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Finish Her!

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1665 on: August 23, 2018, 03:39:54 PM »

Lia Marie Johnson vs Madison Iseman

Lia was unrelenting in the beating she was handing to her smaller rival. The cute, lithe Madison was being destroyed in front of her friends after she accidentally bumped into Johnson, causing her to spill her drink on a brand new dress, that she loved. Although Iseman immediately apologized to Lia and offered to get her a new drink, Johnson was already furious and demanded Madison buy her a new dress. Iseman, not wanting to back down and figured no one would let a fight actually break out, quickly dismissed the angry actress. “No problem Lia. I’ll tell you what, I’ll actually help you pick out something so you don’t have to look so slutty, all the time”. Johnson took a stepped in closer to Madison and looked down at her, and said coldly “I like your dress, maybe I’ll just take it from you”. The threat sent shivers down Iseman’s spine as no one was coming in between them.

Madison was unable to stop anything and was completely at the bigger blonde’s mercy as Lia connected with punch after punch to the poor girl’s face. Iseman raised both her arms up to protect her face but left her body exposed,  Johnson took advantage with a gut put that looked like it almost went completely through Madison’s little midsection as her body folded in half. A pained groan escapes from the girl’s lungs as the air is knocked out of her, she then dropped to her knees holding her hurting belly. Lia takes hold of Madison’s hair and forces her to look up at her, the little girl looks up scared and desperate begs for someone to help her. “Someone help me! Please!” Madison screams hoping someone would step in but no one did. “I think they are enjoying the show Maddi and I think we should give them what they want!” Lia said with a cool smile. “I’m sorry Lia. Please let me go and I’ll pay for a new dress, I’ll pay for ten new dresses, just please stop.” Madison pleads but Lia replies with a simple “Too late” and knocks her out with a vicious punch to her face.

Madison wakes up a little while later and through dazed eyes, sees Lia sitting across the room, talking and drinking, enjoying the party . Someone she talking to points across the room to Iseman, alerting her that she had waken up. Johnson stands up and walks towards Madison, “Good morning sleepy head” she teased, doing a pirouette as she crosses the room “thank you for my new dress.” Iseman, now realizing that she was robbed of her dress, was nearly naked with only only g-string panties on since she was not wearing a bra, was doing her best to cover herself up. “It’s a little small for me but I still look much better in it than you did.” Lia says as she adjust the extremely tight dress around her lovely curves. She reaches down and picks Madison up by her hair, allowing the crowd to examine the sexy little girl’s body, “Now, I suggest you leave before I change my mind and have some more fun with you.” Madison does not need to be told twice and runs out of the party, still using her arm as bra, completely embarrassed listening to the laughter behind her.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1666 on: August 24, 2018, 05:59:43 PM »
Well ... I got the writing bug apparently. Hope you guys enjoy them. I’ll try and get the other three I’ve finished up soon.

Miley Cyrus ( 25 - 5’5” 106lbs) vs Nina Dobrev ( 29 - 5’7” 123lbs)

Nina was terrified of her current predicament. She had underestimated her smaller rival and found herself at the mercy of Miley Cyrus, of all people. Trapped by the singer in a body scissor and full Nelson combination, all Nina could do is whimper as she could feel her body being crushed by Miley’s strong legs. Cyrus, having a little fun at Dobrev’s expense, would loosen her legs momentarily, only to tighten them again eliciting a new gasp or whimper from her victim.

Miley, confident that she had squeezed the fight out of Nina, releases the full nelson, and grabs a hold of the actress’ hair. She then quickly maneuvers her body so that she is sitting on Dobrev’s midsection with a hand still in her hair. She lifts Nina’s head off the floor and lowers hers “What’s wrong Nina? No more shit to talk?” Miley says quietly. “Did you really think you were that much better than me?” Miley continues as she lightly slaps Nina’s face with her free hand. “Fuck you Miley! I will ...” but before she could finish, Miley slammed the back of Dobrev’s head to the floor with an audible smack. “What’s that Nina?” Miley’s asks with a smile as she watches the expression on Dobrev’s face quickly changed from furious to daze and frightened. She pulls Nina’s head up again and leans in close to her and softy asks “Did I interrupted you?” She then licked the side of her face and slammed the dazed girl’s head down again, nearly knocking her out cold.

The younger singer stood up, knowing Dobrev was not going anywhere anytime soon, straighten out her clothes and walked over to her drink, to take a quick sip. She returned to the still downed actress and pulls her to her feet by her hair. Miley feeling vindictive, drops to her knee and throws a vicious punch between Nina’s legs. Dobrev lets out quiet gasp, grabs her aching womanhood and drops back down to the floor. “Ooooh! That HAD to hurt!” Miley teases and she watches Nina squirming on the floor in pain. Cyrus bends down and leans in close to Nina “I thought you were supposed to be tough. Guess what? You ain’t shit!” Miley wraps her toned legs around her older rival’s head, pulling her nose as close to her crotch as possible and squeezes her thighs as tight with all her might. Dobrev, with a pained look on her face, frantically scratches at Miley’s legs, hoping to find a way to break the hold. Nina’s face turned a bright red as she was simultaneously having her head crushed and air supply cut off by the devastating move. Soon Nina stopped moving and was left knocked out between her younger rival’s dominant legs. Miley lifted her top leg, grabbed Dobrev’s head by the hair and then dropped it to the floor, with a thud. “That was fun! We should do it again, sometime soon!” Miley said as she playfully slapped Nina’s face, she stands up and leaves the beaten girl, with a confident smile.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1667 on: August 25, 2018, 03:54:40 AM »
Would love to read the Miley Nina fight as a full story one sided domination.


Offline jtmatt

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1668 on: August 25, 2018, 06:05:54 AM »

Dove Cameron (22 - 5’2” 115lbs) vs Mila Kunis (35 - 5’4” 115lbs)

Many were surprised when they heard Dove was willing to take on the veteran Kunis. Not only was she giving up height and weight, she was also much less experienced than her brunette rival. Once the fight started however, many were surprised again when Cameron was holding her own, including Mila who assumed the younger actress would be a cake walk. The combatants traded blows for much of the fight with neither fighter able to take control, both girls were taking as much damage as they were dishing, but as the fight wore on the older actress began to tire and the power behind her punches suffered.

The bloodied but still gorgeous Mila, now had a look of concern on her face as the younger Dove, although battered from the many exchanges throughout the fight as well, was still pressing and wearing her down. Kunis, hoping to regain the momentum, tackled Dove to the ground, looking to use her years of wrestling experience to overcome the youngster’s energy. Mila and Dove rolled around on the ground as Kunis attempted to put the blond actress in a number of different holds and punisher her. Again, Cameron surprised Mila and expertly blocked the maneuvers, managing to gain separation and stands back up. Mila, not looking to box Cameron anymore, gets to her feet and immediately attempts another takedown. Dove is expecting it this time and uses Kunis’ momentum to  roughly throw her to the ground. Watching as the older actress gets up she can see she is hurting and getting tired. “What’s wrong Mila? Getting tired?” Dove teases as she closes the gap between them. Mila, throws a wild right that Dove easily dodges, with a bright smile on her face, taunting Kunis. Mila takes a step forward and throws another haymaker that Cameron easily ducks under, only this time she counters with an uppercut that connects square on Mila’s chin. Kunis is rocked and the crowd gasped as her legs buckle and she stumbles backwards. Dove follows with a series of unanswered punches to her dazed rival’s face that sent her to the floor and all but finished.

The beautiful blond struts around the downed Kunis, taking in the admiration of the crowd. Mila, with a badly battered face and wounded pride, is pulled up to her feet by her hair by her young tormentor. Kunis, offering no resistance is pounded again by a barrage of punches from Dove and again falls to the floor a bloody mess. Mila, barely conscious pleads “Please stop Dove.” as tears begin to roll down her bruised and puffy cheeks. Dove not wanting to permanently damage the aging actress agrees “OK Mila, I’ll stop.” she says as she kneels next to the destroyed Kunis. “But I need you to do something first” she continued as she starts to pull down her yoga pants, exposing her perfect little butt . “You have to kiss my ass.” She positions herself over Mila, “kiss my ass Mila or else”. Kunis looks up, terrified of both scenarios but complies and kisses Dove’s bare ass, hoping her humiliation was over. “Good girl but but .... not good enough.” Dove then sits on the objecting Mila’s face and grabs her hair to hold her head in place. Mila doesn’t last long as the lack of air quickly takes its toll, her movements soon slow and then come to a stop, she is rendered unconscious. Dove stands up, pulls up her pants and places her foot on the slumbering girl’s face.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2018, 06:07:05 AM by jtmatt »


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1669 on: August 26, 2018, 06:57:29 PM »
Thanks to Viking for the matchup and story idea!

Jessica Alba (37 - 5’7” 124lbs) vs Charlize Theron ( 43 - 5’10” 122)

Charlize was taking great joy in dismantling the younger Alba. Jessica had foolishly challenged the tall blonde, after a debate on whose legs were stronger. The sexy brunette was never one to back down from a challenge, quickly found herself in trouble. Charlize using her long legs to wear down and punish Jessica, now had her trapped against wall and was delivering knee, after gut crushing knee, to Alba’s sexy abs. Jessica desperately tried to protect her body but Theron was just too strong and after the forth or fifth knee found its mark, Alba was in serious trouble and fell to her hands and knees.

Charlize, had no plan to show mercy to her once cocky rival, grabbed the aching Alba by the hair and wrapped her legs around her head in a standing head scissors. Not really applying pressure yet, she asks “who has the stronger legs Jessica?” “Fuck you bitch” Alba replied despite her terrible predicament. Charlize, again having a great time, squeezes Jessica’s head with her powerful legs causing Alba to scream out in pain. Theron loosened her legs and asks again “Who has the stronger legs little girl?” but this time she gets no response from the hurting Alba and tightens her legs again. Alba screams out again as her head is being crushed but this time Theron keeps her grip for longer, causing Jessica to scratch and pull at the legs but to no avail. Hand still in the downed girl’s hair, Charlize again loosens her legs and gives Alba another chance. “Tell everyone who has the stronger lags Jess or thing are going to end badly for you” Charlize demanded, as she jerked Jessica’s head around roughly. “You do Charlize” Jessica quietly admitted “you have the stronger le ..... “ but she fails to complete the sentence. Her jaw dropped and hands tightened on Theron’s legs as Charlize once again flexed her thighs and squeezed Jessica’s head. “Beg Jessica. Beg me to stop or I’m going to pop your head off” Charlize threatened, both hands now pulling at Jessica’s hair as her legs sucked the life out of Alba.

Jessica screams as loud as she could in her current position “AHHH! Please stop! You win! AHHH please Charlize! I quit!” but Theron wasn’t going to let her off the hook that easily. She continued to crush Alba’s head while pulling on the poor girl’s hair. All Jessica can do is let out an occasional whimper, knowing there’s nothing she can do to ease her pain. Soon enough, Jessica’s tight grip on Charlize’s legs loosened as her strength was evaporating. Soon her arms fell to the floor and the whimpers stopped, she was out. Theron, takes one hand out of the slumbering girl’s hair and raises it above her head, with a big smile. Her other hand still in Jessica’s hair, she loosens her legs and let Alba’s lifeless body dangle, holding the ultimate victory pose as pictures are taken. Charlize releases Alba’s hair, dropping her to the floor in a heap and struts away.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1670 on: August 27, 2018, 07:55:21 PM »
Great stories!  I love Jessica Alba stories!


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1671 on: August 28, 2018, 03:40:34 PM »
If you don’t know who Alexis is, you should definitely familiarize yourself with her. Incredibly hot!

Kate Upton (26 - 5’10” 141lbs) vs Alexis Ren (21 - 5’8” 128lbs)

The confrontation started at a Sports Illustrated event, both girls looking hot in their little bikinis, began fighting when Alexis was overheard dissing the veteran model. Kate loved to hurt other models, and was having a particularly great time dismantling the ultra-arrogant Ren. Alexis, although a talented and upcoming fighter, had never been dominated in a fight like this, in her young career. Kate had controlled the fight from the very beginning, out punching her smaller rival to start and when they went to the ground wrestling, she used her weight advantage to punish the younger girl’s perfect body.

Alexis, bruised and beaten throughout the fight, remained ridiculously defiant despite the ass whooping she was taking, continued talking trash to the bigger Upton. “C’mon fat ass, is that all you got?” Alexis spatted after taking a punch to her face. “You’re only 26 and already you’re already washed up!”, Ren continued as she threw a series of punches back at Kate, only one of which connected but had little to no effect on the big blonde. Kate smiled at Alexis, she knew she had her where she wanted as she landed a couple of quick jabs to Ren’s beautiful but battered face. “Washed up huh?” Kate said sarcastically “Well how does it feel to be getting your ass kicked by an old” Kate lands a powerful right cross to Alexis’ face. “Washed up” a left connects that stunned Ren. Upton grabs her by her shoulders “has been” and delivers a brutal head butt to the smaller girl’s forehead opening a gash and causing her to fall to the floor.

Alexis, on her back with both hands holding her head, her amazing body on display as the tiny bikini left very little to the imagination, was a stunning sight. Her perfectly tanned form laid out on the floor as Kate stood over her, had all the men in the crowd in awe. Wanting to humiliate her young rival, Kate sat down heavily on Ren’s chest, causing the small girl to groan. Hands on her hips, looking down at the beaten girl Kate says “I’ll give you a closeup of this “washed up” body and see if you still think that when we’re done” she grabs Alexis’ arms, holds them above her head with one hand and drops her mammoth chest on the girl’s face, using her free hand to hold Ren’s head in place. You could hear muffled screams as Alexis kicked her legs but she wasn’t going anywhere. Her kicking slowed as the lack of breath begins to take its toll, so Kate lifted her chest and allowed her victim some much needed air. Alexis, face beet red, gasps heavily trying to fill her lungs with air but her reprieve would be short lived. Kate repeats her breast smother of the young model, again taking her to the brink of unconsciousness before lifting up again. This time Ren does not gasp, her head simply sways side to side with her glazed eyes wide open, in a dazed stupor. “Ohh Alexis, I sure hope you come looking for revenge, this has been too fun not to do again” Kate says with a big smile “but as they say, all good things come to an end.” With that, Kate still holding the trapped girl’s arms above her head, slides her body forward and sits on Alexis’ face. Upton’s free hand again in Ren’s hair, she begins gyrating her hips, rubbing her womanhood all over the poor girl’s face. As the pleasure begins to build, so does Kate’s pace, riding Alexis’ face faster and harder until she comes to a powerful climax. Upton stands up on week knees, Ren’s now slumbering face is covered in her rival’s juices, still manages to look amazing in total defeat. Kate, with one final act of humiliation, removes the ko’ed girl’s bikini bottoms, wipes herself up between her legs, bends down and shoved them in Ren’s mouth and said “how’s that for washed up?”


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1672 on: August 29, 2018, 07:47:46 PM »

Demi Lovato (26 - 5’3” 128lbs) vs Vanessa Hudgens (29 - 5’1” 110lbs)

Vanessa had fought valiantly against the bigger, stronger Lovato but as the fight wore on, the smaller actress was starting to succumb to the powerful blows from Demi. Vanessa, managing to connect with an equal amount, if not more shots to Demi, they just didn’t have the power behind them to hurt her.

Lovato, sensing her foe was starting wear down, began attacking Venessa’s body, hoping to wear her down further and take the fight out of the lithe girl. After a couple of solid blows to Hudgens midsection, she accomplished just that as Vanessa grunted and fell forward, catching herself on a nearby wall with her back to Demi. Lovato did not want to give the smaller girl a chance to catch her breath, followed Vanessa and turned her around, pushing her back against the wall. She grabbed Venessa’s shoulders with both hands and buried her knee deep into Venessa’s tight little belly drawing a painful “uff” from the hurt actress. Demi, repeats the attack two more times, then let’s the gasping, coughing girl drop to the floor on all fours. Lovato, again pressing her advantage, sends a kick into the down girls ribs, causing a fresh groan from Vanessa, who rolled over into a fetal position, holding her tortured body.

Demi watches as Hudgens writhes in pain at her feet, decides its about time to put an end to this fight. She drops down, and moves Vanessa so she is flat on her back and straddles her, pinning her arms at the same time. “What to do with you?” Demi says playfully as she wipes away sweaty hair plastered to Hudgens face. “Please Demi. You win. Please don’t hurt me anymore” Vanessa pleads looking up at Lovato with tears beginning to well in her eyes. “Maybe next time you’ll keep that little mouth of your shut? Maybe not talk shit about me behind my back?” Demi spats, reminding Vanessa she started all of this. “I won’t, I swear. Please just leave me alone.” Vanessa again wanting the fight to be over. “Good!” Demi exclaimed with a high pitch and begins to lift of off Vanessa but then decides to sit back down. “One more thing” Demi says with a dark tone “don’t ever make fun of people with addiction problems again. That’s really not cool” and she fires a powerful right hand into the trapped girls face, knocking her out cold.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1673 on: August 29, 2018, 09:12:41 PM »
Okay, I've done something really terrible to all of you.  For the past few weeks I've been sitting on some new writings from the legendary Walkin' Dude, but instead of immediately sharing them with the world, I just kept putting the posting of these off.  I know, I know, it's unforgivable.

But I'm here to rectify this grave error now!

I love the concept of these:  Blurbs for fantasy celeb fighting videos, just like you would find on a website or in a catalog.  I don't know about you, but after reading these, I'd order each and every one of these matches!  :D


T&N 1408: Technical Knockouts


It’s a classic blonde versus brunette showdown as Emily meets Troian in a clash of Tooth & Nail’s most gifted submission specialists. The pace is quick and intense from the outset, with a stiff exchange of Headlocks that quickly gives way to Hammerlocks, Wristlocks, Neck Cranks and Scissors applied from every conceivable position and angle. Later on the ladies dig deep into a pro-style repertoire that includes Abdominal Stretches, Camel Clutches, Boston Crabs, Figure Four Leglocks, Dragon Sleepers and even a Romero Special! Of course this IS Tooth & Nail and each wrestler takes every opportunity to punish her opponent with numerous slaps, swats, pinches, rakes and claws applied to the most vulnerable areas. A particularly emphatic STF finally forces capitulation from one weary warrior after more than thirty minutes of hard wrestling, alas her suffering is not yet as over as she’s immediately bent over the victrix’s knee for no less than five minutes of the most hard-hearted spanking and wedgie torture ever filmed for T&N! In the end she’s left with scorched buns, watery eyes and a burning desire for vengeance. Who is victrix and who is victim? You’ll have to order TECHNICAL KNOCKOUTS for the answer!

T&N 1422: International Incident


Still seething over her galling smother defeat in MUMMMMPPPGHHBAI! (T&N 1401) our ‘Ivory Tigress’ Troian gets her rematch with ‘Bollywood Bombshell’ Priyanka! Much like their first encounter, there’s nothing in the way of a feeling out process here, as both brunettes storm out of their corners with pain and punishment on their minds. Pree’s shorter and stronger, but Troi’s quicker and more technically sound, not that’s there’s much in the way of technical elegance in the way these two tear into one another. Oh, there might be a Headlock or clench from time to time, but savagery is the name of the game tonight, with hard hair pulling, stern slaps and white-knuckle claw-holds being used to great effect by both competitors. A slow but steady campaign of escalation against one fighter’s chest ultimately turns the tide in the favor of her tormentor, with the last ten minutes of action growing more and more lopsided until one formerly proud battler is reduced to plaintive wailing and writhing as her increasingly haughty adversary twists, tweases, pinches and plucks her way to a sobbing submission. A final Face Sit ends her suffering for the night, but is it Troian knotting the series or Priyanka extending her dominance? You’ll have to order INTERNATIONAL INCIDENT to learn the answer!

T&N 1435: ASSerting Dominance


Fans of HAUGHTY HOTTIES and TROI’S REVENGE (T&N 1427 and TN 1428) know that there’s no badder blood in all of Tooth & Nail than that between Chloe and Troian. Humiliation and degradation have been the order of the day since their very first meeting when ‘Killer’ Chloe submitted her foe with a Double Leg Grapevine and refused to break it until poor Troi sobbed for mercy! The stakes were raised that much higher in the return match which ended with the Killer enduring a miserable ‘Walk of Shame’ after submitting to a Ringpost Figure Four Leglock! Now, with pride and a shot at Nina’s Middleweight Championship on the line, the bombastic brunettes have decided to settle their burgeoning grudge in a match where the winner can only be decided via Face Sit! With so much hanging in the balance it should come as no surprise that the wrestlers waste no time taking her opponent to the canvas for a little ‘cheek to cheek’ quality time. In fact, of the thirty-seven minute run time, almost twenty-five is spent with the combatants in quiet shrieking contemplation of her opponent’s glutes! This Callipygian Clash rages back and forth until the last few minutes, when a growing exhaustion and a creative use of the ropes leaves her unable to defend against a final breath-stealing Front Face Sit. Unfortunately for the loser she’s got three whole matches of pent-up aggression to endure, which in this case means an utterly merciless round of butt smothering delivered from every point on the compass. In the end she’s left with a smudged face and dashed dreams, while her hated adversary moves on to a shot at that champ! BUTT is Chloe or Troian crowned number one contender? You’ll have to order ASSERTING DOMINANCE to find out!

T&N 1402: The First Hug is the Deepest


A clash with career implications as T&N’s undefeated rookie sensations Lia and Kira square off in a match where someone’s ‘Oh’ has got to go! Both ladies understand the threat to their burgeoning reputations and come out of their corners swinging for the fences with an exchange of slaps that plays out more like a saloon brawl than a catfight! Never one to favor a level playing field for long, bratty blonde Lia soon resorts to a rake of the eyes and a near permanent grip on her foe’s braids to dish out some punishment that sees Kira battered from pillar to post! But Kira’s in no mood to simply hand Lia a statement win and the blonde’s arrogance lets Kira get back into it with a Headscissors that has her prey gasping for breath! Control proves elusive and painful over the next twenty minutes, as the curvaceous ingénues swap mounts, holds and increasingly vitriolic trash talk. (“There’s something about your face that makes me want to slap it as hard as I f*cking can!” Lia tells Kira late in the game) With both fighters pushed to their limits it comes down to a single costly error that sees one formerly dominant wrestler transformed to a mewling, huffing victim by a brawny Kneeling Bear Hug in the center of the ring. Post-bell, a gleeful winner snuggles in for a high, haughty Schoolgirl Pin, all the better to remind her foe of that brand new mark in the loss column! The scene fades on a close-up of the loser’s furious face, but is it Kira or Lia left vowing revenge? You’ll have to order THE FIRST HUG IS THE DEEPEST to find out!

T&N 1410: The Mite-y Don’t Kneel


In the history of the T&N Lightweight Division, the feud between Lucy and Vanessa is the stuff of legend. In fact, the culmination of their seven match series, GOOD NIGHT, MOON! (T&N 1297) is still one of our top-selling videos more than three years after its release! This pair of ballistic brunettes have done battle in every conceivable venue, but today they find themselves in an unfamiliar setting: partners in an AHW King Bed Tag Match! Their opposition is the terrible tyro tandem of Camilla and Natalie, collectively dubbed the Juggernauts after their brutal JMD victory over Hayden and Mish in T&N 1405 (GO ON, LEAVE ME BREATHLESS). The newcomers have bullied everyone in their path thus far and clearly expect to do the same against the unlikely alliance, so imagine their surprise when Nessa & Lucy set their differences aside to show their opposition why they’re the winningest lightweights of the last decade! Some early highlights include stereo splashes to Natalie and a combination Inverted Lotus Lock Wedgie that has Camilla wailing into the comforter! Of course the Juggernauts aren’t pushovers either and Cam & Nat show the veterans what it means to be treated shabby with some inspired double teaming that has their rivals groaning like Day One Bikini Meat! This war between current and future stars wages for more than thirty minutes and seems in danger of going to the dreaded time limit draw when an errant shot from one hottie floors her own partner and allows their rivals to rally. From there they isolate the other woman and pick her apart with a veritable cavalcade of tag-team cruelty! Even a last minute surge isn’t enough to stop the punishment, as she reaches the corner only to have her partner desert her on the spot! Fury soon gives way to anguish as the last five minutes devolves into a handicap match culminating with the most gawdawful double team submission we’ve ever filmed! Afterward the victrixes celebrate with a double barreled face sit, each lass smiling prettily as they lean into their partner and bear down on their devastated adversary. So which duo surges and which is swept into the dustbin of T&N history? Order THE MITE-Y DON’T KNEEL to find out!

T&N 1370: Gratuitous Tee & A


Troian’s long running campaign to prove her bona fides as the greatest Middleweight in Tooth & Nail history comes up against a serious challenger in the form of gym rat Shay, who quickly goes nose to nose with the Tigress to let her know just how their contest (fought in tight short-sleeved tee shirts and strappy briefs) will end. “Your face. My ass. Get used to it, honey.” Tone thusly set, the hardbody brunettes light into one another with a flurry of slaps and body blows, many of them augmented with strategic grips on her opponent’s collar or waistband. Both ladies make liberal use of the corner posts and ring ropes, either for a better angle on their shots or for increased leverage when they’re throttling their hapless rival! Of course it wouldn’t be a Tee Tussle without the obligatory hockey jersey gambit and you get it here in spades, first with Shay absolutely POUNDING away at Troian’s exposed lower back and later on when the Tigress neutralizes Shay’s arms for a truly malevolent round of Jugg Mugging. Fit though they are, one lass is destined to falter and it starts right around the twenty minute mark. From there to the end one increasingly disheveled grappler is reduced to smoldering rubble by her grinning, dark-eyed tormentor. Attempts to clench are met with disdainful slaps, retaliatory slaps get countered with Kneelifts to the tummy and escape efforts are constantly thwarted with a gaudy handful of briefs, either for shellacking forearms to the lower back or cringe-worthy wedgies. Ultimately the flagging fighter is taken to the mat one last time, her sweat-dappled tee pulled up snug over her face, ams pinioned uselessly over her head, the perfect mount for a Reverse Face Sit & Belly Claw combination that’s still going strong when the tape fades to black. So does Troian continue her winning ways or does Shay tie a knot in the Tigress’s tail? The answer awaits in GRATUITIOUS TEE & A!

T&N 1436: No Morena!


One of Tooth & Nail’s most sought after visiting fighters makes an emphatic return to competition when bombshell brunette Morena steps through the ropes for the first time in more than a year to face rising star Kelly! The upstart blonde doesn’t have her opponent’s years of experience to draw upon, but she is stronger and faster and immediately brings these advantages to bear by tossing the veteran around at will. Body Slams, Hair Mare’s, Suplexes, even an Airplane Spin, Morena is seemingly Kelly’s to control! But the Bombshell has faced (and beaten) some of the best wrestlers T&N has to offer and she weathers Kelly’s storm until a timely rake of the eyes lets her seize control. And seize is most definitely the operative word, as Morena takes every opportunity to squeeze, maul or generally punish her opponent’s bountiful chest. Adding to the blonde’s woes is Morena’s willingness to tug on her suit: what starts as a minor irritation soon grows into a galling game changer as wedgies and other forced wardrobe malfunctions leave the sturdy blonde open for greater and greater punishments, including a wedgie-assisted Piledriver that nearly turns poor Kelly into a tent-spike! Ultimately a breath-stealing Inverted Figure Four Headscissors earns Morena a valuable return victory and leaves Kelly’s face as red as her togs. As for what happens post-bell… we won’t spoil it here, but we WILL tell you that the title of this match is repeated several times at various volumes. How loud does it get? Order NO MORENA! to find out!

T&N 1437: Scratch as Catch Can


What’s supposed to be a purely competitive match between two of our best technicians soon devolves into one of the more mean-spirited catfights in recent T&N history! Troian and Lindsey’s exchange of Hammerlocks, Headlocks and Headscissors is almost courteous in a professional sort of way, but spirits dampen and tempers flare during the next break when Linds accuses of raking her trunks out of the ref’s view! The Tigress denies the allegations and the match resumes with Lindsey aggressively marching her adversary into a corner. Calls for a clean break are met by flashing nails as Linds raaaaaaaaaakes her startled opponent from forehead to chin! An unrepentant Lindsey follows it up with a head-swiveling slap and this wicked challenge: “C’mon tiger bitch, show me your claws!” From that point on all semblance of restraint is thrown out the window as both brunettes augment each and every hold applied with several passes of well manicured nails. Camel Clutch? Rake her eyes! Over the Knee Backbreaker? Rake her tummy! Abdominal Stretch? Rake her crotch and anything else within reach! In the end one fighter’s claws get dull as her opponent’s seem to grow sharper and sharper. A combined Beast Choker and Tummy Rake leads one wrestler pleading for mercy, which is wholeheartedly rejected in favor of a Reverse Face Sit augmented by one more round of callous crotch raking. But is it Troi or Linds that finishes the night a sniveling scratching post? You’ll have to order SCRATCH AS CATCH CAN for the answer!

T&N 1438: The Mud is Mine and so are You!


Ever since her career defining title victory over T&N Destroyer class legend Amanda in ONE FOR THE AGES (T&N 1399), Kat hasn’t just run the division, she’s dominated every challenger put forth. And if the match in question is a Mud Wrestling contest? Domination doesn’t even begin to cover it. But now the champ faces her most daunting foe to date, when former Destroyer Division Champion Kate steps into the mud to reclaim her gold! For the first time in her gloppy reign Kat finds herself battling from underneath as the Amazonian challenger takes her to the mud for Bear Hugs and JMD Sleepers in equal measure. This time last year that probably would’ve been enough to make Kate a two-time champion, but dethroning Big Riggs brought out a steely streak in the curvaceous brunette and she forces Kat to earn every inch of ground she wants to claim. And Kate for her part is more than willing to spend big in the early-going to keep the champion buried beneath her curves. It’s a strong gambit, yet one that proves problematic as Kat simply refuses to go away! By the fifteen minute mark she’s regaining lost ground and in another five she’s got Kate tasting jugg for the first time! Of course the blonde doesn’t shy from a challenge and they spend another fifteen minutes in an unbroken chain of Bear Hugs, Full Nelsons, Tummy Smothers, Bodyscissors and of course, the Breast Smothers that have made these ladies two of the top names in the Destroyer division. Alas, there can only be one champ and in the end one fighter finishes her breathless adversary with a prolonged North-South Breast Smother that leaves her tits up and oblivious to the champion’s parting words: THE MUD IS MINE AND SO ARE YOU!


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1674 on: August 30, 2018, 11:02:05 PM »
I need closure! Those are awesome matchups ... I want to know who won!


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1675 on: August 31, 2018, 11:40:30 PM »
I need closure! Those are awesome matchups ... I want to know who won!

I'm certain the Walkin' Dude would be very pleased if you let your imagination soar.  ;)


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1676 on: September 01, 2018, 12:40:40 AM »
Beverley Mitchell vs Danielle Fishel


Danielle gasped and gurgled as Beverley's arm tightened across her throat, the expertly applied Read Naked Choke denying the brunette precious breath.  In desperation, she began to piston her right elbow into Mitchell's ribs, until finally she forced the blonde to release her.  Fishel takes a deep gulp of air, and then whirls around, landing a knife hand chop across her opponent's chest.  The bikini tops of both busty battlers had long since been torn off, and as the sound of the chop echoed through the penthouse room, Bev's 34C's bounced wildly, beads of sweat spraying from her glistening flesh as she grunted in pain and staggered backward.  Growling with fury, Dani unleashed another chop, and then another, the skin of her victim turning an angry red from where the blows landed.  Mitchell's groans were tinged with whimpers now, and it became evident that this onslaught might just overwhelm her.

Beverley realized that as well, and fear of defeat fueled her next move, as she raked her fingernails over Danielle's eyes.  Fishel managed to closed her lids in time, but the pain nevertheless caused her to shriek and, momentarily blinded, she stepped back from her adversary.  Mitchell pressed her newfound advantage with a knife hand blow of her own, this one a tomahawk chop to her rival's forehead.  Dani groaned in pain, and three more such chops delivered in quick succession left the brunette cross-eyed and dazed.  Adrenaline pumping, Bev now returned the earlier "favor", unleashing brutal chops to Fishel's own chest, and now it was her own 36C's turn to bounce in protest.

Danielle was finally able to rally her wits around to draw her right arm back, ball her fist, and unleash a haymaker at her opponent's face.  Unfortunately, her movements were so sluggish, Beverley was able to step back out of the way of the blow.  The brunette's fist hit nothing but air, but her momentum caused her to spin around a full 180°, leaving her facing opposite her adversary.  Beverley took advantage of that by raking her nails down the length of Fishel's bare back, drawing a shriek of pain from her victim.  Danielle tried to turn the tide by spinning around, aiming a backhand fist to where Mitchell's face should me.  But again the brunette's speed is dampened by her exhaustion, and Bev is able to duck under the blow.  She pops back up to her full 5'2" height with an accompanying uppercut punch to the 5'1" Danielle's left breast, eliciting a howl of agonized protest from Fishel.

Now Beverley goes in for the kill:  Wrapping her arms tight around Deni's body, she pulls her in tight for a bearhug, their chests pancaking together.  With a grunt, Mitchell lifts her opponent up and twists the two of them around, sending Fishel crashing to the floor with a Belly to Belly Suplex, the brunette taking the full brunt with the weight of both beauties behind it.  The impact causes a burst of air to rush from Danielle's lungs, leaving her gasping...precisely as Bev intended.  Sitting in a straddle on Fishel's belly, the blonde leans down, her breasts enveloping the face of her rival in Mitchell's "Beverley's Hills" smother finisher.  Danielle squirmed in panic beneath her, her hands feebly slapping at the body of her tormentor, but the brunette was just too spent to power herself free.  Rapidly, her body grew sluggish, until she ceased to move altogether beyond a few spasmodic twitches.  Tauntingly, Mitchell slapped the sides of her semi-conscious foe's face with her sweat-soaked orbs, then she pushed herself upright.  One foot planted on the heaving chest of the beaten battler, the victorious blonde raised her arms in victory.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1677 on: September 01, 2018, 02:30:45 AM »
Hi, I'm a long reader of this post and I gotta say that there are amazing writers here. I'm just making a suggestion if somebody wants to do a fight with them. They are not the most knowledge girls, but I think it would be great if someone wants to do an international fight. The girls I'm about to mention are from Spain my country.

Lorena Castell:

Ana Morgade

Blanca Suarez

And Ursula Corbero from La Casa de Papel

Those are some girls that I suggested. I think they would look good for a fight.


Offline jdo90

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1678 on: September 01, 2018, 08:40:07 PM »
Anne Winters vs Helen Flanagan



The final match of the annual Class Dismissed showdown, an event that would always pack a lot of seats, was, for the first time ever, sold out! Every elite member of the Celebrity Catfight Circuit were present for the highly anticipated bout.

Anne Winters, although 24-years-old, is making her debut tonight. Unfortunately for her, she is facing Helen Flanagan.

Helen has been completely dominating her competition since she joined the circuit, devouring every woman the league threw at her, and tonight would prove to be no different.

In a classic Teacher vs Student themed match, Anna dressed as a schoolgirl, Helen as a Teacher, the two beauties face off in a classroom. The elite promoters, sitting in their school desks, watch upclose as Helen demolishes the newbie.

The young, inexperienced Texan pathetically whimpers, her left arm wrapped across her chest and her left hand jutting down in front of her crotch, tears streaking down her ruddy cheeks. Shreded strips of Anne's skirt and tank top litter the classroom, thanks to Helen's recently manicured, sharp fingernails.

Anne, in what she viewed as a valiant attempt to shield her butt, backs up against the chalkboard. "Please stop... you win. Just leave me alone." Winters pleads with her tormentor.

Casually leaning back on a large wooden desk, obviously meant for a teacher, Helen drums her fingers across the rich mahogany, "So you admit defeat and I should let you go? You're finished?"

Anne, sniffling her nose, nods her head and replies with a squeaky, "Mhmm"

"You hear that, gentlemen," Helen looks over her shoulder, winking at the Catfight Promoters, "she submits. Well, that was fun. I hope you enjoy the rest of your night," Flanagan smiles at the frightened pipsqueak.

"Umm... tha.. thank you. Uhh... do you think y'all could, you know," Anne gestures at Helen and the men to turn around by spinning her right index finger in the air. But, quickly realizing her hand is no longer covering her crotch, she shoots her arm back down, blocking the dainty, black lace of her underwear. "Oh gosh, please, just turn around."

"Alright fellas, the young lady asked us nicely," Helen turns around, shielding her eyes with her palms. The men, however, don't move an inch, staring forward, expressionless.

Anne, with an exasperated sigh, inches sideways towards the door, keeping her back to the wall. "You guys are freaking creeps," the young woman mumbles under her breath, reaching for the doorknob.

Just as her hand touches the handle, Helen, with a handful of Winter's blonde hair, jerks the scantily clad rookie backwards, towards the large wooden desk.

"NAAAAH," Anne screams in terror, the heels of her Converses dragging across the classroom floor, her fingers swiping at Helen's hair-gripping fist. At this point Anne abandons her attempt to cover up her alluring lingerie, wanting only to escape her foe's clutches, run out of the classroom and put an end to this horrific nightmare.

But, as Helen sat upon the large desk and forced Winter to lay, face-first, over her knees, the young Texan would soon realize her nightmare had only just begun. Realizing the severity of her current situation, Anne tries with all her might to push and roll away.

"Now, now, sit still, little girl," Flanagan scolds, curling her fingers under the waistband of Anne's black thong -- a choice of underwear she now regrets wearing -- and, without any warning, jerks the waistband up high, yanking the miniscule garment even further up Winters' tanned, perky tush. The lace fabric uncomfortably grating against her tender nether regions illicit a cry from the degraded actress.

Anne's cries evolve into sobbing as the older blonde fries the American's ass with sharp, open-palmed slaps. "Now apologize to these fine gentlemen!" Helen commands, feverishly smacking her adversaries derriere.

"I'm SAHH SORRYEEEY!" Winters blubbers at the grinning men. Anne, kicking her feet, her face burnt red in humiliation, is full-on, ugly crying.

Once her opponent's ass is thoroughly tanned, Helen positions Winters on the table, sprawled on her back. The screech of multiple chair legs scraping the floor fills the room as all the promotors stand up. A man, garner in a dark suit and dark sunglasses, bellows out, in a low, cold voice, "Finish Her!"

Helen, with a nod, straddles the American's waist. The British beauty swiftly removes her top and unhhoks her bra, freeing her breasts. Anne squirms, pathetically blubbering, as Helen lowers her Double D breasts, setting them upon her adversary's hot, wet, tear-stained features.

Once Anne's limbs stop twitching, Helen pulls her enormous jugs off of her slumbering foe. In one final act of cruelty, Helen strips off Anne's underwear, unveiling every inch of her petite frame to the leering promotors, and sits the unconscious beauty on top of a stool in the corner of the room, proping her against the wall. Helen snatches the newbie's discarded thong up, shoving it in the loser's mouth and places a dunce cap on her slumbering head.

With a wink, Helen puts her bra and top back on and saunters out the door, leaving sleeping beauty behind, knowing the Catfight Promoters will take care of the snobby blonde.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2018, 08:55:19 PM by jdo90 »


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1679 on: September 02, 2018, 05:06:20 PM »


Ever since her career defining title victory over T&N Destroyer class legend Amanda in ONE FOR THE AGES (T&N 1399), Kat hasn’t just run the division, she’s dominated every challenger put forth. And if the match in question is a Mud Wrestling contest? Domination doesn’t even begin to cover it. But now the champ faces her most daunting foe to date, when former Destroyer Division Champion Kate steps into the mud to reclaim her gold! For the first time in her gloppy reign Kat finds herself battling from underneath as the Amazonian challenger takes her to the mud for Bear Hugs and JMD Sleepers in equal measure. This time last year that probably would’ve been enough to make Kate a two-time champion, but dethroning Big Riggs brought out a steely streak in the curvaceous brunette and she forces Kat to earn every inch of ground she wants to claim. And Kate for her part is more than willing to spend big in the early-going to keep the champion buried beneath her curves. It’s a strong gambit, yet one that proves problematic as Kat simply refuses to go away! By the fifteen minute mark she’s regaining lost ground and in another five she’s got Kate tasting jugg for the first time! Of course the blonde doesn’t shy from a challenge and they spend another fifteen minutes in an unbroken chain of Bear Hugs, Full Nelsons, Tummy Smothers, Bodyscissors and of course, the Breast Smothers that have made these ladies two of the top names in the Destroyer division. Alas, there can only be one champ and in the end one fighter finishes her breathless adversary with a prolonged North-South Breast Smother that leaves her tits up and oblivious to the champion’s parting words: THE MUD IS MINE AND SO ARE YOU!

Oh, I love the concept of these blurbs...the Walkin' Dude has always been a masterful writer, and I'm glad you could share these with us - thanks to both of you!

I need to get my hands on a copy of ONE FOR THE AGES (T&N 1399) from the back catalogue, mentioned in the last blurb, as soon as possible!