LOL, that rematch didn't happen because Sara doesn't want it to !!
I'm responding to my own posts here . I corrected myself about this in another thread but saw it here and have to point out again, I think I was dead wrong with my first opinion. No doubt Lexie was giving it to Sarah but as much as she did, it wasn't enough to stop her like Lexie was expecting it to. Sarah sucked it up and kept coming back.
After 9 hard face slaps by Lexie while Sarah was down, Lexie let go and Sarah was up and went after Lexie with no hesitation, like all those slaps were shit. You could see the frustration in Lexie and her confidence vanish at that point.
She knew then that there was no fucking way she was going to beat this girl and quit before Sarah started unleashing on her. As tired as she was from doing all the work to this point , she knew she was in big trouble and bailed. Sarah was about to take over and Lexie quit before that happened. No shoulder injury ... she was just avoiding an ass kicking that was coming right up.
At the time I first saw this I was not aware that Sarah's strong point is taking punishment, out lasting her opponents and then coming on. I correct myself again saying it would be Lexie wouldn't want the rematch.
Apologies to Sarah for my premature comments on this fight before knowing her fighting history and strategies.