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Request from 9911-mature catfight #37 from poll Sindy vs Helena

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Re: Request from 9911-mature catfight #37 from poll Sindy vs Helena
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2016, 11:01:56 PM »

Helena 5'7" 150 lbs



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Re: Request from 9911-mature catfight #37 from poll Sindy vs Helena
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2016, 11:04:46 PM »

Sindy 6ft, 139lbs



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Re: Request from 9911-mature catfight #37 from poll Sindy vs Helena
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2016, 11:06:04 PM »

In high school Sindy and Helena had been bitter rivals. Both women had big breasts, both woman had pretty faces, and both women seemed to be attracted to all the same guys. The two large breasted ladies went at it twice during school. Back then Sindy was 6' but quite skinny at 115 lbs. Cindy's huge tits on her skinny body made every guy in school drool. Helena was a little heavier than she is now, at 5'7”, 160 lbs, with even larger tits then Sindy. The first time they had a fight in the locker room of the gym. Sindy seemed to know how to use her fists, and she was fast. She pummeled Helena's face, and Helana's face was all bloody and swollen  as two gym teachers broke it up before one woman could make the other submit. The second time they had a fight Sindy quickly got in two or three punches to Helena's face, bloodying Helena's face again, but then Helena smashed Sindy hard on her chin, and Sindy went down. Helena had just jumped down on Sindy and started to punch Sindy in her face. That's when teachers pulled Helena off of Sindy. In my opinion Sindy was very lucky the teachers arrived when they did, but that wasn't how either Sindy or Helena remember it. Both women recount the story's that they beat the shit out of the other woman in both fights.

Although they have not spoken with each other since high school, stories have been passed around and exaggerate over all these years, and I thought that is was just talk when I heard all these stories of each woman passing threats and insults back and forth.  The rumor has been that if these two ever ran into each other, they would fight it out to the finish. The story grew even more intense when the two women started threatening to. Hearing some of the threats got my cock hard. One of them had threatened to sit on the other woman's face, and the one of them had threatened to use a strap on dildo on the other one. I actually have waited years in hopes that they would meet up. I thought I had a really good chance of them both coming to the 25 year graduation party, but neither woman showed up. It actually only made the threats and insults escalate each accusing the other of being afraid to show up.

Our 30 year graduation anniversary party is coming up really soon, and I knew that this is probably going to be the last possible time that these two would fight, and I vowed to try setting it up myself this time. I manages to get a hold of both women's phone numbers and first I called Sindy up. I chatted and caught up with her, and then I asked her if she was coming to the 30th. Sindy hesitated and said she didn't really know yet, so I told her that I would understand if she was afraid to come, because Helena is going to be there, and she told me that if she see's you, she is going to knock the shit out of you, and sit on your face and punish you with a dildo. Sindy was enraged and she told me that she would definitely come to the party, and she can't wait to see Helena try it. She told me that she has taken several years of boxing lessons and she goes to the gym at least 3 times a week. She seemed very confident that she would easily beat the shit out of Helena. Then I called Helena up after chatting for a while I asked her if she was coming to the 30 year anniversary party, and she seemed hesitant, until I told her that I didn't blame her for being afraid to show up after Sindy had threatened to knock her face in and punch her into a bloody pulp, and that Sindy said you have needed to have your face sat on for all these years, and if you show up, you are going to get to taste her cxnt in front of everyone. Helena laughed and said, I don't know why the stupid bitch would say that. You remember that last fight that we had. I smashed her in her chin and knocked her over, and then I sat on top of her and knocked her face bloody. She was crying and bloody and begging me to stop beating her up when those teachers came. I was just about to sit my wet, hot cxnt right on that big mouth of hers. Helena was pushing me to agree that she was knocking the shit out of Sindy, and that Sindy will be lucky if she doesn't come to the anniversary party.  I said, “the only bad thing is that if you don't show up, Sindy is going to be bragging that you were too scared to show up, and you'll never live that down. Now Helena agreed to come to the party.

Part 2

It's the night of the party and Sindy shows up first, and she brings her handsome younger boyfriend with her. She has on a sexy low cut orange mini dress, and orange high heels. Cindy looks hot and she has a confident, cocky attitude, like she's all that and even more. Sindy and her boyfriend are busy talking to a few other people when I see Helena walk in. Helena is by herself, and she's wearing a tight white mini skirt, and a very low cut blue blouse, with her huge sexy breasts hanging halfway out of her white bra. She's wearing gold high heels and she looks very hot too, and Helena has a very confident, cocky attitude.  The air is thick with tension, everyone is quite convinced that at some point during the party these two long time rivals are going to have a fist fight. 

It wasn't long before I followed Helena over to the crowd that Sindy and her boy friend are talking to, and Helena steps right on the other side of Sindy's boyfriend. Sindy's boyfriend who seems to have no idea of what is going on introduces himself to Helena, and then turned and says, “I don't know if the two of you know each other, but Helena, this is my girlfriend Sindy. It seems like Helena is trying to provoke a fight, as she leans into Sindy's boyfriend, sticking her huge, half naked breasts right in his face.” Sindy says, “As usual this fat little whore isn't here with her own man, and she just loves sticking her fat cow tits in front of other women's guys.” Helena laughs and she says, “Honey when I leave here tonight, I'll be leaving with your man and every last drop of your pride and dignity.” The two women are ready to start throwing punches right now, but me and a couple of other guys step in between and everyone agrees to take the fight right out the rear exit to the parking lot, and that the two women will fight it out with absolutely no interference under any circumstances. 

Part 3

Sindy and Helena storm out the rear door to fist fight, and everyone at the party is right behind them. They walk a few feet out the door and to the left when the two women stand facing each other, about 10 feet apart. Helena puts her hands on her hips and she laughs, screaming, “You stupid bitch, I'm going to beat you up even worse than I did the last time. You were really lucky that the fight was broken up last time bitch.” Sindy's face is beet red both in anger and the humiliation of having this fat titted cow telling everyone that she beat her up the last time they had a fight, and Sindy lunges right at Helena and she sends her left fist plowing, “bang,” right into Helena's nose, straight into it, swinging Helena's head back, and making her nose bleed, as Helena stumbles backwards a few steps on her high heels from the force of the punch. The crowd starts cheering. Helena gets this shocked look on her face as she puts her hand to her nose, but before she has a chance to think, Sindy steps forward and she sends her left fist plowing, “bang,” right into Helena's nose again, making blood roll from her nose, and snapping her head back, and Helena stumbles backwards on her high heels until she loses her balance, and she trips, and she falls right over onto her ass on the cement with a bang.” Helena is shocked, she's just sitting there on the cement, with blood rolling from her nose. The crowd is cheering even louder. At this point I remembered Sindy telling me that she took several years of boxing lessons, and I thought to myself that it looks like she was a very good student.

Sindy is really cocky now. She stands over Helena with her hands on her hips, taunting her, “Get up cow, get up you fat fuckin whore. I thought you were so fuckin tough. Why don't you get up and fight me so that I can really bash your face in.” The crowd has gone silent, everyone is holding their breath waiting to see what will happen next. Helena puts her hand to her nose and seeing blood she becomes infuriated, and she starts to get to her feet screaming, “Look at what you did to me, I'm bleeding.” Helena's face turns bright red, and before Helena gets all the way to her feet, she lunges forward, grabbing Sindy's dress with both of her hands. She shoves Sindy back hard, and Cindy's orange dress rips right off of her body in Helena's hands, as Sindy stumbles backwards on her high heels and she almost falls over. Sindy is just standing there in her black push up bra and black panties, but  Helena is still really pissed off, and she doesn't wait. She goes right after Sindy, and she pulls her right fist all the way back. She sends her fist right at Sindy's face, but Sindy is fast, and she really knows how to fight, and Sindy quickly manages to step to the side and out of the way, and Helena gets this totally shocked look on her face as she goes stumbling right past Sindy quite off balance. A look of shock turns to a look of anger as Helena regains her balance and she spins right around to face Sindy again, but just as she does, Sindy sends her left fist plowing, “bang,” right into Helena's nose again. Blood really starts  rolling out of Helena's nose, as her head snaps back, and Helena stumbles backwards on her high heels and she almost falls over.

Sindy runs after Helena. She grabs her blue blouse and she rips it right off of Helena's body. Helena's huge white bra is exposed in front of everyone, and now the crowd is screaming. Helena is infuriated and Helena loses her temper, and her face turns beet red, and she just goes plowing into Sindy, full force, and Sindy isn't ready for her. She grabs Sindy's black bra and she shoves her back. Helena lets go of Sindy's bra, and Sindy's bra slides down and is hanging over her stomach, and Sindy big, sexy tits are exposed in front of everyone, as she stumbles backwards on her high heels. The crowd is screaming           
The two women run right at each other, both women are infuriated. Sindy grabs Helena's bra, and then Helena sends her right fist plowing, “bang,” into Sindy's nose, making Sindy's nose bleed, and as Sindy's head snaps back, Helena's huge bra rips right off of her chest in Sindy's hands, and the crowd is screaming,  Cindy stumbles backwards on her high heels until she loses her balance and she falls right over onto her ass on the cement. Helena doesn't wait. She leaps right onto Sindy, shoving her shoulders back, but as she try's to sit up on Sindy's stomach, Sindy grabs Helena's hair and she starts yanking hard. She pulls Helena right off of her, but Helena grabs Sindy's hair and she pulls Sindy off of her, and the two women start rolling back and forth and back and forth across the cement like a catfight. The two woman's large breasts are squeezed together in between them. The crowd is going crazy as they roll back and forth and back and forth until Helena gets on top of Sindy. Helena raises her ass up off of Sindy, and then she plops her full weight down onto Sindy's stomach. “OOOFFF,” She plows the air right out of Sindy, and as Sindy is gasping for air, Helena grabs her hair with both of her hands and she wrenches her head up off of the cement, screaming right in Sindy's shocked face, “I'm going to knock you silly you stupid whore bitch.” She shoves Sindy's head down, and “bang,” she smacks her head right against the hard concrete. Then she let's go of Sindy's hair as she raises up and she puts her knees on Sindy's arms. She renders Sindy totally helpless, and now Helena is in charge of Sindy.

Helena makes tight fists with both of her hands and she starts punching Sindy in her face. First with her left fist she punches Sindy, “bam,” in her right eye, then with her right fist she punches Sindy “bam,” in her left eye. Helena leans down screaming right in Sindy's shocked face,” I'm going to black and blue your eyes you pathetic, weak bitch. Does this seem familiar, me on top of you, and you're helpless, and you can't do anything to stop me from knocking the shit out of you.” Helena starts left fist, “bam,” right eye, right fist, “bam,” left eye, “bam, bam, bam, bam,” back and forth and back and forth. She pummels Sindy's eyes, until Sindy's eyes are swollen and black and blue. Helena laughs right in Sindy's face, “Now look at you bitch, I already blackened your eyes, and now I”m going to punch you in your face until you're all bloody, just like I used to do all the time when we were young.” Suddenly Sindy starts bucking and kicking, and she manages to free her hands, but Helena quickly moves her ass down, and she holds Sindy's wrists above her head, screaming, “Where do you think you're going you weak bitch.” Helena starts swinging her big sexy tits from side to side, and then she lowers herself down and she starts smacking Sindy's face from side to side with her huge breasts. She's slapping Sindy's face silly with her big, heavy breasts. Then Helena stops slapping her face, and she leans forward and she screams, “I'm really going to enjoy this Sindy, you don't know just how long I've been waiting for this. I'm going to humiliate you over and over again you weak bitch, just like I wanted to do all those other times I beat you up. I brought my big, long strap on dildo with me to this party, and I'm going to fuck you with it right in front of everyone, and then I'll make you lick my pussy clean over and over again, until you lick me into orgasm you fuckin instigating bitch, you trouble making cxnt, right in front of everyone.”

Suddenly Sindy raises her head up and she clamps her teeth down right on Helena's huge left breast. Helena lets out a bloodcurdling scream, “AAAAAAHHHHHHHH,” and you can see blood rolling everywhere, and you can see bloody red teeth marks as she leaps up off of Sindy, and she falls right over onto the ground rolling from side to side, rubbing her aching breast, and crying out, “You bit me you bitch, You fuckin bit my tit, look at the blood. I'm going to kill you. I'm going to fuckin kill you.” Sindy sits up, and she turns over onto her hands and knees, and she leaps right onto Helena's stomach, and “OOOFFF,” now it's Helena who's coughing and gasping for air. Sindy laces her hands right through Helena's hair, and she wrenches her head right up off of the concrete, and she starts screaming right in Helena's face. “Now who's going to get knocked silly you fuckin cow.” She starts “bang, bang, bang, bang,” hammering Helena's head against the cement. She's cracking her fuckin skull over and over again against the hard cement until first Helena is seeing fuckin stars, and then she starts crying out, “STOP, PLEASE STOP.” Sindy wrenches Helena's head up off of the cement screaming right in her dazed face again. “How fuckin dare you tell me when to stop. I'll fuckin stop when I'm finished with you bitch, and I'm far from finished with you yet.”

Sindy stands up, and she grabs Helena's hair again, and she wrenches her standing up on her wobbly, rubbery legs, and Helena screams “AAAHHH,” from the pain of having her hair ripped out of her head.. Sindy lets go of Helena, and Helena is standing there with her big, sexy tits exposed, she has a bloody bite on her tit, and blood is rolling down her stomach. Sindy laughs and she says, “Now I'm going to punch your fat cow tits like punching bags.” She starts left fist, “bam,” right tit. Right fist, “bam,” left tit. “bam, bam, bam, bam,”  back and forth and back and forth. Sindy is using Helena's big, sexy tits as punching bags, and Helena's big sexy tits are bouncing and flopping around toi the crowds enjoyment. She beats up Helena's big tits, until her tits are all swollen and black and blue. Sindy grabs Helena's hair again, and she pulls her over, so that she's bent over at the waist. Sindy screams, “Where is that dildo you were planning to use on me.” Tears start to well up in Helena's eyes, and she cry's out, “NOOOO.” Sindy yanks at her hair, pulls her standing straight up on her feet again, and then she takes her left fist, and she sends it plowing, “boom,” right into Helena's stomach. She knocks the air out of her, and Helena grabs her aching belly, and she bends over in pain, gasping for air.                 
Sindy still has a hold of Helena's hair and she yanks her standing up straight again. Helena screams, “AAAHHH,” and she reaches up, trying to pull Sindy's hand out of her hair, but as she does, Sindy starts plowing her left fist, “boom, boom, boom,” three times into Helena's stomach. Helena's knees buckle under her, and she falls right over onto her hands and knees. Sindy uses her right high heel to “boom,” kick Helena in the ribs, knocking Helena over onto her back, and then quickly Sindy leaps onto Helena's stomach. “OOOFFF,” she knocks the air out of her, and Helena is coughing and gasping for air. Sindy grabs her hair and she yanks her head up off of the cement. Then she shoves Helena's head down, “bang,” right against the cement. She bounces her head off of the concrete, and then she holds Helena's head up off of the ground again, and she screams right in  Helena's dazed face. “You stupid cow, you thought you were so fuckin tough. You thought you could beat me up, but you were wrong. You were wrong tonight, and you lied about all our other fights, say it. Tell everyone that you never beat me up, and that I was the one who beat you up all the time.” Tears start rolling from Helena's eyes. She's crying and crying, but she doesn't say a fuckin word. Sindy shoves Helena's head down, “bang,” against the cement. Then insanely she takes her left fist and she starts “bang, bang, bang, bang,” hammering Helena's already bloody nose over and over again screaming, “I'm just going to keep beating you up cow, until you do whatever I tell you to do. Now you're going to beg me to sit on your face.” She just keeps punching Helena's nose, until blood is gushing out of her nose, and Helena starts crying out, “Sit on my face Sindy, I'm begging you, you beat me up all the time, please sit on my face.”

The crowd goes silent as Sindy stands up and she lowers her panties screaming, “I've waited a long time now to sit on your face cow.” Sindy stands right over Helena and then she lowers herself down so that her wet, cxnt is only inches over Helena's face, and she screams,  Lick me whore. Lick me in front of everyone, lick me until I cum right on your tongue.” Helena starts licking Sindy's cxnt. Helena is scared and she's licking and licking Sindy's cxnt, feverishly like a dog licking its master. The crowd is cheering. Sindy is breathing heavy, and sweat is glistening on her body. Sindy starts exploding over and over again on Helena's face. Then Sindy gets up off of Helen and she says, “where is your pocketbook Helena.” One of the woman says, “Here, here's her pocketbook.” The woman hands the pocketbook to Sindy, and Sindy opens the pocketbook and says, “So where is that strap on dildo you were planning to use on me you fuckin big mouth. Sindy pulls the huge strap on out of Helena's pocketbook and she shows it to the crowd. The crowd is cheering. Sindy straps the dildo onto herself and she lays down right on top of Helena. She shoves the cock into Helena's cxnt, and she lowers her big breasts right onto Helena's big breasts. Sindy and Helena's already big, hard erect nipples grow even bigger, even harder. Sindy starts fucking Helena. She slamming that big, hard erect cock over and over again into Helena's cxnt. Then she sticks her tongue down into Helena's mouth, and the two woman start tongue kissing. Helena is getting more and more excited. She's really sweating now, and she's breathing hard, and making these sexy little noises, until Helena starts screaming, and squirting and having one explosive orgasm after another, right in front of the whole screaming  graduating class

Sindy pulls the cock out of Helena and she stands up screaming, “Get on your hands and knees, and suck this dildo clean.” Helena is scared and she's totally submissive to Sindy now, and she gets on her hands and knees, and she grabs the dildo, and she shoves it right into her mouth. The crowd is screaming as Helena sucks Sindy off. Then Sindy pulls the dildo out of Helena's mouth, and she screams, “Now get your shit bitch, and crawl out of here, before I have to beat you up again.”  Helena is crying and bloody as she grabs her dildo, her pocketbook and her clothes and she crawls away, leaving her whole graduating class laughing and cheering...........