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Hellbridge Fight 2: Titboxing Championship (Astrid vs Masha)

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Hellbridge Fight 2: Titboxing Championship (Astrid vs Masha)
« on: September 29, 2016, 01:43:09 AM »
another quickly told tale based on the world and art of Hellbridge. a furry artist I wrote a bit on last week, and I got such positive feedback I was considering another. when the artist put up his last pic of a championship fight, I mentioned considering doing another match and he asked me directly if I could.

so pardon the departure into the quick furry fight for those who don't like it, but for those who like bust women beating the shit out of each other regardless, enjoy!

Masha had regained her title once again, and had been beating off challengers from all sides. All of her rivals wanted a piece of her, and every time one of them had risen to the top of the heap, Masha had pounded them back down. No one had been able to foresee the new challenger sneaking her way up the ranks. The sperm whale was breaking records left and right, taking out everyone in her path. Masha remained unafraid of the huge and powerful newcomer to the league, knowing that she had done the same during her career. This one wouldn't be any different than the rest.

Back in the seats were Richter and Mona, the rhinoceros and mouse sportscasters covering the league's ringside commentary lately.

Richter: "Welcome back to this special event! This is what you've all been waiting for! This is a titboxing championship title match, people. Newcomer Astrid Johansen versus Masha Nikolayeva. Can you believe Astrid has made it this far, Mona?"

Mona: "Well, I definitely CAN believe she made it this far, Rick. Even from down here, you can see she's bigger and stronger than possibly ANY fighter to enter this arena."

R: "It isn't everyone who has the power to go toe to toe with Konga and leave HER trying to play hit and run."

M: "But what's really impressive is how QUICKLY she did it. Astrid practically showed up out of nowhere and starts tearing up the league from the bottom up. One tournament under her belt, 8 matches, 8 wins. She’s been UNDEFEATED the entire time she was in it."

The camera cuts to a clip of Astrid in action, punching Olga across the snout and bringing her down with blood coming from her lips and nose. Olga coughs a few times before she gets up, just for Astrid to punch her tits into pancakes with a quick combo.

R: "I mean, look at the power in the woman. I can't stress that enough. She's not the fastest fighter on two legs (or fins, depending who you ask), but she can take it, and she can give it back. As a fan of big girls, I'm tell you: this whale of a gal takes the cake and then asks for seconds."

M: "That's the big question though: is she tough enough to take down the champ?"

R: "Well, looking at Masha's track record, she's a real wild card. You always get a hell of a fight out of her, but Masha's track record varies wildly. She can fight the same woman twice in a row, and get completely different results."

M: "Her rivalry with Konga shows that in spades. It could be that she's consistently among the top 5 fighters in the league, which makes her some very powerful enemies. Not all of whom have a record of playing fair."

The screens show some past match footage as they talk. Konga is shown being pummeled into a corner until she's left drooping with her beefy arms over the ropes. The footage from a week later shows Masha looking exhausted and bruised, missing a clumsy swing for Konga's face before the ape punches her in the belly, making Masha collapse face-first into into her big, black-furred breasts.

Another quick cut shows Masha speedily beating Olga around the head. The brown bear puts up her guard, but she's worked into the ropes until Masha delivers drives uppercuts under her guard until we can see milk leaking out from her overstimulated nipples. A second clip of their next fight shows Masha having her big white mammaries peppered by Olga until they're bouncing like they're in an earthquake. The polar bear tries to protect her chest and Olga takes a quick shot into her face, knocking Masha silly as she falls onto the mat with a big, purple shiner.

R: "The facts basically come down to how Masha performs tonight. If she can bring her A-game, she just might hold onto her title. But that’s going to have to overcome a woman nearly twice her bodyweight and with 6 inches on her, and an undefeated record. More than ever, there's a very real threat to her belt tonight."

M: "And here comes everyone's favorite soldier making her way to the ring."

R: "She sure makes that championship belt look good. Especially when she's not wearing anything above it."

Masha wore an open blue robe, letting her great white tits bounce in the open air. She was done up in a light layer of makeup and matching blue boxing gloves and boots that gave an air of beauty and ruthless formality about the fighter. Right around her waist was the shiny championship belt with an impressive pair of gold tits embedded on the front. Masha shed the robe and her heels in her corner, baring her toned but curvy body in all its naked glory.

M: "And nothing below the belt either, as it turns out."

R: "Yea, let's not forget; this is a nude match. Neither woman's going to have so much as a thong to keep them safe from their opponent's gloves."

M: "You can really hear the crowd pop as Masha flexes for her fans. It sounds like they might be favoring her as the winner tonight."

R: "I wouldn't be so sure about that. Not to insult our crowd's tastes, of course, but there's good reason to love Masha whether she wins or loses. I've met plenty of fans of the Russian who list their favorite fights of hers as ones where she gets absolutely BRUTALIZED. The curvy polar bear just knows how to make losing look good as well as she does winning."

M: "I can see how that can build up a strange but solid fan base, I guess."
R: "And speaking of which, here comes our next big beauty!"

M: "Try not to fall in love over there, Ricky."

R: "No promises. The newest face in the league has impressing one crowd after another, and you can hear the cheers behind her matching Masha's."

Astrid steps out in a large, fluffy white robe, almost a parody of Masha's fur as if part of some gruesome plan for the polar bear. The whale was thicker than Masha in almost every single way imaginable. Her breasts, her muscles, her abs, her hips. Even her kind's snout was a wide, smooth hump covered in her slick, gray skin. Red gloves and boots contrasted Masha's on the whale's big body.

M: "Fans and news sources are both calling Astrid an 'unstoppable giant.' She's taken out some of the biggest names in titboxing, wrestling, and martial arts to come to the league in her first season here. She’s a killer combination of size, power and skill."

R: "I can tell you from all the way up here," smallfry, she doesn't look any smaller from any angle."

Astrid stepped into her corner, shaking her shoulders to shimmy out of her robe. The motion jiggled her breasts for the crowd as the robe slid down her back and she bent her finned tail (just above her wide ass) to set it on gently the ropes where a stage hand collected it, baring her big and beefy body.

M: "And it looks like the sperm whale's got a playful side too. She's not just making fans by her fighting skills alone, I guess."

R: "Hey now, let's watch it with the names. There's rumors and all, but let's not go calling her a slut."

M: "That's not what 'sperm whale' means, you jackass!"

R: "Alright, my mistake. I'll look at an encyclopedia before our next fight. But for now, there's the ref to check om both of the women."

M: "Not like they've got much to hide anyway. Both check out, Masha has handed over the belt to an official at ringside, and he waves for the bell."

R: "And heeere they come. Both taking their time coming out to the middle of the ring."

M: "You can tell they're both starting out cautious. It's a sign of real pros."

R: "Maybe... I've got my ideas, but it's generally smart. You're going to get tired and angry the more you go on, so you want to try to get the psychological advantage first and hold onto it as long as you can."

M: "We might be seeing a slow start to the OH! Spoke too soon."

R: "Astrid striking first, and Masha barely able to get those gloves up. Even a blocked shot from the landwhale gives Masha a nasty jolt and she loses some of her footing."

M: "Astrid puts two more out there, but Masha's smart enough to back off and regroup."

R: "And there's Astrid having some fun at Masha's expense. Batting her gloves on her own chest, puffing up those already giant jugs."

M: "Looks like Masha shakes it off as best she can and moves in again. She's taking her time, but trying to find a hole in Astrid's defenses..."

R: "Astrid eats those little jabs like they're popcorn. This could be it..."

M: "Be what? OOH! Ohh, wow."

R: "Astrid lands the first big hit of the fight! A mean cross right into Masha's nipple."

M: "Masha's feeling it and backing up again, one arm close to that injured boob. Poor thing looked like it was ready to pop for a second there."

R: "That's what I'm talking about. Astrid might be big and slow, but she's smart. She's making Masha play the game at her pace."

M: "Wouldn't have thought of that. Masha's still on defense, but Astrid's getting some steam behind her now. She's wailing on Masha's guard like an avalanche."

R: "Nothing quite as bad as a powerhouse left to set their own pace. Masha can barely afford to throw a punch in these conditions."

M: "Don't count her out! Masha gets under one of those killer haymakers and starts putting gloves into Astrid's guts as fast as she can."

R: "The champ's got some second wind in her yet. Astrid gets a few jabs in on the bear's face, but Masha pulls back out and delivers an uppercut to the tits."

M: "Astrid's stunned from that breast shot for a second, but she snaps right back with a big one to Masha's jugs."

R: "You can really see the difference between the two fighters just from those few punches."

M: "Right. You can see how Masha's muscles overwork until the veins bust out. She puts her all into every punch. Astrid's built to last between her muscles and body fat, so she just has to let a punch loose and let gravity do the work."

R: "Sort of. I was talking about how Masha's tits bounce much more than Astrid's. Still probably a fat-to-muscle thing, though."

M: "Nice to know you've got your head in the game. Masha knocks Astrid with a few more tit shots (oh hey, you're kinda right though...). But she's not quite quick enough!"

R: "Looks like Astrid almost turned Masha's mouthguard into a fly ball with that uppercut. Snuck it right between Masha's breasts."

M: "And here they say to never get into a battle in the mountains of Russia. They act as a pretty good blind spot on the polar bear, if anything."

R: "Masha's legs are going weak. That really surprised her. Nothing you want less than something that strong catching you with your guard down."

M: "Astrid goes tearing into her, working Masha right back into the ropes. She bullies her around with her big breasts and hard belly, just crushing the bear into them while her fists play a little tune on Masha's ribs."

R: "Nothing little about that whale, missy. Masha plays it smart and goes into a clinch. Astrid gets a few clumsy shots in on her, but there's the bell for round one!"

M: "The girls break it up and get to their corners. Both a little worse for wear, but I think Astrid's got a bit of a lead so far."

R: "You can see the gears turning in Masha's head. That round caught her by surprise way too many times."

M: "Astrid's new blood, so she's hard to catch on quickly. She's been fighting the same four or so women for the last few months, so she might be a bit set in her ways."

R: "Don't let anybody say that this whale didn't make a splash."

M: "Very cute. Astrid's smiling across at Masha though, as if the match has gone perfectly so far."

R: "Best I could figure, her smile could mean a few things. Could be she has a long term strategy, using her endurance to outlast her. Could be she's just glad to have a sporting fight, which fits with that fun side we keep seeing. She might just be attracted to the bear."

M: "You think this whole taking her title is a kind of loveletter to Masha?"

R: "As likely as any of the others, I guess. My money's just on her having something planned."

M: "Well you forgot one possibility there, Rick."

R: "What's that?"

M: "Could be she likes the pain. What if she's just nuttier than two squirrels in a ball-busting match?"

R: "That's... not out of the question either. But there's our bell. On with round two!"

R: "That's... not out of the question either. But there's our bell. On with round two!"

M: "And Masha is coming out hot! Looks like she learned her lesson from the first round."

R: "Astrid gets a few right in the snout before she can get her gloves up. You can see those thick arms are like a wall for defense."

M: "The challenger's feeling those hits, though. Masha's trying to press that advantage while she's shaking them off. There's a few more hits into Astrid's ribs and tits. This second round might be Masha's big comeback."

R: "The whale's turtling up, trying to keep Masha from gaining any more ground. She's already getting worked back into her corner."

M: "OH, but Masha's too caught up in attacking to see that knee coming! It goes right into the bear's side."

R: "Masha nursing those ribs. Astrid must have aimed that shot perfectly, because that's taken the gas right out of the busty bear."

M: "Looks like Masha gave the landwhale a reason to take her seriously. She's got Masha by the shoulders, setting her up for a... no! OOF!"

R: "You could hear all the ladies cringe and the men cheer as Astrid gives Masha the first low blow of the night! There's sweat and who knows what else gleaming off her gloves as Astrid pulls it back from Masha's aching pussy."

M: "Masha can't even find the air to scream. Her mouth just hangs open and her gloves go right to her naked, fuzzy crotch."

R: "Bad move with Astrid still on the loose."

M: "Too true. Astrid's free to go all out on the champ, rocking those hanging breast with lefts and rights coming in light wrecking balls."

R: "Masha's hugging her chest to protect those big girls of hers, but Astrid just gives her one to the head. And the champ goes down!"

M: "The ref starts the count, but no was is Masha going down that easy. She's taking her time rising again, but she's taking a knee."

R: "She had a strong start to the round, but Astrid only needed one good shot to cut her off. Where have they been hiding a woman this big and this strong for all these years?"

M: "And Masha's back up at five. Astrid sporting enough to let her opponent get her footing back before she goes back on the offensive."

R: "Masha's staying light on her feet. Looks like the champ's playing smart and picking up on her opponent's strategy."

M: "She's dodging first and hitting second. Masha's giving Astrid zero targets and pounding her every time she misses."

R: "Masha takes control of the match once again as she keeps working the body. That soft skin on Astrid keeps wobbling with every solid shot to the tits and abs."

M: "The bigger downside of being a larger fighter; that means more space to try to defend."

R: "Astrid bull rushes Masha. She has her heading towards the ropes again, but Masha fends her off. There she goes! A titty lock!"

M: "Masha spins right out of being crushed into the edge of the ring and gets one of her strong arms around Astrid's right breast!"

R: "You can just see that arm bulging with power as her other glove bashes the shit out of it!"

M: "Astrid's finally showing some signs of actual pain, but she's saved by the bell. Masha lets go and the fighters retreat to their corners."

R: "Both took a beating once again, but Masha looks like she actually gained some ground this time."

M: "Masha's nursing a few fresh bruises, but she seems a little more confident now. That's got to get her a little more oomf her moves."

R: "She'll be making plenty of 'oomfs' if she doesn't maintain that strategy of hers. Astrid's shown she's cutthroat enough to take any opening, and strong enough to make it hurt. Masha's going to have to stay on her toes if she's going to keep on surviving."

M: "Astrid's showing some fatigue and soreness of her own, but honestly, it doesn't look like enough to really slow her down."

R: "The whale's been through worse, by the looks of it. But there's the bell, so let's get round 3 on its way!"

M: "Masha comes out strong again, but so is Astrid. Masha lands a few jabs to her gloves and chest, but Astrid keeps on moving in on her."

R: "She's using that reach of hers to make Masha work for every shot. Not only that, but she's taking away ground for Masha to retreat to."

M: "Masha's catching on, but it might be too late!"

R: "Looks like she's been worked into a corner. She'll have to fight her way out like a rat trapped by a cat."

M: "Speak for yourself, Ricky! My grandmother practically boxed cats for a living back in her day. Masha feints, lands a quick blow to Astrid's bicep to try to throw her off her trail. Masha tries to slip past her on the right... Uh oh!"

R: "Uh oh is right! Astrid wraps her arm around the waist and just SLAMS Masha back into that corner. Masha's got a face of a woman who just got sucker punched by a truck."

M: "Any wrestler will tell you, those pads on the turnbuckles don't make them any less pleasant to run into."

R: "Astrid's got Masha by the head. She gets a face full of whale titty, and I don't care who you're fighting, that's never going to smell good after two rounds like that."

M: "It looks like Masha can't get out. She's throwing a few body blows, but she's panicking. That must be a hell of a grip on a monstro of a whale like that."

R: "Annnd Astrid's feeding the champ some gloves! There's nowhere to run now, Masha! It's just punch after punch into the beautiful bear's snout!"

M: "Definitely some blood splatter going on! She's busted up Masha's nose something awful, and that looks like a black eye growing in there!"

R: "Major payback for the tit attack at the end of round 2! Masha looks like she might be ready to keel over."

M: "Astrid takes the bear by the hair and throws her into the middle of the ring. The whale flexes for the crowd and just bellows in triumph. Even if she's sweet on the outside, the woman's really a monster in the ring!"

R: "Masha's definitely looked better. The ref's counting to 3 and she's still flat on her tits."

M: "Eew, and there goes her mouthguard. She retches it up, and that's definitely some blood in there."

R: "I wouldn't go getting squeamish just yet by the looks of this match, Mona. Masha's getting back up, looking a little less pretty than when she came into the ring."

M: "The ref quickly feeds the mouthpiece back into Masha and she thumps her gloves, trying to get back into the fight. With all that sweat and blood staining that white fur, she's really showing some battle damage."

R: "I can see what those freaky fans see in it. A little red looks good on her."

M: "Astrid moves in. She flexes her pecs, making those dense tits dance for Masha. Looks like she's planning to end this in round 3."

R: "The whale could drag this out as long as she wanted by the looks of it. She's no sadist, going by what we've seen, but she's got the endurance for it. I haven't seen toughness like this since Marco 'The Monkey King' spent 12 rounds with Rainer 'The Big Bad' Pig."

M: "Keep your head in the present, you old creep! Masha is keeping her guard up, but we can see Astrid is still in control of this fight."

R: "Masha's sneaking in a few shots here and there when Astrid's too aggro for her own good. Smart move! She's targeting Astrid's injured breast, while favoring her own good side."
M: "We're even catching Astrid wincing from some of those. She's switching up her guard to compensate..."

R: "She'd better watch, or her guard goes too high for..."

M: "THERE'S the payback! Masha feints with another breast shot, but she spins and turns it into a cxnt punt!"

R: "Even a beast like Astrid can't just shrug off a big blue boot to the twat."

M: "Masha rather famously seems to shy away from low blows until her opponent brings them to the table, but you'll recall Astrid handing one or two of them out in their earlier rounds."

R: "Revenge is best served cold, they say, and there ain't much that's colder than a kick in the babymaker."

M: "Astrid's down on one knee. It's not going to be easy for the big girl to get up from that."

R: "And Masha's going to town on her! The champ has gone berserk on her challenger, and she's taking it out on her face and chest. Astrid just eating those punches hard and fast while she's holding onto that pussy."

M: "Even the toughest boxers need to put up some kind of defense."

R: "Astrid's taking a hell of a beating, but she still won't go down! At this point, taking a fall might be the smarter strategy to try to recover before the 10 count."

M: "Astrid shoves Masha back by the stomach. Still some fight in her after all, but she's looking worse for wear. Still shaking some of the cobwebs out."

R: "Masha regroups. She's absolutely out for blood now as she charges Astrid again and OH MY GOD!"

M: "Masha too caught up in her attack again! I think we may have found out where her wild track record comes from!"

R: "The champ's charge costs her BIG time as Astrid ensure that she runs pussy-first into that giant glove of hers."

M: "Masha's frozen on the spot and falls to her knees. I hope that's sweat running down those big ol' thighs of hers right now!"

R: "The crowd is going nuts. Both women struggling to stay up."

M: "Masha looked like she had it in the bag for a moment there, didn't she?"

R: "Astrid's got a bloodied snout out of that attack, but she's still getting up. I'm starting to believe those rumors you were talking about her being unstoppable. All that blubber is just natural padding."

M: "So it's true what they say about chubby boxers: more cushion for the pushin'."

R: "That's... that's not talking about boxing, sweety."

M: "Well tell it to me later, Rick. The challenger's got Masha's hair in her grasp and she's giving Masha's tits a brutal working over with her knees!"

R: "Boom! Boom! Boom! You can hear the ring shake from each big hit. Masha's famous for being able to take a beating with those boobs of hers, but this new face might be even tougher!"

M: "I don't even want to imagine a weight that sounds like that hitting me in the tits, that's for sure. There's some movement from Masha, pushing at that hard belly trying to get free."

R: "Astrid doesn't take that well! She puts a but right into Masha's forehead. The bear beauty goes smashing into the mats, but she's saved by the bell!"

M: "The crowd's loving this one! Both women took a real pounding that match. It might come down to the wire."

R: "Masha should be so lucky. The ref has to help her up just to get her into her corner. Astrid's a little slow, but she's up on her own power. You can see she's getting a little worn out as she rests for round four, but Masha's a fucking mess."

M: "That eye's going to need to get checked out after the match. That's a hell of a shiner Astrid gave her."

R: "It's going to affect her vision in this next round, that's for sure. She's going to need a miracle to come out ahead. Still, this looks like it might be the toughest fight anyone's given Astrid so far. There's even a bit of a smile on the whale's face now."

M: "I'm telling you; probably a little nuts."

R: "The bell rings for round four, and Masha definitely looking a little sluggish to get back up."

M: "They both took a real pounding in the end of three, so they should both be feeling it. Astrid looks barely phased despite how much Masha's put her through!"
R: "Astrid starts with some jabs to Masha's tits. They're big sore targets, and she's probably right to use a little caution this late in the game."

M: "Masha's too worn out to block the quick hits. She just lets her jugs jiggle and sucks up the aches and pains."

R: "The poor champ's running on fumes, folks. No wonder she's trying to save her energy."

M: "Then here comes our whale, pressing her attack hard! One shot to the noise makes Masha flinch, and then she hammers on Masha's tits from each side."

R: "Masha gets a few shots in on Astrid's breast, but it's a desperate move! Astrid smashes her with a quick uppercut right as Masha's fist connects."

M: "Masha's on the mats again. The ref starts counting, and it might be bedtime for Masha!"

R: "She's still kicking. Masha gets up with a lot of effort. She spends on time on all fours and sweating buckets before she's back to her feet."

M: "Big cheer as she stays in the fight, but is it enough for her to make any headway, or just being stubborn?"

R: "Masha takes a swing for Astrid, but she's ready for her. She's really outlasting the champ in terms of endurance."

M: "Masha manages to dodge one of those killer hooks, and tries to give Astrid another barrage to the gut."

R: "You can see the challenger jiggling, but she's not budging. Masha has to clinch up with her just to stay up. She hasn't got the energy to back up those aching muscles of hers."

M: "Astrid smiles and brings up her gloves like an executioner. Masha tries to grind a glove into Astrid's tit, but she's ignoring it like she's made of stone!"

R: "Soft, jiggly stone anyway. Here it comes! Masha better move or else... too late!"

M: "Masha's flat on the mats! She looks like she might be out. She's barely even twitching down there. But wait! It looks like Astrid's not done with her!"

R: "She's helping Masha back to her knees. Something tells me this isn't just good sportsmanship."

M: "She's got a glove on Masha's chin. Masha staring at her, trying to push that big gray arm away."

R: "But Astrid is NOT having it. She starts bashing her knees into Masha's tits. They look like they're going to fly off her body if they start bouncing any more than that!"

M: "Masha's chest looks more purple than white at this point. She's got to be going through hell in there. All the champ can do is scream and cry. Astrid is really sending a message to all her future challengers with this one."

R: "I can't see Masha getting up from this one. Maybe her last knock down, but Astrid's just playing with her."

M: "Fun girl, huh?"

R: "Well, maybe MY kind of fun. Masha's tits look so bad they may just be milking grape juice in her next fight."

M: "Astrid looks like she's getting ready to wrap up... no way! She changes tactics for even more punishment! She gets Masha's head between her legs and squeezes."

R: "Masha's got the back of her head stuck against the whale's cxnt. She uses her tail to get a few slaps into Masha's face. Maybe she's trying to wake the bear up for her punishment, but Masha's got a glassy look in her eye. She's just dead in the water now."

M: "And her breasts. Yow. Can't press that enough. They're sagging enough with all that damage that she looks like her nipples are doing push ups."

R: "Still not enough for Astrid. She leans down and delivers some more monsters of punches into the sides of Masha's tits. It's like she's giving the polar bear's boobs a purple paintjob."

M: "Each hit knocking her boobs into the other. A little cruel, but frankly, Astrid's fighting smart. Like two punches for each of her one. But she finally lets Masha go."

R: "Masha falls down to the mats in tears, hugging her chest.  The fight's taken right out of her. She just can't believe it! Our current titboxing champ has had her proud boobs utterly ruined in this fight."

M: "And Astrid drags her up AGAIN! The timer keeps stopping when Masha goes down, so this round seems to be going on forever!"

R: "Maybe the ones running the clock are as distracted as we are. But she drags Masha by the hair like a pet towards her corner. She forces the champ into a corner and props her up like a scarecrow instead of a boxer."

M: "Astrid kisses her gloves and then winds up... one GIANT of a punch in Masha's nose. Blood all over the mats and her aching tits. Masha tries to fall, but those strong arms braced on the ropes are all that keep her up. Astrid bashing her again and again. The ref trying to get at Masha, but he can barely SEE past Astrid let alone get to her."

R: "And the whale digs both of her gloves into Masha's breasts, grinding them in there. Masha looks like she can't decide if she wants to faint or vomit from that kind of pain to her overworked jugs, so she just screams."

M: "Finally! One big uppercut to the jaw, and Masha hits the mats like a dead woman. There's nothing left in her. The champ is out cold!"

R: "The ref checks it out, Astrid looking like she STILL wants a piece of the champ... or should I say former champ?! The ref calls it! This is incredible! How in the hell does this new pretty face blaze a trail through the league to get to the number one titfighter within a matter of weeks!?"

M: "Masha finds out the hard way that years of experience doesn't make her any better. It's a young woman's game, eh, old timer?"

R: "Says you. The ref goes for the belt, but Astrid steps in and stomps a boot on top of Masha's broken tits."

M: "The bear's just twitching in a puddle of sweat and blood. Astrid's just posing and flexing, making kissy faces for the crowd. The ref doesn't even bother trying to budge her as the heaviest woman in the entire league stands on Masha. TWICE her bodyweight, Rick!"

R: "The judges are confirming it all. Win by KO, and the score was 224:112 in her favor. Looks like Astrid's twice the weight, and twice the score too."

M: "Astrid finally stepping off of her. She spits out her sticky, wet mouthpiece onto Masha's breasts, leaving her a sick little souvenir for when she wakes up."

The referee holds up and hands her the belt, holding the mic to announce her win. "Here is your winner, and new titboxing champion: Astrid Johansen!"

Astrid leans over to the mic, her big breast pushing into the ref's face and speaking for the first time in the match with her usual happy grin. "Who's your champ now?" she chuckles heartily before holding the belt high overhead, the crowd exploding in cheers.

R: "Say what you will, but I LOVE this chick's style! Let's hear it for our new champ! We're all expecting big things from this big girl!"

M: "Is anyone in the league tough enough to stop her? What's her plans now that she's champ? You'll have to tune in next time to see!"
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