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Bridget and Renee finally fight!

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Bridget and Renee finally fight!
« on: February 08, 2016, 03:23:09 AM »
Blonde, tan skinned, broad shoulders, large breasts and at 5' 7" she was taller than average but at 40 plus years old her weight isn't what it used to be and while once a knockout she is still attractive just a bit heavy. Renee is used to getting what she wanted and was no stranger to forcing her opinion upon others as she also had a temper.  Some would say she could be a very mean person that only wanted to get her way and always had to have the last word and would do anything to "win" the argument, debate, well anything actually.

Bridget was in the same class with the blonde in school.  Also an attractive woman with broad shoulders and large breasts, her hair was strawberry blonde (she hated being called a redhead) and she was a tall woman in the 5' 9" range.  In school Bridget was a stunning girl and while she too was a bit heavier than she would like to be now, she was not as heavy as Renee in comparison which she secretly loved when she thought about it.  While she didn't play sports in school or anything like that, she was a very strong woman physically with a killer smile.  Their high school class reunion was upcoming and being from the same home town, a small one at that, meant they knew each other.  They did not run in the same circles in school.  Renee had married and moved out of the area while Bridget still lived in our small hometown.
Bridget and I had dated a little back in the day and during a talk one day she had told me she never liked Renee at all.  I asked her why and she never really told me a definite reason just that she didn't and actually would love to kick her ass.  That immediately got my attention as while I'm the normal guy in all respects, my one fetish if you want to call it that is watching women catfight each other!  Especially a rules kind of fight as that way neither woman gets injured at the end of things normally.  Hurt yes, as of course the object is to win and some pain is involved to achieve that but I'm no sadist and do not want anyone in the hospital afterwards.  However a good, down and dirty catfight between 2 lovely looking women is a dream come true.  Well that was back then and I never thought seeing these two strong willed, pretty, big breasted women fighting each other would never happen.  Man, I love being wrong this time!

I happened to be in town visiting my parents during their class reunion weekend.  Bridget and I still kept in touch every now and then over the years so she knew I was coming in this weekend.  Now I also kept in touch with Renee sort of in that she had married my best friend.  After many years and kids, etc. they had divorced, thankfully from my standpoint!  I don't want to sound mean but the divorce turned shall we say difficult and the blonde's mean and down right evil side came out for sure.  Now, we were never close but we were friendly and all that over the years.  I just hated how mean she could be.  So, secretly I had always wished someone would teach her a lesson physically, very physically!  

Off and on I would bring up her to Bridget when we chatted asking her if she still would like to fight Renee?  The lovely redhead would always say yes as for whatever reason she still didn't like Renee.  I knew if these two ever did fight it would probably be quite the fight as both were strong willed as well as physically strong.  Now throw in Renee's temperament and Bridget's deep down desire to knock the blonde off her self-appointed pedestal since high school days and you have all the ingredients for quite a show indeed!  I can only hope if it finally happens that I would be lucky enough to witness the event!

I really can't make this up.  At the reunion, both women happened to be next to each other for the group picture.  As they were getting staged by the photographer I happened to text Bridget (in the navy blue) asking her where everyone would meet at after their reunion as it would be a nice opportunity to visit with many friends I haven't seen in years and years.  Renee (in the orange) was getting a bit impatient with the whole get everyone in the shot thing and when she saw the lovely redhead texting she made a comment about it.  Of course being Renee, it was loud enough for Bridget to hear who looked directly at the blonde then looked down at her phone with a slight smile while texting me back informing me of this whole process.  Of course this further agitated Renee who was now staring daggers at Bridget.

Bridget acted as if she didn't see the expression being glared her way and kept the small smile on her face texting me of course holding up the whole take the picture process and finally looking up innocently and apologizing to everyone and put her phone away.  She then returned the dagger like stare toward the blonde.  Both had very stern looks and the silent challenge was mutually issued and accepted.  After the picture everyone was slowly leaving the event and Renee approached Bridget asking her what her problem was causing the delay.  She told Bridget she hoped whoever she was texting was worth holding up everyone in a snappy tone.  Bridget's reply was of course it was as she had not seen me in a while and that I was in town.

Renee moved close to Bridget so no one else would hear her and with a sly smirk said, "You know, I should have taken Sean away from you back then just for spite and showed him just how inept a woman you really were."
Bridget replied, "I really wish you would have tried and on your best day you couldn't have come close to touching me you evil bitch. "

A few more insults were exchanged before Bridget and Renee challenged each other to a rules catfight with only me there to witness the outcome! With time and location agreed upon each woman left the reunion with steam coming out of their ears. I received the cliff notes version of the events that transpired with the meeting place for the fight. I couldn't believe it but didn't pause not one second before bolting out the door for my car and newly discovered destination.

I walk into the hotel suite and both ladies are all ready there wordlessly removing jewelry, shoes and cloths down to their underwear as both surely knew expensive cloths would have been absolutely shreaded if left on.  As I hang the do not disturb sign on the know and lock the door then take a seat to watch Bridget and Renee literally charge each other.  Neither attempt to duck or dodge the collision and the smack of flesh on flesh fills my ears.  Hands go for hair and arms wrap around their foe as their savage dance of fate begins.  Slaps, grunts, groans and moans are the music of this dance that these two women have been waiting for years to experience.  Each one is giving her all to impose her will onto their hated rival.  

Both women agreed to not have any hard blows to the head (i.e. punches, elbows, knees or kicks) as black eyes and swollen lips would be very difficult to explain to coworkers and family next week.  No biting and nothing to the eyes were the only off limits items and each busty lady is pulling hair, punching the body, twisting around in effort to gain advantage while inflicting pain.  Renee's right hand grabs her foe's left breast and brings the first scream of the fight as she mauled the redhead's ample breast.  Instead of grabbing the blonde's wrist right away, Bridget yanks blonde hair backwards very hard and punches Renee's swinging breast also bringing a scream from the blonde.  Neither woman can get the other down onto the ground yet but they are brawling away full steam ahead.

The two separate after a couple minutes of this all out assault on each other.  Each woman is now more calculating and is looking for an opening to attack and not just blindly rushing in but neither is hurt yet and seem as determined as possible.  Nothing else in the world right now matters in their eyes.  Total focus on their foe and all else is nonexistent as far as they are concerned.  Renee feins a breast attack then grabs the taller redhead into a headlock and cranks down with all her might.  The blonde's powerful grasp is evident by Bridget’s loud moan.  Bridget tries to twist away but the blonde's feet are spread wide giving her a wide and powerful base.  That plus her leaning into Bridget’s solid frame cranking away at the lovely neckline of her foe grunting with the max effort she is putting into the hold.  Bridget’s arms now are wrapped around Renee's thick waist in almost a bear hug but she is bent over by the headlock/neck crank hold therefore off balance so she doesn't have the leverage.  Renee's face shows the effort she is putting into the hold but she now also has a slight confident smirk on her face as she knows she is inflicting some pain onto her rival.  She feels Bridget’s resistance lessen a bit and with that opening Renee releases one hand from the headlock to grab a fistful of strawberry blonde hair then pivoting at her hips the executes a great hip toss to take down crashing down onto the floor hard.
Bridget knows if she doesn't do something quickly she could end up loosing this fight so her instinct is to grab the flowing blonde hair and yank back hard.  She does just that and her strength really shows as Renee's head is bent back harshly.  She struggles and continues to yank the blonde's head backwards and from side to side.  Her efforts are paying off in that Renee's headlock is weakening.  Without the pain of that hold, Bridget’s focus returns and she throws one leg over the blonde's head wrapping around it and locking her ankles together resulting into an awesome head scissors hold.  Straightening out her legs breaks Renee's headlock hold completely.  Now Bridget’s expression is one of a smirk and she also reaches out and grabs the ample tan breast mauling it as hard as she can.  Renee's body arches trying to escape the powerful thighs wrapped around her head but her breast feels like it's on fire from the mauling.  Bridget’s smile broadens as she hears the blonde cry out in pain.  The lovely redhead continues to crank down with those powerful legs while pulling/twisting that tan breast as hard as she can.  The longer she maintains these holds the bigger her smile gets.  Gone is the pain she was feeling and now she is immersed in the combat.  She is feeding off Renee's pain and is actually becoming aroused by it.  Bridget yells at Renee to give up and submit.  Of course Renee refuses but this brings a laugh from the redhead while flexing those thighs harder, grunting with the effort and again she demands the submission through gritted teeth.  

Renee feels like her head is going to explode not to mention that her breast feels like it's on fire.  The blonde yells out her submission but Bridget doesn't immediately let go.  Instead she demands Renee say it louder in which the blonde curses at her foe but does again repeat her submission.  I ask Bridget to let her go as she did submit and the now glowing redhead complies.  First fall to Bridget.  As she gets up she tells Renee that this is only the beginning of her ass kicking and there's more to come.  The blonde replies that you got lucky bitch and the next fall will be different.  Both women go to opposite corners to sit and take in some water for the break period agreed upon before continuing hostilities.

After the break they get up and move towards each other.  The redhead smirking with satisfaction and the blonde fuming with anger but each woman moving towards each other slowly.  They begin to circle looking to attack.  Renee lets loose with a very wide looping left hand open slap then immediately follows with a straight right punch to the breast landing very hard from the thump I could hear as it landed.  Renee then kicks Bridget directly between the legs landing cleanly as evidenced by the redhead's open mouth, wide eyes and hands clutching as her groin.  Renee doesn't stop and continues her attack with another open hand slap to her lovely foe's face.  She then grabs Bridget's hair and knees her stomach hard.  The blonde has that satisfactory grin on her face admiring her handiwork for just a second before using those great red locks to throw her rival to the carpet and kicks her in the lower back during this process.  Renee is enjoying being in control and inflicting pain onto Bridget and continues to show that with dropping a knee down onto the lower back of the redhead.  Grabbing Bridget's hair and pulling back hard putting tremendous strain on her back and neck.  Renee talks a little smack before demanding Bridget's submission.  The lovely redhead refuses to give up and squirms and struggles to break free of this almost camel clutch hold.
Renee continues to yell at her foe and yank backwards on her hair then actually laughs at her struggling.  Bridget really marshals up her power and is trying to get her knees under her.  I believe if Renee wouldn't have laughed at her, Bridget would have submitted that fall but the laughing gave her added energy and she got her knees fully under her now and was able to throw the blonde off her back breaking free of the painful hold that should have gained Renee a submission.  Instead the now angry redhead is free of the hold and looking to return the painful favor to the blonde.  

Renee can't believe that her rival didn't submit and charged at her in anger.  Bridget wrapped her arms around the charging blonde as the two crashed together and slipped behind the enraged woman.  She slipped her hands under the blondes and behind her neck, interlacing her fingers executing a great full nelson hold.  Bridget’s height was always an advantage to her growing up as being tall and beautiful was just an extra “check-mark” in her attractive column as it were but now that was a tactical advantage.  That added height now gave her greater leverage physically adding to her already strong arms greatly bringing more pressure to the hold.  Renee’s moan as the redhead clamps down on the hold is evidence to that fact.  

Bridget spreads her feet a bit and slightly bends at the knees giving her a rock solid base and continues to power down on the blonde’s neck and shoulders.  Renee pulls her arms downward attempting to power out of the hold she is in but doesn’t break the hold.  It does however lessen some of the pressure felt.  She is still feeling the pain of the hold and is trying to maintain her attempt to power out of it.  Bridget now has a small smile on her face as she knows her hold is causing her foe pain and she likes it!  She whispers into Renee’s ear how much of a bitch she is and that she thought Renee was stronger than that.  She told her if Renee wasn’t such a fat cow this hold would bend her over such that she would force the blonde to smell her own rank pussy.  Bridget kept up with the verbal assault to pair with the physical one continuing to really bear down with her strong arms.  The lovely redhead is also leaning forward some more by accident than design but the results are the same.  Renee’s body is now also carrying more of Bridget’s body weight on top of the strain to her neck and shoulders from the full nelson hold sapping the blonde’s strength a little more.  Bridget thrusts her hips forward and at the same time twists her arms resulting in the blonde falling forward to the carpet.  Now with even more pressure on her neck and shoulders Renee cries out in pain to which Bridget now laughs at her hated rival and she tells Renee how pathetic she is among other verbal taunts.  Unlike when Renee’s laughing gave the awesome redhead adrenaline fueled strength to power out of the hold she was in, the blonde is in too much of a leverage disadvantage and no matter how much she tries, Renee cannot break free.

Bridget releases her interlaced hands to grab a fistful of blonde hair with her right hand, twisting Renee’s head so that she is looking over her left shoulder with the right side of her face wedged into the carpet by both the weight of the lovely redhead on her neck as well as the now half nelson Bridget still maintains.  Bridget’s now free left hand begins mauling, clawing, punching, twisting and anything else she can think of to the blonde’s large left breast.  Bridget taunts the blonde saying that big ole` titty is just begging to be abused as she continues to pull at blonde hair that twists Renee’s neck, grinding her face into the carpet, wrenching her right shoulder by the leverage of the half nelson hold while assaulting her exposed and vulnerable left breast.

Renee is crying in pain and humiliation.  She can’t take any more and sobs her submission to her superior foe but Bridget does not release her holds and continues the attack laughing at the beaten blonde, demanding she yell out that she is weak and evil and inferior in every way.  At first Renee refuses but the now glowing with victory lovely redhead grinds down, twists, punches, pulls and mauls the defeated blonde’s pathetic body harder and harder until she relents giving her foe the second submission of their catfight.  Bridget’s smile is as broad as possible as she releases her holds.  The redhead grabs that battered left breast and uses it like a handle to roll Renee over onto her back and then slides forward bouncing hard onto the defeated woman’s chest and slapping the blonde’s face calling her a miserable, evil and fat cow.  She grabs two fistfuls of blonde locks and pulls the loser’s head up into her crotch to further humiliate Renee all the while continuing her verbal taunts.  She finishes up telling me to take some pictures for proof of her victory.  Bridget flexes her strong arms with some bicep victory poses and she tells the still crying, defeated blonde that if she ever wants a rematch she will be so happy to beat her ass all over again!


Offline DogWithABone

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Re: Bridget and Renee finally fight!
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2016, 10:02:58 AM »
Very nice. Got to the point with enough buildup for it to make sense and everything in the fight seemed realistic.
RIP the account of Sophie Cees.


Offline SDSfemfan

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Re: Bridget and Renee finally fight!
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2016, 09:21:29 PM »
Very nice. Got to the point with enough buildup for it to make sense and everything in the fight seemed realistic.
Thanks for the comment.  I haven't written many.


Offline mrsbiceps

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Re: Bridget and Renee finally fight!
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2016, 09:55:17 PM »
very good.
strong arm tactics


Offline Dan Zone43

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Re: Bridget and Renee finally fight!
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2016, 12:33:52 PM »
Nice story but what happened after the fight?  Who went home with whom?



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Re: Bridget and Renee finally fight!
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2016, 11:42:46 PM »


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Re: Bridget and Renee finally fight!
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2016, 03:51:38 AM »
Nice story but what happened after the fight?  Who went home with whom?