[muh-too r, -tyoo r, -choo r, -chur]
adjective, maturer, maturest.
complete in natural growth or development, as plant and animal forms
ripe, as fruit, or fully aged, as cheese or wine
fully developed in body or mind, as a person
pertaining to or characteristic of full development
completed, perfected, or elaborated in full by the mind
(of an industry, technology, market, etc.) no longer developing or expanding; having little or no potential for further growth or expansion; exhausted or saturated
Those 70 year olds aren't mature mentally/emotionally. Maturity is about the completion of something, so the only true way to refer to someone as mature in reference to age would be when they're dead. It's a lazy, stupid euphemism used by people who refuse to acknowledge that being middle aged or old is a good thing to be accepted, embraced, and enjoyed instead of avoided with bullshit terms.
This thread should be "Vicious Middle-Aged Wives Catfight"