Ellen Page (29) vs Emily Bett Rickards (25)

Ellen exited the gym locker room, pausing for a second to glance at herself in a mirror. Her outfit was more revealing than usual - a sports bra, a well-fitted pair of shorts, and plimsols - but it was late enough that she knew the gym would be empty. She looped her towel around her neck and pushed open the door. As she did, she heard a grunt, followed by the grind of metal. So much for the gym being empty. She followed the sound, and before long the person at the rowing machines. The woman - it was clearly a woman - was bent over one the machines, towel in hand to wipe off the sweat. Ellen paused at the site of her ass wiggling as she cleaned, concealed by nothing more than a pair of skintight yoga pants. Her slighty-too-baggy tank top was gradually slipping up her body as she bent over, offering a tantalizing glimpse of the skin underneath.
"Oh, hey."
Ellen's head snapped up as the woman straightened up, apparently having seen her out of the corner of her eye. The woman turned, casually running a hand through her long blonde hair to adjust her ponytail.
"Sorry about the noise," she continued. "I think there's something wrong with the machine, it's pretty stiff."
Ellen flashed a smile.
"Thanks for the tip," she replied. She paused for a moment, and her smile turned apologetic. "Sorry, I'm sure I know you, but I can't put my finger on it."
The woman smiled back and extended a hand. "Emily Bett Rickards. I'm an actress too, but I guess a movie star like you doesn't keep up with who's on TV, huh?"
Ellen returned the handshake with a laugh, and sat down on one of the rowing machines, motioning for Emily to do the same. "Hey, I'm not some snob looking down on you because you're in a different corner of the industry. I think I've seen you in something. Canadian too, right?"
Emily's eyes widened slightly. "Yeah, actually. Vancouver. Have you seen Arrow? That's mostly what I've been doing for the last few years."
"Of course, yeah!" Ellen grinned. "You look different without the glasses." She paused again, and her face fell. "Never really got into Arrow, though."
"Really?" Emily frowned slightly. "Why not? You're in the superhero game too, right?"
"Yeah, but it's just kinda... bleh. That whole romance between you and the Arrow guy really turned me off."
Ellen's eyes widened and she held up her hands. "Nothing against you, obviously," she said quickly. "It's just... it doesn't do it for me. I stopped watching a while ago."
"Yeah, well," Emily rolled her eyes in annoyance. "I always liked the X-Men movies. You know, the first two were great, and the ones with James McAvoy are awesome, but you only seem to show up in the worst ones. Nothing against you, obviously."
Ellen stood up, glaring down at Emily.
"At least I get to play a superhero," she retorted, a hint of malice creeping into her voice. "Instead of settling for tech support."
Emily stood up as well, and Ellen suddenly became very aware of the four inch difference in their heights.
"At least I actually get to
act like a superhero," she said. "Instead of spending a whole movie standing next to a sleeping Hugh Jackman."
As she spoke, she put her hands on Ellen's shoulders and shoved her backwards. Ellen stumbled, barely catching herself before she tripped over the rowing machine behind her.
"You know, I came in here to exercise," she said, trying to keep her voice calm. "I was gonna use the machines, but maybe I should just my workout kicking your ass instead."
"Oh, really?" Emily laughed. "The world's tiniest actress is gonna beat me up?"
"I've had training, you know."
"So have I."
The girls glared at each other, before simultaneously turning to look at the mats laid out across the room.
"Let's go, then," Ellen said. Emily smirked and followed the shorter woman across the room, kicking off her trainers as she went, leaving her bare foot. Ellen opted to keep her plimsols on.
The two women stood across each other on the mats, their arms slightly raised. Ellen could already feel her anger waning as she took note of the surprising musculature in Emily's bare arms, replaced by a mixture of fear and slight arousal. Nevertheless, she lunged forward, hoping to catch the taller woman off guard. Emily was prepared, however, and the two ended up locking hands in a test of strength. Ellen grit her teeth, but Emily easily held her, fingers digging into her hands. Without warning, Emily's leg shot out, hooked around Ellen's, and yanked back, tripping the smaller woman and dumping her on her ass. Emily followed her down, and within seconds she was sat astride Ellen's stomach, hands still locked together. She smirked and pushed Ellen's hands down, pinning them on each side of her head. A tense few seconds passed as ELlen tried to catch her breath.
"Jesus Christ, you're good," she gasped out.
"Told you I had training."
Ellen ran her eyes over her opponents body, looking for an opening. She bucked her hips, but Emily barely seemed to notice.
"That rage didn't last long, did it?" Emily commented. "I was expecting you to at least put up a fight."
"What makes you think I'm done?" Ellen shot back. She bucked her hips again. "I'm just warming up."
"I'd hope so," Emily replied, the hints of a smile on her face. "Keep going like this, you're gonna give Canada a bad name."
"I wouldn't worry about that," said Ellen. "You're holding the side up pretty well right now."
Suddenly, she pushed her upper body upward, throwing her head forward to headbutt Emily directly in the chest. As she had hoped, Emily had begun to grow complacent in her position, allowing Ellen a chance to surprise her. Emily let out a gasp as head met breast, and the distraction was enough for Ellen to free her hands and wriggle out from under her. She rolled backward, putting a little distance between them, as Emily put a hand over her chest.
"So we're going after the boobs now?" she said in mock offense. "Thanks for the warning there."
"Yours are easier targets than mine," said Ellen. "Although that's probably the only advantage I have right now."
"I'm sure I'll find them if I need to," said Emily.
"You're not allowed to flirt!"
"So it's working?"
"You don't
need to flirt," Ellen growled. "It's not going to be a challenge for you if you have all the advantages."
Emily winked at her and lunged forward on her knees. Ellen shuffled back, trying to keep out of her reach. Emily lunged again, this time managing to catch Ellen's left wrist. She yanked her forward, and Ellen found herself face-first on the mats. Emily pressed her advantage, pulling Ellen's arm between her thighs and draping her legs over Ellen's back, locking on a reverse armbar. She planted her feet firmly on the ground and slowly raised her hips off the ground, gradually applying pressure to Ellen's arm.
"Okay, that hurts," Ellen moaned. "That's really starting to hurt, actually, could you-" She cut herself off with a yelp as Emily yanked on the arm.
"You okay?" Emily asked. Ellen growled softly and turned her head to look at Emily.
"Well, my face is pressed onto the mat, and I can't move my arm, but apart from that I'm good."
"Good," Emily replied. "I want to beat you, but I don't want to injure you."
"You're winning pretty well right now," Ellen groaned.
"Wanna submit?"
"Hell no."
Emily shook her head with a smile.
"You're tough, I'll give you that." She thrust her hips up again, eliciting another yelp from Ellen. "I'm tougher."
Ellen took a deep breath and tried to roll herself over. Unfortunately, Emily's legs didn't budge, and she was unable to move more than a few inches.
"I may be trapped," she said. "But I'm not giving up."
Emily didn't say anything, but instead lowered her face to Ellen's hand, keeping her eyes locked on Ellen's eyes as she did. Slowly, she slid Ellen's index finger into her mouth and sucked gently, swirling her tongue around the finger as she did so. Ellen's eyes widened and her breath hitched in her throat.
"I thought we agreed on no flirting," she gasped. Emily pulled the finger out and smirked.
"I never agreed to that."
Emily thrust her hips up a third time before releasing Ellen's arm and getting up on her knees. The smaller woman rolled onto her back, but rather than trying to escape, she just closed her eyes and took in a few deep breaths.
"Still okay?"
Ellen opened her eyes to see Emily leaning over her, concern etched on her face.
"Winded. Arm aches. Still okay."
With a surge of energy, Ellen sat up and wrapped her arms around Emily's head and pulling it against her chest. Moving quickly, she spun her body around and wrapped her legs around Emily's waist, locking her ankles. To her surprise, Emily managed to stay kneeling rather than falling to the mat, bracing herself with one hand on the floor. The other hand rested against Ellen's lower back, helping to hold her up.
"Still got some fight in me too."
One of Ellen's arms remained around Emily's head, while the other roamed down her back to get a better balance. She tensed the muscles in her legs and squeezed as hard as she could, feeling a sense of achievement when Emily let out a groan, her breath warm against Ellen's chest. Ellen relaxed for a moment before squeezing again, once again getting a groan from Emily.
"Good news," Emily mumbled. "I've found your boobs."
Ellen laughed and squeezed again.
"Flirting ain't gonna save you this time," she said. "It's easy when you're winning, but right now,
I'm calling the shots." She leaned forward and planted a kiss on Emily's head.
She relaxed her legs as she felt something damp pressing against the bare skin of her torso, and a look of uncertainty passed over her face. Before she could react, Emily's hands were gone, and she slammed Ellen back-first against the mat. Emily's hands found Ellen's arms and pressed them down on the mat, although Ellen barely managed to keep her legs locked around Emily's waist.
"Who's calling the shots?" Emily asked.
"You're kissing me now? I thought you were supposed to be straight!" Ellen said in exasperation.
"I'm a winner."
"Not yet."
Ellen grunted and powered her legs once more, and Emily gasped.
"Your legs really don't look as strong as they are," Emily moaned. Ellen grinned.
"I'll take that as a compliment."
"You should."
Emily shifted her arms, bringing Ellen's arms together above her head and grasping both wrists with one hand. She clamped her now-free other hand over Ellen's face, covering her mouth and pinching her nose between two fingers. Ellen's eyes widened and she mumbled something indistinctly against Emily's hand.
"That's easy for you to say," Emily chuckled. "Now it's just a matter of whether you can beat me before you need to take a breath."
Ellen glared at her and squeezed again, but already she was weakened. The minutes passed slowly, but each time she squeezed, there was less power in her legs. Eventually, she let her legs drop to the mat.
As soon as she was free, Emily moved her hand off of Ellen's face, allowing her to take in a number of gasping breaths. Emily shuffled across the mat, pulling Ellen's arms straight above her head before sitting on them, her knees resting on either side of Ellen's head. She folded her arms and sat there, watching Ellen's chest rise and fall as she got her breath back.
"Still good?" Emily asked after a while. Ellen rolled her eyes back to look up at the blonde's smiling face.
"Getting there. Still aware of my surroundings." She rolled her head to the side and her eyes locked on Emily's thighs. "My sexy, muscular surroundings."
"Now who's flirting?" Emily laughed. "Ready to give up?"
"Not yet."
"Glad to hear it."
Emily raised herself onto her knees and crawled forward slightly, before sitting back down, this time planting her ass on Ellen's chest, her legs on either side of her body to keep her in place. Ellen threw her arms up and wrapped them around Emily's waist, but she was unable to move her at all. Emily reached forward, grabbed on of Ellen's legs, and pulled it up into the air.
"Oh god, where is this going?" Ellen wondered aloud. Emily didn't respond, instead tucking the errant leg under her armpit and reaching for the other.
"Emily, what are you doing?" Ellen asked, slight panic seeping into her voice. Her other leg was bent back and tucked under the other armpit, leaving her feet waving freely in the air, and her ass exposed to the world.
"I know we've bonded over this fight, but you
did insult my acting," Emily said slowly. Ellen struggled, but she was completely immobilized.
"It was mostly aimed at the show's writers," she said desperately. Emily grinned to herself.
"I'm sure it was."
She brought her palm down on Ellen's ass, relishing in the slap as it echoed through the empty gym.
"Jesus Christ, are you
spanking me?"
Emily smiled to herself and spanked Ellen's ass again. As she continued to spank her, she leaned back slightly, bending Ellen's legs further and further over her head.
"I don't know if I'm in pain... or just turned on..." Ellen moaned.
"I'll stop if you submit," Emily replied.
"Not sure I want you to," Ellen said.
Emily laughed and released Ellen's legs, which flopped back down and splayed out on the mats. Emily turned to look over her shoulder at her opponent. Ellen's face was red and sweaty, and she was breathing heavily. Emily stood up and turned around, brushing her own hair from her face.
"Come on, Ellen," she said softly. "Just submit, and we'll be done."
Ellen smirked up at her, even as she continued to pant.
"I'm pretty sure I'm winning."
"Can you even move?"
Emily squatted down and grabbed Ellen's shoulder, easily rolling her onto her front. She swung her leg over and straddled Ellen once more, leaning down to whisper in her ear.
"Either you submit now, or I'll make you smell my foot until you do."
"Flirting," Ellen responded with a grin.
"You asked for it."
Emily stood up again and walked over to her trainers. Ellen remained where she was, only turning her head to watch Emily.
"Going back on your threat already?" she asked. Emily quickly removed the laces from her trainers, and then came back to sit on Ellen's ass. She pulled Ellen's arms behind her back and began tying them together with the laces.
"Oh, you kinky bitch," Ellen breathed. "I should do this workout every weekend."
With Ellen's arms securely tied, Emily rolled off and sat next to her, grabbing her hair with one hand and pulling her head up.
"Last chance," Emily said. Ellen shrugged.
"You've gone to all this trouble. May as well go through with it."
Emily shrugged back and slid her foot under Ellen's face, pushing her head down to force her nose against the sole. She put her other foot on top of Ellen's neck.
Slowly, Ellen began to kiss Emily's foot, turning her head gradually to kiss different part of the sole. After a couple of minutes, she abandoned kissing and stuck out her tongue.
"I have never enjoyed anyone's tongue this much before," Emily whispered. Almost subconsciously, her moved her foot to put her toes against Ellen's mouth. The smaller woman took the hint and closed her mouth over each toe, gently sucking them as Emily laid back and moaned. Eventually, she pulled her foot away, and both women took a few moments to catch their breath.
"Okay," said Ellen after a while. "I think I'm submitting now."
"You take back what you said about my show?" Emily asked. Ellen chuckled.
"Hell no. I'm still not gonna watch it. But I will concede that you're a tough, sexy woman."
"That's good enough."