Amanda Seyfried vs Michelle Tracthenberg

The sharp crack of palm upon flesh was followed instantaneously by a pained yelp...followed by another, and another, and another. Amanda beamed a smile as she administered the spanking to her hapless opponent, as Michelle's butt swiftly turned as red as her face. Rivals down to the very molecules of their beings, Seyfried and Trachtenberg were hailed as possessing two of the finest derrieres in all of celeb catfighting. As to whose was superior, both were determined this match would settle the question.
After a long and grueling battle, it looked as if Amanda would get to claim bragging rights. But before delivering her nemesis to a humbling defeat, the blonde first decided to subject her to some humiliation, hence the spanking.
But in her zeal, Seyfried made a tactical error. The spanking is painful yes, and certain embarrassing for Michelle. But it isn't debilitating. So in spite of the stinging slaps to her behind, the brunette is actually recovering and gathering her remaining strength. As her trainers, Alyson Hannlgan and Sarah Michelle Geller once told Trachtenberg, "Save the spanks for after, when you've already won."
Finally bringing an end to the spanking, the still-smiling Seyfried shoved her adversary off of her bent knee to the floor, preparing to finish her off with a facesit. But as she rolled over onto her back, Michelle sprang into action, lashing out with her sculpted left leg and smashing a kick flush between Amanda's eyes, sending her sprawling onto her back. Rising up, Trachtenberg bends over and grabs her rival's hair, hauling her up to her feet with a squeal of pain from the still-dazed Amanda. Dragging Seyfried over to the nearest wall, Michelle presses her face-first to it. Trapped, the blonde is helpless as her opponent grabs her bikini panties and yanks them up, subjecting Amanda to a painful wedgie. The fabric disappears between Seyfried's cheeks as she howls in anguish, and now it's the brunette's turn to smile. "What's the matter," she purrs to her victim. "Can't that second-rate ass of yours handle this?"
Still holding her adversary by the hair and by her briefs, Michelle now pulls her away from the wall and marches her back to the center of the room, the blonde on tip-toes in a vain attempt to try and lessen some of the pain from the wedgie. Releasing her handholds, the brunette moves with cobra swiftness, pulling Seyfried over her shoulders, and in a remarkable display of raw power, she lifts the blonde up. Then Trachtenberg starts to turn in a circle, going faster and faster, subjecting the blonde to an airplane spin. Her senses stripped by the spinning, Amanda wails helplessly, until finally her tormentor releases her, and Seyfried crashed to the carpeted floor in a heap of arms and legs.
Michelle shakes her head, for the spin dazed her a bit as well. The room lights glisten off of the sweat-soaked bodies of both nubile combatants, but Amanda lays moaning and vulnerable, while Michelle's whole body ripples with power and purpose. Ready to finish off her foe at last, Trachtenberg sits down on the blonde's chest, facing her legs, and slowly starts to slide backward. Through glassy eyes, Seyfried softly moans, "Ohhhh...noooooo...!", but there is nothing she can do to halt the inevitable, and within instants Michelle's perfect ass settles down upon the blonde's face, smothering her. Amanda's body gives some feeble squirms, but she is long past the point of being able to break free. Michelle seductively grinds her hips, shattering her rival's pride while giving the spectators a much-appreciated spectacle, until very quickly Amanda ceases to move altogether, and an ebullient Michelle jumps up, placing a foot upon her fallen foe's heaving chest and striking her victory pose to the cheers of the onlookers.
And thus was the question of whose derriere is superior least for now.