Enough of this build-up story type thing...it's about time the actual fight started

As soon as he said ‘fight’ Jane leapt forward. With a cry of gleeful anticipation, “Come and get it, bitch!” Angie did the same. The two fighters hurled themselves at one another. Jane ducked into a slight crouch, aiming her shoulder at the other woman’s midsection. Those abs looked like a tough prospect but she knew she had the power in her legs for a solid charge that could knock the bigger girl down right at the outset.
She braced herself for the heavy impact of flesh on flesh as they came together but at the last instant Angie spun aside like a matador dancing with a bull. Immediately off balance, Jane tried to halt her charge and dodge the other way but before she could do so, Angie had pirouetted behind her and thrust both hands into her hair.
“GGGUUUHHH!!!” Jane cried out in frustration and in pain as her head was savagely wrenched backward. Her own momentum worked against and she lost her footing as she whipped over and crashed to the floor on her back with a force that momentarily stunned her.
Thankfully for her it was only momentary, since Angie wasted no time in following up on her attack. She leapt forward with one foot raised and stomped her bare heel down hard at Jane’s navel. Jane rolled desperately to her left and Angie’s foot, just brushing her right hip, slammed into the thick rug instead.
Damn she’s fast! Jane was no slouch in that department either however. She rolled back the other way as the taller woman stepped forward to recover her balance from her own missed attack, and lashed outward and upward with both feet. “OOFFF!!!” Angie let out an explosive gasp as Jane’s heels drove into her midriff between her navel and her ribs, almost exactly the location she had targeted with her shoulder charge moments before.
Angie stumbled backward, holding her belly, giving Jane the time and space she needed to roll up to her knees and then to her feet. Her scalp burned from the vicious hair pull and she was a little out of breath but not too much the worse for wear from her impact with the floor. On the contrary, she felt like she’d gotten the best of the first clash. “Looks like you’re the one who got it,” she taunted the other woman.
“Oh I’m just getting started with you.” Angie’s hands dropped to her sides. Her eyes narrowed and she sank into a fighter’s crouch once more.
“Good...cuz I’m gonna end it for you!” Jane charged again.
Keep attacking. Keep the pressure up. Wear her down. Don’t give her time to recover This time she aimed higher, mixing up her attacks so as not to let Angie anticipate her.
Instead of going for a shoulder charge this time, she sent her right fist arcing outward at her opponent’s left breast. Angie’s left arm whipped up and she caught the punch on her forearm, knocking Jane’s arm up and away. Almost in the same motion, the taller woman ducked and spun, hooked Jane’s extended right arm with her own and thrust herself upright again. With a loud shriek of surprise, Jane slammed into Angie’s back, then immediately found herself off her feet and flying through the air.
She twisted herself and took the landing on her shoulder. The thick mat took some of the impact and her rapid roll absorbed most of the rest. She wound up on her belly and immediately pulled her arms underneath her to push herself up again.
A foot slammed into the small of her back. “UNNNGGGHHH!!!”
Fuck! Angie’s hand seized her by her hair once more, yanking her head back and arching her spine painfully. Instinctively she threw one hand up, grabbing at her opponent’s wrist to ease the strain on her scalp while bracing her body with the other.
“Let’s hear you scream, wannabe!” crowed Angie as she shook Jane’s head violently from side to side like a dog worrying a bone. Tears welled up in Jane’s eyes at the renewed torment of her scalp and neck. Her back ached abominably as her adversary stretched her back like a bow. Angie’s frightening speed had caught her in a bad position, and now she was suffering for it. She had to do something quickly or she was going to get hurt.
She felt Angie’s foot against the inside of her left knee as the bigger girl balanced on it while she ground her other foot into the base of Jane’s spine. Hardly taking time to think, she twisted herself to the left with lightning speed, bringing her knees together and catching Angie’s leg between them. Angie’s squeal of surprise joined Jane’s cries of pain and, unable to keep her balance with her other foot planted in Jane’s back, the brunette toppled over sideways.
Jane kept rolling as Angie crashed face-first to the floor. Coming over into a sitting position, she still had Angie’s left leg trapped between hers, the bigger girl’s foot bent awkwardly upward and almost touching her butt. Angie’s other leg was half across Jane’s thighs and though she had managed to get her arms up to brace her fall, her entangled legs meant she was unable to free herself.
“Payback time, bitch!” Jane reached across her body with her left arm, twisted a thick handful of hair around her wrist and wrenched Angie’s head back with all her might. Angie screamed aloud.
Suffer, bitch! You did the same to me a moment ago. She leaned back hard, arching Angie’s Jade’s spine. She hooked her fingers through the back of the brunette’s bikini top and used that for extra leverage, jerking hard on it and eliciting another scream from her opponent.
Angie kicked wildly with her free leg but while her knee pounded Jane’s thigh, she could not find the range of motion to land a solid blow. Jane hauled harder, dragging on the bigger girl’s top and hair, working her scalp and neck, putting even more pressure on her opponent’s spine. “Let’s hear
you scream, skank!”
She gave an even harder jerk and, with a sudden loud snap, Angie’s top gave way, breaking the ring between the cups. Jane reeled backward with the top and more than a few strands of hair in her hands, rolling halfway onto her left side. That eased the strain on Angie’s trapped leg and on her back too, and she was able to roll away, pulling her right leg up and then driving her foot forcefully into Jane’s side directly over her right kidney.
It was Jane’s turn to scream as stabbing pain erupted all the way up her side. The blow flipped her over onto her belly, straightening Angie’s leg out and allowing the other woman to kick free. Jane gritted her teeth against the pain – she couldn’t afford the time to recover – and pushed up onto all fours, knowing she had only moments before her adversary came after her again.
She flipped her hair, now damp with sweat, out of her eyes and glared across the space between them in anticipation of Angie’s next attack. The brunette was also on all fours, facing her. There was pain in her fierce gaze, but also dogged determination. Jane realized the other woman had just as much at stake as Jane did. Jane narrowed her eyes. Show her up or not, she was equally determined to win this fight. She’d make the bitch scream her submission.
Angie gathered her legs beneath her, ready to spring. Jane did the same. The larger girl’s leg must still have been troubling her because Jane beat her to it and launched herself first. Her opponent was only an instant behind her however. Both still rising from their knees, they lacked the maneuverability for feints or finesse, and they slammed together with a force that stopped both of them in their tracks. Body to body, flesh sliding over sweat-slicked flesh, they strained against one another. Jane felt her opponent’s bare breasts flattened against her own. She could feel the other woman’s hard nipples scraping her flesh. Thank God she had gotten the bitch’s top off – those rhinestones would have done a number on her boobs, even with her own top still in place.
“Going down...little girl,” grunted Angie, her breath hot on Jane’s cheek as she spoke. Her fingers scrabbled down Jane’s back, searching for a grip on her slippery flesh.
“Dream on, bitch!” Jane leaned in harder, grunting with the effort as she tried to force her opponent back. Under normal circumstances Angie’s height might have given her an advantage in a test of strength such as this, letting her get up over Jane and giving her leverage, but the two combatants were barely off their knees, angled forward against one another, and that advantage was negated. Jane let out a long groan of exertion as she strained to make progress. Her opponent was like a rock but she was unable to make any headway against Jane either.
Suddenly Angie swayed sideways and before Jane could pull back she lurched forward, unbalanced, stumbling past the taller woman. Displaying the same agility she had shown earlier, Angie pivoted on her right foot and spun in behind Jane. Her right arm hooked up under Jane’s own, curling behind the smaller woman’s neck, and her left also snaked beneath Jane’s left arm.
Jane desperately spun to her right too, trying to keep her adversary from completing the hold and pulling her into a Full Nelson. Angie’s hooked fingers caught the edge of her bikini top over her left breast, wrenching it aside. Jane’s breast bounced free and she yelped out loud as the other woman’s nails scratched across her flesh. She squirmed and thrashed trying to tear herself free but Angie held her tight despite the incomplete hold. “No you don’t bitch,” she snarled close in Jane’s ear as she dragged her to her feet. “You’re all mine!”
The brunette yanked Jane backwards to unbalance her once more, then slammed her body into Jane’s from behind, barreling her forward, across the rug toward the tall glass panels that screened the tables flanking the arena. Jane tried to twist herself aside but it was all she could do to remain on her feet and she crashed into the unyielding glass with jarring force. Her loud “NNNGGGHHH!!!” turned into a breathless gasp as Angie slammed into her from behind an instant later, driving the air out of her lungs.
Though she had managed to turn her head aside at the last moment to protect her nose, she now found her cheek crushed against the thick glass screen, held in place by Angie’s weight against her back and the brunette’s hands holding her by her neck and by the back of her bikini top. “Let’s go for a walk, bitch!” hissed Angie as she dragged Jane along the glass wall. The panels were set perhaps an inch apart and Jane groaned aloud each time the edges grazed her bare, hardened nipple. “Let’s show them all what a loser looks like!”
Through tears of pain and rage, Jane saw the onlookers watching her from the couches behind the screens. She found herself face to face with the short Latin woman she had met earlier. What was her name – Lucy? She was sitting beside her husband – Vic – and smiling at Jane’s predicament. Vic’s eyes were on Jane’s bared breast. His eyes were alight and Jane noticed that his wife’s hand rested lightly on his crotch.
Jane pushed the image out of her mind. She had more important things to do. The bitch had her in a bad place and she needed to turn the tables before it was too late. She redoubled her efforts to tear herself out of Angie’s grasp but, crushed between her opponent and the glass, she had little room to maneuver.
Angie was not going to give her any chance to escape, either. She yanked Jane backwards off the wall, then slammed her back into it once more. Jane managed to twist her head and body a little and partially absorb the impact, but it still knocked most of the remaining breath out of her. Angie began to haul her back the other way along the wall, crushing her breasts into the glass, again dragging her throbbing nipple across the gaps between the panels.
The taller girl wrenched her off the wall again but this time she jerked hard enough that the knot securing Jane’s bikini top finally let go. Angie’s assault tore it free of Jane’s body and her opponent stumbled backwards with the momentum. She seized Jane by the back of the head to regain her hold, snaring her fingers into Jane’s hair and dragging Jane back along with her, but the momentary freedom was all Jane needed. As Angie began to thrust her forward against the wall once more, she finally had enough space to get her foot up, bracing herself against the glass and abruptly halting Angie’s lunge.
The brunette gave a loud “UNNGGGHHH!” as she crashed into Jane’s back and bounced off, staggering backwards. Her grip slackened, Jane twisted herself to her right and tore free. Whirling on Angie, she slammed both her open palms up into her adversary’s bare breasts. Already off balance, Angie tripped over her own feet and went down hard.
It did not go all Jane’s way however. The other woman still had one hand twisted in Jane’s hair and she dragged Jane down with her, both of them cursing. Only when they hit the floor in a tangle of arms and legs did the impact knock Angie’s hand free, taking a handful of hair along with it, accompanied by a shriek of anguish from Jane.
Jane twisted her body in the air even as she was falling, knowing she had to land on her knees, facing her adversary. Despite the ache in her chest, despite the pain in her abused scalp, she knew she couldn’t afford the time to retreat, regroup and recover that she so sorely wanted. She had the skank down, even if she was down too. She had to regain the initiative, take the fight to Angie and wear the bitch down – wear her out.
She threw herself at her opponent. Angie was still on her back, but she kicked out with both feet to forestall Jane’s attack and succeeded at least in slowing her down. Jane rocked back on her knees, battling her way forward through a barrage of thrashing feet and knees as Angie simultaneously tried to crab-walk backwards, to give herself time and space so she too could rise to her knees and maybe to her feet. Jane’s position gave her an advantage in speed and agility however and despite her opponent’s fierce defense, she could advance faster than Angie could retreat.
Nowhere to run, skank! She batted aside a flailing foot and lunged upward between Angie’s knees, grasping at her bouncing breasts. “Come to Mama, bitch!”
In her eagerness to press her attack however, she had neglected to notice Angie’s legs – until she suddenly felt the pressure of the other woman’s thighs either side of her neck, and heard Angie’s cry of malicious glee, “Gotcha!” as she locked her ankles behind Jane’s back and trapped her a head scissors.
Jane immediately felt the crushing force of her opponent’s strong thighs. Reflexively she broke off her attack and her hands flew to her neck, trying to pry Angie’s legs loose before she could apply even more pressure. It was already beginning to hurt. She cursed inwardly. She had been close to taking control of the fight but she had gotten careless – gotten stupid – and now she was on the defensive again, in another bad position. She had been lucky to escape Angie’s traps so far, but she knew her luck wouldn’t hold out forever.
Angie whipped her upper body forward, up off the floor. She grabbed Jane by the hair with both hands, jerking her forward until her face was tight against the brunette’s crotch. The rhinestones ground uncomfortably against Jane’s mouth and nose and each breath filled her senses with the scent of the other woman’s sweat and, yes, lust. Angie was turned on by this fight. That was no surprise. So was Jane, if she was honest with herself. “Get used to it, bitch,” Angie mocked her. “You’re gonna be spending plenty of time down there after you surrender.”
Clenching her jaw tight, trying to force the muscles of her neck to resist the relentless pressure of Angie’s thighs, Jane looked up the other woman’s body, past the hard abs sheened with sweat, between the heaving breasts with their hard, dark peaks, past the mocking smile and the taunting eyes. Behind Angie, across the arena, she saw the eyes of the audience. Some were looking concerned – obviously the ones who had bet on her to win. Others, no doubt those in Angie’s corner, were smiling to themselves and whispering. One of those, on the couch off to Jane’s right, was Tiffany, the brunette, the Society’s champion. Jane felt her anger grow. That was her goal – to challenge
that one and take her place. That was where Jane wanted to be – in the champion’s seat – and the only way there was over and through
this bitch.
She let out a low, somewhat strangled growl of anger mixed with grim resolve. Abandoning her attempt to pry Angie loose, she changed her tactics.
More than one way to skin a cat. She wrapped both arms around Angie’s midriff, gripping her opponent – her enemy – either side of her waist as she drew one leg under her, ready to rise.
Angie’s smile faltered as she understood what Jane was doing. Then it broadened again. “Oh you really think?” she snarled scornfully. “Not in a million years, slut!” The grip of her legs tightened and, leaning back, dragging Jane’s head painfully forward, she used her shoulders as a fulcrum to fling herself savagely to the right, throwing Jane off balance and sending her crashing to the floor on her side.
Panic welled up in Jane. She could feel the frantic pounding of her pulse in her tortured neck. Her head was beginning to pound too as Angie slowly, relentlessly constricted the air and blood supply to her brain. She was running out of time.
Head on the floor, she drew her knees under her once more. Angie thrashed back and forth, doing her best to unbalance her. The pain in her neck was appalling. She ground her teeth in anguish as tears streamed down her cheeks. Her muscles burned as she pushed her body upward by sheer force of will. Her mouth gaped open, gasping for air.
She reached her knees. She heard Angie groan aloud as she poured every ounce of strength into the crushing scissor hold. With a supreme effort, Jane pushed up onto one knee. There she paused, trying to ignore the dark spots that danced before her eyes. She could do it. She had to do it. Otherwise, everything was for nothing.
She closed her eyes, gathered the last of her waning strength and, with a breathless moan, rose slowly, agonizingly to her feet. She barely heard the onlookers gasp in surprise. She paid no heed to the ripple of applause that passed around the room. She was intent on one thing only.
Angie’s entire weight hung from Jane’s neck, her body inverted, her hair sweeping the floor as, screaming in frustration, anger – and apprehension too now – she gyrated wildly to tear herself free from Jane’s grip. Jane clenched her teeth even harder, bracing her feet wide apart. She changed her grip on her opponent’s body slightly, spreading her fingers wider, digging her claws into Angie’s hard abs, grasping, twisting. She heard the other woman groan.
Her legs felt like lead. Her head swam. She knew she couldn’t keep this up for long – but she also knew she didn’t need to. She was only a few steps from the glass wall. She twisted left, trying in vain to ignore the pain it cost her, and half charged, half fell into the wall, crushing her enemy between her body and the glass with a force that made the thick panels shudder.
Angie’s piercing cry of torment mingled with Jane’s own. The pressure on her neck eased, but only for a moment, then increased again. She staggered, let go of Angie’s belly with one hand and braced herself against the glass. Her legs began to buckle. She no longer had the strength to do this. She had failed.
No! She clenched her fist, gouging her claws deeper into Angie’s flesh. She heard her enemy’s long, tortured growl and drew strength from it, strength she never thought she had. She pushed herself off the wall and backed away a step, still holding Angie inverted. The other woman’s hands scrabbled desperately at her ankles, trying to grab her, trying to trip her, trying to bring her down.
She kicked her feet loose and drove herself – and her opponent – against the wall again. “GGGUUUHHH!!!” She didn’t hold back, crashing into the glass with all the force she could still muster, knowing that however much it hurt her, it would hurt Angie even more.
Angie’s grip on her neck faltered again, and remained so this time, but still she did not let go. Jane would have sobbed if she had enough breath. Her pulse was like a jackhammer in her head. She felt dizzy, nauseous. Her legs went weak again, and this time she could not find the strength to recover. With a groan of despair, she collapsed heavily to her knees, then fell over on her side.
It took a long time for it to register in her pain-addled mind, that the pressure on her neck was gone. When it did, she felt a new flood of anguish. Angie wasn’t going to choke her out. She was saving the moment, going for the dramatic submission, wanting to make Jane beg for mercy in front of the entire assembled Society. Any second she expected to feel fingers thrust into her hair, a foot in the small of her bag, hands grabbing and twisting her tits.
None of that happened. When she opened her eyes, she saw Angie’s prone body, stretched out on the floor, parallel to her, head to toe about a foot away. Only then did Jane realize what had happened. When she had fallen, Angie had fallen with her, and driven her head hard into the floor. The thick rug would have absorbed some, but nowhere near all of the impact. Jane could have wept with relief.
That relief gave her new strength – though not much. Angie was laying half on her belly, half on her right side, facing away from Jane. She pushed herself ponderously up onto one elbow, forcing her exhausted, leaden limbs to obey her. As Jane laid a hand on her hip to drag her over onto her back, to mount her and pin her, to slap her back to her senses and drag a submission out of her, the brunette stirred. She lifted an arm and lashed out weakly behind her, knocking Jane’s hand away. Jane reached for her again as the other woman slowly rolled further onto her belly and pushed up onto her elbows.
Angie shoved herself forward awkwardly with one knee, trying to distance herself, but Jane hooked her fingers into the back of her opponent’s bikini bottoms and held her back. Angie kicked out, slowly and weakly, but still it was all Jane could do to duck and avoid the blindly aimed blow. She kept her grip on her enemy’s bikini however and as Angie thrust herself away again, dragged it partway down her butt, exposing the crack of her ass. She yanked harder –
at least the bitch won’t be able to rub my face in those fucking rhinestones – and with help from her opponent’s frantic squirming to free herself, pulled it down past the other girl’s knees. Angie’s last effort flung her away from Jane, leaving the blonde with a crumpled scrap of fabric in her fingers.
Sprawled on her belly a yard away, Angie was naked now, but stripping her opponent didn’t win the fight. Jane paused to gather her wits and whatever was left of her strength. Her neck throbbed, her head pounded and her breath rasped in her throat. At least she could breathe now, but she needed time to recover – time she didn’t have.
Even as she watched, Angie rolled over and clambered to her knees. She glared venomously at Jane through the matted curtain of her sweat-soaked hair. “I’m going to teach you a lesson you’ll never forget, slut,” she snarled. “You’re gonna have nightmares about me.” She rose up on her knees, her arms outstretched, grasping.
Jane had no choice but to respond. Win or lose – and she knew she was too exhausted, too beaten and broken to win – she met Angie’s lunge. Their hands locked but neither had the strength left in her arms to hold the other off, and they crashed together with a loud smack that echoed around the arena. Fingers scrabbled and clutched for purchase on oiled, glistening, sweating skin. Hair was pulled, breasts were grabbed and kneaded, nails raked each other’s backs and buttocks. Grunts and groans – of exertion and exhaustion, of pain, frustration and mounting despair, punctuated each attack. It was now only a matter of who would make a mistake – not if, but when.
Angie stretched forward, leaned left and her fingers hooked in the strap of Jane’s bikini bottoms, at the corner of the triangle over her right buttock. Through the fog of her fatigue, Jane saw her opening. She too leaned left – her left, the other way – and with a cry of surprised anguish, Angie overbalanced. Her bare breasts slid across Jane’s, nipples scraping across nipples and sending a shiver up Jane’s spine. She leaned further, twisted and shoved, and the brunette’s cry grew in pitch and volume as she pitched forward and fell to the floor.
Jane knew she couldn’t leave it there. She was close – so close. She let her momentum carry her forward too, twisting herself and ramming her knee into the pit of Angie’s stomach. A gurgling growl of pain told her the blow had hit home, and hard.
Even so, Angie rolled away in the opposite direction, though she held one hand to her belly. Jane lunged after her, smelling – incredibly – victory. She hooked her right arm under the other woman’s chin. Angie’s long legs were crossed left over right and Jane reached out and grasped the brunette’s right ankle, trapping both her legs, heaving hard. She jabbed her knee into Angie’s back just above her butt, hauling on her neck and ankle, arching her enemy’s spine. “Give it up, skank! It’s over!” She was startled at the desperation in her own voice.
“Go...fuck...yourself...” Angie’s words were punctuated with pain.
“DO IT!” Jane hauled even harder, at the limit of her depleted strength.
For Chrissakes, let her submit!Angie groaned – louder – then at last, to Jane’s infinite relief, she croaked, “Okay...okay! Stop! I give up!”
Jane relaxed the pressure, but only a little. “Louder...let ‘em all hear you, bitch!”
Angie hesitated – but only for a moment. “I...” she groaned, long and loud, “I give up! You win! YOU WIN! BITCH!” She pounded her fist on the mat.