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Finish Her!

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Offline Jackflash Jump

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1965 on: April 02, 2020, 09:52:46 PM »
Flashback 2000:  Danielle Fishel vs. Jodie Sweetin


The spectators had been shocked by the savagery of this no holds barred battle between the two 18 year old starlets.  They had battered one another across the length and breadth of the ring for the better part of twenty minutes, and now both were teetering on the edge of exhaustion.  Still, their indomitable wills and blazing hatred for one another kept them going long past the point where others would have submitted.

The tide of battle swung rapidly back and forth between the two teens.  Dani had snared Jodie in a bearhug, her steely arms crushing the blonde.  But Sweetin had broken free by slamming her palms hard into her tormentor's ears; with Fishel stunned, a kick to the belly doubled the brunette over, and a kneelift to the chest dropped her to her knees.

Jodie grabbed Danielle by the hair with her left hand, lifting her rival's face up to see hers, while she drew back her right arm and balled her fist, ready to unleash piston-like punches to her foe's features.  But Sweetin paused first, smiling as she looked out at the specially invited spectators to this private gym brawl.

That pause was a crucial error however, as it gave Fishel the few moments she needed to regain her wits.  With a growl she suddenly swing her left arm up, slamming a forearm blow to Jodie's groin.  The blonde let out a shriek and staggered backward on knocked knees, her hands clutching her throbbing crotch.  "Y-you...bitch...!" she hissed through gritted teeth.

Calling on her last dregs of strength, Danielle climbed back up to her feet and delivered an arcing uppercut to the blonde's jaw, causing the dazed beauty to stagger backward.  Fishel followed it up by sinking her fist deep into Jodie's belly, winding her as she doubled her victim over.

Now it was time to finish this.  Pushing the dazed blonde's head between her thighs, Dani, bent forward and wrapped her arms around Sweetin's waist.  Then, with a loud grunt, she hoisted Jodie up, until she was holding her vertically, with the blonde's feet pointing toward the ceiling.  "No no no no no!" whimpered the blonde, but there would be no mercy tonight.  With a sudden move, Dani sat down hard, spiking the head of her nemesis into the canvas with a piledriver.  Sweetin was knocked out before her lip body even crashed to the mat.

Rolling her beaten rival over onto her back, Danielle stood up and planted her foot on Jodie's heaving chest, flexing her arms as she claimed her victory.

Rematch 2020:  Danielle Fishel vs Jodie Sweetin


Twenty years had done nothing to bank the fires of animosity between the two; if anything, those fires raged hotter than ever before.  They were trading slaps in the center of the ring, showers of sweat erupting from their faces with every stinging blow.  Gradually, Jodie began to force her opponent backward, landing two slaps for every one thrown by Danielle, then three, then four.  Finally the brunette was left so dazed and glassy eyed, she offered only scant resistance as Sweetin muscled her into the corner.  There, she lifted Fishel's right leg up and draped it over the middle rope, then did the same with her left, while throwing the brunette's arms over the top ropes on either side of her.

Thus hung up in the corner, Dani was left wide open for the barrage that ensued, as Sweetin focused her attack on her rival's bare breasts, punching and hammering away at them again and again.  Wailing in pain, Fishel's head lolled side to side as she was made to endure the battering, each painful blow robbing what little was left of her strength.

When she had decided that the brunette had had enough, Jodie finally halted.  She then climbed up onto the ropes, her feet on the bottom cables, as she tucked Dani's head under her right arm, and she reached around to grad a tight hold on Fishel's panties.  With a growl, the blonde pulled her unwilling victim up and flipped her over with a suplex; Danielle hit the mat with ring-shaking force, her spine arching up from the pain.

Scaling up the turnbuckles, the blonde now precariously balanced herself upon the top ropes, sizing up her target.  Dani lay on the canvas moaning, too stunned to move as Jodie suddenly leapt into the air, to come crashing down like a curvaceous missile of destruction.  Fishel let out a loud, sharp gasp as the air is driven from her body by the impact, and then she lay there motionless, save for the fluttering of her eyelids as she pants heavily for breath.

Rising up, Jodie returned the gesture of two decades earlier, planting her foot atop her beaten foe's chest and raising her arms in triumph.


Offline the_walkin_dude

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1966 on: April 03, 2020, 04:25:21 PM »
Hello friends,

It’s been a rather trying week, but Friday is upon us and I found the time to put together another offering for this venerable thread. I hope you enjoy.


PS. I’ve left mention of attire purposely vague so you can imagine it to your liking. Should you be interested in what I imagined, it’s matching cotton tank-top and panty sets for both participants, Miley’s in lime green, Emma’s in a muted fog gray.


Presented for your approval, a study in exhaustion.



   Kneeling on the carpet no more than two feet apart, Miley Cyrus and Emma Watson are engaged in a slogging tit-for-tat exchange of Bitch Slaps that’s ground on for the better part of two minutes at the moment of our arrival.

   Currently Miley has her left hand wrapped around the left strap of her opponent’s sweat-damp tank-top, the blonde keeping her opponent steady while she reared back with her right hand (Cyrus effectively reaching over her left shoulder on the wind-up) to craaack a resounding Backhand across Watson’s patrician features.

   “Yeah, you slap so GOOD, beeyotch!” Miley chided as the Briton’s head snapped to one side. “You ready to give up or do you want another tasNNNGGGHHH!”

   Emma, who’d laid claim to Miley’s right shoulder-strap in the same way the blonde had seized her left, answered with a whip-crack forehand slap that left a palm-shaped welt on Cyrus’ cheek and blot of smudged mascara on Watson’s hand.

   “Considering the liberties you’ve taken with me throughout the course of this bout,” Emma still sounded remarkably calm despite her disheveled hair, battle-rumpled attire and a litany of bright pink scratches on her forearms, thighs and tummy, “it’ll take far more than some of your prissy little slaps to secure my surrenBRRRGGGGHHHH!”

   Cyrus trapped the brunette’s cheeks in a three fingered pincer and squeezed hard, mashing Watson’s incensed mug into a galling ‘fish-face’. “Prissy? YOU of all bitches are gonna call ME, prissy? Oh baby, I am gonna fuck your day NNNNGGGHHHH!”

   Watson swatted the blonde’s claw away from her face and immediately followed with one, two, three brisk slaps to Miley’s started features! “Guuuhhh… get your goddamned hands off of me you tawdry slattEERRRHHH!”

   Miley slapped her again, followed it up by dragging her nails down the Englishwoman’s cheek. “Last chance, prude.” Cyrus huffed. “Give it up!”

   Emma’s answering slap was immediate, as was Miley’s rebuttal. The next thirty seconds sounded a bit like of string of fireworks going off  as blonde and brunette simply teed off on one another’s quickly reddening features in a callous one for one duel. Those few assembled for the contest judged this pace unsustainable and they were proven correct as one fighter’s reserves began to dry up and the exchange grew increasingly one sided.

   First two to one.

   Then three to one.

   And finally there was no exchange as Miley placed her slappin’ hand to Watson’s chest and pushed off in an effort to create some separation between herself and the resurgent Englishwoman.

   Watson wasn’t having any of it however, she ignored Cyrus’ anemic defense to pepper the blonde’s face with half a dozen more slaps, her expression curiously emotionless until Cyrus finally let loose and turned away, the blonde crumpling onto her elbows and tummy with a distressed whine. Smiling now, Emma scrambled into a mount on the small of her opponent’s back, the brunette taking care to drive the full weight of her tush into Miley’s vulnerable vertebrae. Planting her feet immediately thereafter, Watson helped herself to the blonde’s biceps and peeled her arms off the carpet only to hook ‘em over the planks of her thighs.

   Miley groaned in protest, the frazzled fighter struggling to keep her chin against her sternum to defend against the Camel Clu--“MMMMMRRRRHHHH! UUURRRRMMMMMHHHHHHH!”

   Emma curled a palm over Miley’s mouth and nose, caught the latter between thumb and forefinger and pinched until Cyrus let loose a muffled squeal. “Give me your chin now, yes, that’s a good girl.” Watson flashed a quick grin as she cupped her other hand under Miley’s chin, thus allowing her to really reef back on the Camel Clutch.

   Bent backward in an agonizing tipped over ‘J’ shape, Cyrus cast a frantic glance around the living room, searching  for assistance from any of the dozen or so guests. Alas, she found nothing but avid interest in her predicament and it wasn’t long after that she tapped a panicky submission against Watson’s sleek thigh.

   Emma nodded at the sound of the ombudsman’s polite little chime, though she made no effort to relinquish the hold.

   “BIDGE!” Miley snuffled through her foe’s smothering palm. “AYEGHIBHUP!”

   “I’m aware.” Emma said simply. “Just as I am aware that you are a notoriously poor loser. That’s why I’m going to put you to sleep before I enjoy my moment.”

   “NHOOOOOOMMMMMPPPPPPHHHH!” Miley wailed in indignant, impotent protest, the brazen show-off slowly but surely succumbing to Watson’s implacable palms.

   Keeping the Sleepy Clutch in place until Cyrus’ head sagged in her hands, Emma held it another ten seconds just to be sure before she let Miley collapse to the carpet in a facedown sprawl. Finally allowing herself a deep, satisfied sigh, Emma rose off her mount and placed one foot atop the back of her rival’s head.

   Pleased by the patter of polite applause, the Briton opened her mouth to say something, only to decide against it. Talking was Miley’s game, after all. Emma however was perfectly content to put her hands on her hips and let the silence speak for itself.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1967 on: April 03, 2020, 06:14:56 PM »
Really great story


Offline Dario

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1968 on: April 04, 2020, 01:05:41 PM »
Watson vs Chrus was really hot, many thanks.


Offline the_walkin_dude

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1969 on: April 04, 2020, 01:31:01 PM »
Hey, I'm pleased you liked it. I don't write for either of these ladies with any regularity, but Miley's so over the top in the real world that it's pretty easy to translate some of that energy into the  brattiness / showmanship she brings to the carpet. As for Emma, I tend to imagine her as the quiet / competent type. Perhaps not a world beater, but more than dangerous enough to give anyone in her weight class fits, especially if they underestimate her. Might  have to give her another go sooner than later, as there are some of my regulars that'd make interesting matches for her.

Have a good one. ~RF


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1970 on: April 04, 2020, 01:48:26 PM »
Love the recent stories by  the_walkin_dude and Jackflash! Especially the Swift V Jenner matchup, that's a great rivalry that I always like to see explored and it was done fantastically! So I got inspired and decided to try another story myself! Kind of a random match-up but here it is  :). Hope this isn't too long!


Nobody in Hollywood really knew the reason why these two had scrapped and based on the leaked video of the fight it seemed like Lawrence didn't know either! She had walked into Tisdale's house invited cordially and kindly by the hostess herself, just one of many party guests that night, everybody celebrating another awards ceremony like any other of the dozens of awards after-party they'd attended. It had only seemed odd when the footage showed Lawrence being tapped on the shoulder by Sarah Hyland, a good friend of Tisdale's who beckoned Jennifer towards the staircase and into the upper half of the house. Nearly 15 or so minutes later and after multiple thuds and howls were masked by music and expensive sound-proofed floors, did Jennifer and Ashley appear, each in their underwear with scratches and bits of blonde and brunette hair strewn across both of their shoulders. The sight was a shock as party-goers gasped, clearing the way as Jennifer dragged Ashley down the stairs and into her own living room, angrily tossing the small blonde actress by her hair into her own couch. People scrambled out of the way as Lawrence readjusted her top, her chest and body covered in sweat, scratches left down her arm and back while a glaring hole was left in her black high top panties, totally exposing part of Lawrence's ass. Nobody knew what to make of it, as some left for the door and others stayed and watched as Tisdale slowly got back up, her own body left with scratches, her hair a complete mess, her toned body covered in so much sweat it was starting to expose her chest through her white top.

"Stay down you psycho! Everybody else go home, this is over!" Lawrence shouted as Tisdale disobeyed, wobbly but getting back up fully to her feet. The height difference was clear to everybody there and even though both women were in fantastic shape, so was the size difference. "I.... I'm going to fuck you up.... Bitch" TIsdale huffed, the petite blond holding her ribs as she huffed with every word. Lawrence wiped sweat from her brow as she stomped towards Tisdale, a look of fury in her eyes as she stood face to face with her unexpected enemy. "I need you to stop this. People are looking. This has gone far enough already!" Lawrence quietly snarled, her words angry but also filled with fear as a small crowd of people just refused to leave.

"Go home, everything is fi-" Lawrence began before feeling Tisdale's hand clap against her cheek, the sound echoing, Lawrence's cheek left a bright, stinging red. There were gasps before the room went silent, Lawrence's head swiveling around to Tisdale, the blond standing defiant as she stared down her enemy. Lawrence's eyes flashed between disbelief and rage just before she rapidly strode forward, giving Tisdale no time to respond as she wrapped both of her arms around the smaller blonde, clamping her enemy into a rugged bear-hug and leaving Tisdale's face half buried in Lawrence's sweat covered chest. Ashley squirmed and kicked, throwing her head wildly as Lawrence tightened her arms, drawing a squeal of both pain and rage from Ashley as she cursed in-between breaths straight into Lawrence's chest. "Just stop fighting me As-", Lawrence started before being cut off again as Tisdale screamed "NO!". Tisdale kicked and kicked, squirming and wriggling so much that Jennifer could feel her latch getting weaker as Ashley grew closer to escape. "Have it your way then" Lawrence grunted before lifting Ashley up with a roar of exhilaration as she used all her energy to slam Ashley down straight onto her back against the carpeted floor. Tisdale hit the floor hard, Lawrence's body sandwiching her between her own body and the floor, leaving Tisdale gasping for breath as she lay on the floor in pain.

"And stay there" Lawrence exhaled as she walked towards the door, glaring at everyone still left in attendance as she grabbed the first coat she could find, wrapping it around her near-nude body before exiting the building, the last sight of her to many, her exposed sweat covered left cheek poking out the hole in her bottoms. Many gathered around Ashley to help her up, as others talked amongst themselves wondering what had just happened. People in the coming months talked and chatted around the web about how the fight had started and how the video had even leaked, with only one commentator pointing out a key moment nearly hidden in the video... A 10 second clip of Sarah Hyland in the crowd, beaming from ear to ear as Lawrence pulled Tisdale down the stairs, reveling in the moment.
Gary King : "To err is human, so errr..." (The Worlds End)


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1971 on: April 04, 2020, 02:48:46 PM »
Love the recent stories by  the_walkin_dude and Jackflash! Especially the Swift V Jenner matchup, that's a great rivalry that I always like to see explored and it was done fantastically! So I got inspired and decided to try another story myself! Kind of a random match-up but here it is  :). Hope this isn't too long!

Oh Ashley.

If I may paraphrase Last Cruade, "You chose...poorly."

Which is not to say anything of her effort or the scrap itself, which was delightfully frenetic and quite evocative! Throwing in the mystery element was an excellent touch as well, definitely wouldn't mind seeing either of the blondes sussing out Hyland's role in orchestrating all this and bringing her to the appropriate justice.

Thanks for sharing,


PS. Forgot to mention, I loved the two decade stretch between the Fishel and Sweetin matches, Flash. That's some bad, bad blood right there!


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1972 on: April 04, 2020, 06:35:53 PM »
Love the recent stories by  the_walkin_dude and Jackflash! Especially the Swift V Jenner matchup, that's a great rivalry that I always like to see explored and it was done fantastically! So I got inspired and decided to try another story myself! Kind of a random match-up but here it is  :). Hope this isn't too long!

Very much appreciated, Mr. Drake.  And now let me return a compliment to you...Ashley Tisdale is on my short list of lovelies who aren't seen enough around here, so thank you very much for your story.  But poor Tis....  ;)


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1973 on: April 05, 2020, 12:18:40 AM »
Love the recent stories by  the_walkin_dude and Jackflash! Especially the Swift V Jenner matchup, that's a great rivalry that I always like to see explored and it was done fantastically! So I got inspired and decided to try another story myself! Kind of a random match-up but here it is  :). Hope this isn't too long!

Very much appreciated, Mr. Drake.  And now let me return a compliment to you...Ashley Tisdale is on my short list of lovelies who aren't seen enough around here, so thank you very much for your story.  But poor Tis....  ;)

I really appreciate the kind words from you and Walking Dude! Means a lot to me hearing it from two writers as talented as yourselves! I agree about not seeing enough Tis, part of the reason I used her haha.  Figured I could continue the story soon and involve Tis again and her good friend Hyland  ;D
Gary King : "To err is human, so errr..." (The Worlds End)


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1974 on: April 06, 2020, 02:35:24 AM »
Because bad times require bad girls...

Here's a return of a popular concept, BAD GIRLS TRIUMPHANT.  Some of our favorite good girls losing decisively to sinister sirens!

Feel free to give us your wicked women winning, too!

Kristen Stewart vs Emma Watson


The spectators...every last one a devoted supporter of Emma...sat in stunned silence.  It was all going so terribly wrong....

It was supposed to be a crowning moment for Watson, the veritable Queen of British Catfighting.  She would face her longtime nemesis, Kristen, in a lavish estate in the English countryside.  Stewart had never before managed to defeat Watson on British soil, and the expectation was that Emma, who was very much at the peak of her powers, would have little trouble dispatching her rival yet again.

The American arrived alone, with not a single supporter present.  But she couldn't care less if anyone was there to cheer her on.  She was determined to beat Watson on her own turf, come hell or high water.  What resulted was perhaps their wildest, most tumultuous brawl ever.

And for the last few minutes, control of the match had decisively been in Stewart's hands.  Dazed and spent, Emma could no longer often more than token resistance as her nemesis battered her mercilessly.  Now, adrenaline coursing through her veins, the American picked her English opponent up and held her horizontally in her arms, Kristen mewling in fear at what might come next.

Her fear was well-founded, as Kristen suddenly dropped to one knee and slammed Watson's back across her bent knee, the English lass's spine bent agonizingly backward from the impact.  Keeping her foe draped across her knee, Kristen pushed her right hand down upon her victim's chin, while her left hand grasped and squeezed her groin, bending Watson back further still.  Emma's pride refused to allow her to submit, but her moans and screams of anguish betrayed the savage pain she was enduring.

Finally her senses could take the pain no longer, and Emma passed out.  Kristen roughly shoved her off of her knee and rolled her over onto her back.  She then stood up and defiantly planted a foot on the chest of her beaten rival, declaring her victory and her opponent's destruction.

Ashley Tisdale vs Michelle Trachtenberg


Hooking her arms under Trachtenberg's knees, Tisdale listed the brunette up off of the carpet.  Ashley then began to spin around and around, subjecting the yowling Michelle to a Whirlybird Twirl.  As she was spun around, the hapless Michelle's senses were sent reeling; finally the blonde released her and her opponent sailed several feet through the air before crashing to the floor with a heavy thud.

Dizzy and dazed, Trachtenberg frantically struggled up to all fours and began to woozily crawl forward, desperate to somehow get away from her attacker.  Wearing a smirk, Ashley sauntered after her, stepping up beside the retreating brunette and dropping to one knee.  She then grabbed her adversary by her chestnut mane and pulled her bodily over the blonde's bent knee, Michelle draped on her belly and too weak and bewildered to pull free, she was helpless as Tisdale drew her right arm back, and then unleashed a stead stream of open-palm spanks to the brunette's swiftly reddening rear end!

Michelle yelped with every painful slap, tears streaking eye liner down her face...a face flushed with humiliation as her rival toyed with her.  "You've had this coming to you for a long time, you goody two-shoes bitch!" Ashley gleefully said as her hand continued to blister the bottom of her opponent.

Finally, unable to endure the pain or the ignominy any longer, Trachtenberg blubbers, "N-no more...stop!   Please staaaaaapppp!With a self-satisfied sneer, the blonde pushed her defeated foe to the floor, where Michelle rolled to her belly and buried her face in the plush carpeting to cry.  Rising up, Tisdale planted a foot upon the bright red derriere of Michelle, drawing a whine of discomfort from the beaten girl, and raised her arms to accept the congratulatory cheers of the onlookers.

Ariel Winter vs Abigail Breslin


A chorus of alarm arose from the spectators as Abigail walked over to the fireplace and grasped hold of the cast iron poker.  "Relax," she assured them, "I'm not going to use it on her.  I mean, not exactly."  She gave a saucy smirk, but her words silenced the concerns of the onlookers.  And after all, why would the blonde even need a weapon, given how decisively she had been dominating her opponent for the past five or so minutes.

Indeed, the badly stunned Ariel was on her hands and knees, shaking her head to try and clear it.  Bending down, Breslin slipped the poker underneath the back strap of the brunette's bikini halter.  She then began to twist the metal rod, causing the strap to wind around it.  Before she realize what was happening, Winter felt the fabric of her bra tightening; within moments, her 34D breasts were being mauled and crushed by her own halter top!

Abigail continued to twist the poker, pulling the fabric ever-tighter.  Ariel's hands clutched in futility at the bra, frantic to somehow relieve the mounting pain.  She moaned and gasped for breath as she found it harder to draw air into her lungs, her body drenched with sweat as her eyes began to glaze over from the torment.

Relief only came as the strain finally proved too much for the tog's construction, and the bra began to pull apart at the seams.  Suddenly it fell in tatters to the floor, revealing Winter's swiftly bruising breasts.  Grabbing her opponent by her dark hair, Breslin yanked her up to her feet and spun her around so that they were face to face.  The blonde then voluntarily unhooked her own halter top, freeing her 34C's.

Slipping her arms underneath Ariel's own and wrapping them around her back, Abigail pulled her in tight and subjected the brunette to a bearhug, the pressure mashing their breasts together.  However, the mauling she had just endured had left Winter's bosom so sore and tender, this new assault was excruciating.  Winter wailed an wept, her body now as limp as a ragdoll in the clutches of her arch-rival.  Breslin grinned as she felt her foe grow steadily weaker by the moment.

Lower lip quivering, Ariel finally rasps, "Ahhh...give...uuuuuupppp...", her head lolling back and forth as she struggled to not pass out.  But Abigail ignored her words and continued squeezing her, determined to knock her adversary out.  That finish came soon enough, as the brunette passed out.  Breslin let her drop to the floor, and then placed her foot upon Ariel's battered breasts, drawing a whimper of anguish from the conquered beauty.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1975 on: April 06, 2020, 02:46:18 AM »
I love it Jackflash! These are fantastic!  :D
Gary King : "To err is human, so errr..." (The Worlds End)


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1976 on: April 06, 2020, 11:09:19 AM »
Really wonderful,  especially the Watson vs Stewart  brawl. Many thanks.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1977 on: April 07, 2020, 04:33:13 AM »
Please no. This thread is basically the only part of this board that isn't infested with Bollywood actresses. Allow us at least one safe haven from that crap.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1978 on: April 07, 2020, 09:49:08 PM »
Excellent, excellent work on Alexander and Daddario, CelebRP! Jamie's one we don't see as much as I'd expect, so such a domineering appearance over a pillar like Alexandra D is quite delightful. Thanks for sharing!


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1979 on: April 07, 2020, 10:18:04 PM »
Doja Cat vs Britney Spears


Spears's grunts were tinged with pain as her opponent slammed forearm smashes to her bare chest, staggering the blonde.  Then, a rake of nails across the eyes brought a sharp shriek from the now-blinded Britney.  Reeling from the assault, Spears was helpless to resist as Doja grasped her left wrist and spun her around; releasing her handhold, Cat watched with satisfaction as the blonde was thrown chest-first into the wall, giving a loud groan as she stumbled backward, revealing the two round indentations in the drywall from where Brit's breasts had slammed into it.  (Note:  Rather than have the 'divots' repaired, the mansion's owner, host of this night's battle, hung a frame around them and displayed it as modern art!)

As the blonde continued to stagger back in a stupor, the brunette stepped behind her and dipped at the knees.  Grasping her opponent's lush body, she pulled Spears across her shoulders for a Torture Rack.  Britney howled in anguish as she was bend agonizingly across her opponent's shoulders, as Doja, a cruel smile on her face, proceeded to walk around the room, showing off her captive adversary as a huntress would a jungle trophy, as the hapless Spears mewled in her clutches.  Sweat glistened across both of their nude curvaceous figures.

Then, standing in the center of the room, Doja exhibited a phenomenal show of raw power...made all the more impressive by how battered both beauties now were following their long and brutal lifting Britney's body up and holding the blonde aloft over her head!  A panicked Spears whined, "No no no no no no!"  But then with an Amazonian shout, Doja slammed Britney hard to the floor.  The blonde's body bounced several inches up from the impact, but then she lay there motionless, save for some involuntary twitches, and moaned in misery.

Grabbing her beaten foe's ankles and folding her over matchbook style, Doja sat on Britney's haunches to pin her and raised her arms to accept her triumph.