deep, Emma's body folding around the fist as she gives a great whoosh of air from the oxygen hammered out of her lungs.  Doubled over and gasping sorely for breath, Watson is able to offer no resistance as her hated for tucks her head between the American's thighs, and Stewart wraps her arms around her adversary's waist.  With a grunt, Kristen hoists Emma upside down, holding her vertically for several long moments, as the panicked Brit whimpers, "No...please...don't!"  Finally the Yank drops to her read end to deliver a senses-shattered piledriver.  The English beauty is unconscious before her limp body can flop to the carpeted floor.


The spectators were awe-struck as they watched Holmes apply her intricate submission hold, the Katie Clutch.  With the dazed Tyra flat on her face, her opponent stood astraddle over her hips; crouching down, Holmes grabbed her adversary's ankles and bent her legs back at the knees, tucking Tyra's feet under her arms for what appeared to be a reverse Boston Crab.  The long legs of Banks now secured, Katie reaches forward and grabs her foe's long, luxurious hair, painfully yanking her head back.  The searing pain to her scalp and spine snap Tyra from her stupor, but for no avail, as she finds herself utterly trapped in the agonizing hold.  Her pride keeps her from submitting for nearly ten full seconds, but even after she does shriek out her surrender, Holmes declines to release her, instead rocking front and back to increase the pressure on her victim's tortured spine, all the while the brunette wearing a smug smirk.  Tears run down Tyra's face, streaking her makeup as she begs and pleads for release.  Finally, bored with her toy, Katie rises up and struts away, not even bothering to accept the congratulations of the assembled spectators.  Somehow, for all of her arrogance and aloofness, she fascinates them all even more.


Penny staggers backward from the force of Max's roundhouse punch to her jaw, the blonde's eyes glassy as she struggles to regain her wits.  Finding herself at the wall she leans against it.  Meanwhile, the brunette has gone to the far side of the penthouse room.  There, she sizes up the woman opposite her (like her now clad only in a black thong), pads at the floor like a bull about to charge, and then does that very thing; the New Yorker races across the room, and just as she approaches her target, her feet lift up off of the floor and she delivers a body splash with such impact that the sound of wet flesh slamming together reverberates throughout the room, matches by Penny's loud wail of pain.

Max steps back and aside, smirking as the punchdrunk blonde stumbles forward a dozen or so paces, moving mostly on instinct with no clear conception of where she's going or why.  She then halts, sways a bit, and with a groan falls with a thud on her butt.  The brunette struts over to her and cups her breasts with her hands, lifting them up as she taunts her opponent.  "You're no match for these wrecking balls, cupcake!"  With her foot she contemptuously shoves the battered California doll flat on her back.  The dark tressed beauty then showers further scorn on her arch-nemesis by pressing the sole of her foot to Penny's windpipe, choking her.  The blonde's feet kick furiously at the floor and her hands clutch at the foot that strangles her, but to no avail.  Basking in her impending triumph, Max runs her hands through her hair and then flexes her arms in a victory pose, as Penny's movements grow sluggish, until at last the L.A. girl is left semi-conscious and in defeat.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1647 on: July 29, 2018, 08:02:45 PM »
Olivia Holt and Kelli Berglund vs Vanessa Hudgens and Ashley Tisdale


Ashley and Vanessa watched the interview a second time, just to make sure they didn't misshear anything. "Honestly, the previous generation of Disney stars were horrible. Like, take Ashley Tisdale for instance. She is prancing around, posing halfnaked on the cover of Maxim magazine. We get it Ashley, you own a bikini. I just can't believe how some people can be so shameless." Olivia shakes her head in disapproval, "I just can't even."

"What about you, Miss Berglund? Any thoughts on the state of Disney actresses now compared to previous generations?" The interviewer turns the camera toward Kelli. "Well..." The brunette hesitates, "I believe that we are portraying a more... wholesome image."

"Any examples come to mind?" The interviewer eggs on, hoping for some juicy drama. "No one is perfect, but I think Vanessa Hudgens could have, perhaps, set a better example for young women. Starring in that Spring Breakers movie didn't really help empower the women's movement."

"Any parting words?" The interviewer zooms out, capturing both women. "I'm just glad that "stars" like Ashley are a thing of the past. Neither Ashley nor Vanessa deserve to be mentioned to the media again. Their time is over and our time is now." Olivia smirks as Kelli shifts nervously.

Flash forward 2 weeks later and the team of "Vashley" make a return, after a long hiatus, to the catfighting circuit. Their first match is, of course, against "Kelivia". The return of Vashley draws a sold out crowd to the Los Angeles stadium.

As soon as Olivia looks into Ashley's eyes all of her smugness dissipates and the frightened diva makes a beeline for the exit . "Oh no you don't! You're all mine." Ashley snarls, sprinting after the fleeing 20-year-old, latching onto Olivia's hair and ripping her back to the mat. "Looks like its just me and you, Kels," Vanessa grins before drilling Berglund with a knee to the sternum, doubling the brunette over. The only question on everyone's mind: How long until Olivia and Kelli are stripped naked and begging for mercy?

The answer: 2 minutes. Olivia's face, once flawless and blemish-free, currently resembles a road map from the trails of mascara streaking across her face. Olivia pathetically sobs into the mat, her young, firm body writhing in agony.  Vanessa has placed Kelli in a single leg Boston Crab, her left arm wrenching back on Berglunds leg, her free hand alternating between spanking the 23-year-old and fingering her exposed cxnt. Unable to take the pain, nor the stimulation, anymore Kelli releases in ecstacy before passing out. Vanessa stands up, kicks Kelli over, and proceeds to funger-fuck the comatose Disney starlet into several more mat-drenching orgasms.

Olivia scoots bacwards, her palms and feet awkwardly propelling her away from an advancing Ashley. Olivia whimpers as her bare back hits the turnbuckle. "End of the line, sweetie," Ashley grins. All of Holt's pleas for mercy are ignored as Ashley peels off her panties, revealing her smooth, bare cxnt, "If I'm a whore I may as well act like it," Ashley winks; leaping up, spreading her legs, and shoving her vagina against Holt's trembling lips. "Now, eat or I will make sure that you will walk bowlegged for a month," Tisdale purrs as Olivia's tongue coercively plunges between her folds and laps up her juices.

After several minutes of erotic face-fucking, Ashley releases, smearing Olivia's face with her sticky, translucent fluids. Ashley teeters on post-coital legs and slides her panties back on, "Not bad, we'll make a slut out of you yet," Tisdale ruffles Holt's hair playfully. "Oh, by the way, you're time is up," Ashley rips Olivia to her feet and punts the Disney diva, her foot smacking against Holt's exposed vagina with a fleshy CLAP!

As Olivia doubles over, Tisdale delivers a devastating implant DDT, bouncing her rival's skull off the mat. Vashley leave Kelivia in the ring. Kelli lay on her back, spread-eagled and unconscious. Olivia remains in the same position the DDT left in. Her face is pressed against the sweat-soaked canvas and her bare ass juts toward the rafters. Cameras flash like strobe lights and soon the images of Kelli and Olivia laying naked inside the ring, with shreds of ripped and tattered clothing littering the canvas like confetti, becomes an overnight viral internet sensation.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1648 on: July 29, 2018, 09:10:13 PM »
^Spectacular stuff, jdo90! One of my favorite pieces I've read on here lately and you got the match up/result spot on! Complete domination by the older Disney generation :D


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1649 on: July 29, 2018, 09:45:09 PM »
Olivia Holt and Peyton List vs Bella Thorne

Anytime Olivia Holt and Peyton List were together, practical jokes and cruel pranks were sure to ensue and Bella Thorne would soon learn that no one, not even friends, were safe from Holt's trickery. The 3 young ladies were enjoying a fun-filled night on Thorne's private yacht, drinking fruity Cosmos and snapping flirty selfies, when Olivia asked to take a pic with Bella and Peyton. Peyton and Olivia shared a quick glance before Olivia took the first picture.

"That was cute, but we can do better. Alright ladies, this one's for the gram!" Holt grins, and as she snaps a second pictue, Olivia and Peyton yank down the top of Bella's dress, flashing her tits. "You fucking bitches!" Bella shrieks, the fabric of her dress torn, "You better NOT send that to anyone!"

"Calm down, it's just a joke. I promise to not send it to anyone." Olivia giggles, typing away on her touchscreen. Suddenly Bella hears her iPhone ring. She unlocks the screen and reads the notification, "Olivia Holt tagged you" Thorne gasps in shock as she stares at the photo. There, for all of Instagram to see, was Olivia and Peyton, beaming ear-to-ear, yanking down the top of Bella's dress, her pale tits completely exposed. Bella drops her phone, seeing red.

"That's not cool. You didn't tell me you were going to actually post... Crack! Peyton collapses onto the wooden floor of the yacht, courtesy of a right hook from Bella. Her face burning red, the fiery redhead set her sights on Olivia. Holt looks down at an unconscious Peyton back up to an advancing Bella. "Bella, calm down, it was just a joke. I'll dele.... Wham!" Bella knocks Holt's phone out of her hand and onto the hardwood floor, where the glass screen cracks on impact and slips off the edge of the yacht, splashing into the ocean.

Olivia backpedals, waving her hands in mercy. Bella easily grips the collar of Holt's black dress and yanks her forward. The pale redhead drills her knee into Olivia's sternum, doubling the blonde over, and scoops her "friend" onto her shoulders before brutally slamming Olivia onto the hardwood floor with a devastating powerbomb.

Bella hears Peyton begin to stir and quickly fixes the blonde's state of consciousness with a well-placed punt to the temple. Not wasting any time, the leggy redhead strips off Peyton's black top and matching pants before whipping off the slumbering blonde's black bra. Bella tosses the discarded top and pants to the waters below. Kicking List onto her stomach, Thorne hogties her with her own bra.

"Now, what to do with the brains of the operation," Bella spits down at Olivia. Bella's lips suddenly curl in a grin. Soon the hardwood floor of Bella's yacht is strewn eith strips of Olivia's tattered dress. Once Olivia is rendered completely nude, Bella props Holt on her knees, and asks the man sailing the yacht to lend a hand. As instructed the gruffy Captain holds Olivia upright while Bella lhikes up gee dress, revealing her pale, toned, thong-clad ass. The Captain releases Olivia and, as she collapses forward, Thorne backs up, forcing Holt's face to rest against her bare ass cheek.

The captain grabs Bella's phone and snaps picture after picture. Bella eventually poses so Holt is pressing her face into Thorne's panty-clad crotch. For every picture, Bella switches up her exression from menacing, to happy, to shocked. Olivia's expression, however, remains the same throughout the impromotu photo session. Her eyes closed, her mouth agape. The only change for Olivia is, of course the placement of her lips.

Once Thorne is satisfied she hotties Olivia with her discarded bra and shoves the conquered blonde's panties in between her parted lips. Hauling the beaten blonde's trusses up bodies into a life boat, Bella orders the captain to drop the small raft into the ocean, allowing the current to wash the two skanks onto the crowded, Los Angeles shoreline.