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Finish Her!

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Offline al2468

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paris v drew
« Reply #555 on: February 13, 2016, 06:30:06 PM »
a couple of more photos


Offline Jackflash Jump

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #556 on: February 14, 2016, 03:12:10 AM »
Nina Dobrev vs Emmanuel Chirqui


Emmanuel let out a heavy grunt as she was slammed forcefully to the penthouse floor, and she lay stunned on the plush carpeting, softly groaning.  Moving intently, Nina grabbed her opponent's legs and stepped her right leg between those of the French-Canadian.  She then crossed the older woman's ankles and turned herself around, which as a result flipped Chirqui over onto her belly, and locked an agonizing Scorpion Deathlock on her legs.

Snapped from her stupor by the sudden burst of pain, Emmanuel squirmed in desperation, her heavy pants for breath punctuated by chirps and squeals of agony.  Trying to block out the pain to her limbs, she began to tug at her own hair, as tears filled her eyes.

"You're finished, old woman," the Bulgarian beauty sneered, knowing that victory was hers.  Chirqui knew it was true, but pride kept her from submitting...for at least another seven seconds.  Then, unable to withstand the punishment any longer, she bursts into tears and rasps out, "STOP!  Je m'abandonne!  I surrender!"


Offline Jimi

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #557 on: February 14, 2016, 09:04:00 AM »
Lovely, JackFlash! Such a good matchup, well done indeed.


Offline al2468

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #558 on: February 14, 2016, 10:33:40 AM »
excellent job


Offline jtmatt

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #559 on: February 14, 2016, 04:46:31 PM »
Awesome JJ! Nina Dobrev does not get the recognition she deserves! She super hot and a formidable fighter!


Offline Ginny38

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #560 on: February 15, 2016, 12:39:21 AM »
“They hunt in packs; and select an animal, then begin to chase it doggedly, snapping at its heels until it is finally goaded into turning to face its persecutors. When it does, it is doomed for as it faces one hyena, the others lunge at its belly, sinking their teeth into the unfortunate creature and overwhelming it with sheer numbers.”

Their instructress paused the Wildlife DVD and turned to her audience. “Get the idea?” she asked her students. They all nodded. The instructress wasn't sure they really understood, not yet. It was only theory after all, but they were, on the whole, clever girls who'd figure it out on their own now they'd seen the Nat. Geo. Training video. It wasn't, after all, rocket science.

“Alright then,” she said, clapping her hands, “get out there and show me what you can do. Remember, stay in your packs. There's eight of you, that should be more than enough...”

As the youngsters raced out the door whooping and hollering, the instructress grinned, 'So young, so impressionable.”
* * * * * *
She checked her watch. 'Twelve minutes,' she thought, her eyebrows raising. 'Put up a better fight than I expected. Oughta congratulate her.'

On the floor, 18 y/o Ariel Winter was straddling Charlize Theron's chest; her big breasts pressed over the face of the Oscar-winning actress, smothering her. At her left, Jenna Coleman was laying on Theron's right arm, pinning it to the floor. On her right, Sarah Hyland was sitting on her left arm, holding it up between her thighs, wrist bent painfully back in a compliance hold.

Behind Ariel, a trio of young 'hyenas', Hayden Panettiere, Demi Lovato and Ariana Grande after a struggle, had control of Theron's powerfully long legs. Hayden's arms wrapped around the blondes' left thigh, her leg bent; Demi's Anaconda Wrap of her right leg had pulled and stretched it wide, opening up a space between for Grande to dive on her exposed groin for the 'finisher', her Claw hold.

After only a few seconds of squirming and squealing resistance, the 40 y/o actress had screamed her submission, over and over and over, until Ariana finally relented. From there, Jenna Coleman, Vanessa Hudgens, Anna Kendrick, and Christina Ricci had done the easy part, stripping the proud and haughty blond of whatever remained of her workout attire after the uneven 8:1 struggle.

As Charlize lost consciousness and succumbed to Ariel's impressively supple young cleavage, a powerfully built young blonde emerged from the dressing room and walked over to congratulate her pupils.

“You've done well, my young hyenas,” she chuckled. “Hit the showers. I'll be along shortly to give each of you my 'personal' thanks.” As they scampered away like the children they were at heart, the instructress knelt and ran her hands slowly over Theron's bare body, touching her intimately and sighing happily at the sensation it gave her...deep inside.

“Oh, Charlie,” she sighed as she wiped the tears from her eyes. “I told you to 'hang it up'; warned you're  too old for this game any longer. But you refused to listen. I even begged and you just laughed and dismissed me as if I were a child. Well, darling, see what the children can do? When you wake up, get out before it's too late!”

Then Jennifer Lawrence stood up and went to give her students their reward.
* * * * * *
When Charlize awoke, she looked around and groaned. Sitting up, she blinked, her eyes slowly coming into focus.

“Wha...?” she began, then stopped and struggled to get her oxygen-deprived brain to form the words.

“Yeah,” Lawrence said from her seat against the wall. “I found you there a few minutes ago. Figured I'd wait and see if you came to on your own. What happened?”

“A bunch of young thugs,” she groaned as she tried to sit up. “I know who a couple of them were. I'll get them one of these days.”

JLaw shook her head. “You still don't get it, do you?” she asked. “These kids today aren't willing to wait around another ten, fifteen, twenty, years for you and the rest of the 'old crones' to retire. They're going to push you way or another. This was your first, and only warning. Get out or get got!”

Lawrence stood up, walked over and BANG punched Charlize in the jaw. As the old superstar slumped down onto her back, Jennifer Lawrence walked away shaking her head sadly. “Don't say you weren't warned, you stupid old....”


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #561 on: February 15, 2016, 01:28:28 AM »
Magnificent, my dear.

Of course, it takes a platoon of them to take down the mighty Theron.  ;)


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #562 on: February 15, 2016, 05:47:21 AM »
Kate Hudson vs Jennifer Love Hewitt


Panting hard, her supple body glistening with perspiration, Jennifer leaned against the wall of the penthouse, desperate to catch her breath and get her second wind before her opponent could do likewise.  Unfortunately for Hewitt, Kate proved to have the edge in stamina, and before the brunette could even react, the blonde grabbed her by her matted chestnut mane and slammed Jen's forehead into the wall.  Eyes glazed and knees knocking, Hewitt offered no resistance as Hudson dragged her stumbling by the hair to the center of the large room.

There, the smirking Kate stepped behind her adversary, brushing some errant strands of her flaxen mane away from her face.  She then took firm hold of the two straps of Hewitt's black bikini halter, and lifted her right leg so as to plant the sole of her foot between the brunette's shoulder blades.  She then began to pull the straps...hard.

Jen moaned in pain as the fabric was tugged taut, her own bra tightening around her breasts, mauling them.  She found it hard to catch her breath, and she slowly began to sink to her knees, hands clutching in futility at the garment that now tortured her.  Spectators began to note the seams of her bra starting to slowly pull apart.

Now Hewitt was gasping heavily for breath, eyes shut tight as she whimpered from the pain, head lolling back and forth.  And then with the sudden sound of shredding fabric, her top was torn apart, and the brunette flopped face-first into the plush carpeting.

Twirling the tattered garment around her ringer as she smugly circled her prey with a shark's smile, Kate pondered her next move.  With a sobbing groan, Hewitt slowly rolled over onto her back, and the blonde recognized her target of opportunity.  She leapt up into the air, and brought her thigh crashing down across Jennifer's throbbing breasts.  The impact ripped a shriek of anguish from the brunette's throat, and then she lay still, driven into semi-consciousness by the battering she had taken.  Flush with triumph, Hudson jumped up to her feet, gave her beaten rival's left breast a cruel and wholly unnecessary little kick, and then strutted over to a leather winged-back chair and took the proffered glass of champaign, reveling in her victory.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #563 on: February 15, 2016, 07:51:51 PM »
Sarah Hyland vs Ariana Grande


It had proven to be an absolute stalemate, as the two petite predators were simply too evenly matched for either to hold the upper hand for long.  Both Hyland and Grande had pushed themselves to the edge of exhaustion, and in their frustration they both grew more determined that ever to beat the other.

Like a savage wildcat, Ariana leapt onto her rival's back, wrapping her tawny legs around Sarah's waist, while her left arm snaked across her throat in a chokehold, and her right hand covered Hyland's eyes.  Grande knew what she was doing; in the midst of heated battle, suddenly being robbed of the sense of sight can put the victim in a state of panic.  And so it was with Hyland, as she squealed in hysteria, frantically veering to and fro across the carpeted floor, utterly confused as to how to free herself from this predicament.  But as it turned out, such careening was its own saving grace, as the sightless beauty tumbled against the arm of a sofa, sending both her and her tormentor falling to the side.  Unfortunately for Ariana, the result was her head cracking against the wall.  She slumped to the floor with a moan, dazed.

Gathering her wits as best she could, Sarah seized her foe by her mane and dragged her stumbling to the center of the room.  There, with a grunt from the strain, she pulled Grande across her shoulders, lifting her up in the air.  Hyland then began to twirl around and around in an airplane spin, and it was Ariana's turn to wail in a senses-robbing panic.

Finally, Sarah dumped her unwilling cargo to the floor, but she had overplayed her hand, and now she stumbled drunkenly, nearly as dizzy as her opponent.  With gravity exerting such a powerful pull on her, Hyland decided to put it to work for her, and she let her body drop heavily upon that of Ariana, producing a pained grunt from Grande.  With the last of her ebbing power, she got up to her knees and pressed her bikini panties-covered crotch to Ariana's mouth and nose, smothering her.  Grande squirmed frantically, but lacked the strength to power free, and thus it was only a matter of time before she was driven into semi-conscious defeat.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #564 on: February 16, 2016, 05:49:06 AM »
Almost every time I come back to this thread it has a new story ... Or two on it and they never disappoint! You guys are great!


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #565 on: February 16, 2016, 06:37:04 AM »
I would just like to say that, vis-a-vis the Kate Hudson and Jennifer Love Hewitt story, having Kate defeat Jennifer by crushing her boobies with her own bra was a stroke of genius.   ::)


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #566 on: February 17, 2016, 05:09:24 AM »
Just thought of a match up ... Jackie from That 70s Show vs Kelly from Married With Children

Young Mila Kunis vs Young Christina Applegate



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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #567 on: February 17, 2016, 05:59:50 AM »
Young Christina Applegate had kicked Ass from young Mila Kunis by such hefty Hairpulling trow the Room.

A real wild Catfight with Milla Jovovich was the greatest Challenge for sexy Christina Applegate then, both had rolling down the floor with tousled Hairpulling and intertwined Legs.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #568 on: February 19, 2016, 07:58:10 AM »
Abby (How I Met Your Mother) vs Max (2 Broke Girls)


(Note:  Abby, played by Britney Spears, appeared in several episodes of HIMYM)

Max had been so focused on her feud with LA's Penny, she had been neglecting her own back yard, New York City.  As a result, she now found her usurped as Manhattan's most popular apartment wrestler by a relative newcomer, Abby.  The blonde was not as skilled a grappler as most of the women on the circuit, and with her bubbly, even naive personality, she seemed like little more than a lamb to the slaughter.  But all of that radically changed once her matches began, and she became a savage wildcat, overwhelming opponent after opponent.  It was inevitable that she and Max would meet in battle, as the brunette sought to reclaim her crown as the Queen of NYC.

But Abby wasn't about to let her.  True to form, the blonde fought like a jungle cat.  Max held her own for much of the brawl, but soon the newcomer proved herself too much for the buxom brunette.  The fight ended with Max flat on her stomach, Abby sitting on her back; the blonde had her left arm snaked across the throat of her rival, jerking her head up and back as she choked her, while her right hand reached around and mauled the brunette's bare breast.  Tears streaked down Max's flushed cheeks, but she refused to submit.  No matter, she was driven into semi-consciousness soon enough. 

Rising up, the victorious Abby kicked the limp body of her defeated adversary over, then planted a foot upon the moaning Max's breasts and flexed her arms in a pose of triumph.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #569 on: February 19, 2016, 12:14:44 PM »
Very nicely written.