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NHB Fight in the Far East #3 (Saeko/Konishi vs. Heyung/Son-Ha)

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NHB Fight in the Far East #3 (Saeko/Konishi vs. Heyung/Son-Ha)
« on: September 15, 2016, 04:24:50 PM »
This is a grudge tornado tag match between Korean and Japanese.

The rules are no DQ, no Timed, and the winning team is decided when eliminates both wrestler of the opponent team.

That is free to comment for what will the wrestlers do to each other on the match, and what finisher the winning team choose for losers.

Team Japan:

Saeko Konishi (24) 5'5" 123 lbs TOKYO, JAPAN (top)
Ayaka Nakano (21) 5'2" 110 lbs HAKATA, JAPAN (bottom)


Team South Korea:

Heyung Song (23) 5'3" 112 lbs SEOUL, KOREA(top)
Son-Ha Kang (19) 5'0" 110 lbs SEOUL, KOREA(bottom)

« Last Edit: September 15, 2016, 04:30:49 PM by boxfighter »