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Finish Her!

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1815 on: June 24, 2019, 01:47:00 AM »
Thank you!


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1816 on: June 24, 2019, 06:06:41 AM »

Thank you, sir. I read the Sophie/Jenna stories on the FCBA and that's what inspired me! There's so many good matchups on there that need more representation. I'm glad you enjoyed and I look forward to sharing more. :)

That is awesome - if our board played any part in inspiring you to write or even just that one bout, then that is well worth it.   There are so many spectacular matchups and stories that need to be told, such as the aforementioned bouts or your recent Sofia/Selena bout, which was a whole lot of fun.   Glad to see you get the Spanish dialogue in there to make it a little more authentic and exciting!   Hope to see more of your awesome work in the future and of course, if you ever want to write any for the FCBA, just send me an e-mail and I'd be happy to work that out with you.   Keep up the great, great work and keep sharing these creative bouts!! 


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1817 on: June 25, 2019, 01:44:18 AM »
Well now, this is just all kinds of magnificent.   ;D


Michelle Trachtenberg VS Jennifer Lawrence


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1818 on: June 26, 2019, 03:14:45 PM »
So that is my debut story! I hope you all like it and I'll definitely make more soon. Obviously I'm inspired by the work of some authors here and on other catfight story boards (Jackflash, Nicole S, Ginny, The Walking Dude are a few that come to mind, but there's bound to be more I'm missing off the top of my head). It saddens me that Nicole S is gone as I loved reading her stories - she used a lot of girls that we just don't see enough love for here - but hopefully one day she comes back or at the very least is doing well! I love writing shorts little write-ups so this topic is super interesting to me, so expect more stuff from me soon. Anyway, less talking, more writing, so catch you all on the flip side!

Nice work!! We def need more Sophia on here. Loved it.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1819 on: June 28, 2019, 01:01:19 AM »
Max VS Penny: Shower Showdown!


Max grunted as she hit the wall of the shower cubical, shaking the entire enclosure as Penny pressed her back against the cold ceramic tiles. Max let out a moan as the frigid texture attached itself to her skin, sending a shiver up her spine that made it easier for the blonde to wrest control of the match. Before this turn, it had seemed as if the two voluptuous waitresses were simply too evenly matched for a true one-sided contest to occur. Both embattled beauties had grown nervous that the battle would end without a victor, if not for a sporadic hook to the blonde's chin that gave Max the brief reprieve that she needed to ultimately put a pin in this grueling battle. Penny stumbled back like she were involved in a skit, smacking her back against the floor as the flooding shower  floor betrayed her motor functions.

Penny sluggishly attempted to climb back up to her feet, but a sudden kick to the stomach courtesy of Max was all that was needed to take advantage of the blonde's uneven weight distribution. The Californian fell to the ground with a splash of water. Penny's face was blasted by the shower, further disorienting her as she watched Max's hazy silhouette come to loom over her, the only real distinguishable features being the vixen's huge glossy globes. Moving with a speed that caused her unrestrained mountains to bounce quite heavily, Max climbed atop her opponent and pinned her wrists to the floor. As she grapevined the blonde's legs to prevent her from breaking free, the New Yorker then did what she did best: lowering her magnificent breasts, she engulfed the face of her helpless opponent in an airtight smother!

"Come on, sugar tits, give up! You know my girls are too much for you!" Max demanded as she laid on the smother, trapping the blonde beneath her shiny whoppers as the sheer weight of them kept Penny's head to the tiles. "Not even in a billion years--MMMMMPPPPPHHHHH!!" Penny grunted loudly in response, the end of her sentence lost to the prolific bosom of her most hated adversary.

The possibility of being once again snuffed out by Max's rack filled her with dread... but she refused to give in even as her face began to turn a shade of purple. Briefly, Max lifted her 34DDs and held them mere inches over Penny's water-soaked face. At least, that's what Max thought. In truth, it was sweat-soaked, with a tiny side of tears that stained her cheeks. Max leaned down after taking in her opponent's strained features, once again dropping her wrecking balls over the hapless blonde's face before Penny could gulp down too much air back into her lungs. Penny hated nothing more than losing to a breast smother, and the full-figured New Yorker damn well knew it.

Max's smirk grew as Penny came closer to succumbing to the brunette's smother - from the former's view, she could see only the blonde's snapped-shut eyelids, the rest of her reddened face obscured by the brunette's massive twins. Penny's squirming grew weaker, until at last she was barely moving save for a few spastic twitches. At risk of losing consciousness, Penny soon offered her submission, smacking Max's thighs until the brunette at last took pity on her. Max slowly stood up on wobbly legs, leaving the blonde sprawled out beneath the still-running water, deflated in both spirit and body by the east coast champion. Max planted a foot upon her conquest's heaving bosom, another victory for the Brooklyn brawler.

"Time sure does fly doesn't it?" she whispered to her foe as she stepped out of the shower, taking with her Penny's bra as she left the communal, her huge breasts swaying with each step as she earned the attention of every woman she passed.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2019, 03:08:29 AM by NicoleS »
Don't ask to fight me. I'm just a write-y.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1820 on: June 28, 2019, 06:30:28 PM »
As far as I'm concerned, Max and Penny make for an endless array of fantastic confrontations...particularly when Nicole unleashes her muse on them.  ;)


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1821 on: June 28, 2019, 06:41:51 PM »
As far as I'm concerned, Max and Penny make for an endless array of fantastic confrontations...particularly when Nicole unleashes her muse on them.  ;)

Not too much confrontations, as Penny has proud tits so getting outsmothered repeatedly will make her mental spirit break, at one point she has to accept Max as the better women.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1822 on: June 28, 2019, 09:47:05 PM »
I guess I'm gonna have to write a pro-Penny sequel now. I'm on it!
Don't ask to fight me. I'm just a write-y.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1823 on: June 29, 2019, 04:56:35 AM »
Scarlett Johansson VS Michelle Trachtenberg

"Unnngggghhhh!" Scarlett hissed through gritted teeth as she leaned her head back in agony, as the willowy brunette gave her another pulse of her powerful thighs. Scarlett gulped as she noticed the sadistic glint in Michelle’s eyes, as the determined brunette crushes her midsection with the squeeze of an cobra. Michelle sneered as she felt the pathetic attempts by Scarlett to pry her legs apart, and took the time to gloat:

“You can give in whenever you’re ready, Scar, but you're not going anywhere till you do,” she stated as she flexed her legs harder, eliciting another loud groan from her buxom opponent. Every minuscule shadow of Michelle’s leg muscles were apparent against the silken tights she wore as the brunette continued to flex and release, flex and release.

“N-Never!” Scarlett grunted in response as she gave up on pulling apart Michelle’s unyielding gams. At the beginning of the fight, she only laughed when Michelle employed her overused body scissors tactic, figuring it was way too early in the match for the brunette’s legs to do any lasting damage. She ate her words soon enough, as the first flex of Michelle’s legendary thighs made her feel like she were the last stubborn drops left in a toothpaste tube. She had unfortunately underestimated the power of her opponent’s legs, believing that such a cute, lanky girl like Michelle couldn’t possible have any lower body strength. Alas, it felt like Michelle was going to slice her in half with each agonizing pulse.

Knowing the lithe beauty’s crushing thighs were just too strong to separate, the desperate blonde positioned her palms by her sides and pushed upwards against the mat as hard as she could. Scarlett squeezed her eyes shut as she pushed hard. Michelle gasped as she clamped her ballet-trained legs down tighter, but Scarlett managed to power through the increased resistance. As Johansson’s body arched further up, Michelle soon found herself unable to maintain her scissors as Scarlett finally broke free from the brunette’s vice-like grip. Michelle slowly rose to her feet to employ another tactic, but Scarlett had already beaten her to it; seeking to end the fight before she got trapped like that again. Scarlett grabbed the Buffy alumni by a fistful of her hair, causing Michelle to let out a shrill shriek. She pawed at Scarlett’s cruel grip on her luscious brunette locks as the younger woman yanked Michelle harshly to her feet, until the two are standing mere inches from one another.

“Lemme GO right NOW!” Michelle growled as her hands flailed, but Scarlett just sneered egotistically as she released Michelle’s hair just in time to shove the blue-eyed brunette into the wall. Michelle hit the wall with a thud as her ass slumped against it. Michelle bit her tongue, refusing to give Scarlett the satisfaction of hearing another yelp escape her lips. Scarlett approached her but Trachtenberg was hardly finished fighting back, proving so when she responded to Scarlett’s advancement with a swift kick into the blonde’s midsection, sending the blonde stumbling backwards as she clutched her stomach. Scarlett tried to punch Trachtenberg in retaliation but the latter easily sidestepped the attack, before returning another kick to the blonde’s right leg.

As Scarlett knelt down in response to the blow, Michelle grabbed Scarlett and, with the grunt of a madwoman, hoisted the ample blonde into the air. Scarlett had no time to be impressed by Michelle’s display of adrenaline, as Michelle immediately smashed her back down over her extended knee. Scarlett groaned loudly as she clutched her near-broken ribs, rolling over on the mat as Michelle struck a pose to the audience. After watching Scarlett whimper in pain for a solid half minute, Michelle dropped to her knees in preparation for another grueling scissors. However, before she could clamp her legs under Scarlett’s waist, the blonde spun around to greet Trachtenberg with an uppercut to her chin. Michelle flew backwards onto her ass with a loud thud. Scarlett scrambled to her feet, quickly forcing Michelle onto her back, before straddling the squirming girl in a devastating camel clutch. As she pulled tight beneath Michelle's chin, a loud groan escaped from Michelle’s lips.

“Ready to submit, doll?” Scarlett asked as she pulled up on Michelle’s chin, while Trachtenberg hammered the floor with her fists as she strained to buck Johansson from her dominant position.

“Don’t… call… me… doll!” Michelle roared as she struggled mightily. She managed to roll onto her side, sending Scarlett falling off her and onto the mat as both girls lay beside one another. Scarlett tried to crawl away to reclaim her bearings, which Trachtenberg would not allow it. The brunette shot over to Scarlett, jumping onto the blonde and listening to a loud ooof! escape the buxom actress as she forced Scarlett onto her back. Pinning the blonde’s wrists behind her head with one hand, Michelle sat on top of Scarlett as she let her free hand wander over towards Scarlett’s heaving, bra-clad breasts.

“"W-What are you doing?” Scarlett demanded to know as she fidgeted beneath the lanky girl. Michelle smiled deviously as her hand clasped Scarlett’s bra strap. With a mighty pull, it snapped it in half as the audience cheered, watching as one of Scarlett’s infamous breasts was released for the world to see. Scarlett screamed as she struggled harder, wanting desperately to cover her exposed breast as the audience stared hungrily.

“Look at the size of these watermelons! You’re so selfish keeping these things hidden all the time!” Michelle said with a haughty expression, "You know, I once crushed a watermelon between these babies?" she said as she slapped her right thigh, then she got a devilish idea, "I wonder if your fat tits could survive my squeeze. Shall we find out?"

As Michelle inadvertently leaned her head down to wrap her legs around Scarlett's bosom, Scarlett immediately whipped her head forward, landing a direct blow on Michelle’s face as the latter cried out, immediately breaking the hold as she stumbled backwards, clutching her not-broken but still pain-racked nose. “Fucking bitch!” Michelle shrieked as Scarlett breathed deeply again. As Michelle’s hands scoured her face for any signs of damage, her eyes widened as Scarlett came at her fast, her hand clasping around Michelle’s throat as the brunette choked out a gasp. A swipe of Johansson’s legs into Trachtenberg’s own knocked the brunette on her ass.

Michelle scuttled back but hit the wall as Scarlett came at her. The blonde dropped to her knees and she straddled Michelle’s body, that glint of confidence that was in Michelle’s eyes earlier now in Scarlett’s own. “I gave you a chance to submit, hun,” Scarlett reminded the brunette as Michelle bucked her hips wildly, “but now I’m glad you didn’t, because you reminded me of my two best weapons.”

With that, she plunged her golden globes down over Michelle’s quivering, wide-eyed face.

“Wait, Scarlett, please–mmmmmmpphphhhhhh!!” Michelle begged as her face was eclipsed by Scarlett’s big juggs. Michelle tried to push Scarlett off of her, but the blonde’s bigger frame was not easy to budge. Scarlett wrapped her legs around Michelle’s own as the lithe beauty moaned loudly into Johansson’s perfect breast smother.

“I may not have super strong legs like yours, Mich, but I sure do have way better - and bigger - breasts, don’t I?” Scarlett giggled as she teased the panicking girl beneath her, “Having some trouble breathing? I can’t hear you! Actually, I can’t even see you with my huge tits covering your cute little face.”

Michelle mumbled something incoherent into Scarlett’s cleavage, but not even her words could escape the enveloping smother Scarlett’s bosom was giving her. Michelle’s arms flexed as she pushed against Scarlett’s shoulders, trying to separate Johansson’s jugs just enough so she could breathe in a gulp of air. God, how she couldn’t breathe.  Her face was lodged against Scarlett’s cleavage impossibly tight as she struggled for breath, but Scarlett was hell-bent on not letting her have any. Her strength was waning as the giant breasts denied her air, and her fruitless shoves against Scarlett’s bosom were only getting weaker by the second. Scarlett managed to tighten her hold even more when she wrapped her hands around Michelle’s head and forced her face even further into her engulfing cleavage. Michelle can feel the beads of sweat against her as they trickle down Scarlett’s unwavering juggs.

Michelle’s shoves quickly became pathetic taps as she finally let darkness swallow her into unconsciousness, her head becoming limp as Scarlett let her drop to the mat. She waved to the audience as she drew in the sounds of her victory, her breasts still resting against the defeated Trachtenberg’s face.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2019, 04:58:00 AM by NicoleS »
Don't ask to fight me. I'm just a write-y.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1824 on: July 03, 2019, 07:08:12 PM »
Charlize Theron vs Eliza Dushku


After a long and grueling contest, the two beauties were the very definition of bedraggled:  their hair, so perfectly coiffed at the start, were now damp, tangled manes...their skin, soaked with sweat, was marred by scratches and bruises...and their chests heaved as they panted heavily for breath.  They circled one another, eyes locked together, but spoke as if each was still at the height of her powers, and not now running on what scant fumes of energy they could muster.

"Aren't you tired of looking so pathetic compared to me?" Charlize said in a husky voice that betrayed her exhaustion.  "Why not just give up and spare yourself any further embarrassment?"

Eliza rasped back, "I'm getting tired of holding back just so you could look halfway competent.  But I figure it's time to finish you off now."

Even as the last words trailed off from the brunette, her opponent chose this moment to strike, hoping to catch Dushku off-guard.  Theron lunged at Eliza, intent on using her larger size to bulldoze the brunette to the penthouse floor.  But the American had been expecting just such a tactic from her South African adversary, and she was prepared.  At the last instant, Dushku ducked low under the grasp of the blonde, driving her shoulder into the onrushing beauty's belly, and drawing a sharp gasp from Theron.

In a blur of motion, Eliza wrapped her arms around Charlize's waist and used the blonde's own momentum to hoist her up and over, flipping her through the air and sending her crashing to the carpet with a heavy thud.  An instant later, Dushku let gravity do the hard work as she suddenly threw herself backward to the floor, drilling her elbow into Charlize's still-tender tummy.

That stunned the Amazonian Afrikaner long enough for Eliza to get to her knees and, gruntingly, roll Theron over onto her stomach.  Grabbing the blonde's left leg, Dushku pulled it up and bent it over the brunette's own neck and shoulders for a Stretch Muffler.  The sudden electric jolt of agony to her leg shocked Charlize from her stupor, and she wailed and thrashed in pained panic, but to no avail.  This move was perfectly suited to inflict anguish to a long-limbed warrior, and at 5'10" Theron suddenly found her own height used effectively against her.

Although she held out for as long as she could, it was inevitable that Charlize would ultimately tap out.  However, her tormentor chose to not accept this silent submission.  "Say it!" Eliza growled.  "Say it nice and loud so that everyone here can hear you!"  Theron bit her lower lip, and then with tears streaking her face she shrieked out, "I GIVE UP!  I SUBMIT!  LET ME GO!"

Just to be contrary, Eliza kept the hold in place for another heartbeat or two, and then released her beaten rival's limb, which flopped helplessly to the floor.  With effort she climbed up on uncertain legs and then planted a foot on the rear end of Charlize, who had buried her face in the carpet and was sobbing uncontrollably, while the triumphant brunette flexed her arms in a victory pose and accepted the cheers of the onlookers.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1825 on: July 06, 2019, 07:31:10 PM »
HWA:  Scarlett Johansson vs Hitomi Tanaka


Hitomi managed to reverse the Irish Whip, and thus is was Scarlett who found herself flung into the corner, her spine taking the brunt of the impact with the turnbuckles.  Momentarily stunned, she was unable to dodge out of the way as her opponent raced across the ring, then leapt into the air to deliver a bodysplash.  The crowd is treated to the unusual sight of the blonde's 36C's being very nearly flattened by the twin wrecking balls that are Tanaka's 34O's, the impact causing Scarlett's eyes to go wide as she sharply exhales air from her battered lungs.

Johansson slumps in a daze, held upright only by her arms slung over the top ropes.  In her stilted English, the Japanese battler preens and says, "Awww, did I hurt your little girls, Gaijin?  Here, Hitomi fix!"  And with that she balls her fists and begins to slam punches into the American's globes, each blow sinking deep and drawing a yelp of pain from Johansson.  Ordinarily such a tactic would bring a reprimand from the referee, but the Hollywood Wrestling Alliance hierarchy instructed him to be lenient regarding breast attacks, as this was unofficially billed as the 'Best Chest in the HWA' match.

The brutal battering sapping her strength, Scarlett can offer only scant resistance as her opponent finally ceases her attack, only to monkey flip the blonde out of the corner, send her sailing through the air, and crashing to her back with an anguished moan.  Swiftly scampering up the turnbuckles, Tanaka steadies herself upon the top ropes, then leaps into the air, a curvaceous missile of destruction, and her body come crashing down across the torso of her victim.  The impact causes both wrestlers to bounce into the air, but when they land, Johansson is splayed across the canvas, glazed eyes half-shut, and a grinning Hitomi repositions herself for a schoolgirl pin.  Her hands press down the blonde's limp arms, while her feet push out against Scarlett'e inner thighs, spreading the American's legs.  To add insult to injury, the Asian presses her breasts down over the reddened, sweat-soaked face of her adversary, drawing a muffled moan of fear from the blonde.

The ref drops to his knees and raises his arm to begin the count, but Tanaka commands, "To twenty!"  Complying, the official slaps the mat down to a full twenty as Scarlett feebly squirms beneath her tormentor, utterly devastated and conquered.  With the tolling of the bell, Hitomi climbs up off of her beaten rival and plants a boot down onto Johansson's breasts, while the Japanese beauty cups her own globes to proudly "display" them in victory.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1826 on: July 09, 2019, 01:06:14 AM »
A quickie from me. Not my best work, but I wanted to get some quick writing in today.

Abigail Ratchford vs. Kelly Brook

Kelly struggled in pain, her eyes closed and her head tilted back, sweat dripping down her body, as Abigail's arms tightened around her waist, squeezing the two women closer and closer to each other. What had began as a accidental verbal sparring on the beach (Kelly really hadn't meant to kick sand onto Abigail as she was sunbathing, honest!) had let to a physical confrontation, and after what had seemed like an eternal struggle between the two women, each of them desperate to bring down the other and put her into her place, it looked like Abigail had finally gotten the better of the older brunette.

Kelly wiggled around in Abigail's bearhug, trying to squirm her way free, but Ratchford's hold was just too tight. Their bikini-clad bodies rubbed against each's other's own, sweat-slick skin sliding against that of the other woman, while each of the brunette's large and heavy breasts shoved up against those of her opponent...and to Kelly, that might have been the most embarrassing part. She had thought her ladies to be the stronger of the two, and they certainly had a size advantage over Abigail's pair, but now that the two of them were so close together, Kelly being held tight by the crushing bearhug, she couldn't deny the strength of Abigail's chest. She couldn't deny that Ratchford's felt perkier and tough, and she couldn't deny that despite her size advantage, Abigail's tits were grinding in against her own, slowly wearing them down. Between that and the feeling of Abigail's arms locked tight around her waist, slowly sapping the energy out of her? Kelly knew she was done for.

She tried to withstand the deadly embrace, trying to stop herself from giving in for just a few more seconds, thinking she could find a way free, but...

"Nng! I...I give up! I SUBMIT! L-LET ME GO, ABIGAIL! LET ME GO!"

She was reluctant at first, but it wasn't long before she was screaming a submission, the sound of which brought a nasty smile to the face of the younger model. In response, Abigail began to lean back, actually lifting Kelly off of her feet, refusing to let her go just yet...but, after a few more long moments of torture, she finally decided to show a shred of mercy. She released her hold, letting go of Kelly, the older brunette immediately collapsing to the sand at Abigail's feet when she did so. Then, she spun on one heel, and began to head off.

Kelly laid there for a moment, then groaned, weakly lifting her head up and watching Abigail leave. To her, that was the ultimate humiliation. There were no mocking words of victory from the younger woman, no victorious posing. Just a clean and simple walking away, abandoning Kelly behind her. Abigail knew that she had won, and had left Kelly broken in the sand, and to her, that was all the satisfaction she had needed. Knowing this, Kelly dropped her head back down, and let out a deep, whimpering sigh. She had been bested, and part of her hoped she would never have such a run-in Abigail again.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1827 on: July 09, 2019, 03:55:47 AM »
Great quick story! Abigail vs Kelly is a fantastic matchup


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1828 on: July 09, 2019, 05:21:57 AM »
Great quick story! Abigail vs Kelly is a fantastic matchup


It's not really my best work, but maybe I'll do a round two sometime and try to make up for it. :)
« Last Edit: July 09, 2019, 05:28:19 AM by Golden Goddess »


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Ariel Winter vs. Kaley Cuoco
« Reply #1829 on: July 10, 2019, 08:09:07 PM »
Kaley was snickering at her busty foe, who was struggling to get on her feet for the third time in the match. Kaley had decked her twice with roundhouse rights then a high kick under her chin had sent Ariel down for a third time.
But even as Kaley laughed at the groggy brunette, she had to admit Ariel was showing more grit than most. Her most recent battle in the apartment fight scene ended very quickly when she dug one hard fist into Aubrey Plaza's stomach, hard enough to make her pass out.
But Ariel was of sterner stuff. When Kaley closed in, planning to finish her off once and for all, Ariel clinched with the blonde and began digging in uppercuts to Kaley's belly and boobs. A few moments of this and the Big Bang Theory star was groaning and trying to retreat from the sudden punishment.
But the younger woman was not to be denied. Hearing Kaley gasping and moaning seemed to give Ariel a second wind. She backed her opponent up against the wall and spent the next two minutes pounding poor Kaley into a sobbing mess. When Ariel finally backed off, Kaley slid slowly to a sitting postion on the floor. Ariel raised Kaley's head by jerking on her blonde locks and stared into her foe's glassy eyes.
"You've just been Winterized, you big wimp!" Ariel sneered at the nearly KO'd Kaley. "Tell the nice people 'goodnight'!" she said as she slammed one last punch to Kaley's jaw. Ariel then took a victory lap as the room of fans applauded.