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Finish Her!

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Offline Jackflash Jump

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #270 on: December 20, 2015, 09:34:24 AM »
Selena Gomez vs Ariana Grande


Selena's normally cherubic face was twisted into a mask of pure, unalloyed fury, possessed as she was by an almost mythic berserker rage.  The two bikini-clad beauties had been battling for nearly thirty minutes, and both were pushed to the limits of their power and endurance...and beyond.

Now, Gomez was banking all on one final push to victory, committed every last drop of her dwindling strength.  She had Ariana draped backward over her bent knee, Grande's spine bent agonizingly.  Adding to the torment were Gomez's hands; her left locked a choking grasp on her victim's throat, while her right likewise clawed into Arian's groin, squeezing her womanhood so as to send waves of pain radiating throughout her lithe body.  The penthouse lights glistened off of their sweat-soaked skin, as Grande's choked moans mixed with Selena's seething breaths.

Finally, nearly driven to unconsciousness and unable to withstand the torture any long, the haughty Grande sobs, "E-enough!" Gomez keeps the hold in place for several long heartbeats after the submission, as if it hadn't penetrated her rage yet that the match was over.  With a grunt, she then shoved Ariana off of her knee and stood up, fists clenched as if ready to continue the battle.  But then, closing her eyes and taking a deep, cleansing breath, she seemed to release all of her anger, and suddenly her face appears angelic again.


Offline Jimi

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #271 on: December 20, 2015, 09:54:59 AM »
Great work, Jackflash! You're incredible!


Offline Maizenblue

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #272 on: December 20, 2015, 12:50:36 PM »
Would love to see Daisy Ridley getting a beaten in one of these stories.


Offline DonR04

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #273 on: December 20, 2015, 06:30:57 PM »
Selena wins, yay!

Great stories as always, JJ. Thank you, sir.


Offline Jackflash Jump

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #274 on: December 21, 2015, 01:20:07 AM »
Mila Kunis vs Kaley Cuoco
The War Continues!


Kaley writhed in agony as Mila torque up the pressure on the anklelock/knee twist combo hold, the blonde's right leg feeling as if it were being shattered against that of the brunette's, which was entwined around her limb.  Adding to Cuoco's misfortune was the fact that Kunis had extended her free leg and was pressing the sole of her foot against her rival's alabaster throat, choking her.  And, just for the sake of pure viciousness, Mila's fingers were cruelly twisting the bare toes of the blonde's entrapped leg.

With a malicious smirk, Mila purred "Po'shyol 'na hui, `suka!" in her native tongue.  After their countless battles, Cuoco didn't need to speak Russian to know an insulting taunt when she heard one.  And she also didn't need to be told when she was out of options...although her ego made the very thought of submission abhorrent to her.  Still, the inevitable moment came when the blonde began to furiously tap at the carpet.  Kunis gave her hold one last twist, just for fun, and then she released her coughing, wheezing nemesis.  Standing up, Mila contemptuously presses her foot down upon the side of her fallen foe's face and flexes her arms in a victory pose as the elite spectators cheer her triumph.  "Next time, I'll break your back, bitch!" she snarls at Kaley, knowing another rematch was as certain as the rising of the sun in the East.


Offline ValGlorious

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #275 on: December 21, 2015, 01:25:56 AM »
I absolutely love the Kaley/Mila matches.  Such a great rivalry!  Terrific work once again, Mr. J. :)


Offline AKMaster

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #276 on: December 21, 2015, 02:33:56 AM »
Great work Jackflash, each story adding something new each time, really fantastic and helps prevent things getting boring.

Man,is Bella a dominate force, not that its entirely wrong. Just something I'd probably note in my upcoming stories! Been gone for too long, and now I want to get back in again.

In the end however, great work!
« Last Edit: December 21, 2015, 03:05:33 AM by AKMaster »


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #277 on: December 21, 2015, 05:38:26 AM »
Zendaya vs Chloe Moretz


  Zendaya, in her bikini, crawled backwards in the ring, towards the turnbuckle, desperately trying to put space between herself and clearly vengeful Chloe. The fight had not gone as planned, instead of an easy fight that her friend Bella had promised; she found a desperate battle, one where Chloe had the advantage the whole time. Zendaya body ached from the various attacks Chloe had put on her, and in her panic, did not know what to do against this valkyrie.

  Chloe, also in a bikini, for her part was annoyed that she was fighting what seem to be Bella’s minion. With Bella being so dominant on the catfight scene, with her beating the likes of Selena Gomez, and Sophie Turner, not to mention humiliating Chloe after their last encounter, Bella didn’t think that Chloe was good enough to face her again. So now she was facing one of Bella's "friends" instead of Bella herself. And the fact that Bella Thorne was on the sidelines, watching and expecting her to lose infuriated her to no end.

  Zendaya looked towards the sidelines to Bella in desperation, hoping that she could help her. While Bella's face was filled with anger and annoyance at the state of the match, she signaled Zendaya what her next move should be. Calmed down by her friend's help and smiling slightly at her signal, Zendaya turned backed to Chloe and launched her foot right into Chloe’s crotch. Chloe’s eyes bulged and she gave a small yelp as Zendaya’s foot connected, and she fell to her knees clutching it, cursing the fact that her frustration left her wide open. Zendaya gave a wide smile at the result, and briefly winked at Bella in appreciation before getting up and walked behind the kneeling Chloe. Putting her foot on her back, Zendaya pushed Chloe down to the floor hard, after which she grabbed Chloe’s arms and performed a surfboard on her. Chloe gasped and gritted her teeth, trying to fight the pain as Zendaya smiled to the crowd.

  “Do you give up Chloe, or perhaps I should call you “sex toy” like Bella does?” asked Zendaya. Chloe gritted her teeth and responded.

  “Fuck you bitch!” Zendaya gave off grunt of amusement and held the hold for a few more seconds, before kicking her down hard to the floor. Walking over the mewling Chloe, Zendaya grabbed Chloe’s hair and lifted her up, and wrapped her long legs around Chloe’s neck and squeezed hard in a standing headscissors.

  "If you won't give up to me, then its time say goodnight Sex Toy!" taunted Zendaya as she squeezed. Chloe gasped and grabbed at Zendaya’s legs and tried to pry them off, finding her oxygen cut off. Zendaya gave a big shit eating grin to Chloe’s struggles and waved to her friend Bella in the crowd.

  Bella, clearly more satisfied by this result, waved back to Zendaya in response before looking towards Chloe, hoping to enjoy her last moments. Chloe for her part tried to hold on, grasping at Zendaya’s legs as her vision grew dimmer and dimmer. With her last fading moments, she could see Bella’s smug face lapping up her incoming loss, with face practically screaming, “And you think you could face me again!”

  This look ignited the fury and strength inside of Chloe and with one final effort, she lifted herself off her knees and to her feet, taking Zendaya along with her. Zendaya gave a yelp of shock as she suddenly found herself high in the air on top of Chloe’s shoulders, her headscissors loosening in the process. Chloe gave a gasp of relief as she felt air in her lungs again, but did not stop as she flipped Zendaya around her shoulders in a perfect powerbomb position. Zendaya, suddenly realizing what was about to happen, flailed wildly, trying to get out. Yet it was for naught as Chloe brought her down to the floor in a powerful powerbomb, the impact reverberating throughout the arena. Chloe lifted Zendaya up again and powerbombed her again and again, before finally letting go.

  Zendaya was barely conscious after this, but Chloe was filled with vengeance and with barely contained fury, she grabbed Zendaya’s hair and wrapped her own legs around Zendaya’s neck and proceeded to return the favor with a standing headscissor of her own. Zendaya eyes widen up and she desperately tried to pry Chloe’s legs apart, but Chloe was filled with rage and did not relate, looking Bella hard in the eyes as Zendaya’s struggles grew weaker and weaker, until finally with a final gasp, Zendaya went limp.

  Holding the scissors for a few seconds, Chloe let go and Zendaya collapsed on the floor in a heap. Chloe smiled at the result and putting her foot on Zendaya’s face and did a victory pose before kicking Zendaya’s body out of the ring which fell to the floor in a heap. Sliding out of the ring, she kneeled over Zendaya’s body and lifted it up over her shoulder, and casually walked towards where Bella was sitting. Dumping Zendaya hard in front of Bella’s feet, Chloe simply said.

  “Next time you send another one of your minions to face me. Send an actual challenge!” Bella face was scrunched up in anger at the whole scene and said nothing as Chloe gave a dismissive nod and walked out of the arena. As she did, she heard Bella berate Zendaya to get up, and knowing that she had foiled her plans puts a smile on Chloe’s face.


Offline Jackflash Jump

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #278 on: December 21, 2015, 08:54:39 AM »
Spectacular work, AKM!  Of course, I guess this means that Bella will have to teach Chloe another lesson, since obviously the first one didn't take.  ;)


Offline DonR04

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #279 on: December 21, 2015, 06:34:27 PM »
This thread rocks!

Spectacular work, AKM!  Of course, I guess this means that Bella will have to teach Chloe another lesson, since obviously the first one didn't take.  ;)

Chloe taught Bella a very painful lesson in their first fight, and honestly I wouldn't be too surprised if she does it again. Bella is becoming a great fighter very fast, but is it going to be Chloe who will slow down her rise to the top? I guess only one way to find that out - let them fight again. ;)


Offline gene smith

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #280 on: December 21, 2015, 07:46:18 PM »

Emily Blunt vs Scarlett Johansson

In amongst the crowd on the edges of the room, a half-dozen panicked publicists had gestured frantically and mouthed for Scarlett to stop, but she'd ignored them, and pulled Emily's face to her chest even tighter. They were A-Listers, future Oscar winners maybe - that should have meant their contest played out with more decorum than a fight between a couple of Disney brats, but the two actresses plain didn't like each other, and so convention went out the window, to be followed later by Emily's panties.

Emily had pushed against Scarlett's shoulders until her head popped free of the smother, red faced and wild eyed and disheveled. Then the real fighting started. Emily's hard-grinding facesit had ended with an impression of Scarlett's dentistry glistening on her buttock. Their knuckles drained white and their fingers locked with the effort of pulling hair. They whined, blinking back tears as wedgies made their panties disappear up their buttcracks.

"Stay down, bitch." Scarlett shoved Emily's legs down to the carpet, the pussy claw having done it's work, and pushed up off Emily's scratch- patterned tummy. Their respective camps had given up on trying to stop what was happening. Emily's people were making phonecalls. Damage control. Scarlett ran her fingertips across her aching tits and flicked the sweat in Blunt's face before sitting her butt down on it and grinning at the open-mouthed spectators.     

nice one
I CAN do I
I MUST do it
I WLL do it
Peter Cannon Thunderbolt


Offline AKMaster

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #281 on: December 21, 2015, 08:07:20 PM »
This thread rocks!

Spectacular work, AKM!  Of course, I guess this means that Bella will have to teach Chloe another lesson, since obviously the first one didn't take.  ;)

Chloe taught Bella a very painful lesson in their first fight, and honestly I wouldn't be too surprised if she does it again. Bella is becoming a great fighter very fast, but is it going to be Chloe who will slow down her rise to the top? I guess only one way to find that out - let them fight again. ;)

Perhaps Bella thinks she is already on top and doesn't think Chloe is worth her time. Perhaps she'll let her friends have a go at Chloe first before accepting a match with Chloe. And of course, Bella wouldn't dare interfere in those matches. Nor would Chloe interfere with Bella's matches. ;)

We'll just have to wait and see!


Offline Jackflash Jump

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #282 on: December 22, 2015, 01:29:33 AM »
This thread rocks!

Spectacular work, AKM!  Of course, I guess this means that Bella will have to teach Chloe another lesson, since obviously the first one didn't take.  ;)

Chloe taught Bella a very painful lesson in their first fight, and honestly I wouldn't be too surprised if she does it again. Bella is becoming a great fighter very fast, but is it going to be Chloe who will slow down her rise to the top? I guess only one way to find that out - let them fight again. ;)

Perhaps Bella thinks she is already on top and doesn't think Chloe is worth her time. Perhaps she'll let her friends have a go at Chloe first before accepting a match with Chloe. And of course, Bella wouldn't dare interfere in those matches. Nor would Chloe interfere with Bella's matches. ;)

We'll just have to wait and see!

Hmmm...Chloe has to run the gauntlet before she can get her hands on Bella again?  Even if she makes it through, will she be in any shape to take on the ravenous redhead?   ;)


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #283 on: December 22, 2015, 06:01:05 AM »
Lacey Chabert vs Jennifer Love Hewitt - Whos the Titfight Queen?


“After I’m done with you, only a dumbass would compare your tits to my girls!” screamed Jennifer Love Hewitt in the middle of the arena, as she grasped and squeezed at Lacey’s tits.  Lacey simply spat in pain as she returned the favor, grabbing and clawing at Jennifer’s “girls” and replied.

“Funny slut, I could’ve said the same for you!” However Jennifer had simply gritted her teeth and squeezed harder in response saying.

“Bitch! Bring it!” The lingerie smother battle between these two titans had been long and hard, with neither woman gaining a true advantage. Both women knew that this battle would decide once and for all which one of them was the titfight queen and neither gave each other the edge.

Eventually the match devolved into each woman attack their opponent’s most valuable asset, and so started the struggle between the two, as each woman grasped and clawed at each other breasts, each giving off grunts and moans of pain as one tried to outlast the other. The fabric of their lingerie was easily torn apart in the struggle and soon both valkyries were completely bare. After several minutes of moaning and gasping, the two women edge closer and closer to each other, their arms bend and their breasts nearly touching.

Eventually, both women let go of the other and both of them wrapped their arms around each other’s back and tried to mash the other’s breasts with their own.

“Enjoy Jennifer,” said Lacey laughed, “as my beauties squash yours “girls” Jennifer laughed at this and simply responded.

“We’ll see who’s laughing at the end of this match!” And soon the titfight became silent, broken only by the sounds of moans, grunts and the rubbing of flesh. Neither women seem to have the true advantage, while Jennifer was slightly bigger, Lacey’s nipples were more firm and barely budged. This tiny facet however, proved it worth more and more, as Lacey’s nipples started to pierce Jennifer’s giving her a opening that allowed Lacey’s breasts to engulf Jennifer’s more and more. Jennifer’s eyes widen in shock at the result and soon her moans of pain became more frequent as she cried.

“NO… NO… NO!!! This can’t be happening!!!”

“Believe it whore! My tits are better than yours!” responded Lacey.

“But I’m the titfight queen!” Jennifer pleaded,

“Not anymore!” responded Lacey as she squeezed in one final effort. Jennifer gave a cry of pain and despair as her “girls” were completely engulfed by Lacey’s. Jennifer desperately tried to break the hold, only to accidently trip over and fall over onto her back, with Lacey on top. Lacey smiled at these turn of events and quickly applied a grapevine pin on Jennifer, taunting.

“Stupid bitch, got you right where I wanted! Now it’s time for an up close and personal look at the superior breasts!” At which Lacey positioned herself so that her breasts hovered over Jennifer’s face. Jennifer, her face wide with fear pleaded.

“No…. No… please, I’ll admit your tits are better, I’ll admit that mmmphh!!!” Jennifer’s pleads were completely cut off as Lacey placed her bosom on Jennifer’s face.  Lacey gave a big wide grin to the camera as she motorboated her tits in proper position, as a tear fell down Jennifer’s face as she struggled to get out. However, her struggles were for naught, as Lacey’s hold was too strong and her “beauties” all too engulfing and soon Jennifer’s struggles grew weaker and weaker and weaker until finally, she fell limp. Lacey grinned at her rival’s defeat and keep the hold for a few seconds, both to ensure her victory and to pose for the cameras before standing up.

Putting her foot on Jennifer’s face, Lacey raised her hands in a victory pose, saying.

“I’m the titfight queen! Don’t you forget it!” After which, Lacey kicked Jennifer face away, walked over and grabbed Jennifer’s torn apart as memento before leaving her rival unconscious for the whole world to see.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #284 on: December 22, 2015, 07:55:55 AM »
Amazing!! Well done AK! I loved it, and loved the outcome. Lacey's a favorite for sure. Brilliantly done sir. :D