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Finish Her!

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #660 on: March 20, 2016, 08:06:02 PM »
I have been following this thread since it started and have been meaning to post to this thread since it's been up, but have never appeared to have the time.    But, I finally found a little free time to post SOMETHING on here and hopefully people enjoy it.    It's not as brief as I planned on it, but it's a pretty exciting bout (hopefully the first of many between these two) and with luck, I'll be able to post more in the future!      Please let me know if anybody has any thoughts or ideas on it, but here you go:

Katy Perry versus Kate Upton


It had been a wild battle between Katy Perry and Kate upton within the confines of the penthouse that the two had rented for the occasion, though the loser would be paying for the rental AND any damage that had been incurred throughout the evening.     As the battle was winding down, it was clear that the bill would likely be extensive.     Ripped curtains, cracked sliding glass door, ruined table, fractured flat-screen television, damaged bookshelf and a broken bed, upon which the two of them were currently battling.

The frame wasn't prepared for the pressure it had been placed upon throughout the night and you could hear the loud creaking of the mattress as both of them battled on their knees.     Currently, it was the primary point of contention between them that was in the process of competing and that was their massive, firm and proud chests.      Both of them were on their knees, with their surprisingly strong arms wrapped around each others midriffs as they glared into one another's eyes with pure enmity, spitting out insults and taunts towards one another.    Sweat made their bodies glisten under the overhead lights as the two of them were wearing only a pair of panties (Katy with a red silk pair and Kate with a bright pink pair) as their tops had been ripped off long ago.      Kate and Katy were pressing together chest to chest, grinding their gurls together as they rotated their shoulders and boxed their boobs together.     Loud clapping sounds could be heard as their titanic tits collided repeatedly, with loud breathy grunts, squeals and shouts accompanying each shot.      Blinking in apparent exhaustion, the two of them slammed their breasts together, trying to pancake the pair of the other and knock each other backwards.

Neither of them wanted to give in or retreat, letting their rival win in a battle filled with so much hatred and pride.    The two of them had been comparing their assets for weeks now, finally deciding to meet to settle things.     After such a war of attrition, both of them sensed the other on the verge of giving up, but if anybody had been present, it wasn't clear on whether to bet on blonde or brunette at this moment.    In the next, the betting line became more likely as Katy suddenly lunged forward on her knees and with a lunge forward, sent Kate sprawling towards her back.     Eyes flashing with what looked like triumph as she bellowed with excitement as her tits knocked Kate to her back, Katy lunged forward to try to pin Upton down on her back, with one hand shooting for her blonde hair and the other gripping Kate's wrist to pin it down above her head.   

Kate bit her bottom lip in frustration, eyes still fiery as she shot her other hand up to grip Katy's dark raven tresses as she planted her feet to try to dislodge her rival.     Perry did her best to ride out the bucking and twisting, but was unable to hold onto Upton as she toppled to the side and unfortunately, crashed right off of the bed with a loud THUD!      Katy landed on her side, groaning out loudly as she shook her head and massaged her mammaries, trying to push herself back upright using the bed.    Kate lay on her back, her throbbing jugs heaving in and out, taking in some deep breathes as she looked over at Katy, who was pulling herself upwards.      Upton blinked, knowing she couldn't allow that to happen as Perry has her back to her for the briefest of moments and Kate pounces! 

Kate reaches for Katy's hair, giving it a savage YANK as she slams her head back to the mattress with a soft crash,with Katy's legs underneath her as she falls to an uncomfortable position, sitting on her ankles with a  yelp!     Kate snarls as she leans forward, going to wrap her arms around Katy's head with a squeeze as she leans her entire body weight, enjoying the look of horror on Perry's panicked features before her cleavage swallows her face up.     Kate leans forward, going to push upwards on her knees, just giving herself additional leverage as she grips her wrist to tighten the hold and secure a snug seal with her sweaty chest on Katy's face.   Katy screamed and cursed, but it was all muffled into Kate's conquering cleavage as she ground her gurls back and forth, not giving Katy a chance to breathe as she leaned forward.     Kate licked her lips, feeling the fight and air leave her opponent, going to cinch her arms even tighter in this front sleeper as she kept her chest pressed SO tightly to Katy's face as she smirked, “Just give 'em a kiss to let me know that MINE are better and maybe I'll let you go, bytch!  My boobs are best – just admit it, Katy!”

Katy appeared to accept the these terms as her head appeared to bob forward into Kate's chest a few times, but Upton did not relent as she kept scrubbing her jugs back and forth until Katy's struggled ceased and all movement came to a halt.     Perry seemed to be completely knocked out as Kate released her and Perry puddled to the carpet, face a dark shade of red as Upton grinned, taking Katy's torn red bra which was on the nightstand to wipe off the drool and saliva on her cleavage.     Smirking confidently, Kate announced to nobody in particular as it was just the two of them and an unconscious Perry wouldn't be able to appreciate it in a loud, sing-song voice and a thrust forward of her triumphant tits, “Looks like Katy Perry kissed my gurls and guess what?   She liked it!” 


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #661 on: March 20, 2016, 10:04:07 PM »
I have been following this thread since it started and have been meaning to post to this thread since it's been up, but have never appeared to have the time.    But, I finally found a little free time to post SOMETHING on here and hopefully people enjoy it.    It's not as brief as I planned on it, but it's a pretty exciting bout (hopefully the first of many between these two) and with luck, I'll be able to post more in the future!      Please let me know if anybody has any thoughts or ideas on it, but here you go:

Katy Perry versus Kate Upton


It had been a wild battle between Katy Perry and Kate upton within the confines of the penthouse that the two had rented for the occasion, though the loser would be paying for the rental AND any damage that had been incurred throughout the evening.     As the battle was winding down, it was clear that the bill would likely be extensive.     Ripped curtains, cracked sliding glass door, ruined table, fractured flat-screen television, damaged bookshelf and a broken bed, upon which the two of them were currently battling.

The frame wasn't prepared for the pressure it had been placed upon throughout the night and you could hear the loud creaking of the mattress as both of them battled on their knees.     Currently, it was the primary point of contention between them that was in the process of competing and that was their massive, firm and proud chests.      Both of them were on their knees, with their surprisingly strong arms wrapped around each others midriffs as they glared into one another's eyes with pure enmity, spitting out insults and taunts towards one another.    Sweat made their bodies glisten under the overhead lights as the two of them were wearing only a pair of panties (Katy with a red silk pair and Kate with a bright pink pair) as their tops had been ripped off long ago.      Kate and Katy were pressing together chest to chest, grinding their gurls together as they rotated their shoulders and boxed their boobs together.     Loud clapping sounds could be heard as their titanic tits collided repeatedly, with loud breathy grunts, squeals and shouts accompanying each shot.      Blinking in apparent exhaustion, the two of them slammed their breasts together, trying to pancake the pair of the other and knock each other backwards.

Neither of them wanted to give in or retreat, letting their rival win in a battle filled with so much hatred and pride.    The two of them had been comparing their assets for weeks now, finally deciding to meet to settle things.     After such a war of attrition, both of them sensed the other on the verge of giving up, but if anybody had been present, it wasn't clear on whether to bet on blonde or brunette at this moment.    In the next, the betting line became more likely as Katy suddenly lunged forward on her knees and with a lunge forward, sent Kate sprawling towards her back.     Eyes flashing with what looked like triumph as she bellowed with excitement as her tits knocked Kate to her back, Katy lunged forward to try to pin Upton down on her back, with one hand shooting for her blonde hair and the other gripping Kate's wrist to pin it down above her head.   

Kate bit her bottom lip in frustration, eyes still fiery as she shot her other hand up to grip Katy's dark raven tresses as she planted her feet to try to dislodge her rival.     Perry did her best to ride out the bucking and twisting, but was unable to hold onto Upton as she toppled to the side and unfortunately, crashed right off of the bed with a loud THUD!      Katy landed on her side, groaning out loudly as she shook her head and massaged her mammaries, trying to push herself back upright using the bed.    Kate lay on her back, her throbbing jugs heaving in and out, taking in some deep breathes as she looked over at Katy, who was pulling herself upwards.      Upton blinked, knowing she couldn't allow that to happen as Perry has her back to her for the briefest of moments and Kate pounces! 

Kate reaches for Katy's hair, giving it a savage YANK as she slams her head back to the mattress with a soft crash,with Katy's legs underneath her as she falls to an uncomfortable position, sitting on her ankles with a  yelp!     Kate snarls as she leans forward, going to wrap her arms around Katy's head with a squeeze as she leans her entire body weight, enjoying the look of horror on Perry's panicked features before her cleavage swallows her face up.     Kate leans forward, going to push upwards on her knees, just giving herself additional leverage as she grips her wrist to tighten the hold and secure a snug seal with her sweaty chest on Katy's face.   Katy screamed and cursed, but it was all muffled into Kate's conquering cleavage as she ground her gurls back and forth, not giving Katy a chance to breathe as she leaned forward.     Kate licked her lips, feeling the fight and air leave her opponent, going to cinch her arms even tighter in this front sleeper as she kept her chest pressed SO tightly to Katy's face as she smirked, “Just give 'em a kiss to let me know that MINE are better and maybe I'll let you go, bytch!  My boobs are best – just admit it, Katy!”

Katy appeared to accept the these terms as her head appeared to bob forward into Kate's chest a few times, but Upton did not relent as she kept scrubbing her jugs back and forth until Katy's struggled ceased and all movement came to a halt.     Perry seemed to be completely knocked out as Kate released her and Perry puddled to the carpet, face a dark shade of red as Upton grinned, taking Katy's torn red bra which was on the nightstand to wipe off the drool and saliva on her cleavage.     Smirking confidently, Kate announced to nobody in particular as it was just the two of them and an unconscious Perry wouldn't be able to appreciate it in a loud, sing-song voice and a thrust forward of her triumphant tits, “Looks like Katy Perry kissed my gurls and guess what?   She liked it!” 

Great story, well done, I love the description of how exhausting and sweaty the fight had become! Just one thing about the pics: those are not Katy Perry's boobs! It's  a magazine's bad photoshop and it's hard to determine which parts of it are her body at all and which aren't. Almost everything has been edited, it doesn't look like her at all. Also, difficult to think of both those girls' chests as massive or even titanic!
Every excess is fine as long as you don't overdo it.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #662 on: March 21, 2016, 05:20:06 AM »
Flashback 2003: Kaley Cuoco vs Mila Kunis


(In response to hundreds of requests...well, to be honest, no requests, but I figure someone would ask sooner or is the origin of one of my favorite feuds.   ::) )

It had been a contest that had left the onlookers awestruck and slackjawed.  The two teenagers, only so recently having reached adulthood, were rookies in the elite celeb catfight league, but the performance of each of them tonight was nothing short of magnificent.  Those lucky enough to have been in attendance will years later recall the violent electricity that coursed between the two young women like a crackling current.  It was instantly palpable the moment they both entered the living room...almost a sort of chemical reaction between them.  They hated one another at first sight, their bewitching eyes firing invisible daggers at the other, and that hostility only grew more intense as the fight wore one.

It was a grueling battle, waged to a savage stalemate from beginning to end, with neither able to hold the advantage for long.  And that end now approached, as the two young beauties faced one another on their knees, their skimpy bikinis long since torn from their nubile bodies, their skin glistening with sweat as their chests heaved with their pantings for breath.  Kaley and Mila had pushed themselves to the outermost limits of their endurance, and had each gone far past the point that lesser women would have given up.  Now, with what scant power they had left in their sinews, they each reached for the slender throat of the other, wrapped their hands right around it, and began to viciously choke one another.

Their faces purpled and their eyes went glassy as the air was strangled from their lungs, yet still they fought on, each refusing to accept the possibility of the other claiming victory.  They gasped and gurgled, their bodies trembling from the inhuman strain.  And then, after what seemed an eternity, they both collapsed as one to the carpet, hands slipping free from throats as both Kunis and Cuoco passed out, their magnificent bodies no longer able to endure the demands of their indomitable wills.

They would go on to fight many, many times again in the years to come, both anxious to erase the stain of that first draw.  Each would win battles, but the war would go on and on...


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #663 on: March 22, 2016, 02:13:39 AM »
I reckon it's time for another theme day, don't you?

Rather than select one single woman to write fights for, let's try something a little different.

This Wednesday, March 23rd, our 'Finish Her' theme is the Ladies of England!  It could be any native daughter of Merry Olde England (and I'm even willing to cheat and allow lasses from Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, too!).

There's certainly no lack of possibilities nor inspiration, so let your imagination roam free!  :D


« Last Edit: March 22, 2016, 02:14:39 AM by Jackflash Jump »


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #664 on: March 22, 2016, 07:27:49 PM »
I'm thinking Anna Popplewell  (think that is spelled right ) would be nice and of course French born English raised Emma Watson.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #665 on: March 23, 2016, 12:01:37 AM »
I don't think I'll have time to put something together but 3/23 is Karen McDougal's birthday so if someone is looking for an opponent for on of the Brits....  ;D


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #666 on: March 23, 2016, 05:29:14 PM »
What's better than one British based lass?  Three of them - in a dangerous "Doctor Who" three way battle between:   


It's always a major topic of discussion between "Doctor Who" fans as to who is the best companion and although it's a debate that will continue, even next year when we have another new companion, but hopefully this will provide some more ammunition for the debate.     I know it isn't the shortest, but I get carried away sometimes when it's a fun one to write, but hopefully the fans like it anyway!  ;)  Cheers and enjoy!

Karen Gillan versus Billie Piper versus Jenna Louise Coleman
Doctor Who Three-Way Companion "Time War!"


For a major “Doctor Who” fan convention, some bright promoter (who certainly received a raise after this.  Or should have.), came up with the idea of having three of the most prominent modern “Doctor Who” companions compete in a three-way bout for charity.    After some promotion and polling, it was determined that the three companions taking each other on would be:   Billie Piper (Rose), Karen Gillan (Amy) and Jenna Louise Coleman (Clara.)      The results would be to determine who was the “best” of the modern companions and all three of them definitely wanted that title.   

It was certainly one of the largest “Doctor Who” conventions in recent memory, with plenty of fans coming to see these three leading ladies of the science fiction shows history challenge one another to determine who would be considered the best.      All three of them arrived, enthusiastically and wearing “Doctor Who” themed sports bras and shorts.     Billie Piper had the word “Rose” written across her top in large pink letters with a rose logo emblazoned across her shorts;  Karen Gillan had the “Girl Who Waited.” placed across her top and Jenna Louise Coleman had “The Impossible Girl” stretched across her chest.       Fan excitement was at a frenzy, with plenty of signs in the audience supporting their particular favorite 'companion' and each girl had plenty of support from the crowd.      Once all three girls were in the ring and the bell rang to announce the start of the match, the arena practically exploded! 

Things started off fast and furious, with each fighter getting their spots in.    With Karen so much taller than both Billie and Jenna, she was unfortunately the subject of a number of double-teams that had her dazed from the start.     However, Karen was able to battle back as Billie and Jenna seemed unable to co-exist together for very long.    It appeared the rumors of them engaging in wrestling on set back on the 50th Anniversary Special (Day of the Doctor) might just well be true after all.     It was a wild back and forth bout, but after yet another impromptu catfight between Clara and Billie, Karen seemed like she might just triumph after all!   

Karen had those insanely long legs of hers wrapped around Billie's head for a standing head scissors as she stood up straight, pumping one fist for the crowd.     Looking around for Coleman, she didn't see her and so, she leaned down to wrap her arms around Billie's waist to lift her up for a “Pond Powerbomb”, named after her character on the show.    Billie's eyes widened as she shook her head, trying to reach for Karen's gorgeous red hair to keep herself from being slammed to the mat but Gillan didn't look to give her a chance.    Karen sat out and just slammed Billie to the canvas with a ring-shaking THUD that echoed throughout the ring.    Piper was sent spasming as she was shoved to the side and Karen rolled her over for a pin.     

But, as Karen got up to settle down for a pin, she finally located Jenna, but it was too late as Coleman launched herself off of the top turnbuckle for a perfectly executed drop kick with boots driving into Karen's face to send her crashing back to the canvas.    Gillan fell back to the mats, head spinning as her legs, throbbing from repeated attacks throughout the canvas, struggled to push herself to her feet.    Clara knew how dangerous Karen could be either standing or on the mats, made a mad dash for Karen's legs to try to apply a “Clara Cloverleaf”, also named after her character from the show.    Gripping both ankles, Jenna bent one leg so that the shin of Gillan was behind the knee of her outstretched leg, with that leg being placed behind her armpit.    Coleman then reached around the ankle, through the opening formed between Karen's thighs and locked her hands together tightly as she could.    Jenna then stepped over, just like you would for a Sharpshooter or Boston Crab, then lowered her butt across Karen's spine and leaned back!

Karen was very proud of her legs, as well she should be, but they had been a frequent target tonight to keep her off of her feet.     Now, it seemed, she was paying the price as her thighs were screaming in agony and Karen tried to resist.     One of her best weapons was being used against her as she attempted to twist free, violently and desperately, using her height and size to try to escape.    Jenna held on tightly, however and Karen was instead, forced to try to make her way towards the ropes.    Karen crawled, inch by agonizing inch, dragging Jenna with her as she struggled to make her way to the ropes.    The crowd cheering her on loudly as Karen refused to give up and finally made her way towards the ropes, fingers brushing against the strands but just as the crowd was on their feet, Jenna pulled her away from the ropes towards the middle of the canvas again.     Karen wailed in shock and frustration, knowing her legs were in too much pain to make the trek again as she blinked and bit her bottom lip, deciding she didn't have any other choice but to TAP out wildly as Jenna beat Gillan by “Clara Cloverleaf” submission! 

Coleman released her thighs and let her rival's legs thump painfully down to the canvas as Karen crawled away, massaging her throbbing stems.    By this point, Billie had mostly recovered from the “Pond Powerbomb” and was back on her feet.   Looking over at a dazed Coleman, still in shock from making Karen submit as she stood there, sweaty and tired from the effort, Billie launched herself forward for a quick knee lift up into Jenna's abs.    Coleman doubled over as air rushed past her lips and Billie reached down for Jenna's brunette tresses, going to tug her head between her thighs to prepare for the “Rose Planter” (Pedigree).      Piper took a moment to play up to the crowd as she pumped her fist into the air and then reached down for Coleman's arms, which had wrapped themselves around her waist.   

Billie went to slam her forearm down against Coleman's back to soften her up, but before she could, Jenna straightened up and then flipped Piper over her head with a Back Body Drop that sent Piper high up into the air, but then gravity took over as she came back down to Earth and the canvas with more ring-shaking force.    Billie lay on her back for a moment, chest rising and falling, wind knocked out of her as she tried to catch her breathe, but that was something Jenna wasn't interested in allowing to happen.    Coleman dropped to a knee for a moment, sweating and breathing hard herself from the exertion as she pushed herself wearily back to her feet, turning around to see Billie on her back.   Staggering forward, Coleman then dropped her rear down across Piper's face for a  facesit, which the fans had dubbed “Impossible to Escape!”, after her character on the show.

Whether that was true or not, Billie intended to find out as she slapped, pushed and shoved at Jenna's posterior, attempting to dislodge it from her face.    Billie twisted and squirmed, kicking and bucking, making it impossible for the referee to count it as a pin, even as Coleman's thighs pressed on either side of Billie's face to maintain her perch.    Jenna reached down with one hand to hold onto Billie's blonde hair to keep her pressed underneath her posterior and the other hand reached down to give one of her breasts a rough squeeze to try to distract her as well, with the combination of both making it even more difficult for Billie.    Jenna scrubbed her butt back and forth, going to press her butt back into Billie's rapidly reddening features and cut off her air as quickly as possible.      Jenna even bounced a few times to daze Piper, sending her back to the canvas as she was finding the name of the maneuver eerily accurate.     

But, as Billie started to settle down and her shoulders started to brush the mats, Jenna had a better idea as she slid her shins underneath Billie's shoulders.    Billie's shoulder's couldn't touch the canvas and Piper started to panic, realizing she couldn't count on a pin to finally end this torment.    The ref checked thoroughly, but Billie's shoulders were off of the mats, so there was nothing he could do.   Asking Billie about a submission only got muffled curses and squeals underneath Jenna's ass, but Jenna gripped one of Billie's wrist tightly to press it down between her chest and left one hand open, with only one avenue for escape.     

Jenna smirked as she ground her butt down roughly into Billie's own sweaty features and felt Billie push at her posterior, fingers digging in and trying to push upwards, but even as she lifted Jenna's rear up slightly, Coleman just SLAMMED her butt back down into Piper's face to daze her even further.   Piper yelped in pain and embarrassment, nose jammed up between Jenna's cheeks and unable to get air as she finally gave in, tapping against Jenna's thigh and ass to frantically submit.     Jenna licked her lips, staying atop Piper for another few seconds as she gave Billie's chest one more squeeze and sway of her posterior across Piper's face, before getting to her feet - victorious!   

After a war between three of the most popular companions in modern “Doctor Who” history, it had been Jenna Louise Coleman, the Impossible Girl overcoming what seemed like impossible odds at some points to secure a HUGE win today.    Although the debate over the best companion was certainly not settled with this win and would be ongoing, Jenna KNEW in her heart that she was the best and at the moment, so did the fans as they chanted her name.     Jenna jumped onto the turnbuckles, pounding her chest and bellowing with excitement as she soaked in the moment and excitement with her awesome triumph.     No matter what – no TARDIS could ever take this win away from her, although judging by the looks on Karen and Billie's faces, they would certainly try.    But, for this moment in time – one shining wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey moment - the best modern companion:  Clara freaking Owald!!

Jenna Louise Coleman (Clara Oswald)


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #667 on: March 23, 2016, 08:28:33 PM »
Flashback 1965: Diana Rigg vs Claudia Cardinale


"Nessun arresto!" the Italian beauty pleaded.  "No...don't!"

"I'm afraid begging won't do you any good, dear," the British blonde replies in a confident tone.  As she did so, Diana was slowly but successfully rolling the struggling Claudia over onto her stomach.  Once that is achieved the Englishwoman, firmly holding her opponent's shapely legs in her hands, bends the brunette's body backwards in a Boston Crab.  Cardinale howls in anguish, her hands clawing at the thick shag carpeting.  Rigg's lips give a lopsided grin of satisfaction as her rival is reduced to helplessness.  After only a few moments more of the torment, Claudia rasps, "Non più...Posso inviare!"

"The Queen's English, if you please," Diana smugly demands.  With tears welling in her eyes, Claudia sobs, "No more, please...I submit to you!"

Rigg instantly releases her hold, letting Cardinale's legs flop to the floor.  Placing a foot upon the rear end of her defeated adversary, Diana puts her hands defiantly on her hips and beams a smile of triumph as she declares, "Rule Britannia!"


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #668 on: March 24, 2016, 01:15:39 AM »
Natalie Dormer vs. Emilia Clarke


The Game of Throne stars were once friends but lately have turned into bitter rivals. The tension between the two had gradually built up until they finally met in the ring as the confident Emilia Clarke, just deemed the sexiest woman from Esquire last year, against her fiery and motivated co-star Natalie Dormer. While the match was evenly contested and hard fought as expected between the two black lingerie clad women, Clarke’s slight over-confidence and Dormer’s drive to make a name for herself tipped the balance of power at the finish.

Natalie finally had Emilia in complete control as she locked in a brutal camel clutch submission. Clarke clawed and squirmed trying her hardest to hold out as long as possible but Natalie kept increasing the pressure; so much so that eventually Clarke’s upper body was bending backwards at an almost grotesque ankle. Natalie was a little impressed by her fellow Englishwoman’s will to stay in the fight as Emilia had been previously thought of as a jobber but it was clear she put work in before this match. Even with that preparation though Dormer she knew that it shouldn’t be long before she had this match won and done. To quicken the proceedings, Dormer kept Clarke in the extreme camel clutch with one arm while using her other arm to fly towards Emilia’s poking out breasts and start pulling, squeezing, clawing and twisted them without mercy. Emilia started screaming in pain, and it wasn’t too much longer before she finally tapped out and begrudgingly admitted defeat. But Natalie was so in the zone that she didn’t realize her opponent had tapped out as she continued the bending of her body and clawing of her breasts until poor Emilia passed out.

Natalie was tired but jubilated. She had certainly humbled her constantly praised co-star by not only beating her but making her tap out and quit. After shoving Clarke’s upper body to the floor and raising up in victory, Natalie would place her foot on Clarke’s plump sticking up booty and flex her arms as she stood victorious over the blacked out Clarke laying in a heap on her stomach; a real warriors victory pose if you will.

Jessica Alba vs. Kate Beckingsale: Jeans Match


Jessica Alba did not take kindly to Kate Beckingsale’s pre-match remarks as the snotty Brit talked down to the popular American actress calling her a hack and a floozy. “You’re just like all these other American girls. Showing off their body to get asses in the seats yet can’t act to save your life.” Beckingsale sniped as Jessica looked on in frustration. Suffice to say that Alba had plenty of fuel to not hold back against her opponent from across the pond, and while Beckingsale was no automatic pushover because of the the exercise she had put in for all those Underworld movies, Alba was just as fit as her and with definitely a bigger chip on her shoulder.

The objective of the match was to strip the jeans off your opponent and both women tried in vain to yank each other’s pants off throughout the match but both quickly realized that, because of how tight each pair of jeans was, that this was effectively a KO match with the added humiliating at the end of being stripped to their panties. Beckingsale had started to regret what she had said previously Jessica as she had the English actress reeling…literally. After a neckbreaker, Kate stood on wobbly legs as she turned around only to be met with a jaw-breaking spear kick that connected with an audible clap and instantly dropped Beckingsale to the mat with authority. Alba, gleeful that she shut this haughty English bitch up, reached down and tugged Kate’s skintight black jeans down her legs and off to win the match.

The ref raised the victorious American girls hand high as Alba was about to leave the ring before noticing what Beckingale was wearing as her underwear: a skimpy pair of panties in the colors and pattern of the United Kingdom flag. Wanting to add some insult to injury for those obnoxious and unnecessary remakrs earlier, Alba stripped Kate of her panties as well before spitting a few times in them and shoving the garment in Beckingsale’s mouth as she remained unconscious and Jessica walked to the locker room a very proud American. 


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #669 on: March 24, 2016, 12:50:53 PM »
Wow,  so many great stories and by proxy,  great writers! Loved the idea in the last match of the "jeans match" hope to see more gorgeous women take on this type of fight.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #670 on: March 24, 2016, 09:39:54 PM »
Great work, my friends...England can be proud!  ;)


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #671 on: March 24, 2016, 11:32:14 PM »
Bella Thorne vs Victoria Justice


The brunette squirmed, struggling to break free.  But her opponent kept her firmly pinned on her stomach with a knee planted against her back.  Meanwhile, Bella's left hand cupped under Victoria's chin, and her right hand grasped her rival's right ankle.  And with a wicked gleam in her eye, the redhead pulled, intent on making both ends meet!

Justice resisted with all of her fading might, but Thorne had all of the leverage she needed.  Slowly, agonizingly, she pulled Victoria's leg back, until at last the poor girls toes were touching the top of her own head, creating a most imperfect...and torturous...human circle.  The brunette screamed herself raw from the pain, and began slapping her palms furiously to the carpet as she shrieked, "Lemme go!  I quit!  PLEEEEEEEEEAAAAAASE!!!"

But Bella wasn't willing to let her victim go just yet, and she continued torturing her for another ten seconds or so, until Justice was driven to the brink of unconsciousness from the agony.  Only then did the ruinous redhead release her hold.  Rising up, she placed a foot almost daintily upon the rump of her conquered foe and raised her arms to accept yet another in a string of triumphs.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #672 on: March 25, 2016, 02:05:46 AM »
The battle had raged on for what seemed like hours to the two women but it was much more like 20 minutes….  Both of the women’s clothing had long ago left their bodies with the referee tossing the tattered rags to the horny crowd who devoured them like sharks in a feeding frenzy.

Every time it seemed like Lynna Nilsson was inches from victory, the experience of Karen McDougal would reverse the tides of the battle, with the brunette switching roles, taking the top position and letting the blonde have it.

Every time the American seemed to have the upper hand, it was the youth of the Swede that allowed her to escape just in time to extend the match, gaining control.

With both women near exhaustion, Lynna tossed Karen into the corner and started to work the lush body of the Playmate over with lefts and rights to the body.  The older woman was showing the wear and tear of the prolonged battle, this looked like it was it for McDougal.  In desperation Karen head butted Lynna, sending the blonde staggering back towards the center of the ring.  Not taking a moment to rest the American charged at the Swede knocking the blonde down like a bowling pin.

Karen immediately went for the cover but the young blonde powered out once again at the two count.  What was it going to take to put this young buck down?  Karen thought to herself as she rolled off of Lynna and stood.

McDougal hauled Nilsson to her feet by the hair and whipped the blonde into the ropes.  Bouncing off the opposite side of the ring, the brunette barreled down on the youngster at full speed.  Leaving her feet, Karen damn near decapitated Lynna with an elbow to the head. 

The young blonde was spread eagle, flat on her back.  The move had taken quite a bit out of the older brunette who gingerly rolled onto her hands and knees and crawled over to the corner of the ropes.

Using the ropes, Karen pulled herself to her feet.  Glancing over her shoulder at the fallen blonde she knew that she had to end the fight right now!  Placing her left foot on the bottom rope, the Playmate began climbing to the top turnbuckle.  Turning to face the center of the ring, the brunette stood, balancing herself on the top rope.  “That’s it bitch!  Time to end this!”  With a push off of her strong legs, the beautiful brunette flew through the air right towards her fallen opponent.

Karen sensed the something was wrong just as she left the top rope as she saw Lynna rising up onto her elbows.  Things got much worse for the brunette when the blonde also picked up both of her legs from the mat.  An evil grin crossed the blonde’s face as she watched the fear wash over the face of the brunette as she neared impact and couldn’t do a thing about it.



Was the sound that could be heard even in the back row of the arena.  Every molecule of air had been driven from Karen’s body as her belly made contact with Lynna’s out stretched legs.  Her body just jack-knifed, suspended in air above the young blonde.  The Swede showed the power of her own legs as she just held the Playmate up off of the mat.

The crowd just looked on in awe and wonder… Was she dead? They asked one another when Karen didn’t move.

Wanting to end this, Lynna just rotated her hips off to the side dumping the American’s body face down on the mat next to her.  Karen’s body shuddered as she dry heaved and struggled to suck in some much needed air. 

The young blonde rolled towards her foe coming to rest on her side.  Reaching over with her index finger, she brushed Karen’s hair aside exposing the agenizing expression on her face.  “What’s the matter honey?  You look out of breath.” The Playmate was in capable of answering the cruel blonde… at least verbally.  In her mind she had a few choice words for the Swede.

Flicking Karen’s hair to the side so she could keep enjoy the Playmate’s expressions, the blonde started running her hand over the brunette’s upper arms and shoulders.  “So big, so strong with all these muscles… what could have happened?” she taunted as her hand now started tracing the outline of the American’s back.

Running her hand over the curve of Karen’s lower back she stopped when she reached the Playmate’s ass.  “Not too bad for an old hag.” She teased as she slapped it playfully.  “But not even compared to my fine ass.”

The burning pain in Karen’s belly was still there but she would not take any more from this little bitch.  Still wheezing for air, the brunette tried to make it up to her elbows.  “Where the fuck do you think you’re going bitch?” the blonde demanded one she felt Karen’s movement.

Kicking her long leg over the fallen brunette, the blonde sat on the Playmate straddling her ass.  Grabbing hold of Karen’s dark mane, Lynna started pulling back on the American’s hair.  “Fuck!” was all Karen could gasp as she felt the growing pain in her lower back.  Interlocking her fingers under Karen’s chin, the young blonde really started ratcheting up the pressure on her victim.

“Finish the bitch!  Isn’t that what Jumpin’ Jack Flash says? Or something like that”  Lynna said as the tears rolled down Karen’s cheeks.  “Fuck off!” Karen spat defiantly.  “OK, have it your way grandma!” 

As Lynna pulled back with all her might, she slipped her long legs around Karen, locking her ankles in front.  “Say good night!” the blonde said as she crushed the brunette’s badly damaged torso. 

We don’t know if Karen surrenders or if she was even capable of speech at this time.  One thing for sure was that the young blonde wasn’t even going to give her the opportunity too.  This fight was over… the Swede had Finished her!


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #673 on: March 25, 2016, 02:06:55 AM »


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #674 on: March 25, 2016, 04:40:35 PM »
Love Bella bending Victoria, Jack! Really hot and dominant finish  :D Victoria makes a very good jobber