Karen Gillan vs Aubrey Plaza
A desperate Karen grabbed Aubrey by her right wrist to hold her in place. The redhead then lifted one of her long legs and placed her foot just underneath Aubrey’s chin. Karen then fell back onto the mat. As she hit the canvas, her foot exploded under Aubrey’s chin, knocking the brunette flat onto her back.
Karen pumped her fist in triumph after hitting a perfect “eat defeat”. She had been on the defensive most of this match against Aubrey Plaza. The brunette had trapped her in one submission hold after another, reducing Karen to a sweat-soaked, exhausted mess. The punishment had also tired Aubrey though, and when her guard dropped, had opened the door for Gilan to hit the “eat defeat”.
Scrambling on top of the downed brunette, Karen grapevine her legs before plunging her breasts on top of Aubrey’s face. Karen’s young breasts may not have had much volume but pressed tightly enough – as they were now – they could still effectively snuff out the brunette’s breathing.
Aubrey started kicking and squirming violeneytlky trying to throw Karen off of her. The brunette was still trying to clear her head from the devastating “eat defeat’ and trying to figure out how the match had suddenly gotten away from her when the redhead thrust her sweaty, clammy chest on her face. Karen stayed plastered on Aubrey, knowing this was her best chance at victory. Try as she might, Aubrey could not dislodge the redhead. Her head started swimming and she started seeing spots as the oxygen deprivation was taking its toll.
“Just give up Aubrey…give up…: Karen whispered.
Aubrey stomped her feet and screamed in protest but it was muffled by Karen’s tits.
In desperation, Aubrey reached down with one hand and started feeling for Karen’s crotch, Sure enough she found the redhead’s panties and then slipped her hand down and grabbed Karen’s clit and started squeezing as hard she could.
A shocked Karen’s mouth gaped open in a silent scream. Immediately she lifted her breasts off Aubrey’s face and rolled off the brunette to get away from the crotch claw. Karen curled into a fetal position and massaged her crotch trying to relieve the devastating pain.
A relieved Aubrey sucked in some great big lungful’s of air before getting onto her knees and crawling towards Karen.
Aubrey grabbed Karen’s trapezius muscles from behind, jamming her fingers deep into the redhead’s shoulders. Karen was immediately paralyzed by the expertly-applied nerve hold and started writhing in pain.
The smiling brunette the started whispering in Karen’s ear: “Now, YOU give up Karen!”
Karen’s eyes closed and her fists clenched tightly into balls as she tried to ride out the pain. She rocked a little bit on her hips trying to create some separation from her tormenteress but the blinding pain mostly froze her in place.
After coming so close to defeat in the breast smother, Aubrey tool her time now that she had the advantage again, pressing her nerve hold tighter and tighter into Karen’s shoulder muscles. The hold was unlikely to force out a submission but achieved is primary goal of draining the fight out of the redhead. Karen started whimpering and sobbing quietly as Aubrey kept torturing her. After another minute or two of the submission hold, Aubrey released it with a flourish.
She rolled over the exhausted redhead onto her back before crawling on top of her and applyimng her own breast smother on Karen.
“Mmmppphhhh…mmmmppphhhh…mmmmppphhh….” Karen protested, stamping her feet.
“Ha! Turnabout is fair play Karen,” Aubrey taunted her.
Aubrey’s breasts weren’t much larger than Karen’s but she pressed them so tightly against the redhead’s nose and mouth that she immediately sent her rival into panic mode. Karen thrashed back and forth wildly trying to free herself but Aubrey rode her bucking bronco until fatigue inevitably set in.
Karen’s tummy rose up and down ever more slowly – along with Aubrey’s on top of her, as the last vestiges of oxygen were smothered out of her.
“Are you out yet, huh? Hey ref, check her!” Aubrey demanded.
The referee moved into position and lifted one of Karen’s arms which promptly crashed back onto the mat when he released it.
“HA!” Aubrey whooped.
Two subsequent checks by the ref had the same effect and he signaled for the bell to ring, officially ending the match.
“Get off her Aubrey. She’s done. Let her breathe.” the ref pleaded with the brunette.
Aubrey slowly peeled her tits, revealing Karen’s clammy, sweat soaked red face, her mouth gaping open trying to breathe.
Aubrey, still angry at how close she had come to being knocked out herself, couldn’t help herself and slowly fired a series of rights into the sleeping Karen’s jaw. Tomorrow the girl would wake up with a sore jaw and a blackened eye.
“Something to remember me by, loser,” Aubrey exclaimed before leaving her sleeping rival drooling on the mat.