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Finish Her!

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #255 on: December 14, 2015, 05:27:10 AM »
Flashback 1955:  Sophia Loren vs Gina Lollobridgida


The Italian curse words were hurled through the air, hissed through gritted teeth: "Figa!"  "Faccia a culo!"  "Porca puttanta!"  "Vai a farti fottere!"  "Bacha ma culo, zoccola!"  Someone had made the mistake of inviting both Sophia and Gina to the party, and it didn't take long before the exchange of catty remarks erupted into a full-scale catfight!

Their dresses long since shredded, the buxom Italian beauties battled like Roman gladiators, neither asking nor granting quarter.  Both teetered on the edge of exhaustion now, their limbs leaden as their fulsome chests heaved to fill their searing lungs with breath, their legs entwined as they rolled back and forth across the mansion's floor.  Strands of chestnut and black hair littered the carpeting, and the skin of each actress was marred by scratches and bruises.

The end came quickly.  Lollobridgida raked her nails across her hated rival's eyes; Loren's shriek of pain was cut short as the sound was muffled by Gina pressing her breasts into Sophia's face, smothering her.  Gina wrapped her arms around her foe's head and her legs around her waist, pulling Sophia in tight against her own body.  Suddenly, Lollobridgida screamed, and it became quickly obvious that in desperation, Loren had sunk her teeth into her tormentor's tit!  It became a contest of endurance now to see which starlet could outlast the other.

Finally, Sophia ceased to move, and Gina knew she had smothered her nemesis out.  With a rasping laugh of triumph, she tauntingly continued to rub her breasts into the slumbering Sophia's sweaty face, until she finally released her hold.  Struggling to stand up, Lollobridgida planted a foot victoriously on the chest of her beaten foe and snarled one last "Puttanta!" toward her.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #256 on: December 14, 2015, 07:56:51 AM »
A very nice blast from the past.

Thanks, JJ!


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #257 on: December 14, 2015, 12:39:13 PM »
Fantastic, Nina vs Ashley was a joy to read and so was the flashback fight, one of the most humiliating moves to lose by. Great work


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #258 on: December 15, 2015, 02:20:11 AM »
Sophie Turner vs Bella Thorne

Sophie Turner had never been in a real fight before and that fact became quite evident mere moments into her scrap with Bella Thorne.  As soon as Bella attacked Sophie was in over her head unable to defend most everything that Bella threw at her.  To make matters worse the cocky American verbally taunted and mocked the Brit the entire time. 

   “This is way too easy, why the hell did you even bother coming here today?”  Bella did receive an answer to her question but instead heard the weak whimpers from her fellow redhead who was curled up into a ball at Thorne’s feet.  Sophie’s clothing tattered and hair completely disheveled wondering to herself why she thought she could hang with Bella who was quickly getting a reputation of a bitch you don’t want to mess with. 

   Bella grabbed a folding chair from out of the closet and propped it upright before going back to Sophie and, grabbing a handful of red hair, drug the young Brit along with her and draped Sophia belly first on top of her lap.  Turner, beaten up and sore, laid in perfect position while Thorne pulled the Brit’s sweat pants down off of her endless legs until they came to rest around Sophie’s ankles.  The tearful Brit kicked her legs upside down as Bella pulled Sophie’s cotton panties down enough to reveal her entire backside. 

   “Now let’s see if I can’t make your ass about the same color as this precious hair of yours!”  Sophie let out a scream of “nooooo!”  when Bella used her open right hand and started to spank Sophie’s pale white ass from one cheek to the other repeatedly.  Thorne’s bitchy side on full display as she seemed to be enjoying herself beyond belief while she changed the color of Sophie’s derriere.  This was all just too much for Sophie to take and with tears filling her eyes, Turner admitted defeat at the hands of Bella. 

   Giving Sophie a few more spanks just to get a couple more screams from the Brit, Bella smiled, “since this is your first match it is only fitting that I finish it with a KO.”  Sophie was stunned as her body froze for a moment while Bella tossed her onto the floor sitting on her sore ass with her body in between Thorne’s legs.  Simultaneously Bella used her long legs to wrap tightly around Sophie’s neck while her hands grabbed each of Turner’s wrists and began to use her anaconda like vice to squeeze Sophie’s head and neck.   
   “You see isn’t this fun?”  Turner could not answer but only cough as her face began to match her hair and backside.  “Well, I’m having a blast, but it looks like the party is just about over.”  Thorne looked down and Turner’s eyes flicker a few times until Sophie’s head rested angelically on Bella’s right thigh.

   Releasing her tight choke hold, Bella moved back slightly which caused Sophie’s unmoving body to fall onto the floor on her back.  Then, wanting to have a little fun at the loser’s expense, Bella stripped Sophie completely naked and hogtied the Brit using her own discarded clothing. 
   Once Sophie finally woke up and was helped out of her predicament two thoughts rolled through her mind, one was whether she should even dare trying to fight again and the other should she let Bella get away with what she did.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #259 on: December 15, 2015, 12:18:45 PM »
Natalie Dormer (33 y/o, 5’6”, 123 lbs) vs Jennifer Lawrence (25 y/o, 5’9”, 139 lbs)

There’s no love lost between these two Hunger Games co-stars, perhaps even less so from poor Jennifer whose defiant, fiery eyes gaze up from between Ms. Dormer’s sinewy legs, the younger girl’s nose, mouth and chin nuzzled neatly into her opponent’s crotch. Natalie looks calm and relaxed at this moment, her face more feline and subtly ferocious than ever before in the match, knowing she’s moments away from breaking everyone’s favorite It Girl.

“Come on, Katniss,” Natalie teases, wiggling about the hips and rubbing herself softly across the ragged girl’s face, “All that training, all that fanfare, and for what? A snoozefest!” Natalie scoffs, looking over her shoulder at an imagined audience.

Jennifer’s eyes are blazing, filled with humiliation and anger. Both girls are shimmering with sweat, well earned from a long back-and-forth brawl on the empty set after filming had wrapped. In one last brave attempt, Jennifer plants her palms into the cold tiled floor and pushes up, wanting to unseat the aggressive starlet. Natalie’s brow furrows as Jennifer gets leverage, the brunette working her way to her knees, then to one foot, and the other… Natalie keeps her head scissors locked in as best she can but it only allows the taller girl to lift her legs up off the ground, leaving Natalie balancing precariously on the back of her neck and shoulders!

“LET… GO!” Jennifer demands, lifting up at the waist, getting Natalie airborne a few inches. Naturally, the jealous supporting actress refuses, and instead instigates the younger starlet by grabbing a handful of messy, combat-weary hair. “FUUUUUH-!” Jennifer screams, eyes slamming shut to hold back a torrent of tears. Jennifer bends forward with the new, painful weight attached to her brown mane, then paws at Natalie’s head to grab a handful of her own! “What the f---!”

In the heat of the moment Jennifer chose the wrong side to grasp at, accidentally going for Dormer’s shaved right side and coming up empty. Instead of a hair pulling stalemate, Natalie seizes advantage and yanks poor Jennifer down HARD, face-first into the cold, unforgiving ground below. Jennifer’s can’t feel her face, but it throbs and burns all the same…

Natalie sits up after the small fall to her back and looks her dazed, crushed opponent over. Her killer smile returns as she rubs the shave side of her head. “Oopsies…”
With a soft push, Natalie rolls Jennifer to her back and is delighted at the sight of her rival eyes glazed and nose shiny, lips slightly parted, chapped and quivering. “Thank god this fucking movie is over so we can do this. I know we haven’t always seen eye-to-eye on set, but it’s been worth the wait to finally kick your buns like this. Mockingjay my ass,” Natalie sneers, shaking her head.

Jennifer can barely muster any protest as Natalie begins to mount her in reverse, a tight, sweat-glazed rump hanging inches from a suffocating end. “Night, princess,” Natalie purrs, easing her behind onto the young lead’s face, wiggling her long, luscious calves under the downed girl’s armpits to ensure an airtight lock. Salty, defeated tears stream from the corners of Jennifer’s eyes who moans in objection, but what murmurs manage to escape fall on deaf ears.

Natalie licks her lips as she bends forward, caressing her prey’s twitching, shying breasts, teasing the defenseless girl’s nipples. “Looks like it’s over for you,” Natalie sighs, “Nobody’s gonna love a beaten, broken down, piece of garbage…” Between her thumbs and index finger, Natalie clamps down on Jennifer’s tender poking lumps and TWISTS and PULLS through sweat-stained fabric, triggering a body-convulsing, mouth-widening, eye-watering cry of submission. Natalie can barely hear anything, but she knows it’s over – the most Jennifer can do is mouth her defeat dryly into Dormer’s suffocating cheeks. Feeling the power and control she has over her co-starlet is too good to pass up, so Natalie continues to bring the pain, cranking on the poor girl’s nipples until the writhing stops.

“To kill a mockingjay, or some such,” Natalie whispers, finally letting go and letting Jennifer silently weep into her moist panties. “A fruit basket would be too cliché, allow me to leave you with something a little more special… A little more… me.” The victorious vixen raises her fist and gives it a sensual, wet kiss, and hesitates for a moment… Another blurting, whimpering moan erupts from beneath Natalie as her knuckles drive into a soft, unsuspecting gut. Natalie purrs as warm air pushes into her nether region, and she reloads, driving another blunt strike into tender belly. Again and again Natalie punishes Jennifer, taking her sweet time to hammer the trembling paunch with impunity.

Over and over do the punches rain, breaking poor Jennifer down piece by piece as the night draws ever on…


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #260 on: December 15, 2015, 03:07:20 PM »
Chloe Bennet (23 y/o, 5’6”, 121 lbs) vs Krysten Ritter (33 y/o, 5’9”, 126 lbs)

{alt} {alt}

In her career, age hasn’t been something that ever held her back, but tonight as she sits exhausted, sore, and close to a full-body shut down on her stool, Krysten Ritter can’t help but think that’s what’s working against her here. What was supposed to be a cutesy Marvel-universe “Who Would Win in a Fight” marketing stunt has turned into a multi-extra round affair with both starlets absolutely incensed with one another. Discarded are the cushy oversized gloves they started with, now looking to assert their dominance over the other with wrapped “bare” knuckles, not that anybody in the audience is complaining.

Krysten is slumped forwards in her stool, breathing heavily, trying not to think about the immense ache and pain her older body has sustained. She’s completely given up listening to her corner, shoving away one of the trainers who sticks a water bottle in her face. Krysten is already the quintessential image of hurt and suffering, the last she wants to do – in her mind anyway – is add to it by gulping down any refreshments.

The other corner tells a different story – the young, athletic Chinese-American starlet from Agents of Shield is up on her feet, arms resting on the ropes beside her, eager and restless for the sixth round to begin. It’s been nearly all Bennet all match long, save for a flash knockdown in the third (and what inspired the continuation for both parties). Although Krysten attests to be in the best shape of her life after training for Jessica Jones, Chloe is clearly outshining her MCU co-star with her speed, technique, and surprising power punching. A trainer in the young fighter’s corner gives her a last bit of advice and she nods in agreement.

Krysten pries herself off her stool and stomps out towards ring center, arms heavy and barely up by her waist. Chloe still has her legs under her and is quick to show that off, prancing and strafing, staying mobile and practically running circles around the raven-haired actress. Chloe dashes in, rattling off a couple alternating jabs before dashing back out, leaving Krysten blinking and with a red-marked chest. Chloe comes in again – bap bap – and hops out, then in again – bap bap – and out from a different angle, scoring at ease and painting the pale girl’s body crimson. Krysten is mouth breathing, clumsily stepping around flatfooted while her spry opponent continues to zip in and sting her, disappearing before she can get her hands on the speedster.

Unquestionably confident at her ability to pick apart her rival at will, Chloe sarcastically blows a kiss towards the reeling Ritter, which stings the mock-super hero’s ego even further. Krysten frowns and lumbers forwards, trying to trap Chloe along the ropes or herd her into the nearby corner, but Chloe proves to be too slippery for the exhausted fighter. Krysten continues to lumber towards Chloe, this time swinging a wild, sweeping forearm, trying to clobber the younger vixen. Chloe ducks just in the nick of time, but comes up and smashes heads with an off-balance Ritter whose nose is done in by the younger brunette’s crown.

“NYUHHHH!” Krysten whines, her hands shooting up to her face which has gone numb and tingly. A wide-eyed Krysten Ritter turns to see a determined, pissed-off Chloe Bennet who’s squared up and ready to let fists fly:  In a compact little package, the tanned beauty starts tattooing Krysten’s sides with reefing alternating hooks, then a cross up top to swivel the head, more body punishment, a rising uppercut to one breast, then the other… Krysten is just absorbing and gasping, taking and moaning, hurting and shaking. Enough’s enough and the Jessica Jones star collapses forwards into a clinch, hanging onto the smaller girl for dear life.

“I fucking own you, super girl,” Chloe whispers dryly into one ear. Krysten frowns, chin and jaw firmly nuzzled into her opponent’s shoulder, feeling a woozy sensation that makes her want to hurl. Chloe finally pushes Krysten off and towards the ropes where the pale actress bounces off and into a brutal night-ending straight right that dumps the older actress on her back, mouth wide open, eyes slammed shut.
“Count ‘er, ref,” Chloe says as she saunters back to her corner with a walking-away-from-an-explosion swagger.

“One… two… three…” the ref chants, Krysten laying underneath, chest heaving almost in rhythm to the count. “Four… five… six…” Krysten’s eyes flutter open, the bright arena lights nearly blinding her from above. “Seven… eight… ni…” Like a zombie, practically on auto-pilot, the resilient Krysten Ritter sits up, blood streaming down one nostril, eyes vacant with a dead stare. “Ni… nine…!” The ref counts, hesitating to get the final count out. Against all odds, Krysten returns to her feet where she wavers on unsteady legs. A small nod in the general direction of the ref signals she’s ready to keep going, and the stunned ref allows the crazy bout to continue.

In anger, Chloe stomps her foot down on the canvas and bites down on her mouthguard – she can’t believe what she just saw. It takes her a moment, but she eventually shakes the disbelief out of her head and it’s all back to business: dukes up, elbows in, chin down, and tip-toeing forward. Krysten puts her gloves up to her temples in earmuff and waits as Chloe wades into her, again going to the in-and-out strategy that worked so well before.

Krysten keeps absorbing, protecting her head but giving up her body, biding her time. Eventually Chloe gets lazy and drops tempo on the dash in, and that’s when Krysten comes forward with a crashing right hand of her own, finally catching the pestering little nuisance with a clean blow! Chloe immediately backs up in retreat, shaking her head and trying to blink back tears. Krysten follows, gloves still high at her temples, stalking her reeling prey. Chloe’s back touches ropes – another misstep on her part – and she hesitates before digging in; Krysten takes advantage, squaring up and just chucking slow, powerful, bruising shots. One manages to penetrate through Chloe’s guard, then another, and another… Chloe spins out to her left in panic, winding up in a corner and Krysten is happy to follow her there. Both girls muscle up and snarl through mouth guards, preparing to trade blow-for-blow. 

Krysten with the set up jab – Chloe counters with a hook to jaw – Krysten with a wallop to the left cheek – Chloe doubling up her jabs – Krysten with an uppercut to paunch – Chloe unloads her own on her opponent’s left breast – Krysten with teeth bared with the left hook – Krysten with a right hook – Krysten slowly taking over and outmuscling her girl – Chloe drops to her haunches in the corner! The ref steps in to count, but Krysten barely moves away, crowding the corner and huffing and puffing as she watches the woozy Chloe paw at the ropes to get back to her feet.

“Five… six… seven…” Chloe’s certainly rattled, but not quite out. She clears the top rope and holds herself up while the ref finishes with a standing “eight.” He can barely get off the last count before Krysten is shoving him out of the way and trying to finish her girl in the corner.

Krysten lances forwards with a clobbering right cross that glances off Chloe’s cheek, allowing her to counter with a right of her own to push her aggressor back. Krysten’s nose flares and she sarcastically blows to return the one from before. Chloe’s stuck with a look of determination and isn’t perturbed by Krysten’s antics. The older fighter runs into the corner again, this time clobbering Chloe with alternating hooks to the body, the alternating hooks to the head. Chloe stares her opponent down as she returns the favor: left-left to the ribcage, right-left to swivel the head. Krysten punches through the pain, tattooing the smaller girl’s body shots from just outside her opponent’s reach. Chloe slips the last punch and weaves her way back to the inside where she pushes Krysten back with punches of her own.

Eventually Chloe battles her way out of the corner through brute force and determination, causing both girls to meet in the middle where they take turns punishing each other with an array of dizzying punches. Chloe, however, never drops her look of grim determination, possibly fueled by her newfound hatred of her boxing mate. No matter what Krysten throws at her, Chloe keeps on coming, unwavering and unblinking – Krysten on the other hand is looking more and more decrepit with each landing blow. The unsettling realization that her punches are no longer phasing her opponent begins to settle in, and Krysten’s offensive output slows to a complete stop. She can only look on in disappointment and utter defeat as the stronger, more resolute fighter breaks her down with hammering blows. Krysten is practically staring at Chloe who at this point is methodically pounding away as if she were a punching bag.

Finally, Krysten’s will breaks and her legs give out, dropping her to her knees. The exhausted fighter pitches forwards and face plants dead-center into Chloe’s shorts. The ref doesn’t have to count this one, Chloe’s walking away with the victory here.

The victorious Chloe places one hand on the back of the kneeling loser’s head, caressing it. With her other hand, she raises the lifeless right arm of Krysten and watches as it satisfyingly drops limply to the side. “That’s right,” Chloe whispers, “I’m the baddest bitch. I am.”


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #261 on: December 15, 2015, 09:19:25 PM »
Iamrodgers, I am so glad that you recognize that Bella is a catfighting force of nature, as I do.  I think we'll be seeing her tearing things up around here for a long time to come!

And Xavi, as a fan of J-Law and, in particular, Natalie, I think your work is particularly splendid.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #262 on: December 15, 2015, 09:40:45 PM »
Danica McKellar vs Kirsten Dunst


The key to success with a figure four leglock is leverage, and who better to understand the application of leverage than a summa cum laude graduate of UCLA with a BS in Mathematics?  Danica perhaps took special pleasure in the irony that her opponent had earlier been taunting her for her math skills, sneeringly calling the brunette "Professor Nerdgirl".

Kirsten wasn't doing any taunting now, as her mouth was occupied with screaming.  She squirmed in desperation, beat on the floor with her clenched fists, and tugged at her own hair, but the unrelenting pain being applied to her knee would not abate.  After what seemed like an eternity to her (but in reality was less than thirty seconds), Dunst was howling "I GIVE UP!  STOP!  PLEASE!!!"

McKellar, kept the figure four locked on for a few heartbeats longer, just to teach the arrogant blonde a lesson.  Then Danica unwound her shapely legs from those of her devastated opponent and stood up in victory.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #263 on: December 17, 2015, 03:26:29 PM »
Another story with Selena Gomez would be nice or a story with Alison Brie.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2015, 10:00:09 PM by Chotch87 »


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #264 on: December 18, 2015, 04:55:23 AM »
Amazing work, Xavi, iamrodgers and Jackflash! You guys kick ass. Xavi, I loved the Bennet story. A massive fan myself. Thank you much. And also some kudos to Jack for using Danica! Lovely. Nice to see her win, too. I'll be over shortly to celebrate wiht chloe and Danica on their wins! ;)

Chotch, I love your suggestions of Bennet, Gomez and Brie. Given time, I'd love to write for all three. Let's see what Christmas brings.

Sorry I haven't been able to contribute as of late. :( But many thanks to those that have! Jackflash, this thread of yours has kicked ass. ;)


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #265 on: December 18, 2015, 08:11:57 PM »
Hayden Panettiere vs Vanessa Hudgens


Hayden gurgled as Vanessa tightened her sleeperhold.  It had been a long, grueling fight that has pushed both beauties to their limits, but now the brunette knew that victory was in her grasp.  "Time to go beddy-bye, you blonde bitch!" Hudgens purred at her longtime nemesis.  Panettiere squirmed for a few moments more, and then suddenly went limp.

"You're past your prime, Panties," Nessa scoffed as she released her hold.  "You used to be able to hold out a lot longer than that."  The raven-haired battler struggles back up to her feet, turning to face her slumbering opponent and strike a victory pose over her.

Except...Hayden is not slumbering.

Like a striking cobra, the blonde's left leg lashes out, the sole of her foot smashing flush into her startled rival's groin.  Hudgens gives an agonized yowl and drops to her knees, hands clutching her throbbing womanhood.  "It's called playing possum, slut!" Hayden says with a smug smirk.  Rising up, she roughly shoves Vanessa onto her back, grasps her ankles, and spreads her legs wide.  An instant later, her heel repeats the savage blow to the brunette's vulnerable groin, drawing forth yet another pained shriek.

A third such assault, this time delivered by a knee drop, causes Hudgens to burst into tears, her body trembling in anguish.  As if she were a rag doll, the blonde flips her foe over onto her belly and mounts her back.  Now Panettiere applies her own sleeperhold, taunting her rival as she locks on the hold.  "Not only am I hotter than you," she sneers to the sniveling Vanessa, "but I'm a better wrestler, and I think this proves I'm much, much smarter than you."  The embattled brunette's only response is a rasped, "Ch-cheated...!"  "What part of being smarter than you are you not getting?" Panettiere replied with a cruel chuckle.

Vanessa squirmed in her foe's embrace, her eyes glazing over and a trickle of drool escaping from the corner of her mouth, until finally her eyes fluttered shut and she went motionless.  Not about to risk her rival turning the tables on her, Hayden kept the sleeper locked on for another twenty seconds or so, must to make certain the brunette was indeed knocked. out.

And then it was Panettiere, having cannily snatched victory from the jaws of defeat, who struck the victory pose over her defeated nemesis.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #266 on: December 18, 2015, 08:32:31 PM »
Bella Thorne vs Selena Gomez


A small whine of sharp discomfort escaped Selena's lips as Bella pulled her arms up over the redhead's knees and cupped her hands under Gomez's chin, locking on the camel clutch.  The Latina's legs thrashed on the carpeted floor, but she couldn't gain the leverage to force her way out of the hold.  Still, her indomitable spirit refused to let her give up.  That suited Thorne just find, and she was more interested in tormenting her opponent than bringing an end to their penthouse match.

Sweat glistened off of both of their nubile bodies as Bella tugged back on her victim's chin even harder, causing Selena to moan loudly.  "Aww, what's the matter sweet cheeks," the redhead said with saccharine sweetness, "feeling blue?"  Let's turn that frown upside down!"  With that, Thorne pulled her hands free of Gomez's chin, and instead fishhooked the first two fingers of each hand into her opponent's mouth, applying a double mandible claw.  Selena's mouth was twisted into an agonized rictus that mocked a smile, her eyes shutting tight to hold back the sudden flood of tears.  Her feet kicked frantically and her hands flailed helplessly.  The guttural noises she made could perhaps be interpreted as a submission, but in any case, Thorne refused to accept a verbal surrender.

After another minute or two of this torture, Bella released her exhausted adversary.  Moving swiftly, before Gomez could recover and catch her second wind, she shoved her over onto her back.  She then straddled Selena's chest on her knees, facing the brunette's lower body.  Gomez suddenly realized what was transpiring, and her eyes went wide with panic.  She gasped out "NOOOO..." before her voice was muffled, the result of Thorne settling her butt down upon her rival's face.  Smothered, Selena squirmed beneath her tormentor, but her anguish only increased as Bella impishly yanked the brunette's bikini halter and freed her breasts, allowing the redhead to malevolently pinch and twist her nipples.

Gomez's palms slapped furiously at the floor, signaling her surrender, but Thorne went right on with her devastation, until finally the Latina ceased to move at all.  Standing up, Bella triumphantly placed a foot upon the bare, heaving chest of her fallen foe and raised her arms to claim her victory.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2015, 02:24:07 AM by Jackflash Jump »


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #267 on: December 18, 2015, 08:55:26 PM »
More great stuff!

Thank you JJ. Bella seems to be turning into a formidable catfighter. Too strong for Selena, whom, by the way, I'd really love to see taking somebody apart, for a change  ;).


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #268 on: December 20, 2015, 06:52:19 AM »
Why not Anna Kendrick and Anna Camp having a fight from Pitch Perfect?


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #269 on: December 20, 2015, 08:25:05 AM »
Dakota Fanning vs Miranda Cosgrove


To put it charitably, Dakota Fanning is at best an average wrestler.  She shows no special talent or aptitude for fighting, and indeed, she spends most of her matches on the defensive.  Nonetheless, she has two things in her favor.  First, she has an unquenchable hunger for success, and to achieve it at any cost.  And secondly, she possesses a skill that is hard to define; it can perhaps most easily be explained as an uncanny knack for taking advantage of the tiniest of opportunities.  She has in the past managed to turn the tide in battles after her opponents have made almost imperceptible missteps...but not so imperceptible that Fanning's keen eye couldn't catch them.

Case in point, her current match with Miranda Cosgrove.  The brunette had been in command virtually full time since the bout began, and was most assuredly cruising to an uncontested victory. suddenly, onlookers didn't realize what had happened until it was over...Cosgrove made some tiny, seemingly minor error in judgement, and that is when the blonde pounced.  In what seemed like an eyeblink, Dakota was in control of the fight, leaving both Miranda and the spectators stunned speechless!

And with the direction of the fight now in her hands, the blonde wasn't about to relinquish it.  Both young beauties were on their knees, with Cosgrove bent backward from from Fanning's Dragon Sleeper.  This position left the brunette's upper body wide open, and Dakota took full advantage of that, alternating between abdominal clawholds and punches to the belly that sapped her opponent's strength.

But what finally drove Miranda to scream her submission was when Fanning applied her clawhold directly to the hapless brunette's groin, the thin lycra fabric of her one-piece offering scant protection.  Cosgrove howled "STOP IT!  STOP!  I GIVE UP!!!" And just like that, Dakota...improbable as it may seem...had chalked up yet another 'W' in her victory column.