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When I Knew

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Offline HumiliationOne

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When I Knew
« on: August 08, 2016, 06:41:30 PM »
I am sure this thread has been done before but hoping maybe I could get it going again. Would anyone be willing to tell the story of the first catfight they witnessed IRL that made them realize how much it turned them on?
I will start,  obviously.
I had seen girls fight before in school and other places but before this incident it did not really excite me.
It was late 80s and I was 16. I lived in a upscale suburb and attended an affluent high school.  The defacto King and Queen of the school were Kevin and Julie. Kevin was the best looking, coolest , quarterback....
Julie was the head cheerleader, homecoming Queen and regarded as prettiest girl in her class. She was 5'4" 120 lbs and in great shape as her father owned a gym. Looking back she would remind one of Jennifer Aniston(with big hair, it was 80s) although I had no idea who she was at that time. Her dad's gym also had a karate studio where Julie had taken lessons pretty much her entire life. She was allegedly a black belt. Julie also had an older sister who was also allegedly a black belt. I would hear stories all the time about what bad asses they were and one of them kicked some girls ass. Now her sister was a couple of years older so it was possible that happened but unless Julie was beating up Canadian girls, I'm calling bullshit or I would have known the details.  Julie was also a complete snobby bitch who thought her shit smelled like roses. She had a group of sycophants who worshipped her, and I'm guessing also made up stories building up her badassery. There were also rumors of her bench pressing 135lbs, which I highly doubted.  She got her friends free membership to gym and drive them around in her BMW so they were rewarded for their obsequiousness.  
Near the end of their senior year the rumor exploded that Kevin was cheating on Julie with some trashy ugly girls from the city school.
Turns out the rumors were true and Kevin dumped Julie before prom and took Theresa to prom, leaving Julie to have to go with a lesser dude.
I was not at prom but in the last week of school after prom I heard all the gossip that Theresa was a dirty slut, that Kevin could not keep his eyes of Julie, that Theresa stayed as far away from Julie as she could and was scared...
There was a tradition that the 1st Saturday night after school ended that there was a big party at "The Crates". It was in an orchard that was owned by a family who never had a problem with it being a party spot for high school kids. I'm sure that has changed,  but this was 80s a different time.
As I was just 16 I had never been to one of these parties and was intimidated and reluctant to go when my best friend asked me. However when he said he heard that Kevin was bringing his new girlfriend and the rumor was Julie was going to kick her ass I changed my mind. As I said I had seen girls fight before and it did not turn me on that much. I'm not sure if it was my body chemistry changing or the thought of Julie fighting that did it.
When we arrived at The Crates I began asking around to see if they were there. I was told that Kevin and Theresa were but no sign of Julie yet.  As I had never seen Theresa I began looking for Kevin. I found them together on the hood of Kevin's IROC Camero. The reports of Theresa being ugly were false although she was not as pretty in the face as Julie. She was exotic and yes a little trashy looking. The closest I can come is Megan Fox but with a narrower and more Italian face. She wore skin tight leopard print stretch pants and a black halter top that exposed her dark stomach. In fact her entire body deep dark tanned. She looked like she lived in a tanning bed. Her black hair was straight and looked almost greasy.  She was behind Kevin on the hood of his car and her legs wrapped around him. She was barefoot and her long pretty tan toes were painted black to match her long fingernails. Girls in my school did not dress or look like her. She knew she was a spectacle as she smoked her cigarette and rubbed Kevin's crotch.
Julie and her crew rolled in and Julie had her older 21 year old sister with her. I had never seen her before but as she looked like she could be Julie 's twin, only a few inches shorter it was easy to pick her out.
Julie was dressed to fight in her tight spandex workout shorts and top and sneakers. It did not take Julie long to approach Kevin and Theresa.  She started on Kevin calling him names and saying he liked dirty sluts. Then she went on to call Theresa a bunch of names and told her she had guts to show up at her party. Theresa heard enough and tapped Kevin on the shoulder to let her up.
I'm not sure how close the girls got at prom but Julie seemed surprised when Theresa stood up and was several inches taller than her even with no shoes. Im guessing she also outweighed her by 15lbs. She was not muscular like Julie but she was thick.
The pro Julie crowd was cheering for her but I do remember a few comments of "wow, she is bigger than Jules".
Julie came at Theresa with some weak karate moves that Theresa walked right through.  She grabbed Julie by the hair and pulled down and began delivering upper cuts. At first Julie was still trying to hit Theresa but as the uppercuts began to land she just covered up her face.
The crowd was stunned and implored Julie to do something and of course the "No hairpulling" screams were heard.
Theresa spun Julie to the ground by her hair and mounted her in a schoolgirl pin using her knees to pin her arms.
Get up Julie was being screamed in panic but she was helpless as Theresa punched her face until Kevin pulled her off.
The smirk on Theresa's face will never leave me as she looked down at Julie who was in shock. The punches had landed around her eyes which were already swelling.
Julie's friends helped her up and said to Theresa that is bullshit,  you pulled hair. Come fight her fair. The look in Julie's eyes said she did not want to do it again but her pride and her friends talked her into round 2.
This time Theresa ran right over Julie and drove her onto ground and again pinned her arms. On the way down her claws went down the side of Julie's face leaving 4 streaks of blood. Instead of punches, Theresa slapped Julie's face back and forth like she was painting.
Julie cried out "I'm" as Kevin once again pulled Theresa off his ex. Julie was bawling her pretty green eyes out as her friends help her to the back of her Beamer and quickly drove away.
Theresa hopped back on the IROC and wrapped her legs back around Kevin as if nothing had happened and lit a cigarette.
I heard some of Julie's friends telling her sister to kick Theresa's ass but you could see she wanted none of that as she was all of about 5'1" 105lbs and she saw what effect karate had on Theresa.
After it was over I could not wait to get home to replay it in my mind while laying in my bed.
I think much of my humiliation catfight fantasy fetish formed that night.
Would love to hear if anyone else has formative stories or comments on this.
I wish I could give more details but that is what my memory tells me. I also wish I could say Theresa talked shit as I love that, but I remember her being almost silent. Which was cool in itself.  I do wish that Julie's older and tiny sister who was a legendary badass would have gave it a shot but that didn't happen either.

« Last Edit: August 08, 2016, 07:52:44 PM by HumiliationOne »


Offline krispin

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Re: When I Knew
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2016, 02:46:33 PM »
That's my dream. A slender muscular skilled and supposed strong girl dominated by a thicker rival.


Offline HumiliationOne

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Re: When I Knew
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2016, 03:20:43 AM »
That scenario is forever etched in my mind.  And the fact that Jules was such a bitch....


Offline bigmack

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Re: When I Knew
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2016, 02:37:03 PM »
great story I liked it nice job