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Sam VS Allie: Best Friends/Husbands Wager

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Online DavidG

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Re: Sam VS Allie: Best Friends/Husbands Wager
« Reply #15 on: November 28, 2016, 09:00:46 PM »
very interested and well done


Online slidin79

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Re: Sam VS Allie: Best Friends/Husbands Wager
« Reply #16 on: November 30, 2016, 10:22:33 PM »
Great job! Looking forward to details!
trillian: lr.cftfan


Offline FormerGoddess

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Re: Sam VS Allie: Best Friends/Husbands Wager
« Reply #17 on: November 30, 2016, 10:34:18 PM »
Hey everyone, Sam's husband Ryan here...

To answer a few questions, no, we can't share the video. It's just for our private viewing, sorry...I did watch the video twice and type up a little bit of a play by play though.

To say this was one of the greatest and hottest things I've witnessed would be an understatement. To watch my wife and her best friend really, really go at it was a treat for me, and Allie's husband too I'm sure. Things have been a little different since, for sure. It didn't end the way we expected, but all is well with everyone. As Sam said earlier, much like the poll results, she DID win! Things got pretty heated, so here it goes...

Keep in mind, the only rule was no closed fists...


Allie's husband and I set up our basement perfectly. It's finished and carpeted, but we added mats to keep the girls safe. We cleared everything, giving them a 20' by 20' space, set the camera in the corner and a couch to the side for us to sit and watch. Allie got ready in our spare bedroom downstairs, Sam got ready in ours upstairs. At exactly 9:00pm, Allie walked out as agreed to at that time, Sam was about a minute later from upstairs. They both wore exactly what they agreed to from the selfies they sent each other. Barefoot, hair down, and attitudes raging, they never took their eyes off each other once Sam made her way down. They each had a little bit of a silly smirk. I will admit, it was the first time I saw Allie that dressed down and she looked GREAT. Sam of course did too, as always. Seeing those 2 stare each other down in nothing but a bra and thongs was intoxicating. Allie's ass was as full as Sam's, if not a little wider, while Sam's is rounder. I kind of took the MC reigns and asked if they were ready. They each shook their head yes with a laugh and put their hands up, obviously unsure of how the other was going to attack. "OK girls...fight!"

They started nervously, swiping and batting their hands away from each other for a little bit as they circled. They each giggled as they did it. A little disbelief on both parts I'm sure, fighting each other after 16 years of friendship. Allie changed the tone when she grabbed hold of Sam's hand and pulled her toward her, then shoved her back. Sam stumbled back, then lowered her head and bit her lip, and shoved Allie back. Sam stood guard while Allie stumbled back. Just like that the tone changed as Allie caught her footing and charged Sam. They collided in the middle of the mat, arms wrapped around each other in a grapple. They circled slowly as they pulled each other side to side, wrenching their hips to tip the other. They wrapped their legs around the other, trying to outmuscle each other. After a bit, it was Allie who finally had Sam bent awkwardly and twisted. Sam lost her footing and Allie slammed her to the ground. Sam grunted as her ass hit the mat. Allie stood over Sam with her hands on her hips, taunting her, slowly walking around her. She was cocky, and I think she was feeling that was her retribution for the arm wrestling match.

"Bitch!" could be heard clear as day as Sam jumped to her feet. I don't think she anticipated that take down and was a bit thrown off her own game. Sam came to her feet and shoved Allie back again, Allie stood her ground and shoved back. Again, the tone changed as they were clearly pushing even harder as their heads jolted back. Sam lep forward, wrapping her arms around Allie and twisting her to the side. Allie nearly losing her footing, planted her foot in the ground and brought herself back up. Allie wrapped her arms around Sam in return, and they stood, their chests pressed together, bearhugging. With their heads each resting on the other's shoulder, they dug their feet into the mat and pushed. Now it was clearly getting personal and they were out to show the other who was stronger as they growled and grunted, trying to push each other across the room. I remember noticing their legs ripple as they pressed into each other. It was like 2 bulls in a stalemate. Their breasts mashed together and forearms straining. Allie screamed out, pressing ahead, finally getting the better of Sam as she fell back 3 steps. But Sam caught her footing, dug into the mat and growled under her breath. Her thighs straining, she dug deep and pressured Allie, regaining her 3 steps and adding another as Allie fell back. As Sam returned the favor and forced Allie back, Allie lost her footing and fell to 1 knee, sending Sam toppling over on top of her.

Allie fell flat on her back, Sam landing chest first on her head. Immediately, Sam sat up on Allie's stomach, and tried to restrain her. Allie thrashed and they tore at each other for a moment before Sam grabbed a handful of Allie's hair and began a storm of hand slaps across her face. With one of her arms pinned under Sam, Allie began to buck her hips, hoping to throw Sam off her. With her free hand, she reached around and dug her nails down Sam's back and across her asscheeks. Desperate, Allie began to buck her hips even harder as Sam landed smack after smack across her face. Allie's husband sat up during this, a little worried for his wife, I imagine. But Allie held her own, thrashing her hips, bumping Sam up, then reaching up during a small opening and cracked Sam across the face as hard as she could. As Sam's head flung sideways, she bucked Sam again and she fell to the ground next to her. Laying next to each other on their sides, they immediately grabbed each others hair and slapped mercilessly again, this time adding kicking to the mix. Their cries could be heard as their feet connected with each other's legs.

I think Allie had had enough of the slap assault to her face, so she brought her foot up and shoved it into Sam's stomach, pushing her away as hard as she could, separating them. They each layed there for a brief moment before Allie got to all 4 and grabbed hold of Sam' hair. But Sam lifted herself to her knees and knocked Allie's hand away. They immediately wrapped each other up again, trying to overpower the other with a takedown from the knees. With their breasts and stomachs pressed together to tore each other side to side briefly before Allie overpowered Sam to her back, landing on her just as Sam had fallen on her. With Sam pinned beneath her, Allie wrapped her arms around Sam's head and smothered her with her breasts, pressing all her bodyweight into her, squeezing. Sam moaned as she struggled to breathe beneath her. Her arms failing, she slapped and scratched at Allie's back and ass. Allie cried out from the nail thrashing, but kept her hold. Sam was desperate and it was the first time I was worried about her here, to be honest. But Sam came to in a last attempt, grabbed hold of Allie's thong and pulled it as tight as she could, wedging it up her crack, nearly tearing it. Allie shrieked and sat up on Sam, reaching behind her to stop the attack. As Allie tore Sam's hands away from behind, Sam brought her hands up, pulled down on Allie's bra and exposed one of her tits. If seeing her in a thong caught me off guard, seeing one of her tits exposed was next level. Her husband and I were on the edge of the seat.

Sam grabbed hold of Allie's nipple and twisted. Allie shriek and immediately went for Sam's hand to pry it away. As they hand wrestled over her tit, Sam reached a leg up and kneed Allie in the back. Allie tumbled forward, landing with her hands out, holding herself up on all 4's. Sam, exhausted, finally sat up and turned to Allie. Allie, still on all 4's was tending to her breast, turned towards Sam. Sam got to her knees and slapped Allie across the face. Allie's head swung vicously. But just as quickly as she absorbed the hit, she charged forward and drove her shoulder into Sam's gut, sending her down on her ass. Before Sam even knew what hit her, Allie had reached forward and yanked on Sam's bra strap, making sure to expose Sam's breast. Sam immediately went to cover herself, but not before Allie was able to dig in. Sam cried out as Allie worked her nails into her nipple. (This was a defining moment for me. My wife and her best friend, half topless, tearing into each other's breasts.) Unable to stop Allie's attack, Sam reached for a handful of Allie's hair and ripped at it as hard as she could. Allie shrieked from her all 4's position, let Sam go and tumbled to the ground next to her.

Exhausted, the girls breathed heavily and sat just a few feet from each other, barely blinking, unsure of how to beat their best friend. Each of their breasts was still exposed, heaving as they collected themselves. Allie started to move, slowly rising to her feet. Sam followed, never taking their eyes off each other. They each adjusted their bras, tucking their breast back in. (A little disappointed, I'd hoped they'd come off completely.) Back on their feet, circling each other, Allie made the first move and drove her shoulder into Sam's. Sam stepped back but held her ground. Sam charged back, sending Allie reeling. As Allie stumbled, Sam reached for her hair and sent a hailmary of slaps across her face with her free hand. Allie winced, shielding herself, before grabbing hold of Sam's hair and returning the favor. They viciously tugged at each other's hair and reigned open hand slapping blows to each other. They cried out as they connected. Moments later, Allie grabbed 2 handfuls of hair of Sam's and pulled her closed. With Sam's arm still thrashing, Allie wrapped her arms around the small of Sam's back and squeezed. Sam moaned as Allie barely lifted Sam off the ground, her toes dangling just above the mat. While Sam slapping and scratched at Allie's back, Allie turned and slammed Sam to the ground, Allie landing on top of her. Sam grunted as her back and ass hit the mat. They lay motionless for a moment, Allie's head, rested on Sam's stomach.

As Allie came to, she slowly lifted herself off Sam, saw an opening and dug her nails into Sam's belly and squeezed. Sam yelp as her soft midsection was tortured between Allie's nails. As Sam failed to pry Allie's hand away, she wrapped a leg around Allie and kicked her heel into the small of her back twice. Allie jolted, immediately letting go and rolling off her to her back, tending to her spine. Sam sat up, grabbing a handful of Allie's hair and they came to their feet again together. With Allie hunched over holding her back, Sam pulls her head to the side and slaps her across the face as hard as she can. Allie's head twists and she turns around. Sam steps forward, reaches around for a handful of Allie's breasts and squeezes. Sam bends back and lifts up, trying to lift Allie off the ground. But Allie reaches up for Sam's hands to stop the attack and thrashes her feet. As Sam struggles to take control and lift Allie, she releases her, shoving her from behind, then kicking her in the back of the leg. Allie drops to one knee, Sam steps forward and shoves her as hard as she can from behind. Allie lands face first with a thud.

Breathing heavy, Sam stands over Allie face down. A few moments later, she has Allie between her legs, squats down, planting her ass right on top of Allie's. Their cheeks melting together, thong on top of thong. Sam reaches forward for a handful of Allie's hair and yanks as hard as she can. Allie's head is torn back and she shrieks in pain. Allie's husband is on his feet now. There's nowhere for her to go, he's probably concerned. I stand to cheer my girl on. Sam relentlessly pulls back on Allie's hair. With her back arched, her head torn back, she's screaming in agony, flailing her arms, hoping to break the hold. "AAAHHH! FUCK! STOP! I'm done!" Sam lets her go and I leap into the air, excited for my baby. Allie immediately grabs her neck and rubs it. "Get the fuck off me!" she screams as Sam finally stands, smiling at me. Allie rolls to her back as Sam looks down at her. "I guess it's time to pay up, guys." She laughs as Allie tends to herself.

This is where it gets interesting...

As Sam stands adjusting herself, thong and bra comfortably again, Allie sits up, glaring at her. Sam, battered, still breathing heavy, puts her hands on her hips. "What? This is what you agreed to. What are you staring at?" Allie stands and makes her way towards Sam. Sam looks her up and down, on her guard. "I'm thinking we're not done yet..." Allie mumbles between breaths, they circle each other. Allie's husband and I stand guard, not really sure what's going on. The girls charge each other, colliding again, hands in each other's hair, pulling each other side to side. Allie frees a hand and closed fist punches Sam in the gut. Sam moans, pulls a hand free and returns the favor with a fist into Allie's rib cage. Allie's husband and I hold each other back from jumping in. The girls continue to circle, Sam lands another fist into Allie's rib cage. Allie cries out, then drives a fist into the side of Sam's head. They separate, staring at each other, and raise their fists. At this point, her husband and I step and pull them apart from behind. I drag Sam away as she's kicking and shouting at Allie. Allie's husband pulls her away and forces her up the stairs while the girls continue cussing each other out.


Note: The girls have talked since, are friendly again, and both admitted to it getting out of hand, and apologized. Allie and her husband are following through with the bet and paying up. The girls have discussed maybe having a boxing match sometime to keep things a little more safe. Now that things have settled down, I can only hope...
« Last Edit: November 30, 2016, 10:36:26 PM by WorldWarCats »


Online DavidG

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Re: Sam VS Allie: Best Friends/Husbands Wager
« Reply #18 on: December 01, 2016, 12:04:52 AM »
Would be a major liar if said not jealous

Big congratulations to both ladies and glad all worked out now


Offline FormerGoddess

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Re: Sam VS Allie: Best Friends/Husbands Wager
« Reply #19 on: December 02, 2016, 07:10:54 PM »
Thanks for that write up man, great detail, sounds like a hell of a battle (and hey least they held out on the fists till afterward as to it getting out of hand), and quite an ending....wonder what may have happened if they had fistfought at the end....probably for the best they didn't though on all counts. Glad they have worked things out too, woulda hated to see a long friendship thrown out the window over this though obviously how they relate may be slightly different I guess now that said. \

As to the boxing match too...what about doing that (or some form of competition otherwise) on the Vegas trip you spoke of. That might be a fun way to mark that. If the two could wait that long that that is lol.

Great stuff though, well done to all involved. :)

I would have a question incidentally. From Sam's perspective, does she think that the fact that it was being recorded (something that as she said wasn't known by either girl going in) made it a bit more competitive than it may have otherwise been? Or would it have went down ending and all as it did even without that? I could see it being a factor, especially with how competitive Allie clearly is, but curious as to what she thinks.

Hi Sam here!

Yes, being recorded played a big part in it for me. Knowing it would be watched again, I didn't want to look bad of course! lol...I think it was the same for Allie. As far as the boxing, we're planning it to be a Vegas thing already! I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks!


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Re: Sam VS Allie: Best Friends/Husbands Wager
« Reply #20 on: December 03, 2016, 01:41:20 AM »
Fantastic retelling of things.
RIP the account of Sophie Cees.


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Re: Sam VS Allie: Best Friends/Husbands Wager
« Reply #21 on: December 03, 2016, 11:14:52 AM »
You're welcome, and awesome hope you both have fun with it and good luck! :)

Curious btw as to a few things, presuming both of you girls have also seen it now, what did you think watching it back yourselves beyond what's been said? to the end...if it had gone on, what do you think woulda happened? Not to stir anything up mind you, but just a little curious being removed from it now and settled what you feel woulda went down be it for better or worse had it gone any further.

I don't know what would have happened. We were both exhausted, but we were more and more relentless. Every time she found another wind and strength, I did too. The tension rose as time went on. We probably would have worn each other down by repeatedly turning it up a notch. When she lifted me, I wanted to lift her too, but higher and toss her around, but didn't get a chance. We were just trying to outdo each other.

Do you think this fight has messed with your friendship cause I'm interested in doing the same with my best friend.

Originally, I thought it did. But we've talked, we've seen each other, we're all good. It just depends on yourselves and how much you're both willing to take and give. I look forward to yours one day!


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Re: Sam VS Allie: Best Friends/Husbands Wager
« Reply #22 on: December 03, 2016, 11:34:44 AM »
Fair enough, pride obviously had to be playing a huge role by the end of it all. Do you think if it had gone to a more ultimate finish shall we say (whatever that mighta meant) that you'd have been able to work through it all still like you have or would you have done damage to your relationship that you couldn't fix as easily?

Neither of us was ready to lose, and had we gotten could have gone anywhere. The only people we're closer to or more comfortable with is our husbands. We definitely aren't shy around each other. I think we were probably a little bit around the other's husband, but had it come down to whatever it needed to, we wouldn't hold back. Whatever that is, I'm not sure. It may have made things difficult to repair, yeah.


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Re: Sam VS Allie: Best Friends/Husbands Wager
« Reply #23 on: December 03, 2016, 11:49:49 AM »
Brooke it does mess with your freindship me and my best freind which ended up rivials got into and be honest after the first fight we fought much as we could. Dont get me wrong we spoke and was freindly but not like we used to be and it was fight time we just had mothing but hate and wanted to beat the other so bad. They some if nit the best fights I ever had. We was tied and before we could break the tie she passed away :(