The Duel Room: Nine days
By Justlooking9000
Note: Ok, I had promised myself not to write any more 10000+ words stories, but here we are. I'm exhausted. Three parts. This is the first one. In case it wasn't clear, the text after the highlighted text are emails between the mentors and the women. The text in between the three dots convey the actual action.
-“You did what?”-asked a dumbfounded the 30 year old Chiemi as she heard what her cousin was saying.
-“I challenged that cock hungry skank to a duel over Seiji”-said a stressed Natsumi-“I couldn’t help it. I warned that whore several times that she better stop coming after my boyfriend, or else. I found her sucking him off when I came home early and I lost it.”
-“Take it back. You shouldn’t be getting into duels over guys at 21.”
-“I can’t. She already accepted. We’ll fight in front of him in nine days.”
-“Of course you can! Even if she accepted you have many chances to withdraw, up to the very last minute before you actually go into the duel
-“I know. But I simply can’t. I won’t let her walk all over my relationship!”
-“You know you’re getting exiled if you lose, right? Even if you win, Seiji will probably have another side chick in the future. What will you do then? Fight her too? You can’t duel all the girls he sleeps with”-countered Chiemi frustrated.
-“That’s a problem I’ll deal with later. Right now, I need your advice on how to beat that whore sleeping with my guy”
Chiemi sighed.
-“You can’t be for real. Can’t you agree to share him? I think she might be amenable to an agreement”
-“I’ll agree not to scratch her eyes out if she agrees to stay away from my guy!”
-“Maybe if you gave a little tiny bit of ground we can work this ou…”
-“I’m not sharing one inch of his cock with that whore!”-blurted Natsumi, outraged her cousin was suggesting such a thing-“Look, if you don’t
want to help me, just say so. I’ll find someone else to help me”
-“No wait!”-said Chiemi. She was pensive. It was a shame. Fifty years ago there’s no way a young woman like her cousin -a sexy 167 cm tall brunette with long hair cascading down her shoulder, a nice set legs; a slim frame wrapped in a soft, smooth skin and an immense bustline that was the envy of many a female- would have ever feel compelled to duel to keep her boyfriend from being taken away by another woman. If anything, it’d have been the boyfriend needing to tell other males to back off his girl. Well, it wasn’t as if she wasn’t getting a lot of male attention, it’s just that the goal of a monogamous relationship eluded her. Just as it eluded 99% of women in the present-day world.
Should she help Natsumi? If she refused to help, her cousin would be at the mercy of crazy articles in the internet. At least if she advised her cousin, she could contain the damage. And if her cousin was dead set in making a mistake, why not let her commit the mistake early in her life? Win or lose, a young woman like Natsumi could rebuild her life and she would learn not to be so impetuous later in life. Right now however, she'd try her best to have her cousin win the duel.
-“Ok. Let’s teach this whore a lesson.”
-“Wait. You accepted? Why?”
-“The bitch challenged me. I wasn’t going to chicken out in front of him. You have to help me”
-“Yes”-deadpanned Kaori-“My advice is that you withdraw from the duel. You’re 20 for goodness sake!”
-“I can’t do that. I’m tired of being the side chick.”
-“Look. I know what you’re thinking. You think he’s the love of your life, that you won’t meet someone as good as him if you let him go. I was 20 once too. I thought the same. I bought into the whole one cock for one pussy rubbish. The world doesn’t work like that anymore. I realized that going through several vicious duels over guys when I was 21 wasn’t worth it”
-“But you DID fight over your guy when you were 21…”-
-“Fine, whatever. Then let’s wait until you’re 21 too”
-“NO! I won’t tolerate that “girlfriend” getting in between him and me any longer.”
-“Ok sweety. Look at me and tell me the truth”-said Kaori in the most serious tone she could muster-“If push comes to shove, will you fight her in what is pretty much a no rules catfight for this Seiji guy? I’m sure you’ve watched the videos on the internet. The whole thing is ALWAYS messy and bloody.”
-“If she won’t back down, I won’t back down neither. I won’t give him up”
-“And backing down means…”
-“It means she stops seeing Seiji so I can be his girlfriend”-
-“This is not how any of this works”
-“I’m not sharing him!”
-“You know what happens if you lose right?”
-“I won’t lose, because you’re going to coach me on how to win”
Kaori sighed as she looked at her black-haired sister. She was no longer the innocent little girl she knew. She was now a young woman with her own sexual desires. There’s no denying that the 164cm tall Mayumi was pretty, and would keep getting prettier as she grew older. A pretty face, long legs, and a mammoth set of tits would make sure she commanded a lot of male attention for the next 20 years at least. The regrettable part is that she’d have to share that attention with other females. There was simply not enough dick to go around.
Kaori could talk until she was blue in the face about the pointlessness of engaging in such a high stakes game over a guy, just as her seniors had done when she was 21. Her younger self regrettably ignored that wise advice. Deep down, she knew that hammering at the compromise message was probably pointless. Mayumi was eventually going to duel over a guy at some point in her life. If not this guy, then another guy. Win or lose, shouldn’t it be better for Mayumi to know what it is to fight and duel over a man when she’s young? Kaori just hoped it wouldn't be too hard to put her sister's life back together if she lost the duel.
-“Fine. If you’re so dead set in fighting over him, I’ll help you”
Day 0
Kaori: The government hates duels, but they can’t get rid of them altogether; otherwise female on female violence would spike at scary levels. Private fights where there’re no proper doctors around, revenge beatings, assaults, gangs of women fighting, outright murdering the other woman, etc. That’s what would happen if they got rid of duels in a society where there’s 10 women for every man available. Female jealousy is a hell of a drug. Duels are a safety valve; it allows women to definitively solve their issues over a shared man. Almost all women at one point in their lives issue or accept a challenge in the heat of the moment, but 80% of duels never happen. The government provides many opportunities for the contenders to calm down and withdraw, then encourages everyone to come to an agreement. All the duel traditions that have developed over the years are designed not only to win a man’s heart, but also to help you decide if you really want to go through with it. Either you realize this guy isn’t worth fighting for and withdraw or you end up in the duel room, wearing nothing but high heels and a bikini and brutally catfighting over his cock.
Chiemi: The first thing you should know about a duel, it’s that it isn’t simply about the moment you girls come to blows in the duel room. You girls are *already* fighting over him. From now to the day you duel, she’ll try her hardest to win his affections, and you should do the same. The usual girlfriend stuff won’t be enough. I mean, really step it up, because your boyfriend is being shown an alternative version of his future, with *her* as his girlfriend. And he’s going to compare that future against the future in which you’re still his girlfriend. You need to show Seiji that you are prettier, sexier, better in bed than the side chick. You must win the fight over his heart as well as the physical duel over him.
Kaori: Well, if you do intend to fight over this guy, it was good you accepted the challenge on the spot. You never want to show hesitation in front of him. You want to show him you’re willing to do anything for him and that you want him more. It is crucial to make him more emotionally invested in you. You need to make him wonder why he’s with his clearly inferior girlfriend when he could be with you. And he wants to be with you because you’re much better than her as a lover, as a woman and as a fighter. If you forfeit the romantic battlefield for the sake the physical duel, you risk losing the guy even if you win the duel. And he misses the loser enough, he’ll find a way to be with her; duel laws be damned.
Chiemi: Even with the duel itself, you must understand that it isn’t a strictly fighting match. It’s a weird combination of erotic performance and no rules catfight. There’s no way that wearing skimpy clothes, stockings and high heels is conducive to a practical fight. Duels developed the way they did because the end purpose is to woo the man being fought over. When two women duel, it’s because they feel he’s wavering between the two of them, so they want to sway his heart. All these traditions around duels is to make the man more invested in the contenders and the eventual outcome. It doesn’t always work that way, but in many cases, the man being fought over does end up more loyal to the winner and less inclined to look for variety outside the relationship. At least that’s the common belief. You could say that the two women works toward the same objective of making their mutual lover accept the result of the duel, but only one can reap the benefits of all that hard work.
Day 1
Kaori: First thing you should do is to take the fight to his girlfriend. Next time he comes, tell him you want to live with him. You have to make the fight over him a 24/7 affair. He’ll say he’s be worried about you two girls clashing if you three live together. That’s one of the many lies he’ll tell you in order to live with his conscience. You see, he *wants* you to fight for his affections; he *wishes* to see you girls arguing in front of him over who’s should fuck him that night, he is *elated* you girls are going to fight for his cock wearing nothing but skimpy lingerie and obscene high heels while he watches behind a cage. He just doesn’t want to be the one pushing for that, because then his morals will tell him he’s a bad guy. However, if you tell him *you* want him to see you compete with his girlfriend, if *you* girls on your own volition have a scrap over who gets to fuck him, that’s a different matter. He’s guiltless, it wasn’t his fault two crazy girls decided to fight over his cock. That’s a massive ego boost for him too. The way to winning his affections is not paying attention to the stuff he says in order not to feel like a horrible person, but paying attention to his baser instincts and satisfying them. Don’t listen to his words reproaching you for picking a fight; look at how hard he fucks you after the fight. I can assure you, his dick will be diamond hard.
-“yes yes YES!”-moaned Mayumi, her hands grabbing the sheets as she felt Seiji’s tongue making her climax. She let a final YES as a wave of pleasure washed over her supple young body. She watched as she saw Seiji moving on top of her to kiss her.
-“I want to live with you”-heaved the sweaty Mayumi as she gently pushed her man to the side.
-“Can’t you wait 10 days?”-asked Seiji, implying that he thought Mayumi would win-“I don’t want you girls getting into a fight or constantly getting into arguments before the duel”
-“But that’s exactly what I want”-said the young temptress, her enormous tits rubbing against his chest. She could see Seiji looking at her askance-“I want to get into an argument over your cock. I want to fight for your cock. I want you to see us side by side and see how much better I’m than your mediocre girlfriend.”
Mayumi could not help but to notice Seiji’s manhood growing even stiffer as she talked about fighting for him. Kaori’s advice of framing everything on terms of him and his cock was working. She could see hesitation in his eyes. She went for the kill.
-“I’m a big girl you know? You don’t need to protect me from her. I can totally defend myself if she starts trouble…”
-“What kind of trouble?”
-“I don’t know…say we’re having sex…and your worthless girlfriend tries to interrupt us…”-cooed Mayumi, ramping up the seductive tone and caressing his shaft-“then I’ll have no choice…but to defend my right…to have your cock…and trust me…I’m a girl…who defends her rights…vigorously”
Mayumi smiled when Seiji ended up saying yes to her proposal. She stood up from the bed to prepare her belongings. She could not keep that second rate skank waiting.
Mayumi's text to Kaori: I did it! Seiji is thrilled that I’m coming to his place. The moment I said I wanted him to see us compete over him he was eating from the palm of my hand.
Kaori replied: Good. But remember this is the first step. There’s no way his girlfriend will give him up easily. She’ll fight tooth and nail to defend her territory. Don’t forget to come to me so we can train you for the big day.
Day 2
Kaori: The girlfriend will try to challenge you the moment you arrive to his house. She’ll try to intimidate you in front of the guy. Don’t let her. If she pushes you, push back harder. Try to stake your claim to Seiji’s bed. The girlfriend will oppose your claim since she’s the one usually sleeping in that bedroom. It’s very likely you’ll very likely get to share his bed 50/50 with the girlfriend. Whatever you do, hog as much of the man’s time as possible. You want him spending time with YOU, not her. Don’t forget to dress to impress. I mean, be a slut. Miniskirts, lingerie, bikinis, tight shirts, go all in. You have immense tits. Shove them into his face. Show as much cleavage as possibly.
Chiemi: It’s very likely that your romantic rival will persuade your boyfriend to cohabitate with you guys, and she’ll probably try take your rightful place as his sleeping partner. In almost all the cases, there’s a 50/50 split for his bedtime, since guys want to appear impartial. Yes, I know you'll go from having his undivided night time attentions to sharing him and it sucks, but that's just the way it is. Don’t fret about it. What you can DO is to show your boyfriend you won’t cede any inch of his cock willingly. Don’t be angry at the guy. Be angry at that cock sucker trying to steal your man. It’s your house. “Welcome” her by saying you’re glad she’s there so that your man can finally compare you to girls side by side and realize you’re the better woman. Challenge her femininity. Wear your sexiest clothes. Don’t be a prude. Between you and her, you have to be the bigger whore. Even if she’s one aspect in which she’s physically “superior” to you, like the size of her boobs, show you’re proud of your body. And you should be, your melons are ridiculously huge. There’s a reason he’s fucking you. Your confidence in your appearance will impress the guy.
Mayumi was sitting on the sofa in Seiji’s house. He had helped her bring her belongings but had to run for his last day of work before the nine day long holiday he had specifically requested for the occasion. While she waited, she put her stuff in his room and changed to a form fitting tank top and incredibly brief shorts that exposed half her ass to the wind. Her head perked up when she heard a set of keys opening the doorknob.
She was on Seiji like a dog happy to see its owner come home. She was less enthused when she saw the young brunette beauty standing behind him, sporting a tight short sleeve shirt that showed a generous amount of cleavage and a very short miniskirt.
-“Oh sorry *we* didn’t tell you I was coming to live in. It was kind of a sudden decision”-said Mayumi cattily.
-“No worries. My boyfriend told me about you moving when we were shopping for some lingerie. If anything, I’m sorry we were late, he just couldn’t keep his hands off me in the changing room…if you know what I mean”-gloated Natsumi.
Seiji noted the tone between the girls grew progressively more hostile the longer their conversation continued.
-“Well, I hope that I don’t inconvenience you, apart from showing Seiji how much better I’m than you”
-“Oh. I rather want you to be here”-replied Natsumi crossing her arms as she put herself between Seiji and Mayumi-“That way my boyfriend can compare us side by side and see that I’m obviously the better woman before you leave after 9 days”
-“We’ll see about that. If your lovemaking was any good, maybe your boyfriend wouldn’t be banging me day in and day out”-said the black-haired beauty, closing the gap between them, making their massive chests clash and locking eyes with her.
-“Every guy nowadays looks for a little variety”-replied Natsumi, pushing back at the interloper’s attempt at intimidation. It was true, but Seiji's infidelity was still deeply offensive to Natsumi's womanly pride regardless-“If your lovemaking was any good, you would be his girlfriend. And I think we all know who’s the girlfriend and who’s the side chick”
-“Which I think is a mistake”-jeered Mayumi -“You see, I think Seiji deserves much better girlfriend than the one he has right now”
-“And that’s you I presume”-mocked the taller seductress acidly, her nose almost touching Mayumi’s-“Don’t you think he’s already made his choice? Since you’ve been already chasing him for months and you’re still an occasional fuck. While I…I live here with him”
-“Well, about that…I’m already living here aren’t I?”
-“Oh I heard all about wouldn’t stop begging him to let you in…thinking you can compete with me. I say…I welcome the competition. If you think you’re better than me in bed…prove it. You’ll find I’m a…very competitive person.”
-“So am I. At least we agree that this is the best way to let Seiji decide who's the better lover. Me living here will also help me familiarize myself with the place before I settle here…permanently.”
-“I see you guys have two rooms, so I’ve helped myself to Seiji’s room”-continued Mayumi.
-“I don’t think that’s how it works”-countered Natsumi-“I’m pretty sure it’s the girlfriend, not his call girl, who is supposed to sleep with his bedroom.”
-“Well, I’ll soon be his girlfriend”-retorted Mayumi venomously -“What do you think Seiji?”
-“I’ve talked with my man about that”-jeered Natsumi-“If his bed is the battlefield you want to choose to battle over his cock, I won’t shy away from that contest. I’d rather you fight me there, your love making skills against mine. I do want him to know I’m the better lover before I kick your ass. So I told him I’m ok with splitting his bedroom time between us.”
Mayumi blinked, stepping back as she didn’t know what hit her. She lost her composure. She had played with several scenarios in her head, all of them involving fierce arguments over who should stay in Seiji's bed. Now Seiji's girlfriend was giving it to her just like that. She didn’t know how to reply. She had gotten what she wanted but somehow it felt like a defeat.
-“Now, if we’re done”-continued Natsumi as she walked away from the dumbstruck challenger. She knew she had bested her sexual rival just then-“I should go to *my* boyfriend’s bedroom to put my new underwear on for tonight.”
Natsumi's text to Chiemi: That whore came to my apartment today. I used the plan I told you about and she was speechless! She looked silly and we all knew it. Seiji said he was stoked to see my little performance. I just had round two with him and I can tell he’s super horny. Fuck, I can see his dick growing hard again and he just cummed a minute ago. I won’t let her kick me out of his bed without a fight! Talk to you later.
Chiemi replied: That was a brilliant idea! Turning what is a girlfriend’s loss into a victory. The outcome was the same, but it was *you* stealing the initiative, *your* idea, and it made you sound totally unafraid of that wench. All and all you did well. Remember, keep confronting your boyfriend’s mistress. You gotta show him you will fight tooth and nail for him. Remember to swing by so I can coach you on the actual duel.
Day 3
Chiemi: Once she’s in your house, it’ll be hyper charged sexual contest over your boyfriend. Never forget that you’re now living with a tramp who spends every waking second thinking about stealing your man. Your body is your best weapon. Excite him. One up that slut. If she does two rounds with him, you do three. If she gives him a nice blow job, give him a nicer one. Show Seiji you won’t fall behind in the sex race. If that hussy insists on escalating the situation, don’t afraid to show your claws! You also must show your sexual rival that you’re a grown woman confident of her sexual skills. Monopolize his cock! Leave the door open and let her hear you making love to your man! If she sees you having sex with him, don’t stop. Stare at her as you proudly ride him.
Kaori: Sex Sex Sex! That’s the key. Remember that apart from the guy in question, you’re also living with your sexual competitor. Challenge her for his cock. What I mean, entice him to have sex with you rather than her. You want his dick permanently attached to your pussy. Ride him bareback! Let your man cum inside you. Drink all of his jizz. Don’t let a single drop go to waste and tell how good it feels to have all his cum inside you. If you hear her having sex with your man, you should try to interrupt them, even if it comes to blows. If she pushes you around, push back. Always escalate. Especially if your guy is seeing you confronting her. Don’t worry, the guy will probably stop you girls from fighting and be impressed by how much you want his dick. But whatever you do, if she challenges you sexually, don’t back down.
The hostilities and cattiness started from day 2. Natsumi made sure to squeal louder than usual when she rode her boyfriend that night. As her mentor had recommended, she left the door open for Mayumi’s benefit. Mayumi did not back down from this subtle challenge. She came in with a sexy black lingerie set and stockings and looked on as Seiji was restlessly banging Natsumi. The older girl gave her sexual rival a death stare as her tits jiggled violently from the pounding her boyfriend was giving her. She then stood, her heaving chest clashing against her opponent’s bra and told Mayumi to fuck off. Mayumi said “Make me” as she pushed back with her tits. Natsumi hesitated for a moment until she remembered her cousin’ words. She slapped that cock hungry whore and a soon the girls were pulling hair until Seiji stepped in and separated the girls.
Day three was Mayumi’s chance for payback. She too left the door open as she made love with Seiji, only to see sexual antagonist come in wearing a sexy corset, stockings and garter belt combo. The romantic rivals had a tense argument as Seiji was hammering his cock inside Mayumi. The climax came when a naked Mayumi, semen streaming down her inner thighs told her love rival to “leave or else,” to which Seiji’s girlfriend replied by grabbing Seiji and making out with him! Mayumi was outraged at the lack of respect! It was her night with Seiji! Seeing red, the naked and sweaty young girl pounced on the insolent girlfriend. The two got their claws out, Natsumi going after Mayumi’s tits while Mayumi ripped apart the sexy corset Natsumi was wearing until Seiji separated them.
Day 4
While the man they were competing over had decided to split his nights evenly between the girls, day time was open season. They had to fight for access to his cock, and fight they did. Wearing nothing but their sexiest underwear, the sex kittens prowled the apartment like lionesses looking for the right moment to strike. If they saw him lounging around, each tried to entice him to a good fucking session. Considering how small the apartment was, that meant they could notice when her sexual rival was seducing the man in dispute. The inevitable confrontation would occur when one of them would try to interrupt them mid-coitus and have her way with Seiji. That invariably resulted in angry arguments that degenerated into shouting matches as neither Mayumi or Natsumi would back down; especially if Seiji was looking at them, erect cock in hand. Soon the staredown would become a shoving match, then progress into a free for all that lasted several minutes until Seiji pulled them apart. He’d always stop their little tussles at some point, so they just kept ramping up the tension, pushing a little harder each time, safe in the knowledge their mutual lover would stop them from going too far.
For his part, Seiji was grinning at the outright hostility these two girls were showed each other since day 1. He hated to admit it, but he really enjoyed having these well-endowed girls arguing 24/7 over his cock. He loved their physical altercations and the increased sexual drive as the girls were actively trying to one up each other in bed. He was guilty of fueling their conflict by playing the “Can you believe what she told me about you?” game and seeing offended girl storm out and ask her sexual rival point blank if that was true. To which the challenged girl would invariably respond “Yes bitch, I told my man that, wanna argue about it?” and another round of screaming and shoving would ensue. The sexual tension was driving him crazy.
He wondered what would the next five days bring…