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Bullying doesn't pay (true story)

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Offline Mr.Sharp

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Bullying doesn't pay (true story)
« on: October 18, 2016, 11:29:00 PM »

   This is a true story, short, but true. It happened my Junior year in high school. Every school has it groups and every school has it's loners. The quiet ones who tend to keep to themselves. Most people want to be popular and hang with the popular kids. So they will do anything to try and fit in, well  some anyway.
   I went to a decent size high school with a graduation class of 350+ students and that is not counting the ones who dropped out. Every day, the same groups would meet in their same hang out areas awaiting for their classes to start. This day  was no different, except for two young ladies that is.
   One of the young ladies was your typical popular girl, cheerleader with lots of money and so on. She was one of the girls that most wanted to hang out with, or tried to anyways. I am going to call her Jennifer and the other I am going to call Helen.
   Well Jennifer and Helen was known to not really like each other. Helen more than Jennifer because of her popularity and disrespect to her. She could care less what she thought in her eyes. Like most "bullies", if that is what I should call her? She is always listening to what people has to say. If someone has something to say about her, people run and tell her to get brownie points.
   This particular day, someone over heard Helen saying how much she didn't like Jennifer and one thing got led to another and pretty soon the truth about was really said was stretch... really far. Well... you can guess what happened after that?
   Jennifer did not like her anyway, and this just added fuel to an already inferno. So... she decided to confront Helen about it. Like most people, they only hear what they want to. Helen was sitting on a bench behind the school in between her class. She was minding her own business when Jennifer come out to confront her.
   Bullies think that everyone is afraid of them either because they are bigger or have more popularity. So Helen is just sitting reading a book as Jennifer approaches her. Like always, she throws accusations at her. Accusing her of saying things that she really didn't say. But, She was right and Helen was wrong. Jennifer then pushed her head lightly to the left side and kept antagonizing her. I do not remember what was said because that was few years ago but Jennifer kept on. She pushed her head to one side then other. Then she upped the taunting and slapped her a little harder. Well, being the quiet girl Helen was. She just sat there and took it trying to tell her she didn't say that stuff. At this point, I think Jennifer was just trying to show her dominance and didn't care. She pushed her head a few times and then she slapped her hard across the face.
   Helen's face turn to the side and her mouth made an "O" and held her left cheek. She then just snapped.
   She jumped up and grabbed two hand full of hair and started pulling from side to side, hard. She was throwing her head around like a beach ball. she released her right hand from her hair and started punching her on the side of the head and face. BAM BAM BAM... she must have done that a few times and to be honest. No one was really counting. Jennifer raised her arm on the top of her head then Helen started upper cutting her and kicking her in the thighs.
   The whole time Jennifer was screaming "HELP ME HELP ME" but everyone was to shocked and unwilling to interfere. She contiued punching and pulling until she had her down on the ground, kicking and pulling. She finally pulled across the sidewalk and then to her feet again where she continued punching. After punching her a few times she grabbed two handful of hair again and started pulling down real hard and kicking upward toward her stomach. It only lasted for a few seconds but it seemed longer before teachers came to break it up. One teacher grabbed on to Helen who had a handful of hair and the other had slipped from her hair and was now on the front of your tee. As the teacher started pulling Helen away, Jennifer's shirt started to rip. As she was being pulled, she was also kicking.
   When she ripped the shirt, her foot managed to kick really low. Well, let's just say, it didn't feel that great because she fell to the ground on her knees with one hand on her chest and the other on her lower belly, crotch area. Helen was taken to the office while teachers and students were helping Jennifer.
   Let's just say that bulling does not pay and never mess with the quiet ones. Jennifer never bothered her again after that. And yes, this is a true story.