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Finish Her!

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1740 on: February 01, 2019, 02:08:04 AM »
Ellen Page VS Kaitlyn Dever

Ellen had had a horrible day on set of her new movie, with the director questioning if she should even call her self an actress and singing the praises of her co-star Kaitlyn. She storms of set only to find Kaitlyn sitting in her chair near the fire escape playing with a M.A.G.A hat. Ellen being a Hollywood liberal is sees red and dives at her rival. Ellen grabs Kaitlyn by the hair and drags her out into the alley both girls spend the next five minutes rolling around on the dirty floor, with the upper hand switching from one girl to the other yet neither managing to get the final blow.

Suddenly Ellen ends up on her back, holding Kaitlyn’s stretched out arm. She then quickly locks her legs around her neck in a figure 4 head scissor and starts to crush her victim. Kaitlyn screams in pain saying “what is wrong with you psycho, its not my fault you a lousy actress” her comment triggers another red mist to fall over Ellen. Ellen squeezes again with all her might, Panic takes over Kaitlyn she as struggles to escape the hold her body being lifted into the air by Ellen’s legs. Ellen twists her hips and is shocked by what happens An audible crack can be herd and Kaitlyn’s body drops to the ground and goes completely motionless.

A sense of dread takes over Ellen she quickly releases her victim and checks on her. Kaitlyn is awake but in a state of shock she starts to cry grabbing her shoulder. Ellen is slightly relived and slowly mounts her trapping her in a tight pin resting her crouch on Kaitlyn’s face. She unbuttons the top button pants and slowly lowers the zip, she reaches inside of her panties and over a few minutes rubs herself whilst staring down at the sobbing Kaitlyn between her legs.

The pace picks up, Ellen biting her bottom lip as her body goes ridged and she orgasms on her victim. Still panting she quickly stands up, looks down at Kaitlyn and says “you’re lucky I didn't go full lesbian on you, u see I can only truly f**k something I respect” she places her foot on Kaitlyn’s face and smiles before walking away.

A few days later Kaitlyn post a picture on her twitter of her arm in a sling with the message “slight onset incident #MAGA #REVENGE #YOUKNOWWHOUARE



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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1741 on: February 04, 2019, 03:06:26 AM »
Flashback 2001:  Michelle Williams vs Mila Kunis


Perhaps over-confidently, Michelle moved in to press her advantage; Mila was winded, having dropped to one knee, her head hanging down and face obscured by her long, tangled brown hair, as she panted heavily for breath.  The last thing in the world the blonde was expecting was for her opponent to suddenly spring up and drive her shoulder into the nubile beauty's unprotected belly, doubling her over.  Kunis sprang up, then drove her right knee up, smashing it into her adversary's chin.  The impact snapped Williams upright, eyes now a bit glazed.  She reeled around the stumbled away, desperate to regain her wits.

But the brunette wasn't about to make it quite so easy for her.  Moving up behind the addled blonde, Mila pressed her foot against the back of Michelle's right knee, causing it to buckle; the right promptly followed suit, and Williams dropped to her knees.  Kunis instantly pressed her knee between her opponent's shoulder blades, while cupping her hands beneath her victim's chin.  Michelle whined from the pain to her neck and spine, her hands clutching at her oppressor's wrists.  Noting that in the position, they two battlers were facing the cluster of elite spectators who observed the struggle from the comfort of leather chairs, Kunis impishly released her chinlock, only to swiftly fishhook her index fingers into the corners of her rival's mouth.  The blonde let out a painted wail as her lips were stretched into a mocking rictus.  "Smile pretty for all of the nice people, sweetcheeks!" Mila sneers, vastly amused by how easily she dominated her opponent before the watchful eyes of the onlookers.

But being a newcomer to celebrity catfighting, Kunis didn't realize that while her hold inflicted pain on her victim, it was not particularly debilitating, nor did it wear the blonde out by forcing her to expend her dwindling reserves of strength to withstand it.  As a result, despite the mewls of discomfort she gave, Michelle was in fact using this opportunity to gather her remaining power and plot her means of turning the match around.

Her opportunity came as the brunette finally released her hold.  Smugly impudent, Kunis walked around to stand before Michelle, but now it was the blonde's chance to suddenly spring to life.  Her legs propelled her upward like a bolt of lightning, the palm of her right hand slamming upward into the startled Mila's chin, her head snapping back violently.  Now Kunis stumbled backward, arms windmilling as she struggled to not collapse to the floor.  Williams wasn't about to give her the chance to fall; moving quickly, the blonde dipped her knees and pulled her battered adversary over her shoulders.  Rising back up to her full height, Michelle was a vision of magnificence, holding Mila up in an astounding display of raw power, her bikini-clad body glistening with a thousand rivulets of sweat.

Williams then began to twirl around, subjecting her unwilling cargo to an airplane spin, as Kunis yowled in panic, her senses stripped by the whirling as the penthouse room became a blur.  her excursion came to a sudden, thudding completion as she was slammed to the floor.  She lay there on her back, glassy eyes tinged with fear staring up at her opponent.  Michelle then leapt into the air, bringing her body crashing down across the brunette's in a belly splash that drove much of Mila's wind from her lungs.

Getting up to her knees, the blonde grabbed her foe's tanned legs and lifted them up, doubling the limbs over for a matchbook pin.  Adding insult to injury, Michelle then sat upon the panting and sobbing brunette's upturned loins, using her own weight to pin Kunis down helplessly, and thus secure her victory beyond any question.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1742 on: February 06, 2019, 11:31:35 PM »
Anne Hathaway vs Jennifer Lawrence


The two statuesque beauties grunted and groaned as they struggled against one another in their lock-up hold.  It had been a grueling match, with neither able to hold the advantage over the other for long.  But while the combat may have been stalemated, the sentiments of the room most certainly weren't.  From the very first, it seemed as if every one of the elite spectators gathered for this catfight was enthusiastically behind Jen, verbally urging her on and cheering her every move.

Anne was used to it.  For reasons she just couldn't understand, she simply wasn't popular.  It used to bother her, but now she has learned to channel her resentment into her fighting, fueling her.  With every cry of "Get her, Jen!" from the crowd came another drop of anger to propel the brunette.

And now at last she was ready to use that pent-up frustration.  She could feel Jennifer brace herself in anticipation for a new move, but Anne struck first, suddenly twisting her body and letting the blonde's own forward momentum carry her over with a hip toss, and sending Lawrence crashing onto her back.  Before the blonde could so much as sit up, Hathaway began stomping her foot down again and again upon her opponent's chest and belly, pounding air from Jen's lungs.  Desperate to escape the barrage, Lawrence rolls over onto her stomach, but she finds no relief as Anne throws herself down upon her.

Using her feet to grapevine Jennifer's legs wide, Hathaway snakes her right arm across her victim's throat, mercilessly strangling her.  Jen gasped and gurgled, her hands clutching frantically at the steel-like arm choking her windpipe, eyes wide with panic as she felt herself weakening.  The brunette's face was a mask of stoicism as she cruelly and effectively finished off her adversary.  There was a palpable sense of dismay and disappointment among the spectators as their favorite was rapidly driven into defeat, until finally Jen's eyelids fluttered shut and her body went limp.

Triumphant, Anne released her hold and stood up.  She didn't bother with the usual victory pose, but instead turned and limped back toward her bedroom to the sound of desultory applause.  And even before she had left the room, she could hear the men fawning with anxious concern over the beaten blonde, who even in defeat remained their darling.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1743 on: February 08, 2019, 11:36:07 PM »
Vanessa Hudgens vs Hayden Panettiere


"Dont.  You.  Dare!" Vanessa hissed through gritted teeth.

"Oh, I think I do dare," Hayden impishly replied with a smirk.  Currently controlling her brunette rival with a hammerlock, Panettiere's free hand holds tight to Hudgens's bikini strap.  Then, with a jerk of her arm and the sound of tearing fabric, the garment is ripped away, exposing Vanessa's bare breasts.

The flush of red coming to her cheeks was not embarrassment...she was well used to being stripped in her matches with Hayden; indeed, she and her blonde nemesis made a special point of rendering one another nude in the course of their epic battles.  Rather, it was frustration that Panettiere had scored "first blood" on this night.  Not that the brunette needed any more determination to beat her rival, but this nevertheless provided it.

Escaping the hammerlock, Hudgens and Panettiere tear into one another like raging hellcats, brawling around the penthouse room for long minutes.  It doesn't take long for the remnants of Hayden's own bikini top to litter the carpet, and both beauties take a savage delight in squeezing, pinching and slapping the bare breasts of the other.  Attempts are made to tear away panties as well, but those efforts are thwarted time and again.

Finally, after a long and grueling struggle, Vanessa manages to take control of the fight.  She punishes her hated rival relentlessly with a withering barrage that would reduce virtually any other combatant to a quivering wreck.  But the blonde's astonishing endurance allows her to withstand the attack...although not without having to expend nearly her last dregs of power.  Now, the battered and exhausted blonde has crumpled to her hands and knees, damp and tangled hair hanging down as she pants and wheezes for breath.  Vanessa knows from bitter experience not to give Panettiere the slightest chance to recover, that the only wise course would be to press her advantage and finish the bitch off here and now.  Still, given the depth of furious animosity between the two beauties, Hudgens can't resist pausing in order to flaunt over the blonde.  "Any last words before I tear off those highly unfashionable bikini briefs of yours and shove them down your throat, sweetie?" she purrs, savoring her moments of dominance.

"Two words," Hayden rasps as she tilts her head up, strands of flaxen locks splayed across her sweat-soaked face.  "Tim...ber."

Before the brunette's brain can process this remark, Panettiere moves with viper swiftness, her hands grasping the sides of her opponent's bikini bottoms.  With one deft move she yanks them down; instinctively, Vanessa reaches down to try and grab them, throwing her balance off.  As the garment slides down the brunette's legs and reach her ankles, Hayden pulls them out, using the briefs to sweep Hudgen's feet out from under her.  With a yowl of shock, the brunette falls backward and crashes to the floor, the back of her head cracking against the thinly-carpeted wood, stunning her.  Adrenaline now pumping through her veins, Panettiere lunges forward, delivering a headbutt down between her adversary's thighs, smashing mercilessly into her unprotected groin, which draws out a sharp retort of pain from the startled victim.

In a blur of motion, Hayden next takes the briefs still in her right hand and shoves them into the open mouth of her still-yowling rival.  She then scrambles atop her, sitting down onto the overwhelmed brunette's face even as she grabs her legs to pull them up, pinning Hudgens beneath her even as she smothers her.  The blonde preens and grinds her hips as she devastates her nemesis, taunting her with, "I'm hotter, smarter and the better wrestler...why do you even bother, Nessy?"

Swiftly enough, Vanessa is driven into semi-consciousness.  Climbing off of her beaten foe, Panettiere retrieves both discarded bikini tops and returns to Hudgens; rolling the brunette over onto her belly, Hayden uses the garments to tie her wrists and ankles behind her, a final dollop of humiliation in this, the latest battle of their ceaseless war.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1744 on: February 09, 2019, 09:55:36 AM »
Nice work and I Love Hayden!  I would really enjoy a story about her taking down and humiliating a taller opponent.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1745 on: February 11, 2019, 09:41:30 PM »
(Two birds, one stone.  ;) )

Hayden Panettiere vs Kate Beckinsale


As heights go, 5'7" is hardly statuesque for a woman.  But when you're opponent is only 5'0", it's positively Amazonian.  And Kate was more than happy to make note of the size disparity between her and Hayden, referring to her in the minutes before their catfight officially started with the derogatory likes of "runt," "Hobbit" and "half-pint".  For her part, the blonde made no verbal reply, but her eyes made it clear she was not amused.

But the thing about a height advantage is, it's only an advantage when you're vertical.  So in the opening moments of the brawl, when Beckinsale found herself tackled and flat on her back by her opponent, she swiftly discovered that the diminutive blonde was the embodiment of the phrase, 'big things come in small packages'.  Or, perhaps more precisely, 'a little bit of dynamite makes for a mighty big boom'.  And what resulted was as one-sides a beatdown as anyone had seen in ages, with the Brit brunette withering under the ferocious attack of the blonde hellion.  Panettiere focused special attention on her adversary's long, toned legs, twisting, bending and stomping them as tears streamed down Kate's face from the agony.

The endgame approached as both beauties sat on the floor opposite one another; Hayden held fast to Beckinsale's wrists to keep her in place, while she pressed the soles of her feet against the inside thighs of her rival, stretching out the Englishwoman's legs as far as possible, straining her muscles and tendons in an inhuman degree.  Fearful of being seriously injured, and unable to endure the pain any longer, Kate screeched out, "ENOUGH!  I SUBMIT!  YOU WIN!!!"  Somewhat surprisingly to those who knew of Panettiere's sadistic tendencies, the American instantly released her hold and freed her beaten opponent...but she wasn't done with her yet.

Standing up, Panettiere stood before her prone foe with hands on hips and a smirk curling upon her lips and she purred, "On your knees!"  Sniffling, Kate complied, standing on her knees before the blonde, looking up with red, tear-filled eyes.  Hayden's smile grew as she said, "Well shawty, I guess height ain't nothing but a number."  An instant later, her right knee shot up in a blur of motion, smashing Beckinsale under the chin and sending her flopping like a rag doll onto her back.  The brunette lay on the floor semi-conscious and mewling in anguish as the triumphant Panettiere stepped around to her side and placed a foot upon the Brit's chest for her victory pose.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1746 on: February 12, 2019, 09:11:06 PM »

Emily Ratajkowski (29 - 5’7” 123lbs) vs Miranda Kerr (35 - 5’9” 117lbs)


Miranda was shell shocked as she laid on her back, staring up blankly with glassy eyes. Emily had controlled the fight from the beginning and now stood over the once proud Aussie model, who was nearly motionless after the beating the American put on her. Emily did not like Kerr and was looking to make sure this victory was memorable for her and the stuck up Aussie.

Ratajkowski sat down on Miranda’s chest, pinning the beaten girl’s arms at her side and began playfully slapping Kerr until she woke up from her stupor. As soon as her prey began to stir, Emily clamped her left hand around Kerr’s slender throat and squeezed, choking Miranda as she began kicking her legs wildly. The American just smiled down and used her free right hand to rain down smacks, on the trapped and beaten Miranda. First with her forehand and then her backhand, she smacked Kerr’s face back and forth until Miranda could take no more and went limp under her tormentor. Emily, satisfied with her work, pushed herself off of Miranda and strutted away.

Nina Dobrev (29 - 5’6” 124lbs) vs Teresa Palmer (32 - 5’4” 128lbs)

Nina and Teresa had both fought hard, both were showing sign of a tough fight but Nina had began taking control over her shorter blonde rival. Now, Nina had the beautiful Aussie trapped in a painful body scissors as she violently tugged away at blonde hair. Teresa, screaming and moaning from the pain did everything she could to break free but Nina’s perfectly tone, tanned legs were unrelenting.

Nina, sensing victory was near, changed tactics, she released Teresa’s hair and wrapped her arms tightly around Palmer’s neck. The dual hold quickly took its toll as the Auissie’s movements slowed and tears began to run down her cheeks but Nina wanted to savor this much needed win. The American released the holds just before Palmer passed out, rolled her on her back and sat down on her chest, in a schoolgirl pin. Her knees on each side of Teresa’s head, she looked down at her beaten rival, who was crying in defeat. Nina raised her arms in victory before using her hands to seal Palmer’s nose and mouth shut. Teresa’s eyes bulged and her limbs flailed briefly but there was nothing she could do and she quickly succumbed to the lack of air and passed out.

Margot Robbie (28 - 5’6” 136lbs) vs Shay Mitchell (31 - 5’8” 134lbs)

Margot new she had to do one thing to give herself a good chance at winning against Shay, avoid her legs. The American’s perfect stems were deadly weapons and she did not want get trapped between them. Her plan was sound but she underestimated Shay’s ability to strike and she was not ready for the length and speed of Mitchell, who rocked Margot early and often.

Margot tough and proud, continued to exchange blows with her taller rival but time after time, she was on the worse end. Her gorgeous face had been turned into a bloody beaten mess by Shay and Margot’s legs began to give after Shay rocked her, yet again. Mitchell, sees her chance to put an end to the tough Aussie, presses in on her rival and land a series of hard body shots, each one drawing a painful moan from the blonde. Robbie quickly covers her body to protect from further damage when Mitchell throws an uppercut that connects square on Margot’s chin and turned her lights out. The beautiful actress’s body instantly went slack as she plummeted to the ground in a pitiful heap of defeat. Shay, not one to miss an opportunity, grabbed Margot by the hair and pulled the slumbering Aussie to a sitting position, holding her there in a victory pose as people took pictures


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1747 on: February 18, 2019, 05:24:18 AM »

Karen Gillan vs Aubrey Plaza

A desperate Karen grabbed Aubrey by her right wrist to hold her in place. The redhead then lifted one of her long legs and placed her foot just underneath Aubrey’s chin. Karen then fell back onto the mat. As she hit the canvas, her foot exploded under Aubrey’s chin, knocking the brunette flat onto her back.

Karen pumped her fist in triumph after hitting a perfect “eat defeat”. She had been on the defensive most of this match against Aubrey Plaza. The brunette had trapped her in one submission hold after another, reducing Karen to a sweat-soaked, exhausted mess. The punishment had also tired Aubrey though, and when her guard dropped, had opened the door for Gilan to hit the “eat defeat”.

Scrambling on top of the downed brunette, Karen grapevine her legs before plunging her breasts on top of Aubrey’s face. Karen’s young breasts may not have had much volume but pressed tightly enough – as they were now – they could still effectively snuff out the brunette’s breathing.

Aubrey started kicking and squirming violeneytlky trying to throw Karen off of her. The brunette was still trying to clear her head from the devastating “eat defeat’ and trying to figure out how the match had suddenly gotten away from her when the redhead thrust her sweaty, clammy chest on her face.  Karen stayed plastered on Aubrey, knowing this was her best chance at victory.  Try as she might, Aubrey could not dislodge the redhead. Her head started swimming and she started seeing spots as the oxygen deprivation was taking its toll.

“Just give up Aubrey…give up…: Karen whispered.

Aubrey stomped her feet and screamed in protest but it was muffled by Karen’s tits.

In desperation, Aubrey reached down with one hand and started feeling for Karen’s crotch, Sure enough she found the redhead’s panties and then slipped her hand down and grabbed Karen’s clit and started squeezing as hard she could.

A shocked Karen’s mouth gaped open in a silent scream. Immediately she lifted her breasts off Aubrey’s face and rolled off the brunette to get away from the crotch claw. Karen curled into a fetal position and massaged her crotch trying to relieve the devastating pain.

A relieved Aubrey sucked in some great big lungful’s of air before getting onto her knees and crawling towards Karen.

Aubrey grabbed Karen’s trapezius muscles from behind, jamming her fingers deep into the redhead’s shoulders. Karen was immediately paralyzed by the expertly-applied nerve hold and started writhing in pain.

The smiling brunette the started whispering in Karen’s ear: “Now, YOU give up Karen!”

Karen’s eyes closed and her fists clenched tightly into balls as she tried to ride out the pain. She rocked a little bit on her hips trying to create some separation from her tormenteress but the blinding pain mostly froze her in place.

After coming so close to defeat in the breast smother, Aubrey tool  her time now that she had the advantage again, pressing her nerve hold tighter and tighter into Karen’s shoulder muscles. The hold was unlikely to force out a submission but achieved is primary goal of draining the fight out of the redhead. Karen started whimpering and sobbing quietly as Aubrey kept torturing her. After another minute or two of the submission hold, Aubrey released it with a flourish.

She rolled over the exhausted redhead onto her back before crawling on top of her and applyimng her own breast smother on Karen.

“Mmmppphhhh…mmmmppphhhh…mmmmppphhh….” Karen protested, stamping her feet.

“Ha! Turnabout is fair play Karen,” Aubrey taunted her.

Aubrey’s breasts weren’t much larger than Karen’s but she pressed them so tightly against the redhead’s nose and mouth that she immediately sent her rival into panic mode. Karen thrashed back and forth wildly trying to free herself but Aubrey rode her bucking bronco until fatigue inevitably set in.

Karen’s tummy rose up and down ever more slowly – along with Aubrey’s on top of her, as the last vestiges of oxygen were smothered out of her.

“Are you out yet, huh? Hey ref, check her!” Aubrey demanded.

The referee moved into position and lifted one of Karen’s arms which promptly crashed back onto the mat when he released it.

“HA!” Aubrey whooped.

Two subsequent checks by the ref had the same effect and he signaled for the bell to ring, officially ending the match.

“Get off her Aubrey. She’s done. Let her breathe.” the ref pleaded with the brunette.

Aubrey slowly peeled her tits, revealing Karen’s clammy, sweat soaked red face, her mouth gaping open trying to breathe.

Aubrey, still angry at how close she had come to being knocked out herself, couldn’t help herself and slowly fired a series of rights into the sleeping Karen’s jaw. Tomorrow the girl would wake up with a sore jaw and a blackened eye.

“Something to remember me by, loser,” Aubrey exclaimed before leaving her sleeping rival drooling on the mat.


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Topanga (Danielle Fishel "Girl meets world") vs Caroline (Beth Behrs)
« Reply #1748 on: February 19, 2019, 02:12:27 PM »
Topanga (Danielle Fishel "Girl meets world") vs Caroline (Beth Behrs)


While not as wildly popular as her friend Max, Caroline had still enough talent and toughness to allow her to develope a respectable fan following in the catfight business. So it wasn't a surprise that her topless fight with the newcomer milf attracted a numerous and vocal audience; instead the surprise was to see how good her opponent was.
Topanga went into the fight at full force, first holding her own against Caroline, then forcing her leggy opponent on the defensive.
In the end Caroline was able to pull away Topanga and the two exhausted fighters stood at the opposing corner of the mat, taking advantage of the pause to catch their breath and study the next strategy.
Suddently Caroline dashed towards Topanga, trying to tackle her, but Topanga simply bended forward and lifted Caroline with a picture perfect back body drop.
The former socialite landed hard and her head hit the mat with a sickening thud.
Topanga sensed the opportunity and went for the kill with feral quickness and lowered her breasts over Caroline face, sealing her nose and mouth in an airtight prison of sweaty titflesh.
When Caroline awakened, the first thing she saw was Topanga towering over her in a victory pose, with a foot planted over her breast.
"Well, well, well..seems that our sleeping beauty finally woke up" Topanga giggled amid the audience laughters.
Caroline tried to reply but was quickly silcended when Topanga lifted the feet from her breast and forced over her mouth.
"Shut the fuck up, nobody cares what you have to say" Said Topanga with a suddently harsh tone. Then she cupped her own breasts and added: "I want you to send a message to your friend Max: tell her that I'm ready to put my babies against her saggy tits whenever she wants!"


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1749 on: February 21, 2019, 05:23:50 PM »

Scarlett Johansson VS Michelle Trachtenberg

Welcome Miss Witt, and thanks for a tremendous debut entry!   ;D


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1750 on: February 22, 2019, 07:32:32 AM »

Scarlett Johansson vs Michelle Trachtenburg

This fight was quite a different story than the last time these two women fought.

An exhausted, sweaty Scarlett was barely able to stay up on her wobbly legs as a predatory Michelle advanced upon her. The blonde’s mouth was open, panting, her eyes unfocused, as Michelle grabbed her by the shoulders before firing a knee deep into her pussy.

“Gunnngghhh!” Scarlett grunted, her eyes shutting tight in pain, as she folded in on her herself.

A pitiless Michelle followed up by firing another knee straight into Scarlett’s chin. The blow rattled the blonde’s brain. She dropped onto her butt in shock.

Michelle followed her down. She wrapped one arm around Scarlett’s hips to pull her in closer before firing a series of rock hard fists into the pit of Scarlett’s tummy.

“Oooffff….ooooooffff…..OOOOOFFFFFF!!!” Scarlett exhaled as she was systematically gutted.

“HOW…DO…YOU….LIKE….IT…BITCH?” Michelle seethed as she punctuated each word with another punch.

Scarlett curled into a fetal ball, trying to protect her stomach from further blows.

Michelle then made a show of licking her palms, before wrapping her hands from behind over Scarlett’s mouth and nose in a hand smother.

“Shouldn’t give me your back, Scar” Michelle whispered in her ear.

“Mmmmfff…mmmmffff…mmmffff…” Scarlett protested, kicking her legs and squirming. Michelle was persistent though and kept the hand smother on until. Scarlett started becoming sluggish.

Michelle then rolled the blonde onto her back. She then crawled on top of Scarlett before plunging her tits over Johansson’s’s face. A tired Scarlett could do nothing to stop Michelle now. The brunette wrapped her arms behind Scarlett’s head, pushing the blonde’s face into her clammy tits.

“Suck on those tits, Scar. Suck on them loser, just like you did to me last time.”

Scarlett squirmed futilely, she wrenched her neck trying in vain to find some oxygen but Michelle was relentless.

“Feeling a little hot down there, Scar? Would you like a breath? Just one breath would feel really good about now, wouldn’t it?” Michelle kept taunting her.

A hysterical Scarlett was sobbing now. Michelle was right. She was desperate for a breath of air now.

“Awww. Is baby crying? Poor blondie” Michelle laughed.

Another oxygen-deprived minute passed by,

Scarlett’s arms dropped to her sides, her hands open. There was nothing she could do now as Michelle kept feeding her tit. Michelle moved her tits in semi circles, Scarlett’s head moving along with them, more and more sweat dripping down from breast to face.

Scarlett’s’ legs slid down.

Scarlett was out now, so out. But a smiling Michelle, enjoying her moment of revenge, was not ready to relinquish it.

“Are you asleep, Scar? Are you dead?” Michelle asked nonchalantly.

Michelle kept up her trash talking but to Scarlett it sounded more and more faint as her world faded to black,

Scarlett was in big trouble now.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2019, 09:48:12 AM by Savant »


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1751 on: February 23, 2019, 12:10:52 AM »

Scarlett Johansson vs Michelle Trachtenburg

That's right, you do not want to anger Ms. T.   ;)


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1752 on: February 24, 2019, 06:44:19 AM »
Perfect writing! Pelas is gold no matter what happens!


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1753 on: February 25, 2019, 02:57:53 AM »
Charisma Carpenter vs Jaime Pressly


The passage of time may have diminished somewhat the once-youthful stamina of the now forty-something beauties, but it has done nothing to dim the intensity which both Charisma and Jaime bring to a catfight.  Even as both staved off utter exhaustion, their magnificent bikini-clad bodies dappled with beads of sweat, their chests heaving for breath as their lungs burned, they never relented for even a moment in their ferocity.

At the moment, the advantage was held by the blonde, who has snared her grunting adversary in a side headlock, Pressly's toned right arm tightening around Carpenter's neck.  To add to the brunette's woes, Jamie borrows a dirty trick from pro wrestling, grinding a knuckle from her left fist against Charisma's eye, drawing shrill wails from her victim.  In desperation, Carpenter's right hand reaches up between the thighs of her tormentor, her fingers clutching and squeezing at the blonde's womanhood, the thin fabric of her panties offering scant protection.  Now it's Pressly's turn to howl in anguish; she releases her headlock and pulls free of the clawhold.  Whirling around, fury blazing in her eyes, the blonde is ready to pounce...but she is met with a palm thrust to the chin that snaps her head backward sharply.

Eyes suddenly glazed, Jaime stumbled backward, and Charisma pressed her sudden upperhand, throwing a punch to her opponent's taut belly.  Pressly grunts from the blow, but snaps out of her stupor and returns a fist of her own, which sinks deep into the brunette's firm tummy.  This then becomes the contest, as the two beauties trade body punches, face slaps, and chest chops, their reserves of strength dwindling with every passing moment.  Jaime's 34B's and Charisma's 34C's bounced wildly in their cups with every hammer blow, their hair damp and tangled, their arms growing leaden.

Suddenly the brunette lunges for her adversary, wrapping her arms around Pressly's waist and in a spectacular show of strength, hoisting the yelping blonde up over her shoulder.  Charisma holds her there, giving a wry smile as she lands a few smacks to Jaime's rear end.  But then without warning, Carpenter throws herself backward, dropping Jaime down to the floor as she lands on top of the blonde, the impact of landing as well as the brunt of her opponent's weight knocking the stuffings out of Pressly.  She lay there on the penthouse floor, eyes fluttering shut as she slips into semi-consciousness.  Charisma stands up and places a foot upon her beaten foe's chest for her victory pose.


Offline Sandman13

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1754 on: February 25, 2019, 05:09:08 PM »
Love the Pressly/Carpenter match. Two of my all-time favorites in the world of imaginary catfights. Jaime had a few battles in her tv/film career and Charisma fought a few times in "Buffy" Excellent work as always, Jackflash. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into this.