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Finish Her!

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #675 on: March 25, 2016, 10:46:53 PM »
Flashback 2006:  Hilary Duff vs Lindsay Lohan


Sitting upon her opponents's back, Hilary pulls Lindsay's head up and back with a handful of hair close to the roots, causing the redhead to shriek in pain.  It had been a grueling brawl between the two bikini-clad arch-rivals, but for the last few minutes control of the fight had firmly been in Duff's hands.  Still yanking Lohan's head back, the blonde slammed her right forearm down across her adversary's breasts, pounding breath from Lindsay's already heaving lungs.

Releasing her hold, Hilary rises up and pulls Lohan up with her by her hair.  A knee to the belly forces the gasping redhead to double over, allowing Duff to shove her foe's head down between her thighs.  Impishly, the blonde starts to lay stinging slaps to Lindsay's rear end, each spank drawing a yip of pain from the hapless girl.  Then, Hilary wraps her arms around Lindsay's waist, and with an Amazon's roar, the blonde lifts her rival up, until Lohan's feet are pointed to the ceiling.

Hilary then suddenly sits down upon the carpeted floor, bringing Lindsay down with her for a piledriver.  The crown of the redhead's skull spikes into the floor, bearing the full brunt of the impact.  She is left barely conscious as her body flops limply to the floor.

But the match doesn't end there....

The two hated rivals had a special stipulation, and Duff now intends to fulfill it.  She drags the whimpering body of her nemesis across the penthouse floor into the bathroom, closing the door behind them.  The muffled sound of running water is heard by the awaiting spectators, one of whom inquires as to what is happening.  "Oh, don't you know?" responded the well-known actor sitting next to him.  "Those two have always been taunting the other about their hair color.  You know...redder is better, blondes rule, that sort of thing.  Well, they agreed that the loser of this match has to take the winner's hair color and wear it for ten years!"

With that, the washroom door opens, and out triumphantly struts Hilary, a wide smile of satisfaction beaming upon her angelic face.  A minute or so later, leaning heavily upon the door jamb to keep from collapsing, a tearful Lindsay emerges, the victim of an immediate hair bleaching.



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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #676 on: March 26, 2016, 05:15:20 AM »
Love it!  Let's see more Ariel from you!   ;D

Decided to post this before I left for work (night shift, woooohoooo). I'm in an Ariel Winter mood so expect more shortly. :)

Ariel Winter VS Jennifer Lawrence



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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #677 on: March 26, 2016, 11:54:18 PM »
Sophia Bush vs. Brittany Snow


Both women wanted the movie part so much that they both agreed to a private apartment match to determine the winner and eventual leading star. The director along with some of the top crew were there to witness the catfight between the brunette Sophia Bush and opposing blondie Brittany Snow.

Sophia had controlled most of the fight throughout and now had Brittany on the edge of defeat as she sat atop of her opponent; both women had been stripped naked so that now Bush had her bare vagina smothering Snow’s squirming face. As Sophia started to grind her pussy on the gradually weakening blond’s face, she then took things a step further and reached down Snow’s body to start sensually fingering her upward facing pussy. Brittany started to groan in humiliation as her face was engulfed in her opponent’s increasingly wet crotch while her own crotch was being probed and violated and there was little she could do to stop it. Sophia would finally explode on Brittany’s face just as Brittany herself would orgasm all over Bush’s invading hand and the match was announced over.

Sophia, rising victorious and a new certified movie star, wiped her wet hand off with Brittany’s discarded pair of panties before shoving the soaked garment in her passed out mouth. Poor Snow laid on the carpet with her face covered in Bush’s juices and her mouth stuffed with her own juices-soaked panties as she brutally lost the starring role she strived so hard for while Sophia signed the contract of a lifetime.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #678 on: March 27, 2016, 10:48:56 PM »
Amanda Seyfried vs Michelle Trachtenberg


The two lithe beauties grunted as they strained against one another, their arms raised and hands clasped together in a test of strength.  After a long stalemate, sweat glistening off of their alabaster skin, Amanda slowly begins to lose ground.  Michelle digs her bare feet harder into the plush carpeting, teeth gritted and muscles tensed as she gradually begins to force her rival backwards.

Finally, Seyfried is pushed back enough so that she bumps into the sofa (which was swiftly vacated by a pair of spectators when they saw the tide of battle turning their way).  Instantly formulating a new strategy, the blonde sits down swiftly on the cushion, pulling her adversary toward her and throwing her off-balance.  A heartbeat later, Amanda lashes out with her right leg, her foot punting up between Michelle's thighs and slamming into the triangle of thin fabric covering her groin.  Trachtenberg's eyes shut tight and she gives a loud yelp from the sudden burst of pain.  Pulling her hands free of her opponent's, Seyfried pulls her legs in and then thrusts them out, the soles of her feet smashing into the brunette's chest, sending her sprawling backwards to the floor.

Michelle lay curled up on the carpet, hands clutching her crotch, cheeks puffing in and out as she pants for breath, and moist tears forming in the corners of her eyes.   Seyfried stands up from the sofa, almost casually shaking her hair and brushing errant strands away from her face.  She then saunters with over-weening cockiness to her fallen foe, strutting triumphantly around her as a shark circles its prey, taunting the chestnut-haired beauty with, "Too bad, so were soooooo close, Mish.  Maybe now you'll realize that I am so much better than you.  Here, let me help you learn than."  Reaching down, she fills her fists with her adversary's long, tangled hair and begins to haul her back up to her feet.

For all of their many confrontations, Amanda seems to have never learned the lesson that her nemesis has remarkable powers of recuperation.  Had she struck swiftly, the blonde almost certainly could have overwhelmed Trachtenberg and won the battle.  But by taking the time to taunt her, she simply gave Michelle the small window of opportunity she needed.

Seyfried learned that to her horror as suddenly her world exploded in agony, courtesy of the upward forearm blow which Michelle delivered to the blonde's own groin.  Now it was Amanda's turn to have her face twist into a mask of pain, her hands massaging her throbbing nether region, her knees bent in almost comically.  Flush with adrenaline and powered by intensity, Trachtenberg climbs back up to her feet and slips behind her rival.  Wrapping her arms around Amanda's waist, with a grunt she lifts her up, and then brings her down again...with the blonde's groin smashing into the brunette's outstretched knee!  The impact sends Seyfried sailing forward, where she crumples to the floor.

There she lay, the side of her face pressed to the carpet, lower lip quivering as she fought back tears, arms splayed to her sides, her knees under her, and resultingly her rear end thrust up into the air.  Michelle takes that as an invitation to deliver a kick with such force, Amanda flips over onto her back.  Grabbing the blonde by her ankles, Trachtenberg lifts and spreads her legs.  Realizing her peril, Amanda's open palms window wash the air as she whimpers, "No...please...!"

But the brunette ignores her pleading, coolly saying, "You want to mess with the honey pot, you've got to expect some bees."  And with that, Michelle begins to stomp her heel again and again into Seyfried's groin, and within seconds the blonde is shrieking "STOP!  I GIVE UP!  SHTAAAAAAPPPP!!!"

Contemptuously dropping her defeated rival's legs, Trachtenberg walks to Seyfried's side and places the ball of her right foot squarely between the tear-filled eyes of the blonde as Michelle strikes a victory pose.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #679 on: March 28, 2016, 04:12:41 AM »
A bounty from the Big Fan!

A friend of mine who is a terrific writer of fight stories has come up with a couple of pieces for the Finish Her thread, and he's asked me to share them, which I most happily am!  Let's all welcome the work of Big Fan!

Sigourney Weaver vs Susan Anton circa 1980


The apartment in New York had hosted many classics going back to Maureen O’Hara’s epic run of the 40’s into the mid 50’s. The fight was billed as Boa verse Python, there were none better with the legs than the six foot tall Weaver and the inch shorter Anton. For nearly three quarters of an hour the fans lucky enough to attend were treated to an epic match going back and forth as both women escaped what looked like could be the end for either of them several times.
The bikini’s they started in never stood a chance, they were just not made for this amount of stress being put on them. Now covered in sweat and carpet burns the blonde and brunette continued grappling on the carpet, it had been nearly ten minutes since either had stood up right. The fans so intent on the action have stopped cheering and watch in a silent thrall as they once again believe the end to be at hand.
Sigourney is on Susan’s back, legs wrapped in on the blonde’s own long limbs, but Anton still on all fours looks to have hope of escape. Suddenly though Weaver throws all her weight to the side and rolls Anton and herself face up on the carpet. That’s when Sigourney’s strong legs clamp shut like a bear trap on the blonde’s midsection, Susan groans in pain and maybe a bit of hopelessness of the first time. Susan’s hopes don’t rise as she feels Weaver’s left arms snake around her throat. Anton grabs the brunette’s forearm before she can cut off her air supply further with the choke hold.
Sigourney grinning now brings her free right arm around and claws into Anton’s under rated tits, Weaver whispers, “it’s only a matter of time now Susan.”

The blonde groans, either from the breast mauling, body scissors or the fact that she knows Sigourney is right. Susan has to allow Sigourney to do her worst to the blonde’s breasts, she can’t hold off the powerful brunette’s arm with just one hand. Susan cries out in pain as Sigourney begins flexing her legs sending the pain in the blonde’s sides pulsing through her body. Seconds turn into minutes, and still Susan squirms and thrashes trying to escape the deadly embrace. Sigourney works the multiple holds waiting for the blonde to succumb.
Susan desperate reaches with her right hand to try and stop the attack on her tits, but that was the final fatal mistake. Sigourney’s forearm closes around her throat, and the brunette brings her other arm up locking in a sleeper hold. It’s like watching a nature program as the blonde gives into the victor and the evitable ending. Anton doesn’t last long before her eyes close and darkness takes her.
Sigourney waits a moment before releasing the body scissors, the brunette now smiling broadly as she hooks her heels inside the comatose blonde’s legs and slowly pulls them apart. As expected every camera man there for every trade magazine rushes to snap the photo of Anton’s womanhood. After giving them time to snap off a full reel of film Sigourney tosses the defeated blonde off to the side, Susan laying face down motionless and a tired and sore brunette stands and places a foot on Susan’s upturned rump for a few more victory photos.   

Morgan Fairchild vs Valerie Bertinelli Circa 1980

Rookie Valerie Bertinelli was in over her head from the start, her apartment wrestling manager would be fired after this fight.
Morgan stomps away at the balled up brunette, who thought the nineteen year old would be a good match for one of the wickedest veterans around was what most were thinking. Fairchild had ten years more experience and it showed, Morgan walks over getting a drink of champagne from a fan and even flirts a bit before she turns her attention back to the mewing brunette.
Bertinelli in only her second fight was clearly not ready, she had lost to Joyce Dewitt of Three’s Company in a more competitive match. Morgan out pushing her new show Flamingo Road, was in an especially evil mood tonight. Valerie made the mistake of thinking since Fairchild had stomping her the fight might be over or she was at least save to roll to her back and try to catch her breath. The youngster never sees the blonde coming, her first clue is when her legs are lifted off the carpet.
Morgan holds the quivering legs in a loose ‘V’ as she looks down taunting the poor newcomer, “No prom sex for you honey.”
Fairchild plants her foot on Valerie’s girly bit and pulls up on her legs as she pushes her foot down on the gas pedal. Valerie begins pulling at her own curly brunette hair as her neither region explodes in pain, she doesn’t last long, screaming, “I QUIT! I GIVE…PLEASE STHHAPP!”
Fairchild laughs, “Well that was simple. Maybe you’re not cut out for this line of work Val.”
Morgan grinds her foot showing no sign of relenting, as she taunts Bertinelli further asking if she ever felt anything like the pain she’s feeling now.
The crowd parts as a smallish blonde steps out front, Cheryl Ladd hands on hips demands, “Let her go Morgan.”


Fairchild’s eyes flash seeing her hated rival, but now is not the time to start something with the Charlie’s Angel star. Tossing Valerie’s legs aside Morgan walks over taking a drink off the tray a waiter holds, to the crowd she says, “I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.”
Without warning she tosses the champagne into Ladd’s face, the golden liquid splashes everywhere soaking the white top Cheryl is wearing. Before a new less official fight can start several of the men move between the stars, Cheryl trying to push her way through to get at the laughing Morgan. Cheryl screams she’s going to kill the other blonde, but Fairchild decides now is the time for her exit and departs leaving a destroyed opponent and a wet and hostile opponent in her wake. 


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #680 on: March 28, 2016, 06:35:45 AM »
Michelle Trachtenberg vs Emma Watson


Michelle grunted in effort as she squeezed her legs around Emma’s neck in the middle of the ring. After she had stepped up to defend America’s integrity against this snobby Brit, a long back in forth battle between the two of them had occured, their thin black and pink lingerie soaked with sweat. Yet as Emma laid next to her on the floor, pathetically tried to pry Michelle’s scissors off, victory will soon be hers. The paddle that Emma so arrogantly demanded hanged above the turnbuckle, and would soon become very familiar with Emma’s behind. Emma knew this and she desperately tried to pull Michelle’s legs apart, but they were too strong and soon her vision became blurry. Michelle laughed as she sensed this and said.

“Whats wrong Princess? Realizing now that American girls are more than you handle?” Michelle laughed again and squeezed even harder. Emma at this point had given up trying to pull her legs apart and Michelle smiled, victory surly hers. Yet Emma was not about to let an inferior American beat her so, and she it was time for her to learn respect.

With one last grunt of effort, Emma repositioned her feet, and stood up suddenly, bringing a shocked Michelle up with her. Realizing that she was suddenly in a powerbomb position, Michelle loosened her scissors in an attempt to escape but Emma held on to her legs, a smile showing on her face, relief at the ability to breathe again. Michelle flailed her arms in desperation to escape, but Emma only laughed and said.

“Time for you to learn some respect tart!” And with that Emma brought Michelle down in a powerbomb with a loud SLAM! Michelle’s eyes widen in pain and shock, but Emma, knowing her opponent’s reputation, lifted her up again, and brought her down with another SLAM. then a final SLAM onto the ring matt, Emma bringing herself down with her.

Michelle was nearly knocked out as a result of this, her eyes closed and her breathing heavy as she groaned in pain and shock. Emma smiled at the result, and slowly and sensually crawled over Michelle’s body and grabbed her stirring face, bending over to Michelle’s ear and whispered.

“Rule Britannia.” At which Emma stood up and walked over to the turnbuckle, enjoying the cheers and boos as she walked up it, shaking her hips along the way, and grabbed the paddle. As Emma jumped back down, Michelle had recovered slightly and was slowly rising to her knees, when she saw Emma approaching with the paddle and fear clutch her at the implication of her lost.

Desperately, Michelle got up to her knees and tried to crawl out of the ring and she nearly made it to the ropes, however Emma grabbed her foot and dragged her to the middle of the ring as Michelle screamed. As Michelle turned to counter attack, Emma smacked the paddle against her head, stunning her totally.

Emma grinned at the moaning Michelle and slowly kneeled down and flipped Michelle on her stomach and lifted her up to her knees. Licking her lips, Emma grabbed Michelle’s panties and gave her a wedgie, showing off Michelle wonderful cheeks in full before bringing the paddle down onto them in a mighty SMACK.

Michelle woke up from her state and gave a shriek of pain, but Emma did not relent and she brought the paddle down again in a mighty SMACK, and again SMACK, SMACK, SMACK. Michelle’s eyes brimmed with tears as the pain and humiliation washed over her, her attempts to break free futile by Emma’s hold.

Finally, with Michelle’s cheeks bright red, Emma brought down the paddle in a last SMACK, letting Michelle fall to floor. Michelle moaned and clutch her backside in pain, as Emma kicked her stomach a few times, forcing her onto her back. Emma then put her foot on Michelle’s face, and gave a victory pose saying.

“And that why British girls are the best!”


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #681 on: March 28, 2016, 11:59:31 AM »
  Thank you Jackflash Jump and Big Fan!  Love the Sigourney Weaver vs Susan Anton and Morgan Fairchild vs Valerie Bertinelli! Eagerly awaiting a Morgan vs Cheryl Ladd battle.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #682 on: March 28, 2016, 05:08:07 PM »
Amazing work everybody! And Xtra... a Sophia Bush story? You're incredible! Loved it.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #683 on: March 28, 2016, 11:48:28 PM »
Awesome stories, everyone; I can't stop reading them!

We need a Michelle Trachtenberg day. :P

I second that - who wouldn't want a Michelle Trachtenberg day in the near future?    I also agree that there has been a LOT of awesome work in the threads lately and keep it up everybody!! 


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #684 on: March 29, 2016, 12:43:32 AM »
Awesome stories, everyone; I can't stop reading them!

We need a Michelle Trachtenberg day. :P

I second that - who wouldn't want a Michelle Trachtenberg day in the near future?    I also agree that there has been a LOT of awesome work in the threads lately and keep it up everybody!!  

Well, far me it from me to disagree!  Indeed, I'd love it if every day were Michelle Trachtenberg Day!  :P

Realistically, I admit that, while she does have her partisans, she's probably not considered on the "A List" around these parts, so an entire day just for her might be a tad selfish on my part.  However, I've got an idea on how to work around that issue to...I hope...everyone's satisfaction.

Watch for news on this soon.  :D
« Last Edit: March 29, 2016, 12:44:11 AM by Jackflash Jump »


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #685 on: March 29, 2016, 03:48:07 AM »
How about an Emma Watson day?


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #686 on: March 29, 2016, 04:02:35 AM »
Jamie Chung vs. Jaimie Alexander


Jamie Chung had come in trying to intimate the unfazed Jaimie Alexander by playing up to the stereotype of being some kind of martial arts master based on her heritage. But as we all know, why they sometimes may be accurate in some instances, stereotypes are often nowhere near universal truth. Alexander also knew that, while Chung was of Korean descent, she was raised traditionally American and that that normally, when one feels the need to talk big, that usually means they can’t back it up. These two stereotypes, one wrong and one right, would collide in what would end up being a very one-sided affair.

Suffice to say that Chung turned out be bluffing her fighting capabilities; so much so that she was actually begging with Alexander to show mercy on her as she was thoroughly out-maneuvered and over-matched throughout the fight. To the surprise of everyone including Alexander, Chung seemed like a certified jobber more than any sort of fighter; a sheep in a lion’s coat if you will. Alexander had her way with the outspoken Korean American until she was flat on her back and Alexander was atop of a turnbuckle ready to pounce down on her defeated foe. Instead of going for a standard flogsplash, Alexander instead would attempt a moonsault which was a little more risky because of many fighter’s tendency to miss their mark either flipping backward too far or not far enough. But Alexander landed the move with perfection as she crashed onto her opponent’s bare midsection. Chung’s limps popped off the mat upon impact because landing back down on the mat spread eagled and practically asking to be pinned

Alexander grabbed one of Chung’s spread out legs and hooked it way far and back for a dominate pinfall. Poor Chung was still conscious but had no fight left whatsoever as all she could do was weakly turn her head from side to side and moan as she was supremely embarrassed not only to lose so decisively but to now have her leg yanked so far back showing everyone in the arena her spread private area in just her skimpy black pair of panties.  The ref counted to 3 and Alexander, in a final display of dominance, placed her foot on Jamie’s bare belly for the classic victory posed atop her previously mouthy opponent as she withering in defeat.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #687 on: March 29, 2016, 05:06:54 AM »
Great Story, I wish that sexy Jamie Chung had another hot Catfight against sweet Kirsten Dunst with much intertwined rolling down the floor Szenario by such hefty slapping and Hairpulling against eachother. Both Beauties would be shriek and wimpering by pain and fury.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #688 on: March 29, 2016, 05:12:00 AM »
Here's your challenge, should you choose to accept it...

Tomorrow, Tuesday, will be the Girls of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Day!

There's Sarah Michelle Gellar, of course, and Alyson Hannlgan, Charisma Carpenter and, oh yes, Michelle Trachtenberg.  Plus other lovely ladies who were both regular cast as well as guest stars.

This month marks the 20th anniversary of the broadcast of the first episode, so what better way to celebrate it than by having the Hellmouth girls lay some smackdown.  Or will they be the ones on the receiving end?  Only your imagination and talent knows for sure!  :)

« Last Edit: March 29, 2016, 05:13:02 AM by Jackflash Jump »


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #689 on: March 29, 2016, 06:29:44 AM »
I've got to have my yearly Buffy/Angel rewatch soon. lol

I'm actually well into one of my own on Netflix. :) Buffy S6/Angel S3. Nearly finished "Billy", then onto of of the best episodes EVER - "Once More With Feeling."