Getting summoned before some of the board members of the Society when you work for the organization isn't an entirely comfortable situation. Not that I thought I was going to be reprimended or anything, as far as I was aware the board was very happy with my performance running the Society gym, but one can never be to certain with a group so dedicated to the very best as this one was.
However my anxiety melted away when they pushed a contract already bearing the champ's signature in front of my face, my smile couldn't have been any bigger as I swiftly put my name to the paper accepting the fight. This was the one I had been waiting for even before my name was announced as the number one contender, even before Tiffany had humiliated my lover Valeria, no I had been waiting for this fight since the moment I walked into a club in Miami for the first time and witnessed Tiffany fighting.
My body is ready, so is my mind, and I have no doubt it will be me standing tall when this fight is over!