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Finish Her!

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1785 on: April 19, 2019, 11:57:39 PM »
Your creative muse has been on fire lately, my friend.  :)

Dakota Blue Richards VS Christina Hendricks


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1786 on: April 21, 2019, 07:40:05 AM »
Wow that sucks Nicole. I hope you are doing better now.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1787 on: April 21, 2019, 03:48:47 PM »
If anyone's interested. Let me know your thoughts.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1788 on: April 21, 2019, 08:27:10 PM »
Welcome back Nicole!   ;D



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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1789 on: April 21, 2019, 09:44:30 PM »
That last match was amazing but I'm confused by Arianns sudden wins when she has lost every single match before she's a cream puff how did she suddenly go from losing every match to winning


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1790 on: April 21, 2019, 11:05:52 PM »
I really enjoyed Arianas surprising win against my girl Ariel.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1791 on: April 22, 2019, 07:46:38 AM »
Another quickie. I had fun with this one!


Ana Cheri vs. Kate Upton

The grin on Ana Cheri's face was so long, it needed to be measured in miles.

What had began as a friendly spar between two women had turned into something much more. Her and Kate Upton had ran into each other on the beach, a chance encounter, and it didn't take long for the two of them to hit it off, and eventually decide to see what the other woman could do. There was some light back and forth at first, but it didn't take long before Ana realized something: Kate wasn't taking her seriously. Even for a spar, it felt like Kate was just toying with her, like she wasn't taking the brunette seriously. Even after Ana decided to pick up the pace and come at the blonde harder, it still felt like Kate didn't see her as any kind of serious competition.

So Ana decided to get serious.

She came at Kate hard, and fast, forcing the blonde to meet her pace. The more popular of the two models had no choice but to step it up, giving back to Ana just as much as Ana was giving to her. Any pretenses of this being either friendly or just a spar were soon thrown out the window, and by the time the crowd had gathered around them, watching and cheering the two beauties on? It had became personal.

Naturally, there had been hair-pulling, and plenty of rolling around in the sand, and more than enough of each woman trying to knock out the other, either through strikes or through the liberal use of each women's impressive and ample assets. In fact, at one point, Kate had almost caught Ana between her famous breasts, thinking she could humiliate the other woman by smothering her out. Ana was clever though. She had seen enough of Kate's fighting to know her style and her preferences in how she liked to finish her opponents. She had figured Kate's pride would take control of her as the crowd gathered around, and she knew that the blonde would try to end things with a quick smother or an attempt at crushing Ana's own tits beneath her own.

It was a mix of her own knowledge and her own sweat-slick, suntan oil-soaked body that let Ana slip away as Kate tried to capture the brunette within her deadly and dangerous bosom. The sheer surprise of Ana's escape left Kate in shock for a moment, and in that moment of surprise Ana struck. She had been able to quickly maneuver around, and throw her legs around Kate's body. Her well-toned and athletic thighs wrapped around Kate's midsection, trapping the buxom blonde within a tight, crushing body scissors, the brunette steadily ramping up the pressure on Kate's waist.

And that's how Ana found herself grinning a miles-long grin, laying in the sand with her opponent. Kate struggled at first, and to her credit she managed to hold out for a while, grasping at Ana's legs, trying to pry the scissors apart. It was all to no avail though. Ana had her right and properly trapped, and eventually, she had no choice but to give in.

Her submission came as a wail, a cry passing through her lips and into the tropical air as a blush crossed over her cheeks, staining them red. At this point, the crowd was cheering for Ana, impressed by her win over the more famous and more experienced Upton, and when the brunette finally decided to show mercy and release Kate, rising to her feet to stand in victory over the blonde, they showered her with a loud round of applause.

Before she left the scene, however, Ana turned to look at Kate, grinning at the blonde as she laid there in humiliation. "Don't underestimate me again, Katie," she teased, taking a moment to flash her a teasing wink. "I'd hate to have to embarrass you like this a second time!"

And with that, Ana headed off, her head held high and her chest puffed out in pride at her accomplishment.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1792 on: April 23, 2019, 05:03:20 AM »
A bad day for some hot Australians

Emily Ratajkowski (29 - 5’7” 123lbs) vs Miranda Kerr (35 - 5’9” 117lbs)

Miranda was shell shocked as she laid on her back, staring up blankly with glassy eyes. Emily had controlled the fight from the beginning and now stood over the once proud Aussie model, who was nearly motionless after the beating the American put on her. Emily did not like Kerr and was looking to make sure this victory was memorable for her and the stuck up Aussie.

Ratajkowski sat down on Miranda’s chest, pinning the beaten girl’s arms at her side and began playfully slapping Kerr until she woke up from her stupor. As soon as her prey began to stir, Emily dropped her perfect breasts down on Miranda’s face, smothering the helpless Aussie, as she began kicking her legs wildly. The American smiled as she felt Miranda squirming underneath her, grabbing the model’s hair she pulled the struggling Kerr’s face deeper into her cleavage until Miranda could take no more and went limp. Emily, satisfied with her work, sat up and flexed her arms and then pushed herself off of Miranda and strutted away.

Nina Dobrev (29 - 5’6” 124lbs) vs Teresa Palmer (32 - 5’4” 128lbs)


Nina and Teresa had both fought hard, both were showing signs of a tough fight but Nina had began taking control over her shorter blonde rival. Now, Nina had the beautiful Aussie trapped in a painful body scissors as she violently tugged away at blonde hair. Teresa, screaming and moaning from the pain did everything she could to break free but Nina’s perfectly tone, tanned legs were unrelenting.

Nina, sensing victory was near, changed tactics, she released Teresa’s hair and wrapped her arms tightly around Palmer’s neck. The dual hold quickly took its toll as the Auissie’s movements slowed and tears began to run down her cheeks but Nina wanted to savor this much needed win. The American released the holds just before Palmer passed out, rolled her on her back and sat down on her chest, in a schoolgirl pin. Her knees on each side of Teresa’s head, she looked down at her beaten rival crying in defeat. Nina raised her arms in victory before using her hands  to seal Palmer’s nose and mouth shut. Teresa’s eyes bulged and her limbs flailed briefly but there was nothing she could do and she quickly succumbed to the lack of air and passed out.

Margot Robbie (28 - 5’6” 136lbs) vs Shay Mitchell (31 - 5’8” 134lbs)

Margot new she had to do one thing to give herself a good chance at winning against Shay, avoid her perfect legs. The American’s stems were deadly weapons and she did not want get trapped between them. Her plan was sound but she underestimated Shay’s ability to strike and she was not ready for the length and speed of Mitchell, who rocked Margot early and often.

Margot tough and proud, continued to exchange blows with her taller rival but time after time, she was on the worse end. Her gorgeous face had been turned into a bloody beaten mess by Shay and Margot’s legs began to give after Shay rocked her, yet again. Mitchell, sees her chance to put an end to the tough Aussie, presses in on her rival and lands a series of hard body shots, each one drawing a painful moan from the blonde. Robbie quickly covers her body to protect from further damage when Mitchell throws an uppercut that connects square on Margot’s chin and turned her lights out. The beautiful actress’s body instantly went slack as she plummeted to the ground in a pitiful heap of defeat. Shay, not one to miss an opportunity, grabbed Margot by the hair and pulled the slumbering Aussie to a sitting position, holding her there in a victory pose as people took pictures.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1793 on: April 23, 2019, 02:18:18 PM »
Selena Gomez ( 26 - 5'5, 121 lbs) vs Emma Watson (29 - 5'5, 119 lbs)

The cries of the crowd nearly drowned out the cries of effort and pain from the woman battling in the middle of the ring. After weeks of bitter trash talk, Emma Watson and Selena Gomez finally decided to settle their differences in the arena in a submission hold match. And much to the crowds delight, what had followed was a vicious back and forth battle between the women, as each struggled for dominance. This was not their first fight, and their animosity was self evident throughout with each hold and blow stuck, eventually leaving them both nearly nude and drenched in sweat. Even the well regarded face like Emma started to fight dirty as the fight progressed, though Selena fought dirty from the start, with numerous claws and low blows. However it became clear it was for naught, as Emma's superior endurance. experience and skills slowly yet surely gained the advantage and finally Emma succeeded in trapping her rival in STF hold!

Trapping Selena's left leg between her own, Emma pulled at Selena's chin with both hands painfully as Selena helplessly grasped at the air, hoping to reach the ropes. Emma chuckled and smirked at the Latina's struggle as she leaned over and taunted to Selena.

"So Selena, it been fun.... but I think its best you give up now. Don't you agree?"

"No..."grunted Selena through gritted teeth. "I wont give up to a second rate whore like you!" At which Selena made an additional effort to grasp at the ropes her fingers just a few inches away from the rope but it was to no avail as Emma wrapped her left arm around Selena's chin and held her. In retaliation with her right hand, Emma grasped at Selena's left breast and start to claw at it, causing Selena's efforts to become even more frantic as she cried in pain and to her horror... arousal. Emma took particular glee at this, as her face was still red from Selena's earlier breast smother that nearly ended her. A few seconds passed before she finally leaned over to Selena saying.

"Now now there, must we prolong this game? Look over there! Your friend Cara is so worried for you! Wont you do it for her sake?" Selena and Emma both looked over to the crowd where Cara Delevingne, who had also been talking shit, stared back at Emma with murderous anger in her eyes, at which Emma smirked and winked before grasping at Selena's breast again saying.

"So darling...." Emma pulled back even harder, "do you give up?"

"No... no.... I wont submit." pathetically cried Selena as she frantically attempted to break free again. Emma chuckled in response and applied more pressure into the move, hoping to finally break Selena. To her credit Selena held out for longer than any would expected, lasting two more minutes of futile flailing, before the pain and arousal was too much for her to bear before finally bursting out in desperation.

"Yes! Yes! Emma! Please let me go!" Emma chuckled in triumph but didnt relent saying.

"And who's the better woman darling?"

"You are Emma! You're the better woman! Please let me go!!!" At which Emma gave another painful grasp at Selena's breast before laughing again and letting Selena go, leaving her mewling on the floor. Emma stood up to the cheering crowd as she put her foot on Selena's ass and did a victory pose, flexing her arms for the cameras. Enjoying the cheers for a few moments, Emma eyed Cara in the crowd again and with hand pistol, took a shot at her with a chuckle, as Cara left angrily in response. Emma beamed and laughed at her departure at which she continued to pose on Selena moaning body for all the world to see.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1794 on: April 23, 2019, 11:36:04 PM »
Here's another one for all of you. Enjoy. :)


Esther Baxter vs. Christina Hendricks

"P...please...n-no more..."

Christina laid on the floor, panting softly, the pale skin of her naked body covered with goosebumps as Esther Baxter's own voluptuous form laid atop her. The somewhat smaller woman was smirking, staring down at the redhead as she steadily and rhythmically ground her chest against Christina's own. She had Christina pinned to the floor by her wrists, holding her down as she slowly tortured her breasts, her large and heavy tits steadily wearing down those of the older woman.

"Just say what I want to hear, bitch, and this'll be over," came Esther's response to Christina's pleading, refusing to relent even a small amount as the two of them lay there against each other. The crowd watching them was silent, dead silent, wondering how long it would take for Christina to break, but Esther knew. She knew that the redhead wouldn't last much longer. There was no way she could. The two of them had been fighting for a while now, and to Christina's credit she had held her ground well against Esther. She had managed to go toe-to-toe with her, keeping pace with the younger woman, matching her blow-for-blow, but...she couldn't keep up that kind of tempo forever. The longer the fight had gone on, the more it had favored Esther, and once Christina began to tire, the darker-skinned woman knew she had the redhead beat.

By the time their clothes had been ripped off, leaving the two curvaceous beauties in the buff, Esther knew she had won. It didn't take long to ground Christina after that, getting her onto her back and pinning her down against the ground. From that moment on, it became a battle of wills, a battle to see if Christina could hold out against Esther's breast-based assault or if Esther would get tired of Christina's refusal to give in to her.

At first, Esther had stuck to simple slamming. She had thrust her chest into Christina's own, ramming their tits together again and again, but Christina had held out, refusing to yield. Esther wasn't too bothered by this, however. She hadn't expected Christina to submit just yet, and so she was simply trying to soften the woman up, trying to wear down her beautiful breasts. It wasn't until she had began to press down on the redhead, letting their sweat-slick tits rub and grind together in a rhythmic, unrelenting assault that Christina had finally started to break. The older woman had tried to wiggle free. She had tried to buck her body, to throw Esther off of herself. She had tried to roll over and reverse their position. She had tried everything she could think of, but it had all been to no avail. The might of Esther's heavy tits pushing down on her own had gotten to the redhead, and with every minute that snuck by, it was becoming harder and harder to resist the urge to surrender. As much as she hated to admit it, Esther's breasts were better than her own, stronger and tougher, able to outlast her own pair and prove themselves to be the better.

With a deep feeling of humiliation growing inside, Christina closed her eyes, and finally choked out the words that she was trying ever-so-hard not to say: "I...I submit! J-just stop it! Ahh!"

"Not good enough, Christina!" Bellowed Esther in return, shaking her head at the older woman. "I want to hear you say it it all!"

"F-fine! Your tits are better! YOUR TITS ARE BETTER! J-just get the hell off of me!!"

That was enough for Esther. As soon as she heard what she wanted to hear, she let go of Christina's wrists. She slowly rose up off of the redhead, their sweaty skin practically peeling apart as she got off of the taller woman, and stood victoriously over her. She even lifted one foot up, planting it in the center of Christina's breasts, wanting both her and the audience to know which of the two of them was the dominant woman.

And Christina, poor Christina...all she could do was lie there, her breath ragged and her heart heavy, her eyes closed and a deep blush on her face as she waited for Esther to leave her, wanting nothing more than to escape from the crowd's sight to try and deal with her loss.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1795 on: April 24, 2019, 07:16:21 AM »
Kate Upton VS Hitomi Tanaka

You are a fantastic writer, if I may say so, and this is a great post. It's always fun seeing Kate beaten and humbled by another woman, and you put a great spin on it. <3


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1796 on: April 25, 2019, 04:48:31 PM »
So good to see you back, Nicole S.! And I enjoyed the ending of the Lindsey/Scarlett story. Scarlett does make a good villainess.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1797 on: April 26, 2019, 04:32:04 AM »
Emma Watson (29 - 5'5, 119 lbs) vs Cara Delevingne (26 - 5'8 113 lbs)


Cara certainly enjoyed the last week leading up the fight with Emma Watson. After her friend Selena's humiliating defeat at the hands of Emma, Cara had been eager to teach that overrated witch a lesson. And she certainly enjoyed challenging Emma to a humiliation/submission only match, enjoying the thought of making Emma tap out of humiliation rather than pain. Cara enjoyed the days leading up it, the trash talking and the speculations.

She enjoyed entering the arena with her sexy Puma outfit, eating in the roaring crowd, even as Emma in her pink attire entered the arena as well to equally loud cheers. She enjoyed the match as well, she enjoyed tearing Emma's ugly outfit off, putting her in a stacked camel clutch, a British legspread, a headscssors, and abdominal stretch. She enjoyed taunting Emma as she spanked her ass red, she enjoyed clawing at her womanhood before playing with it, causing Emma to shiver in response and blush with humiliation. What she didn't enjoy however, was Emma tearing off her clothes, putting her in a stretch muffler, a figure 4 leglock, a baby swing bow and arrow, and an armbar. She didn't enjoy the stinkface Emma gave her in the turnbuckle, and her didn't enjoy the throbbing pain of her own red ass that Emma retaliated with.

And she most certainly wasn't enjoying being locked in a matchbook submission hold, her exposed womanhood out to display to the whole crowd. Cara, her body covered in sweat, moaned and her face was bright red with humiliation as she attempted to break free. However Emma had locked her in tight, Cara's legs forced upside down to the floor underneath Emma's legs, with her hands trapped by Emma's feet. Even with Cara's supermodel flexibility, the pain and pressure on her crotch was nearly unbearable as Emma occasionally pulled down at Cara's legs with her hands. Yet after some time, Emma was content to lean back on her arms, brushing her hair with confidence as she let time do its work, while posing for the crowd in her nude form. After a minute of futile resistance from Cara, Emma leaned over and said.

"Well well Cara, I must give you credit. You were just as much fun as Selena!" Emma burst out in laughter at this saying through giggles. "Who am I kidding, both you and Selena are jobbers compared to me! I bet I could take you both on and still win!"

"Fuck you you cocky bitch!" retorted Cara angrily as she attempted to break free again, yet Emma pulled at her legs again, causing another outcry of pain from Cara before Emma loosened the hold saying.

"Now now Cara, manners..." at which Emma started to tiptoe slowly to Cara's womanhood with her fingers. "Why dont you just admit defeat? Before" Emma tip toed her fingers closer. "I" tip toe, "humiliate" tip toe, "you even more tonight!" The idea of being forced to cum in public filled Cara with fear, yet she remained defiant.

"Never Emma! The only one" Cara retorted and continued her struggles anew, "who going to give tonight is you!" Emma contemptuously held off Cara's struggles before giggling, saying.

"Fine by me! As you said earlier..." At which Emma started to massage Cara's womanhood and clit, "the crowd demands a show!" Cara defiance melted slightly in response to Emma's soft hands touching her womanhood, sending shivers of ecstasy throughout her body. Her cheeks burned in pleasure and humiliation at her own words being used against her when she was doing the same to Emma. Yet that aroused her defiance, if Emma could outlast her hands, then she could outlast hers! Biting her lip, Cara retorted.

"Bring it on bitch, I'll break free soon!" At which Emma responded, "with pleasure" and continued to play with Cara's clit, licking her finger a bit before massaging them even more. Cara did what she could to resist and to her credit, she lasted for quite a while. However it soon was becoming unbearable until Emma leaned over her, letting  Cara get a glimpse of her tits, as Emma brought her face to Cara's crotch and started to lick. Cara gasped out in pleasure in response, despite her resistance, it was too unbearable, and desperate to avoid humiliation, Cara cried.

"Enough! I give, you won! Please please please, stop!!! pleaase stop!!" Emma laughed in response and simply replied.

"The crowd demands a show darling!" and Emma dug her face into Cara's womanhood again. Cara gasped no, and desperately tried to resist, but it was hopeless she felt her heart beating faster and faster until finally she screamed.

"Nooooo!!!!" As Emma quickly lifted her face off Cara's womanhood, letting the gates open and drench Cara with her own fluid. Emma laughed in response at Cara's humiliating ecstasy, and contemptuously pulled herself off Cara, leaning over and saying.

"Looks like we now know who the better woman is, isnt that right dear!" as the ref came by and raised her hand in victory. After which she put her foot on Cara's heaving breasts and did a victory pose for the crowd. After a few seconds of this, Emma raised her hands to the crowd saying.

"Now who wants to see me beat both these jobbers at the same time! Make me some noise!"
« Last Edit: April 26, 2019, 04:32:44 AM by AKMaster »


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1798 on: April 26, 2019, 06:31:09 AM »

Jena Malone vs Aubrey Plaza: Endgame

This was it. The moment that Jena had been waiting years for. She lifted up the prone Aubrey by the straps of her one-piece swimsuit and then pulled back her arm, getting ready to fire some fight-winning punches into the chin of her hated brunette rival. Aubrey hung limp, already punch-drunk and helpless….

Jena’s mind drifted back to all the fights the two women had engaged in over the years. It had started back when they were both in college and had not yet broken out as starlets in Hollywood. Although their fights were always closely-contested, Aubrey had the mental edge in the first few years and usually pulled out a victory. This trend had peaked in ne particularly vicious donnybrook, which Aubrey had won with an extended facesit. Jena had gone into complete panic mode as Aubrey stayed planted on her face until the blonde’s reserves of oxygen had been completely depleted. Aubrey just casually examined her fingernails as Jean’s wild bucking had died down and the blonde drifted perilously close to the point of no return. Finally some ringside observers had intervened and pulled off the brunette from her arch enemy.

Although that kind of defeat might easily mentally break a girl for good, it had the opposite effect on Jena. She trained relentlessly to improve her fighting skills and get in the best shape possible. A complacent, arrogant Aubrey failed to keep pace and stated paying the price for that in their subsequent fights. Jena was a little quicker, a little more skilled and determined to beat up Aubrey.

Jena’s kicking skills improved in particular and she used her long legs to tag Aubrey over and over with kicks to the gut, to the ribs, to the thighs and…once she was sufficiently slowed down…kicks to the brunette’s face.

Once Aubrey was sufficiently woozy, Jena started punching the lights out of the brunette, firing lusty rights, lefts, jabs and uppercuts until she had broken Plaza’s nose and watered her eyes. Once she had chopped Aubrey down onto her back, Jena straddled her, which is where we came in. Jena lingered for another few seconds, enjoying the moment, before a vicious right cross into Aubrey’s jaw, breaking it.

“ohhhhh….” Aubrey sighed, as Jena pumped her fist and shouted out “YES!” in triumph.

Aubrey spilled back onto the floor, flat on her back, her arms sprawled over her head.

Jena was far from finished though. Still straddling Aubrey, she turned around so that she was facing the brunette’s feet. She then wrapped up Aubrey’s neck in a reverse figure four headscissors. The effect of the hold was to clamp python-like pressure around the brunette’s neck, while pushing her face right up to the edge of the blonde’s pert backside.

“unghhhh….unghhhh…” Aubrey groaned. The pressure was so intense it brought her right up to the edge of passing out. Jena would look over her shoulder periodically to enjoy the sights of the brunette’s struggles. The rest of the time, she just looked straight-ahead, smiling and content. She would rock side to side every now and then to put some further pressure on Plaza.

Once she had thoroughly rung out the brunette, Jena escalated things to the next logical step by transitioning from the reverse figure four to a simple facesit. She pressed her full weight onto Aubrey’s face, wiggling her ass onto the brunette’s broken nose.

“There. How do you like it, huh Aubrey?” said Jena, triumphantly, referring to the long facesit she had been subjected to by her brunette archrival. “Not so fun when you can’t breathe, huh? Not so fun when your whole world goes black and there’s nothing you can do about it. Are you enjoying having my ass in your face, Aubrey? Are you sorry you took this match? I bet you are!”

Aubrey could only moan in reply. Her remaining strength was completely snuffed out of her. Her long legs went limp, her eyes closed. Jena had completely destroyed her longtime enemy. The only question now was how long that Jena would continue sitting on her face. It was all up to the blonde now.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2019, 07:32:41 AM by Savant »


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1799 on: April 27, 2019, 02:33:26 AM »
So I wrote this matchup a bit ago but since it got lost when my account was deleted, I decided to rewrite it, albeit as a smaller story for this thread. Enjoy and keep up the fantastic work, my peeps!
Kate Upton VS Hitomi Tanaka
If you were interested, I actually saved your original story of Kate vs Hitomi. I found it to be great inspiration for my Tit-Fight Sim.
My Trillian is inactive again, but if you're interested in setting something up with me, I can set up a private, open-edit Google Doc.