Rebecca leans forward and slowly pushes her feet under her as she bends Jenny forward. Jenny tries to break free of Rebecca's grip again, but her effort fails as Rebecca has a tight grip on the full nelson. "Get the hell off" groans out Jenny in frustration as Rebecca controls her. Rebecca knows the full nelson is frustrating for Jenny and might be tiring her out, but it isn't inflicting any real pain of significance on Jenny.
After getting her body over the top of Jenny, Rebecca slowly raises up moving to her feet as she drags Jenny up while maintaining the full nelson hold on her. Jenny struggles and almost slips her arm free, but Rebecca is able to maintain her hold as she gets Jenny pulled to her feet.
"GET UP SLUT!!!" yells Rebecca as she gets Jenny to her feet. The words more for show than anything else as Rebecca appreciates the hold is incredibly frustrating for her opponent. As Rebecca gets Jenny to her feet, Jenny lifts her leg and shoves it down grinding her heel down on Rebecca's toes. Rebecca lets out a yelp of pain as Jenny's desperate attempt to do something finally pays off.
With Rebecca's yelp of pain Jenny wiggles her body to break free and manages to loosen Rebecca's grip. Rebecca sensing Jenny's attempt to escape her clutches drives her body forward shoving Jenny into the wall.
Without much to cushion the blow, Jenny crashes into the wall chest and face first with a THUMP sound. Jenny lets out a moan and tries to turn into Rebecca as the impact with the wall finally allow Jenny to slip free of Rebecca's grasp.
Rebecca is all over Jenny at this point as she presses her body against Jenny's back trapping her against the wall. Not content to simply trap her opponent, Rebecca jams several hard punches into Jenny's look back and kidneys as she holds her in place.
Crying out in pain, Jenny's legs buckle as her head rolls back onto Rebecca's shoulder. The pained expression on her face telling the tale of the effectiveness of Rebecca's attacks. In a desperation move, Jenny flings her arms up over her head and grabs for Rebecca's face hoping to rake her nails across whatever vulnerable target she can find.
Rebecca, too focused on her attacks on Jenny's low back, fails to see Jenny's attack. With a sudden violent move, Jenny shove her hands over her shoulders and straight in Rebecca's face. Her claws digging into her opponent as she rakes outward with both hands. Rebecca lets out a scream of agony and pulls both hands to her face as she staggers back several steps.
YAHHHHHHH!!!!! screams out Jenny as she turns and wildly attacks Rebecca. Jenny is slowed by her battered condition and Rebecca covers up her body and takes the first couple of punches on her arms before she tries to return fire with punches of her own.
The fight now turning into a sluggish and reckless punch fest as the girls begin to throw body punches at one another. The sound of fists landing on arms, shoulders, and bodies ring out THUD, THUMP, WHOMP and mix in with grunts and groans as both girls take and receive punches. The crowd cheering wildly as the fight turns into a wild brawl.
After several moments of brawling the tide of the battle appears to be shifting Jenny's way as she starts to land more blows on Rebecca than her opponent is able to land. The grunting and gasping continuing as both fighters stubbornly stand in and try to batter the other. Rebecca's efforts seem to be fading out somewhat as Jenny takes control and her punches start to penetrate Rebecca's defenses.
OOOOOHHHHHHH flies from Rebecca's mouth as her face contorts in pain and she gasps out for breathe after Jenny lands a punch squarely on her breast mashing it flat. Jenny follows up the punch with a second shot into Rebecca's belly landing it directly on her belly button. After gasp of pain flies from Rebecca's mouth as she tries to stagger back and away from Jenny while trying to protect her body from any further punches.
Rebecca staggering away from her catches Jenny off guard and she reacts late in her attempt to pursue her advantage. By the time Jenny tries to close on Rebecca she has recovered and puts her fists up to defend herself. Jenny decides to circle back and catch her breath rather than rush head long into another exchange with a prepared opponent.
"You wanna submit to me" grunts out Jenny as she backs away and takes several deep breathes in an attempt to slow her breathing and regain her composure. Rebecca is perfectly content with the short breather as she readjusts her bikini top following the hard punch to her breast. "Screw you whore" she replies to the grunted demand to surrender.
The crowd seeing the fight is close to over renews their effort to spur on their favorite. At this point, the crowd seems fairly evenly divided as they cheer on their favorite. Jenny puts her hands up in the air and motions at Rebecca calling out "Come on over here bitch so I can finish you off!!!!"
Rebecca says nothing and slowly closes the distance remaining cautious as she starts to close. After having taken the worst of the mini boxing phase of the fight, Rebecca is intent on closing in on Jenny and wrestling her to the floor. Jenny, expecting Rebecca to want to close in tight, waits for her movement fully intending to launch a knee at her body as she rushes in. Both girls are experienced and capable fighters and know this very well could be the final exchange of the fight.
Rebecca feints at Jenny and Jenny identifies it immediately as a feint and puts a hand up towards her own face to draw Rebecca's follow on lunge into her. Rebecca, seeing the hand come up, lunges in grabbing for the wrist to attempt an arm hold. With both her hands going high, Rebecca is exposed to the knee shooting up from Jenny that she lunges directly into as she attacks.
OOOOHHHHHH FUCKKKK!!!!! groans out Rebecca as the knee hammers into her low belly causing her to immediately lean into Jenny as she gasps for air. Jenny maintains her balance after driving the knee into her opponent and grabs Rebecca by the hair and by her bikini top strap across her back as Rebecca leans over grasping at her belly.
Gripping Rebecca tightly with both hands, Jenny flings her to the floor as she pivots her body sideways. Rebecca stumbles several steps and collapses to the floor on her belly and moans out as her bikini top is ripped open in the back. Jenny turns and wipes her matted and damp hair back out of her face and moves toward Rebecca.
Rebecca pushes up off the floor and starts to crawl away as Jenny moves closer. Both girls looking worn down at this point. The crowd cheering on their favorite as they try to implore their girl to finish off her opponent. As Rebecca crawls several steps, Jenny shoves her foot into her ass knocking her back to her belly.
"Stay the fuck down!!" growls Jenny as she moves over Rebecca. Before Jenny can lower down on Rebecca's backside, Rebecca is able to roll over and meet Jenny as she comes down to straddle her grabbing both her hands. Rebecca's rolling over surprises Jenny as she suddenly finds her hands grabbed by Rebecca rather than being able to sit down and bury her hands in Rebecca's hair.
Rebecca pushes up off the rug and twist rolling Jenny to her side as they now lay side by side wrestling for control of the battle. A sudden test of strength breaks out as both girls try to overpower the other without much success. As they grapple with hands locked together, both attempt to use their legs to gain control over the other as they tangle their bodies together groaning and grunting as they battle.
Jenny lets out a loud moan as Rebecca slowly forces her to her back and is able to work a leg over the top of Jenny's and pull herself atop her opponent. The struggle continues with Jenny lying on her back and Rebecca sprawled out over the top of her in a full on body to body pin type of position.
"Get the fuck off me" moans out Jenny as she struggles to roll Rebecca off to the side. Rebecca bears down pushing both of Jenny's arms above her head as she solidifies her pin on Jenny. With Jenny's arms under her control, Rebecca is able to slide her legs to the side of Jenny's body and firmly straddle her with her thighs locked to her sides to make sure she has a firm grip on Jenny.
"Make me" pants out a tired, but now firmly in control Rebecca. Before Jenny can respond, Rebecca slides her legs higher up and is able to lift her ass and cram it down into Jenny's belly. OOOOFFFFFF gasps out Jenny as Rebecca continues to batter her worn down body.
Jenny pushes her feet down and tries to push up off the floor, but her drained and weakened body barely responds to her mind's commands. Rebecca easily rides out the minor effort and slides her lower body higher up as she pulls Jenny's arms under her legs in a tight school girl pin.
Helplessly trapped under Rebecca's ass and legs, Jenny stops resisting and simply lies there with the fight drained out of her. Rebecca feels Jenny go limp under her and smiles a tired and worn out smile. She reaches up with her now free hands and pushes her hair back out of her face. She pulls her dangling top from her neck since Jenny ripped the clasp free in the back and tosses it aside.
"Say it to me!" hisses Rebecca as she simply sits atop Jenny. Knowing she is finished, Jenny turns her head slightly and spits out "I give up". Rebecca, too tired to really punish her opponent much further, simply shoves her crotch even closer to Jenny's chin as she sits atop her.
"Fuck yeah" grunts out Rebecca as she raises her hands over her head for the crowd's benefit. The Rebecca fans go wild cheering for her as she finishes off Jenny to secure a 4-3 win in the East versus West challenge.
Before climbing off of Jenny, Rebecca slides more forward and plops her ass over the top of Jenny's face as she slides off of her opponent. Then Rebecca slowly climbs to her feet holding her hands over her head. Jenny rolls over to her belly and lies on the floor totally spent and unable to get up.
Rebecca walks very slowly towards her dressing room door as she shows off the best she can after her win. The officiator steps into the middle of the room. "YOUR WINNER -- REBECCA and the winner of the challenge --- THE WEST COAST CLUB!!!!" As the officiator finishes the announcement, Rebecca exits the room.