Let Us Go Forward Together
There are two deafening explosions, as a fifty foot whole is blown through the roof 100 yards behind the Security Check Point. At the same time the massive steel blast doors at the main entrance are blown open. The Security Check Point is defended by 25 heavily armed Storm Troopers. Most of the defenders’ attention is directed to the front entrance. Here a Bradly M2, Infantry Combat Vehicle, it’s weapons blazing rumbles past the blown open blast doors. Fifty Virginia Army National Guard Infantrymen, their weapons at the ready, are advancing behind the Bradly ICV.
The defending Strom Troopers fire four RPGs (Rocket Propelled Grenade) at the advancing Virginia Guardsmen. The Bradly erupts into a burning, smoking hulk, as the four RPGs impact the front of the ICV. The Strom Troopers also pin down the Virginia Infantrymen with machinegun, rifle, and 40mm grenade fire. The Virginians take cover behind the rubble and return fire. They evacuate their wounded, dead, and attach two Tow cables to the burning Bradly. The other ends of the cables are attached to a M1A1 main battle tank. The M1A1 tank then starts to pull the burning Bradly out of the Hive entrance.
In all of this confusion Bob Howard, Bill Franklin, John Henry Clayborne, and seven other men and women through fragmentation and smoke grenades down the whole in the roof of the Hive. Then Bob and the rest through anchored ropes into the whole. With the ropes in place Bob and the first 10 men Australian rappel through the whole firing their weapons as they descend. This took the Check Point defenders by surprise. Our gee whiz combat helmet visors were set on thermos imaging. This gave us the ability to see heat images through smoke and darkness. This allowed us to accurately fire on the enemy positions.
The Storm Trooper Commander split his defending force into two fire groups. One defending the front of the Check Point. The other defending the rear. His defensive concept was to hold his front, and crush us between his rear defensive fires and an up coming relief force. At this early stage of the battle it looked as if his plan would succeed.
As the Virginia Infantry men kept up a steady volume of fire on the Storm Troopers’ positions. Both sides were taking casualties from direct, and indirect fire. In the rear battle our force increased from 10 to 20, then to 40 heavily armed men and women. At 40 warriors I split our force into two groups. One group, under the command of Bill Franklin (former Navy Seal and Vietnam combat vet), was sent to our rear to ambush any Storm Troopers coming to relieve the Check Point position. I then continued to build my combat power, as more and more Minutemen rappelled down to our position. We then heard the two M67, 90mm recoilless rifles, and medium machineguns firing to our rear engaging the Strom Trooper relief force.
At this point we had three raging battles on going. The Virginia Infantrymen attacking the Check Point’s front. My force of Minuteman Volunteers attacking the Check Point’s rear, and Bill Franklin’s group attacking the Storm Trooper relief force. Then the M1A1 tank, of the Virginia Army National Guard, entered the battle. The tank rumbled up even with the Virginia Infantry firing line, and fired three 120mm High Explosive Anti-Personnel shells into the Storm Troopers’ positions. After the three explosions all return fire stopped from the front of the Check Point. I then ordered three of my M67s to fire three 90mm HEAP (High Explosive Anti-Personnel) shells into the rear of the Check Point. These blasts knocked the enemy’s rear positions out. It was then salient! No firing from our front or rear. Now we waited.
In a Washington D.C. hospital Sunny Fagin was waking up from an anesthetic induced sleep. Her head hurt, but her body was num. The last thing she remembered was a grenade blast, as she and her husband were defending their home from an N.S.A. Hit team. As her head cleared her vision improved. She could see her nephew, D.C. Police Corporal Dan Fagin, standing guard in a SWAT uniform, and a loaded M14 rifle. The Critical Care Nurse administering I.V. meds was her niece Doris Fagin. She gasped in pain as she turned her head to the left, and saw her brother in-law setting next to the bed. His face was dirty, his cloths were dirty, and across his lap sat a Thompson Submachinegun. D.C. Police Commissioner William (Wild Bill) Fagin looked at Sunny, and said, “Welcome back to the world of the living Sunshine!” Sunny blinked then tried to speak, but could only choke out a groan. Commissioner Fagin took her hand, and said take it easy Sunshine breath, relax, and then speak. Sunny closed her eyes, sank back into her pillow, took a deep breath, and exhaled. She then asked Shawn is he (then she could not bring herself to say the last word)? Wild Bill laughed and said Lord no he’s not dead. It would take more than a grenade blast to kill an ornery, bastard, old has been Cop like my brother! He is still in surgery. Sunny laughed then groaned, and asked what about our children? What has happened to them? Wild Bill answered the children are fine. They barely got a scratch out of this mess. Now they are as safe as anyone can be at Pop’s home in West Virginia.
Now what in the hell is going on Sunny? After I led the force that finished the hit team, sent to murder you, and your family all hell continued to break loose! I got the strangest 911 call from an Air National Guard Colonel asking for my help in stopping the nuclear destruction of my town! So what’s up Sunshine? Sunny looked Wild Bill right in the eyes, and coldly asked, “What has happened with the bombs Bill?” Wild Bill laughed, and said relax Sunshine it was a hell of a fight, but we have complete control of the bombs (See Operation Ajax Part I). Sunny asked where are the bombs now? Right now the bombs are under heavy guard at Langley Air Force Base. Sometime later today we will turn over the bombs to an Air Force E.O.D. team totally trusted by Colonel Stevens. The triggers are at Police Headquarters locked in the evidence vault. I am going to turn them over to FBI agents I trust! So you see Washington D.C. our city is safe for the time being.
Sunny asked Bill what else do you know? Bill frowned what else do I know? I now know that you have been using an overnight radio show to gather intelligence, send out operational orders, and transmit information in coded messages. Thanks to Colonel Stevens reading me into this system I know that Boston, Baltimore, and New York City were also targets for nuclear destruction. That three French cargo ships were bring in the bombs to destroy these cities. I also know that U.S. Navy and Coast Guard forces captured two of the ships. I know that some crazy man named Bob Howard led something called a HALO assault on the third ship and captured it. I take it Bob is Robert Charles Howard CEO and owner of Black Shadow Security Inc. You know he has three offices right here in Washington. Bye the way what is a HALO assault? Sunny answered Bill you don’t really want to know: Just trust me on this. OK, now this Bob character is leading something called Operation Val Kiri. Whatever that is?
Bill then put his harshest Cop look on his face, and said speaking of trust why didn’t you bring me in on this sooner? I had to learn what I know about what is going on from strangers and the school of hard knocks! Don’t give me that need to know nonsense. Sunny answered, “Bill I couldn’t bring you in on this. You were my ace hold card. You were my surprise in protecting my family and the city. If the people responsible for these attacks knew about you they would have just killed you before starting the attacks!” Bill said OK I bye it, but I don’t like it Sunshine. R.N. Doris then said now that you two have caught up I need to give Aunt Sunny something to help her sleep. With that Commissioner Fagin said his good byes, and gave some last minute instructions to his nephew guarding the room.
It is now 1:00am Mountain Time, and William Goldsmith was waiting for the check in reports from the three French ships bring in the bombs to destroy Boston, Baltimore, and New York City. Five minutes passed, and there were no reports. Former President RoseBush was becoming anxious, and this was making all the lesser evil powers in the room nervous. Then at 1:10am a communications clerk entered the room, and handed Ambassador Goldsmith three messages. Goldsmith read the messages. Mr. RoseBush angrily glared at Goldsmith, and asked what is the news boy? Goldsmith stood up, and said, “Master all three ships, and their bombs, have been captured by enemy forces.” Mr. RoseBush said let me see those messages man? Mr. RoseBush read the messages and exploded in a mass of curses! Staring at Goldsmith Mr. RoseBush roared your fabulous plan has just fallen on it’s ass boy. The entire nuclear phase of the plan has been completely stopped! Now let’s see what we can salvage. I want recommendations on courses of action. I want to know what forces we can commit, and the expected gains from that commitment. I want your estimates within the hour. Then I want to know who we need to kill to punish for this failure?
At Point X-Ray Colonel Lee had moved his forward Command Post to the Check Point area we had just taken from the enemy. The rest of my 400 troopers had rappelled down to us, and we were ready to enter the main Hive. A Major Henderson was commanding the Virginia National Guard troops that were entering the Hive with us. Colonel Lee would hold the entrance. This was our escape route when we were ready to destroy the Hive. A separate group, made up of 100 men; fifty Combat Engineers from the Virginia National Guard, and 50 volunteer vets that had been Combat Engineers, were to rush down the service tunnels of the Hive to the Mono Rail Control Station. The Combat Engineers were then to destroy the Mono Rail, and set up a blocking position to prevent the Globalists from rescuing the Hive. My group of 350 Minutemen were to enter the Hive using the left stairwell. Major Henderson’s 350 Guardsmen were to enter the Hive using the right stairwell. We would then take, and clear the Hive floor by floor. We were all in this together now. We would surely all hang together, or all hang separately if we failed (Shades of 1776)!