Emma Watson (29 - 5'5, 119 lbs) vs Cara Delevingne (26 - 5'8 113 lbs)

Cara certainly enjoyed the last week leading up the fight with Emma Watson. After her friend Selena's humiliating defeat at the hands of Emma, Cara had been eager to teach that overrated witch a lesson. And she certainly enjoyed challenging Emma to a humiliation/submission only match, enjoying the thought of making Emma tap out of humiliation rather than pain. Cara enjoyed the days leading up it, the trash talking and the speculations.
She enjoyed entering the arena with her sexy Puma outfit, eating in the roaring crowd, even as Emma in her pink attire entered the arena as well to equally loud cheers. She enjoyed the match as well, she enjoyed tearing Emma's ugly outfit off, putting her in a stacked camel clutch, a British legspread, a headscssors, and abdominal stretch. She enjoyed taunting Emma as she spanked her ass red, she enjoyed clawing at her womanhood before playing with it, causing Emma to shiver in response and blush with humiliation. What she didn't enjoy however, was Emma tearing off her clothes, putting her in a stretch muffler, a figure 4 leglock, a baby swing bow and arrow, and an armbar. She didn't enjoy the stinkface Emma gave her in the turnbuckle, and her didn't enjoy the throbbing pain of her own red ass that Emma retaliated with.
And she most certainly wasn't enjoying being locked in a matchbook submission hold, her exposed womanhood out to display to the whole crowd. Cara, her body covered in sweat, moaned and her face was bright red with humiliation as she attempted to break free. However Emma had locked her in tight, Cara's legs forced upside down to the floor underneath Emma's legs, with her hands trapped by Emma's feet. Even with Cara's supermodel flexibility, the pain and pressure on her crotch was nearly unbearable as Emma occasionally pulled down at Cara's legs with her hands. Yet after some time, Emma was content to lean back on her arms, brushing her hair with confidence as she let time do its work, while posing for the crowd in her nude form. After a minute of futile resistance from Cara, Emma leaned over and said.
"Well well Cara, I must give you credit. You were just as much fun as Selena!" Emma burst out in laughter at this saying through giggles. "Who am I kidding, both you and Selena are jobbers compared to me! I bet I could take you both on and still win!"
"Fuck you you cocky bitch!" retorted Cara angrily as she attempted to break free again, yet Emma pulled at her legs again, causing another outcry of pain from Cara before Emma loosened the hold saying.
"Now now Cara, manners..." at which Emma started to tiptoe slowly to Cara's womanhood with her fingers. "Why dont you just admit defeat? Before" Emma tip toed her fingers closer. "I" tip toe, "humiliate" tip toe, "you even more tonight!" The idea of being forced to cum in public filled Cara with fear, yet she remained defiant.
"Never Emma! The only one" Cara retorted and continued her struggles anew, "who going to give tonight is you!" Emma contemptuously held off Cara's struggles before giggling, saying.
"Fine by me! As you said earlier..." At which Emma started to massage Cara's womanhood and clit, "the crowd demands a show!" Cara defiance melted slightly in response to Emma's soft hands touching her womanhood, sending shivers of ecstasy throughout her body. Her cheeks burned in pleasure and humiliation at her own words being used against her when she was doing the same to Emma. Yet that aroused her defiance, if Emma could outlast her hands, then she could outlast hers! Biting her lip, Cara retorted.
"Bring it on bitch, I'll break free soon!" At which Emma responded, "with pleasure" and continued to play with Cara's clit, licking her finger a bit before massaging them even more. Cara did what she could to resist and to her credit, she lasted for quite a while. However it soon was becoming unbearable until Emma leaned over her, letting Cara get a glimpse of her tits, as Emma brought her face to Cara's crotch and started to lick. Cara gasped out in pleasure in response, despite her resistance, it was too unbearable, and desperate to avoid humiliation, Cara cried.
"Enough! I give, you won! Please please please, stop!!! pleaase stop!!" Emma laughed in response and simply replied.
"The crowd demands a show darling!" and Emma dug her face into Cara's womanhood again. Cara gasped no, and desperately tried to resist, but it was hopeless she felt her heart beating faster and faster until finally she screamed.
"Nooooo!!!!" As Emma quickly lifted her face off Cara's womanhood, letting the gates open and drench Cara with her own fluid. Emma laughed in response at Cara's humiliating ecstasy, and contemptuously pulled herself off Cara, leaning over and saying.
"Looks like we now know who the better woman is, isnt that right dear!" as the ref came by and raised her hand in victory. After which she put her foot on Cara's heaving breasts and did a victory pose for the crowd. After a few seconds of this, Emma raised her hands to the crowd saying.
"Now who wants to see me beat both these jobbers at the same time! Make me some noise!"