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Membership Special at Robin's!!!

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Offline The Corner Man

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Membership Special at Robin's!!!
« on: November 20, 2009, 11:48:37 PM »
Hey Everybody!!!

Robin and I will be making some exciting changes at her super site at I will be doing the webmastering over there, and
we're looking forward to having some fun!!!
So to celebrate, anyone that joins the site (LesFemmesFatales) for the rest of
the month will receive a free downloadable video from Robin's Superheroine site
at I will allow you to select a "Part"(typically
ten minutes long) from any of our hot videos we currently have available there.
Simply go to and join, then send me an e-mail at
Here is a link to view the videos we have, and you can watch free demo clips to
get a taste of the video.

You won't want to pass this up as the members area at LesFemmesFatales is loaded
with hot pics and video clips featuring that sexy fightbabe herself Robin, and
all of her hot friends. Galleries and clips include competitive wrestling,
female vs female wrestling/fetish/domination, and female vs male
wrestling/fetish/domination. You can also read Robin's Diaries to see what she's
up to, and Members get an exclusive look at Robin's Bedtime Stories too!! So hit
this link and have alook at Robin's

You won't be sorry!!!
The Corner Man

Robin in Black Leather