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Finish Her!

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Offline Jackflash Jump

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #510 on: February 02, 2016, 12:07:58 AM »
Miley & Tish Cyrus vs Lindsay & Dina Lohan


Groaning, Lindsay lay on her back, hands clutching her forehead as she rocked back and forth, trying to snap out of the daze she was in, courtesy of a trio of kneelifts to her skull from Miley.  With the daughter momentarily out of action, that freed up the younger Cyrus to assist her mother against the other mom.

In the early stages of the Mothers/Daughters brawl, the Lohans had come on strong, putting the Cyrus women on the defensive.  Dina in particular had relished torturing Tish.  But now that the Southern scrappers had the upper hand, they intended to pay their adversaries back in kind.  Thus, Dina now found herself double-teamed:  Tish sat on her upper back, draping Lohan's arms over her knees and yanking her head up (not with hands cupped under the chin, but by the more agonizing method of grabbing the hair on either side of Dina's head close to the roots) to apply a camel clutch.  Now Miley joined her, sitting on the strawberry blonde's lower back and grabbing her ankles, yanking her legs backward.  Dina shrieked in torment as her spine was bent mercilessly, tears streaming down her face, streaking her eyeliner.

It was at this point that Lindsay had stirred herself enough to climb to all fours and, wincing with pain, crawl toward the trio in an effort to save her mother.  "You good, mama?" Miley asked.  "I've got this bitch," Tish replied.  "Go take care of her slutty hellspawn."  Miley released Dina's legs and stood up, strutting over toward Lindsay, then delivering a kick to the blonde's head that flipped her over onto her back.  A kneedrop to the crotch took the last of Lindsay's fire from her, and she offered no resistance as Cyrus rolled her onto her belly, sat upon her back, and pulled her legs back as she had been doing to her mother. 

"Betcha I can make her submit first," she says with a smile to her mom.  "You're on, child.  Watch and learn!" responded Tish.

Both Cyrus women pulled cruelly on their rivals, each determined to make her victim surrender.  Finally, Dina sobs out, "STOP!  I GIVE UP!" Having been beaten to gaining the victory, Miley pretends annoyance and growls to her mom, "I hate you."  Then she gives Lindsay's legs one last tug before releasing them, and tells her opponent, "Your stubborness cost me the bet.  I'll remember that next time, and you'll pay for it."


Offline Ginny38

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #511 on: February 02, 2016, 12:15:35 AM »
OK!!! Finally, after all these months of "finishing" people, we AT LAST have the "makings" of a classic of the genre.

Two's and daughters! (Who wouldn't want to sit ringside in person to see THAT drama played out!?)

So, my challenge, is for everyone to write a "Lohans' vs Cyrus'" tag team story. The winning entry will.... OK, basically, all you'll get is a lot of praise on this board....but why wouldn't you want to get them props!!!


Offline bigfan877

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #512 on: February 02, 2016, 01:58:10 AM »
Other Celeb Mom and Daughters that want in on the action.

1. Demi Moore and Rumer Willis
2. Lisa Bonet and Zoe Kavitz
3. Melanie Griffith and Dakota Johnson


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #513 on: February 02, 2016, 02:09:42 AM »
I like the way you people think.  ;)


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #514 on: February 02, 2016, 08:53:26 AM »
How about some more with Anna Kendrick? She makes a terrific jobber.


Offline vulcannightbird

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #515 on: February 02, 2016, 12:41:47 PM »
Christina Ricci (35yo, 5'1, 112lb)


Winona Ryder (44yo, 5'4, 110lb)

{alt} {alt}

Winona grits her teeth as her slim arm strains violently as she is locked in an armwrestling match with her Mermaids "sister" Christina Ricci. Christina just
smiles toying with Winona's slender arm before ramming it down hard onto the wooden table. Winona's bony wrist knocks loud onto the wood.

"Hey, bitch, that hurt!", exclaims Winona slapping Christina hard across her face.

"You will suffer for that, twig," hisses Christina who still holds on to Winona's hand and violently bends Winona's wrist.

Winona yells out has her her wrist burns like fire, unable to jank her hand free from Christina's vicelike grip. Christina smiles and stands slowly up, with her
forearm rippling with lean hard muscle the smaller actress twists Winona's hand and arm brutally.

"Gawd, stop!" yells Winona with her burning wrist, arm and shoulder meekly twitching.

"Had no spinach like...ever?" giggles Christina, moves around the table and rams Winona's arm into a pianful hammerlock up Winona's small back.

Winona tries to resist but only moans out in pain as Christina subdues her by forcing her hand up her spine. Christina easily controls Winona by her hammerlocked arm,
inflicting pain when needed. With her free hand Christina grabs Winona's white t-shirt by the neck and violently rips it to shards, baring Winona's soft upper body.

"How nice of you not to wear a bra," giggles Christina and her hand takes hold of Winona big soft udder.

"Noooooooooooo," yells Winona as Christina crushes her sensitive boob, kicking and squirming at her younger, smaller opponent.

Christina struggles to keep Winona under control, finally tripping Winona's feet and making her fall forward while she keeps onto her back. Winona falls onto the
soft carpet but grunts as Christina lands on top of her back. Winona squirms and kicks frantically but is unable to get Christina off her back. Christina drives
her sharp elbow hard into Winona's spine. With her opponent stunned Christina gets hold of Winona wrists and janks them back. Winona grunts as her slim arms get
twisted hard, her legs flapping uselessly around. Christina brings her legs around and presses her knees against Winona's outward facing elbows.

"Arrrgghhhhhhhhhhh, let me go, you stupid little....," wails Winona in pain.

"Beg nicely, Winona," giggles Christa pressing her legs in short bursts against Winona's elbows, bending them the wrong way and enjoying Winona's cute little

"I will so hurt you as soon as I get out of this," wails Winona meekly squirming.

"You will beg, weakling," hisses Christina and increases the pressure on Winona's elbows while wrenching Winona's wrists,"or I will break your arms!"

Winona yells in pain, her head lolling from side to side.

"I will never beg to you!" cries Winona out in anger and pain, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Too bad," replies Christina icely while flexing her leg adductor muscles.

Winona shrieks as her elbows are badly bent the wrong way. Christina leaned back a little to put on more pressure and suddenly hears the cracking of bones as her
legs move inward, Winona's elbows joints shattered. Winona gurgles out one last time before passing out from the pain...
Trillian-IM: vulcannightbird


Offline Jackflash Jump

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #516 on: February 02, 2016, 09:33:44 PM »
Lindsay & Dina Lohan vs Miley & Tish Cyrus


For this rematch, the Lohans had made a demand:  Rather than the typical two-on-two brawl, this match would begin with Dina and Tish fighting alone.  When one finally vanquished the other, the daughters would be brought in, and it would be a two-versus-one battle.  Having beaten the Lohans in their first encounter, the Cyrus ladies were confident of repeating their victory, and they agreed to the stipulation.

It proved to be a disastrous mistake for the Tennesseans.  After a tremendous brawl, Dina steadily overcame Tish, and eventually had her opponent at her mercy.  Unfortunately for Cyrus, her rival wasn't feeling very merciful.  The end came as Dina had Tish on her back and laid down upon her opponent, her body turned head to foot to her foe's.  Lohan then clamped her thighs around her victim's head, crossing her ankles, and showing Cyrus what it felt like to be crushed by a pair of legs that used to dance for the Rockettes.  That alone could have been enough to finish the woman off, but Dina added to Tish's torment by applying a clawhold to her adversary's groin, her stiletto-like fingers kneading agonizingly into Tish's womanhood.  Cyrus howling in pain, tears filling her eyes.  From her seat at one end of the room, Miley was white-knuckling the armrests, and biting her bottom lip, wanting desperately to rush in to aid her mother, but knowing that to do so would not only cost them the match, but would get them both banned from the fight league.  From her similar vantage point across the large room, Lindsay sat with a Chershire grin, most pleased with her own mom's impending success.

Unable to withstand the torment any longer, Tish blubbered, "No more...I give up...I give up...please...!"  Unfortunately for her, Dina merely smiled and said, "'Please' isn't in my vocabulary, sweetheart.  We don't take submissions here...this is strictly to a knockout!"  "Noooooooooo!" Cyrus mewled, but there was nothing she could do.  Thankfully for her, unconsciousness came swiftly.

Miley bolted from her seat and charged at full-speed toward Dina, tackling her before the older combatant knew what was happening.  The younger Cyrus hoped that if she could take out the mother quickly, she would then only have to deal with the daughter, and having beaten Lindsay once already, she felt the odds were good she could do so again.

She did manage to bring Dina down, but she hadn't reckoned on Lindsay's own speed, and the younger Lohan was upon her before Miley could get up off of the elder.  Dina still had enough wits about her to grab at Miley to hold her down, while Lindsay went to work stomping away at the Southern girl, her foot slamming again and again into her head and body, knocking the wind from Cyrus and leaving her glassy-eyed.  From that point on, Miley was little more than a chew toy for the Lohan bitches, as they worked together to batter, twist and torture the girl, until Cyrus was reduced to a quivering, sobbing wreck on the carpeted floor.

Dragging the semi-conscious Tish alongside her daughter, the victorious Lohans pinned them down and breast smothered them both into total defeat.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2016, 09:56:47 PM by Jackflash Jump »


Offline al2468

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mel griffin and dakota johnson v madonna and lourds leon
« Reply #517 on: February 03, 2016, 10:20:27 AM »
There was always bad blood between Mel Griffin and Madonna, in fact they had fought years ago in an arranged boxing match in which Mel knocked Madonna out, so when their paths crossed at a charity event Mel was quite comfortable with throwing some catty remarks at Madonna.  " If it isn't the queen of the sluts herself, my daughter Dakota has told me that your little girl is following in her mothers footsteps. Like mother like daughter."  Madonna was outraged, " Why you fat ugly bitch, I should rip you apart."  Mel calmly replied, "you tried that once and I destroyed you, do you want another ass kicking, whore?" Madonna answered Griffin with a slap to the face. Mel took a step back and said, " OK cxnt, tomorrow, have your publicist call mine to set it up. Madonna replied, "your on, one condition, after we fight our daughters go at it, I'm sure Lourds will want to kick skinny Dakota's ass after I tell her what she said about her." We'll be there, replied Griffin. "
Mel and Dakota arrived first at the fight site ready to take on their rivals.  Madonna and Lourds arrived,  and the mothers and daughters engaged in an intense stare down, each trying to intimidate the other.  Madonna and Griffin stepped into the fight space, with their daughters nervously watching.  They would be next.  Mel put up her fists, " No girlie hair pulling shit, lets fight bare knuckles bitch, leave the girly stuff to our daughters." Madonna put up her dukes and agreed, which was a big mistake. Griffin unleashed a vicious attack landing punch after punch to the helpless blonde.  A thundering right to the face split Madonna's lip wide open knocking her to the floor. She was finished. The fight only lasted about 2 minutes. 
Griffin, who didn't even work up a sweat said, "OK Dakota do the same to the whore daughter." The confident Dakota stepped into the arena,  Lourds was scared but had no choice but to fight.  What did her mother get her into. From the start it was apparent that Lourds was completely overmatched. Dakota threw her to the ground and just started to pound away at the 19 year old. This fight was over just as quickly as the mother fight. Madonna and Lourds had both taken a beating without even landing a single punch to their opponents.


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« Reply #518 on: February 03, 2016, 10:41:42 AM »


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #519 on: February 03, 2016, 08:26:00 PM »
I posted another story in celebrity fights. thought it might be a bit to long for this thread, but it does have a mother-daughter theme to it.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #520 on: February 03, 2016, 09:41:05 PM »
Lia Marie Johnson vs Ariel Winter


After a grueling brawl that had largely been a stalemate thus far, the two teen tyros were running on fumes.  Balling her right fist, Ariel throughs a wild punch aimed at her opponent's face, but Lia manages to duck under it.  The momentum causes the brunette to spin a full 180° around, and Johnson seizes upon her sudden opportunity.  Slipping her arms under Winter's and wrapping her arms around her torso, Lia clamps a reverse bearhug across Ariel's 34D breasts, the blonde's own 34B's pressed hard against her rival's back.  Pouring all of her remaining strength into her arms, Johnson squeezes the brunette in her python-like embrace.  To Ariel's chagrin, she finds her own breasts being smashed into her lungs, making it all the harder to draw breath.

Ariel pants and whines as she is squeezed by Lia, sweat dripping off of both of their curvaceous bodies.  Soon enough, her victim becomes dead weight for Johnson, and her legs tremble to stay upright.  So, she decides to suddenly drop to the floor, still keeping her 'boulder holder' bearhug tightly in place.  If Winter hoped she could now find some way to pry herself free, she was frustrated as the blonde cannily uses her own legs to grapevine those of her opponent, spreading the hapless brunette's legs wide, preventing her from using them to try and shift leverage in her favor.

Her glazed eyes now starting to roll in their sockets, it becomes clear to the spectators that Ariel doesn't have much fight left in her.  Then again, Lia's arms are going numb, and she's uncertain just how much longer she can keep her hold on.  Thus, the blonde makes the strategic choice to release her hold, and go for broke in another, less physically demanding way.

Winter takes in deep gulps of precious breath once she is freed of the bearhug, her chest heaving as she fills her lungs.  But before she can rally herself, Lia shoves the brunette onto her back and sits straddling her belly.  Johnson then takes one strap of her body-hugging one-piece bathing suit and slides it down her shoulder, then does the same with the other strap, thus allowing her to pull the top of her suit down, freeing her breasts.  Ariel's eyes go wide with panic, and in a voice that is half anger and half fear, she gasps, "Don't you dare!"  But the next sound she makes is a muffled MMMMFFFFFFFFF, as Lia presses her tits down upon the face of her rival, smothering her.  The brunette squirms frantically beneath her tormentor, but lacks the power to throw her off.  And it isn't long before Ariel ceases to move altogether, as she is driven into slumber.

Wearily, Lia sits up and pulls her straps back up, covering her breasts once again (to the disappointment of many in the audience).  She then struggles up to her feet, panting hard for breath, and plants a foot triumphantly upon the chest of her fallen foe.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #521 on: February 04, 2016, 12:41:49 AM »
I see you did a Dakota Blue Richards story.  How about one for Dakota Fanning?  Thanks...


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #522 on: February 04, 2016, 07:24:10 AM »
I'm open to suggestions, folks.  Any thoughts?  ;)
« Last Edit: February 04, 2016, 07:24:35 AM by Jackflash Jump »


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #523 on: February 04, 2016, 11:13:19 AM »
Letizia of Spain vs Kate Middleton.

Erika Eleniak vs Pamela Anderson.

Natalia Sánchez (young celeb from Spain) vs Kristen Stewart or Emma Watson.

Denise Richards vs Teri Hatcher.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #524 on: February 04, 2016, 11:45:16 AM »
Swift vs Momsen for their rivalry