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Finish Her!

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Offline al2468

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emily osmont v jamie lynn spears
« Reply #945 on: August 18, 2016, 03:28:21 AM »
Emily and Jamie Lynn were locked up in the corner of the penthouse one hand pulling hair, the other mauling their opponents breast.  The arranged apartment catfight had started with both girls in dresses, Jamie in red- Emily in blue. The fighters were intent on stripping their opponent and for the first 5 minutes of the fight that is exactly what they did. Now, only in panties , each girl was trying to force the other to the floor.  Grunts and heavy breathing filled the penthouse as the young beauties struggled to gain the advantage. The crowd cheered each time one girl would land a punch or slap.  The girls separated each trying to get air into their lungs. They were both scratched up and Emily had a bloody lip. They circled each other with their arms extended and a test of strength developed as they locked hands.  Jamie Lynn's arms started to tremble as Emily slowly was forcing her to the floor.  Now on her back Jamie Lynn was in trouble as Emily applied a leg scissors to Jamie Lynn's midsection.  Emily had her between her powerful thighs and continued to squeeze.  Jamie Lynn valiantly tried to fight her way free, but Emily would not loosen the hold.  " Give bitch, your finished, " said Emily. " Fuck you whore, was Jamie Lynn replied.  With that reply Emily let out a scream and started to punch Jamie Lynn in the face and head.  Jamie Lynn tried to cover up, but she was helpless as a few men in the crowd pulled her off of the beaten Jamie Lynn.


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a few more photos -Emily v Jamie Lynn
« Reply #946 on: August 18, 2016, 03:32:45 AM »


Offline Sandman13

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #947 on: August 18, 2016, 09:01:58 PM »

Joan Severance was waiting in the Green Room preparing to make her first appearance on "The Tonight Show" in 1985. She was watching the show on a small tv set when, to her utter dismay, she heard Johnny Carson ask his first guest, Christina Applegate, if she could hang around for another segment. That meant she, Joan, was being bumped from the show! Her anger flared and she did nothing to stifle it. "Oooo, if I ever get my hands on that little tramp!" Joan hissed.
Unfortunately (as it turned out) she got her wish as Christina came bouncing into the room as the band played the show off the air. In less than 30 seconds, Joan had picked a fight with the younger blonde and they were rolling around on the floor, a tangle of arms, legs and hair.
Shrieking with anger and pain, the two rolled across the floor, both of them throwing what punches and slaps they could, along with some fierce hair-pulling and a little kicking thrown in. But as the action wore on, Joan found herself on the losing end. Not only was Christina stronger and faster, she was full of energy and Joan was tiring rapidly.
"What's the matter, old lady? Can't keep up?" Christina giggled as Joan stopped trying to fight. The sultry brunette would have retreated but her clothes were practically in rags and her face and body were a mass of scratches and bruises. What was worse was that Christina had her legs wrapped around Joan's trim waist, preventing her escape.
Then it got ever worse for the older woman. Christina started applying pressure to her leg scissors and poor Joan was soon gasping and sobbing. "I - HUH! - please, I - UHHHHH! - NO! STOP! - please, I'm sorry. Ohhhhh! I give! I give! I sooo give up!" the ruined and devastated Joan wept. She had learned a hard lesson about messing with younger women.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #948 on: August 18, 2016, 09:10:28 PM »
Sorry - tried to post pics of Joan Severance and Christina Applegate but I suck at computer stuff. Obviously! :-[


Offline Jackflash Jump

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #949 on: August 19, 2016, 12:19:57 AM »
Here you go, Sandman.   ;D



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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #950 on: August 19, 2016, 12:24:42 AM »
So, our girl Nicole has requested a Michelle Trachtenberg Day here in the thread.  Now, I don't think it's any secret of my love and adoration for Trachs, but even I have to admit that she's probably not A List enough to warrant a call for multiple stories.

HOWEVER, here is what I will most happily do...

Let's have a Ladies of Buffy Weekend!

Not only Michelle T, but Sarah Michelle Gellar, Alyson Hannlgan, Eliza Dushku, Charisma Carpenter, or any of the other ladies of Sunnydale are invited to be featured in new 'Finish Her' pieces.  Win, lose or draw, let's put the Slayer and her girls through their paces!  ;)



Offline gene smith

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #951 on: August 19, 2016, 12:30:06 AM »
sounds good to me
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Offline jrsmith

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #952 on: August 19, 2016, 02:48:27 AM »
Dying to see Stana Katic in here....possibly destroyed by someone like Kate Upton, Charlotte McKinney, Nicki Minaj, Rihanna


Offline spiderrage

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #953 on: August 19, 2016, 04:47:31 AM »
Maybe could have another day of stories of just one person again like charolette McKinney or someone or a bindi Irwin day
I'm still holding out for a Michelle Trachtenberg or Taylor Swift day. I'd love a Lindsey Pelas day, too, though I don't think she's popular enough for that yet.

Yea Mishy vs Eliza dusku from buddy will be hot. Also it's about time Kendall and Taylor clash since the confrontation, and the unrest in the bffs camp


Offline jart49

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #954 on: August 19, 2016, 07:48:00 AM »
Would love to see the meek, harmless hacker Willow go up against the mighty uptight slayer Buffy and not only beat her but humiliate, strip and spank her cute little blonde ass right in front of all the Scooby gang.  Maybe the fight could occur at Sunnydale high or the Bronze.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2016, 07:59:04 AM by jart49 »


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #955 on: August 19, 2016, 12:06:37 PM »
Nice work on the Applegate vs Severance story Sandman. I have always loved the younger dominating older angle.  :)


Offline gene smith

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #956 on: August 19, 2016, 02:39:57 PM »
Would love to see the meek, harmless hacker Willow go up against the mighty uptight slayer Buffy and not only beat her but humiliate, strip and spank her cute little blonde ass right in front of all the Scooby gang.  Maybe the fight could occur at Sunnydale high or the Bronze.
good idea
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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #957 on: August 19, 2016, 10:19:13 PM »
I almost always cheer for Michelle to lose her catfights!


Offline Jackflash Jump

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #959 on: August 20, 2016, 06:52:53 PM »
Amanda Seyfried vs Michelle Tracthenberg


The sharp crack of palm upon flesh was followed instantaneously by a pained yelp...followed by another, and another, and another.  Amanda beamed a smile as she administered the spanking to her hapless opponent, as Michelle's butt swiftly turned as red as her face.  Rivals down to the very molecules of their beings, Seyfried and Trachtenberg were hailed as possessing two of the finest derrieres in all of celeb catfighting.  As to whose was superior, both were determined this match would settle the question.

After a long and grueling battle, it looked as if Amanda would get to claim bragging rights.  But before delivering her nemesis to a humbling defeat, the blonde first decided to subject her to some humiliation, hence the spanking.

But in her zeal, Seyfried made a tactical error.  The spanking is painful yes, and certain embarrassing for Michelle.  But it isn't debilitating.  So in spite of the stinging slaps to her behind, the brunette is actually recovering and gathering her remaining strength.  As her trainers, Alyson Hannlgan and Sarah Michelle Geller once told Trachtenberg, "Save the spanks for after, when you've already won."

Finally bringing an end to the spanking, the still-smiling Seyfried shoved her adversary off of her bent knee to the floor, preparing to finish her off with a facesit.  But as she rolled over onto her back, Michelle sprang into action, lashing out with her sculpted left leg and smashing a kick flush between Amanda's eyes, sending her sprawling onto her back.  Rising up, Trachtenberg bends over and grabs her rival's hair, hauling her up to her feet with a squeal of pain from the still-dazed Amanda.  Dragging Seyfried over to the nearest wall, Michelle presses her face-first to it.  Trapped, the blonde is helpless as her opponent grabs her bikini panties and yanks them up, subjecting Amanda to a painful wedgie.  The fabric disappears between Seyfried's cheeks as she howls in anguish, and now it's the brunette's turn to smile.  "What's the matter," she purrs to her victim.  "Can't that second-rate ass of yours handle this?"

Still holding her adversary by the hair and by her briefs, Michelle now pulls her away from the wall and marches her back to the center of the room, the blonde on tip-toes in a vain attempt to try and lessen some of the pain from the wedgie.  Releasing her handholds, the brunette moves with cobra swiftness, pulling Seyfried over her shoulders, and in a remarkable display of raw power, she lifts the blonde up.  Then Trachtenberg starts to turn in a circle, going faster and faster, subjecting the blonde to an airplane spin.  Her senses stripped by the spinning, Amanda wails helplessly, until finally her tormentor releases her, and Seyfried crashed to the carpeted floor in a heap of arms and legs.

Michelle shakes her head, for the spin dazed her a bit as well.  The room lights glisten off of the sweat-soaked bodies of both nubile combatants, but Amanda lays moaning and vulnerable, while Michelle's whole body ripples with power and purpose.  Ready to finish off her foe at last, Trachtenberg sits down on the blonde's chest, facing her legs, and slowly starts to slide backward.  Through glassy eyes, Seyfried softly moans, "Ohhhh...noooooo...!", but there is nothing she can do to halt the inevitable, and within instants Michelle's perfect ass settles down upon the blonde's face, smothering her.  Amanda's body gives some feeble squirms, but she is long past the point of being able to break free.  Michelle seductively grinds her hips, shattering her rival's pride while giving the spectators a much-appreciated spectacle, until very quickly Amanda ceases to move altogether, and an ebullient Michelle jumps up, placing a foot upon her fallen foe's heaving chest and striking her victory pose to the cheers of the onlookers.

And thus was the question of whose derriere is superior least for now.