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The FFFC - Suzanne vs Trudy

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Offline Maura

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The FFFC - Suzanne vs Trudy
« on: April 29, 2016, 05:00:28 PM »
The FFFC – Suzanne vs. Trudy
Another story written in collaboration with my Australian friend Toni.
(Besides, I have used in edited form the texts supplied by Suzanne and Trudy about their fight, as a reality support of the story. Thanks to both)

Trudy had had a particularly rough week at work.

It was a Friday evening and she was walking out to her car and she was thinking: “Nothing really serious happened but we have a general manager that has no managerial skills, so he uses bullying to get his way. It's frustrating to watch him treat people that way, and when he tries it on me I get so mad I could smack him. I just might some day. He runs everything but can't actually do any of our jobs himself”. She was listening to the sound of her own heels on the pavement and trying to put the day of office politics behind her when she actually said out loud, "Sheesh it's only Friday and I feel drained already".

She had a fast dinner and went to bed exhausted. Nevertheless, she awoke very early. As she was stirring a thought struck her. “What I need is a relaxing day and maybe to watch the sunrise. The CLUB !”

She walked into her closet, unpinning and shaking her hair loose as she flipped through the racks of clothes. "Hmmmm something comfortable but still suitable for the club..." She found one of her old gypsy skirts...."perfect! Very feminine but also billowy and comfortable”. She found a sheer white underskirt to go with it and put them both on as she searched for a top. Remembering the clubs's dress code, she left her thong panties there on the floor. She found a white shell top that she knew would be comfortable, yet still show off her 38DDs.

Now for shoes. She had been in pumps all Friday and felt like something different. Sandals didn't seem right for the skirt, then she saw them in the corner....her old black boots. High heels, pointed toes, and embossed detail work on the shafts. Just the thing to give that ultra feminine skirt a bit of bitchy attitude. Plus the extra support that boots give would be nice after a long day in pumps. She brushed out her hair, put on some big dangling earrings, a heavy spritz of perfume, some lipstick, and she was out the door.

When she got to the club it didn't surprise her to see that there were not many cars in the parking lot. She was relieved and thought it would be perfect to have the club to herself.
"Oh Miss Trudy, how nice to see you, but I wasn't expecting anyone else this early in the morning. Is there anything I can get you?" It was Imelda, the Filipino maid, who opened the door. "No sweetie, nothing at all, I just came to relax by the pool" Trudy answered. Imelda said "I don't believe any other members are there right now, most are still sleeping. Ms Maura is upstairs in her suite, shall I announce you to her?" "Oh no, just let her be, I don't want to bother her. I'm just going out by the pool and have a drink, yes, a drink in spite of the early hour. I can take care of myself. Just do whatever you were doing Imelda, I'll be fine".

The week hadn't gone well for Suzanne.

She had a sick child who needed constant attention and to top it off her useless husband does fuck all to help at home or with the kids. Saturday had come and she felt like going to explode at him or the kids.

So she sat in her house thinking: “ok Suzanne let's get some time to yourself”. She knew her dad had kindly offered to watch kids for the day. So with a few hours to herself she only had one thing on her mind......THE CLUB.

She starts to relax a bit and go decide what to wear. With it being still rather cool she instantly thinks tan leather boots, put them on, stands and admire herself in full length mirror, tits firm and big legs and ass looking good too. She picks out her brown pleated skirt and tan wrap jumper. No bra or undies needed. Jumper just covers cleavage at best and she feels proud.

The drive to club is nice and when she arrives she is happy to see only a few cars because she needs time for herself. She enters and sees Imelda heading back down the stairs: "Hi miss Suzanne, nice to see you, what can I do for you today?" Suzanne asks: “Is anyone using the boat today? I fancy a little time on the waters if that's ok?"

"No ma'am, there are several members sleeping, and someone in the pool, but the beach and the boat are free to use and the bar filled up, have a good day".

Suzanne heads down to the pier. In a world of her own she doesn’t hear the clicking of heels as she make way to the boat and then she lifts her head and “oh, fuck, there she is the bitch”   ..TRUDY

Now I will let Trudy and Suzanne to tell us about their encounter.


I headed through the club to the French doors that open to the pool deck and right to the bar. My boots making a heavy click-clack as I walked over the hardwood floors, then the concrete deck.

When I saw the pre-made mix I knew right away that I wanted a Margarita. “OMG; drinking at this time of the day”. I worked as a bartender when I was young, and it would be no problem to whip up a pitcher. I added a little...ok a LOT of extra tequila and mixed it up well in the blender. I found frozen beer steins and filled one with ice and then Margarita. Over ice, just the way I like them.

That first sip tasted so good, I had a gulp, then another, and before you could say 'hangover' I had slammed half of the thing. I could already feel the tension of the day melting away. I refilled my glass, left the rest in the blender, and sipped as I walked around the pool.

As I looked out onto the bay, I saw the party boat at the end of the pier. I instantly recalled the four way fuck fight I had on the boat with Charisse, Suzanne and Phaedra. It occurred to me that I was so busy fuck fighting those sexy sluts, that I never really explored the boat itself. So I headed down the pier sipping my drink.

I walked around the boat for awhile, impressed by the luxury and also surprised at what I hadn't noticed that night. Still grinning at the memories I figured it was time to head back to the pool and enjoy the sunrise.

When I stepped onto the pier from the boat there was a golden reflection from the sunrise. My drink almost empty I headed back up the pier, mostly looking at the ocean and the sunrise. It wasn't until I was almost where the pier is at the same level as the beach that I noticed the heavy sound of heels walking the same pier. When I looked up there was Suzanne....just a few steps away. Uh-oh..........

I think she was just as surprised to see me as I was to see her. We both stopped dead in our tracks and just sort of took in the situation. Then without saying a word we both adopted that catfight posture of a widened stance, and a hand on the hip. Then I noticed the big glass mug in her other hand and that she had taken the rest of my Margarita from the blender I left on the bar. I do admit she looked a bit intimidating in that skirt and those brown high heeled boots, her cleavage on display too.

In the silence I began to remember all the nasty comments we had been making to each other, about our asses. It's one thing when a skinny girl calls you fat, but quite another when another 'thick' bitch calls you a fat ass. You don't forget that. Those were bitchy snipes made behind the other's back and in messages, but now here we are face to face.

Now Suzanne and I have actually been fairly good friends in the past and that four way fuck fight we got into was more about opportunity than it was about a grudge. But there is no denying that hair was pulled and things were said that started this tension between us. I should have just smiled and apologized but she was in that stance and so was I. Maybe that was it, or maybe it was the tequila but instead of saying hello, I broke the silence by saying: "Fat Ass!"


Standing still looking at the bitch I have become to hate in last few weeks I find myself adopting the classic pose one hand on hip with cleavage sticking out fully. The drink in my other hand still from walking past the bar.

Noticing the boat the memories flood back from when this new feud started before that night we had been good friends and on occasion lovers. But since that night it has been a flow of bitching about each other and particularly the size of our asses.

This has got under my skin as I feel hers is bigger and she has cheek to call mine fat. The snide remarks have now escalated to a rivalry I like.

Then just as I'm thinking to myself I should probably end this feud before it gets too out of hand she breaks the silence with "FAT ASS"

I narrow my eyes and snarl right back "YOUR THE BITCH WITH A TRUCK FOR A BEHIND"


Oh she really is a bitch. Her ass is just as fat if not fatter than mine. She has the nerve to call my ass a truck? Without even thinking about it my back arches slightly so my cleavage responds in kind to the way her cleavage is taunting me. She and I have always had a tit rivalry and it still shows.

I calmly set my mug on the pier and take a step toward her, this time both hands on my hips. My boots make a very heavy clack on the pier as I take a stand. "A truck? My ass is a truck? Well if that's the case bitch then your skirt should have a 'WIDE LOAD' sign across the back!" By now my chest is heaving.


Wide load the fucking bitch I am now in the mood to take our feud even further. I set my drink down just as she is and step closer to her both thrusting out our babies in a challenge to the other bitch. I am now feeling her tits against mine "don't you dare step into me bitch" I snarl


She sets her drink down and challenge me with her stance, just like I figured she would. Neither of us has much of a choice now. Our feet inch closer and closer to each other until our big tits are planted firmly against each other.

We hiss the word "BITCH" at each other and I know this is going to be a fight. Then I remember all the 'ass' comments and I start by saying “my ass is no fatter than yours is, BITCH". With that I turn my hips to the side and shift them into her so my ass pushes against her.

"I'll step into you anytime I want, fat slut!"


So it seems we both have challenged the other and both have issues with the ass comments we been flinging around last few weeks. As we trade insults she cranks it up by adding another ass comment "fuck you bitch your ass IS BIGGER and you know it" I snarl back as I in turn follow her move and rotate hip so my ass in now against hers slightly a cheek on a cheek.

"Well seems we knew this was coming, didn't think you'd have the nerve so soon bitch", I spit.


Hip to hip and my right ass cheek to her left ass cheek, we snarl and grunt as we press and grind, both trying to make the other lose ground. Doing the best I can to brace and get traction with these stiletto heel boots on the pier. "Oh you bitch I am going to wreck that ass!

I reach back and around her and clamp my hand right on her ass. I have very long talons and I know she can feel them through that little skirt of hers. As we push and strain I am not satisfied to claw her through her skirt, so I keep tugging material upward so I can get my claws on her bare ass.

"Oh you little bitch, you are going to regret you crossed paths with me!"


Both now pushing and straining against the other struggle to get a grip on the pier in our heeled boots. I reach and get claws into Trudy’s ass through the gypsy skirt making sure she feels it, all the while trying to lift it so I can get at her bare ass. I quickly turn so we facing again but don't remove hand from ass. Her hand slips away as I take control "say goodbye to that fat weak ass bitch, time it was ripped to shreds" I snarl as my other claw reaches round to rip at her fleshy behind.


She is facing me now and clawing, tugging, mauling at my ass with both hands. I am forced back a few steps. I finally get a foot behind me and brace so I can thrust back against her. We aren't titfighting but our big heavy tits do crash into each other and nearly knock us both out of our tops.

I feel she is trying to get to my ass so I return the favor and soon we have our arms around each other's hips and we are clawing at each other's backsides.
Grunting, cursing, even spitting as our high heeled boots clatter on the pier while we shove ourselves into each other.

" I am going to own that fat ass of yours, BITCH!"

Her claws are already effective through the thin material of my skirt and I know I need to change tactics. I reach up her back with my right hand and grab a handful of hair yanking down hard on it and lifting her chin skyward. OWWWW YOU BITCH I hear her groan, but my moment of satisfaction is short lived as I feel my on scalp burn and my head pulled back in the same way. "OOOOOWWWW FUCK YOU!"

With our necks stretched back and still clutching each other it is only a matter of time before we step off the edge of the pier and fall into the soft sand still clutching and clawing at each other.


As the fight gets into full flow we have a handful of flesh and handful of hair “OWWWWW YOU OLD cxnt” as she tugs harder on my hair. Both now looking up as we have a good grip on hair.

With my claw on her ass I get skirt up and then latch onto the flesh and dig my newly painted red nails into the meaty flesh and start to rip it apart. Knowing my ass won't be safe either I grit my teeth as she latchs straight into my flesh.

"You cheap American whore I'm gonna rip your ass off you"


Where we fell off the pier onto the beach it is only a step down and the sand is deep and soft. We keep fighting and clutching each other without separating. Normally she and I would target each other's big tits when we have our playful tussles, but this one is different, more vicious, and all I can think of doing is rake that big ass of hers as I feel her red nails digging into mine.

Never wanting to release a hair hold in a cat fight I keep one fist twisted into Suzanne’s hair as my free hand constantly attacks her ass flesh with my own blood red talons. "OOWWW You BITCH I will rip your ass to shreds!"

With a hand in each other's hair, and the other hand ass clawing, our booted legs entwine and we roll in classic cat fight style away from the pier and down to the harder sand where the waves are lapping the shore.


As we roll closer to the water our hands continue to attack hair but more intensely at the big flesh asses we have I dig my newly painted red nails into her soft fat ass as we come to a stop side by side meters away from the water.
My skirt is still on but close to losing it and her gypsy skirt has tore to shreds in the rolling "your ass is never gonna be the same Trudy you old bitch" I snarl at her as I tug harder on that grey hair.


I'm all covered with damp sand, my scalp is burning and I can feel the welts on my ass, but what really makes me angry is knowing that my skirt is torn. We get to our knees and pause for a moment, then I grab her skirt at the waist and pull hard until I feel the zipper not only open, but rip out of the skirt.

“I'll show you who is the queen bitch around here!" With her skirt open in back and ruined, I reach around with both hands and dig my red painted talons into both of her soft ass cheeks.


On our knees I feel the skirt being torn from me but think no problem bitch and I start to test her cheap gypsy skirt to pieces before digging my claws straight into her fleshy ass scraping over the big welts I've left already. She makes an insulting comment about my hair color.
"Natural colour you old whore" I snarl back at her as I now have a feeling of pure hate and want to take her down and humiliate her badly "your gonna be begging very soon bitch" as I claw and push my upper body into her causing Trudy to arch backwards.


I resist as she pushes into me and make me arch backward. I dig my claws into her bare ass cheeks and hold on for all I am worth. "ohhh you fat fucking bitch!" I groan as she finally overpower me and push me over backward. I roll onto my back and get my legs around her hips.

Locking my ankles I grab her hair again and roll us onto our sides. Both of us in just our tops and boots, totally bottomless now.

"Natural or cheap dye, it won't matter because I will bald you bitch!"

As we roll on our sides I feel the first wave wash into us and soak us in saltwater.


With the water now splashing into us and we both in just a top and only boots. We are locked up side by side. I have one hand in her hair and the other is now searching again for her fat ass I grip it close to the butt hole and try rake my nails across the hole over and over.

"Still natural you old bitch, bet you can't remember last time yours was natural, can you cxnt?" I snarl my response at her as Trudy tighten ankles and squeeze harder arghhhhhh


OOWWW Shit that hurts! I feel Suzanne clawing between my cheeks and I retaliate by gouging 3 deep furrows in her ass cheek. Another wave hits us and rolls us both over, then pulls us back and we roll deeper into the water. I feel my boots are soaked through and it occurs to me that they are probably ruined. I unlock my ankles and begin to kick and thrash in anger. My heels of my boots hitting the backs of her legs and scratching up her boots.


I can feel the saltwater stinging the cuts and scratches she leaving on my ass. We roll over and over in the surf scratching and pulling hair. Our tops are soaking wet and transparent.

The sun is pretty up now and we are sweating in spite of the water over us. We fight alone, just us, no one to stop us. Though I see someone close in the beach, extending a towel and laying on it. Not sure who is it and I don’t care. How long have we been fighting like whores?


In a tight ball now, tighter than if we were in a regular 69. We have our arms and shoulders through each other's legs, and we are using our legs to squeeze each other tightly. The waves strike us and roll us toward the beach, but with each roll that direction the retreating water rolls us twice in the direction of the water.

"BITCH, WHORE, cxnt" I mumble at her between ass chomps, groans of pain, and gulps of seawater. My finger up her asshole as far as I can get it. Stabbing, gouging, scratching. Although it does no good I am swinging the fist of my other hand into her ass and hip.

The stress of the day plus the pain and damage she is inflicting causes me to start sobbing....but I keep up my attack.


Before she can get into first I dive in with my teeth straight for the ass cheeks using my arms to push thighs apart to get a better view and then ohhhhhhbb the fucking bitch do the same.

We bite hard and controlled making sure we both get the desired effect we are after. I get my hand down and rip into the dirt hole of hers and scratch away with claws while sinking teeth into meaty fleshy cheeks

"Bitch" "cxnt "whore" is heard muffled from both of us. The water splashes up and sometimes over us as we fight very close to the edge of it


Fighting, rolling, gulping, coughing, sobbing , there in the surf....I get a huge splash of seawater right in my face and it snaps me out of my sobbing. I realize that it is the pressure and frustrations of the day making me release my emotions.

Re-focused on the (ass) fight in hand I let out with a blood curdling scream and turn up the intensity. I thought Suzanne was my friend but if this fat ass bitch wants a fight then I will show her she picked on the wrong BITCH this time!!!

Back to the story

It was Kelly Anne the person on the beach, watching for a time until Jumping Joan appeared and they lost interest in the fight and started fightfucking themselves.

Later, they will request help from two of the maids to help Suzanne and Trudy out of the water, both unconscious and with bloody scratches and nails cuts and totally soaked. They brought them into the boat and called for sanitary assistance to attend them.

Then KA and Joan went up to join the orgy at the pool side.

The fighters took time to recover with food and drinks, slept lots and when they awoke, almost at sunset, they signed the peace in a logical way.



Offline Dirty bad bitch

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Re: The FFFC - Suzanne vs Trudy
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2016, 09:14:03 PM »
Oooh, that was very wild & wet ... loved how the perspectives switched ... well done!  ;) :P

- Sonja
Let's rumble, bitch ... let's see what you've got, slut!


Offline AnitaCat

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Re: The FFFC - Suzanne vs Trudy
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2016, 06:17:14 AM »
Well that was a good way to do that, they fought hard and really wanted to ruin the other, nice twist at the end, and nothing was settled between those two wildcats,,,... Wish I was there to see it, or see who else might be around..... Hello Sonya


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Re: The FFFC - Suzanne vs Trudy
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2016, 05:33:42 PM »
I come to on a bed on the boat and feel the tender touch of Kelly tending to the scratches on my ass. I look over and Suzanne is beside me with Joan at her side. I see all the bandages on her ass and it makes me smile. "Good I hurt the bitch" ..but just before falling asleep again I feel my own ass injuries....."oh ouch, shit"
I reach over and lay my hand on Suzanne's with her dangerous red claws. Thinking I never should have introduced her to my nail salon....zzz
If you want to PM me, you better have some info in your profile. And having it all spelled correctly will help too. I HATE BLANK PROFILES! If you ask me about Trillian I’ll know you didn’t read my profile.


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Re: The FFFC - Suzanne vs Trudy
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2016, 08:00:55 PM »
I am laid face down on a bed with Joan beside me helping with my ass bandages I look a gross to see trudy in a similar state and I reach and grab her hand feeling the same nails that have done these injuries to me " damn bitch you hurt me good" I turn and thanks Joan for the help


Offline Michelle

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Re: The FFFC - Suzanne vs Trudy
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2016, 01:22:12 AM »
What better way to end a fight...than a good old fashioned...ORGY!!

Thanks again Maura...looking forward to much more...
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 18th century Spanish philosopher

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Offline Toni_1

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Re: The FFFC - Suzanne vs Trudy
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2016, 01:45:36 AM »
I'm in no doubt that Trudy will grind Suzanne down, who has "bitten off more than she can chew" with Trudy.

This is one time when I am cheering for a blonde, yes believe it or not.

Trudy has too much staying power for Suzanne, and I expect it will only get nastier when the two bitches revive to fuck it out.


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Re: The FFFC - Suzanne vs Trudy
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2016, 11:21:05 AM »
Toni you seriously underestimate me but I've nothing to prove you bitch maura is the boss round here!!!!


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Re: The FFFC - Suzanne vs Trudy
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2016, 02:02:56 PM »
Suzanne, don't be confused... Toni and Maura... Maura and Toni are the bosses here...

Michelle, thank you again, I would like to see you again...


Offline lulufights

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Re: The FFFC - Suzanne vs Trudy
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2016, 03:03:30 PM »
mmmmm hot story honey!  :-* :-* :-*


Offline Trudy

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Re: The FFFC - Suzanne vs Trudy
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2016, 04:58:06 PM »
I wake for the second time and see Suzanne sleeping restlessly beside me. I look around the room and see that we are alone, but the girls left us some food and drink. I unclasp my hand from the Britt bitch and get up.
Ouch, Damn, Shit my ass hurts!  I make my way over to the table and drink down a 1/2 bottle of water. Suzanne is stirring so I walk over and as she sits up I giver her the rest of the water. She sits up as I sit beside her on the edge of the bed... "So do you know how it ended?  Did one of us give in or did we get broken up?" She replies: "Trudy I have no idea who won but I know I hurt like hell"
At that point I realize that this probably isn't over between us.....
If you want to PM me, you better have some info in your profile. And having it all spelled correctly will help too. I HATE BLANK PROFILES! If you ask me about Trillian I’ll know you didn’t read my profile.


Offline Jumping Joan

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Re: The FFFC - Suzanne vs Trudy
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2016, 07:25:02 PM »
Trudy is always the best, but not good enough for me...




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Re: The FFFC - Suzanne vs Trudy
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2016, 07:59:52 PM »
Trudy is always the best, but not good enough for me...


Yeah honey... Why don't you drop over to borrow a cup of sugar and we can just find out...sugha 😋
If you want to PM me, you better have some info in your profile. And having it all spelled correctly will help too. I HATE BLANK PROFILES! If you ask me about Trillian I’ll know you didn’t read my profile.


Offline Suzanne_fights

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Re: The FFFC - Suzanne vs Trudy
« Reply #13 on: May 21, 2016, 12:55:25 PM »
Waking again and feeling in a bit less pain I see we alone again. Trudy offers me water which I guzzle down quickly. She asks what happened and I respond "Trudy I have no idea who won but I know I hurt like hell" and I stare at her making sure she knows that this isn't over and I will finish her. I stand gingerly and straighten body in a challenge to her but I know now ain't the time to fight but I want to make sure she knows I want more soon