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Finish Her!

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tulisa contostavolas v katie cleary
« Reply #570 on: February 22, 2016, 11:32:56 AM »


Offline al2468

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tulsa contostavolas v katie cleary
« Reply #571 on: February 22, 2016, 12:04:41 PM »
The drunken crowd at the beach party wanted to see a catfight.  The men were eyeing up two hot looking women, Tulisa Contostavolas, in a black bikini, and Katie Cleary, in a blue bikini. Both girls had been drinking and were parading around strutting their stuff.  The crowd began to urge the two to fight and started to form a tight circle between them.  The girls knew what the crowd wanted, and exchanged a few catty remarks. "Do you want to scrap bitch," Katie asked. "I'll rip you apart whore, " was Tulisa's replied.   The girls came together and locked up in a fingerlock test of strength. The girls went to their knees each now intent on ripping their rivals top off.  Now topless, the two fighters separated and grabbed each others hair.  They fell to the ground rolling around until Tulisa managed to apply a scissors to Katie.  Tulisa continued to apply pressure with her powerful thighs until the groaning tiring Katie could no longer take it and submitted.  Tulisa strutted around soaking up the cheers of the crowd. "I'm top bitch here you useless slut, don't ever challenge me again or you'll get a lot worse." Katie could do nothing but lay in the sand sobbing.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #572 on: February 22, 2016, 11:38:56 PM »
Ariel Winter vs Abigail Breslin


Ariel gasped and wheezed for air, her eyes wide with fear, as Abigail tightened her bearhug from behind, her arms locked firmly over the brunette's breasts.  Chin resting on Ariel's shoulder, Breslin smiled and gave a sinister little cackle, pleased with herself for taking her rival's assets and using them against her.  The vise lock forced Winter's mammaries to press against her lungs, making it harder and harder to draw breath.  Ariel's head began to swim from oxygen deprivation, and she knew she had only moments left to somehow escape.

Then, as if instinctively, she raised her right leg, only to swiftly bring it down again, the heel of her foot slamming down upon her tormentor's bare toes.  Abigail shrieked and released her bearhug; Winter staggered forward two steps, and then swung her right elbow back, the bony joint drilling into the side of the blonde's own breast.  Now Breslin gave a piercing cry of pain and stumbled back, as the brunette whirled around to face her.  Before Abigail could gather her wits and go back on the attack, Ariel cupped her hands behind her opponent's head and leapt up, bringing her knees against Breslin's chest even as gravity caused the brunette to fall backward, pulling Breslin down with her.  When Winter's back hit the floor, the full force of the landing traveled through her knees into Abigail's breasts, causing the embattled blonde to sail backward through the air.  She landed with a thud and an agonized groan on her back, the impact from the blow having caused her breasts to pop free of her skin-tight one-piece bathing suit.

With all the speed her exhausted body could muster, Ariel crawls toward her dazed rival.  On her knees, she slides first one strap of her own suit down a shoulder, then the other, freeing her own breasts.  Next, grasping Abigail's legs, Winter doubled the blonde over in a matchbook pin, throwing her own buxom body atop her foe's thighs to press her down to the floor.  Then Ariel lowers her upper body between the 'V' of Breslin's legs, pressing her naked breasts down upon the entrapped beauty's face.  Abigail's body trembles furiously, but she is unable to kick free, and soon enough she ceases to move altogether as she is driven unconscious.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #573 on: February 23, 2016, 10:42:39 PM »
Well, its been a couple of weeks since we've done a day dedicated to a specific celeb here, and I figure we're due for another.  I've selected a woman who has long proven herself to be a popular figure in fantasy celeb fighting, although for some curious reason, she hasn't been employed very much in this thread.  Seems to me it's high time we changed that  ;)

And so, I'm inviting all to write a 'Finish Her' piece on Wednesday, February 24th featuring Scarlett Johansson.  Win, lose or draw, let's see some ScarJo action, folks!



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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #574 on: February 24, 2016, 12:27:05 AM »
Oh God yes!!


Online Dradis

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #575 on: February 24, 2016, 08:21:30 AM »

The rain came at a steady drizzle.  Its droplets were fine and felt light as they came down, but were constant and omnipresent enough to saturate the air and turn a sandy beach into a literal quagmire.  The wind would pick up every now and then in short gusts, and the ocean waves churned roughly as they came to shore and crashed against the nearby rock outcroppings.  All in all, it was a terrible day to be outside.

Not enough to stop some people, Jennifer Love Hewitt rued mirthlessly.  Her ball cap and hoodie provided a modicum of protection from the elements, but that still didn't change the fact that she would've preferred to be elsewhere at that moment.  She was definitely going to have words when this was all over.  In the present though, grumbling about it wouldn't change anything, and thus she stayed at her post and diligently used her camera to record the battle playing out in front of her.

Scarlett Johansson and Megan Fox were locked in combat with each other at the water's edge.  They were a lovely contrast in leopard-print and black bikinis respectively, an image that strangely only seemed to be enhanced by their weather-induced dishevelment.  The still photographs wouldn't record their shrieks of pain and hatred as they stumbled across the beach, pulled each other's hair, and assailed each other with body blows.  However, the raw emotions were there, captured perfectly in every picture that Jennifer took.  Blonde and brunette were both shopworn and weary at this stage in the fight, but each gave her all and neither would be satisfied with anything short of a decisive victory over her hated rival.

Jennifer snapped her camera at the perfect moment, capturing Megan punching Scarlett in her midriff.  The frame caught the brunette's fist slamming forcefully just above her opponent's bikini line, as well as the blonde's face as it twisted in agony. 

Scarlett seemed to falter as the punch put an instant wobble in her legs.  A second identical blow sent her stumbling back and dropped her to her haunches.  Jennifer took another picture that captured a mixed look of distress and outrage on Scarlett's face - she was tired, she was hurting, and her body was starting to yield, but she was still too proud to quit. 

The blonde pulled herself up and threw herself at the brunette with a primal yell, but was instantly repulsed.  Megan hammered Scarlett's left breast with a right hook and then caught her on the chin with a hard right uppercut.  Scarlett reeled backwards as the second punch stunned her - she was wide open as Megan put everything she had into a left hook to the jaw.  The last blow snapped Scarlett's head sideways and torqued her a quarter-turn to her left as she crashed face-down on the sand.

Jennifer's heart skipped a beat as she stared in awe at the blonde's fallen form.  Megan, never one to miss an opportunity to gloat, stepped behind Scarlett and grabbed her hair, tugging her upper body up off of the ground.  The blonde tried to prop herself up with both of her hands pressed into the wet sand, but was in no condition to offer anything more in the way of resistance.  It was a perfect moment as conquering brunette posed over conquered blonde - most fighters could only dream of achieving such an impressive visual image.

"Hurry up, bitch!" Megan shouted, "Take the picture.  Capture me in my moment of triumph."

"Knock it off, Megan!" Jennifer growled back.  She begrudgingly acquiesced and snapped the camera. 

"You see this?  It could be you someday!" Megan taunted.

Whatever her feelings might have been for the blonde, Jennifer felt that Scarlett was at least a worthy frenemy.  For Megan though, she felt nothing but disdain.  She bit her tongue as she watched the brunette kneel down behind the blonde and continue to impose her will.  Reaching under Scarlett's arms, her hands found their way to the blonde's breasts, which she began to squeeze and claw through her opponent's bikini top.  Scarlett wailed has her buxom pride was subjected to Megan's wicked ravages.  Jennifer dutifully continued to take pictures - the juxtaposed sights of Scarlett's anguish and Megan's glee was a maddening sight to bear witness to.

Suddenly, Scarlett reared back and snapped her head backwards.  The crown of her skull made solid contact with the bridge of Megan's nose, sending her sprawling backwards clutching her face.  In moment, it was anyone's fight once again as both ladies struggled to regain their bearings.

Megan rolled over and tried to push herself up to her hands and knees, but before she could make it she was tackled to the ground by an angry and vengeful blonde.  The two were a tangle of bodies, but soon came to a stop with Megan on her back and Scarlett straddling her waist.  Grabbing two handfuls of dark hair, Scarlett slammed Megan's head against the sand, repeating the move for good measure.  She slapped Megan hard across the cheek, snapping her head sideways.  Another slap rocked her again.  A reprisal punch slammed into her chest.  Another slap.  And another.

Jennifer came around closer, trying to get a better angle.  She was now taking pictures with almost the same frenzied pace that Scarlett was raining hellfire down on Megan.  The brunette writhed beneath the blonde, but all she could do was take punishment as her face and chest were repeatedly cuffed and punched.  One final slap seemed to finally knock her senseless, leaving her defenseless and at the blonde's mercy.

The coup de grace came in expected fashion as Scarlett leaned down and pressed the swell of her heaving chest down onto Megan's face.  With the brunette snugly ensconced in the hot confines of her cleavage, Scarlett snaked her arms around Megan's head and began to squeeze tightly.  Jennifer knelt down on the sand to get the best possible view of blonde putting brunette to sleep - Megan struggled feebly to escape, but there was no escape to be found from Scarlett's jug smother.  Jennifer snapped her camera at just the right moment, capturing the brunette as the last bits of consciousness were wrung from her body by the blonde's chest.

Scarlett finally relinquished her smother and pushed herself up off of the brunette.  Megan was sprawled out on her back, both arms stretched out on either side of her on the sand.  Her eyes were closed shut and her mouth hung open in knocked-out stupor as wet strands of black hair lay strewn across her face.  Propping herself up with one hand in the sand next to Megan, Scarlett pushed on the brunette's head with the other, turning it to the side to give the camera a good view of Megan's insensate features.

Rising to her feet, Jennifer found the perfect angle for her last picture.  Scarlett was looking up at the camera with her damp hair in her eyes and the deep swell of her cleavage on display.  Jennifer savored the moment, relishing the totality of Megan's comeuppance. 

"You did good, Scarlett," Jennifer said as she lowered the camera, "That was an impressive win if I do say so mys-"

Jennifer was frozen in her tracks as she looked down at the blonde.  Scarlett was still staring back up at her with the same furious, all-conquering expression on her face.  Not a word was spoken, but none needed to be as the look in Scarlett's eyes said it all:

You see this?  It could be you someday.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2016, 08:23:47 AM by Dradis »


Offline millsman

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #576 on: February 24, 2016, 05:49:20 PM »
I was so working on a Megan Fox vs Scarlett Johansson story, they might get a rematch.


Offline Jackflash Jump

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #577 on: February 24, 2016, 06:22:27 PM »
Dradis...Gameking...MAGNIFICENT!  And Millsman, please do give us another match-up between those two!   ;D


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #578 on: February 24, 2016, 07:02:50 PM »
Oh yeah by all means the other Scarlett matches rock, I will do my best.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #579 on: February 24, 2016, 07:57:34 PM »
Scarlett Johansson vs Anna Kournikova


A handful of flaxen mane in her hand, Anna dragged the dazed Scarlett around the mansion's spacious room, showing off her hapless rival for the assembled international jet set.  With a smug smile upon her face, the Russian sneered, "Typical weak American.  Your reputation was clearly as fabricated as your so-called acting talent."  Kournikova was being disingenuous, as up until the last few minutes, the two blonde wildcats had been battling to a stalemate.  But some desperate tactics from Anna swung control of the brawl to her, and as she saw it, the victor gets to write the history, and in her narrative, Johansson was never a match for her.

But as it so often does, pride goes before a fall.  Rather than finishing her adversary off, Kournikova was more concerned with preening.  As a result, Scarlett was able to call upon her remarkable recuperative ability to gather her wits and catch her second breath, and before the boastful Russian knew what was happening, Johansson suddenly sprang to life.  Three lightning-quick knees to the belly caused Anna's steely abs to fold, leaving her gasping for air.  Now it was Scarlett who filled her hands with her opponent's blonde hair, yanking Anna's head down even as the American drove her knee up, slamming it hard between Kournikova's eyes, leaving those orbs glazed and spinning.

With her rapidly fading strength, Johansson then pulled Kournikova's body up upon her shoulders, trapping the Russian in a torture rack.  Scarlett bounced up and down on the balls of her feet, adding to her opponent's torment, and she knew from experience that it was only a matter of moments before her victim would submit. 

Except...Anna didn't submit.

Her sinewy body allowed Kournikova to withstand the pain far beyond what the ordinary woman could and Scarlett, her sweat-beaded body trembling and her knees threatening to buckle from the exertion, feared that she would collapse before she could make her rival surrender, and that would give the Russian the opportunity to win the match herself.  Gritting her teeth, the American hissed "Give up, damnit!"  But her adversary's only response was moaning and mewling from the agony...but no submission.

And then, mere instants before Scarlett knew she could no longer remain upright, Anna shrieked out "Nyet...nyet...STOY!  Otpravit!  I submit!"  Scarlett instantly lets her unwilling cargo slip from her shoulders, then her legs buckle and she follows her rival to the floor, landing atop the sobbing Anna, too spent to move.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #580 on: February 24, 2016, 10:14:33 PM »
Scarlett Johansson vs Lindsay Lohan


In the back of her mind Scarlett always knew her time as Champion would come to an end.... everyone's does.... but she NEVER thought it would be Lindsay Lohan that dethroned her. The arena was early silent  as the tabloid star pounded the beloved actress in the middle of the ring. Johansson always fought with grace and honor... Against Lohan that would be her undoing.

Lindsay used every dirty trick in the book on the champ , eye gouging , crotch kicks , hair pulling , scratching. Scarlett refused to sink to her opponents level and now found her self in the deepest trouble of her storied career. Her blonde hair was disheveled , face was beat red and sports bra was torn to shreds... Like Scarlett, hanging on by a thread.

Lohan had a malicious grin on her face as she whipped the fading champion into the turnbuckle. The arena shook as Johanssons body smashed into the corner. The busty blonde had no time to react as her tormentor was on her in an instant. Lindsay expertly trapped Scarletts arms in the ropes and stepped back to admire as Scarlett Johannson's fans watched in disbelief as their heroine hung defenseless in her rope prison.

"Must get out...she cant win...must fight back" Scarlett thought as she struggled to free her self. Lohan had dreamed of this moment for so long , she had always blamed Scarlett Johansson for her failed career , she always knew that Scarlett had taken her parts , her fame , her reputation.... and now the blonde bitch would pay. Scarlett's screams echoed throughout the silent stadium as Lohan tore into her celebrated breasts.

Lindsays face lit up with maniacal glee as her fists smashed into Johannsons heaving boobs. Left , Right , Left , Right..over and over the hated redhead pumped shots into her rivals defenseless mammeries. Scarlett's prized breasts where bounded about like over inflated beach balls as she began to pass out from the pain. Before Johansson could go under the red head delivered a stinging slap to wake her from her stupor.

"Dont you pass out on me now Scarlett"

Lindays words oozed with malice as she launched a world shattering uppercut sqaure in the middle of the blondes destroyed jugs. Tears flowed from Scarletts exhausted eyes as Lohan flattened her boobs one more time. Her sports bra could take no more and finally burst under the weight of Lohans onslaught. "Nooooo gawwwwd nooooo" flashed in Johannsons mind as her battered rack tumbled free.

Lindsay drank in the sight of a horrified Scarlett realizing she had been exposed. It was clear Lindsay Lohan lacked any of Johannsons modesty as she happily removed her top , freeing her infamous jugs. Scarlett had freed herself from the ropes and desperately tried to cover and cradle her wounded chest form the thousands of flashs going off in the audience. Lohan pounced again , and forced the distraught champion to her feet before ensnaring her in a boob to boob bearhug.

Scarlett instinctively clenched Lindsays waist to fight off her unthinkable defeat. Both women squeezed with all their might as their formidable breasts waged war. Most thought the champion to be unbeatable in a titfight , but Lohan targeted the blondes chest all night... and now was the payoff. Lindsay was sure that her freckled rack would prove Scarletts doom.
Ever the valiant champion Johannson heroically fought Lindsays overwhelming breasts to a near standstill. The raging tabloid star gritted her teeth as Scarletts world famous rack made its last stand. The arena exploded as the topless warriors battled , Scarlett's legions of fans desperately tried to energize their champion as she fought to keep her beloved title.
"No....God ....No" Johansson thought as she finally looked down. The blondes battered boobs had simply been through too much.... Lohan's head pitched back and she let out a primal roar as her tits overwhelmed Scarlett. The oscar winners mind reeled as she tried to comprehend the sight of her tits mushrooming under the force of Lindsays raging rack. The arenas silence was deafening as the thousands in attendance and millions on tv watched Lindsay break the champions will.

The blonde collapsed under the weight of her maniacal challengers drive , but could not find any reprieve as Lohan followed her to the mat.
Johansson meekly struggled to free her self as Lindsay slowly mounted her prone body. On her back Scarlett was repulsed by the grin on her rivals face as she pinned her wrists to the mat in the center of the ring. Flashbulbs lit up the arena as Lindsay Lohan readied her prey for the kill , Johansson could not stop the challenger from intertewining her legs rendering them useless... "Oh my god its over" Flashed in the blondes pain addled brain as she came face to jug with her worst nightmare. Scarlett took a deep breath and prepared for the end of her reign...

"Nighty Night Scarlett"

Lindsay dropped her bombs directly on the blondes waiting face.... the sound of the splat echoed through the stadium and made Lohan shiver. The television cameras caught a tight angle of Scarletts sweaty freckled tomb. Johansson panicked trying to find air but could only breath in Lindsays dominant rack. No one could hear the muffled scream the blonde let out into her conquerors tits.... but Lindsay could feel it... the last of the champions breath was expelled into Lohans pitiless smother and Scarlett went limp. Lohan released the juggshocked blonde and took in the ringing of the bell.... Scarlett Johansson was no more.... The Linday Lohan era had begun



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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #581 on: February 25, 2016, 03:39:50 AM »
Love the Kournikova fight. Always love to see hot athletes get beaten. Would not mind seein the Williams sisters beat up on some other tennis players like Kounivova, Ana Ivanovic, or Eugenie Bouchard


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #582 on: February 25, 2016, 04:28:49 AM »
Just when I thought this thread was starting to lose steam ... AWESOME Scarlett stories by all! Awesome idea JJ!


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #583 on: February 25, 2016, 05:05:27 AM »
Scarlett Johansson vs Megan Fox
  The two girls meet once more on the very beach Scarlett had KO'ed the brunette and Megan had wanted revenge. Megan in a black bikini while the blonde wore a bright blue bikini. Both girls had brought someone to film the mat, Jennifer Love for Scarlett and Zooey from The New Girl.
   The girls had both been on top more than once and now as the sun was setting casting a orange hue across the beach the soaking wet blonde moaned as Megan pulling Scarlett's hair pulling the blonde out of the surf and onto the beach.
    The blonde was a wreck ,sand partially covering her arms and back now on her hands and knees as Megan stood above her hands clinching her tangled blonde locks.  "I've got you this time Scarlett ,no surprise escapes for you bitch " Megan said almost gloating as she slipped in behind Scarlett dropping to her knees, wrapping a arm firmly around the blondes neck applying yet another choke hold. The blonde gasps and weakly pulls at the dominant brunettes arm.
   Megan was enjoying this so much after being smothered out by Scarlett just days before. The match had been Megan's toughest in a while and almost being smothered just 20 minutes earlier had made her fight that much harder but now this was her's to lose and she had no intentions, as she heard Scarlett's ragged gasp she couldn't hide the smile on her face.
    Megan strained just a few seconds longer as she felt Scarlett's will to fight give way to defeat as the blonde slumped against her. Megan lowered Scarlett into the sand and straddling her neck she looked down at Scarlett's tearful face trapped between her thighs. Megan gently pushed Scarlett's hair from her face and lifted up settling her wet bikini covered crotch on the blondes mouth and nose.
   Scarlett moans as she is being smothered her eyes flutter briefly before she passed out.
    Minutes later she awakens as Megan poses on her body in the sand for the cameras. Scarlett's face is covered in Megan's juices and she swears revenge but for now all she can do is softly cry.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2016, 05:10:08 AM by millsman »


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #584 on: February 25, 2016, 06:04:32 AM »
Amazing job by everybody! Love matches with Scarjo!