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ECWL 1 Update! Megan counters and goes on the offensive!

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Offline ~Rox Erotique~

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ECWL 1 Update! Megan counters and goes on the offensive!
« on: October 31, 2016, 02:02:10 PM »

Hey everybody! I've just posted the latest update for the ECWL in our main event of Gemma Rox (that's me!) vs FCF's own Megan Dow! We're up to 26 pages of hard hitting, naked wrestling action! This event takes place in the octagon for added nastiness! So get ready for some rib crunching hits and mean ground and pound all for only $5!

And for the $10 patrons I've put up a story that promises pugilistic passion! The first in my new series delving into the world of Foxy Boxing


x G x
I'm paranoid and needy. So I think people are talking about me, but not as much as I'd like.