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Operation Ajax PartII: The Republic Strikes Back

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Offline sherryhowardtnhome

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Operation Ajax PartII: The Republic Strikes Back
« on: October 24, 2015, 06:45:23 PM »
                                                         Operation Ajax Part II:  The Republic Strikes Back
                                     (Some names have been changed or altered to keep my ass out of Jail)
                                                                  Those with no name have no past:
                                                                   Those with no past hove no future!
                                                                               SHADOW SOLDIERS

                                                                       LET US GO FORWARD TOGETHER

     At a distance of 100 miles from Baltimore Norman Woods leads a flight of 12 utility helicopters.  Six UH1Hs and six UH60 Black Hawks.  They fly in two V formations.  The purpose of this mission is to pick up 120 Minute Man Volunteers from the forward deck of the Queen of Marseille.  It is now 2:00Am Eastern Time 4 July 2006, as the first three UH1Hs (Hueys) land on the deck of the Queen.  Bob Howard and 29 other heavily armed men and women climb aboard the three choppers.  The three loaded choppers lift off, and three more land to pick up their loads.  This goes on until all 120 warriors are picked up, and on their way back to the Virginia Beach training base.

     On the Queen is left 23 heavily armed FBI agents, 10 Minute Man Volunteers, that can sail the ship if need be, 10 medical volunteers treating the wounded of both sides, and 5 Minute Man Volunteers guarding the Russian prisoners.  This force ensures the security of the bombs, and maintains control over the prisoners.  At 25 miles from Baltimore they are to be met by friendly FBI, and U.S. Coast Guard forces. 

     At 4:00am Bob Howard’s Airborne Group lands at the Virginia Beach base.  A hot breakfast is served to everyone preparing for the next phase of operations.  At the same time replacement weapons, explosives, and ammunition is issued to all going on the next mission.  The assault force is expanded to 400 troops organized into 40, 10 man squads, operating in 8 platoons.  I brief all the platoon leaders, and squad leaders on the mission and it’s objective.  The operation will be a joint mission with a Mechanized Infantry Battalion Task Force of the Virginia Army National Guard; already on the ground at Objective X-Ray. 

     Beneath the city of Denver, Colorado, is a vast underground city in itself.  Denver, in the event of nuclear war, or any other disaster that might destroy Washington D.C., is the stand by capital of the United States.  The underground city is the creation of the global elitists that intend to rule the world as dictators.  It is one of more than 4000 underground bases, and cities from which they intend to enforce their rule over all mankind.  These cities are linked by an underground mono rail system that transports people and material from base to base.  A major entrance to the Denver Hive is the Denver International Airport.  Along the walls of the airport leading to the entrance of the Hive are paintings depicting the elite’s hatred of a free humanity, and how they will ruthlessly enslave us all!


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Offline sherryhowardtnhome

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Re: Operation Ajax PartII: The Republic Strikes Back
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2015, 06:56:00 PM »
Sorry about the mistake I am trying to construct this story for my husband Bob.  So please pick up the story in the next post.  Thank you for you forgiveness.
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Re: Operation Ajax PartII: The Republic Strikes Back
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2015, 07:02:41 PM »

     In a conference room within the Denver Hive the most powerful members of the global elite had gathered to witness their plan for the destruction of the United States unfold.  It is 11:00pm Mountain Time July 3, 2006, and Former President George RoseBush asks for an update on the progress of the plan, Operation Ajax.  William Goldsmith looks up and tells the assembled group at the last check in all was well with the three French ships bring in the bombs to destroy Boston, Baltimore, and New York City.  Their next check in time is 1:00am our time.  Goldsmith then asks N.S.A. Director Henson for an update on the Washington D.C. operation.  Director Henson answers that the rouge air national guard unit, the 119th Fighter Wing, North Dakota Air National Guard, had shot down the plane bring the bombs into attack Washington.  The combined ground forces of the 119th Fighter Wing, and the Washington D.C. Police had taken, and kept control of the bombs.  The bombs had been disarmed , and were under heavy guard at Langley Air Force Base, Virginia.  Ex-president RoseBush was furious, glaring at Director Henson saying so your telling me the Washington strike is out.  That you fuck ups have failed again!  You let some part time Air Force guardsmen, and some fat Cops beat you?  You tell that shithead Backblast that I want the officers that led operations against us to be arrested!  We will decide later whither to Court Marshall them, or have them shot trying to escape.  I want the Cop in charge murdered, and his whole family murdered as well!

     George RoseBush Sr. then asked what is happening with the Red list executions?  Again Director Henson answers 50% of the hit teams have reported in:  Successful kills.  The other 50% of the hit teams have not made any reports.  The team sent into liquidate Sunny Fagin and her family have failed.  Fagin and her husband are in a D.C. hospital in serious condition.  The entire hit team has been killed, or captured.  The Fagin children escaped unharmed, and can not be found.  The teams sent to kill Bob Howard and Ned Blaze have failed.  Neither of the target families were home, so the teams burnt their homes to the ground.  That is all the information we have at this time.  George RoseBush Sr. said that bastard Bob Howard is still alive?  We sent him into every war we could, and that jerk has not been killed yet?  If you incompetents get anything done today I want that S.O.B. dead!  Do you understand me?  Director Henson cringed and answered yes sir it will be done!

     At Objective X-Ray Bob Howard and Virginia Army National Guard Colonel Harry Lee have made their final plans for the assault on General “Mad” Mike Edwards’ N.S.A. underground Head Quarters.  It is now 5:00am Eastern Time, July 4, 2006.  On top of the entrance of General Edwards’ Hive explosives have been set to blow through the roof.  At the front entrance to the Hive explosives have been set to blow the massive steel blast doors open.  At 5:05am the explosives are detonated.       


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Re: Operation Ajax PartII: The Republic Strikes Back
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2015, 07:18:49 PM »
                                                                     Let Us Go Forward Together

     There are two deafening explosions, as a fifty foot whole is blown through the roof 100 yards behind  the Security Check Point.  At the same time the massive steel blast doors at the main entrance are blown open.  The Security Check Point is defended by 25 heavily armed Storm Troopers.  Most of the defenders’ attention is directed to the front entrance.  Here a Bradly M2, Infantry Combat Vehicle, it’s weapons blazing rumbles past the blown open blast doors.  Fifty Virginia Army National Guard Infantrymen, their weapons at the ready, are advancing behind the Bradly ICV.

     The defending Strom Troopers fire four RPGs (Rocket Propelled Grenade) at the advancing Virginia Guardsmen.  The Bradly erupts into a burning, smoking hulk, as the four RPGs impact the front of the ICV.  The Strom Troopers also pin down the Virginia Infantrymen with machinegun, rifle, and 40mm grenade fire.  The Virginians take cover behind the rubble and return fire.  They evacuate their wounded, dead, and attach two Tow cables to the burning Bradly.  The other ends of the cables are attached to a M1A1 main battle tank.  The M1A1 tank then starts to pull the burning Bradly out of the Hive entrance.

     In all of this confusion Bob Howard, Bill Franklin, John Henry Clayborne, and seven other men and women through fragmentation and smoke grenades down the whole in the roof of the Hive.  Then Bob and the rest through anchored ropes into the whole.  With the ropes in place Bob and the first 10 men Australian rappel through the whole firing their weapons as they descend.  This took the Check Point defenders by surprise.  Our gee whiz combat helmet visors were set on thermos imaging.  This gave us the ability to see heat images through smoke and darkness.  This allowed us to accurately fire on the enemy positions.

     The Storm Trooper Commander split his defending force into two fire groups.  One defending the front of the Check Point.  The other defending the rear.  His defensive concept was to hold his front, and crush us between his rear defensive fires and an up coming relief force.  At this early stage of the battle it looked as if his plan would succeed.

     As the Virginia Infantry men kept up a steady volume of fire on the Storm Troopers’ positions.  Both sides were taking casualties from direct, and indirect fire.  In the rear battle our force increased from 10 to 20, then to 40 heavily armed men and women.  At 40 warriors I split our force into two groups.  One group, under the command of Bill Franklin (former Navy Seal and Vietnam combat vet), was sent to our rear to ambush any Storm Troopers coming to relieve the Check Point position.  I then continued to build my combat power, as more and more Minutemen rappelled down to our position.  We then heard the two M67, 90mm recoilless rifles, and medium machineguns firing to our rear engaging the Strom Trooper relief force.

     At this point we had three raging battles on going.  The Virginia Infantrymen attacking the Check Point’s front.  My force of Minuteman Volunteers attacking the Check Point’s rear, and Bill Franklin’s group attacking the Storm Trooper relief force.  Then the M1A1 tank, of the Virginia Army National  Guard, entered the battle.  The tank rumbled up even with the Virginia Infantry firing line, and fired three 120mm High Explosive Anti-Personnel shells into the Storm Troopers’ positions.  After the three explosions all return fire stopped from the front of the Check Point.  I then ordered three of my M67s to fire three 90mm HEAP (High Explosive Anti-Personnel) shells into the rear of the Check Point.  These blasts knocked the enemy’s rear positions out.  It was then salient!  No firing from our front or rear.  Now we waited.

     In a Washington D.C. hospital Sunny Fagin was waking up from an anesthetic induced sleep.  Her head hurt, but her body was num.  The last thing she remembered was a grenade blast, as she and her husband were defending their home from an N.S.A. Hit team.  As her head cleared her vision improved.  She could see her nephew, D.C. Police Corporal Dan Fagin, standing guard in a SWAT uniform, and a loaded M14 rifle.  The Critical Care Nurse administering I.V. meds was her niece Doris Fagin.  She gasped in pain as she turned her head to the left, and saw her brother in-law setting next to the bed.  His face was dirty, his cloths were dirty, and across his lap sat a Thompson Submachinegun.  D.C. Police Commissioner William (Wild Bill) Fagin looked at Sunny, and said, “Welcome back to the world of the living Sunshine!”  Sunny blinked then tried to speak, but could only choke out a groan.  Commissioner Fagin took her hand, and said take it easy Sunshine breath, relax, and then speak.  Sunny closed her eyes, sank back into her pillow, took a deep breath, and exhaled.  She then asked Shawn is he (then she could not bring herself to say the last word)?  Wild Bill laughed and said Lord no he’s not dead.  It would take more than a grenade blast to kill an ornery, bastard, old has been Cop like my brother!  He is still in surgery.  Sunny laughed then groaned, and asked what about our children?  What has happened to them?  Wild Bill answered the children are fine.  They barely got a scratch out of this mess.  Now they are as safe as anyone can be at Pop’s home in West Virginia.

     Now what in the hell is going on Sunny?  After I led the force that finished the hit team, sent to murder you, and your family all hell continued to break loose!  I got the strangest 911 call from an Air National Guard Colonel asking for my help in stopping the nuclear destruction of my town!  So what’s up Sunshine?  Sunny looked Wild Bill right in the eyes, and coldly asked, “What has happened with the bombs Bill?”  Wild Bill laughed, and said relax Sunshine it was a hell of a fight, but we have complete control of the bombs (See Operation Ajax Part I).  Sunny asked where are the bombs now?  Right now the bombs are under heavy guard at Langley Air Force Base.  Sometime later today we will turn over the bombs to an Air Force E.O.D. team totally trusted by Colonel Stevens.  The triggers are at Police Headquarters locked in the evidence vault.  I am going to turn them over to FBI agents I trust!  So you see Washington D.C. our city is safe for the time being.

     Sunny asked Bill what else do you know?  Bill frowned what else do I know?  I now know that you have been using an overnight radio show to gather intelligence, send out operational orders, and transmit information in coded messages.  Thanks to Colonel Stevens reading me into this system I know that Boston, Baltimore, and New York City were also targets for nuclear destruction.  That three French cargo ships were bring in the bombs to destroy these cities.  I also know that U.S. Navy and Coast Guard forces captured two of the ships.  I know that some crazy man named Bob Howard led something called a HALO assault on the third ship and captured it.  I take it Bob is Robert Charles Howard CEO and owner of Black Shadow Security Inc.  You know he has three offices right here in Washington.  Bye the way what is a HALO assault?  Sunny answered Bill you don’t really want to know:  Just trust me on this.  OK, now this Bob character is leading something called Operation Val Kiri.  Whatever that is?

     Bill then put his harshest Cop look on his face, and said speaking of trust why didn’t you bring me in on this sooner?  I had to learn what I know about what is going on from strangers and the school of hard knocks!  Don’t give me that need to know nonsense.  Sunny answered, “Bill I couldn’t bring you in on this.  You were my ace hold card.  You were my surprise in protecting my family and the city.  If the people responsible for these attacks knew about you they would have just killed you before starting the attacks!”  Bill said OK I bye it, but I don’t like it Sunshine.  R.N. Doris then said now that you two have caught up I need to give Aunt Sunny something to help her sleep.  With that Commissioner Fagin said his good byes, and gave some last minute instructions to his nephew guarding the room.

     It is now 1:00am Mountain Time, and William Goldsmith was waiting for the check in reports from the three French ships bring in the bombs to destroy Boston, Baltimore, and New York City.  Five minutes passed, and there were no reports.  Former President RoseBush was becoming anxious, and this was making all the lesser evil powers in the room nervous.  Then at 1:10am a communications clerk entered the room, and handed Ambassador Goldsmith three messages.  Goldsmith read the messages.  Mr. RoseBush angrily glared at Goldsmith, and asked what is the news boy?  Goldsmith stood up, and said, “Master all three ships, and their bombs, have been captured by enemy forces.”  Mr. RoseBush said let me see those messages man?  Mr. RoseBush read the messages and exploded in a mass of curses!  Staring at Goldsmith Mr. RoseBush roared your fabulous plan has just fallen on it’s ass boy.  The entire nuclear phase of the plan has been completely stopped!  Now let’s see what we can salvage.  I want recommendations on courses of action.  I want to know what forces we can commit, and the expected gains from that commitment.  I want your estimates within the hour.  Then I want to know who we need to kill to punish for this failure?

     At Point X-Ray Colonel Lee had moved his forward Command Post to the Check Point area we had just taken from the enemy.  The rest of my 400 troopers had rappelled down to us, and we were ready to enter the main Hive.  A Major Henderson was commanding the Virginia National Guard troops that were entering the Hive with us.  Colonel Lee would hold the entrance.  This was our escape route when we were ready to destroy the Hive.  A separate group, made up of 100 men; fifty Combat Engineers from the Virginia National Guard, and 50 volunteer vets that had been Combat Engineers, were to rush down the service tunnels of the Hive to the Mono Rail Control Station.  The Combat Engineers were then to destroy  the Mono Rail, and set up a blocking position to prevent the Globalists from rescuing the Hive.  My group of 350 Minutemen were to enter the Hive using the left stairwell.  Major Henderson’s 350 Guardsmen were to enter the Hive using the right stairwell.  We would then take, and clear the Hive floor by floor.  We were all in this together now.  We would surely all hang together, or all hang separately if we failed (Shades of 1776)!   

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Re: Operation Ajax PartII: The Republic Strikes Back
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2015, 07:30:42 PM »
                                                                     The Road to Richmond July 4, 2006

     It is 6:00am Eastern Time and the state of Virginia has laid out it’s ground defense in three belts of road blocks.  The first belt manned by Virginia Army National Guard troops.  This belt effectively cuts the state in half.  The threat was expected to come down the highways from the west and northwest.  These road blocks are defended by a Combined Arms Battalion Task Force.  The battalion is a Mechanized Infantry Battalion, with 5 or 6 main battle tanks attached (either M1A1 tanks or Improved Armor M60A1 tanks), and a battery of 105mm towed howitzers in direct support (6 Artillery Tubes).  Each road block commander felt they were more than capable of stopping, or destroying anything that came at them.  The second belt of road blocks again cut the state in half.  This belt was manned by State, local police, and Minuteman Volunteer Militia units.  These positions were manned by 300 men with light and medium anti-tank weapons, medium and heavy machineguns, and 60mm and 81mm mortars for indirect fire support.  These men too felt they were ready for anything that came their way!  The third belt of road blocks defended Richmond, and other major cities of the state.  These positions were defended by local police, and Minuteman Volunteer Militia units.  These units were armed with small arms of all types, medium and light machineguns, and light anti-tank weapons.  They too felt they were ready for anything.  But for all the plans that were made all the assurances, and grantees every combat leader knows no plan survives the first contact with the enemy!

     At the Kansas City Radio Studio reports were coming in from truck drivers, law enforcement officers, and Minuteman Volunteers.  The reports centered around possible enemy weapons of mass destruction tanker trucks, and HETs (Heavy Equipment Transport Trucks) moving M1A1 tanks, and M2 Bradly ICVs toward Pennsylvania, Virginia, and North Carolina.  Charlie Wilson began to think has the attack on the Point X-Ray Hive triggered the Second American Civil War?  But that was not important:  What was important was that these threats be confirmed, tracked, and reported to the forces defending the States under the threat of attack.  This continued to be done even, as the latest report from Bob Howard’s Battle Group reported that they had taken the entrance to General Edwards’ Hive, and were about to attack the Hive proper.  Now it was only a question of if the Globalists were willing to carry out their threats after their nuclear teeth had been pulled?

     At the Denver Hive Former President RoseBush is getting recommendations from the other Globalists now that their nuclear weapons threats were neutralized.  The suggestions ran from do nothing, to   commit all forces available to trigging the Second American Civil War.  Ambassador Goldsmith now stood to speak.  He looked at Mr. RoseBush and spoke in a clear voice.  Master now is the time to strike!  We have over 500,000 foreign troops in the United States ready to deploy.  We can bring in millions of foreign troops as United Nations Peace Keepers if needed.  Over half of the Regular U.S. Military forces will remain loyal to us.  If we crush Virginia, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina no other states will dare rise up against us.  The American people are weak sheep.  They will not fight for their country or their freedom!  Any forces that resist us will be destroyed within two years.  The United States will only then be a bad memory of a dying few.  We can then submerge America into a One World Socialist Government.  We can then stomp the Iron Boot of Socialism on the face of humanity for eternity!  Former President RoseBush answered I don’t think we are ready for total war yet.  This is what we are going to do:  We will commit limited forces, and if we have any successes with any o the objectives we will exploit that.  At that point a clerk burst into the room, and hands Goldsmith a message.  Goldsmith read the message, and said Master it appears a citizen’s militia and elements of the Virginia Army National Guard are attacking the Point X-Ray Hive!

     At Lynchburg, Virginia the Guard had set up it’s major road block cutting the interstate direct route into Richmond.  There were four companies of the 1st Battalion 116th Infantry, 6 M1A1 tanks, 8 M2 Bradly ICVs, and 8 M113A1 APCs.  Riley Druman was scared, and uncertain about what he was doing.  He thought to himself what the hell am I doing her?  Only seven weeks ago I was a Virginia State University student.  The only things I worried about were getting drunk, getting laid, and getting sober enough to pass finals!  Now I am a Second Lieutenant Infantry Officer leading a Mechanized Infantry Platoon on the left flank blocking position of Bravo Company, 116th Infantry Regiment, Virginia Army National Guard.  How did this happen?  All I know about military operations is what I learned in Army ROTC (Reserve Officers Training Corps).  Now I may be fighting a battle with weapons I only fired once during ROTC Summer Camp.  I haven’t even been to Infantry Officer’s Basic Course yet!  PFC. Ralph Striker could tell the lieutenant was worried maybe even scared.  PFC. Striker wore the unit patch of the 116th Infantry on both shoulders.  This meant that he had served with the regiment during it’s last combat deployment to Iraq.  A lot of the men in Lt. Druman’s platoon were combat veterans.  PFC. Striker was Lt. Druman’s RTO (Radio Telephone Operator) and as such was Druman’s right hand man.  Striker looked at the young officer, and knew what he was going through.  Striker said don’t sweat it Lt. you are doing just fine.  We are all combat vet, and we all know what to do.  All you have to do is trust us, and have faith in our NCOs (Non Commissioned Officers).  There are none better than the men in this platoon!  Now let’s go down to where the 1st Sergeant is setting up breakfast.

     As the platoon settled in to eat the hot breakfast provided by the 1st Sergeant:  1st Sergeant Jackson asked Lt. Druman to show him the platoon’s positions.  The platoon was on 50% alert, so the battle positions were still manned.  The 1st Sergeant checked each squad’s position, and questioned the troops in place about the battle plan, fields of fire, and the use of the platoon’s medium and lite Anti-tank weapons.  The platoon’s M113A1s were parked hull down behind the ridge:  Ready to move, or support the platoon’s battle plan.  The 1st Sergeant thought to himself this is first rate.  The 1st Sergeant looked at Lt. Druman, and said I have been in the army for 30 years, and I tell you lieutenant this position is ready!  Your position is rock solid lieutenant.  Lt. Druman answered this is all the work of the men, NCOs, and especially Platoon Sergeant Madison TOP (for Top Sergeant).  All I am doing here is learning.  1st Sergeant Jackson laughed, and said at least you had the good sense to watch and learn.  I wish I had done that my first battle.  But I can go back and report to Captain Jefferson that 3rd Platoon is rock steady ready for battle.  Now let’s go have breakfast soldier (being called soldier by a Top Sergeant is a complement for any officer.  It means you are not just a manager, but a leader of men, and welcomed into the Brotherhood of warriors).

     It was now 7:00am Eastern Time, and Governor Kane was getting the latest intelligence reports B the state’s military and police representatives at the Virginia Emergency Management Headquarters in Richmond.  Overall things were looking good.  The nuclear threats had been neutralized.  General Howard (I hate to admit that I was appointed a Brigadier General in the Virginia State Militia even temporally) and Colonel Lee had taken a foothold at the Point X-Ray Hive.  Then there were reports that tanker trucks, carrying VX nerve gas and Red Virus 1 bio weapons had entered the state.  There were also reports that HETs were bring in black M1A1 tanks, and black Bradly M2 ICVs.  It appeared that the Globalists were going to use heavy weapons to destroy the defenses of Virginia, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina.  They would then deploy their weapons of mass destruction to kill millions in each state.  The people behind this plan had been friends of his before he found out that they intended to murder him, his entire family, and a million of his fellow Virginians.  Now it looked like they were going to go through with their plans.  At least he had gotten his wife, and children out of the state.  Then he thought to himself thank God Ned Blaze had pumped tons of military supplies, and munitions into all three states.  He then asked Major General Clark, Commander of the Virginia National Guard, do you think the Road Blocks will hold?  General Clark answered I am confident they will hold against anything but a concreted divisional attack supported by a tactical air force.  Even then they would only breakthrough in a limited area.  We would then counter attack using the mobile reserve and stop them cold.  But Governor what has really got me worried are our air power assets.  I received a report from Colonel Benteen that none of his active duty pilots reported for duty.  That means we have more F-16s ready to fly than pilots.  The 182 Fighter Wing, Pennsylvania Air National Guard was down so many pilots they tried to barrow pilots from us!

     Governor Kane said tell the Pennsylvanians that we will expand our Combat Air Patrols as far north as Gettysburg.  Now General cut to the bone I want to send at least 3 F-16s into North Carolina when the shooting starts.  Their Militias will need all the help we can give them.  Now what have we got for helicopter support?  Gen. Clark answered we have 16 AH1 Cobra attack helicopters.  Thanks to Ned Blaze we have the rockets, and TOW II Anti-Tank missiles to arm them.  We have 3 Aviation companies of UH 60 Black Hawks.  We are putting rocket pods and machineguns on all of our scout and utility helicopters.  We have 12 OH 58 Guard Scout choppers, and 10 State Police Scout choppers.  We also have 10 scout choppers, and 20 Bell UH1H choppers contributed by the Militia.  The pilots are all ex military or police.  We have these assets deployed at three FARPs (Forward Area Refueling and Rearming Points).  Governor Kane then said find out if there are any ex F-16 pilots in the Militia, or any airline pilots that flew F-16s and are willing to fly an F-16 for us.  Gen. Clark answered good thinking Governor maybe we can get 3 or 5 more birds in the air that way.  We will get right on it.  While the General was talking a nearby radio came to life:  This is State Police Scout Strawberry Five:  I see HETs unloading black tanks, and black M2 Bradly ICVs at Davison’s cross roads.  I count 10 tanks, and 15 Bradlies with support vehicles, and about 150 infantrymen.  We are taking ground fire:  We are hit:  We are going down then salience!  The wait was over the War just turned hot!       

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Re: Operation Ajax PartII: The Republic Strikes Back
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2015, 07:35:11 PM »
                                                          The Road to Richmond July 4, 2006 (II)

     At point X-Ray the Minuteman Volunteer force, and Virginia Infantrymen had blasted their way into the stairwells, and service tunnels of General Edwards’ Hive.  General Edwards had decided not to defend the stairwells or service tunnels.  Instead he would force the invaders to fight for control of each of the Hive’s seven floors.  He felt that by fighting a delaying action he would by time for his World Socialists buddies to come save his sorry ass!  All the other N.S.A. technicians, security personnel, and Strom Troopers were expendable in order to prevent his capture or death.  All N.S.A. personnel, including women, were armed, and assigned a defensive position on each floor.  General Edwards expected everyone to fight to the end defending their floors.  Then if a floors defense clasped he would flood that floor with VX Nerve Gas:  Killing anyone left on that floor.  Everyone was concerned when only personnel on the command floor was issued NBC (Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Warfare) protective equipment.  Everyone knew that surrender was not an option.  General Edwards would reward that decision with death by VX Gas! 

     My plan was never to fight for control of each floor, but to isolate each floor.  My instructions were for blocking forces of 25 troopers be left at each entry way to a floor.  My plan was to attack the control floor, and capture Mad Mike Edwards alive if possible.  Fifty minutes after blasting into the stairwells we were in position to attack the Control Floor.  Then Captain Lincoln, Virginia National Guard, called that the enemy on his floor were attempting to surrender.  They were holding up signs saying they give up don’t shoot!  Max Freeman commanding the Volunteers at the other entrance confirmed the same at his position.  I told both commanders to open the doors and allow them to surrender.  When they did this Mad Mike released the VX Gas into the floor.  The stampede for the open doors then started.  One of the Volunteers fired an incendiary round into the ceiling setting off the water sprinkler system (rain, snow, or icy weather degrades the effectiveness of VX Gas).  Both commanders then reported that 10 people had escaped the floor unharmed, another 15 were being treated with Nerve Agent Antidote injections for VX Gas exposure.  Everyone else on the floor was dead. The floor had been sealed to keep the gas on the floor.  This made me reconsider my plan of attack!

     It was now 7:30am Eastern Time at the Fort Meade, Commanding General’s Headquarters Building.  The Officer of the Day was Bird Colonel Brandon Avery.  He had been receiving reports of explosions, and heavy gunfire from the north end of the post sense 5:00am.  Now he was listening to a radio distress call from something called Point X-Ray on the North end of the post.  He had checked his map.  The only thing at the grid coordinates provided by the distress call was an abandoned WWII Ammunition Storage Bunker.  But the voice on the radio had declared that terrorists had attacked their base, and were murdering people where ever they could!  The voice was pleading for help.  Colonel Avery was weakening:  He was ready to call out the Military Police, and the post Ready Reaction Combat Battalion in order to put an end to whatever was happening at Point X-Ray!

     Colonel Avery had just picked up the phone to call the M.P.s, and ordered his O.D. NCO to alert the Ready Reaction Battalion.  He was about to speak when he saw a tall middle aged man in BDUs (Battle Dress Uniform) come down the stairs to the office.  Two things caught the Colonel’s attention fast:  The holstered 1911A1, .45 ACP Semi-Auto pistol, and the three stars on his collar.  Lieutenant General John Johnson looked at Colonel Avery and said put down that phone Colonel, and stand down Sergeant.  Colonel Avery put down his phone, and said, “General may I ask what is going on, Sir?”  Master Sergeant Draper remained at attention and quiet.  He was not about to get in the middle of a discussion between a three star general and a Bird Colonel.  His mother had not raised any fools! 

     General Johnson said at ease Sergeant relax.  He then looked at Colonel Avery, and said, “You may ask Colonel.  Now I will tell you what I know.  That radio call, the gun fire, and explosions are all part of a Virginia Army National Guard live fire anti-terrorist training exercise.  Now no Regular Army troops under my command are going to interfere with this exercise.  Is that clear Colonel?”  Colonel Avery answered yes sir perfectly clear.  General Johnson then said well let’s have some coffee and get to know each other.  Later the Colonel and I will have breakfast at the Duty Dinning Facility.  After breakfast and we inspect the Dinning Facility the Colonel can give me the .50 cent tour of this post.  General Johnson made a point of saying by the way Colonel when we leave here bring your duty side arm.  This is how the Regular Army remained uninvolved in the activities of July 4, 2006.

     At the Lynchburg Road Block six white SUVs came running down the road toward the police and Virginia Infantrymen manning the road block.  At a distance of 150 yards the SUVs stopped in a V formation.  Then six heavily armed men got out of each SUV, and started firing on the police and military vehicles forming the road block.  The terrorists were firing medium and light machineguns, automatic battle rifles, M203, 40mm grenades, and RPGs (Rocket Propelled Grenades) at the road block.  Two minutes of this attack, and there was still no return fire from the road block defenders.  Then a M1A1 main battle tank, of the Virginia Army National Guard, broke cover from the tree line behind the road block, and fired one shot fro it’s huge 120mm main tank gun.  Seconds after the blast the lead terrorists SUV erupted in a bright orange, and red fire ball.  The impact of the 120mm High Explosive Anti-tank shell vaporized the lightly armored SUV, and killed all six of the men firing from that vehicle!  The other terrorists got back in their vehicles and started driving away from the road block.  The Virginia tank destroyed two more enemy vehicles as they fled from the road block.  The tank commander was feeling really confident about winning this battle until he saw ten black M1A1 main battle tanks coming toward his position.

     SSG. (Staff Sergeant E-6) Randal knew he was exposed as he started exchanging main gun rounds with the attacking enemy tanks.  He ordered his driver to move into a hull down position behind the burning road block vehicles.  Then the entire air seemed to fill with 120mm tank rounds and TOWII anti-tank missiles.  All this fire was impacting on the defenders and attackers alike.  Two of the enemy tanks exploded into fire balls, and two enemy Bradly ICVs were destroyed by defensive fire!  Then when the defenders thought it couldn’t get any worse five black Apache attack helicopters came swooping down out of the sky!
     The enemy Apache helicopters concentrated on firing Hellfire Anti-tank missiles at all of the Virginia tanks and Bradly ICVs.  All the Virginia tanks except for SSG. Randal’s, and all but two Virginia Bradly ICVs had been destroyed.  By destroying the Virginian heavy anti-tank systems the enemy tanks, and mounted Infantry could close with, and destroy the Virginian’s defensive positions.  Then things went from really bad to almost impossible for the Virginians.  Five black F-18 fighter-bombers came streaking overhead.

     At the 1st Battalion, 116th Infantry, Virginia Army National Guard TOC (Tactical Operations Center) LTC. (Lieutenant Colonel) Grant said he was going to the road block to see what was happening.  The last message from Captain Adams was that their positions were under attack by enemy tanks, mounted infantry, and AH64 Attack Helicopters.  Then there was salience, and Captain Adams was not answering his radio!  LTC. Grant left the TOC under the control of Major Washington.  As he left he said, “Major get on the radio to Richmond and get us some air support, and tell Richmond to be ready to move reinforcements to our forward positions as soon as possible!”

     Back at the road block the Virginians came under cluster bomb attack by the enemy F-18 jets.  The AH64s had been ordered north to attack the Road Block at Fredericksburg.  The enemy jets made pass after pass dropping cluster bombs on the men of the 116th Virginia Infantry.  The enemy tanks and Bradly ICVs now had freedom of movement, and were closing in on the Virginians’ positions.  The enemy had made extensive use of the Air-Land Battle Tactics, and the 1st Battalion, 116th Infantry was on the ropes.

     At 3rd Platoon, Bravo Company 2nd Lt. Druman, and PFC. Striker were just praying to survive the cluster bomb attacks.  After the 3rd wave of bombings it looked like the platoon just might be wiped out.  Then out of the sky streaked two air to air missiles destroying two of the enemy jets.  Then three Virginia Air National Guard F-16s raced over the Virginians’ positions.  Virginia’s Air Force was now in the battle.  As the Virginia F-16s and enemy F-18s climbed into the sky their battle was now plane to plane.  But the survivors of the Virginia Infantry still had ground battle on their hands.


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Re: Operation Ajax PartII: The Republic Strikes Back
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2015, 07:39:58 PM »
                               The Road to Richmond July 4, 2006 (III)

     As the Virginians came out of their wholes they were confronted with enemy tanks, Bradly ICVs, and dismounted infantry.  2nd Lt. Druman and PFC. Striker could see an enemy tank, and two Bradly ICVs trying to create a whole between 1st and 2nd Squad’s positions.  PFC. Striker looked at Lt. Druman and said Lieutenant get on that radio call this call sign, and tell them this message word for word.  Then  Lieutenant get on that .50 caliber machinegun and provide some support fire to 1st and 2nd Squads.  Lt. Druman said OK but what are you going to do Striker?  PFC. Striker calmly said I am going to go knock out that tank:  Sir!  With that Striker slung a Dragon Anti-tank missile system over his shoulder, picked up an AT-4 light Anti-tank rocket, and started working his way to the right rear of the attacking tank!  Lt. Druman picked up the radio hand set, and sent his message as told.  He was rewarded with the words Shot Out:  Over!  The words so sweet to defending infantrymen when the Artillery starts laying down a Final Protective Fires barrage!  Then he went to work supporting his two squads with .50 caliber machinegun fire.

     The battalion’s direct support artillery had never gotten the call to deliver it’s Final Protective Fire missions until Lt. Druman made the call.  Then six, 105mm howitzers, and the battalion’s 81mm Mortar platoon started dropping high explosive shells between the Virginians, and the attacking enemy.  This was buying the Virginians time to reorganize, and stop the enemy’s attack.

     PFC. Striker had worked his way to the right rear of the enemy tank.  He sighted the AT-4 at the tank’s left track and fired.  The little 84mm anti-tank rocket blew the track and rear road wheel off the tank.  This stopped the tank’s forward movement.  Striker then aimed his medium Dragon Anti-tank missile at the rear engine compartment and fired.  The Dragon missile exploded inside the engine compartment.  The blast destroyed the engine, and started a fire that spread to the crew compartment.  The crew abandoned the burning tank, and surrendered to the 1st Squad.  Then the artillery, and mortar barrage started coming in:  He also heard the rapid bark of a M2HB .50caliber machinegun, so the lieutenant had come through on all counts!

     As PFC. Striker made his way back to the lieutenant’s position the artillery, and mortar barrage had begun it’s deadly work.  The indirect fire blasts had separated the enemy armor from it’s supporting dismounted infantry.  This meant that the surviving Virginia squads could destroy the enemy tanks, and Bradly ICVs with lite and medium anti-tank weapons unimpeded by the enemy infantry.

     As the smoke and dust from the artillery barrage began to clear PFC. Striker had returned to Lt. Druman’s position.  Both men looked up to see the last of the enemy F-18s blown out of the sky, and the piolets eject from their flaming birds.  A cheer went up and down the Virginian defensive line, as the infantry now knew that friendly planes controlled the skies above them!  The artillery had also done it’s work, and the enemy ground attack had stalled then stopped.  There was still one enemy tank trying to push through the center of the road block.  Then LTC. Grant’s Humvee pulled up in front of the tank.  LTC. Grant grabbed an AT-4; jumped out of the Humvee, and took aim at the oncoming tank.  The tank and LTC. Grant both fired their weapons at the same time.  The tank’s 120mm HEAT shell hit LTC. Grant, vaporizing his upper body!  The shell then exploded behind the Humvee.  The colonel’s driver watched in disbelief, as the lower torso and legs stood for a moment!  The lower torso and legs then clasped into a bloody pile.  The driver could not believe it; the colonel was gone, just gone!  In shock the driver put his vehicle in gear, and drove away as fast as possible.  LTC. Grant’s AT-4 shell hit the tank just below the main gun mount doing only minor damage.  Then two Dragon Anti-tank missiles hit the tank on each side, where the armor is thinner.  The resulting blasts blew the turret off and killed the crew.

     While this was going on Lt. Druman and PFC. Striker had their own problems.  The enemy had been stopped from pushing through 1st and 2nd Squads, but 60 dismounted infantry were trying to overrun 3rd Squad’s position on the far left flank.  PFC. Striker said Lieutenant let me on that .50, and you get that MAG 58 going.  We will give them supporting fire, and watch for PVT. (Private) Rodriquez’s surprise!  As Lt. Druman got the MAG 58 into action PFC. Striker had reloaded, and started firing a fresh belt of ammo through the M2HB Browning Heavy Machinegun.  Lt. Druman watched Striker drop plunging fire down between the attackers and 3rd Squad’s position.  Lt. Druman then set his gun to do the same thing.  The two soldiers then created a wall of bullets between the attackers and 3rd Squad’s position.

     At 3rd Squad’s position things looked bleak!  The squad leader SSG. Jackson and SGT. Williams had been killed during the cluster bomb attacks.  Three privates had been seriously wounded (including PVT. Rodriquez).  This left only 6 effectives still fighting.  The squad was now led by Sergeant Henderson (the squad’s only surviving NCO [Non Commissioned Officer]).  He and two privates were holding the right side of the position.  PVT. Rodriquez and two other privates were holding the left side.  The enemy was trying to use fire and maneuver to close with, and overrun 3rd Squad’s position.

     Then a wall of led was slammed down between the attackers and 3rd Squad’s position.  This fire support had to be coming from the other squads, or the platoon CP (Command Post).  This set the enemy up for PVT. Rodriquez’s surprise!  PVT. Rodriquez picked up a hand clacker detonator, and squeezed the handle.  In front of the squad’s position four claymore anti-personnel mines detonated at the same time.  This blast killed or wounded 15 of the enemy.  PVT. Rodriquez then picked up a stick with four lines of cord leading from the stick to the pins on four M21 fragmentation grenades.  PVT. Rodriquez pulled on the stick, and the pins of the four grenades were pulled out!  Four seconds later the four grenades detonated at the same time!  This blast killed or wounded another 15 enemy troops.  This broke the enemy attack, and they picked up their wounded, and left running to where their vehicles had been left.

     The smoke was clearing over the Lynchburg Road Block position.  The Virginians had held their position against a determined air and ground attack.  PVT. Watson, LTC. Grant’s driver, drove his Humvee back to the battalion TOC, and reported what he had seen to Major Washington.  Major Washington got medical and recovery assets moving toward the Lynchburg position.  He then turned over TOC, and support operations to Major Dumond, the battalion’s S-3 (Plans and Operation Officer).  Major Washington then had PVT. Watson drive him up to the battle position.

     When Major Washington arrived at A company’s position he started organizing the survivors.  There were no officers, or senior NCOs left alive or uninjured.   An E-6 (Staff Sergeant) was the acting company commander.  The four rifle platoons were being led by E-5, Sergeants, and the squads were being led by SP4s, or the senior private.  Alpha Company was only 70% Combat Effective.  Almost combat ineffective.  Bravo Company was not much better off.  Their First Sergeant was wounded but still able to fight.  The only officer left alive was a new Second Lieutenant just commissioned into the Guard two months ago!  Well he was a combat vet now!  Bravo Company was 80% combat effective.  Their company commander Captain Jefferson had been killed leading the counter attack that stopped the enemy from blowing through the battalion’s center position.  Charlie Company had no surviving officers, and was being led by it’s First Sergeant, and was 75% combat effective.  Delta Company was 80% combat effective, and being led by it’s Executive Officer, First Lieutenant Walsh.  Out of this mangled mess of men, weapons, munitions, and vehicles Major Washington had to build this Cluster Fuck back into a battle position that could with stand the next attack!         
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Re: Operation Ajax PartII: The Republic Strikes Back
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2015, 07:46:57 PM »
                                              The Road to Richmond July 4, 2006(IV)

     Maj. Washington gathered representatives from all the companies, and reestablished a chain of command.  Bravo Company’s First Sergeant took over command of Alpha Company, Second Lieutenant Druman took command of Bravo Company, the battalion S-1 (Personnel and Administration Officer), Captain Hughes came up from the Battalion Trains (Rear Area Supply, Support, and Maintenance position) to take command of Charlie Company, and Lieutenant Walsh retained command of Delta Company.  Maj. Washington’s first order to this group was to ensure all the wounded with a chance to live got evaced out.  Then search all destroyed Bradley ICVs (ours and the enemy’s) for operational TOW missiles, and operational ground firing systems.  The need now was to get as many Heavy Anti-Tank Weapons, Medium Anti-tank weapons, and Lite Anti-tank weapons systems (HAW, MAW, LAW) ready before the next attack.  Maj. Washington only had one tank operational that he could put into the next battle.  One of the damaged tanks was being pulled back to the Battalion Maintenance position for repair.  He hoped he could get two other M1A1 tanks repaired and back before the next attack.  Military and civilian ambulances were already transporting the wounded to local hospitals.  The Battalion S-4 (Supply Officer) was already pushing forward a resupply of all types of ammunition, especially anti-tank munitions.  The trucks after delivering their supplies were loaded with the bodies of the dead:  Both Virginians and the enemy dead needed to be removed for the sake of the moral of the living!

     Maj. Washington got some good news two of the scavenger crews, and surviving Bradley crewmen were busy removing tracks from destroyed Bradley ICVs.  This track was then used to repair the tracks on two captured Bradley ICVs.  This brought the Virginian’s mobile, armored, TOW (HAW) systems up to four.  Now if only he could get the three repairable tanks back into action.  More good news 50 volunteers (local veterans), and 50 guardsmen not needed for rear area operations, were coming up to replace the dead and wounded.  The best news for everyone working to get ready for the next attack was that hot food was on the way up to the front lines.  Maj. Washington knew that nothing lifts the moral of troops getting ready for the next round of attacks than a hot meal.  With everything going to prepare for the next attack Maj. Washington prayed for time.  He then sent a coded message to General Clark at Military Headquarters, Richmond!

     At the Governor’s underground headquarters General Clark was just going over Maj. Washington’s decoded message.  It was similar to the other four positions that had come under enemy attack.  All the positions had just barely held at a great cost in Virginian blood and war supplies.  Everyone was calling for reinforcements, tanks, Bradley ICVs, and above all artillery support.  It was the artillery that saved all four positions, and all the battle commanders wanted more of it!  What very few people knew was that the strongest Virginia would be was at the start of this battle.  From this point on Virginia would only get weaker and weaker.

     Looking at their maps, forces available, and supply points General Clark and two Colonels pieced together a plan to reinforce, and resupply the battered forward positions.  Governor Kane and Colonel Morgan came over to General Clark and asked how things were going?  General Clark answered not well Governor.  We got hit pretty hard in the first round.  Combat strengths of the forward battalions are at 70 to 75 percent.  We were just coming up with a plan to reinforce those positions with tanks, infantry, and anti-tank systems.  The big problem Governor is artillery:  We have no additional artillery units to put into the battle, so all we can do is resupply the existing units with munitions.  The Governor then asked do you think we can hold General?  General Clark answered we can hold if we can keep control of the air Governor.  Governor Kane then looked over to General Shelby, Commander of the Virginia Air National Guard, and asked can we keep control of the air General?  General Shelby answered it all comes down to piolets Governor.  We still have more planes than piolets.  We lost 3 F-16s in the first round of fighting.  We also have 3 F-16s held in reserve to be used to help North Carolina unless we need them first.

     The Governor was about to say something to encourage his two military commanders when a nearby radio set came to life.  This is Army Scout Strawberry 6 reporting enemy HETs off loading tanks and Bradley ICVs at Nelson’s cross roads.  I will make a rocket attack and standby:  Over.  Then State Police Scout Strawberry 7 reported enemy tanks and Bradley ICVs at Brandon’s cross roads:  Over.  This is Militia Scout Strawberry 8:  Enemy tanks, and infantry are marshaling at Danville’s Corner:  Over.  Governor Kane said I want to hit those bastards before they can hit us again.  General Shelby what can you do?  General Shelby answered with limited air assets nothing Governor.  We will lose control of the air if we pull planes away from their CAP missions!  General Clark with steel in his voice said send in the Sharks.  The Governor and several others said what:  What Sharks?  General Clark answered the Cobra attack helicopters send them in, and blast those bastards to Hell!  The Governor smiled and said, “Make it happen General.”

     At Langley Air Force base Col. Stevens was asking for volunteers to fly over to the Virginia Air National Guard base at Sandston.  These pilots would be on loan to the Virginians, and flying Virginia Air Guard F-16s.  Captain Michelle had gathered eleven other pilots willing to fight for Virginia and Pennsylvania.  It was clear that the 119th Fighter Wing had enough pilots and planes to maintain a 24 hour CAP over Washington D.C.  She and the other eleven sky warriors wanted to get actively back into this war!  Before Col. Stevens could give his blessing for Captain Michelle and her group joining the war over Virginia and Pennsylvania a full Colonel and ten heavily armed Air Policemen entered the room.  The U.S. Air Force Colonel asked Colonel Stevens if he was Colonel Stevens?  Colonel Stevens answered I am Sir, and what is the meaning of this?  Colonel Fanon answered, “By the order of Lieutenant General BackBlast, Commander of the North American Air Defense Command, you are to be confined in pretrial confinement.  Pending the completion of an Article 32 Investigation and General Court Marshall.  I suggest that neither you, or members of your command attempt to resist!”  If I may also add if what I have heard is true Sir you and this command should be receiving metals, and citations for saving Washington D. C. from destruction (See Part I of Operation Ajax).  Other than take you into custody I will not interfere with your units operations.  Then Colonel Fanon recognized Captain Michelle and four other pilots in her group.  He then said any of you pilots that plan to join in the defense of Virginia, and Pennsylvania don’t use your real names, avoid photographers, and God bless you all.  I only wish there was more I could do to help.  Captain Michelle spoke up first Colonel Fanon you could start by not arresting Colonel Stevens!  Colonel Fanon answered Captain I have my orders and they will be executed to the best of my ability.  For now you have the will, and freedom of movement to defend our country, and may God protect you all.  Colonel Stevens then asked Colonel what are the conditions of my confinement?  Colonel you are to held under house arrest; under heavy guard until this matter is settled.  I will also say that you will not be shot trying to escape unless you actually try to escape Mr. Stevens!  Colonel Stevens answered I surrender to your authority Colonel Fanon.  I turn over command of the 119th Fighter Wing to you LTC. Sherman, and may you all do your best in the defense of the Republic!  With that the Colonels, and the Air Police guard left the building.  LTC. Sherman looked at Captain Michelle, and Lt. Holderman, and said you two take the ready Black Hawks!  Get these piolets back into the War.  Captain Michelle and five pilots got into the first Black Hawk, and took off for Sandston.  Lt. Holderman and five other pilots got into the second Black Hawk, and took off for the Pennsylvania Air National Guard Base at Willow Grove.

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Re: Operation Ajax PartII: The Republic Strikes Back
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2015, 07:56:58 PM »
                                     The Road to Richmond July4, 2006 (VI)

     In the skies over the Lynchburg road block position five F-16s of the 192nd Fighter Wing, Virginia Air National Guard, had beaten off three attempts to bomb the Virginians below.  They had been lucky!  They had not lost a plane while destroying 20 enemy F-18s.  But they were all short on fuel, and munitions.  Captain Irene, the flight leader, had two air to air missiles and 20,000 rounds of 20mm ammo left.  Her plane was the best armed of the five war birds.  Then on the long range radar ten F-18s came into range.  These planes did not register as friends on the I.F.F.  Captain Irene weighted her options:  1.  Her and her wingman could engage the enemy.  This could buy time for the other three birds to get back to base.  Then rearm, refuel, and get back to safe the infantry on the ground!  She had little hope that she and her wingman would survive this option.  2.  Abandon the Virginian ground troops, and get her flight back to base.  Rearm, refuel, and get back to save as many of the ground troops as possible.  It didn’t take Captain Irene long to make up her mind she keyed her mike:  Dog Patch leader to Dog Patch flight:  Dog Patch 2 on me the rest of you hounds go back to Home plate:  Dog Patch leader out.  Dog Patch 3 to Dog Patch leader:  We can’t let you two do this alone:  Over.  Dog Patch leader to Dog patch flight:  You hounds do as I say, or we will all lose this one!  Dog Patch leader out.  Then, as she and her wingman started to climb to get a tactical advantage over the incoming enemy planes, she saw the other three F-16s turn, and head for home base.  As they climbed Captain Irene laid out her plan of attack.  She and her wingman would dive onto the enemy formation each firing their last two air to air missiles.  This attack would hopefully result in the downing of four enemy aircraft.

     Just as Captain Irene, and her wingman were about to execute this desperate plan ten air to air missiles streaked across the sky.  Each missile taking out one of the enemy F-18s.  Then into radar range came five new guests to this party.  The I.F.F. indicated friendly:  F-22, Raptors, USMC.  Captain Irene took a breath of relief!  Then her radio came to life:  Virginia Air National Guard F-16s:  This is Col. B.B. Jessup (Bad Bubba) USMC Air Wing.  We are on a live fire training exercise, and those sure looked like live fire training targets to me:  Over.  USMC flight this is Dog Patch 1:  Thanks for your help and welcome to the party Marines!  Over.  This is Marine 1:  We don’t have a code book for your operations so we will use Marine Flight for our call sign:  Over.  Then the Virginia Air National Guard Operational Command came over the radio:  Marine Flight 1 thanks for your help, and what are your plans:  Over.  This is Marine flight 1 Leader:  We intend to fly CAP here until relieved:  Over.  We place ourselves under your command:  Over.  Home Plate1 to Marine flight 1 leader:  Welcome to the party if you have CAP there then Dog Patch flight come on home:  Over.  Dog Patch leader to Home Plate 1:  Roger:  Thanks again for your help Marines.  Home Plate 1 to Dog Patch flight:  Get here as fast as you can Home Plate Base is under air attack:  Marine Flight 1 hold CAP at your location.  We are engaging enemy aircraft with SAMs (Surface to Air Missiles) right now:  Out.  Dog Patch flight:  Understood on the way:  Out.  Marine Flight Leader:  We will hold here:  Out.  Col. Jessup watched as the two F-16s turned, and headed for their home base.  Col. Jessup, keyed one of his radios to the ground troops below; then keyed his mike:  Virginia Army National Guard this is Marine Flight 1 leader:  We will be protecting your sky for the next four hours:  Over.  Marine Flight 1 this is Hard Rock 5:  Glade to have you above us:  Bye the way it’s raining burning F-18s down here:  Thanks for knocking these bastards down:  Over!  Again this is Marine Flight 1 providing you the friendly skies above:  Out!  Then the sound of approaching helicopters had every soldier in the 1st Battalion, 116th Infantry looking toward the skies.  Everyone manned their weapons waiting to see if they would again come under attack by AH64 Apaches.  Then the choppers came into view just over the tree tops.  They were five AH 1 Cobras:  The SHARKs of the Virginia Army National Guard!  Every Infantryman knew what this was:  This was the SHARKs going out to hit the enemy before they could hit the Virginians again.  A roaring cheer of support rose from the Infantrymen on the ground as the SHARKs flew past! 

     Major John Wayne had been a cobra pilot for 18 years.  He was a combat veteran of the First Gulf War, Afghanistan, and the Second Iraq War.  Now he was leading five war birds against the enemies of Virginia!  His plan of attack was simple.  He and his wingman would strafe the enemy with machineguns, 40mm grenades, and 2.75 inch rockets.  Bravo group would provide fire support from a position 3000 meters from the enemy position.  The fire support group was to engage enemy armor with TOW II missiles.  The priority was to destroy tanks, Bradley ICVs, and other armored vehicles.  After making it’s strafing run the Alpha group would turn and provide fire support for the Bravo group.  They would then make their strafing run.  The purpose of this tactic was to destroy as many tanks and Bradley ICVs as possible.  Five minutes after flying over the 1st Battalion, 116th Infantry’s position Maj. Wayne’s SHARKs were in position to start their attack.

     The enemy commander was attempting to put together another Task Force with which to hit the Virginia defenses.  All was going well in another hour they would have enough combat power to blow through the Virginians.  Tank crews and infantrymen were arriving in trucks and busses.  They were then driving their tanks and Infantry Combat Vehicles off of the HETs, and organizing into fighting units.  This would be a hard hitting shock force that with the help of air power should destroy the enemy blocking their advance.

     Then all hell broke loose, as three M1A1 tanks erupted into flames and smoke.  Then smaller explosions detonated throughout the area.  These smaller detonations had to be 40mm grenade blasts.  They were not powerful enough to destroy tanks, Bradley ICVs, M113A1s, or BTR-7 armored vehicles.  His troops were trying to return fire with heavy, medium, and lite machineguns, but the Virginian attack helicopters were at max range for these weapons.  Then as the incoming fire started to slacken two Virginia Cobras came in low strafing the entire area with rockets, machinegun fire, and 40mm grenades.  As the two Virginia Cobras passed by they left death and destruction in their wake!

     The enemy commander thought the attack was over, as the two Virginia AH1 Cobras raced over.  Then 3 minutes later two M1A1 tanks blew up in flames.  They had been destroyed by TOW II anti-tank wire guided missiles.  Then the rocket, machinegun, and 40mm grenade bombardment started all over again.  Then the three cobras that stood off started their strafing runs.  The three war birds were using all their weapons they had left to spray death and destruction.  As they sped overhead they left a trail of dead, wounded men, and burning destroyed vehicles of every type.  The enemy commander then knew the attack was over, and he also knew it would take hours to replace the men, and equipment destroyed in that attack.  Precious time had been bought for the Virginians to continue to prepare their ground defenses!

     As Maj. Wayne led his flight back to their forward base, to rearm and refuel, he knew they had done good work that morning.  What he didn’t know was that SHARKs had been very successful in hitting the  enemy’s other three staging areas.  These attacks had stalled the enemy’s ability to hit the Virginians on the ground with over whelming force.

     As Captain Michelle neared Sandston, the Virginia Air National Guard Base, she could see that the airfield was under attack.  Enemy black F-18s were bombing the runways, and strafing the control tower and other buildings.  She hopped she could get the Black Hawk on the ground before one of the enemy fighters noticed them.  However their luck had run out, and an enemy fighter was lining up to hit them with it’s guns.  As the fighter started it’s run Captain Michelle turned the chopper to the right and dove below the F-18’s arch of attack.  The maneuver saved their lives, but their bird still got hit.  The linkage to the rear rotator was shot away.  As the enemy fighter passed overhead and near the Black Hawk the four pilots in the passenger compartment emptied their handguns at the attacking fighter.  As the F-18 banked left fire broke out at the engine air intake; then black smoke.  The pilot ejected just as the plane exploded in a bright orange fireball!     
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Re: Operation Ajax PartII: The Republic Strikes Back
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2015, 08:00:57 PM »
                                    The Road to Richmond July 4, 2006 (VI)

     Captain Michelle could see the enemy pilot under parachute canopy, she smiled, and gave the bastard the finger.  The four pilots in the rear reloaded their pistols.  Captain Michelle then called in her S.O.S.:  This is Fan Dance 2 Black Hawk:  We are coming in for a hard landing with a dead stick:  Fan     Dance 2 out.  With that Captain Michelle looked for a patch of grass in which to crash!

     Captain Irene and her wingman had caught up with the other three members of the Dog Patch flight.  They were now two miles from base, and they set their attack plan to engage the enemy planes attacking their base.  Captain Irene and her wingman would fire their remaining air to air missiles at the one mile range mark.  The other hounds would select enemy planes to engage with their guns.  This attack would take out 7 enemy planes if successful.  That would leave four enemy F-18s in the air.  The plan worked without a flaw.  Seven enemy aircraft were knocked out of the sky by surprise.  The other four F-18s fled flying west, as fast as they could.  But the damage was done:  Four of the runways had  been cratered, the control tower was on fire, two of the hangers were on fire, and the Headquarters building had been bombed into rubble.  As Captain Irene passed overhead she saw a burning Black Hawk slide into the ground, rolled over three times, and come to rest upside down in a shallow pond.  Captain Irene then reported the crashed Black Hawk down.  To her surprise the tower answered her call, and said that they had security and rescue personnel headed to the crashed chopper.  The tower then instructed Dog Patch flight to land on the two remaining serviceable runways for rearming and refueling.  Fueling and munitions trucks would rearm, and refuel them on the runways.  A Major Conway would brief them on their next mission right there on the runway.  Something big was coming at them:  Something big and something horrible!

     On impact the Black Hawk broke in half:  The tail boom, and rotator flying off to the right.  The main rotator blades breaking off in all directions.  The burning main body was spinning, and rolling over till it came to rest upside down in a shallow pond.  The good thing about having your crashing, burning helicopter flip upside down in a shallow pond is that the splashing water puts out the fires!  The bad thing is that when it is over, and done, you are upside down, strapped to a seat with your face submerged in putrid, stinking, cold water!  Captain Michelle thought to herself:  SHIT!  Then she raised herself up out of the water hit her seatbelt release, and fell back down into the water!  Her copilot did the same thing.  They both came up out of the water coughing and spitting.  They checked each other for injuries, and then looked into the passenger compartment.  The other four pilots were out of their seats, and standing in waste deep water.  Captain Michelle said let’s get out of here this thing might still BLOW!  With that the six pilots got out of the chopper, and were greeted by the smiling face of Jerry Polk, 2nd Lieutenant, Virginia Air National Guard, and his M16A2 rifle.

     Captain Michelle and her fellow pilots came stumbling out of the pond, soaking wet, covered in mud, but otherwise unharmed.  Captain Michelle looked around shock the mud and water off her arms, and said that’s just great:  We get shot out of the sky, crash and burn, end up upside down in this sewer, and then we get arrested by Opie Taylor and the three stooges!  All I can say is welcome to Virginia!  Lt. Polk and his three air police guards were not laughing at the Captain’s little joke.  The four Virginia Air National Guardsmen held all the cards menacingly aiming three M16A2 rifles and a Remington 870/10 gauge pump shotgun at the wet, muddy, disorientated pilots.  Opie, Moe, Larry, and Curly did not look amused at Captain Michelle’s humor.  Then in his most manly voice Opie (Lt. Polk) challenged who are you, and why did you crash on my airfield?  Now Captain Michelle was getting angry and answered Opie if you, Moe, Larry, and Curly would lower your weapons I would be glade to tell you that we are volunteer pilots from the 119th Fighter Wing, North Dakota Air National Guard!  We are here to help pull your bacon out of the fire.  Then the Air Firemen that came with the Security Detail broke out laughing.  Then an older middle aged man, MSG.  Bill Polk, yes Opie’s father, said Son you had better report this to Captain Turner.  Lt. Polk looked over at his father and said Oh Dad I have asked you not to call me son while we are on duty!  Then gun fire broke out at the northeast end of the base, as two enemy pilots had decided to shoot it out with one of the Air Guard Security units.  Then everyone got nervous:  Michelle’s group of pilots all raised their hands in surrender, and Lt. Polk started calling Captain Turner on the radio for instructions!       
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Re: Operation Ajax PartII: The Republic Strikes Back
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2015, 08:05:54 PM »
                                             Gettysburg the Crossroads of Death July 4, 2006

     As hard as Virginia had been hit Pennsylvania had been hit harder.  Governor Rendell was praying for help from where ever he could get it.  It was now 10:00am Eastern Time and Pennsylvania was on the ropes.  Pittsburg had been cut off from the rest of the state.  The 1st Battalion, 110th Infantry, 28th Infantry Division (Mech) was at 80% combat effectiveness.  Minuteman Volunteer units, State and Pittsburg police units were at 70% combat effectiveness.  All the bridges spanning the Ohio River had been blown after the enemy tried pushing tanks and infantry over them.  The defenders of the city only had 10 tanks and 14 Bradley ICVs left to put in the fight.  Their supply of TOW II, and Dragon anti-tank missiles were still plentiful.  The Minuteman units also had their M67, 90mm recoilless rifles (thanks to Bob Howard and Ned Blaze), and 10 HEAT shells per tube.  All infantry, Minuteman, and police squads had two AT-4 lite anti-tank weapons with 10 HEAT shells each.  These troops were confident they could hold as long as they had air support.  The rest of the front line road blocks had broken.  The enemy tanks and Bradley ICVs had penetrated to the second line of road blocks.  There they were stopped by concentrated ground fire, Pennsylvania Army National Guard Cobras, and the total commitment of the remaining F-16s of the 111th Fighter Wing, Pennsylvania Air National Guard.  But at the second line the enemy had been stopped cold!

     Now the problem was reforming the surviving units into a new defensive line.  The 28th Infantry Division (Mech) had been reduced to 75% combat effectiveness.  The Attack Helicopter Company only had 9 combat ready AH1 Cobras left.  The Artillery battalions were reduced to 50% combat effectiveness across the board.  The enemy had learned from it’s Virginia experience.  They had used their attack helicopters to decimate the artillery units even before launching the front line ground attacks.  The 111th Fighter Wing had only eleven pilots to man their remaining 18 F-16s.  Good news was that 6 pilots from the 119th Fighter Wing, North Dakota Air National Guard had arrived at the Willow Grove Air Base safely.  This meant that the 111th Fighter Wing could put 17 F-16s in the air for the next battle.

     The really hard point now was caring for the wounded.  All the hospitals in Pittsburg, Harrisburg, and Philadelphia were full and over flowing.  The less critically wounded were on stretchers on the floors; The most seriously wounded were in hospital beds.  Nurses and Surgeons were working in relays to save as many as possible.  Pain killers were in short supply.  Thank God Ned Blaze, and General Johnson had pushed tons of medical supplies into the state before the shooting started.  The enemy wounded were kept outside under guard, and given only minimum medical attention.  These men all seemed to be east Europeans Serbs, Rumanians, and Bulgarians.  How they had gotten here to wage war was of little importance.  All this was of their doing, and if they died horrible, painful deaths it was less than they deserved!

     There was some good news in all of this mess.  The U.S Coast Guard Cutter Dallas had arrived at the Philadelphia Naval Ship Yards.  The Coast Guard District Commander Vice Admiral Ward was coming to debrief the Commander of the Dallas, and coordinate a follow on combat mission.  The Philadelphia Naval Ship Yards had agreed to take over the air defense of Philadelphia.  U.S. Navy fighter jets and SAM Batteries were now protecting the skies over Philly.  More veterans were volunteering to fight on the front lines.  The New York and New Jersey Guards were each sending 10 tanks, but without crews, to help defend Pennsylvania.  The Bastille and it’s bombs were now under U.S. Navy control.  French diplomats had gone aboard the Bastille to protect French property, and the rights of French citizens.  The ship’s Captain’s story was that terrorists had taken control of his ship at sea.  The terrorists then forced him and his crew to take part in this plot at gun point.  This was their story and they were sticking to it!  Just to make sure the bombs couldn’t be rearmed and detonated Coast Guard Seaman Walter White (Don Knots in a Coast Guard duty uniform) had thrown the firing triggers overboard while the Dallas was still 50 miles out at sea. 

     At the Philadelphia Naval Ship Yards the U.S. Coast Guard High Endurance Cutter Dallas was tied up on the far end of Pier 12.  On the deck of the Dallas crewmen were organizing the dead, and bring the wounded to the top deck for evacuation.  The most critically wounded had already been taken to hospitals by helicopter.  Captain Steel was resting in a stretcher waiting to be carried off his ship.  Commander Andrew Worthington had taken command of the Dallas after Captain Steel had been wounded (See Operation Ajax Part I).  Commander Andy, as he liked to be called, was talking to Captain Steel about what had happened after he had been wounded.  Then 20 heavily armed U.S. Marshalls stormed up to the two Coast Guard officers.  The Chief Marshall demanded to know who Captain Steel was.  Captain Steel sat up and said I am Captain Steel, and what the Hell do you want you toady bastard?  The Chief Marshall coldly answered you Sir are under arrest based on orders, and warrants signed by Vic Admiral Wilson, Commander,  2nd Naval District.  You are coming with us Sir!  Then behind the Marshalls a booming voice said no he is not going with you toad!

     Behind the Marshalls stood Vice Admiral Jack Ward holding a Mossberg M590 pump 12 gauge military shotgun.  With him was his security detail all armed with M16A2 rifles.  Again Admiral Ward barked out this officer is not going anywhere with you toad!  The Marshalls all brought their weapons up to the ready.  Then the chief toad looked around the deck and reevaluated his situation.  While the chief toad was distracted Commander Andy had two heavy machineguns and 12 heavily armed seamen train their weapons on the Marshalls.  The Chief Toad then said as you are the ranking commander here admiral I surrender these orders and warrants to you.  We will now leave this ship.  Admiral Ward said not quite:  First you and your fellow toads will lay your weapons on the deck, put your hands in the air, and then get off this ship!  The Marshalls did as they were told, but you know they were steaming and the Chief Toad would take a long time to forget this.

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Re: Operation Ajax PartII: The Republic Strikes Back
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2015, 08:09:13 PM »
                                        Gettysburg Crossroads of Death July4, 2006 (II)

     Admiral Ward and the crew of the Dallas watched as the unarmed Marshalls left the ship.  Then Admiral Ward turned back to Captain Steel and CDR. Worthington, and said I am sorry you got yourself wounded Captain.  I assume that you commander are now in command.  CDR. Worthington answered I am temporarily in command of this ship.  Admiral Ward then asked how soon will you be able to conduct new combat operations?  CDR. Andy answered right now if we have to Sir!  I understand make do when you have to Commander, but I mean full combat operations with special emphasis on air defense systems and main Gun Fire support operations!  CDR. Andy answered within a couple of hours we could be ready to sail Sir:  Say about 1200 hrs.  Admiral Ward said I want this ship ready to sail for it’s next combat mission by 1300 hrs.  Also Commander I want you to turn over repairs, resupply, and operations prep to the Second Officer.  I need you to come with me for a mission planning meeting at the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Headquarters in Harrisburg, and Commander bring your side arm and rifle in case we need them.  CDR. Andy said let me go get my weapons, brief my officers, and I will be back here ready to go in 15 minutes.  CDR. Andy thought to himself now we must really be jumping into the Shit with both feet!

     As CDR. Andy left to carry out his duties Admiral Ward asked Captain Steel is there anything I can do for you Captain?  Captain Steel answered there is a little matter of one Seaman Walter White.  I would like his disciplinary record cleared, and his rating to Chief Petty Officer restored.  Without his efforts we could not have completed this mission.  Admiral Ward said consider it done Captain.  Then two Corpsmen came to take Captain Steel to the ambulance that would take him to the nearest hospital.  CDR. Andy then returned with his weapons; he, the Admiral, and his security detail left the Dallas.  Andy’s subordinate officers assured him that the Dallas would be ready to sail at 1300 hrs. 

     At the Denver Hive Former President RoseBush and the other Global Elitists were going over intelligence reports and after action reports.  They were all looking for signs of success.  The Virginians had held, but were reeling.  Another major push there, and Virginia maybe out of the fight.  The bad news from Virginia was that the Virginians had counter attacked with their attack helicopters, old AH 1 Cobras, and destroyed the follow on attack force.  It would be 2:00Pm Eastern time before they would be ready to attack in force again.  The attack on the Virginian’s air base had only been partially successful.  They still had two runways operational, and what was worse they had received six reinforcement pilots from the 119th Fighter Wing, North Dakota Air National Guard.  This would give the Virginians enough pilots to put 21 F-16s in the air.  As the assembled globalists pondered these air power equations a messenger came in and handed Ambassador Goldsmith a message:  It read five USMC F-22 Raptors have joined the fight in support of the Lynchburg Road Block.  They appear to be led by Marine Air Wing LTC. B.B. Jessup.  Goldsmith handed the message to Former President RoseBush.  When RoseBush finished reading the message he told the assembled minions:  I want this Jessup and the other four Marine pilots arrested when they return to their home base.  Let this be known right now if any other regular U.S. Military units join in the fight against us we stop operations immediately.  Especially if they are Army or Marine Corps ground units!
     Now let’s go on to our operations in Pennsylvania.  There we have had our greatest success to date.  We have broken the Pennsylvanian main line of defense.  We have all but destroyed their air power assets.  We have split their ground defenses, and Pittsburg is under siege.  Their weakest point in their second line is at Gettysburg.  When we crush their forces at Gettysburg the prizes of Harrisburg and Philadelphia will be ours.  We will concentrate our forces on Gettysburg.  I want to utterly crush those opposing us.  Is that clear?  Then another messenger came in, and handed Ambassador Goldsmith a message.  He read it, and then informed Former President RoseBush of it’s contents.  RoseBush exploded with anger:  This Mr. Goldsmith is why we are not ready for total war.  A piece of shit like a Coast Guard admiral has blocked our or plans.  This Admiral Ward has counter manned our orders to arrest that bastard John Steel, Captain of the Dallas.  Our spies are now reporting that the Dallas and other Coast Guard ships are preparing for operations against us.  Mr. Goldsmith when we control all major commands of the U.S. Military then we will be ready for total war.  Then none of these tin soldiers, or sailors could stand in our way.  Add that bastard Admiral Jack Ward to the Red List!  Now let’s discuss our plans for North Carolina.

     In the Kansas City radio studio the intelligence analysis section was in a raging conflict.  Charlie Wilson had clasped from exhaustion, and had been replaced by radio host John P. Wells to continue the radio program.  Mr. Wells’ guests would be discussing The American Revolution of 1776, The Delectation of Independence, and the importance of the Constitution of the United States.  But the important thing was the message from Virginia that had put everything in a stir!  That message read:  From the Governor of Virginia; I need to know where the enemy airfields are?  I intend to bomb those airfields, and bring an end to the enemy’s air attacks.  Now Mr. Wells was faced with a problem.  The Chief Analysts was recommending telling Governor Kane where the airfields are, and letting him bomb them.  The Political Officer, which was Sunny’s right hand man, recommended that the Governor not be told where the airfields are.  His view was that if Governor Kane bombed those airfields the war would widen, and truly become the Second American Civil War!  Now Mr. Wells had to make a decision.  He then thought of a compromise.  He would not tell Governor Kane where the airfields are.  Instead he would use Minuteman Volunteers to track enemy aircraft formations.  The volunteers would use both observation, and radar to track enemy air movements.  This information would be passed on to the air defense forces of both Pennsylvania and Virginia.  This would allow the defensive forces to manage their air assets.  They could run smaller CAPs (Combat Air Patrols), and counter enemy formations with a large directed interceptor force.  This was the answer Mr. Wells sent to both governors fighting for the lives of their states.

     Just as the coded messages were going out to deal with the Air Power issues new reports started coming in concerning ground force movements.  All the reports dealt with trains transporting enemy combat vehicles toward North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.  Most of these combat vehicles were being taken into Pennsylvania.  Mr. Wells’ Ground Force Advisor Colonel Ben Rorke, U. S. Army Retired, gave his estimates about what was happening.  Colonel Rorke said it looks like a reinforced Armored Division was being moved into Pennsylvania.  Two Tank Brigades and a Mechanized Infantry Brigade was preparing to attack at Gettysburg.  Another combined Infantry-Tank Brigade was reinforcing the enemy sieging Pittsburg.  Another enemy Mechanized Infantry Division was being brought into Virginia to renew the attacks there.  But the real shock was a combined arms division preparing to attack into North Carolina.  This division was a second line unit.  It’s tank units had T-72 and T-62 Russian made tanks.  The Mechanized Infantry units had M113A1 Armored Personnel Carriers, and Russian made BTR-70 Armored Personnel Carriers.  All of this indicated that the enemy intended to renew ground and air attacks into Pennsylvania and Virginia.  The enemy also intended to launch attacks into North Carolina.  Coded messages were sent to the forces defending all three states:  Get as prepared as you can the Shit Storm is headed your way!

     It was now 11:00 am at the Blaze Ozark Mountains compound.  Tammy Howard was just stirring.  She has been awake, and met her father at the compound’s private airstrip.  Ned Blaze and his pilot had flown in from BNA International Airport.  Her father had bad news Tammy and Bob’s home had been burnt down by the bastards attempting to destroy the republic.  Tammy didn’t care about any of that.  She just didn’t care that Bob, her father, and other people she knew were fighting a desperate battle to save something she had no use for!  She was wealthy in her own right!  For that matter so was Bob.  Her father was more wealthy, and more powerful than both of them put together!  So whatever happened to the country they would keep their wealth and power.  Nothing would change for them.  They would still be at the top of the food chain!  This attitude discussed her father, and they parted in a Huff!  He went to the compound’s Communications Center to get the latest updates on what was happening in the battle.  Tammy stormed off, and went back to bed.

     Tammy was showering, and thinking about the party she had planned for that afternoon.  Her guests should start to arrive at about 1:00 Pm.  She had 10 couples from home come to the compound for the party, and she had invited about 40 people from the local community.  All the men and women off duty from the security force were invited, and the serving staff would be encouraged to take part in the fun and games as well.  With this mix the women should outnumber the men, which was her intent.  Yes this would be a sex party, but a sex party with a twist.  Men would be the currency in this party, and the women wishing to fuck would have to fight for their mates.  The thought of fighting some bitch for the privilege of fucking her man was driving her wild!  Even in the shower she just couldn’t stop thinking about it, and she knew just who she was going to challenge first!     
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Re: Operation Ajax PartII: The Republic Strikes Back
« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2015, 08:16:28 PM »
                                Gettysburg Crossroads of Death July 4, 2006 (III)

     It was now 11:00am and we are in the belly of the beast; the tomb of evil.  We had just spent the last couple of hours blocking General Edwards’ ability to flood individual floors with VX Nerve Gas.  It was now time to give the N.S.A. personnel holding the remaining four floors a chance to surrender and live.  Signs were put up at both exits on each floor.  The signs read:  Put down your weapons.  Surrender and live.  We have disconnected the floor from the gas vents:  You will not be harmed!  On the 1st, 3rd, and 4th floors everyone surrendered, and were led to the surface to be guarded as prisoners.  On the 5th floor Strom Trooper hardliners fought it out with the other N.S.A. personnel trying to stop them from surrendering.  In the end the people that wanted to live won, and this added 60 dead Strom Troopers to the death toll.  This left only the 6th floor, the Command floor, under General Edwards’ control.  Then Captain Bradley called over the radio:  The enemy is sending a relief force by train from the Mount Weather Hive.  I answered back are we ready to deal with that train:  Over?  Captain Bradley responded we are going to blow the rail and the tunnel.  This will kill or injure almost everyone on the train:  Over.  My reply was short:  Get it done Captain:  Out.

     At the Command Center for the Hive General Edwards is giving last minute instructions to his Strom Trooper Commander, and Richard Jones, his N.S.A. Security Chief.  A buzzer and a light came on at General Edwards’ desk control monitor.  Mad Mike looked at his two minions, and said good news gentlemen:  Reinforcements are on their way by the Monorail system.  All we have to do is hold out until they arrive!  Then we will retake this Hive floor by floor, and destroy our enemies.  Now gentlemen you have your orders.  I expect them to be carried out to the letter!

     On the 7th floor, the floor that contains the Monorail Control Center, Captain Bradley has pulled all of his Combat Engineers back to defensive positions.  A mile of the monorail tunnel is wired to blow, and half mile of the rail is set to blow.  When the train is half a mile from the demolition area the explosives are detonated.  Half a mile of rail is blown up, and one mile of the tunnel is blown and clasped.  The globalists’ relief force train derails at the blown track.  The train then slams into the wall of rubble in front of it at 300 miles per hour!  There are no survivors from this train wreck.  Captain Bradley calls me, and reports the job is done:  The enemy relief force is destroyed:  Over.  I then tell Captain Bradley to pack it up and head for the surface.  I ask that he leaves four squads of combat engineers with me to assist in taking Mad Mikes Control floor.

     At 1:00pm Eastern Time the Dallas sets sail at the head of a very strange convoy.  Three hundred yards back flanking the Dallas were the Medium Endurance Coast Guard Cutters Seneca and Campbell.  These three ships had the most modern Air Defense Weapons Systems of any ship afloat.  Behind the Dallas lined up were 100 river cargo barges.  Loaded on these barges were M1A1 tanks, Bradley ICVs, six M109 Self propelled artillery vehicles mounting 155mm howitzers, mobile Hawk Air Defense missile batteries, and trucks, supply, and maintenance vehicles to keep this force moving for three days.  This was a pocket combined arms division.  This was the ground force component of Operation Inchon. Commanded by Calvary Officer Colonel Sam Patton.  Flanking the cargo barges were five Coast Guard Patrol Boats.  These craft are armed with 75mm semi-auto cannon and heavy machineguns.  This was the Inchon Convoy, and it was sailing for the Ohio River and Pittsburg!

     After a lite breakfast Tammy returned to her room to dress for her party.  Her choice of outfits was simple.  A shear see through black nightie that would hang open from her neck to just above her thighs.  A black thong, and black stockings that support themselves with elastic tops.  The last item would be white open toed high heels.  Nothing says fuck me now like open toed high heels.  With her dressed like this there would be no doubt about what the goal of this party was!  If some of her guests turn out to be prudes then let them leave.  The idea of cat fighting for their mates would be established when she challenged her first Bitch to fight!  It was now 12:30pm and Tammy looked at herself in a full size mirror.  Stunning she thought to herself:  Her blonde hair, tanned skin, full 38DD breasts with large, hard, red nipples, black open draping, see through nightie, black thong, black stockings, and white open toed high heels were the perfect contras of colors and textures.  Just stunning a vision of walking, breathing, sex itself!  Now she was ready, and she left her room walking to the ballroom to greet her guests.

     Tom Ryker and Shara Thompson were getting off their security shift.  Shara asked are you going to Tammy’s party?  Tom answered wouldn’t miss it for anything.  Shara sighed then said, “I just don’t know about going to a party when Bob and our friends are fighting this battle to save the country.”  Look Shara if Bob was here he would say go to the party:  Have a good time.  Then be ready to do your job on your next shift.  Yeah I know Tom, but you know this party is probably going to become one big sex orgy at some point.  Tom answered I know and I hope to get laid at this party too.  Besides Bob has asked me to look out for Tammy, and make sure she is safe.  Shara said OK, but I often wonder why she and Bob are together?  Are you kidding Tammy is smoking hot with the sex drive of ten horney rabbits.  I hope to do her tonight myself.  Shara pulled back, and hit Tom in the shoulder saying, “Men you are all hideous pigs.  You all would fuck a snake down it’s throat if you could hold it still!”  That’s wright.  Bob knows all about Tammy, her cat fighting, and her affairs.  Bob knows he can’t control her, and has asked me to watch out for her.  He also knows that if I get the chance to I will fuck her.  So come to the party Shara it could be fun.  Shara said OK I will go.  Besides if you are busy humping me you will not be able to put your cock into Bob’s lovely wife, the whoring Bitch.  Just let me go change out of this duty uniform, and I will meet you at the ballroom.  Tom thought to himself if I am lucky I will get to fuck you, Tammy, and maybe a couple of other horney sluts too!

     As Tammy entered the ballroom about 70 of her guests had arrived.  Several were getting drinks at the open bar.  Others were going through the Buffet tables.  Tammy’s outfit had it’s desired effect.  Several women said I never, gathered their husbands, or boyfriends and left.  Tammy thought to herself, and you never will Bitches!  So the prudes had left in a huff.  Most of the female guests seeing Tammy; stripped to their bras.  Several stripped to the waste.  Letting their own breasts free!  All the men in the room removed their shirts.  All the men encouraged any women interested to stroke their abs and chests.  All the waitresses also stripped topless.
     As Tammy started to mingle with her guests she was dropping hints saying to one woman or another that she would like to fight one bitch or another.  Her friend Alice was doing the same.  It appeared that ten women were at the verge of challenging opponents to fight!  Then Tammy saw the woman she wanted enter the ballroom.  This was the bitch she most wanted to beat and humiliate first.  Tammy approached the bitch planning how to issue her challenge.

     Shara and Tom entered the ballroom from the north hall.  Shara was searching the room.  The guests had already gotten into the spirit of the party.  Most of the men and women in the room were either shirtless or topless.  Some of the women were still wearing bras, but not many.  The conversations between several women seemed to be very heated!  Shara thought to herself are cat fights going to break out right here in the ballroom.  Tom then took off his shirt, and Shara thought that is one fine hunk of man, bastard that he is!  Then one of the unattached local hot ties noticed Tom thinking the same thing.  The 5 foot 6 inch blonde was only wearing a black miniskirt, and high heel sandals.  She walked right up to Tom and asked him if he saw anything he liked?  Tom answered do you see anything you like?  The blonde said I see a lot I like, as she pressed her bare breasts against his chest while stroking his abs.  Shara thought OK so this bitch is pushing my buttons.  Shara then untied the straps holding her summer halter dress up.  She then let the top of her dress fall to her waste revealing her full 38 D breasts.  She was then ready to compete with Miss Ozarks for Tom’s attention!  Just as things were getting hot:  Shara and the blonde hot tie were glaring and hissing at each other, as they competed to control Tom’s attention.  Tom thought to himself either I am going to fuck both these babes, or they are going to fight it out for which one he would fuck!  Then Tammy, Alice, and several other people walked up to the heated seen.  Shara was passionately sucking Tom’s left nipple while the blonde was stroking his cock through his pants.  The blonde was panting and groaning, as she lowered her head, and began sucking his other nipple while groping his cock.  Tom thought to himself you babes either need to decide to fuck or fight, or I am going to explode right here!             
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Re: Operation Ajax PartII: The Republic Strikes Back
« Reply #13 on: October 24, 2015, 08:21:59 PM »
                                  Gettysburg Crossroads of Death July 4, 2006 (IV)

     Tammy watched the scene for a few seconds then said Shara I thought I would find you sucking something or someone!  You are suck a bitching whore, but I want you bitch I want you right now.  Shara stopped sucking Tom’s chest and glared at Tammy.  Shara thought alright I am not going to fight Miss Ozark’s Princess right now.  I am going to fight the Queen bitch herself!  Shara looked at Tammy and asked OK bitch how do you want to do it?  Tammy said Alice is telling me that you are getting good at sexfighting.  I want to sexfight you bitch.  Shara answered that is fine with me.  I am going to fuck you up bitch!  Alice then said if you two are going to sexfight then let’s put some matts down, and make this something special.  Tammy and Shara quickly agreed, and the entire group moved over to where some workers were preparing the area for combat.

     At the fighting area Tammy removed her nightie and thong.  Shara too removed her dress and thong keeping her heels on.  Alice then held up several double headed dildos, and Tammy told Shara to choose the tool she would be impaled on!  Shara chose a 16 inch purple double dildo saying this is going all the way inside of you bitch!  Alice then took charge of setting the match.  She told Tom to strip.  She then told Shara and the local blonde to get him rock hard.  Both women knelt and took turns sucking his cock till it was rock hard.  Alice also set Tammy up with a stud and had Tammy and a local Ozark brunette suck him till he was rock hard.  The men then sat down on the matt and the two sexfighters sat on top of the studs with their throbbing hot cocks thrusts against the small of their backs.  The two sexfighters were then setting facing, and glaring at each other with their legs spread.  Alice then had the two local women kneel next to the two fighters.  Alice then showed each woman how to place her hand on the fighter’s pussy so that the fighter’s G-Spot would always be in contact with the dildo.  Alice also showed each of the local women how to make a fist, and thump the losing fighter’s pussy as she was cumming.  This would cause the losing Bitch not to be able to fuck for at least two hours after she was thumped.  After the pussy thumping was added to the fight Tammy and Shara were even more eager to fight!  Each fighter was sure that her opponent would be the Bitch with a thumped pussy.

     Now the scene was set Tammy had a local brunette pressing down on her pussy, and she was leaning back against a stud with his throbbing hard 9 inch cock pressed against the small of her back.  Shara was leaning back against Tom with his straining hard 10 inch cock throbbing against the small of her back.  The Ozark blonde was pressing her pussy.  Alice then held the dildo up to each fighter’s mouth.  Both Tammy and Shara made a show of sucking and licking the dildo heads, so they would be wet, and enter their pussies easily.  With the dildo heads dripping wet Alice flipped the dildo around, and inserted the opposite head into each woman’s pussy.  Tammy moaned, as the head entered her; the head and shaft in direct contact with her G-Spot.  Tammy hissed you put that slut’s spit inside of me you bitch!  After this is over I want you next whore!  Shara felt the same way, but just didn’t say anything.  With the dildo inside each pussy both fighters began to thrust with their legs and hips trying to drive the dildo deeper into their enemy’s pussy!  The two local women were being turned on more and more as they watched, and felt the dildo slide in and out of the two fighters’ pussies.  Alice was panting as her husband was rubbing his 10 inch cock against her ass under her skirt.  She groaned as she watched the two fighters push the dildo in and out of their opponent’s pussy.  Then two studs slid in behind the two local women, and started rubbing their cocks against the two slut’s asses!

     Seven minutes into the fight both women had seven inches of dildo into their pussies.  The two fighters were moaning, screaming, and hissing at each other as they tried to force the last 2 inches of dildo into their opponent’s pussy.  The two local women were in a frenzy, as they kept the pressure on the fighters’ G-Spots.  Each woman reached out with their free hand to fondle the breast and nipple of the bitch they were pressing.  The five studs were just trying not to cum and keep their cocks hard!  Debbie the local brunette then lowered her head to Tammy’s pussy, and snaked her tongue out onto Tammy’s clint.  Judy the blonde then accused Debbie of cheating!  Judy then lowered her head to Shara’s pussy and started licking her clint.  Tammy and Shara were both fighting back their orgasm as they pushed the last two inches of dildo into each others’ pussies.  The two fighters continued to grind their pussies together, as the two local women continued to lick and suck their clints face to face!  Ten minutes of this action was all Shara could take!  On Tammy’s next thrust Shara gasped, and started an intense squirting orgasm.  Shara’s pussy juices gushed out on to Judy’s and Debbie’s faces.  Judy rose up, pussy juices dripping from her face on to her breasts, while Shara was still cumming made a fist and then thumped Shara’s pussy!  Just a little tap like Alice had showed her.  After being thumped Shara grabbed her crotch, and cried out in pain!  Tom slid out from under her, and placed a cushion under Shara’s head.  Tom removed the dildo from her pussy; expecting blood to flow out of her.  But there was no bleeding.  Then a man claiming to be a Medical Doctor came up next to Shara and Tom.  Tammy then came over kneeling next to Tom and Shara.  The doctor said Shara would be alright after her vaginal swelling went down in a couple of hours.  Tammy then took Tom’s hand, and said come with me honey:  I won you!  Tammy then reached over and punched Shara in the stomach.  Shara gripped her stomach, groaned, and rolled into a fetal position moaning.  Tammy wickedly looked at Shara, and said that’s less than you deserve Bitch!  Tammy then looked at Tom smiling and said come with me lover I have something special for you.  Now Alice and the two local women were being fucked by the studs behind them.  Both Tammy and Tom were aroused by the sight of the three couples fucking, as they walked passed them.  Tammy stopped where the stud that had his cock against her back sat waiting for her return.  Tammy looked down at the stud’s straining, hard cock, and said that looks so good I think I will set on it.  As Tammy took the stud’s cock into her wet pussy she leaned forward, and took Tom’s cock into her mouth slowly licking and sucking the head.  Tom thought to himself don’t cum, just don’t cum, as he reached down to squeeze, and fondle Tammy’s heaving full breasts!

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Re: Operation Ajax PartII: The Republic Strikes Back
« Reply #14 on: October 24, 2015, 08:27:36 PM »
                               Gettysburg Cross Roads of Death July 4, 2006 (V)

     Tammy with half of Tom’s now rock hard cock in her mouth opened her eyes, and looked up at Tom with her smiling deep blue eyes, as she snaked her tongue out of her mouth along the underside of his shaft.  Tammy then slowly pulled her head back down the shaft till only the head was in her mouth.  With the head only in her mouth she closed her eyes, and swirled her tongue over the head.  Tom was tightly gripping her breasts, as he thought to himself please don’t cum, please don’t cum!  Tammy then quickly pushed her head down his shaft taking 9 inches of his cock down into her throat, and holding it there!  All the time Tammy was sucking Tom’s cock she never missed a beat fucking the other stud’s cock with her pussy.  After holding Tom’s cock in her throat for 10 seconds she let the shaft slowly slide out of her throat and mouth.  As the cock head left her mouth a thick stream of precum, and spit hung from Tom’s throbbing cockhead to her open mouth.  Tom’s cock throbbed, and the stream broke splashing onto Tammy’s heaving breasts!  Tom shuddered thinking just don’t cum not yet; please!  Then with her eyes half open, and the look on her fact of a woman that was very close to cumming, Tammy looked up at Tom and pleaded, “Fuck me in the ass Tom!  Please fuck me in the ass (Now the world is divided into two types of women those that will do anal sex and those that will not:  Tammy had just declared which type she was)?”  Tammy stopped riding the other stud’s cock, and brought her ass up at an angle, so Tom could enter her anus, and she pleaded for him to put his cock in her ass.  Tom gripped his cock, to hold back the urge to cum, as he moved behind Tammy, straddled the other stud, and brought his throbbing cockhead against Tammy’s tight, little asshole.  As Tom released his cock shaft precum shot out of the urethra lubing his straining glands and Tammy’s anus!  With a groan of pleasure Tom pushed his glands into Tammy’s ass.  As Tammy’s sphincter closed over his cockhead Tom stopped his thrust letting Tammy catch her breath!  Tammy was now resting on her hands and knees panting near orgasm.  One cock just in her ass, and another deep in her pussy (Now how is that for hot Monkey Sex for you?).

     Now all four women that were fucking were near orgasm.  Alice’s husband looked at the two studs fucking next to him, and said let’s switch!  The two other studs agreed, each wanting to cum in one of the other sluts.  Alice’s husband put his cock in the blonde Miss Ozarks, and she moaned, arched her back, as he was bigger than the stud that had been fucking her.  The stud that had been fucking her entered, and started fucking the local brunette.  The stud that had been fucking the brunette took over fucking Alice.  Ten more minutes of this action, and all the men and women were cumming.  Each of the three women had clasped on to their stomachs.  The three studs followed the women to the matts pushing the last of their erections into cum filled pussies!

     Tammy was still being double fucked, and she was delirious near orgasm.  Then she and the two studs orgasmed at the same time!  Tom filling her asshole with thick cum, as the other stud filled her pussy.  Tom then pulled his weakening cock out of her ass, as she rose up letting the other stud’s cock slip out of her pussy.  Tammy then spent 10 minutes hugging and kissing the two studs.  Then she sat up and said I need to challenge some other bitches to fight.  Maybe we can do this again before the party is over.  With that Tammy put her thong and top back on, and went to challenge the next bitch on her list!
     As Alice and the other two women were recovering from their orgasms two attractive female legs appeared in front of her face.  Alice looked up to see a topless JoAnn looking down at her.  JoAnn’s husband was standing behind her fondling her breasts.  JoAnn looked down at Alice and asked having fun bitch?  Alice answered I sure am honey, and I can only imagine what you want whore?  JoAnn answered you know what I want slut!  I want to deep throat sexfight you punta!  Alice said Paris rules bitch?  JoAnn answered sure slut, and the winner gets both studs for a fuck.  Alice said that is fine.  I always enjoy victory sex with our husbands after I knock you out bitch.  Alice looked at the two local women that were eager to fight, after sex, and said you may want to watch this before you decide what type of fight you want to have?  Shara was feeling better and walked up to Alice and JoAnn and said I will help you set up your fight ladies.  Alice then got a towel from a passing waitress and dried the cum from the outside of her pussy.  She then watched as JoAnn removed her skirt leaving her only wearing a black thong and black four inch heels.  The two women knelt facing each other, as an assortment of double headed dildos were placed in front of them.  JoAnn looked at Alice and said you choose I challenged!  Alice chose a 14 inch long, 1 and a half inch thick black double headed dildo.  Shara knelt between the two fighters and held the dildo up with one cock head pointed at each woman’s mouth.  The two local women watched as Alice and JoAnn made a show of licking and sucking the two cock heads before taking them into their mouths (this was a deepthroat sexfight rematch for these two women:  Alice knocked out JoAnn in their first match see Operation Ajax Part I).  Debbie and Judy were transfixed and amazed at what they were seeing!  Ten other couples had gathered to watch the fight.  The concept was so hot:  These two attractive middle aged women were going to try, and force a double headed dildo down their opponent’s throat.  Blocking the other woman’s airway and knocking her out!  Now the struggle was about to begin.  Shara was still holding the dildo up.  One end in each fighter’s mouth.  Alice and JoAnn, glaring at each other, took hold of each other’s hair, and signaled Shara that they were ready to fight.  Shara released the dildo shaft, and the two fighters started pulling each other’s hair trying to force the dildo down their opponent’s throat.  Everyone watching could see the hate in each woman’s eyes as they glared at each other.  Both women hissed at each other as the cockheads passed from their mouths into their throats.  Now their breasts were pressed together, and their nipples were rock hard with excitement.  Their tits began to quiver; separately at first and then in unison.  Alice’s husband then reached under JoAnn, and placed his hand on her thong covered pussy.  JoAnn’s husband did the same to Alice.  The two men hoped to feel the women’s pussies quiver, as they started to orgasm.  They wanted to feel the fighters’ thongs dampen, as the women’s pussy juices started to flow.  For now all they could feel through the sear thongs was that both women’s clints were extended, and quivering with excitement!  As the struggle intensive the sexual tension in both women’s bodies was building to an explosive orgasm!

     The struggle had been going on for two minutes and both women had 6 inches of dildo in their mouths and throats!  The two women glared at each other with only two inches of the black shaft separating their mouths.  The look on their faces, and in their eyes said I want to tear your heart out and eat it in front of your dying eyes Bitch!  Both women had spread their legs wider, so the men could get a full cupping grip on their pussies.  Their thongs had indeed become wet, as their juices of excitement had started flowing.  Neither woman at this point had any trouble breathing, but they both knew the next few minutes would determine the winner!  The crowd began to cheer for one fighter or the other.  There were calls for Alice to knock that bitch out.  Then there would be cheers for JoAnn to put that whore to sleep!  Egged on by the crowd the two fighters renewed the violence of their attacks.  JoAnn was able to hold Alice’s head in place, and with a height advantage she forced the last two inches of dildo down into Alice’s throat.  Alice’s airway was blocked by the huge cockhead.  Alice began to struggle, but she had not panicked yet!  JoAnn looked into her enemy’s eyes looking for fear.  Alice stared back into JoAnn’s eyes seeing only the evil glint of satisfaction, as Alice started to panic and struggle wildly!  JoAnn thought I have you now Bitch; I am going to turn your lights off whore!  Then it happened JoAnn was hit with a full raging orgasm!  As waves of pleasure shot through her body JoAnn closed her eyes and moaned!  Alice using the last of her air, and concentration felt JoAnn’s grip on her hair weaken.  Then the Bitch was having an intense moaning orgasm.  Alice used the last of her strength to yank JoAnn’s head back by her hair.  With JoAnn’s head pulled back the dildo slid out of Alice’s throat, and she could breath again.  Alice then had the height advantage on JoAnn.  Alice thought to herself the bitch is still moaning and cumming:  I have you now slut!  Rising above JoAnn; Alice then force the dildo down into her opponent’s throat.  With waves of orgasmic pleasure moving through her body JoAnn’s eyes snapped open wide, as she felt the dildo sliding down her throat! The bulbous cockhead now blocking her airway.  JoAnn began to struggle wildly, but Alice held her head tightly in place!

     It was now JoAnn’s turn to struggle in panic.  Her orgasm was fading, but now she couldn’t breath.  If she didn’t do something that Bitch was going to knock her out again!  Now she struggling, and staring into Alice’s eyes with all the hatred, and defiance she could muster.  Alice’s eyes stared back with evil, concentrated satisfaction.  Alice was sure she had beaten this slut, as she held her opponent’s head in place, and pushed more of the dildo down the whore’s throat!  Just as JoAnn was about to pass out Alice’s orgasm cascaded across her body!  Alice tensed then by reflex moaned.  With waves of pleasure pulsing through her body Alice was helpless!  JoAnn using the last of her strength pulled Alice’s head back and to the left.  Then while Alice was still cumming JoAnn pushed the dildo back down her enemy’s throat!  JoAnn then had the height advantage!  This time JoAnn held her opponent’s head in place and while the bitch was cumming she was helpless!  Alice was coming out of her orgasm with the dildo now blocking her airway and JoAnn’s hateful eyes glaring at her.  Alice looked back into JoAnn’s eyes with fear, pleading for mercy!  There was no mercy as Alice struggled one last time!  Then her eyes glazed over, and her lights went out!  As Alice’s body went limp, and her hands released JoAnn’s hair; she knew she had won!  JoAnn then pulled the dildo out of their mouths.  JoAnn then stood up while holding Alice’s unconscious body up by the hair, as the bitch started to breath again.  JoAnn then held the dripping wet dildo over her head in victory!  As Alice started to come to JoAnn pulled her body back by the hair, and then slammed the helpless woman’s body into the matt as hard as she could!  Alice’s body bounced once, and she laid there on the matt moaning in pain.  JoAnn then looked at the two studs standing with pussy juice dripping off on of their hands, and said I won you come with me.  JoAnn then led them to one of the a joining bedrooms to claim her victory sex prize!  In the division of women JoAnn was one that would too!       
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