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For the Husbands and boyfriends in here...

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Offline Kateintense

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Re: For the Husbands and boyfriends in here...
« Reply #15 on: November 29, 2016, 05:45:35 PM »
I have sized up other women vs myself,, and have at leas 2 friends I know do that.


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Re: For the Husbands and boyfriends in here...
« Reply #16 on: December 01, 2016, 06:21:55 PM »
My husband (and I) play this game all the time when we are out.  He will nudge me while we are sitting in a restaurant or out shopping, and he will notice an attractive gal and say something like "Boy, I bet she would be a handful if you two went at it".  I'll look over and answer "I wish the bitch would make eyes at you so I would have a reason to start something with her. We would see if she is woman enough." I usually have already noticed the same woman by the time he says something. And sometimes it will be me who initiates the banter. It gets his juices flowing and mine as well. It makes for intense playtime later!

The server bringing over her business card and handing it to him works even better.


Offline thirstybeermonster

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Re: For the Husbands and boyfriends in here...
« Reply #17 on: December 11, 2016, 07:17:16 PM »
I never don't! Anytime  I see another woman who I find attractive at all I think about how'd she do against my girl...


Online Sandman13

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Re: For the Husbands and boyfriends in here...
« Reply #18 on: December 12, 2016, 12:55:20 AM »
I have a friend who loves to play that game - we will be somewhere and spot a hot woman. I say something like "How about her?
 and she replies "Oh, I could take her easy." or "I don't know. She looks pretty tough".


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Re: For the Husbands and boyfriends in here...
« Reply #19 on: December 12, 2016, 06:15:15 AM »
husband and I do it as well..he sees somone cute and asks me if I could fight her and win.  I go into it and ask what type of match...what do we wear...what rules....and things like that


Offline rozczochrany

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Re: For the Husbands and boyfriends in here...
« Reply #20 on: January 08, 2017, 02:01:13 PM »
Sometimes I compares other women to my girlfriend and I imagine the fight between them.
I live, I burn with life, I make love, I kill and be satisfied. Thereon world, folks fights and suffers, to be free, feeling short whiles of joy only in madness of battle.


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Re: For the Husbands and boyfriends in here...
« Reply #21 on: January 11, 2017, 05:25:47 AM »
 I have found, and truly believe, that most woman though they may be reluctant to actually fight as they get older, enjoy telling their boyfriend-husband what they would do to the other woman in a catfight. A former girlfriend would always tell me how she would rip apart various woman whenever we were at a party or gathering, especially if the woman would talk or flirt with me.   Though I only saw her actually fight one time (it was broken up quickly) she enjoyed telling me about her fights in high school and college. She knew it really turned me on and she would go into vivid detail, especially about her sorority days catfights.  How much was fact, how much fiction, I really didn't care, it was a real turn on and she knew it. I really wanted to see her and my ex-wife go at it, but it never materialized.


Offline bigguy1031

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Re: For the Husbands and boyfriends in here...
« Reply #22 on: January 11, 2017, 06:33:56 AM »
You are so right.  No matter where I am, the chance of seeing and better talking with a woman, who would be a good match for my wife is great.  I work with several women and there are a couple, who are especially close to my wife's age and size.  The fantasy match ups are great.  It is fun, and no one really gets hurt.  Usually like women with different hair color than my wife, who is blonde.  The contrast of the two I guess makes it hotter to me.


Offline cfight

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Re: For the Husbands and boyfriends in here...
« Reply #23 on: January 15, 2017, 06:36:30 PM »
Guilty. Whenever my wife and me are out, I'm always looking for another woman to match up with her. The thought of the 2 of them bumping into each other, and the stares, they would start fighting.

True story. This is why I'm guilty. Once we were invited to a New Year's Eve party at a club with another couple. At another table was a woman who matched well with my wife. Both my wife and her were wearing dresses and off black pantyhose. I kept thinking what if they got into a fight. Then when there was a slow song and everyone got up to dance, I made sure we were very close to that couple. This way I was able to have both of them keep bumping into each other, maybe to annoy the other. Though nothing developed, just the thought of them making comments and maybe go into another room to talk.


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Re: For the Husbands and boyfriends in here...
« Reply #24 on: January 15, 2017, 11:42:38 PM »
Finding the right woman that supports her man's fantasy will result in many years of great sex and fun!
He should also be willing to support her mind's fancy as well.


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Re: For the Husbands and boyfriends in here...
« Reply #25 on: January 17, 2017, 04:03:03 PM »
I do it all the time too, and my favorite is seeing a good looking woman who is more like an amazon, much bigger than my wife and imagining her destroying my wife while I watch, but wife refusing to give up as they fight over me and she takes loads of abuse, epecially to her big DD boobs! For years I have told her that she has incredible tits and they are much tougher than most women's and she will sometimes tease about having better tits than one of her friends just to get me going. Definitely makes things more fun... and at 5'3" with 38DD-28-38, it is easy to find bigger tougher girls to catfight her. Her bff shocked me once, whispering in my ear that she would kick my wife's ass and bite her tits if they fought! She later confided that she had seen a catfight search on our home computer and wanted to tease me.. One of the best days ever...


Offline RandyDNR

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Re: For the Husbands and boyfriends in here...
« Reply #26 on: January 28, 2017, 06:56:56 AM »
Absolutely, I enjoy comparing women and wondering which would win.
Nothing hotter than watching two wives decide who is better


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Re: For the Husbands and boyfriends in here...
« Reply #27 on: February 04, 2017, 08:51:10 PM »
I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who does this; I do this all the time. I always imagine my girlfriend in a catfight with some girl where they tear each other's clothes and end up in their bras and panties, rolling around on the floor and all that. I also like to imagine a bigger girl dominating and humiliating my girlfriend as well. I haven't brought up any of this with her since we are still pretty early in our relationship, but hopefully one day I can let her know how I feel about this.


Offline Corbin2012

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Re: For the Husbands and boyfriends in here...
« Reply #28 on: February 07, 2017, 09:54:37 PM »
Here is a little text story that Karen (TXWildcat) and I created when I sent a picture of a sexy pair that I found while buying some beer at a local distributor. We have made many such stories together. Hope you enjoy-

Me-The truck came out of nowhere, nearly killed us! At the next light, the Coors delivery truck driver and I exchanged heated words-with a shared threat to finish this! We followed truck driver to the local store beer distributor, and found ourselves in a back storage room with the driver and his gal, who was also the manager of the store. The tension was high as the blonde stud stood nose-to-nose with me in front of our jeans clad battle cats. I knew you were eyeballing your own blonde opposite, thinking of ways to rip her apart while I sized up my opponent. And I also knew you were getting turned on with the thought of watching me in a man-to-man struggle with this fit middle-aged deliveryman. You and his gal pal kept your distance from each other, standing slightly behind your respective warrior, urging each of us on in your own sexy ways. At first, the talk was challenging in a conventional way. You know, comments like "knock his ass out", "bust his mouth", "break his nose". But that soon turned to bragging about the size and strength of our packages, followed by more descriptive tactics we should pursue, like, "rip his sack off", "crush his little nuts", "slam his tiny sausage with your manmeat". I knew then that our confrontation was going to be down and dirty. The air was charged with energy as the driver and I reached for each others shoulders while launching fists with the other hand. Our scrap had begun, both of us in jeans and long-sleeve t-shirts. His bore a Coors logo, mine bore a USAF one. We scuffled briefly, and as we did you and the blonde crowded us together, both or you excited by the testoserone laden tusslers grappling in your midst. I knew you were aroused because I could feel your erect nipples pushing through your bra as you pressed your sexy body into mine while I pushed into my foe. Your sexy scent filled my nostrils as the struggling continued, another sure sign of your excitement. The evidence of your aroused state made my fury rise higher, causing my heavy rocks to rumble in my juice-filled sack, and my meaty rod to pulsate like a firehose about to release its pressurized liquid.

Then without a word, we stopped. We both breathed heavily, and I'm sure he was throbbing like I was with the feel of his lover's arms around his waist. Afraid we would be interrupted by customers or other members of the staff, we made arrangements to meet the pair after working hours at the store. In the meantime we returned to your house to keep our fury high by teasing each other until the cock and cat fight combination planned for later in the day. We jumped into the shower together and began soaping each other up, telling one another what each of us wanted to see the other do in the fight to follow. My champion cock stood out like a battle ax carried by an ancient warrior, ready to slice and chop into anything in its way.
Karen-We passionately soaped each other up, while pausing every once in a while to deeply kiss - our tongues exploring the moist caverns. Your champion was thick and firm, and I caressed it and stroked its mammoth length with my slippery hands - you growled and whispered how we would get each others fury peaked and whip the delivery dude and his gal when we battled them in the store after hours. I fondled your heavy sack in my hands, feeling the juice build in volume, straining to release their might. You twisted my nipples, and they responded by becoming steel tips in your fingers - the sensation causing my little fighter to stand tall and twitch. You palmed my box, gently entering my canal just slightly with your fingertip, then pressed firmly on my hooded warrior. We pressed our bodies hard against each other, feeling all the tension and excitement at all points, raising our fury for a couples clash. We turned off the water and toweled each other off. We discussed what our battle gear should be as we strolled over to my treasure chest and I opened the drawer. I suggested I wear my crotchless black bikini, and you growled loudly. I slipped them on, and my engorged flower strained the lacy opening. You dropped to your knees and tongued the exposed area. You could taste my nectar and feel the hard head of my clit. You pulled your black thong from your suitcase and put it on. Your champion standing tall and firm, pushing his head against the silk. As he did, the cloth tightened against your boys, and your arousal became even more pronounced. I dropped to my knees and gently pulled the waistband away from your torso and licked your tip, tasting your syrup. I decided that I would go braless for this battle, and finished dressing by putting on jeans and a black cable knit sweater and my black cowgirl boots. You put on jeans and a black sweater and boots as well. We rubbed each other’s crotches and swallowed each other in kisses as we walked to the garage, all the while encouraging each other to rip tits and smash balls.
Me-All the way to the store, the sun now setting in the horizon, we teased each other with light strokes and touches across our super-heated bodies. I continued to tell you how I would love to see your pink nipples, hard as diamonds now, shred the blonde's boobs, and to see your swollen petals latch onto her sex while your engorged clit hammered hers. The jeans we wore were moist, hot, and fragrant with our combined arousal. We confidently slid out of the truck as we pulled into the parking lot. I squeezed your sexy ass as we walked toward the entrance. Coors dude and his lady friend waiting for us just inside. I noticed her nipples straining through the red sweater she was wore; obviously, she too was braless and anxious to scrap. You took a quick glance at the blonde guy and noticed that his jeans sported a nice sized lump-he too was fury filled and ready. We put up the "CLOSED" sign and followed the pair to the back of the store.

Karen-The back storage room was stacked with different heights of beer cases along the walls. We stood side by side, hand in hand, face to face across from the blonde pair who were similarly joined at the hand. We were sizing each other up - knowing that all involved were swollen and aroused with increased heart rates as we prepared for battle. The Coors dude leaned his pelvis forward and pressed his manmeat into yours, trying to impress you with his lump. You pressed back with greater pressure, your tremendous lump ready to fight. Likewise, his blonde bitch leaned forward and pressed her unencumbered steel-like nipples into my diamond tips -  so sharp they nearly snagged the yarn of our sweaters. We found a beer bottle cap and flipped it to see who would battle first - logo up and it would be the men first - logo down and the cats would scrap first. The van driver flipped the cap into the air and we watched it land on the concrete floor - logo up! I looked at you and winked, then rubbed your crotch, telling you to make this guy foam in pain like a badly poured pint. I unzipped your jeans and pulled the black pouch through the opening. Then I unleashed its throbbing package. I made sure your thick hot sword was but ensured your rocks remained clad below in your black battle dress. I watched closely to see his gal prepare your foe similarly-leaving his nut sack in a red pouch while his pride and joy waved in front of him. I knew then that his bitch would also be wearing red. You squared off in the center of the room, your staff waving, ready to bash.

Me-My branding iron was waving left and right and I could feel my clad balls straining for release. The thrill of battering the red clad meat sack that stood in front of me was overpowering. I felt hot and sexy, ready for the colossal cock clash which would begin soon. Knowing that you were with me put me in overdrive as I closed the distance between me and the delivery guy. As I moved forward, I threw my black sweater at my foe to distract him. He ducked quickly, but was not ready for the punch which caught him squarely on the side of his face. I followed up quickly with a knee to his groin, hoping to finish him fast, but he blocked the shot by twisting to the side. My knee drove off his thigh, barely missing its intended target. His hand lashed toward my head, hoping to swipe my face, but I ducked away from the blow. We eyed each other cautiously-and listened to the voices of our sexy mates as they cheered us on. We moved toward each other again, and grabbed one another in a headlock. We bent forward at the waist, exchanging punches to the face and torso, wrenching our bodies left to right, looking for an opening. Our huge dicks danced below our waists, occasionally glancing off one another.

Karen-I settled back onto a stack of cases of beer about 3 feet tall. The blonde did the same against the opposite wall. We watched as our men muscled each other in the headlock, their meaty packages hanging heavy looking for their opponent. You managed to land a hard gut shot to his middle, and he winced in pain briefly before trying to retaliate with a kidney shot, which you expertly blocked. As soon as your block cleared, you launched your grip onto his ammo bag and twisted. To urge her companion on, the blonde shed her jeans to reveal her teeny red bikini. That provided the catalyst he needed to regain some strength, and he gripped your wrist to relinquish your clutch, then swung his sword at your warrior. I could see your thickness pulsing as you gripped your handle and hacked at him side to side. Although I could see that you were in the commanding position, I slid my jeans to the floor and opened my left leg slightly so you could catch my scent and a quick glimpse of my cheering little warrior. You nearly lost your balance from the erotic sight, but quickly regained your wits, drew in a deep breath, and proceeded to attack with a vengence.

Me-The sight and scent of my aroused Wildcat who cheered me on, inspired me to tear into this beer delivery driver with a vengeance. He and I traded heavy hacks across the thick shafts and stabbed wildly into each others’ balls. One hand on the sword, each of us kept a free hand to punch, gouge and slap at any part of the body that was near. I decided to concentrate almost fully on pounding his package. I clutched his nuts and pulled him close, then swung my meat down onto the exposed fruit. He howled in pain and tried to back away. He had no choice but to stand to toe-to-toe. Our shafts collided and he broke my grip from his tender sack once more. My proud balls hung low and full below my towering sword. He moved in, our shafts striking fully, then our torsos, then our sacks collided. We held each other by the shoulders as we continued to slam our packages against each other. I glanced over at my Wildcat again, who had shed her black sweater, and was tweaking her erect firm nipples with one hand while stroking her steamy slit with the other. "Bash his balls, my Stud! Sling your slack into his nuts!" We mashed our meat while our lovers encouraged us to victory.

Karen-Your steel pipe was smashing his sword. You kept your grip on his shoulders as your full package showed its glory and might, stabbing and hacking without the aid of your guiding hand - it was magnificent to watch. I slowly and deliberately stroked my blossoming flower, sending her bouquet to your nostrils. I could see that your steady onslaught onto the van man's meat was taking its toll. His balls were beginning to retract from their sack and his weapon was slowly deflating from your unstoppable attack. He tried desperately to revive his fury, but your impressive display of superiority on the cockfighting front was too much for him. His partner was rubbing her orbs trying to get him to regain a second wind, but he backed away in embarrassment. You stood tall, your warrior pointed high and proud. You nearly took my breath away with the beauty of your physique and your throbbing meat. The blonde bitch jumped from her perch and came directly toward me with fire in her eyes - she was going to even the score now that you had pounded her man into defeat. As she approached me, I pushed her away with my black boot and scrambled to my feet.

Me-My foe fell to his hands and knees at my feet. I stood behind him and placed my boot toe on his nutsack which hung limply beneath his ass cheeks. I gave the bruised pair a nudge and told him to remain where he was, and watch my Wildcat destroy his bitch. Both you and the other cat could see the commanding position I had on the downed cockfighter. He was on his hands and knees, nearly weeping with humiliation. His sword was flacid, hanging sadly toward the ground. The red pouch had withdrawn back into his unzipped jeans-his inferior manseeds seeking refuge from their defeat. My helmeted warrior was glistening from the syrup pooling on its big purple head. I stroked my triumphant truncheon while you stood, ready to take on the blonde store manager. I could see your diamonds riding high on your firm full breasts. Your swollen lips smacked with anticipation from the slit in your sexy panties. I could smell your incredible fragrance as you released the scent of the Wildcat in combat. I pumped my thick log as you looked over at me-knowing it would raise your fury to fight. Then you flew into action.

Karen-My engorged lips were spilling out of the tight slit in my black panties. I slammed my crotch into the blonde managers mons, my warrior head pounding her clit. She bared her talons and slashed my boobs. I grabbed a fistful of her blonde mane and charged my pink diamond tips into her soft flesh, wiping my blood onto her. I rammed my knee into her thigh - she came back with roundhouse to my middle. It was a merciless fight with no holds barred. I grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her back, wrenching her joints. She broke my hold and grabbed my head, yanking it down toward her knee, but her aim was off and I swerved off to the side. As I was coming back upright, I clenched my paws into her muff and held fast. She whimpered out, then grabbed mine. You continued to pump your thick log cheering me on. You walked away from your fallen foe just long enough to rub your wet tip between my thighs from behind to charge me on to victory, growling "rip her to tatters, my Wildcat, cuz I am about ready to explode with desire for you in victory celebration." My clit reacted immediately, and stabbed her in the palm of her grip releasing it. I attacked her with full force, nails slashing, blonde head and pubic hair flying, shredded red fabric tearing. I was on fire.

Me-I was overwhelmed with lust and pride as you brought your pent up fury down on the battling blonde bitch. She was game, doing her dirty best to fight fire with fire, but she was proving no match to my magnificent Wildcat. You held her furry blonde box in one hand and slashed your razor sharp nails across her milky tits. When you reached the tip of her mounds, you paused for a second, then gouged deeply, nearly removing one of her nipples. She shreiked in pain and began to cry at the sight of her blood dripping from her chest. You clawed her pubic mound once more before you backed off for a second to enjoy the effect you were having on your VA Stud. "Finish her!" I cried, then jerked my meat faster and harder, nearly at the crest. I looked down on the fallen cockfighter and told him, "your bitch is about to become another Wildcat victim!" He moved to assist his failing cat, but as he was about to stand I booted his sack. He fell quickly-and finally.

Karen-She was struggling to remain on her feet as the excrutiating pain from her mangled boobs and mons nearly overtook her. I saw your final sack shot to the delivery dude's jewels, then put my own final blow to his partner. I lunged full body onto her bloody form sending her reeling to the floor. She landed next to her crumpled man. I drove the pointed tip of my boot into her box, delivering the knockout. She passed out, her head dropping to the side. You and I stood facing each other, boot to boot, our chests heaving in unison from the well fought battles and heightened level of arousal. You grabbed my hand and guided me to a stack of cases. The celebration was to begin.

Me-I lifted my victorious Wildcat onto the cases of beer. Your sweet ass felt like velvet to my touch as I held you close to me, my warrior throbbing between us. I laid you gently down and leaned over you as you relaxed in my arms. I kissed your tender lips, our mouths hungrily exchanging tongues. My hands moved across your hot body, stopping to squeeze and tease along your perfect form. I paid special attention to the minor cuts or abrasions you earned in the scrap, then more earnestly licked and sucked at your diamonds. My hand caressed your flower, and my finger found its way into your inviting channel. You reached for my rod-and we rode the waves as they built toward a crest. You wrapped your long legs around me and drew my love rod into you. We bucked and jerked, now overcome with lust, desire, and deep love we reached the crest as one. 
 that got me damned aroused. hot story
I wish each and every day would start with a catfight in my flat


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Re: For the Husbands and boyfriends in here...
« Reply #29 on: May 19, 2017, 06:17:52 AM »
How can I get My wife Kim to play along  with this game?  I constantly see women while we are out that I'd love to match her against... How do I ask her?