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should i find this girl?

no no cause jessica would ko me again
18 (72%)
beat both her and her friend
5 (20%)
yes go for revenge no matter what
0 (0%)
yes and beat her ass
2 (8%)

Total Members Voted: 7

Voting closed: November 27, 2009, 11:13:27 AM

bar bathroom fight

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Offline hollywins

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bar bathroom fight
« on: October 08, 2008, 11:10:48 PM »
my husband and i went to the local pub for some drinks. im 28 5'6 and 120 lbs blue eyes and long brown wavy hair and dressed like a teenager in a white button up long sleved blouse and a jean skirt and boy did i get alot of attention my husband was furious well i was having fun dancing and drinking and had to go pee really bad so i made my way to the lil girls room opon leaving the bathroom this lil blonde girl named jessica about 5'4 108 - 112 lbs dressed like a souther girl in a flower dress grabs me by my hair and pulls me into the bathroom.

                to be continued!!!
« Last Edit: October 08, 2008, 11:33:27 PM by holly2 »
Hollywedgiesu is my trillian name!


Offline hollywins

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Re: bar bathroom fight
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2008, 03:03:39 AM »
jessica slams me face first into a stall then throws me into the wall pinning me there with her forearm on my neck chokeing me jess says your such a whore stay away from my man then i said f u bitch im married i dont want your man. jess's face angered as she starts repetedly punching me in the stomache as i cried out in pain after about 6 or 7 punches she lets me go and i slide down to the floor all curled up in tears jess just stands there watching me then grabs my hair and punches me in the face and proceeds to pick me up to my feet thats when i saw my opertunity and kneed her in the gut then punched her face as hard as i could and she went flying into a stall and she came back at me and i decked her again and once again she came back for more only to have my punch blocked and to get decked by her which knocked me back a lil we were both standing now like we were in a boxing match.

    to be continued!!!!
Hollywedgiesu is my trillian name!


Offline hollywins

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Re: bar bathroom fight
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2008, 10:07:14 PM »
jessica is standing there smiling saying come get some which is rather funny looking coming from a lil girl dressed like a southern bell so i tell her she is about to get f***ed up. jess lunges at me and grabbed my shirt and poped all but 1 button of and i took a shot at her face but she grabbed my fist and pulled me tward the sink and twisted my right arm behind my back and grabbed my hair and pushed my head into the sink and turned the water on mumbling im gonna clean this whore and the water was so cold but i did manage to slip a good elbow shot to her chest to free myself and i spun around and backhanded her and she droped like a wet noodle and layed there on the floor motionless and i stood there thinking wow nice shot and i got down on my knees and put my finger in he face and told her thats what she gets for messing with me and out of nowhere i get punched in the ear now we both are on the floor.

                 to be continued!!!
Hollywedgiesu is my trillian name!


Offline hollywins

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Re: bar bathroom fight
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2008, 01:40:05 AM »
we both recover at about the same time and attack eachother with both of us rolling around franticly trying to get some control and i finely end up on top sitting on her chest with my knees pinning her arms down jess is struggling with all her might but cant budge me yelling get off me b**ch and i decide to poke fun at her and say whats wrong lil girl you didnt really expect to win did you? just give up and save yourself some pain. jess says never and throws her legs up and wraps them around my neck pulling me backwards and lets go jessica quickly gets to me laying on the floor and decks me then she gets up and crosses her arms and says get up whore as i lay there holding my cheek which was throbing in pain. i slowly get to my feet and wack she punches me again now im pissed and come at her to tackle her and she nails me with a right left and another right sending me to my butt jessica says is that all you got whore as i shake off the dizzy spell and get back up only to get knocked back down with another punch to the head and at this point i realized this lil 21 year old flower girl was kicking my ass. so i get up and swing a hail mary at her hooking her in the eye sending her backwards into the wall and she still came at me punching me in the gut then an uppercut the a hard right punch to my chin and i felt my knees get weak. as i awoke on the floor i found myself with my shirt taken off and thats when i feel someone grab my hair and i say oh s**t not again no more please and jessica says its time for the grand finaly and she stands me up and says come on lets take a walk jessica yells open the door sandra aparently she was garding the door not letting anyone in jessica drags me into the bar room with no top on still dazed and my husband comes running up and say let go of her and jessica says does this whore belong to you my husband quickly says yes she is my wife thats when jessica says hey sandra do we have the right girl? as she throws me to the floor and kicks me in the head as she walks away
Hollywedgiesu is my trillian name!


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Re: bar bathroom fight
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2008, 02:16:14 AM »
how about some input what should i do in this case?
Hollywedgiesu is my trillian name!



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Re: bar bathroom fight
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2008, 04:11:28 AM »
I haven't voted yet Holly...because this is too too hot a fight....
PLEASE continue...



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Re: bar bathroom fight
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2008, 06:46:16 PM »
well im sorry guys i didnt come through in the fight i really wanted to mess her up too. ive been in 5 fights total counting this one my first fight was with a girl named stacy when i was 19 and that same year i fought my lil sister and a year later when i was 20 i got into it with my best friend jodi then i didnt fight till this year which was with my sister brandi then this girl jessica. for some reason ive gotten interested in fighting and been taking some self defence classes which aparently didnt help me with the last fight but im getting better. shoot when i was a teen i was such a girlie girl it wasnt funny heck i never even drempt id ever be in a fight or wrestle someone wow do things change huh.
Hollywedgiesu is my trillian name!


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Re: bar bathroom fight
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2008, 05:19:05 PM »
so there isnt too many people with much to say huh?
Hollywedgiesu is my trillian name!



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Re: bar bathroom fight
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2008, 05:24:03 PM »
Sorry but, I'm into tangle catfights, breast/crotch grabbing and plenty of nudity and also sorry to say that this doesn't have much of it :(


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Re: bar bathroom fight
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2008, 03:05:48 AM »
well i not too sure id wanna get into a fight like that but money does talk still that would have to be alot of money. that kind of fight makes me cringe just thinking about it  :o
Hollywedgiesu is my trillian name!


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Re: bar bathroom fight
« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2008, 10:09:15 PM »
so did anyone like this fight? i didnt >:(
Hollywedgiesu is my trillian name!



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Re: bar bathroom fight
« Reply #11 on: October 14, 2008, 10:32:34 PM »
Then pardon me if I sound cheeky, why did you write the fight?


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Re: bar bathroom fight
« Reply #12 on: October 14, 2008, 10:34:46 PM »
it was the last fight i was in and had already wrote the figths of my past
Hollywedgiesu is my trillian name!



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Re: bar bathroom fight
« Reply #13 on: October 14, 2008, 10:40:56 PM »
I see, well I decided to read your story then and it's alright, too much fists as I thought their might be. Relunctant you got down on the floor and wrestling and stuff, sadly not for long. But oh well I guess you did bring it to life slightly


Offline hollywins

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Re: bar bathroom fight
« Reply #14 on: October 15, 2008, 12:53:38 AM »
id rather not do the wrestling thing i dont know the first thing about it im more about the fist fighting
Hollywedgiesu is my trillian name!