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Unfinished Business

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Offline TheScribbler

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Unfinished Business
« on: January 16, 2016, 06:35:13 PM »
This is something I wrote back in late 2013 for a member's request.  I can't remember whether he asked to remain anonymous however, so I'll keep his name out of it and allow him to identify himself if he wants to.  I will say though, that he gave me some great background material to work with.




The party was jumping, but then why wouldn’t it be?  It was a perfect late June Sunday afternoon, without a cloud in the sky.  The temperature was slightly on the warm side, in the high seventies already and probably touching eighty degrees before the afternoon was out, though there was just enough of a cool breeze coming off the ocean to keep it from being oppressive.  It was a day tailor-made for a pool party.

That was fortunate because it was the day that Bill, the owner of the ‘in’ bar close to the Boston College campus, threw his annual get-together for his staff, their friends and some of the regular patrons.  It was the hot ticket of the early summer and some of the college kids were even known to delay going home for the summer, just so they could make it.

Bill’s house wasn’t exactly a mansion but it had a big backyard and a great pool, plus a huge area of grass at the back which right now was filled with loud music, smiling faces and hot bodies not wearing very much.  Beer was flowing freely and everybody was having a terrific time.

Life was good.

Paul had gone to work for Bill in his sophomore year at BC, washing dishes and bussing tables.  The money wasn’t great but the place was the social center of campus life and he got to meet a bunch of great people – not to mention a bunch of hot girls.  Even as the bus boy, his good looks and quick wit had gotten him a lot of phone numbers – and more besides.  His popularity and his way with people hadn’t gone unnoticed and when he turned 21 in his junior year, Bill had put him behind the bar where he’d gone from strength to strength.

It hadn’t been long after that when he’d met Gina.  She’d tried to buy a round of beers with a fake ID that wasn’t nearly as convincing as her sparkling smile and the low-cut neckline of her tight long-sleeved tee that showed off a positively amazing cleavage.  He’d hesitated for a moment but something in her eyes had told him that she and her friends wouldn’t be trouble. 

That hunch had been right.  She hadn’t been trouble – she’d been the best thing that had happened to him.  They’d started dating a few weeks later and had quickly become known as an item – vacations together down the Cape, Holidays with each other’s families, the whole nine yards.  Gina had been the one who retired Paul’s ‘little black book’ of phone numbers.  He’d still flirted with the girls at the bar – that was part of the job and Gina knew that as well as he did – but she was the one and everybody who knew them respected that.  She was just as devoted to him as he was to her, though she still dressed to show off her best assets, knowing he liked that just as much as the guys who gazed appreciatively at her, and enviously at him.  He’d gotten used to the mostly good-natured mutterings, “Lucky bastard.”

She was getting the same looks now as she picked her way through the crowd toward him, carrying a sweating beer bottle in each hand.  Paul couldn’t blame them.  He couldn’t take his eyes off her either.

She stood 5’4” in her bare feet, slender but curvaceous, lithe legs swinging in a loose, rangy stride as she dodged deftly around a knot of happy partygoers.  Her hair was piled high on her head, accentuating the graceful curve of her neck.  It appeared jet-black most of the time but now it carried chestnut-brown highlights that glinted in the sunlight.  A few strands had come loose and hung decorously on her shoulders, wafting in the breeze.

Her rounded hips undulated sensuously in a way that drew every male eye and more than a few of the female ones.  It wasn’t her pert behind, beautifully accentuated by the ruched fabric and central seam of her midnight blue bikini bottoms, that held their attention however, so much as her magnificent bosom.  She wasn’t huge – though her breasts were more than a handful as Paul knew only too well – but they seemed spectacularly large on her petite frame.  The top of her bikini was cut quite generously, the full cups cradling her high, rounded breasts securely, but the twin strings that stretched up the slope of her chest to tie behind her neck lifted them just that little bit higher, pushing them together, accentuating the deep valley of her cleavage.  A lot of big-chested girls tended to be self-conscious, but not Gina.  She loved to show off her décolletage, and Paul never grew tired of the sight.

She smiled that special smile as she approached him.  She knew he’d been looking and it made him feel good to know she liked to show off for him.  Look but don’t touch, fellas.  This one’s mine. “There you go.”  She handed him a beer.

He touched the neck of his bottle to hers.  “Cheers.”  They both took a deep swig.  The cold beer felt good on his throat.  He licked his lips and he looked at her. 

She smiled back and winked.  “Nothing like a cold beer on a hot day.”

He returned her wink.  “Who said it had anything to do with the beer?”

She laughed.  “Touché.”

They drank and chatted with friends, listened to music, even danced a little.  After that they went for a short swim to cool off.  The sight of Gina with droplets of cool water glistening on her skin, her long nipples erect and pressing impudently at the tight-stretched fabric of her top.  She had often threatened – jokingly – to poke his eyes out with them.  He was about ready to plunge his face down there and let her do that right now.

The delicious smell of grilling burgers and sausages soon added to the general sense of well-being, and the pace of the party continued to build.  We watched one bikini-clad blonde dancing unsteadily on one of the tables.  Paul knew her casually from the bar and by what he’d heard of her grades, the table dancing might be her most promising career prospect.

Gina tilted her head back and drained the last of her beer.  She leaned into Paul, pressing her right breast into his arm.  “I think I need another.”

He glanced at his own empty bottle, clutched in his hand.  “My turn.”

The beers, along with sodas and water, were in a bunch of coolers under a marquee on the far side of the yard, close to the house.  He made his way through the increasingly raucous revelers – there must have been fifty or sixty people here – though all the clamor was in good fun.  Working in the bar had taught him how to read a crowd and he’d seen things get a lot wilder but remain good fun.  He could feel the energy – the release of tension now that exams were over, the imminent prospect of a summer free from books and lectures, all fueling the already high spirits of the party guests.  He caught the eye of Bill, the bar owner, who was busy behind the grill.  He waved, and Bill waved back.  They grinned at one another over the heads of the crowd. It was going to be a helluva party.

He found the beer cooler easily enough.  It had the word ‘Beer’ marked prominently on the lid.  He slid two long necks from their ice/water bath.  Paul hadn’t been responsible for icing the beers – he’d helped set up the marquee – but whoever had, knew what they were doing.  The water chilled the bottles faster and kept them cold longer.

Whoever had set up the coolers had also thought to provide a bottler opener, and tied it to the handle of the cooler with string so it didn’t accidentally wander off.  That too showed forethought.  Even twist-tops could shred fingertips that been in the pool or hot tub too long, and blood was never a good addition to a party.  He set the bottles on the corner of a trestle table beside the cooler, and topped them both with a long-practiced flick of his wrist.

He suddenly stiffened as he felt a warm body press firmly against him, two hard nipples pressing into his back and left arm.  “Hey there Paul,” drawled a syrupy southern accent, close in his ear.

Oh shit.  He turned.  “Laney.”

Laney had come to work at the bar the previous year, at the end of the summer when school started and things picked up after the summer doldrums.  Paul had met her at an orientation afternoon for new employees and she’d taken a shine to him almost immediately.  At first it had been simple flirting when she was behind the bar – she also worked tables out on the floor – but soon it had gone beyond that, grabbing his ass when he bent to get beers from the refrigerator under the bar, brushing her breasts against him as they passed one another, and comments that made it clear she was interested in much more than just flirting.

Of course, Gina had soon found out.  Laney was careful at first, never trying anything when Gina was around but she didn’t know all of Gina’s friends and word had gotten back to Gina in no time.  Gina had been good about it, “I know you’d never cheat on me, but that bitch had better learn to keep her hands to herself or I’ll have to teach her!” 

They’d even had a few pointed words in the bar on one occasion, but that had only seemed to encourage Laney.  She had gotten bolder, and taken to feeling him up in the bar even when Gina was around, seeing what she could get away with, without getting caught.  Part of him wanted to believe that it was just a game for her, but he wasn’t sure about that.  Her attraction to him had seemed to heat up as the weather had cooled down, as did the battle of words between her and Gina.  They quickly grew to hate one another and Paul had never been entirely sure whether Laney’s increasing attraction to him was because she hated Gina, or whether she hated Gina because Gina stood in the way of her getting with Paul.

It had all come to a head one night over the winter.  Laney had caught Paul in the cool room getting a fresh case of beer and had flashed her bare breasts at him, backing him up against the wall with a brazen, “Go on…touch them, sugar.  Bet you’ve never had tits like mine, have ya hon?” Her Georgia accent came on even heavier when she was aroused, and she certainly had been, that night.  Paul could still picture her perky, pink nipples sticking out invitingly to him.

He still wondered what he might have done, if one of the other waitresses, who just happened to be a good friend of Gina’s – Paul had gotten her the job – hadn’t walked in on them.  Laney had whipped her shirt down and tried to pretend like nothing was happening, but Paul’s wide-open eyes and red face hadn’t left much room for doubt.

Gina had been beside herself.  “That’s IT!  I’m going to show her just what happens to sluts who can’t keep their whore hands off my guy!”  Paul knew Gina well enough to know that it wasn’t just an idle threat.  Sure enough, she’d camped out in a booth at the bar for the next three nights until Laney was working again, and then it was on.  Harsh words had quickly turned to hate-filled screams, a drink had been thrown, and the two women launched into a slapping, punching, hair-pulling frenzy.  It had taken the two doormen, helped rather reluctantly by Paul, quite some time to drag the two spitting hellcats apart, much to the disappointment of many of the people in the bar at the time. 

Gina had been kicked out and hadn’t dared show her face at the bar for quite a while.  Paul didn’t know if Bill would have banned her permanently, but he wasn’t taking the chance. 

Laney had fared even worse.  The duty manager, who didn’t like her at all, had spoken to Bill and whatever he’d said had gotten Laney fired.  Paul had felt bad for her and called her a few days later, only to find out that she’d skipped town.  “She told me to give you a message if you called,” said her room-mate, a girl named Wendy whom Paul had met a couple times.  “She said to tell you ‘you blew it, asshole’ and that ‘your stupid cow Italian girlfriend is lucky I didn’t rip her tits off’.”  She paused.  “Her words, not mine, ok?”

“Ok,” he had replied.  “Do you know where she went?”

“She didn’t say.  I guess she’s gone back home to Atlanta.”  Another pause.  “Your girlfriend is one lucky bitch.”  He thought for a moment that she was giving him a compliment but then she added, “Laney’s a tough cookie,” and he realized what she meant. 

Now here was Laney, larger than life and bold as brass, smiling up at him mischievously with her big blue eyes.  They weren’t the only big things about her either, a fact that was plainly revealed by the tiny powder-pink bikini she wore, which showed off her buxom chest to great effect.  The sight of her bare breasts in the cool room that night leapt right into Paul’s mind, front and center.   She had her not-quite-platinum blonde hair held back with a barrette that matched the bikini, which was brief without being too much so, and revealed the firm yet feminine curves of her limbs and the smooth plane of her flat belly. She looked great.

“I…thought you’d gone back down south,” he finally managed to say.  She was holding a clear Solo cup half full of something pink.  Paul was betting it wasn’t lemonade.

“I did, for a while, but I’m back now.  When I saw you here, I thought I’d come over and…” she wriggled her shoulders, making her breasts jiggle seductively inside her tight bikini top, “…say hi.”

The Pope couldn’t have kept eye contact when she moved liked that.  Paul’s gaze dropped to the exquisite curves of her chest – they weren’t quite Gina’s but damn, they were something!  When he met her eyes again, they were twinkling.  She knew precisely what she was doing.

“Well now you’ve said hi, why don’t you get your whore ass back to LaGrange Street where you belong!”

Double shit.  Gina.

Laney whirled on her heel to face Gina, who stood there with a look of utter fury on her gorgeous face.   “Oh, look what the cat dragged in,” said Laney slowly.  She was about two inches shorter than Gina and five or six pounds lighter, but she gave away nothing in attitude.  She glanced over her shoulder at Paul.  “Still slumming, huh hon?”

Gina’s eyes narrowed.  “Leave…now…” she said in a low, dangerous voice, “before you get hurt.”

Laney’s shoulders tensed.  “I’m sure you’d just love that,’d save you one hell of an ass-kickin’.”  Her accent had gotten thicker all of a sudden.  Maybe it didn’t only happen when she was horny.

The area around them had gone very quiet, all eyes upon the two women – including Paul’s.  He wasn’t so sure that Laney’s room-mate had been right.  Gina was Italian on her father’s side and Irish/Filipino on her mother’s.  She had inherited her passionate disposition from her Dad, along with the famous temper of the Irish from her Mom.  There had been a young guy from the Philippines, an exchange student named Bobby, working in the bar the night she’d tangled with Laney and he’d told Paul some stories about the Filipinas back home, and some of the fights he’d seen.  Paul hadn’t been able to get some of those thoughts out of his head, ever since.

“Oh, I don’t think so, sugah,” replied Gina acidly.  “Why don’t you run along, before I humiliate you in front of all these people?”

“I don’t think so either,” Laney shot back.  “Your little stunt cost me a good job, bitch.  I owe you for that.  Now it’s payback time…and I’m starting with this!” She hurled her drink right in Gina’s face.

Gina screamed out in surprise and fury but before she could do more than stagger back a step, wiping at her eyes, Laney flew at her.  Getting her arms up and shoving them into the artfully arranged pile of hair atop Gina’s head, she dragged the shrieking brunette down at the waist, spun her in a half-circle and flung her away.  Gina went reeling across the clear space that had opened up around them, caught her hip on the corner of one of the trestle tables and sprawled on her back on the grass.

Laney pounced on, going for Gina’s hair again, shaking her like a dog with a bone and snarling like one too.  Gina howled in pain as the blonde tore at her raven tresses.  Laney might have been smaller than Gina but she was strong and the smooth muscles of her arms and legs rippled as she literally wiped the floor with Gina, skidding the brunette’s body back and forth across the grass as Gina screamed at her.  “Let me GO!  BITCH!”  She sounded more pissed than hurt.

She proved that a moment later when, both her arms occupied with trying to pull Laney’s claws from her hair, she lashed out with a foot that caught the blonde in the side just above her hip.  Paul heard the solid thwack of bone against flesh, and Laney’s sharp cry of pain joined Gina’s, repeated even louder a second later when Gina launched another kick that landed solidly on the underside of Laney’s left breast, slamming it upwards and almost knocking it right out of her bikini top.  A bunch of the onlookers, particularly the guys, cheered. 

Paul didn’t know what to do or think.  He felt partly responsible for this – he was the one they were fighting over – but after the way Gina had reacted when their first fight had been broken up, there was no way he wanted to interfere now.  If Laney or Gina didn’t tear him to pieces, the rest of the crowd probably would.

Bill appeared at Paul’s elbow, watching the two women flail at one another in a frenzy of slaps and curses.  “You arrange this?” he asked, pulling on his beer.

“No,” replied Paul.  “Didn’t even know Laney was going to be here.”

“Me neither.  I guess she must’ve come with some friends.”

“Want me to stop it?” asked Paul.  Dear God, please say no!

“Nah.  We stopped ‘em once.  Had to.  They might’ve broke something.  Might even have been cops.  Don’t need that.  Here…” Bill shrugged.  “They can’t hurt nothin’ except the grass and each other.  The grass’ll grow back.”  He grinned.  “And we got plenty of Band-Aids and Neosporin in the house.”

Laney dragged Gina up to one knee, still wrenching her head savagely from side to side.  Gina’s hair was coming down in a matted tangle, and she was clawing at the blonde’s wrists.  It looked like Laney was getting the best of the fight.  Laney’s a tough cookie. That certainly seemed to be true.

Then Gina suddenly spun on her knee and her other leg swept around in a rapid circle, low to the ground.  Her shin slammed into the outside of Laney’s left leg, just below the knee.  Laney let out a loud “UNNGGHH!!!” and her leg buckled.  She ceased worrying Gina’s hair and fell sideways to the grass with an angry scream.

Gina didn’t waste an instant, and threw herself at the blonde.  “Fucking BITCH!  I’ll tear you apart!”  Laney was unable to avoid what amounted to a body splash but she did get her arms up to grab Gina’s wrists as the brunette went for her hair.  Their bodies came together with another loud slap of firm flesh and sharp grunts as the impact forced the air from both of them.  They grappled, breasts flattened against each other, hissing and snarling like a couple of alley cats, faces contorted in fury, inches apart. 

Laney managed to get a foot planted firmly on the grass and bucked her hips upward, twisting her body and flipping Gina off her.  Gina had one hand in her hair by that time however and the momentum pulled Laney over onto her side.  That didn’t seem to bother the blonde, and she rolled herself on top of Gina, spreading her knees and shoving herself up into a sitting position.  “Now you’re REALLY gonna scream, bitch!” she snarled, and backhanded the brunette hard across the face, snapping Gina’s head viciously to the right and whipping her tangled hair across her face.

She balled her fist to fire another blow but Gina suddenly twisted back the other way and it was her fist that drove up under Laney’s jaw, slamming the blonde’s mouth shut with a clack of teeth that could be heard across the yard.  The angle was bad and Gina had no way to get any weight behind the punch, but it nevertheless knocked Laney flying.  She fell to the grass on her side, apparently stunned.

“Damn,” murmured Bill, “that girl of yours can punch!  Who knew?”

Paul nodded, not taking his eyes off the two women.  Gina was proving that she was just as tough as Laney.  He had no idea how this fight would end.  If he was honest with himself, he had no idea how he wanted it to end.

Gina scrambled to her feet, tossing her head to flick her errant hair out of her eyes.  “Let’s see who screams loudest, you slut!”  She lunged for the fallen blonde, who was just pushing herself up on one elbow and rubbing her jaw with the other hand.  Gina thrust her fingers into the lower strap of Laney’s bikini top, between her breasts, dragged her up and sent a fist pounding downward into the blonde’s left breast, right in the middle of the brief cup of her bikini top. 

Laney screamed all right, as her boob was crushed against her ribs.  She fell backwards, clutching one arm protectively across her chest while grabbing for Gina with the other.  Gina didn’t let her fall though, jerking her up again into a sitting position.  She stepped behind Laney, grabbed her by her barrette and tore it out of Laney’s hair, prompting another painful scream from the blonde.  She flung the pink plastic contraption away and it bounced across the grass as she turned to her attention back to Laney.

“Like to pull hair, don’t you, skank!” she roared.  “Well so do I!!!”  She got both hands into Laney’s blonde mane and wrenched her enemy back and forth as though she were trying to tear Laney’s head off her shoulders.  Knowing Gina’s temper, Paul was not entirely convinced that she wasn’t.  The blonde howled in agony as Gina poured pain not only into her scalp but into her neck and back as well.  “Who’s screaming NOW, bitch???”

Laney’s entire body was shaking in Gina’s relentless grip, her lovely breasts bouncing wildly from side to side, barely restrained by the fabric of her bikini.  The crowd, fueled by the frenzy of the fight and well lubricated with beer, were loving the show.  “Show us her tits!!!” yelled some jock.  His buddies laughed and a few of them took up the chant.  “Show us her tits!  Show us her tits!”

“Never underestimate the power of drunken morons in large groups,” muttered Bill.

Paul grinned.  “C’mon…tell me you don’t want to see them.”

The older man grinned.  “Never said that, buddy…never said that.”

Gina heard them chanting, of course, and she grinned wickedly as she continued to punish Laney.  She stopped shaking the blonde quite so hard but hauled back on Laney’s hair, turning the blonde’s face, streaked with tears, up to hers.  “Sounds like they want a better view, slut!  Not that most of them haven’t seen your slut tits already.  I’ll bet my guy’s not the only one you’ve been offering them to…and I’ll bet most of them didn’t turn you down like he did!”

Paul hadn’t exactly turned her down.  They’d been interrupted before things could go any further than just a flash of her bare breasts, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to correct Gina on that point – ever.

The vengeful brunette wrenched Laney violently to the side with one hand, twisting her spine. As Laney screamed in pain and grasped at Gina’s wrist in a vain attempt to assuage the pain, Gina reached forward over her shoulder with the other hand, hooked her fingers under the straining lower strap of Laney’s bikini and ripped upwards.  The blonde’s breasts jerked upwards, and Laney shrieked even louder as the tight straps cut cruelly into her soft flesh.  Gina yanked again on her top, even harder this time, and finally the strap gave way, the cups scraping up over Laney’s hard pink nipples, drawing yet another scream as the blonde’s big round breasts fell free.  The crowd roared their approval.

Paul realized he was holding his breath, and let it out in a long, slow sigh.  He’d seen those breasts more than once in his dreams since she’d shown them to him in the cool room that night, and they were even more spectacular than he remembered, despite the fact that Gina began shaking Laney viciously again, making them swing from side to side, slapping against one another.  “You like to show off your tits, whore???  Let’s give everybody a real good look!!!”  The blonde wailed in pain and fury.

Gina was on a roll.  She wrapped Laney’s torn top around her wrist, twisting it tight around the blonde’s throat, using it to control her enemy.  “Let’s see how much they like them when they’re black and blue!”  She jerked back on Laney’s head again, making the other woman push her chest out, then sent two stinging slaps, forehand and backhand, into Laney’s jiggling right breast.

Laney screamed.  “You fuckin’ BITCH!!!  Let me GO!!!” She struggled wildly, clawing at Gina’s arms but the raven-haired hellion managed to stay out of her reach.  Any time she got a grip on Gina, any time it seemed as though her frantic struggles were starting to pay off, Gina would slap or punch her breasts, and shake her brutally again.  Strands of blonde hair were already floating down to the grass around the two women.  Paul knew Gina could handle herself but he was surprised at just how completely she was dominating this fight.

She was just getting into her stride though.  She bent her knees, dragging on Laney’s hair, making her enemy arch her back and cry out yet again.  Gina reached down and this time got a firm hold on the back of Laney’s bikini bottoms.  Laney’s eyes went wide with horror as she realized what was about to happen to her.  “Don’t you – !” she shrieked but then her threat was cut off in a piercing scream as Gina wrenched her bottoms up hard into the valley of her pudenda.  Trapped in the position she was, Laney’s hips were thrust forward, her knees spread wide, and the whole crowd was getting an unobscured view of the blonde’s fleshy, smooth shaven pussy lips as Gina worked her bottoms back and forth, digging them deep into her sensitive sex. 

Gina didn’t let up on her hair, nor her breasts either, punishing Laney at both ends of her body.  The blonde was soon looking pretty bedraggled.  Both her breasts were marked red from Gina’s merciless attention, her hair was a complete bird’s nest and her screams started to take on a more urgent note, laced less with anger and more with panic and pain.  “Let go!  Let me GO!  BITCH!!!  AAAGGGHHH!!!”  Both of them were bathed in sweat but Gina just laughed.  She showed no sign of giving up on her victim, or even of slowing down.

The crowd was hooting and hollering like this was the greatest spectacle they’d ever seen – and it probably was.  Gina was magnificent but frightening at the same time.  Paul had often wondered what would have happened if they hadn’t been separated, that night in the bar.  Here was the answer, right in front of him.  It was beyond his wildest dreams.  He felt himself growing hard inside his shorts.  He looked around him.  All the crowd were cheering and egging Gina on.  Laney had been popular enough when she worked at the bar but the story of her almost-fight with Gina, and the reason for it, had gotten around.  The crowd didn’t have much sympathy for her – then or, so it seemed, now.  Only a small group of a half dozen guys and their girlfriends were looking less than enthusiastic about the beating she was getting.

Gina bent close to Laney’s ear.  “How do you think the guys like your titties now, WHORE!”  She leaned over Laney, gripped her puckered right nipple between finger and thumb and twisted hard.  Laney threw back her head and screamed.  Her hand whipped up but instead of grabbing defensively at Gina’s wrist, she shoved her fingers in Gina’s hair.  Intent on tormenting the blonde, Gina didn’t realize what was happening for a moment and by the time she did, she was already tumbling forward over Laney’s shoulder to land in a tangled heap on the grass.

Laney took a moment to hook her bikini bottoms out of her pussy lips, before she reared up high on her knees and sent a fist hammering down at Gina’s midriff, before the brunette had a chance to recover from her surprise.  Her fist sank into Gina’s flesh just beneath her ribs, and Gina let out a hurt-filled groan as her legs jerked up off the grass.

Paul had to give Laney credit – she’d taken one hell of a beating and had not only managed to get out of Gina’s clutches but turned the tables on her.  Now his girl was on her back, on the grass, with Laney’s fist buried in her belly.  Judging from the look on Laney’s face, Gina was about to get back everything she’d just dished out.  She screamed pitifully when Laney twisted her fingers as she pulled her hand away, clawing cruelly at Gina’s smooth skin.

Laney blonde reared up again, pulling her clenched fist up to her shoulder to send another punishing blow into her adversary but Gina kicked out in desperate defense and her knee slammed into Laney’s right breast, drawing a loud cry from the blonde – pain at the battering to her already injured breast, along with frustration as her fist slammed into the grass instead of Gina’s belly button.

Gina’s arms reached up to get a firm hold on Laney’s hair again, pulling her down with a squeal.  In an instant the two women were rolling about on the grass in a shrieking catball, punching, slapping and clawing, screaming with rage as they attacked and with pain as the other woman landed a blow.  The crowd parted around them, giving them space.  Everybody wanted to be as close as possible to the action but nobody wanted to get in the way or, heaven forbid, to get between the two.

The desperate grapple finally ended with Gina up on her knees astride the blonde’s belly, though Laney was far from finished, fighting her enemy off with a flurry of slaps as Gina tried vainly to land a blow to her face or get her claws into Laney’s wildly wobbling breasts.  “I’m going to ruin you, WHORE!”

“Fat chance, BITCH!” Laney sent a backfist blasting across Gina’s left cheek that spun her head to the right and almost knocked her off the blonde.  When Laney tried to follow up with her other hand however, Gina blocked the blow with her forearm and, finally finding the opening she needed, fired a punch that caught Laney on the point of her chin and snapped her head back with a loud “UGH!” of pain.

“Now you’re MINE!” roared Gina.  She snared her fingers into Laney’s hair again, wrenching the dazed blonde up off the ground and sending a savage series of slaps to he enemy’s face, hammering both her cheeks, forehand and backhand as Laney’s arms flailed weakly trying to protect her face.

Suddenly Gina threw back her head and screamed.  At first Paul thought it was a cry of triumphant rage but then he realized the tone was not one of anger but of agony.  Then he saw Laney’s hands grasping Gina’s chest, her fingers dug deep into the folds beneath the brunette’s breasts, thumbs hooked inside Gina’s bikini top, gouging at her breasts.  The rest of the watchers saw it about the same time Paul did.  A collective “Ohhh!” went around the yard.

“Wha’s the mattah, sugah?” drawled Laney, her southern accent thickening again.  “Hurtin’ much?”  She twisted her thumbs into Gina’s big soft breasts and Gina howled.  She tried to shake Laney violently by the hair like she’d done before, to make the blonde let go, but Laney only twisted her hands tighter into her enemy’s tortured chest.  “Lemme show you somethin’ from back home…we call this a tit fist!”  She rolled her wrists backward, folding Gina’s breasts over her hands, digging her sharp nails even deeper into the soft folds. 

Gina wailed in torment, new tears pouring down her cheeks.   She tried for a few moments longer to maintain her hold on Laney’s hair but the pain got the better of her and she clutched feverishly at the blonde’s hands.  “Oh FUCK!!!  Let me go!  Let GO!!!”

Laney wasn’t letting go though.  The look on her face was one of pure enjoyment as she finally got the chance to repay Gina for the torture the brunette had inflicted on her earlier in the fight.  She slammed her hands forward and upward, mashing Gina’s breasts into her ribs, then yanking and twisting on them as Gina screamed and howled and clawed desperately at her wrists.  Laney drew herself up, her face close to Gina’s – she had literally pulled herself upright by her grip on Gina’s boobs – and hissed, “Let’s hear you beg, bitch!”

Gina’s face was pinched with pain, the muscles of her jaw tense as she tried to keep herself from screaming out loud.  Paul’s heart swelled with pride – though it wasn’t the only thing swelling.  That was his Gina – never quit.  She was hurting though, anyone could see that.  He could only imagine the pain she must be in.

She tossed her head back, staring at the sky, groaning, still trying to pull Laney’s vicious claws from her tortured chest.  “Fuck! Fuck! FUUUCCCKKK….YOU!” Her head snapped forward with impeccable timing and her forehead smacked into Laney’s nose with a force that brought a painful grimace to the face of everyone watching.

Laney reeled back with a cry, wrenching her hands from Gina’s boobs, tearing the brunette’s bikini top loose as she did so, spilling Gina’s breasts out to a delighted whoop from about half the onlookers – the rest were still wincing at the sight of the head butt.  The blonde fell back onto the grass, clutching her face, moaning.

“What’s the matter, sugah?” mimicked Gina.  “Hurtin’ much?  Not half as much as you’re about to!”  She grabbed another handful of blonde hair, yanking Laney toward her, and fired a fist at her enemy’s face.  Just before the punch landed however, Laney reared up with a roar and Gina’s knuckles glanced off her temple.  She thrust her own hand into Gina’s bikini top, hauling Gina violently down and sideways, at the same time sending her other fist slamming into the outside of Gina’s already abused breast.  Gina groaned at the blow and, off-balance, fell to the ground alongside Laney.

“Little blonde is tough,” remarked Bill.  “Thought your girl had her beat, just then, but she came back.  Gina better watch out.”  Paul nodded, gripped by a sudden feeling of unease.  At the start of this, he wasn’t sure which way he wanted it to go.  Now he was.  He wanted Gina – his Gina – to win.

They were back to wrestling on the grass, their movements slower now as pain and fatigue began to tell.  Both women were bruised, scratched and hurting, both were tired.  Neither was giving the other an inch though.  Their curses and cries, hisses and snarls bespoke their dogged determination to endure and prevail.

Laney finally managed to get a leg up between them and, with an explosive grunt of massive exertion, shoved Gina away from her, sending the brunette skidding on her side, away across the grass.  Laney clambered up onto her knees, bits of grass sticking to her glistening skin.  Her bikini top still dangled around her neck.  She tore it off over her head and tossed it away with a muttered curse.  Her bare breasts heaved as she gulped air into her lungs.  “Fuckin’ sadistic cxnt,” she snarled, “I’m gonna tear those fat cow titties right off!”

Gina too reached her knees and the two enemies faced each other.  Gina’s breasts were bare, already swelling and marked where Laney’s fingers had dug deep into them.  Her nipples were dark, almost chocolate brown, and poked defiantly at their torturer like little accusing fingers.  Her belly was red where Laney’s fist had pounded her.  The knot that secured her bikini bottoms over her right hip had come loose.  The bottoms hung halfway off her and Paul could see the top of the neatly trimmed vertical stripe of her pubes.  She didn’t bother to re-tie the knot.  Just like Laney, she was totally absorbed with the fight.  Both women’s faces were stained with tears, their makeup smeared, their hair sticking out in disarray.  Both their bodies gleamed in the bright sunlight.  Their eyes were alight, each burning with the desire to hurt, to punish, to destroy the other.

“You like to go for the belly, slut?” hissed Gina.  “Try this for size!”  She lunged and before Laney could get her arms up to defend herself, Gina’s fist rammed into her belly right on her navel, with the brunette’s weight behind it.  Laney’s eyes flew open wide, as did she mouth and a visible spray of spittle erupted from her mouth as she folded forward.  She clutched at Gina’s hand but Gina tore it away, leaving her bent over, gagging, supporting herself on one hand, cradling her belly with the other.  Gina sneered.  “Can’t take it, huh slut?”

Laney’s shoulders rose and fell as she took a slow, labored, shuddering breath, her face almost touching the grass.   “She’s finished!” called out somebody from the throng.  It looked like they might be right.

“C’mon, hit the bitch back!” yelled somebody else.  There were a few other catcalls, mostly in favor of Gina.

The blonde pushed her body up a little further, and tilted her head up to glare venomously into Gina’s eyes through the ruin of her hair.  “You…like…to punch,” she gasped, then took a deep, shuddering breath.  “Try this!” She surged upwards, bringing her fist up all the way from the ground in a devastating uppercut.

Gina managed to sway back far enough that the punch missed her chin but it still slammed into the underside of her left breast, knocking it violently upward into her chest.  Gina gave a shriek of pain, followed by a heart-felt “FUCK!!!” Paul thought she was going to topple over backwards but she steadied herself in the nick of time and lurched forward, grabbing onto Laney’s shoulders.

Paul held his breath.  Gina was obviously hurt, clutching her enemy for support, but then she surprised him by wrapping her arms tight around Laney’s neck and pulling the blonde’s head into her bosom, burying Laney’s face between her breasts.  “You like my tits so much, whore…here’s a whole face full!”  She squeezed her arms tight together, smothering Laney, at the same time shaking her body hard from side to side, putting more pain into the blonde’s already hurting neck.

Laney clawed at Gina’s arms, shoved at her shoulders, slapped at her sides, trying to tear herself loose as she howled muffled curses into the brunette’s cleavage.  Gina hung on grimly.  “Say goodnight, slut!” There were wild cheers of encouragement from the onlookers.  This fight was going to be the talk of the town for months to come, and the spectacle of Gina smothering out her rival with her tits would make the story priceless.

The blonde raked her nails down Gina’s back and Gina roared with pain but still clung tight to Laney, digging her own nails into the blonde’s scalp as the two women traded screams.  Laney’s struggles were growing more panicked but also weaker.  Paul let out his breath in a long sigh of relief.  Gina had her now.  It was just a matter of time.

Laney suddenly loud out a scream that made all the others pale by comparison, and she was joined a moment later by Gina.  Everyone stared in confusion for a moment, not understanding what was happening, until Gina suddenly released Laney’s head and shoved her violently away by her shoulders, a look of anguished disbelief on her face.  “Jesus H Christ, the blonde bit her tit!” exclaimed Bill next to him.

Paul looked hard at Gina’s naked breasts but her smooth skin bore no new blemishes except for the marks of Laney’s nails inflicted earlier.  A moment later he realized what Laney had done, as he saw her hand thrust between Gina’s legs, gripping hard, twisting viciously on a generous handful of Gina’s pussy.  Gina was wailing in agony, battering at Laney’s head and shoulders in a frenzy of suffering.  Laney gritted her teeth and simply sucked up the blows, a feral grin on her face.  “SCREAM, BITCH!!!”

Gina finally got enough of her tortured wits together – or maybe she just got lucky – to whirl her right arm back over her shoulder send her fist around and upward, ripping into Laney’s midriff in a blistering punch that literally knocked the blonde backward a foot or two across the grass.  If the blow had hit a little higher it would have hurled her onto her back but as it was, she doubled over with such force that her forehead slammed into the ground with an audible impact that made the entire crowd wince in sympathy.

“You…scream…skank,” panted Gina, her shoulders shaking as she fought through the pain in her groin.  “Oh…you can’t…because you can’t…BREATHE!”  She reached down and twisted her fingers into Laney’s tangled hair again.  “Time…to finish…this!”  Laney made a desperate strangled sound of misery.

Gina drew her arm back to deliver the coup de grace and finish the little blonde, jerking Laney up by the hair.  “Look into my eyes, slut, as I – ”

She never finished the threat, as Laney exploded upward with a fearsome cry that froze her – and everyone watching – in place for an instant.  That instant was enough for Laney’s fist to smash up underneath Gina’s jaw.  The force of the blow lifted Gina off her knees and hurled her over onto her back, slamming her down on the grass where she lay groaning.  Her arms were spread wide, her breasts flopped to the side.  She lifted a knee weakly, then her leg sagged back to the ground again, her thighs splayed, the dark stripe of her pubes visible to all, as were her swollen pussy lips, peaking around the edge of her displaced bikini bottoms, the tender flesh an angry red from the cruel attention of Laney’s claws.

Laney stayed on her knees for a few moments, leaning forward, supporting herself with both arms.  Her shoulders rose and fell slowly as she took each slow, labored breath.  Even her hair was soaked with sweat now.  At last she pushed herself up to one knee and then, using her hands for extra leverage, pushed herself painfully to her feet.  She stood hunched over, her wounded belly preventing her from straightening up fully.

She took a step toward Gina, then stopped, swaying.  She stumbled a small step sideways, and there were murmurs from the crowd as it looked as though she would fall, but she remained on her feet – barely.  “Somebody’s gotta stop this,” said Paul.  “They’re killing each other.”

Bill put a firm hand on his shoulder.  “They won’t thank you…either of ‘em.  Let ‘em finish this their own way.”

Laney took another step, and this time her pain and exhaustion got the better of her.  She fell to one knee with a loud cry but, either by design or just dumb luck, she dropped her knee not into the thick grass but into the pit of Gina’s stomach.  Gina’s eyes and mouth flew open wide, air and spit spraying from her lips.  Her legs and upper body whipped up convulsively off the ground, her head snapping upwards too – just in time to meet Laney’s fist which caught her right between the eyes.  She let out an explosive “AWWW!!!” and her skull smacked the ground hard an instant later.

The blonde knelt over her, motionless, knee still buried in Gina’s belly.  It seemed as though she was too exhausted to get off the beaten brunette.  At last however, she reached down and seized Gina’s battered breasts.  The crowd roared.  Laney paused to draw breath, then clambered ponderously to her feet, dragging Gina up to a sitting position by her vice-like grip on Gina’s tits as the partygoers howled their encouragement.

Laney switched her grip to Gina’s hair, and hauled her up to her knees.  Gina’s arms flapped limply.  She whimpered but offered no resistance.  It was evident to all that she was finished.  It was equally evident however, that Laney was not yet finished with her.  Holding Gina up – Paul was sure she would have fallen except for Laney’s grip on her hair – she stepped behind Gina.  Keeping one hand in the brunette’s sweat-soaked, matted tresses, she reached around and grabbed the edge of Gina’s bikini top.  “You don’t need this any longer, bitch!” she sneered as she yanked hard.  It took three sharp tugs before the top finally came away in her hands, leaving Gina’s bruised, blotched breasts swinging free.

The blonde bent and pulled loose the remaining knot that secured Gina’s bikini bottoms over her left hip.  “Or this either!”  She ripped the bottoms off from the rear, dragging the fabric roughly through Gina’s crotch.  Gina’s body bucked, though weakly, then gave a shudder as the bottoms finally came away, leaving her hanging naked and defeated before the gaze of the entire party.

Laney changed her grip on her victim yet again, grabbing Gina’s dangling arms, pulling back hard.  Gina’s head flopped back, her ravaged body arched painfully, her poor abused bosom thrust out for all to see.  The blonde turned her in a half circle, forcing her around as Gina’s legs moved slowly, barely able to support her.  “Take a good look at the skank, folks!” she called out.  “Thought she was somethin’ special…not so much, huh!”

At last Gina was facing Paul, though her eyes were half closed, staring heedlessly into space.   Laney looked over his vanquished girlfriend’s lolling head and into his eyes.  Paul saw the pain there, the exhaustion, but also the single-minded determination that had brought Laney to this moment.  Most of all, he saw the triumph. 

“I brought you a present, hon,” she drawled, keeping her eyes locked with his as she lifted her leg, placed her foot between Gina’s shoulder blades and shoved, releasing her hold on Gina’s arms as she did so.  Gina didn’t even try to break her fall, and pitched forward on her face at Paul’s feet.  She lay unmoving.  Only a soft moan told him that she was even awake.

Laney stepped over the wrecked Gina’s body – actually, she stepped on Gina’s back, crushing the brunette into the grass – and pressed her naked, dirt-streaked, sweat-slicked bosom against Paul.  He felt her hard nipples scraping his chest through his shirt.  Laney snaked an arm around his neck and pulled his head down to hers, kissing him hungrily, her tongue spearing deep into his mouth.

He kissed her back for a moment, tasting her, his cock rubbing against her belly through his shorts as she ground herself against him.  His arms went around her body, holding her – and then he took her gently but firmly by the shoulders and pushed her away.

She looked up at him, questioningly.  “Wha…?”

“Remember what you said to me, back in the winter?” he asked her.  “Remember the message you left for me?  You said ‘you blew it’…well today, you blew it.  Actually, you blew it back then, when you couldn’t leave it go at a little harmless flirting…when you had to push it until something fun turned weird and ugly.  Here, now, you just turned it even uglier.  Nice going, Laney.”

With that, he guided her firmly by the shoulders, moved her to one side and went to the aid of the devastated Gina.



Offline Frida Dayne

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Re: Unfinished Business
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2016, 04:07:40 PM »
Wonderful story with a nice twist at the end.  Thanks for posting!


Offline Dario

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Re: Unfinished Business
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2016, 10:55:46 AM »
Fantastic work again , you are the best.


Offline michellecatfites

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Re: Unfinished Business
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2016, 02:29:53 PM »
Great story, fantastic back and forth action with just the right amount of drama as background


Offline Crimsonrash

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Re: Unfinished Business
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2024, 04:02:03 AM »
I just love this story. Would love to see more of Laney


Offline snw

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Re: Unfinished Business
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2024, 05:46:58 AM »
At least wait to push her away after you give her what she rightfully took from the brunette. I’m sure there’s very few fans of watching hot sexy girls battle it out for a man who’d not reward the victorious blonde’s effort. I’d have forgotten every single thing she’d ever said or done after watching her kick my hot gf’s ass to win me. She earned it and Gina would admit that I’m sure. She might not like it but nonetheless she lost and to the victor go the spoils. Hell I’d have stayed with Laney until which time Gina decided to take her on again to try and win back what Laney took. Loved the story.


Offline Dario

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Re: Unfinished Business
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2024, 01:33:25 AM »
The Scribbler was the best catfight 's writer ever, a total Master.
Sadly, he is retired.


Offline YH5050

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Re: Unfinished Business
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2024, 11:15:51 AM »
Well written story. Loved the back and forth.


Offline Crimsonrash

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Re: Unfinished Business
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2024, 09:28:17 PM »
Maybe it's the attitude, the accent, or the attitude but Laney sticks out as an awesome character.