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Finish Her!

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1830 on: July 12, 2019, 01:54:17 AM »
Demi Lovato VS Michelle Trachtenberg

Gnnnnnnnhhhhh!” The sound echoed through the audience, and it didn’t come from whom most would have expected.

Minutes into the battle, Demi had opted to engage her opponent in a battle of their lower appendages, eager to see what all the fuss was about regarding Michelle Trachtenberg's legs; the latter of whom had always considered her legs to be the best set of gams in the business, and Demi wanted to see firsthand why. She had managed to get the upper hand relatively quick into the match, yanking Trachtenberg’s head back with a vicious tug of brunette hair as she slipped her foot around the Buffy alum’s ankle in order to send her crashing to the mat. Demi followed through with a rough pounce, landing on Michelle’s delicate, but taut body and knocking the breath straight out of the brunette like a deflated balloon.

Demi then used her own strong legs to grapevine the actress’s own; she blew a lone strand of hair from her eyes as she breathed deeply, satisfied with her capture of the taller, older brunette.

“I thought you were tough stuff,” said Lovato airily as she used her arms to pin down Mich’s own to the cold mat. To the shock of the crowd, she was able to subdue Trachtenberg’s ordinarily-dominant legs by flexing her own thighs, tightening the grapevine considerably and forcing a grunt of frustration from her opponent in the process, “It looks like you could use a few more seshes on the ol’ thigh-master, eh, Mich?”

Michelle ignored Demi’s taunting, narrowing her lovely brown eyes as she bucked with all her might, thrusting her pelvis upward as she attempted to bridge some space between herself and Demi. Her wonderful derriere pushed against the floor as she had to put in a greater effort to escape than she had expected. But with Demi’s marble, thick thighs and stage-trained legs snaking around her own, Michelle found herself unable to break free of the ever-grueling hold. Demi flexed her thigh muscles to keep Michelle in place, earning a yelp in the process followed by a few rather-harsh expletives that the film guys would have to censor later. After a few seconds of this, Demi relaxed her grapevine as she let her legs close in once again.

Then Lovato had a devious idea… She began to spread her legs back out again, forcing Michelle’s own legs in turn to also spread. Fearing another grapevine, Michelle arched her back as she attempted to break the hold before Demi could complete it. Much to her horror, as soon as Michelle had lifted her body off the mat, Demi slid a leg beneath Michelle’s waist, locking her brunette opponent into a surprise leg-scissors!

Michelle let out a mighty howl as Demi squeezed her powerful thighs for all she was worth, rivaling Michelle’s own renowned scissors with ease as the former bit down on her lip whilst increasing the pressure. Panicking audibly, Michelle immediately tried to pry Demi’s legs apart, but Demi was hell-bent in keeping her scissors secured. Sweat began to form atop her brow as Demi put every ounce of strength she had into the leg scissors; Michelle soon felt that power as her face began to grow red, from both frustration and asphyxiation as she struggled harder than ever to pry apart Lovato’s steel-corded gams. As minutes went by, the mighty brunette began to show signs of weakening, her energy banks depleting as her straining grew weaker by the second.

“So, Mich, do I win yet?” Demi purred as she rubbed in Michelle’s discomfort, clamping her legs together to force yet another begrudged scream from Trachtenberg’s lips when the brunette failed to answer fast enough, “You’re going to submit to me now, Michelle, or I'mma cave in every rib in your pathetic body. Do I make myself clear?"

Michelle hissed through her teeth, fury showing in her cerulean eyes as her arms continued to pull desperately at the smooth limbs of her oppressor. Each time Michelle tried to wedge apart Demi’s legs, Lovato simply increased the pressure. Michelle would groan louder each time, then slump back to the mat wheezing and gasping for air. Trachtenberg had gone into the fight overconfident, and she, like those who do, ultimately paid the price. “You’re gonna have to knock me the fuck out… bitch… because there’s no way I'll EVER submit to you. So you can kiss my a--UNNNNNGHHHH!” Her words were cut off by a gut-wrenching scream that overpowered even the roar of the crowd.

She didn’t utter another word for the entire night. Arms flailing, Michelle slapped her tormentor’s wicked legs as hard and fast as she could when Demi grew impatient and began to increase her intense squeeze. Soon, Michelle’s pained grunts were replaced with barely-audible whimpers. Demi turned to the crowd next, a smile forming on her lips as she found herself being watched by hundreds of horrified spectators, ones who had just earlier believed the match would be just another night in the ring for the ordinarily-victorious Michelle. In just mere seconds, Michelle was out cold, but not before fearing how big of a hit a loss to this little bitch would have on her formidable reputation.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2019, 01:57:48 AM by NicoleS »
Don't ask to fight me. I'm just a write-y.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1831 on: July 14, 2019, 09:05:38 PM »
It's a possibility.  :)


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1832 on: July 16, 2019, 12:54:46 AM »
Max vs Penny


UUHHHFFFF! the brunette grunted as her fist hit nothing but empty air.  Her limbs were so leaden, her movements so sluggish, than even in the blonde's equally exhausted state, she was able to dodge the blow.

Although both beauties, each clad only in identical black thongs, had been pushed to their physical limits and beyond, a wry half-smile came to Penny's lips as she felt one last surge of adrenaline course through her veins, while Max swayed unsteadily on her feet, struggling to not topple over.  "Too slow," the West Coast waitress rasped.  "This is how you do it."  Penny stepped in and delivered a fist to her arch-rival's belly, doubling the East Coaster over with a whoosh of expelled breath.  With Max bent forward at the waist, the blonde grabbed her foe by the hair close to the scalp to keep her standing in place, and Penny then began to piston up her right knee, first slamming it into the brunette's left bare breast, then the right, then the left again, and so on, with Max grunting in pain with every impact.  Finally the California doll drove a knee up between those battered orbs even as she released her hold on her rival's tangled mane.  The force of the blow lifted Max up off of her feet and knocked her backward, sending her crashing to the penthouse floor on her back.  She lay there starfished, lungs sucking in precious air, the sheath of perspiration across her alabaster flesh glistening under the lights.

Bending at the knees, Penny now leapt up into the air, and the elite spectators gasped in shock at their sudden realization of what the blonde intended.  Her body goes up, and then down, and she lands with both feet squarely down on Max's bruised breasts.  The New York battler let out an agonized shriek as her 34DD's were viciously stomped down by the full weight of her nemesis.  With a cheerleader's grace, the blonde split her legs and lowered herself onto the stomach of the brunette, and from her perch began squeezing and slapping Max's maliciously mauled bosom.  Finally she stopped, brushing flaxen hairs away from her deceptively angelic face, and smirking as she looked down at her adversary.  "Tsk!" she says.  "I think I misshaped this one."  She then threw a punch to the dark-haired girl's right breast.  "There, now they're both the same size again...more or less."  With a chuckle, the blonde continued, "Do you know why the boys back in Nebraska called me 'Sugartits'?  It's because these," and with this she cupped her hands beneath her own 34C's and pushed them up, "are perfect, just like candy!  Yours on the other hand," she sneered derisively, "are just a couple of over-stuffed dumplings.  I guess the boys all called you Elsie the Cow, huh?"

Too winded to make any sound other than a gasp, Max nevertheless mouthed the most profane of curses at her taunting rival, her blue eyes darkening with rage.  But Penny paid the empty threats no mind as she concluded, "It's not often you get this close to bosomy perfection.  Here, take a closer look!"  And with that she dropped her body down, her naked breasts encompassing the sweaty face of her foe, drawing muffled whines of protest from the feebly squirming Max.  Soon enough, even those hapless motions cease as the New Yorker is smothered into inky unconsciousness and undisputed defeat.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1833 on: July 16, 2019, 07:14:58 AM »
Love it, Jack.

That's a match-up I don't think any of us are ever going to tire of.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1834 on: July 16, 2019, 07:55:42 AM »
This one is dedicated to FCF member Faith. :)

Beyonce vs. Kim Kardashian

Kim stood into the middle of the mud pit, a dangerous look in her eyes as she stared towards Beyonce, the pop queen standing on the edge of the pit, turned away from her and working over the crowd. Beyonce wasn't taking this fight seriously! Kim had been waiting for what seemed like ages for Beyonce to get into the mud so that they could begin their fight proper, but this bitch was too busy dancing back and forth, trying to hype up the audience! She was dancing! It was like she thought Kim was some kind of a joke, and wasn't going to accept her as a serious challenger!

Well! Kim had plans to change her mind about that!

Beyonce was so distracted by her own actions, too busy playing to the crowd and dancing back and forth along the edge of the pool, that she didn't hear Kim stomping through the mud towards her. She didn't hear the Queen of the Kardashians approaching her from behind, and she certainly didn't realize she was in trouble until it was too late. Kim's hands came up, and snatched Beyonce by her hair. The Queen B let out a shriek, but it was too late to stop Kim. With a single powerful and sharp pull, Kim yanked on Beyonce's luscious locks, forcing her to fall backwards and into the mud pit. The singing sensation let out a shriek as she splashed down into the pit, sending mud everywhere, and she quickly tried to sit up so that she could get back to her feet.

As she began to rise though, Kim stepped in towards her, lifting one of her arms into the arm. She drew back, and then fired, swinging a massive backhand towards Beyonce's face. Naturally, the blow struck, and Beyonce stumbled back for a moment before collapsing back down into the mud again. It was obvious that Kim was pissed, putting her full strength into the strike, and as Beyonce laid there before her, she began to realize her mistake in not taking the Kardashian seriously. For a moment, a brief moment of time, Beyonce wondered if she could play dead. Just lay there in the mud, and hope that Kim would think she was passed out. She would have no such luck though, as Kim leaned down and snatched Beyonce by the hair again, dragging her back up to her feet once more.

Once they were standing, Kim skillfully slid through the mud, getting behind Beyonce. At this point, Kim had fought in enough mud matches that she knew how to move through the stuff, and from Beyonce's sloppy attempt at getting away it was obvious that she still had a lot to learn. When Kim moved behind her, she tried to stumble away, but she looked like she was having trouble keeping her balance, the Queen B obviously unsure of how to handle the pit. Kim watched for a moment, then shook her head. She reached out and grabbed Beyonce again, her hands gripping the singer by the arms and forcefully yanking her back towards herself.

"Excuse me," she began, keeping a hold on Beyonce with one hand while her other arm snaked upwards, sliding around Beyonce's neck. "I don't think I gave you permission to go anywhere, bitch." She held the songstress close, her arm tightening around Beyonce's neck, the gorgeous Kardashian trapping her opponent in a sleeper hold. Beyonce tried to struggle, of course, her hands shooting up to grab at Kim's arm, the mud-soaked singer trying to pull on it, trying to free herself or at least loosen the hold enough that she could slide free. Kim wasn't going to give her that chance, though. Her bicep was bulging, her arm flexed as she held her sleeper hold tight, her other arm wrapped around Beyonce's waist and keeping her held close against her beautiful, curvaceous body.

While Beyonce kept struggling, Kim leaned in, whispering in her ear as the singer flailed about. "A little warning, Bey," she began, a venomous edge to her words. "Next time you step into this ring with me? You had better take me seriously. Next time you treat a fight with me like a joke, I won't go so easy on you..."

If there was any sign of Beyonce understand her, the pop sensation didn't show it. Her eyes were nearly bugging out of her head now, as Kim held the choke, refusing to relent in her submission...and why would she relent? Beyonce's actions were starting to slow, and it was clear that she was just about done. Her hands began to drop away from Kim's bicep, eventually falling to hang uselessly at her sides, and while Kim listened close, she finally heard the words she was waiting for. As her eyes began to flutter shut, Beyonce croaked out her submission.

"I...give up..."

With those words, the songstress finally went limp in Kim's hold. There were no more struggles, no more fighting the dangerous Kardashian. Kim held on for just a moment longer, and then let go of the sleeper hold, letting Beyonce fall to her feet, splashing back into the mud in an unconscious heap.

There was no victorious posing, and no cocky words or taunts from Kim towards Beyonce. She was still pissed off, and wanted to go blow off more steam. Without acknowledging Beyonce's presence even a moment more, Kim turned away, stepping out of the mud pit and making an exit of the arena, leaving her overwhelmed opponent lying alone behind her.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1835 on: July 18, 2019, 01:42:05 AM »

Kristen Stewart vs Emma Watson - Pro-Style Match
Kristen slowly sank to her knees as Emma’s relentless sleeper hold deprived her of blood to her brain and drained her lithe body of vital energy.
“How did she let it get to this point?” Kristen chided herself. She and Emma were longtime rivals. She knew that the sleeperhold was Emma’s go-to move and the blonde knew how to apply it expertly. She had only turned her back on Emma for a few seconds after they had exchanged a long but fruitless collar and elbow tie-up with neither woman able to exert dominance over the other. As soon as Kristen gave up her back though, Emma pounced and looped her arm around Kristen’s throat, while using the other arm to press the brunette’s head down.
An excited Emma was bouncing on the balls of her feet, as soon as she got the move on Kristen. She flexed her bicep, putting even more pressure on Kristen’s carotid artery. She licked her lips in anticipation, as she felt Kristen’s legs quiver, then slowly buckle under the grim, unyielding pressure.
“That’s it baby…that’s it… go down…” Emma hissed in Kristen’s ear.
“Goddamn it…how do I let this skinny, blonde bitch trap me in this hold every time?” Kristen cursed herself. She reached out with her fingertips for the ring ropes. Salvation was just out of reach of her reach.
Meanwhile, Emma l-e-e-e-e-eaned into the sleeper hold, pressing her body onto Kristena’s back. The two women were wrestling in one piece swimsuits, Kristen in black, Emma in green. Kristen’s had a daring backline that plunged almost to the top of her ass, exposing her back. The pressure from Emma folded her in two like an accordion, squeezing oxygen out of her lungs. She started seeing spots.

“Almost there….almost there…” said Emma, excitedly.
Just then she got Kristen’s thumb in her right eye.
“Gagghhh!” Emma exclaimed, breaking the hold to clutch at her eye. A desperate Kristen heaved in great lungful’s of air and shook her head to clear the spots after the draining sleeperhold.


The shoe was on the other foot now as the crowd shouted “Whoooooo!!!” every time Kristen launched another knife-edge chop into Emma’s chest. The blonde had been backed into a corner of the ring and her chest was now bright red after the brunette had smashed about a dozen stinging chops into Emma’s breasts. The blonde’s eyes watered with pain.
Finally Kristen pushed her fully into the corner, grabbed her arm by one wrist, before catapulting her into the opposite corner of the ring with an Irish whip. Emma was launched so violently into the corner that she staggered back a few wobbly steps and it looked like she might collapse. Before she could do so through a lightning quick Kristen slammed into her with a running drop kick, launching he blonde into the corner, where the back of her head hit the ring post before she dropped onto her ass.
Now it was time for Kristen to inflict some long, lingering torture.  She sat down in front of the downed Emma and placed her bare feet over the blonde’s dazed face. Kristen used the power of her long, toned legs and tried to push Emma’s head right through the ring post. Her feet covered the blonde’s nose and mouth, depriving Emma of oxygen and mushing her facial features. Meanwhile, Kristen had a tight grip on each of Emma’s wrists to keep her pinned down.
“Mmmmmffff…mmmmfffff….” Emma protested at the lack of air, stamping her feet.
“Do you give Emma? Give?” the ref asked.
“Yeah, do you give up Emma? Do you admit I’m your superior?” laughed a triumphant Kristen.
“Mmmmm….ffffflkkkkk uuuuuu…mmmpphhhh…” shouted Emma as best she could with Kristen’s feet in her face.
Despite the blonde’s bravado though, she knew she was in desperate straits. If Kristen wasn’t holding both of her wrists, she might have tapped out.
Luckily for her though, one of her girlfriends who had accompanied her to the ring distracted the ref, while a second friend grabbed her by the shoulders and dragged her out of the ring, rescuing her from Kristen.
The furious brunette protested at the top of her lungs but the hapless referee hadn’t seen anything and could not help her. The pro-Kristen crowd booed lustily.
Finally though Kristen stopped protesting and followed Emma outside the ring. A desperate Emma, not ready to resume the fight, rolled under the ring! A furious Kristen crawled in after her, determined to get her hands back on the blonde and end this match.


For several minutes after the two rivals had slipped under the ring apron, the only thing that could be made up was the sound of cursing and crashing coming from underneath the ring.
Finally, Emma emerged from underneath the apron, dragging Kristen with her. A piece of black, rubber hose was wrapped tightly around the brunette’s throat. Her eyes were bulging and he tongue was sticking out as Emma choked her with the weapon.
“Come on bitch. Not…finished...with…you…yet…” Emma said through gritted teeth as she dragged her rival onto her feet but pressed her against the ring, pinning her. Emma was nose to nose with the gasping Kristen, who was desperately trying to pull the rubber noose from around her neck. Emma smiled as she saw the look of panic in her rival’s eyes.
The blonde granted a reprieve to germ victim though as she released the stranglehold to roll Kristen back in the ring. Emma followed close behind though. She then looped an arm around Kristen’s neck and lifted her back up to her feet. She marched her into the center of the ring before abruptly falling to her butt, SLAMMING Kristen’s forehead into the mat with a devastating DDT.
A thoroughly dazed Kristen rolled on the mat, clutching at her injured skull, before Emma once again trapped her in a headlock, dragged her up into a standing position before DRILLING her with a second DDT!
Kristen was just road kill at this point but no way would Emma be satisfied with a simple pin.

Instead she laid herself on top of the prone brunette, before re-applying, for the second time in the match, her dreaded sleeperhold. This time any chance Kristen had to escape was non-existent. She was in the middle of the ring, far from the ropes, and she was already barely conscious after the 2 skull-crushing DDTs.
Kristen felt Emma’s ropey, muscular arms lock around her throat and the back of her head again. It was becoming a sickeningly familiar feeling. Emma’s weight was pressing on her, pinning her on the mat. She felt the blonde’s hot breath blowing in her ear as she insulted Kristen:
“You’re nothing compared to me, nothing!”
“Stupid loser.”
And on it went…
Emma’s arms, were strong, so strong…biting into her throat…simultaneously cutting off oxygen and blood flow to her brain.
Emma’s blonde hair obscured the view though so the ref could not see if it was a choke or a sleeper.
Kristen’s hand hovered tentatively off the map, about to tap out. Emma saw it though and started shaking Kristen back and forth, further discombulating her. After the shaking, Kristen could not even manage the coordination involved for a tap out.
She felt sick…lost…alone. Her throat parched. She started seeing black spots again. Her arm dropped to the canvas. A line of drool started seeping out of her mouth.
An ecstatic Emma just kept whispering insults at her, crushing not only her body but her spirit.
Finally the ref saw enough and lifted Kristen’s arm once.
It drooped limp to the mat.
A second time.
Again, it fell.
Finally, a third time.
It fell like a rock. Kristen was in a deep coma.
The ref signaled for the bell to ring and ordered Emma to release the sleeperhold on Kristen. She did so only reluctantly after several exhortations from the ref.
She then bounced up onto her feet and raised her arms, basking in the boos of the crowd. “Oh shut up,” she said cheerfully, “You’re all just losers like her.”
Emma wasn’t quite done yet though. She dragged the prone Kristen into a corner of the ring and propped her up so she was leaning back against the bottom ropes. Emma then positioned herself in front of her enemy and, like Kristen had done to her earlier, pushed her bare feet into Kristen’s face.
“Revenge! She exclaimed, laughing.
She mashed her feet into Kristen’s pretty face, cutting off her breathing passage and humiliating her at the same time.
“How do you like it loser?” asked Emma.
Kristen didn’t like it at all but there was very little she could do about it. She was Emma’s limp plaything now and the torture would go on for as long as the blonde wanted.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2019, 03:01:05 AM by Savant »


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1836 on: July 19, 2019, 10:33:37 AM »
Fantastic work, totally exciting, many thanks.


Offline NicoleS

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1837 on: July 19, 2019, 05:42:25 PM »
Taylor Swift VS Jennifer Lawrence


The tall blonde moans loudly as she finds the passage of air to her nose and mouth completely restricted. Her legs kick out in spades from beneath Jen, who lies sprawled atop Swift’s body, her well-endowed chest forming an air tight seal over the country singer’s face so as to render Tay incapable of drawing even a single breath. After thrashing like a fish out of water for what seemed like an eternity, Taylor eventually pulls herself free from Jen’s breast smother, which was just nanoseconds away from sending her to dreamland. Sucking in as much air as she can, she grabs Jen’s wrists as the latter tries to strike her, struggling to keep them secured as her thighs swing up in an attempt to pull the actress’s head between them.

Jen refuses to give up so easily, pressing her knee between Swift’s legs as the latter squeaks in pain. The taller blonde fights through the pain as she finally gets Lawrence’s wrists contained with her own, and just in time as her legs finally get a hold of Jen’s head. Taylor locks her ankles together as her thighs encircle Jen’s head… and then she lays down the squeeze of the century.

"How does it feel to be caught between the best thighs in Hollywood?” Taylor hisses into Jen’s ears as Lawrence thrashes in retaliation, grunting and groaning against Taylor’s short shorts as she struggles mightily for release. It pays off somewhat, loosing one free hand which she uses to try and pry apart Taylor’s strong legs, whimpering as Taylor ups the pressure considerably as Jen feels like her head is going to cave in from the power being exerted from the blonde’s steel thighs. But despite her efforts, she can’t make any progress in her attempts as Taylor’s gams refuse to loosen even a fraction of an inch. Jen can feel herself drooling as bits of slobber run down the inside of Taylor’s thighs, as the former fights back tears as she struggles to remain conscious.

But then… it happens! With a Herculean amount of effort, Jen at last manages to pry apart Taylor’s legs long enough to draw in a gulp of breath! With a primal roar that slowly begins to build up in volume, Jen begins to climb to her feet, still fighting her damnedest to keep Taylor’s thighs from clamping shut on her head once again.

With her other hand still being contained by Taylor’s own, the Oscar-winning actress finally reaches her feet as Taylor is lifted with her. Taylor had meanwhile readjusted her legs so they were wrapped around Jen’s midsection, the pressure strong enough to keep Lawrence from prying their bodies apart, whilst Jen instead focused on subduing Taylor’s wrists despite the crushing squeeze of the latter’s thighs. She marches forward towards the wall, throwing her head back with every grueling pulse of the blonde's steely thighs. She continues trying to seize Taylor’s left arm after locking down her right, finally slamming Taylor’s back into the turnbuckle.

Swift’s legs loosen but still the blonde stubbornly refuses to release her prey - the second turnbuckle slam finally detaches her from Lawrence’s torso, as the blonde slumps down to the mat with a loud squeal.Taylor isn’t finished yet and moves to stand up, but Lawrence quickly interjects as she plants her bare foot up against the taller blonde’s neck, keeping her planted against the turnbuckle as Jen towers over her with hands pressed to her hips. Breathing laboriously, her face still red from Taylor’s previous head scissors, Jen’s lips curl into a smirk as she listens to Tay begin to gurgle, her trembling hands going to her throat as she frantically tries to pry Lawrence’s foot from her windpipe.

The crowd begins to boo loudly as Taylor’s statuesque legs flail about helplessly in the air as her eyes begin to swell with water, “You can boo all you want, it’s not gonna save the bitch!” Jen roars back to them, silencing them completely.

She refuses to let off on the pressure as Taylor’s struggles grow weaker, until finally the country girl’s head lulls to the side as her arms fall limp. Jen then flexes her arms in victory as she feels the last remnants of Taylor’s strength fade away as the blonde falls unconscious.

Scarlett Johansson VS Jennifer Lawrence

The crowd knew there was going to be a titfight as soon as the two red-dressed beauties locked eyes. Jennifer stared down her buxom opponent with undisguised envy; while she filled out her dress impressively enough, Johansson was practically bursting the seams of her own gown as her cleavage dwarfed Lawrence’s considerably.

No words were spoken, only a subtle gesture from Lawrence for Scarlett to follow her to the washroom so they could settle their disagreement like women. Jen was thankful she had contained her temper and hadn’t challenged Scarlett right there on the red carpet. To put it bluntly, she was getting her ass handed to her. Her years of experience were rendered moot as the mother of one flung her against every wall of the shower room. They’d both stripped of their dresses prior to the fight, which only made things worse as Johansson’s voluptuous breasts entranced the lesser equipped blonde with every gravity-obeying bounce. As they grappled for another minute or two, Scarlett managed to find an opening in Lawrence’s unusually sloppy offense and managed to ensnare the latter in a bearhug.

Their ample breasts mushroomed against each other as each girl gave it their all. Jennifer gritted her teeth. She knew it wouldn’t be a piece of cake, but her breasts had never faced this much resistance. It disheartened and intimidated her that Scarlett’s juggs were almost twice her size, but she was a staunch believer that size didn’t matter in a titfight. If she could beat a rack this size, her reputation would soar.

Likewise, Scarlett found that Jen’s C cups were offering much more of a fight than she had previously expected. She began to notice, to her great shock, that her infamous globes were actually beginning to lose ground to the younger blonde’s own set - of course, not without a great deal of effort on the latter’s part. ScarJo grit her teeth as her frustration continued to grow, pouring even more pressure on Jennifer's protestant bust; despite being almost two cup sizes smaller than her, the bitch’s tits still refused to surrender! Devising a new plan, Scarlett, still holding Jen in the bearhug, took a step backwards, systematically forcing Jen to follow suit. She then flexed her arms tight as she sacrificed the remainder of her strength into one final squeeze, her massive bust practically engulfing Jen's own beleaguered breasts as she slammed Lawrence up against the wall!

Using the wall for added leverage, Scarlett managed to press her entire body weight against her taller opponent as she used her arms to pin Lawrence’s wrists against the wall tiles, her larger breasts now starting to resist the firm pair of her opponent as Jen’s eyes slowly widened.

Lawrence gritted her teeth as she struggled to keep her foe’s DDs at bay, but there was simply way too much jugg for her to handle. She groaned as she felt Scarlett’s breasts rapidly engulfing her own. So, she did what anyone would do if they found themselves on the brink of defeat. She raised her leg directly between Scarlett’s legs.

“You little bitch!” Scarlett seethed as she clutched her womanhood, stumbling backwards as she fought to remain vertical. With Scarlett temporarily dazed, Jennifer knew she could still prove her breasts were best. She cupped her fabulous breasts before wrestling Scarlett to the ground, using her strong legs to grapevine Johansson’s own and fought to spread them wide.

Scarlett’s eyes widened in shock as she took in Jennifer’s heaving breasts, just inches above her own face. Lawrence bent forward and whispered sultrily: “You might have the bigger bust, but it's nothing more than cosmetic,” Jen growled as she brushed her chest against Scarlett’s face, “and it sure as hell won’t save you from--mmmmmmphhhhhh!"

"You talk too much, sweetheart." Scarlett mused as a smirk crossed her face. As Jen continued to taunt the buxom blonde, Scarlett had used her arms - of which Lawrence had not bothered to pin down - to reach around Jen's head and pull her into her breasts! Jen's eyes went wide as she was locked in a bottomless smother, screaming profanities into Scarlett's large globes as she thrashed around for air. Scarlett laughed haughtily as she continued to sap the fight out of the blonde, laughing as she reprimanded her opponent further: “You really should have held my arms down! Did you really think you were gonna beat me, fucking Scarlett Johansson, in a titfight, you little bitch?”

The blonde continued to squirm haplessly, her face reddening in fury and embarrassment at being conquered in such a humiliating fashion. Finally, her movements ceased. Scarlett rose up and planted a foot upon her fallen opponent's breasts, flexing her arms as she claimed her rightful victory.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2019, 05:54:56 PM by NicoleS »
Don't ask to fight me. I'm just a write-y.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1838 on: July 19, 2019, 08:00:11 PM »
Demi Lovato VS Michelle Trachtenberg

Gnnnnnnnhhhhh!” The sound echoed through the audience, and it didn’t come from whom most would have expected.

Minutes into the battle, Demi had opted to engage her opponent in a battle of their lower appendages, eager to see what all the fuss was about regarding Michelle Trachtenberg's legs; the latter of whom had always considered her legs to be the best set of gams in the business, and Demi wanted to see firsthand why. She had managed to get the upper hand relatively quick into the match, yanking Trachtenberg’s head back with a vicious tug of brunette hair as she slipped her foot around the Buffy alum’s ankle in order to send her crashing to the mat. Demi followed through with a rough pounce, landing on Michelle’s delicate, but taut body and knocking the breath straight out of the brunette like a deflated balloon.

Demi then used her own strong legs to grapevine the actress’s own; she blew a lone strand of hair from her eyes as she breathed deeply, satisfied with her capture of the taller, older brunette.

“I thought you were tough stuff,” said Lovato airily as she used her arms to pin down Mich’s own to the cold mat. To the shock of the crowd, she was able to subdue Trachtenberg’s ordinarily-dominant legs by flexing her own thighs, tightening the grapevine considerably and forcing a grunt of frustration from her opponent in the process, “It looks like you could use a few more seshes on the ol’ thigh-master, eh, Mich?”

Michelle ignored Demi’s taunting, narrowing her lovely brown eyes as she bucked with all her might, thrusting her pelvis upward as she attempted to bridge some space between herself and Demi. Her wonderful derriere pushed against the floor as she had to put in a greater effort to escape than she had expected. But with Demi’s marble, thick thighs and stage-trained legs snaking around her own, Michelle found herself unable to break free of the ever-grueling hold. Demi flexed her thigh muscles to keep Michelle in place, earning a yelp in the process followed by a few rather-harsh expletives that the film guys would have to censor later. After a few seconds of this, Demi relaxed her grapevine as she let her legs close in once again.

Then Lovato had a devious idea… She began to spread her legs back out again, forcing Michelle’s own legs in turn to also spread. Fearing another grapevine, Michelle arched her back as she attempted to break the hold before Demi could complete it. Much to her horror, as soon as Michelle had lifted her body off the mat, Demi slid a leg beneath Michelle’s waist, locking her brunette opponent into a surprise leg-scissors!

Michelle let out a mighty howl as Demi squeezed her powerful thighs for all she was worth, rivaling Michelle’s own renowned scissors with ease as the former bit down on her lip whilst increasing the pressure. Panicking audibly, Michelle immediately tried to pry Demi’s legs apart, but Demi was hell-bent in keeping her scissors secured. Sweat began to form atop her brow as Demi put every ounce of strength she had into the leg scissors; Michelle soon felt that power as her face began to grow red, from both frustration and asphyxiation as she struggled harder than ever to pry apart Lovato’s steel-corded gams. As minutes went by, the mighty brunette began to show signs of weakening, her energy banks depleting as her straining grew weaker by the second.

“So, Mich, do I win yet?” Demi purred as she rubbed in Michelle’s discomfort, clamping her legs together to force yet another begrudged scream from Trachtenberg’s lips when the brunette failed to answer fast enough, “You’re going to submit to me now, Michelle, or I'mma cave in every rib in your pathetic body. Do I make myself clear?"

Michelle hissed through her teeth, fury showing in her cerulean eyes as her arms continued to pull desperately at the smooth limbs of her oppressor. Each time Michelle tried to wedge apart Demi’s legs, Lovato simply increased the pressure. Michelle would groan louder each time, then slump back to the mat wheezing and gasping for air. Trachtenberg had gone into the fight overconfident, and she, like those who do, ultimately paid the price. “You’re gonna have to knock me the fuck out… bitch… because there’s no way I'll EVER submit to you. So you can kiss my a--UNNNNNGHHHH!” Her words were cut off by a gut-wrenching scream that overpowered even the roar of the crowd.

She didn’t utter another word for the entire night. Arms flailing, Michelle slapped her tormentor’s wicked legs as hard and fast as she could when Demi grew impatient and began to increase her intense squeeze. Soon, Michelle’s pained grunts were replaced with barely-audible whimpers. Demi turned to the crowd next, a smile forming on her lips as she found herself being watched by hundreds of horrified spectators, ones who had just earlier believed the match would be just another night in the ring for the ordinarily-victorious Michelle. In just mere seconds, Michelle was out cold, but not before fearing how big of a hit a loss to this little bitch would have on her formidable reputation.

... I love you, Nicole, and I want to have your babies.  THANK YOU for this unexpected pairing of two of my very favorites.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1839 on: July 20, 2019, 06:24:31 PM »
Sofia Vergara VS Ariel Winter


“C'mon, Sofia! Teach that little tart some respect!” shouted Julie Bowen from the edge of the room as she, along with the rest of those fortunate enough to have been working that day, watched Sofia as the Colombian woman brushed some hair from her eyes, her teeth gritted as her struggle was evident, “She’s just a girl - you can’t let her win!” the blonde quickly added, trying to encourage her red-faced friend as best she could.

But despite Sofia’s efforts, Ariel was clearly winning. While both buxom beauties were perspiring quite noticeably, Ariel wasn’t sweating nearly as many bullets as her costar was. The 21 year old beauty Vergara pinned against the wall as their huge breasts pressed together harder. Winter’s ample rack was working overtime to squash the enormous chest of her older rival - and by no means was it an easy task. While her breast reduction just over a year prior definitely brought her chest a size or two below Sofia’s own voluptuous F cups, they hadn’t lost an iota of firmness to them as Sofia was quick to realise.

At first, Sofia was able to make Ariel struggle quite considerably, with every arch of her back allowing her jugs to shove back Ariel’s big, but undoubtedly smaller breasts with ease. But the more her tits struggled against Ariel’s, the more energy she found herself expending and the more resilient the teen grew. This time, when Sofia arched her back and tried to shove out her formidable breasts, a gasp escaped her lips as Ariel’s knockers refused to give an inch. “Uuuuuugggggghhhhhh!” the Latin spitfire wailed as Ariel pressed her own chest forward in retaliation, slowly but surely flattening Sofia’s massive bust with her own resilient D cups.

“What’s the matter, Sofe? All out of steam already?” Ariel asked, that trademark smirk of hers crossing the starlet’s lips as Sofia gritted her teeth, her legs buckling from the weight of Ariel’s twin knockers. Her face was red with anger and shame as found her prized assets outgunned by a girl not even in her twenties. Ariel pulled away from the wall momentarily while still leaving Sofia’s arms pinned above her head; a second later, she threw herself forward as she slammed her bra-clad globes straight into Sofia’s as the older woman gritted her teeth harshly. “What? You thought just because your cans are a little bigger, they could hold their own against a younger, firmer pair of breasts like these?” the young actress asked, accentuating the last word as her breasts overwhelmed Sofia’s massive bosom in an epic display of power.

Sofia couldn’t believe it; she was losing a titfight to a girl barely in her 20s! Ariel let go of Sofia’s arms and quickly wrapped her own around the Colombian’s waist, lifting her away from the wall and chucking her to the floor with a burst of strength. Julie tried to intervene but a sudden backhand to the face from Winter ended her short-lived effort. However, the momentary distraction was enough for Sofia to quickly recover, as the feisty Colombian jumped to her feet and slammed her body against Ariel’s. Winter hit the ground hard while Sofia straddled the raven-haired teen, locking in a grapevine on Ariel’s legs before pinning her arms over her head. Sofia struggled to keep Ariel’s strong, thick thighs pinned down with her own as she planted her giant rack over her wide-eyed opponent’s face in a desperate breast smother, seeking to end the fight as quickly as possible.

“You dirty cheating whore!” Hyland shouted from behind Julie, whom she had in a headlock to prevent further interventions. Ariel’s body bucked wildly beneath the older woman, her hushed screaming lost to Sofia’s air-sapping cleavage as she thrashed, “Fight her like a real woman, coward!” Vergara ignored the brunette, keeping her heaving breasts pressed against Ariel’s face until the starlet grunted her last breath into her rack before going under.

Ariel Winter VS Dakota Blue Richards


This can’t be happening!

This was the thought racing through Ariel Winter’s mind upon letting slip a muffled grunt of discomfort, much to the euphoric glee of her blonde opponent. The buxom British actress had a look of pure sadism as she pressed her larger endowments against the underside of Ariel’s own tits, pushing the raven-haired beauty’s big jugs upwards in order to make Ariel effectively smother herself out! Ariel squirmed frantically as she fought to jut her breasts forwards, but Dakota’s massive bosom kept her own in place as Winter continued to struggle for air, experiencing firsthand just how effective her trademark breast smother could be.

Dakota’s bearhug only served to hasten the endeavor, with every cruel squeeze only compressing Ariel’s breasts further against Dakota’s more sizable weapons. While the blonde’s breasts weren’t as big as Ariel’s had been before her reduction, it was easy to tell that Dakota’s double Ds now had Ariel’s own chest beaten by a considerable margin. Ariel’s mouth had practically disappeared inside her own remarkable cleavage, and her nose wasn’t too far behind. She continued to thrash as she was beginning to succumb to her own breasts, her vision growing black as she was threatened closer to unconsciousness.

“Give it a rest, ya cow! I’m the one girl your fat American tits’ll never manage to smother out!” Dakota bragged as she tightened her arms around the small of Ariel’s back. She was pushing Ariel’s epic cleavage deeper against her own facial features as Ariel’s moaning grew louder, “Hell, looks like you’re about to smother yourself out before you’’ll ‘ave ever done me in!”

Ariel could only grunt louder as she felt her vision continued to blacken, her ample cleavage turned against her as she was continuously denied even one modicum of breath. Growing desperate, the black haired woman managed to blindly hook one of her legs around Dakota’s left ankle. The excess gym time to which Ariel had committed herself was finally beginning to pay off, as evident when she managed to pull Dakota’s own leg forward with her own, distracting the buxom blonde long enough for Ariel to free herself from her busty prison! She gasped for breath as she stumbled backwards, with the only thing preventing herself from falling over being her grip on the brown leather couch.

Dakota attempted to shove Ariel against the sofa, but the busty youngster managed to seize the blonde’s arm midair and spin her around in a reverse bearhug. Raising her arms until they were over the blonde’s chest, Winter began to flatten her opponent’s massive knockers against her own lungs. She then deliberately fell backwards onto the carpet, bringing Richards down with her until both girls were sitting on their derrieres. Ariel next locked a gripping leg scissors around the blonde’s waist, her thicc thighs wasting no time making Dakota grimace in pain.

“I don’t know how anyone can stand that overrated accent of yours,” the raven-haired vixen spat as she squeezed her thighs harder, threatening to crack one of Dakota’s ribs as the blonde struggled desperately to pry apart Ariel’s powerful gams, “but that’s the wonderful thing about having huge breasts like these: they’re like having nature’s own mute button!” With a sly grin, she leaned forward to whisper into Dakota’s ear, only wanting the the blonde to hear her next words... "And I only need one of 'em to handle you, hussy!" With that, she released her scissors and spun Dakota around until both buxom ladies were facing one another.

She then grasped Dakota by the back of the head and pressed the British girl’s face against one of her huge jugs, pushing her mouth and nose into her excess cleavage as Dakota’s eyes widened considerably. With every muffled grunt from the blonde’s mouth, Ariel would simply increase the pressure as more of her tit went into Dakota’s mouth, with too much titflesh stuffed into her face for the blonde to even try to bite down on them. Dakota continued to squirm wildly as she was involuntarily forced to suck Winter’s breast, until finally Ariel felt her opponent’s body go limp beneath her.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2019, 08:06:35 PM by NicoleS »
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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1840 on: July 21, 2019, 10:15:09 PM »
Ariel Winter VS Julie Bowen

Ariel Winter’s huge breasts bounced with every step, barely contained in her low-cut white dress as she made her way to the trailer of her co-star. Earlier in the week, she had discovered a leak of future scripts for the television show, Modern Family, of which she was a prominent character. As she read through each one, she grew exceedingly pissed to discover that while she was getting a lot more airtime now that she was an emancipated adult woman, it was not nearly as much as that of her TV mother, Julie Bowen. Her other co-star, Sofia Vergara, had even more hours but that was understandable. She had massive breasts, so a lot more screen time was justifiable. What wasn’t justifiable was that Ariel’s breasts were almost just as large – hell, she was larger than Sofia, before she decided to get a reduction anyway – but she was getting the lowest amount of airtime of any of her female coworkers, sans Aubrey...

...and that was unacceptable.

Ariel reached the trailer, and knocked on the door. No answer. She had seen Julie go inside to prep for upcoming filming, which made her all the more infuriated that she was being ignored. The 18-year-old looked back and forth; there was no one around her. It was lunchtime, which meant that she would have, at the least, a couple undisturbed minutes to ‘talk’ with the older woman. She hiked up her short shorts to reveal even more of her thick, smooth thighs. She gripped the railing that led up the steps of the trailer, and, with a slight grunt, kicked the door with all her might. The door submitted to the power of her legs as it flew open, causing a mildly surprised Julie to gasp aloud as she spun around to see what the hell was going on.

“What the HELL is this, Ariel?” Julie said as she stood up, watching as Ariel closed the door behind her.

The trailer was small, yet still bigger than her own, which just served to ignite the busty starlet’s anger. Ariel subtly pulled down the hemline of her top to expose even more of her ample cleavage, which easily dwarfed Julie’s own modest breasts, despite Ariel being nearly thirty years her younger. She knew that her bigger breasts intimidated Julie, which was evident as she watched the older woman struggle not to stare at her rack.

“Listen up. You’re going to go to the producers and correct the obvious mistake that they made regarding our difference in screen times. You and Sofia have had your time in the sun, but now it’s time to make way for the next generation. And let’s be honest—“Ariel squeezed her arms together, forcing her large boobs nearly to her chin as her cleavage swelled—“these babies get way more ratings anyway than whatever you’ve got. Understand?”

“Excuse me?” Julie demanded with incredulity, unable to believe that a younger girl like Ariel was actually speaking to her in this way, “Who the hell do you think you’re talking to, little lady?”

“Little lady?” Ariel smirked as she again pointed to her larger bust, “You’re one to talk, calling someone else little. Are you going to do what I said or am I going to have to—“

She never got to finish her sentence, as Julie responded with a swift, cheek-bruising backhand that struck Ariel’s face so hard the teenager was nearly knocked on her ass. Ariel stumbled back a few feet as she shrieked in pain, rubbing the reddening spot that Julie had given her as wrath burned in her eyes. It was <i>on</i>. Ariel lurched forward to grab Julie, pressing her full body weight into the blonde woman and slamming them both against Julie’s dressing table. Her impressive breasts pushed against Julie’s lesser endowments as Ariel fought to crush Julie’s body between her own and the mahogany bureau, but she soon found herself in shock as she found herself struggling to finish off the older woman.

Both women’s legs were firmly rooted to the ground of the trailer, hands clasped together as they grimaced against the other’s strength. The musculature in Ariel’s toned, round ass was well defined, as were her formidable thighs and calves as both ladies’ powerful legs engaged in a battle of their own. If it were Sarah she was facing, her strong legs would have already won out, but Julie was proving to be deceptively robust. Ariel shut her eyes as the struggle to bend her opponents’ wrists were causing her to sweat, as beads of perspiration formed both on her forehead and between her deep cleavage. She thought about how she would make Julie bend to her will, and just like that, a slight advantage was given in her favour as she felt Julie’s legs buckle.

“Looks like someone’s, ugh, been eating her spinach,” Julie said with a half laugh-half grunt as she tensed her legs harder, ending Ariel’s slow advancement.

“And looks like someone’s skipped drinking their milk,” Ariel said back with a laugh, another prod to Julie’s bust size.

Julie snarled as she channeled all her remaining strength into her arms, as she began to push back against Ariel’s wrists to regain her vertical posture. Their breasts mashed together, Ariel’s swallowing hers completely, as their foreheads touched and they glared at each other in the eyes with a look of contempt. Ariel blew a strand of hair from her eyes as her own legs buckled and bent, groaning just audibly as her wrists were bent backwards. She flexed her legs but could not slow down Julie’s progress. Ariel, on the verge of being brought to her knees, whipped her leg forward as she aimed for Julie’s stomach. The blonde expertly dodged the kick, shoving Ariel back with a loud grunt as the bustier actress slammed her back against the table, knocking a few wine glasses to the ground with a loud crash as shards scattered across the carpet. Ariel screamed in anger as she pounced once more.

Using her weight to her advantage, she slammed her huge D cups full force into Julie’s own breasts, knocking the older woman backwards against the wall of the trailer as the whole room shook. Julie, shaken from the blow, rolled up the sleeves of her sweater as she advanced towards the teenager.

Meanwhile, outside, dozens of crew members were drawn to the ruckus coming from the trailer. The sounds coming from inside the trailer made it clear to all that the two cast members were having quite the rumpus. The film crew listened intently as the trailer even shook a few times, as more curses, screams and profanities found their way out the open window.

Then, with a loud thump, the noises abruptly ceased.

Ariel Winter stepped out first. Her hair was a complete mess and she was sporting a black eye and a swollen lip. Her white dress was shredded and a majority of her large breasts were exposed, with one of her dress straps hanging down her shoulder. But just as one of the crew members was about to speak, Ariel's eyes glazed over and she did a face-plant in the dirt. She was out cold! Julie stepped out after, clapping her hands together as she looked at the crew, "When Miss Big Boobs wakes up, tell her to knock on my door so we can go over some scheduling disagreements." she said with the biggest smirk on her face as she closed the door behind her.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2019, 10:17:34 PM by NicoleS »
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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1841 on: July 22, 2019, 01:38:51 AM »
Kaley Couco vs. Michelle Mitchenor

Outstanding work, Maxx!   :D


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1842 on: July 22, 2019, 02:48:33 AM »
Halle Bailey vs Isabela Moner


"Looks like we're in for a couple of creampuffs this evening," one of the elite spectators said somewhat disappointingly to a friend as they took their seats in the spacious living room of a Beverly Hills mansion.  And it certainly seemed as if tonight's combatants...both of them rookies making their catfighting debuts...lacked the obvious makings of a memorable battle.  "They'll probably roll around the floor a little, giggling the whole time, but when one of them breaks a nail, she'll run crying back to her bedroom," the other guest said with an air of resignation.  Each had seen this sort of thing before: young starlets eager to unleash their fury and frustration in primal combat, only to realize once the fight had begun that they were in way over their head.  And there was no denying the Halle and Isabela are two stunningly attractive young ladies.  But the fact that they are both known to be incredibly sweet souls strongly suggests that they won't easily find their savage inner-selves.  Oh well, the two spectators sigh, at least the bar is well-stocked tonight.

Now, some thirty minutes into their match, all notions that they are too sweet and gentle to be catfighters has long since been dashed to smithereens.

From the opening moment, the smiles disappeared from their faces and with angry snarls they lunged at one another.  From that point on, there was no let up in the intensity of the brawl, as the two beauties unleashed pure havoc upon each other.  The spectators sat in stunned silence at the ferocity that erupted before their very eyes.  As the battle wore on, Bailey and Moner went from hurling profane curses at one another to descending into an abyss of complete primitive rage, growling and hissing lie jungle cats.  Their limbs tangled together as they thrashed back and forth upon the carpet, nails and teeth marring flesh, fingers gouging into the most tender of places, hands ripping hair from scalps.  It was as brutal a fight as any assembled had ever seen, and it was breathtaking.

But while the spirits were more than willing to war for hours on end, the flesh eventually grew too taxed to continue.  Their movements grew sluggish as they panted heavily for breath, their skin sheathed with sweat.  Then, virtually as one, they seemed to slump in each others arms, flopping to the floor, both pushed past the point of consciousness as they passed out from the strain.

It ended in a draw, but all those who witnessed this contest would heartily agree that both Isabela and Halle emerged from it as champions!

Taylor Momsen vs Kylie Jenner


With a heavy grunt, Taylor dropped to all fours, head hung low as she gulped in air, her long tangled mane covering her face.

"That's right peasant...grovel," sneered Kylie, who hovered over her opponent like a huntress about to finish off a wounded tigress.  But for all of Jenner's bravado, the spectators can attest to the fact that up until the previous five minutes or so, the match had been much more evenly waged.  It was only a rather dastardly gouge of the eyes that halted Momsen's momentum and gave Kylie the upper hand...a dominance which she was not about to relinquish.  All the same, she intended to draw out the suffering and humiliation of her victim until it bored the heiress.

"You look good on your knees," Kylie continued to taunt.  "You'll do just find scrubbing the floors."  Taylor tilted her head up to see the skimpy French maid's outfit hanging on the fireplace mantle.  She had agreed prior to the match that the loser would serve as the personal maid to the winner for two weeks after the match.  At the time the bet was made, the blonde was confident Jenner would be serving her hand and foot; now, she feels a wave of fear that she'll be the one being degraded as a servant to this snobby bitch.

But that fear, rather than overwhelming her, instead sparks a burst of adrenaline.  And when Jenner grabs Momsen by the hair to haul her back up to her feet, the blonde unleashes a fist that sinks deep into her rival's belly, winding Kylie and causing her to double over with a pained gasp.  Taylor didn't have much fuel left in her tank...Jenner's offensive had very effectively drained most of the blonde's remaining strength...but she had enough moxie to drive her shoulder into her adversary's aching belly, rise up, and flip the brunette up and over.  Kylie landed with a thud on her back, and with a groan rolled over...which was precisely what Taylor wanted.

Dropping a knee into Kylie's back, Momsen with one hand grabbed the brunette's right ankle, and with her other hand cupped her hand beneath her victim's chin.  She then pulled both ends up and back, yanking each past the point of sheer agony.  Kylie's eyes went wide as she howled in anguish, squirming helplessly in her tormentor's grasp.  The blonde kept bending her, until finally Jenner's toes were touching the top of her own head!

"Say it!" Taylor angrily snarled.

"I GIVE UP!  I GIVE UP!" Kylie mewled, tears streaking her face.

With the submission, Taylor released her hold and sat back on her haunches.  After a few minutes, Kylie struggled up to her feet and began limping toward her assigned bedroom.  "Oh, no," Momsen says, a Cheshire grin upon her face.  "Your job starts right now.  Put it on!"  Sobbing with shame, the haughty heiress is made to strip down in front of the spectators and don the maid's uniform.  "Good," the blonde purrs.  "Now go fetch me a cocktail, and then draw me a warm bubble bath."  With a whimper, Kylie complied.

Oh yes, Taylor was going to enjoy the next few weeks very, very much.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1843 on: July 24, 2019, 05:18:19 PM »
Sarah Hyland VS Maisie Williams

“Anyone got a pen?” asked the young British woman as she peered over her shoulders, “First of ya blokes to snap a decent photo of us gets it signed!” Her eyes then glanced down to a wonderful view: Sarah Hyland, trapped between the well-defined legs of Maisie Williams, who squeezed the American girl’s head like a toothpaste tube in a devastating reverse scissors! The crowd began to rapid-fire off photos, as if they feared the brunette might relinquish her dominant position at any moment. Sarah’s face was crimson as tears of humiliation soaked her cheeks. Her nose was pressed against Maisie’s ass, her only view being the curvature of the Brit’s wonderful backside. Maisie tensed her thighs as her legs bulged with noticeable muscle, causing a cute shriek from Hyland as her head throbbed.

Sarah tried valiantly to pull against Maisie’s legs of steel, frantically gasping for air as it soon became apparent that she didn’t have the strength nor the stamina to budge the Brit’s crushing thighs more than an inch. Despite being a newcomer to the scene, the GoT actress was an expert at the art of scissoring, periodically relaxing her gams only to unleash a hellish squeeze upon hearing her opponent’s first thankful gasp.

“Enjoying the view back there, luv?” Maisie taunted over the cheer of the audience as she pulsed her thighs once more. She was delighted when her foe could only respond with a disgruntled groan as her nose sunk deeper into the crack of the Brit’s ass, “What’s say you give my ass a proper kiss like the pathetic American bitch you are? Hm? C'mon, want to end this, dont'cha?” she asked with a brush of her hair as she threatened another squeeze.

MMPPPPMMFFFF! Sarah’s expletive vocabulary was muffled by Maisie’s breath-defying tush. Maisie laughed haughtily as her glutes squeezed out another cry from Sarah’s lips,

“You know, for someone who acts like she’s such a tough li'l bitch, I find that difficult to believe when yer chin is halfway up my ass,” Maisie teased before growing more serious, “Oi! I said kiss my fuckin’ cheeks NOW,” she growled, her lips curling back into a smile once she felt Sarah’s lips planted against her skin, “That’s a good girl! Hell, you should be used to kissin’ other girls’ asses by now, luv. Anyway, since I am a lady of my word…”

Before Sarah keyed in on the sinister undertone behind Maisie’s words, her head was suddenly pounding as the Brit’s thighs completely enveloped Sarah’s entire face, as Maisie began a skull-crushing squeeze that rivaled the likes of even Michelle Trachtenberg’s infamous scissors. Sarah hammered the British woman’s ass frantically until her fists were beat red, as she begged for a mercy that would never come. With less than a minute of fruitlessly squirming, Sarah was finally snuffed out cold by Williams’ encompassing derriere. Despite winning the match, Maisie continued to hold the beaten American in place in the middle of the ring; she had finally received the pen she had requested earlier, as well as many photographs she’d promised to sign.
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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1844 on: July 26, 2019, 02:23:24 AM »

Sarah Hyland vs Maisie Williams

Sarah Hyland had been on the receiving end of quite a beating by Maisie Williams for most of their wrestling match. The British beauty and the American cutie were roughly the same size; Sarah was a little taller, Maisie a little more muscular.

However the course of the match changed after the battle spilled outside of the ring. The speedy Sarah raced around the ring with Maisie in hot pursuit. However Sarah got enough of a lead that she was able to crouch down where the pursuing Maisie could not see here. The Brit was completely unprepared then when she rounded the corner, and Sarah CRACKED a kendo stick over Maisie’s head. Maisie immediately crumpled onto her knees. Sarah raised the kendo stick and blasted Maisie over the head again! Then again! Maisie slumped over onto her back.

Sarah quickly mounted her rival and pressed the kendo stick into Maisie’s throat, choking her. There was little the Brit could do after the vicious headshots she was subjected to. A smiling Sarah enjoyed herself as Maisie squirmed and coughed.

Then Sarah applied a mandible claw to Maisie. Maisie had always thought this was the stupidest, least believable hold in wrestling. Why didn’t someone just bite down on their opponent’s fingers she wondered? She learned now though the folly of her thoughts. Sarah pressed three of her fingers underneath Maisie’s tongue and pushed it up to the roof of Williams’ mouth. The effect was t create an intense feeling of panic as the hold basically blocked off the brunette’s breathing passage. Maisie kicked her legs frantically and thrashed about but she couldn’t even form a coherent thought, much less the concentration to try and bite. And Sarah just kept pushing and pushing her fingers down Maisie’s throat, until she felt the Brit’s struggles gradually quiet down. A line of drool ran out of the corners of her lips and she looked up pathetically at Sarah as the American toyed with her.

After a few minutes of this torture, Maisie was almost unconscious. Sarah then felt confident enough roll the Brit back into the ring. She then spent about 20 minutes working over one specific part of Maisie’s body, her right arm.

She twisted it into a tight hammerlock behind Maisie’s back, wrenching the trapped limb up as far as she could. Sarah added to the torture by also twisting Maisie’s wrist as shard as she could, like ringing out a wet tea towel. Maisie squired in pain. She hid he face in her arms, trying not to show how much pain she was experiencing but Sarah could tell by how stiff and tense Williams’ body got. She could also see Maisie opening and closing her fingers, a subtle sign of how much agony she was in.

Eventually she worked Maisie up to her feet and marched her into one corner of the ring. She lifted Maisie’s arm over the ring rope. She then started violently pulling on the arm, jerking it up and down. Maisie, whose back was to Sarah, winced in pain. She again tried to hide her face in her free arm as the American kept up the torture.

Eventually Sarah switched from jerking the arm to firing punches up into Maisie’s right armpit.

“Gagghhhh!’ Maisie cried out, as the pain switched from steady pressure to a sharp explosion every time Sarah fired a punch up into her armpit, which she did relentlessly, firing off a couple of dozen punches in rapid succession.

Eventually, Sarah left Maisie slump onto her butt in the corner of the ring. Any reprieve the Brit had was short-lived though as Sarah started firing kicks and stomps into Maisie’s right shoulder.

Sarah grunted as she fired off each kick, concentrating intently as she used her long, lean legs to pound Maisie into a mudhole.

At this point, Maisie was starting to be barely conscious. Sarah had been so relentless in her beatdown, had concentrated so viciously on one body part, that the brunette’s arm was almost numb. Maisie had lost almost all ability to resist. Sarah just kept bashing her over and over and over again…

Eventually Sarah reluctantly stopped and sat herself down in front of Maisie. She grabbed Maisie by her sweat-soaked hair and grabbed her by the chin with her other hand, squeezing the brunette’s cheeks.

“Do you give, princess?”


“Oh, should I work on your arm some more?”

“No,” Maisie said quietly.

“No what?” said a hardhearted Sarah.

“No, please. Stop, I give up,” Maisie said.

“Damn right, you do!” said Sarah.

She then inched up and sat herself in Maisie’s lap before firing punch after punch after punch into Maisie’s jaw.

There was a look of shock on Maisie’s face after the first right cross but she quickly was drilled into a drooling, beaten mess. Sarah was not the hardest puncher but the sheer speed and volume of the punches overwhelmed Maisie, who was still muddle-headed after the cheapshots with the kendo stick.

Her eyes became unfocused. Her head whipped back and forth after each blow.

And Sarah just kept the rain of blows coming, punching her arch enemy into oblivion, not giving her hatred rival any chance to recover.

The last thing Maisie heard dimly as she went out was Sarah barking to the ref.

“Check her ref! Check her! I think she’s out!” said the excited American.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2019, 02:26:47 AM by Savant »