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Tall Amazon vs fbb

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Tall Amazon vs fbb
« on: January 29, 2010, 07:30:54 PM »
hi there! please discuss for poll here and fantasy wrestling story will be most welcome.

If Alexis Skye vs tazzie colomb wrestle fight with each other, who will win ? ;D

fantasy wrestling story will be most welcome

Here are the pics of Alexis Skye 6'4'' and 155 lbs!!!! and on the other hand tazzie just 5'7'' and some 199 lbs!! Lets discuss!!  ;D


Offline Phil_65

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Re: Tall Amazon vs fbb
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2010, 02:29:38 PM »
It would be interesting to see a fight between them... But where are the pics? Can't see anything. :(



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Re: Tall Amazon vs fbb
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2010, 04:10:24 PM »
Alexis will wear her out with her endurance and flexibility. The fbb will end up nude,winded,and crying

I also think the same ;D ;)


Offline Phil_65

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Re: Tall Amazon vs fbb
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2010, 08:09:36 AM »


Offline Phil_65

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Re: Tall Amazon vs fbb
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2010, 11:27:43 AM »
Now that's great, thanks! :)



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Re: Tall Amazon vs fbb
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2010, 10:34:13 AM »
Alexis will rip tazzie into pieces!! ;D



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Re: Tall Amazon vs fbb
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2010, 10:26:26 AM »
cPoor Alexis would be destroyed by Tazzie. Although she's tall Alexis is no muscle woman. She's a model, and she has a model body, very slender and certainly very vulnerable to a woman like Tazzie. Alexis is just not strong enough to cope with her. Trying to keep Tazzie at a distance, her long arms are easily overpowered by Tazzie, and once inside Alexis' defences Alexis is caught in Tazzie's arms. Tazzie's power is hugely destructive to Alexis' slender frame, leaving the tall blonde gasping for breath as Tazzie crushes the breath out of her. Alexis' only hope is to stay on her feet but to do that she is relying on her legs, which are a fraction of the bulk ot Tazzie's. Clasped in Tazzie's arms Alexis braces her slim thighs as Tazzie bears down on them. As Tazzie slowly increases the pressure Alexis' long slender limbs begin to tremble. Gasping with effort Alexis struggles to hold herself together but all the time she can feel Tazzie's muscular power overwhelming her, drownng her in an ocean of strength and dominance. Her legs weaken rapidly, quivering with effort. With her upper body already overwhelmed Alexis knows that everything depends on keeping her legs from buckling. Tazzie smiiles as she feels Alexis crumbling in her arms, the increasing desperation of the tall blonde manifesting itself in the ever more violent trembling of her legs. Finally Alexis moans in despair as her foundations crack. Her spent legs buckle completely so that her long, limber frame hangs broken in the arms of her conqueror. Tazzie thrills as she feels Alexis' helplessness, the soft unresisting pliability of her body and the quivering of her overwrought legs, no longer capable of carrying their own mistress, let alone reisting the power of a woman like Tazzie. Tazzie gently lowers Alexis to the floor, the long slender blonde gasping eratically. Her mind is spinning. Some women feel threatened by her height and become defensive around her, while others are impressed, sometimes embarrassingly so, worshiping her, cooing in admiration and pawing at her impressive body. But never before has a woman taken her and so completely overwhelmed her. Part of her is afraid of what Tazzie intends to do. But part of her wants to surrender to this powerful, muscular woman. Pressed back to the floor by Tazzie she feels so puny, so defenceless and Tazzie is so powerful, so muscular. SHe fights her desire to surrender and writhes under Tazzie's weight, but she is too weak to defend herself. Tazzie presses between her thighs which tremble helplessly against the intrusion and Alexis gasps as she feels Tazzie's pussy press against her own, the hard nub of Tazzie's clit pressing into her. Tazzie pins her feeble arms and her lips descend onto her displayed breasts as she presses herself rhythmically against Alexis, enyoying the beautiful frailty of the long blonde. But before she can satisfy herself Alexis collapses into a still deeper level of capitulation. Her ragged breathing becomes rhythmical, pulsating. She lifts her head momentarily and then throws it back. As she does so her breasts thrust and her hips writhe onvulsively and she throws her long, limber legs around Tazzie. Her whole body writhes and undulates as she makes her final capitulation to the woman she now acknowledges as her mistress, her Queen and her conqueror. And Tazzie accepts her obeisance with an ecstatic cry as she delivers herself on the long, lithe, limber limbs of 6'5" Alexis Skye, an amazon too tall and beautiful to be ignored but too delicate, slender and fragile to save herself from a real woman like Tazzie Columb,

Nice Story but i never seen any tall woman dominated by any muscle woman who is short than her. Show Me proof or videos.



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Re: Tall Amazon vs fbb
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2010, 11:16:56 AM »
Thankks! OK Need more stories for those women ;D