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Finish Her!

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Offline Jackflash Jump

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #495 on: January 30, 2016, 07:34:45 PM »
Bella Thorne vs Michelle Williams


Foxy boxing was a rare variation of combat in the celeb fighting circles, but if anyone could be said to be the best at it, it would be Michelle Williams.  For fifteen years, she had gone undefeated in penthouse pugilism.  And that was precisely why Bella had demanded a boxing bout, so that she could topple the Queen from her throne.

The rules were simple:  the girls wore large 24 ounce pink gloves; there were no rounds, they simply traded blows until the end; and the end could only come from a knockout or verbal submission, no count-outs.  Michelle and Bella were garbed similarly in black booty shorts, with the blonde wearing a yellow sports bra, and the redhead in red.

After several minutes of fairly even action, Williams really kicked in with her offensive.  However, Thorne used her greater speed to stay on a strategic defensive, avoiding blows when she could, and Rope-A-Doping most of the rest, letting her arms absorb the impacts.  Eventually, Michelle's face was flushed red and she panted hard for breath, and it was only then that she realized she had fallen into her younger opponent's trap to make her exhaust herself.

And then Bella unleashed her own assault, her gloved fists a whirlwind as she hammered away at the blonde.  Williams was driven backwards by the blizzard of punches to her face, head and belly, until her back pressed against the wall.  With nowhere to retreat, and her leaden arms now hanging useless at her sides, Michelle could do nothing but endure the merciless beating.  "You're done for, old woman!" Thorne hissed as she pounded away at her rival, sweat spraying from Michelle's skin with every punch.

Finally, Michelle's knees buckled and she collapsed face-first to the floor.  But Thorne wasn't done with her; she rolled the dazed blonde over onto her back and sat astride her belly, and continued raining blows to her victim's face and breasts, until at last...mercifully for Williams...she was driven unconscious.

Pulling off her gloves, Bella took her fallen foe's halter top in her hands and pulled it off of her to claim it as her trophy.  The victorious redhead then stood up, placing a foot triumphantly upon the bare breasts of the beaten blonde and holding the bra above her head, proclaiming (without protest from any of the spectators) "And this is why I'm the Queen!"


Offline Firefly

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Hayden Panettierre vs Gwyneth Paltrow.
« Reply #496 on: January 30, 2016, 08:02:39 PM »
{alt}       {alt}
Having been roughed up repeatedly in their relatively brief tussle Gwyneth Paltrow was a disheveled mess as she struggled to pick herself up off the floor all the while being taunted by a cocky Hayden Panettiere. "Is that all you got you uncoordinated bimbo" Hayden sneered as Gwyneth stood before her fighting back tears . Despite her superior height and reach the tall lanky blonde was outclassed athletically by Hayden who was quick,compact,powerful and very capable of handling herself in a physical confrontation. With Gwyneth back to her feet Hayden could smell blood in the water and dropping her fists she chided "C'mon hit me". Her long slender arms hanging limply at her side and seemingly resigned to her fate Gwyneth meekly shook her head "no". Finally after more prodding by Hayden, the tall slender blonde summoned the energy and courage to throw an exceedingly weak, uncoordinated attempt at a haymaker which Hayden easily ducked and in turn drove a popwerful jab into Gwyneth's exposed midsection. Letting out a high pitched groan the tall blondes long legs almost immediately buckled and she hit the floor with a thud. With a cocky grin Hayden grabbed her phone and placing her foot on her fallen victim snapped a photo and quipped BEST SELFIE EVER!
« Last Edit: January 30, 2016, 08:35:22 PM by Firefly »


Offline al2468

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Re: samanta v sara- $200,000 challenge- the buildup
« Reply #497 on: January 30, 2016, 08:04:22 PM »
Samanta Fox sat on her blanket at the private topless beach at an exclusive island resort contemplating her financial situation.  The money needed to support her extravagant life style was just not coming in anymore. She had to figure something out to obtain some quick cash. Maybe a walk along the beach would help clear her mind and provide a solution.  As she strolled along the exclusive beach, she couldn't believe her eyes.  Sarah Jessica Parker sunbathing topless with her husband Mathew Broderick. Broderick and Sam had been lovers years ago during her London page 3 tabloid days. This could be the answer to her financial crisis. Sarah was loaded.  She would somehow manipulate Sarah into a fight for cash.  Sara and Sam were about the same age and size. Sam 5'1 sara 5'3, but Sam was confident in her fighting abilities having been involved in many arranged catfights in her younger days in England. Fox walked confidently up to the couple with her tits shaking and bouncing. Completely ignoring Sara, Sam said,  "Hello Mathew baby, do you miss me and these huge tits." Broderick was speechless but Sara sprung to her feet saying, " What the fuck are you doing you slutty English bitch." Sam quickly replied, " Maybe I want to fuck your husband, AGAIN, looks like he needs a woman with real tits, not those little highschool bobbies of yours." Sara had heard enough, this British whore was challenging her for her husband. " I should kick your fat ass right now and rip those cow tits off of you." Mathew remained silent as the girls exchanged insults. He would love to see his wife fight it out with his old lover. Sam was manipulating Sara just as she had planned. " Look bitch, we are going to fight, but lets make it interesting, Sam said.  "What do you have in mind skank, replied Sara.  "How about a little wager? How does 200,000 sound." We each write a check for 200,000 grand, we fight to the finish tonight right here on the beach, no rules, winner takes all." Sara agreed, grabbed her beach bag and headed back to her villa." See you tonight whore", said sara. I'll be waiting, replied Sam, and don't forget to bring the check. Broderick had a sly smile, this is going to be great.  FIGHT STORY TO FOLLOW.


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samanta fox v sarah jessica parker- $200,000 challenge- the fight
« Reply #498 on: January 30, 2016, 10:03:43 PM »
News of the upcoming fight spread rapidly throughout the resort. Like it or not, the girls will be fighting in front of the other guests at the resort.  Nobody wanted to miss this.  As fight time approached, the resort guests began to arrive at the beach. Some even brought beach chairs to watch the battle.  Sara and Mathew arrived first and walked toward the ocean.  Sara wore a blue one piece with her hair up.  Her husband was giving her advice on how to fight Samanta.  " Go for those big tits of hers, scratch, punch and claw the shit out of them. " Samanta arrived at the fight site also dressed in a blue one piece, her hair was down.  When both fighters were ready, the girls walked toward each other ready to fight it out.  The crowd seemed to be on the side of Sara as they yelled encouragement to her as she prepared for battle.   Sam spoke first, as she handed her$200,000 check to one of the spectators, I'm going to rip you apart cxnt." Sara handed her check over and replied by spitting in Sam's face.  The girls took a couple of steps back, took a deep breath and began to cautiously circle each other. The crowd urged them to mix it up. Sara let out a scream and charged Sam. They started to throw wild punches at each other, grabbed each other and fell to the sand.  Sara, remembering what her husband had told her tore at Sam's bathing suit ripping it down to the waist.  she then began a vicious attack on Sam's huge breasts. Sam was groaning in pain from this attack but responded with a series of punches to sara's head which really hurt Parker. Sam then ripped sara's suit down to the waist exposing her tits.  They rolled around in the sand punching and clawing at each others face , breasts, shoulders etc. This fight was getting brutal,. Both girls were already sporting swollen eyes that surely will become discolored shortly but they battled on.  The fight took the girls close to the waters edge. The fighters were locked up in a stalemate of sorts, neither could gain an advantage.  They separated , got to their feet, both breathing heavily as their chests were expanding and contracting with each gasp as they struggled to catch their respective breath.  Fox walked into the water, about knee deep, and challenged Parker to do the same. "Come on bitch, lets finish it in the water, I'll drown your ass.", declared Fox.  We'll see who drowns who bitch as sara met her in the knee deep water. The crowd rushed to the waters edge to witness the end of the fight.  The fighters tore at each other as they fell together into the water, each trying to hold her opponents head under water. They really were trying to drown the other.   This was getting dangerous. Sam was getting the best of the water fight holding sara under for extended periods of time. Broderick. fearing for his wives safety, rushed in and pulled the fighters apart with the help of a few other men.  The girls were pulled apart, both still wanting to go at each other.  Though Sam looked like she had gotten the worse of the fight
, she was declared the winner when Mathew would not let sara continue.  Sara declared that she would fight to the death, but her husband drug her away.  Sam, grabbed the checks and returned to her room to nurse her wounds, thinking it was a lot easier to make money years ago.


Offline al2468

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Re: photos
« Reply #499 on: January 30, 2016, 10:09:43 PM »
hope you enjoyed the story.


Offline DogWithABone

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #500 on: January 30, 2016, 10:14:06 PM »
What happened to short stories taking up a single post?
RIP the account of Sophie Cees.


Offline jtmatt

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #501 on: January 30, 2016, 11:57:33 PM »
Great story al! Great job everyone! This thread is awesome!


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #502 on: January 31, 2016, 06:37:06 AM »
Scarlett Johansson came into this confrontation with a simple and seemingly fool-proof game plan; tackle the skinny bitch and drop her tits on her face until the brunette's struggles ceased, then have her arms raised in victory. Simple.

Things couldn't have gone more wrong for the blonde, every offensive attack was effortlessly countered by her foe; Johansson dove at her rival's thighs in a take-down attempt only to have the brunette side step out of the way and smack Scarlett on the back of her head on her way past. Her foe easily ducked under, dodged or blocked all of Johansson's punches, kicks, elbows and knees until the blonde was a sweaty and gasping mess, breathing and sweating heavily while her more nimble opponent seemed fresh, bouncing on her feet as she mocked the blonde. "Just because you portray an 'Avenger' doesn't mean you are an Avenger. They have these things called gyms nowadays, you might want to visit one in the future, fatty."

Being insulted like that gave the blonde a much needed shot of rage induced adrenaline and with a fire burning in her eyes, Scarlett rose up and with a quickness she didn't know she had, the blonde threw her fist, with her entire body weight behind it, into her foe's chin.

Once again, she was too slow and the brunette moved her head out of the way at the last moment and countered by driving her knee into Johansson's soft belly. A defeated cry of anguish escaped Scarlett's lips as she collapsed chest first to the floor. An instant later she found her cheeks being squeezed in between Megan Fox's thighs, her mouth and nose pressed firmly into the brunette's crotch. She struggled and shook in Megan's grasp, but was far too exhausted to put up much of a fight, and when her wrists were grasped and held by her foe, she knew it was over. Ninety seconds later and the blonde was unconscious, her last breaths tainted by the scent of a triumphant Megan Fox.



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Re: fighting outfits
« Reply #503 on: January 31, 2016, 01:44:40 PM »
sarah with her husband before the fight
It would be a good fight for a few minutes, but then Samantha would eat her alive.


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Re: samanta v sara- $200,000 challenge- the buildup
« Reply #504 on: January 31, 2016, 01:49:09 PM »
Samanta Fox sat on her blanket at the private topless beach at an exclusive island resort contemplating her financial situation.  The money needed to support her extravagant life style was just not coming in anymore. She had to figure something out to obtain some quick cash. Maybe a walk along the beach would help clear her mind and provide a solution.  As she strolled along the exclusive beach, she couldn't believe her eyes.  Sarah Jessica Parker sunbathing topless with her husband Mathew Broderick. Broderick and Sam had been lovers years ago during her London page 3 tabloid days. This could be the answer to her financial crisis. Sarah was loaded.  She would somehow manipulate Sarah into a fight for cash.  Sara and Sam were about the same age and size. Sam 5'1 sara 5'3, but Sam was confident in her fighting abilities having been involved in many arranged catfights in her younger days in England. Fox walked confidently up to the couple with her tits shaking and bouncing. Completely ignoring Sara, Sam said,  "Hello Mathew baby, do you miss me and these huge tits." Broderick was speechless but Sara sprung to her feet saying, " What the fuck are you doing you slutty English bitch." Sam quickly replied, " Maybe I want to fuck your husband, AGAIN, looks like he needs a woman with real tits, not those little highschool bobbies of yours." Sara had heard enough, this British whore was challenging her for her husband. " I should kick your fat ass right now and rip those cow tits off of you." Mathew remained silent as the girls exchanged insults. He would love to see his wife fight it out with his old lover. Sam was manipulating Sara just as she had planned. " Look bitch, we are going to fight, but lets make it interesting, Sam said.  "What do you have in mind skank, replied Sara.  "How about a little wager? How does 200,000 sound." We each write a check for 200,000 grand, we fight to the finish tonight right here on the beach, no rules, winner takes all." Sara agreed, grabbed her beach bag and headed back to her villa." See you tonight whore", said sara. I'll be waiting, replied Sam, and don't forget to bring the check. Broderick had a sly smile, this is going to be great.  FIGHT STORY TO FOLLOW.

HOT scenario.


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Re: photos
« Reply #505 on: January 31, 2016, 01:52:31 PM »
hope you enjoyed the story.
Would love to see a sequal where it is just the girls and the husband. You wrote a great little story.


Offline DogWithABone

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Re: Hayden Panettierre vs Gwyneth Paltrow.
« Reply #506 on: January 31, 2016, 05:29:49 PM »
{alt}       {alt}
Having been roughed up repeatedly in their relatively brief tussle Gwyneth Paltrow was a disheveled mess as she struggled to pick herself up off the floor all the while being taunted by a cocky Hayden Panettiere. "Is that all you got you uncoordinated bimbo" Hayden sneered as Gwyneth stood before her fighting back tears . Despite her superior height and reach the tall lanky blonde was outclassed athletically by Hayden who was quick,compact,powerful and very capable of handling herself in a physical confrontation. With Gwyneth back to her feet Hayden could smell blood in the water and dropping her fists she chided "C'mon hit me". Her long slender arms hanging limply at her side and seemingly resigned to her fate Gwyneth meekly shook her head "no". Finally after more prodding by Hayden, the tall slender blonde summoned the energy and courage to throw an exceedingly weak, uncoordinated attempt at a haymaker which Hayden easily ducked and in turn drove a popwerful jab into Gwyneth's exposed midsection. Letting out a high pitched groan the tall blondes long legs almost immediately buckled and she hit the floor with a thud. With a cocky grin Hayden grabbed her phone and placing her foot on her fallen victim snapped a photo and quipped BEST SELFIE EVER!

Everything about this is spot on. Well done.
RIP the account of Sophie Cees.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #507 on: February 01, 2016, 05:39:31 AM »
Ready for some more ariel winter or maybe hunter King


Offline Jackflash Jump

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #508 on: February 01, 2016, 08:23:06 AM »
Vanessa Hudgens vs Hayden Panettiere

As in their previous encounters, Vanessa and Hayden were simply too evenly matched for either one to dominate the fight, and this battle was no exception.  The advantage see-sawed back and forth between them, resulting in a veritable stalemate.  It is only now, as both beauties are pushed to the furthest limits of their endurance, their lithe bodies wracked with pain and exhaustion, their skin soaked with sweat, that victory will come for one, as she manages to last just a little bit longer than her hated nemesis.

The two combatants rolled back and forth across the carpeted floor of the mansion, until somehow they managed to be side-by-side, but head to toe.  The same thought seemed to come to both of them simultaneously, and while each grabbed a leg of the other, they both used their free legs to press their foot against the throat of the other.  And so the unusual tableau played out, Panettiere and Hudgens gasping and coughing for air as each pressed the sole of her foot against the windpipe of the other, choking her.  As both were too physically spent for anything else, it rapidly became clear that this was the endgame, and one would soon emerge victorious.

Or, potentially, they would knock each other out, resulting in no winner at all.  Their wheezings for breath grew more pathetic, their bodies trembled, and their eyes first grew glazed, then began to slowly roll up as they struggled to remain conscious.  The elite spectators reconciled themselves to the very real possibility that these two magnificent creatures would fight to a draw...and quite possibly within moments.

But then, fate took a hand:  Hayden's leg spasmed wildly, and combined with how slick with sweat Vanessa's skin was, the blonde's foot slid off of her rival's throat.  And try as she might, Panettiere was too spent and weak to lift her foot back up against the brunette's neck.  Hudgens gulped in precious air as her senses began to return to her, and realizing her sudden advantage, she pressed her sole even harder against her adversary's windpipe.  Very quickly, Hayden's body went limp and her eyes fluttered shut as she was driven to unconsciousness and defeat.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #509 on: February 01, 2016, 11:00:32 PM »
I love this last story!!