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Finish Her!

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #345 on: January 05, 2016, 05:12:54 AM »
Thanks for the awesome welcome JJ!  And followed by more McKellar!  The official scorekeeper of this thread must be spinning how fast McKellar jumped in the points!

I had a little bit more free time so I figured I'd do something again, this time a little shorter and sweeter.

AnnaSophia Robb vs. Chloe Bridges


AnnaSophia's muffled cries couldn't be heard by anybody but Chloe as the only witnesses to the fray were the walls and carpet of the empty dressing room.  The noise from the outside studio party was loud, loud enough to dampen the struggle between the two starlets minutes before.  There was really no love between the two, despite their friendly nature in public ever since working on The Carrie Diaries together they actually despised each other.  It was only natural that when the two young stars ran into each other at another studio party, sparks were going to fly.

After glaring daggers and some choice words, it was Chloe's idea for them to ditch the party to settle their differences.  AnnaSophia was much to heated to worry about anything...that is until they walked into the dressing room and Chloe locked the door behind them.  Chloe's idea had paid off in the end however for her as she, after a bitter dress ripping struggle between the two, finally sat nearly triumphant on a tired and weak AnnaSophia.  With one claw locked on in her blonde hair and the other reaching behind her and mauling her young breasts with her nails, Chloe sat on AnnaSophia's face dominantly.

AnnaSophia weakly grabbed Chloe's ass and dug her nails in, trying to get Chloe off of her.  A tired Chloe laughed slightly before using both of her hands to pull AnnaSophia's hair and shove her mouth and nose directly into Chloe's crotch.  The material of Chloe's thong barely blunted the smell and moistness of her sex as AnnaSophia got a facefull of her womanhood, blocking her mouth and nose from pulling full breaths.  Chloe, who began to rub her hips back and forth ever so slightly, used all the strength she had left in her arms and hands to hold her blonde opponent there, letting out a grunt and a moan several times before stating coldly to AnnaSophia, "Screw with me again, slut, and I'll make you eat it next time."

AnnaSophia couldn't breathe and was fully panicked, kicking her legs and digging her nails into Chloe's ass one last time before her eyes began to roll upwards and her body began to fall limp from the suffocation.  The last thing she could hear before the overwhelming blackness was, in between a panted moan, Chloe cruely whispering "And after I'm finished with you, I'm going to go victory fuck your boyfriend, bitch." 

One defiant last moan came from the blonde before her arms fell to the side and she went totally limp.  Unknown to the now sleeping blonde, Chloe pushed down deep on AnnaSophia's face with three final thrusts and climaxed on her rival's face through her panties.  Taking a moment to catch her breath, she dropped AnnaSophia's head to the floor and stood up on shakey legs from both the fight and the finish.  Her outfit's bottoms where in tatters, but it didn't matter, she could find something in the dressing room to cover herself and would then proceed to leave the blonde on the floor while going to attempt to make good on her final promise to AnnaSophia.
"I like to think I'm quite brave. I stand up for myself.
~Dakota Blue Richards

(Back lurking/commenting after a long absence!)


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #346 on: January 05, 2016, 05:46:17 AM »
Incredible work, JJ and Catscratches!

Love the sudden influx of Danica!

And Catscratches, a massive welcome indeed to the party. Awesome work, and I look forward to reading anything and everything you write. Loved both of your stories, even if I felt so sorry for Danica. :(

 Great job!


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #347 on: January 05, 2016, 09:18:30 PM »
We've had some tremendous contributions lately, and I want to thank all of the authors for sharing the fruits of their labors!

And the sudden burst of Danica McKellar activity is not only greatly appreciated by me, but its also given me an idea.  What does everyone else think about selecting a specific woman to feature in our stories on a given day?

So I'd like to suggest this:  On Wednesday, January 6th, anyone who is interested in doing so is encouraged to write and post a piece with Kaley Cuoco.

(Hey, it's my idea, so I get to pick the girl!  LOL)

It can be Kaley triumphant, or Cuoco in the dregs of defeat...wherever your muse takes you.

Of course, I'm not suggesting that fights with other lasses not named Kaley Cuoco shouldn't be posted on Wednesday.  But it's my hope that some of the amazing talents we have here will take a swing at this.  Who knows, if it's successful, maybe we can do a different woman each week.   :D



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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #348 on: January 05, 2016, 09:27:55 PM »
I like the idea of girl specific days, but how about you do it on their birthdays.  The 6th is Irina Shayk birthday. Maybe a few stories on her.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #349 on: January 05, 2016, 11:17:57 PM »
Still more magic from the Walkin' Dude...


Scene from a submission wrestling match: Daisy Ridley vs. Danielle Panabaker.

Identical old school pro-style one pieces for both ladies, cut high on the hips and scooped low across the back. Gleaming ‘Rebellion’ white and matching pads / boots for Ridley, ‘Flash’ Red and heroic yellow pads / boots for Panabaker.


   Stretched out almost full length on her opponent’s back, Danielle Panabaker squeezed her laced fists even tighter and pulled back on the Chinlock to bend the other brunette’s neck at a vile angle. “Give up, Daisy.” she panted. “I’ve got you.”

   Daisy Ridley waggled a finger ‘no’, slapped her splayed palms against the mat and draaaaaaaaaaaagged herself perhaps three inches closer to the ropes. It’d been easier if she had both legs at her disposal, but Danielle had her left leg folded up and pinned between their bodies in a perfect STF. Even so, the limber Briton bore the pain without complaint even as the small crowd groaned at curve in her neck and spine.

   Weary yet determined in her snug perch, Danielle noted the other brunette’s stubbornness and made an abrupt decision. Unhooking her legs from Ridley’s trapped stem, Panabaker slid around in a quarter circle so that she was stretched perpendicular to her foe’s left shoulder. In the next instant she scissored her thighs around Daisy’s left arm and wrenched it backward while simultaneously transforming her Chinlock into an S-grip Crossface.

   “NNNNNGGGHHHHHHH!” Daisy groaned through clenched teeth, planted her remaining right hand and pushed up as far as she could to better alleviate the wicked pressure.

   “Told you, girl.” Danielle huffed, her tone almost as strained as Ridley’s. “I don’t wanna hurt you, I just need to hear it!”

   Ridley shook her head’ no’ as best she could. “Yuuuuuhhhhh….. you’re not gonna get it.” Daisy rasped. “Not tonight. Not ever!”

   She jammed her right elbow into the canvas, forced herself up that much higher and slid a full foot closer to the bottom rope. Her fingers were less than four inches from sanctuary when Panabaker halved the Crossface and reached over with her left hand. Snatching control of Ridley’s right elbow, she pulled that arm back as sharply as she could and trapped it under her left armpit. In the same breath she threaded her left leg over Ridley’s head and drew it toward her, thus resuming the agonizing torque on her adversary’s neck.

   “AAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHHH!” Daisy wailed in frustration as much as pain, though make no mistake, the pain was exquisite. Denied her arms and head, she wriggled her knees in a final attempt to reach the ropes and--

   “GIVE. UP!” Danielle poured it on with everything she had left, lifting the Englishwoman’s upper body off the mat by a good six inches.

   Ridley still managed to hold on for another fifteen seconds before she smacked her left foot against the mat three times. “Yield.” she moaned. “I yield.”

   The applause was polite albeit shocked, not a one of them had expected a small screen starlet, let alone a second banana genre girl like Danielle Panabaker to hang a loss on the new face of the biggest franchise on the planet. And yet, after forty-five minutes of what was unquestionably the most flawless display of mat wrestling in her burgeoning career, that’s what she’d done.

   Still oblivious to how her own fortunes might change in the wake of such a victory, Danielle released her hooks and sat up, allowing the other brunette to curl up on one side. Silent for a nearly half a minute, Panabaker laid a gentle hand on Ridley’s shoulder and asked, “Gonna be ok?”

   Daisy sat up, pulled that aching left arm to her chest and nodded. She looked disappointed and angry, though none of it was directed at her opponent. It was the look of a proud, honest young woman forced to admit that she’d been bested by a superior foe. Hurt though she was, Daisy didn’t hesitate to meet the American’s gaze when she replied. “Yes, thank you for asking.” A pause. “The executives will scream at you for a rematch, in fact I’d wager they’re dialing your management even now. I wouldn’t blame you if you made them jump through hoops, but I’m asking you as a personal favor not to refuse them. I would very much like the chance to avenge this loss.”

   Danielle mopped some sweat from her brow, tucked some damp hair behind her ears. “Screw the suits. Call me whenever you’re ready and we’ll set it up ourselves. They’re probably already calling this a fluke. I want to prove it wasn’t.”

   “I wouldn’t dare call it that. But I won’t let it stand. Believe me when I tell you that.”

   Panabaker gave her a competitive smile. “Who says you’ll have a choice?”

   Daisy matched the American with a grin of her own. “I say.” She extended a hand. “See you on the mats, Danielle.”

   Danielle returned the gesture, gave her new rival’s hand a sturdy squeeze. “See you on the mats, Daisy.”

Finishing sequence:  Rings of Saturn

Note: For those that wondered, the preceding shouldn’t be taken as a lack of faith in Daisy Ridley’s potential as a femfight image. Indeed, I’m of the mind that she’s got an impressive career ahead of her and would look great in the ring against the likes of Melissa Benoist and Troian Bellisario, the latter of whom I consider to be the benchmark for the current crop of bendy-backed fighters.

   That said, if the scope / media presence of a franchise is tied to the combat schedule of its leading lady, that would make Ridley the busiest young fighter on the planet right about now. Amidst all of the box office record smashing, the whirlwind appearances and a growing string of victories, it’s not hard to imagine she might stub her toe against an opponent neither she or her handlers had ever anticipated.

   Enter Danielle Panabaker. I’m guessing that anyone judging her based solely on picture reference would be quick to apply the ‘jobber’ tag (a label I find obnoxiously limiting, but that’s beside the point) but regular viewers of The Flash and anyone who’s seen her turns on Grimm or the Piranha sequel will note she’s possessed of a fightin’ frame that’s rather at odds with her geekish, perennial second banana status.

   Of course, her winning this first encounter is no guarantee of future victories against Daisy, but I don’t see her quitting after a loss either, which could lead to an increasingly spirited ‘Best of (insert number of your choosing)’ between the pair of lissome brunettes.

   As for the sportsmanship demonstrated post-bell, your mileage may very, but it felt more appropriate then cattiness considering the rest of the piece. Yet I certainly wouldn’t argue (or indeed complain) if they got meaner with one another as the series rolled on, especially if one young lady started running up the score on her rival.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2016, 11:21:52 PM by Jackflash Jump »


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #350 on: January 06, 2016, 12:29:59 AM »

Yay! Kaley for the win! *____* Go-Go! Riding girl!  ;D :D


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #351 on: January 06, 2016, 08:24:28 AM »
Alice Eve vs Kaley Cuoco


The two blondes grunted and groaned in pained exhaustion.  Facing each other on their knees, they strained and struggled against the other, bodies soaked with sweat, golden tresses unkempt.  They had been battling without pause for nearly forty full minutes, and now they fought on with only the dregs of strength left to them.

Suddenly, Kaley pulled free of her opponent's embrace, balled her right fist, and fired a punch flush into Alice's belly.  The English beauty gasped, but her taut abs absorbed the worst of the blow.  Now, it was Eve's turn, and she put virtually everything she had left into her fist; Cuoco moaned, but her equally toned as those of her rival...held up.  Now the two warriors fired piston-like punches against and again into their bellies, both determined to hammer the other into helplessness.  But all too soon, their arms were like lead, and the power behind their fists waned.

In desperation, Alice brought both of her hands up and sank her stiletto fingers into her adversary's breasts.  Kaley howled in torment, but willed herself to do likewise, and within moments her hands were mauling the orbs of the Brit just as viciously.  Their bikini halters long since torn away, there was nothing to protect their bosoms as they squeezed and twisted.  Tears streamed down the faces of both women as they gasped and shrieked in agony.

Ultimately, one gorgeous gladiator could withstand it no longer.  With a loud, pained sigh, Alice's arms went limp, her hands slipping free of Cuoco, and her eyes fluttered as her head lolled from side to side.  Kaley squeezed ever-harder, frantic to drive her rival into unconsciousness before she herself succumbed to exhaustion.  Finally, Alice's lush body slumped to the floor. 

Victorious, Kaley gave a raspy chuckle and wore a half-smirk on her face as she wiped the sweat from her brow...and then with a mewl, she keened forward, her body flopping like deadweight across the chest of her opponent.  Both slumbering beauties lay there, spent to their last.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #352 on: January 06, 2016, 08:31:30 AM »
And now this from the Walkin Dude...


Neve Campbell vs Kaley Cuoco


“C’mon Kaley!” one of the well-heeled guests called of the general murmur of his compatriots.

   “Yeah!” another added. “Don’t let her treat you like that!”

   Neve Campbell looked up from the task at hand, a hardworking smile on her face. “You think she’s stretched out like this because she likes it?” the brunette veteran scoffed. “Go on, Kaley. Tell your fans how it feels!”

   The weary, sweaty blonde pushed up on her elbows, oblivious to the photogs snapping quick shots of her bare chest. “Why don’t you go fuck yourself you old AAAAAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHH!

   Campbell worked the pair of wickedly curved hooks (formed by the index finger and thumb on each hand) that much deeper into the crease between buttock and thigh and DUG her fingers into the dense, defenseless meat of the blonde’s inner thighs. The numbing pain of the Hammy Clamp put Cuoco’s forehead on the carpet, one arm crooked over the back of her head while the other kneaded uselessly at the thick carpet.

        Seated just above the pits of her blonde’s knees, Neve jostled her grip a little harder and leaaaaaaaaaaaaned down, putting that much more weight on Kaley’s defenseless haunches. “Done, sweetie?” Campbell asked after several more seconds of white-knuckled kneading. “Or are you gonna make me pop this bubble butt of yours?!”

   “NO!” the thought of surrender forced the battered, but defiant battler onto her elbows again. “YOU’RE GONNA PAY FOR NOOOOO AAAAAAHHHHHH YOOOOOOOOUUUU FUCKING BITCH![/i]”

    Neve halved her control on the Clamp to snatch a huge handful of Kaley’s powder blue bikini briefs. These she yaaaaaaaaaaaaaanked up in wedgie so vicious it earned sympathetic murmurs from those closest to the action.


   Neve let loose after a nod from the ombudsman, cracked her knuckles and then pattered out a spanking little bongo riff on her blonde’s beaten buttocks. “Three falls to two, you really made me work for it this time.” She pushed up a little and ‘snapped’ her bottoms tight against the curves of her glutes. Then Neve crawled forward and rolled Kaley onto her back.

   In stark contrast to the Hammy Clamp, none of Cuoco’s fans voiced any incredulity when the brunette swung around and sat firmly on their heroine’s weepy, smudgy features.


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kaley v lindsey
« Reply #353 on: January 06, 2016, 11:52:18 AM »
The crowd at the party had been egging the two girls to fight all night long.  Kaley and Lindsey were shooting hate looks at each other when finally Lindsey strutted up to Kaley and said, "lets give them what they want bitch." Kaley quickly replied, 'lets go then, whore." The women took a step back, glared at each other and kicked off their heels. Lindsey raised her arms challenging Kaley to lock up in a female test of strength.  Kaley accepted the challenge and the two beauties locked fingers and the struggle began.  The two grunting women engaged in this matchup for about 3 minutes without either girl gaining a distinctive advantage.  The crowd which had formed a circle around the fighters were shouting encouragement  and instructions to each. The girls then broke the fingerlocks and each ripped at the top of their opponents dress.  Now bare to the waist the fighters engaged in a mutual bearhug slamming their boobs into each other.     The women now sweating and gasping for breath decided to take the fight to the next level and started to swing at each other.  Both ladies landed a couple of punches to the face and tits of the other.  It looked like Lindsey was getting the best of these exchanges when Kaley landed a hard right to Lindsey head.  Lindsey staggered backward and dropped to her knees. "Finish her," the crowd shouted and Kaley did with a barrage of punches to Lindsey's face, tits and belly.  Lindsey was out, and Kaley walked away with her arms up in victory to the cheers of the crowd. 


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Re: rhotos- kaley v lindsey
« Reply #354 on: January 06, 2016, 04:08:28 PM »


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #355 on: January 06, 2016, 06:13:12 PM »
I love Walkin' Dude!!! :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #356 on: January 06, 2016, 06:40:49 PM »
Jugg Bounty: Kaley Cuoco vs. Halle Berry (Boxing) by simguy, November 2008


Kaley in black bikini, frisky ponytail, bangs; Halle in yellow bikini; ring connections hip and jugs; both in white gloves.

Round 1: Similar hand positions: left hands low, rights under chins. Kaley's on her toes, feinting Halle: Berry more flat footed, bending low at the waist, looking to use upperbody more than her legs. Kaley directing an unusually high proportion of her stitching one-twos to Halle's chest - chop-chopping jug, then bounding out of range. At one point, Berry clearly enraged, shouts: "What the hell, Kaley? Back offa my rack!" Unexpected hard feelings at the bell: Berry chesting up on Kaley and glaring at her - ref forced to take a hand.

Round 2: Kaley on her toes, circling, feinting, testing her mentor's legs. Cuoco swatting a supple hook off her hip, showing the up-jab - again targetting Halle's jugs a high percentage of the time. Cuoco's flashing right hand scoring strikes to rack as well - smiting home sudden as Kaley proves able to score from well outside. Kaley hopping-to, unleashing slashing lefts and rights from her waist, whacking the stuffing out of Halle's bulging rack. Berry crying out as her former student helps herself big time. Halle badly rattled - clinches out the round - Kaley showing good leg strength in keeping Berry's back to ropes. More hard words as Kaley turns away without explanation, leaving Berry smoldering/aching.

Round 3: Kaley bouncing on her lead (left) foot, left hand dangling: she'll swat hooks from here, or drop in right hands - punching Halle's face or chest, then pivoting hard-left. Berry scuffing up, breasts throbbing: Kaley's determined rack assault clearly rattling the world's sexiest woman. Blonde punctuates the round with a pair of swatting hooks across Halle's jugs as Cuoco's executing a pretty pivot-left. Berry grimacing, visibly outraged: Kaley again turning away, marching quickly back to her corner.

Round 4: Kaley's quickness can't be denied - walking to her right, dangling her left hand - she'll flip the left off her hip, nagging Halle's breasts, pestering 'em. Down the stretch - Kaley exaggerates her first step, spooking Halle into a crouch, then blonde brings the hesitation straight right, poking Berry bingo on the chin. Halle punched out of her stance - arms pinwheeling as she backpedals into ropes. Shocking jolt has Berry weak-kneed at bell as Kaley cooly looks her foe over.

Rounds 5-6: Exhibition rounds for Kaley: rounds of cold hard truth for Halle. Kaley's constant cuffing and smiting of Halle's jugs continues to vex Berry: Cuoco just swiping away one or two shots at a time, or jabbing 'em on her walk-abouts. Both rounds wide to Cuoco - she's bedevilling Halle from outside, embarrassing her through 6.

Round 7: Cuoco flat footed, edges in close to clean up on a worn down, busted up Halle Berry. Halle not reading the same script - she's very comfy inside, rubbing her left shoulder against Kaley's chest and tearing up blonde midsection and breasts with still-blazing combinations. Bell: Halle seething, forcing eye contact: Cuoco getting a taste of her own bitter medicine to jug this round.

Round 8: Same again - Kaley wanting Halle inside: Berry starts to fall off the pace. Kaley starting to light it up, gloves bouncing with popping spank off Halle's flesh. Late the round - Halle's legs go, spilling her awkwardly to ropes. Kaley pounces in, unleashing a torrid scrubbing of lefts and rights to jug, mercilessly scouring a sobbing Berry as crowd roars to its feet. Halle rubbery legged, hugging her battered chest at bell: Kaley whirls away, stomping hard-eyed to her corner.

Round 9: Halle's shabby: Oscar winning thighs trembling under her weight; face puffy from punches; breasts slugged raw by a heartless Kaley Cuoco tonight. Berry turning, facing into blows - a battered beauty, trudging forward on pride alone. Pair of cuffing hooks/chopping straight right dislodges Halle's mouthpiece - it flops onto the canvas as Berry's tottering back on her heels. Kaley feints, brings the sudden right hand to Halle's jugs - pivots-left as Berry's cringing. Kaley feints, repeats the move, smiting breasts that sneaky right hand lead, pivoting away from receipt. Kaley feints once, starts a fake hook, brings the shocking straight in blunt to mouth, taking Halle completely by surprise. Jolting blast sends Halle clattering backwards, jugs a-jumpin' - she's a pathetic sight tripping over her own feet, thumping to her buns at ropes. Berry can't get off her rump - KO9 Kaley Cuoco in unexpectedly tart fashion.

Afterward: Cuoco quickly ushered from the ring as Halle is tenderly brought around, leaving onlookers perplexed. In days to come, Cuoco reveals that HBO came to her with a jug-bounty offer too rich for Kaley to pass up. Body-part bounties controversial, but a fact of life in the FCBA - Kaley explains in BLONDE! Magazine interview: "I couldn't say no. Halle's my idol, but you wouldn't believe the money HBO offered for sustained jug-mugging! If Halle's going to continue, she needs to know every girl out there is gonna be gunning for those breasts. You seriously can't afford not to! It's not something I'm proud of, but Halle herself always told me ‘get paid’ - you know? I rang her up and got paid and,  hopefully, that's something she’ll at least respect if not forgive."


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #357 on: January 06, 2016, 08:00:50 PM »
Love these stories , how do I add pictures to my story? I want to post .
I clicked the add images button but it was not the pictures I wanted added


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #358 on: January 06, 2016, 08:04:48 PM »

Amy Davidson vs Kaley Cuoco - Private Lingerie Catfight

NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Was the last word out of Amy's mouth before Kaley slammed her red haired opponent down with a devastating power bomb...devastating that is if the two half naked beauties weren't battling on a king sized bed.

Despite the plushness of where they did battle, the impact combined with how exhausting the struggle had been thus far appeared to have taken the last of the fight out of the sexy Davidson.

Both women were covered in sweat from the nearly hour long conflict, lingerie clad bodies glistening, hair almost drenched, their chests heaving with fatigue.

With a disgruntled frown at her bra strap, Kaley discards the torn garment, and readjusts the waist band of her silver boyshort panties. She then takes a moment to admire her handiwork. Amy, face up on the bed with a slightly glazed look in her eyes, bare breasts rising and falling.

 The blonde notices a slight peaking of her victim's nipples, "So you ARE getting aroused by this." With this in mind she begins to slowly trace the edges of Amy's red satin panties, brushing her creamy pale thighs, then finally caressing her womanhood. The red head slowly begins to respond to Kaley's touch, a slight moan escaping her lips.

After a couple minutes of gentle attention, when it seems like Amy is ready to explode, pleasure suddenly turns to excrutiating pain as a crotch claw is applied. Her entire upper body jerks upright as she screams at the top of her lungs. Kaley quickly changes tactics and like a viper latches onto Amy's now fully erect nipples, a new scream escaping her.

"If you give up now slut, I might just continue giving you that pleasure you were experiencing before this," bearing down on Davidson's nipples "unfortunate incident."

"Please stop, I quit, just please stop!"

Kaley smirks and with one last savage twist, releases her whimpering foe.

Amy falls back and simultaneously tries to ease the pain in her nipples and groin.

Intending to keep her promise, the blonde removes the red head's hand from her aching crotch and begins to gently caress once again. This time she continues until her opponent achieves release. However, right after the spasms subside she slams her fist into the now limp woman's pussy. Amy screams in pain once again and curls up on the bed sobbing.

Kaley grabs a robe and leaves the penthouse with a smirk on her face, once again showing that she is one of the most sadistic fighters around.
Glad to be a member of this great forum. Looking forward to getting to know some people with a similar passion to female wrestling/catfights.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #359 on: January 06, 2016, 09:04:55 PM »
two broke girls v big bang theory