Kristen Stewart vs Emma Watson - Pro-Style Match Kristen slowly sank to her knees as Emma’s relentless sleeper hold deprived her of blood to her brain and drained her lithe body of vital energy.
“How did she let it get to this point?” Kristen chided herself. She and Emma were longtime rivals. She knew that the sleeperhold was Emma’s go-to move and the blonde knew how to apply it expertly. She had only turned her back on Emma for a few seconds after they had exchanged a long but fruitless collar and elbow tie-up with neither woman able to exert dominance over the other. As soon as Kristen gave up her back though, Emma pounced and looped her arm around Kristen’s throat, while using the other arm to press the brunette’s head down.
An excited Emma was bouncing on the balls of her feet, as soon as she got the move on Kristen. She flexed her bicep, putting even more pressure on Kristen’s carotid artery. She licked her lips in anticipation, as she felt Kristen’s legs quiver, then slowly buckle under the grim, unyielding pressure.
“That’s it baby…that’s it… go down…” Emma hissed in Kristen’s ear.
“Goddamn it…how do I let this skinny, blonde bitch trap me in this hold every time?” Kristen cursed herself. She reached out with her fingertips for the ring ropes. Salvation was just out of reach of her reach.
Meanwhile, Emma l-e-e-e-e-eaned into the sleeper hold, pressing her body onto Kristena’s back. The two women were wrestling in one piece swimsuits, Kristen in black, Emma in green. Kristen’s had a daring backline that plunged almost to the top of her ass, exposing her back. The pressure from Emma folded her in two like an accordion, squeezing oxygen out of her lungs. She started seeing spots.
“Almost there….almost there…” said Emma, excitedly.
Just then she got Kristen’s thumb in her right eye.
“Gagghhh!” Emma exclaimed, breaking the hold to clutch at her eye. A desperate Kristen heaved in great lungful’s of air and shook her head to clear the spots after the draining sleeperhold.
The shoe was on the other foot now as the crowd shouted “Whoooooo!!!” every time Kristen launched another knife-edge chop into Emma’s chest. The blonde had been backed into a corner of the ring and her chest was now bright red after the brunette had smashed about a dozen stinging chops into Emma’s breasts. The blonde’s eyes watered with pain.
Finally Kristen pushed her fully into the corner, grabbed her arm by one wrist, before catapulting her into the opposite corner of the ring with an Irish whip. Emma was launched so violently into the corner that she staggered back a few wobbly steps and it looked like she might collapse. Before she could do so through a lightning quick Kristen slammed into her with a running drop kick, launching he blonde into the corner, where the back of her head hit the ring post before she dropped onto her ass.
Now it was time for Kristen to inflict some long, lingering torture. She sat down in front of the downed Emma and placed her bare feet over the blonde’s dazed face. Kristen used the power of her long, toned legs and tried to push Emma’s head right through the ring post. Her feet covered the blonde’s nose and mouth, depriving Emma of oxygen and mushing her facial features. Meanwhile, Kristen had a tight grip on each of Emma’s wrists to keep her pinned down.
“Mmmmmffff…mmmmfffff….” Emma protested at the lack of air, stamping her feet.
“Do you give Emma? Give?” the ref asked.
“Yeah, do you give up Emma? Do you admit I’m your superior?” laughed a triumphant Kristen.
“Mmmmm….ffffflkkkkk uuuuuu…mmmpphhhh…” shouted Emma as best she could with Kristen’s feet in her face.
Despite the blonde’s bravado though, she knew she was in desperate straits. If Kristen wasn’t holding both of her wrists, she might have tapped out.
Luckily for her though, one of her girlfriends who had accompanied her to the ring distracted the ref, while a second friend grabbed her by the shoulders and dragged her out of the ring, rescuing her from Kristen.
The furious brunette protested at the top of her lungs but the hapless referee hadn’t seen anything and could not help her. The pro-Kristen crowd booed lustily.
Finally though Kristen stopped protesting and followed Emma outside the ring. A desperate Emma, not ready to resume the fight, rolled under the ring! A furious Kristen crawled in after her, determined to get her hands back on the blonde and end this match.
For several minutes after the two rivals had slipped under the ring apron, the only thing that could be made up was the sound of cursing and crashing coming from underneath the ring.
Finally, Emma emerged from underneath the apron, dragging Kristen with her. A piece of black, rubber hose was wrapped tightly around the brunette’s throat. Her eyes were bulging and he tongue was sticking out as Emma choked her with the weapon.
“Come on bitch. Not…finished...with…you…yet…” Emma said through gritted teeth as she dragged her rival onto her feet but pressed her against the ring, pinning her. Emma was nose to nose with the gasping Kristen, who was desperately trying to pull the rubber noose from around her neck. Emma smiled as she saw the look of panic in her rival’s eyes.
The blonde granted a reprieve to germ victim though as she released the stranglehold to roll Kristen back in the ring. Emma followed close behind though. She then looped an arm around Kristen’s neck and lifted her back up to her feet. She marched her into the center of the ring before abruptly falling to her butt, SLAMMING Kristen’s forehead into the mat with a devastating DDT.
A thoroughly dazed Kristen rolled on the mat, clutching at her injured skull, before Emma once again trapped her in a headlock, dragged her up into a standing position before DRILLING her with a second DDT!
Kristen was just road kill at this point but no way would Emma be satisfied with a simple pin.
Instead she laid herself on top of the prone brunette, before re-applying, for the second time in the match, her dreaded sleeperhold. This time any chance Kristen had to escape was non-existent. She was in the middle of the ring, far from the ropes, and she was already barely conscious after the 2 skull-crushing DDTs.
Kristen felt Emma’s ropey, muscular arms lock around her throat and the back of her head again. It was becoming a sickeningly familiar feeling. Emma’s weight was pressing on her, pinning her on the mat. She felt the blonde’s hot breath blowing in her ear as she insulted Kristen:
“You’re nothing compared to me, nothing!”
“Stupid loser.”
And on it went…
Emma’s arms, were strong, so strong…biting into her throat…simultaneously cutting off oxygen and blood flow to her brain.
Emma’s blonde hair obscured the view though so the ref could not see if it was a choke or a sleeper.
Kristen’s hand hovered tentatively off the map, about to tap out. Emma saw it though and started shaking Kristen back and forth, further discombulating her. After the shaking, Kristen could not even manage the coordination involved for a tap out.
She felt sick…lost…alone. Her throat parched. She started seeing black spots again. Her arm dropped to the canvas. A line of drool started seeping out of her mouth.
An ecstatic Emma just kept whispering insults at her, crushing not only her body but her spirit.
Finally the ref saw enough and lifted Kristen’s arm once.
It drooped limp to the mat.
A second time.
Again, it fell.
Finally, a third time.
It fell like a rock. Kristen was in a deep coma.
The ref signaled for the bell to ring and ordered Emma to release the sleeperhold on Kristen. She did so only reluctantly after several exhortations from the ref.
She then bounced up onto her feet and raised her arms, basking in the boos of the crowd. “Oh shut up,” she said cheerfully, “You’re all just losers like her.”
Emma wasn’t quite done yet though. She dragged the prone Kristen into a corner of the ring and propped her up so she was leaning back against the bottom ropes. Emma then positioned herself in front of her enemy and, like Kristen had done to her earlier, pushed her bare feet into Kristen’s face.
“Revenge! She exclaimed, laughing.
She mashed her feet into Kristen’s pretty face, cutting off her breathing passage and humiliating her at the same time.
“How do you like it loser?” asked Emma.
Kristen didn’t like it at all but there was very little she could do about it. She was Emma’s limp plaything now and the torture would go on for as long as the blonde wanted.