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Emulous Women

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Offline CoffeeMug

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Emulous Women
« on: December 30, 2016, 09:41:07 PM »
Emulous Women, Ch 1

Humanity had begun settling the rest of the solar system in 2215, leaving behind an increasingly hot and barren Earth.  By then most of the damage had been done, and the most aggressive and motivated people had started looking upward for their futures.  My great-grandfather had come to Venus and gained the rights to mine vespene gas—by not entirely legal means, according to my father when he had had too much whiskey to keep quiet but not enough to pass out.  Vespene gas was used to power the space stations that soon began to dot the orbit of Venus, and by the time my father was born, our family had enough money that we could do as we pleased. My grandfather had been an understated, focused man, and they had lived in one of the early stations in orbit.  My father had not been either of those things, and he moved the family into an ostentatious private station in the upper atmosphere of Venus.  Unlike most spacers, I had grown up seeing the faint blue and green traces of Venus’s noxious air outside my bedroom window.  The Terran Wars ended the year I was born, and they destroyed the Earth-based government that had maintained law and order in the rest of the solar system. In the aftermath, people like my father were able to create a new, less confining version of the law that suited their own needs.  After I was born, he went on a five year expedition down to the surface of Venus to establish new mines for the metal to build the ever-growing network of stations in orbit.  When he returned, our wealth had grown exponentially; he had also developed strange new tastes from his time among the mining crews.  He moved us into a new kind of station, a Hacienda, which had not only larger living space but also enough interior volume to give you the feeling that there was at least some air overhead.  And he built a bar that catered to those who were both rich and rotten, as he had become, and in the plaza in the back of the private house he had built a ring.  In the bar he served high end liquor and hosted higher-stakes card games for the wealthy men and women who shared his taste.  This Hacienda station was even large enough that it had a kind of “outdoors,” as we called it, large enough that you could go for walks and take in the open feeling of the windowed ceiling and walls. 

   And the ring was in the rear of our house.  It was a raised platform, covered with a thick padded tarp.  My father had paid men, either prizefighters or just miners, workers, or whoever else wanted to try their hand, who would fight before appreciative crowds on Saturday night.  Many of those in the crowd were the poker players who had gathered around my father’s estate, and naturally they gambled on the outcomes of the fights.  From the age of ten, I had sat next to my father and watched these men brawl across the open space, punching, kicking, biting, grappling.  And then one night, when I was 8, my father had given in to a special request from some of the regulars and allowed two of the women from the poker rooms to fight.  The women had been feuding, and they nearly tore each other apart that night.  The blonde and brunette had fought wearing long pants and topless, as the men did, and they slapped and pulled hair and threw each other with as much ferocity as the meanest of the men.  The men and women who had come to watch had cheered more loudly and placed more bets than they had at any other match.  But none of them watched with as much interest as I had.  And when my parents died in a shuttle explosion 15 years ago, I maintained the bar and the poker rooms and made the women’s fights a regular occurrence.

   The newcomer who would fight tonight I had brought to the hacienda nearly a week ago.  Her name was Carol.  She was a 25 year old woman with very dark hair, nearly black, and an olive complexion.  She was about 5 foot 8, with large firm breasts and shapely thighs.  She was also a talented athlete, a torqueball player in high school and college who had been forced out of the conservative girls’ school she had attended due to her ambitious attitude and her tendency to seek out action.  Although I often scheduled fighters from outside and allowed women to play out their disagreements in my bar, I also kept one woman here permanently to fight outside challengers.  The first time I met her, I had known she was the girl I wanted to join me.  We had been sitting in the garden area at Metro, the nearest transit hub, and she was telling me about how she had first discovered her love of fighting when she was in high school.  Her eyes lit up when she described her first catfight in the locker room, against a teammate who had been talking to her boyfriend, and she was touching her hair and smiling devilishly at me.  But then, halfway through her story, there was shouting.  A young man had stolen something from a shop, and he was running past them with two men from the shop in pursuit.  Before I could think or speak, Carol was on her feet.  She crashed into the thief as he passed closest to us.  The both of them fell to the ground, and despite her obvious disadvantage Carol wrestled with him as best she could until the men from the shop arrived.  While they carried the young thief away between them, Carol stood gasping for hair, her face flush with energy and spirit, and watching her I knew I had my new champion.

   That would depend on Carol’s beating my current champion, however.  Her name was Christina.  She was a redhead with a buxom figure and a temper as easy to spark as her hair.  She was in her early 30s and about 5 foot 7, with an enormous chest and broad hips and a great deal of power. She had been with me for nearly a year, and she had fought five times, winning four.  Her first fight, she had steamrolled her opponent, knocking her flat at the outset and then dominating and humiliating her, and as I had watched her that night I knew that I had wanted her to stay. It had been a good year for both of us, and more than a few times she had slid into my bed, where she was as rough and eager to dominate me as she was the women she squared off with.  One of her fights had been against one of the waitresses who had caught my eye, a lean blonde girl who had only been working in the bar for a few weeks.  Christina knew that I had fucked her a few times, and one night Christina provoked the girl and they brawled.  The new girl put up a good fight, but after several minutes of throwing each other around and slapping, Christina put her down.  And then she finished the job by standing over the girl and pouring beer onto her prone body.

   I brought Carol with me to the hacienda on a Tuesday and scheduled her to fight Christina that Saturday night.  And I invited both of the women to a large dinner Wednesday night with some of the guests who would be joining us Saturday night.  That first night, I had walked the rounds of the estate with Carol, talking with her.  Her parents had worked maintenance for the public shuttles that ran workers from the processing facilities to the residential bubbles.  Most of her friends from school had followed their parents into work, but Carol had been an excellent torqueball player, for which she earned a scholarship to one of the conservative girls’ colleges.  While there she had continued the drinking and fighting that had gotten her through high school.  But, the outgoing spirit and high living that had served Carol well at her public school, with its male administration who barely checked in every day, did not buy her much sympathy from the old women who ran her all-girls college.  And after a particularly vicious fight in the school cafeteria, Carol was on her own in the world.  She had gotten a job at a warehouse after that, starting as a sorter and then driving a loader after that, hanging out with the guys at the bar like a regular working stiff.  And yes, she added with a smile, she had the occasional fight with the women from the transport bubbles.  She said that she made shift supervisor after three years.  After another two years, the new manager called her into his office one afternoon and slid an address and time for them to meet on a card across his desk to her.  Carol’s response had been to put a tablet pen through his hand, and she had been looking for work since. 

Carol told me all of this without hesitation and without a trace of remorse, and at the end of our tour I sat her down at the private bar inside the house.  We drank a scotch together, and then I told her that if she won her fight with Christina, I would like for her to stay here with me, to live on the hacienda and to fight against champion women who represented other backers.  Carol eagerly agreed, and after another drink I kissed her and then I took her upstairs with me. There, one of my maids was waiting for us, a young blonde girl with a tight, slender body.  The maid was waiting for us on the bed and Carol immediately went up to her and kissed her and then she slid the maid’s top down and began kissing her small breasts.  I watched them lying on the bed, running their hands up down each other’s bodies and kissing and then I slid off my clothes and joined them.  Carol took hold of my dick and brought the maid to start sucking me off while she fondled her and pulled her hair gently.  After that Carol put me on my back and mounted me and the maid was massaging her large breasts while she slid herself up and down on me.  We were three naked bodies rolling together. 

   The dinner Wednesday night was a decent affair: synthetic steak and lobster, spinach and kale grown in the estate hothouse, and the surprise I had been saving, real wine imported from Earth.  Christina was already seated to my left, along with the two married couples and the two single men who would be watching the excitement Saturday night.  Christina was wearing a pair of black pants and a tight blouse that was buttoned low to reveal the astonishing swell of her breasts.  We shared some bread and sipped at the real wine while we waited for Carol, and the two married men talked about the rumors about a strike by the machinists’ guild.  Christina had just gotten her hair done in the long wavy style that was coming into style then, and the two wives complimented her on it.  And then Carol entered.  She was wearing a tight miniskirt and a tighter sweater that put her magnificent body on display, and she walked with a deliberate sashay that was intended to grab the attention of every male in the room, me most of all.  And Christina followed her across the room with an evil look that told me that she had guessed at the offer I had made to Carol.

   Carol slid into the chair to my right, and dinner was served.  As we ate the faux steak and lobster, Christina eyed Carol mischievously.  She said, “We were just talking about those machinists who are going to strike.  Demanding a bigger slice of the pie and all that.  I wonder if you have any thoughts about that, Carol?  People forgetting their station, trying to climb into someplace they don’t belong,” she added, her eyes narrowing.

   “I think that the workers might see it differently,” Carol answered, meeting the redhead’s provocative gaze.  “I think that they might say that it belongs to whoever can take it.”

   Christina ran her eyes down to the swell of Carol’s breasts and then back up to her face, making show of evaluating her rival.  “Well, if she thinks that she can take away rightful property from her betters, then she better be aware of the arena she’s stepping into.  There aren’t many handholds at the peak of the tallest mountains.”

   “My feeling is that the size is the mountains isn’t as important as their quality.  At least to the discerning eye,” Carol answered in a confident and assertive voice, running her eyes from Christina’s to mine and back to the redhead’s.  I was staring at the two women, as were my guests, and the silence hung in the air.  Then one of the single men brought up the soccer championship rounds being played on Earth, and the rest of the dinner played out normally.  The two women said little more that night, and they seemed to give most of their attention to eyeing each other’s chest, faces, and hair, no doubt thinking about the damage they wanted to inflict on each other.

   And then it was Saturday night.  The platform on which the women would compete was roughly twenty yards on each side, square.  Around the platform on three sides were the chairs in which the guests were seated.  I was sitting front and center, heart pounding.  The guests had been betting all day, and Christina was a heavy favorite at -300.  In her last fight Christina had beaten a girl similar to Carol rather easily, and nothing in Carol’s history gave the guests reason to think tonight would be different.  I watched them drinking and flirting and wondered if I was the fool who had convinced myself of the outcome based on my own foolish dream rather than the experience I’d gained from years of evaluating combative women.  I was reflecting on this possibility when the two women entered the courtyard from the house.  Walking proudly, barefoot, chins high and faces set firm, staring straight forward, they walked nearly in stride and took their place at the front of the platform.  Carol was a bit taller and was more fit, but Christina would have a bit of an advantage in weight and also in experience.  Both women were wearing tight-fitting and expensive evening gowns.  Carol was wearing an emerald sleeveless dress with a deep v-neck bustline, and her brunette hair dangled in loose curls around her shoulders.  Christina was wearing a black dress, also sleeveless, with a fishtail bustline that put acres of her magnificent cleavage on display.  Both women had chosen dresses that put fashion above performance.

   My introductions of the two women blurred together in my mind, and then they were turning to face each other.  “You want to take what’s mine, little girl?” Christina asked.  “I’m going to take my time making you look bad.”

   “You’ve already made yourself look bad, with your ridiculous udders hanging out.”

   And now speechless the women began circling, glaring at each other with dark intent.  Carol slapped Christina across the face, striking quick, but then Christina took it and she slapped Carol back and then slugged her in the stomach and when the younger woman was bent over Christina yanked her hair and swung her in a circle.  Carol went stumbling but she was able to keep her feet.  The redhead closed on her and Carol circled away from her, making her chase her, and then when Christina stepped in toward her Carol slapped her and then this time she ducked back out of the way before Christina could retaliate.  And after another repetition of this Christina’s cheek was red with the blows and her face was darkening with frustration.  Carol smiled at her wickedly.  But this time when Carol went to dart in Christina was ready.  She blocked the slap and hooked her arm under Carol’s armpit and came up next to her.  Carol tried to wrench free but before she could, Christina hit her in the stomach and then threw a punch up into her bosom.  Carol moaned and then Christina hit her again in the stomach.  Carol was hurting now and still unable to get free of Christina, she closed and grappled with her.  Chest to chest and cheek to cheek now, the women yanked on each other’s hair and turned in circles around the platform.  Then Christina used her greater weight to topple Carol over backwards and then the two women were on the mat together.

   The women wrestled on the mat, but only briefly.  Their gowns were already splitting open in the violence of their struggle.  Christina was on top of Carol and snarling she ripped open the front of her dress.  Carol was wearing a lace demi bra and Christina attacked her breasts through the thin material.  The pain made Carol grimace but she shoved the redhead off of her and then climbing on top she returned the favor, exposing Christina’s enormous breasts and grabbing hold of them.  Christina pulled her hair but Carol endured it to continue hurting her until at last she was rolled off.  The two women rose to their feet, tossing aside the remains of their dresses.  Gasping for air, hair disheveled, they circled each other.  Both were in lingerie now.  Christina was in black, lace stockings, fuller cut panties, and a substantial bra that was necessary to contain her imposing bosom.  Carol was in green, a striking match to her olive complexion.  The lines of muscle in her flat stomach and powerful thighs showed clearly against her bikini panties and stockings, and her firm chest spilled over the top of her demi bra.  Finally, some silent bell dinged and the two women rushed at each other again like enraged wildcats.  They slapped each other and then came together in a test of strength.  Hands interlocked, chest to chest and face to face, they strained bodily against each other.  At last Christina’s weight and possibly her strength proved the greater and she pushed Carol backwards.  But the darker brunette twisted herself and the two women fell to the mat together.

Soon enough they came to their knees facing each other.  Carol slapped her across the face and Christina slapped her back.  Christina tried to slap her again but Carol blocked it and punched her in the stomach and when Christina was bent forward Carol seized her with both hands by the hair and drove her face first into the mat.  Then Carol got on top of her and the women were rolling on the ground again.  Lengthwise they lay, churning and rolling, bodies clashing in their struggle; they pulled hair, gripped each other’s arms and backs with prying fingers, and they slapped each other in the head, sides, and breasts.  Soon enough both women had their bras torn off, as much from the strain of the constant rubbing of their chests together as by the intermittent pulling at the material that they had made.  They were facing toward me, first Christina on top and then Carol, the sight of their beautiful faces contorted in rage and their stunning bodies clinging to each other as they strove against each other.  I could see that Carol was pulling ahead, controlling Christina on the mat and hurting her more often than the other way.  Then they fell apart and got back to their feet.  Carol had more energy at this point and she regained herself faster.  As Christina was rising from her knees Carol came at her and slapped her with a wicked blow that snapped her head and sent her back to the mat.  Carol stood over the redhead as she lay panting on the ground, and as Christina finally pushed herself up Carol kicked her in the ribs, flipping her onto her back.

“Come on, Red,” Carol taunted her.  “Get up so I can whip that fat ass of yours for good.”

Christina said nothing, but I saw the fear in her eyes as well as the hatred as she pushed herself off the mat.  The beautiful redhead, my former champion, tried to lunge at the brunette challenger as she rose but Carol was too quick and she sidestepped her.  As the redhead went past Carol seized hold of her by the hair and yanked back.  Christina landed on her back, croaking in agony from the fall and the pull on her hair.  Carol bent over her, thinking her finished, but the redhead had one more move left in her.  She hit Carol in the stomach, catching her by surprise and doubling her over.  But Christina had only bought herself enough time to get back to her feet.  Carol had recovered her wits and she easily dodged Christina’s slap.  With a burst of energy I wouldn’t have thought possible, Carol ripped a series of short punches into Christina’s stomach and breasts.  And then as Christina reached to grab her to stop the onslaught, Carol ducked and stepped aside and then gripped the redhead in a full nelson as she went by.  The women struggled like that, with Christina’s very impressive assets shaking to and fro as they did.  Christina tried to power her way out and then to slide her hips away and step out but it was no use.  Carol eventually pressed her down, pushing Christina’s head forward and crumpling her to her knees.  With her torso compressed and in her exhausted state Christina was not getting enough air for her battered body and she began sobbing.  With that Carol let go of her hold and yanked Christina by the hair onto her back.  Then Carol sat on her stomach, pinning her arms under her legs.  Carol gripped Christina’s breast in one hand, pausing to squeeze and to enjoy the look of terror in her opponent’s eyes as she understood that she had lost.  And then with her other hand she viciously slapped her face with forehands and backhands until the redhead had gone limp under her.  And then Carol sat atop her, enjoying her victory and looking magnificent and basking in the thunderous applause from me and the other spectators.


Offline CoffeeMug

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Re: Emulous Women
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2016, 09:41:44 PM »
Emulous Women, Ch 2

The tall, broad-shouldered man entered the dining room first. He was wearing a white tuxedo, and on his arm was a young woman in a matching and highly evocative dress. He was in his late 20s, tall and broad-shouldered, thickly muscled but also clearly athletic, and he had light brown hair cut in long waves that framed his handsome face. He clearly spent his time out of doors, and he carried himself with the air of a man who knew who he was in the world and expected others to do the same. His name was Bradford, and he managed the gaming and hunting licenses for the region. Given the conditions on the stations, the demand for anything resembling “outdoors” activities from old Earth far outpaced the supply, and tensions sometimes ran high.

About the same age and measuring five feet eight, the woman seemed an ideal mate for her companion. Curly and hanging to her shoulders, her tawny hair framed exceptionally beautiful features whose lines denoted strength of will, intelligence, and a fierce competitive spirit. To add to the suggestion of wild, almost primitive freedom that she exuded, clearly powerful yet feminine played under smooth skin bronzed by the elements. Unadorned by jewelry of any kind, but enhanced by the rich golden tan, the plain halter-necked and sleeveless white satin dress established that she possessed the kind of figure any sex symbol would be proud of. The material of the front clung to her firm, imposing bosom and displayed a nearly risqué amount of cleavage, while slits up both sides of the skirt gave tantalizing glimpses of her shapely legs.

   While the other guests discussed the couple, Dawn put her arm on that of her companion and both of them crossed the room to take their seats at the VIP table. However, before they could sit, two bulky men with the currently fashionable stubble on their faces rose to meet them, leaving behind a young blonde woman. Dawn and the blonde shared what could only be described as a poisonous look as they locked eyes momentarily, and then Dawn continued past, swinging her hips seductively as she did. Their female escort seemed the rival for Dawn or some blonde mirror of her. Her hair was so blonde it was nearly platinum, and she seemed about 20 years old. Despite her youthful appearance, she wore black-framed glasses and her nearly white hair was up in a bun behind her head. She wore a black dress with a plunging neckline that revealed a chest as magnificent as Dawn’s and legs equally as feminine and strong that showed through the slits up the side. Her face was beautiful as well, although it evoked a personality of cold calculation and anger rather than Dawn’s spirit and zest. The blonde woman fixed the tawny-haired beauty with an icy stare as her two peers moved to intercept them, and with a deep sigh she reached behind her head and let her hair fall down to her shoulders, giving it a good shake as she did. The women each wanted to prove that she was the most desirable in the room.

   “All right, man,” said the taller of the ruffians, his deep voice giving him away as a native Venus’s “settler” class, descended from the workers who first carved the previous metals from the plant’s terrible surface. “What’s the deal with denying us our fucking licenses?”

   “Yes, man, you give licenses to your rich friends all the time. We had our applications in before they did, yet you pass us up,” the stranger’s second added.

   “Because my rich friends can afford to pay for the services they ask for. You two didn’t pass your credit check,” Bradford answered them. “And after I called around, I learned that you didn’t pay for your rooms at the hotel at the Agola Station before you came here.” The other men started to bristle with anger, but Bradford continued on. “So you see why I wasn’t optimistic you could pay your much higher bills using our services.”

   “How dare you suggest we don’t pay!” the larger one yelled, his face turning red. “I should knock your fucking teeth in!”

   “You still couldn’t afford to stay here,” Dawn interjected, which drew a sharp hiss from the woman still seated at the table. Dawn could feel the aggression directed at her back now.

   Brad laughed, and the tawny beauty’s remark and the giant’s laugh proved too much. The debtor sucker punched Brad; although the young man was quick for his size, he could only partially get out of the way of the punch and was sent staggering back. Brad threw out a jab to keep the man off of him, but smaller man leapt forward and grabbed his other arm, trying to tie him up so the first man could pummel him. As the men struggled, Dawn came to her cousin’s aid. She kicked the grappler in the ass with one shapely leg, freeing Brad enough that he could fight off the larger brute. Her victim turned on Dawn and putting his hand on her forehead, shoved her with enough force that she stumbled all the way back to the tables where the other diners were seated. Judging by appearances, she was neither incapacitated nor frightened by what had happened. Giving a hiss of anger, she started to push herself forward. However, rising and overturning her chair, the blonde woman, Minnie, intervened. Minnie hooked her fingers into the low-cut back of Dawn’s gown and, as she pulled, there was a ripping sound as the material burst open. Dawn’s black lace demi bra and matching panties were exposed along the side of her now-ruined dress, as were the womanly curves of her fabulous body.

   Realizing what had happened but apparently oblivious or unconcerned at her half-dressed state, Dawn forgot about going back to aid her cousin. Instead, she spun around and lashed a slap that rocked Minnie’s head sideways. Then, plunging her fingers into the extreme décolleté of the equally revealing black satin evening dress, she repaid the damage with a snarl and a wrench that burst it open down the front. The flesh of her breasts and hips was barely contained by the lingerie. Instead of showing embarrassment over having her equally tantalizing and insubstantial red bra and panties exposed, the platinum blonde retaliated with just as hard of a backhand. Although the impact of the slap rocked Dawn back on her heels, a moment later the two women were pulling each other’s hair. Bent at the waist and grunting and shrieking in pain and anger, they turned in a circle. The women pulled hair and struggled against each other as they whirled around the open dance floor, losing their shoes as they did so. When they were clear of the tables, Dawn released Minnie’s hair and instead, gripping her upper arm, she pivoted and threw the blonde through the air. Breaking her fall in a way that showed skill and experience with this manner of fighting, Minnie spun onto her back and brought her knees up to her chest. As Dawn bent over her to continue her attack, Minnie kicked up with both feet and smashed them into Dawn’s chest. The tawny-haired beauty fell onto her back, moaning and holding her breasts.

   Instead of attacking, Minnie rolled across the floor to grab Brad by the leg and sink her teeth into his calf. She managed to hang on long enough for her companions to gather themselves and resume their attack until Dawn recovered herself. She dove onto Minnie and hauled her backward by her hair until the blonde turned and faced her. She grabbed hold of Dawn’s badly torn dress and pulled with all her considerable strength. Feeling the garment giving way, Dawn inadvertently completed its destruction by releasing the hair she was grasping and jerked backward to leave its remains in the clutching hands of her opponent. Then she threw herself bodily onto Minnie and they began a rolling, hair-pulling, struggling mill that took them over the dance floor. In the process the blonde lost what had remained of her beautiful dinner gown. The women alternatively pulled hair, slapped faces, and clutched at each other’s backs. Their bodies were pressed together, their breasts and stomachs and hips and thighs, all still somehow enshrined in their lingerie.

   For a few more minutes, the clientele watched a fight that they would long remember. What was more, accepting that the occupants of the VIP table had no objection to its taking place, they began to show their appreciation by rooting for the tawny-haired girl and the blonde giant. However, despite the display of support, nobody offered to rise and led them assistance. Set upon by one or both of the men, Brad displayed his skill with his hands and his feet, more than holding his own. The fracas between the girls was not any less vigorous. In addition to the primitive hairpulling, the girls sometimes regained their feet, where they slapped each other and threw each other around the room. Finally, having knocked the larger man down for good, Brad lifted and threw the smaller man after him. As he did so Dawn and Minnie were lying facedown, gasping for air and trying to push themselves up to their hands and knees.

   At that point, I stepped into the center of the room and clapped my hands. “Ladies and gentlemen,” I called, “I hope that you were not alarmed by what you have just witnessed. It was merely a demonstration of a key scene from a new movie that they have just finished filming here. Some of you might recognize the beautiful actress Minnie Pierce,” I said, gesturing toward the blonde twenty-year-old, clad in her red lingerie, hair askew and face red. “And if you don’t, I’m sure you will after the release of Lord of Venus. Joining her were her two stuntmen from the movie, but the high-spirited Ms. Pierce is a bit of an action junkie, by her own admission, which I’m sure you all can now appreciate.” At this the audience clapped to show its appreciation for the actress’s dedication to her craft, and the now more-composed Ms. Pierce smiled and brushed her hair out of her face. “And working with them were the gorgeous Dawn and her cousin Bradford.” I gestured toward the tawny-haired beauty, standing opposite the room, equally gorgeous in her black lingerie, and she also smiled at the appreciate audience. “We have video of tonight’s excitement that we will share with you through your private accounts,” I said, wrapping up.

   After a shower and change of clothes, the actors mingled with the dinner guests. I observed Dawn and Minnie’s moving around the room, always keeping distance from each other and always darting a glance toward each other. At last, with a subtle motion, I brought them together in the center of the room, where I stood with two couples who had most often joined my special events on the weekends. “I have a feeling my husband enjoyed your part of the show most,” one of the wives said admiringly to the two ladies. “And I have to admit that I did as well. It was most spirited, I would have sworn that you were not acting.”

   “We’ve been working together for the last two days to plan the fight out,” Dawn said. She went on to explain that Minnie had provided their dresses, which were designed to be easily ripped open. However, Dawn had been hesitant to appear topless for their scripted fight, although Minnie had been agreeable to it. So, in accordance with Dawn’s preference, Minnie had also provided especially sturdy bras for them to wear, and the material had in fact stood up during their tussle despite the tremendous strain it had been under, from both the heft of their bosoms and the force with which they had been straining against each other. In fact, as they had rolled around on the floor, pulling hair, both women had put more energy into it than had been necessary.

“Although the kick to the watermelons must still have hurt,” the other wife said.

Both female actors blushed at this. “Well, to tell the truth, that part was not in the script,” Minnie confessed. The two women shared a look, and then the discussion continued.

Later in the evening, I got Dawn alone for a minute. She was dressed more conservatively, in a skirt and a blouse that showed only a hint of her imposing bosom. “It seems that tonight’s show was more spirited than we had planned,” I said, handing her a glass of wine.

“I suppose that’s to be expected. Both of us have a little more fire than the typical woman.”

“You two put on such a magnificent show. Everyone here thinks that you and Minnie were the highlight. And that’s due to your fire, as you put it, as much as it is to your startling beauty.” Dawn shrugged and brushing her hair out of her eye, thanked me. “I mean it. And I think that, if you were willing, a few of us would be very interested in seeing a repeat performance.” Dawn did not answer, but the look in her eye told me to press on. “I’m guessing that tonight wasn’t your first experience with this kind of activity.”

“You wouldn’t be wrong. But why would I want to put on another show?”

“Because this time it wouldn’t be for show. I would love to provide the chance for you and the sweet blonde to settle things for real. Find out who the queen here is. I know for a fact that she’ll be amenable. What about you?”

And so, the next evening, I was sitting in the largest of the estate’s guest bedrooms with one of the married couples who had been at the dinner. I had had my servants clear out the furniture so that it was only the three of us sitting along one wall and the two women. The married couple had joined me for fights previously, and I had known that they would be interested in watching this one. They were also quite well off, and they had put up one-third of the purse for the evening’s competition. But the real competition was evident on the faces of the two women. I had seen it there the night before, during their staged fight, the fire that burned inside both of them. Both of them were wearing string bikinis that strained against the curves of their hourglass figures, Minnie in red and Dawn in black. We had eaten an elegant but simple dinner and shared a glass of wine and some frigid small talk, us in formal dinner attire and the two women in gowns as beautiful and flattering to their figures as those of the previous night. Now, they glared at each other in their bikinis, breathing hard already in anticipation and their desire to begin hostilities. They had agreed to fight according to catfighting rules: slaps to the face and body, punches to the body, hair pulling, biting short of breaking the skin, choking, and breast attacks all allowed. And then, Minnie reached behind her back and untied her top and tossed it aside. Dawn did the same. Now they faced each other across the room topless, their equally large, firm breasts rising and falling.

I called for them to begin, and the two women came forward. Bending at the waist, breasts swaying with their movements, the women circled each other with their hands down and open like claws like jungle cats eager to establish dominance over the other. Dawn slapped Minnie across the face but the platinum blonde slapped her back with a right and a left. Dawn stumbled backward and Minnie rushed in to press her advantage. She threw another slap but Dawn had recovered and she leaned back out of range. As the platinum blonde stumbled past Dawn grabbed her hair with her left hand and jerking back so that Minnie was pulled up straight. And then still yanking her hair, before Minnie could react, Dawn punched her in the stomach. Minnie doubled over, clutching her stomach, and Dawn slapped her across the face. Minnie went stumbling away and Dawn hit her in the face again and Minnie fell to her hands and knees. With a savage smile opening on her beautiful features, Dawn pulled her up by the hair but Minnie hit her in the stomach with a left and then threw a right up into her breasts and as Dawn shrieked and covered her chest Minnie nailed her with a vicious slap that cracked in the silent room. With a grunt Dawn dropped to her hands and knees. She was still active, though, and tried to create space by crawling away. When she was halfway back to her feet a snarling Minnie dove into her.

The two women crashed to the floor and immediately were as if stuck together. Chest to chest and hips to hips, hands digging into hair and pulling with all their strength, the women rolled back and forth. The sight of their voluptuous bodies grinding against each other as they fought on the floor. One instant Dawn was on top and the next it was Minnie. Soon enough they were slapping and hitting at each other’s backs. At last Minnie kicked Dawn off of her somehow and tried to get to her feet but Dawn crashed into her and dragged her back down. The women fell back to the ground and were pulling hair again. They came to their knees, facing each other, and Dawn slapped the blonde across the face and was slapped in return. They slapped each other again and then Minnie nailed her hard, again, turning Dawn around so that she was on her hands and knees facing away from her. Both women were sweating and panting now, their skin red from the hard blows and the exertion. Minnie grabbed her from behind as Dawn straightened herself. She wrapped her arm around Dawn’s neck and attacked her imposing chest with the other. She sank her fingers into Dawn’s feminine sphere, digging and probing with her fingers and kneading the flesh like it was dough. Dawn moaned in pain and pulled at the arm across her throat. Minnie held on and pressed her cheek against Dawn’s as she hurt her. At last Dawn threw her elbow back into Minnie’s ribs, and then again and again until the blonde let her go.

Dawn crawled free as the blonde held her side and the two women came to their feet at the same time. They stood across from each other, glaring, and then they rushed together. Minnie tried to throw a slap again but Dawn just crashed into her. She rammed her head into the blonde’s large chest and drove her backward until she hit the wall with a thud. Dawn hit her across the face with a right and then a left, Minnie grunting with each blow and her head rocking side to side, and then Dawn slapped her breasts with both hands as well. Minnie moaned and covered her chest and Dawn hit her in the face and then grabbed her by the hair and yanked her off of the wall and threw her to the floor. Minnie landed flat on her face. Dawn fell on top of her as she was pushing herself up to her knees so that Dawn’s chest was pressed to Minnie’s back and she reached around and grabbed both of Minnie’s imposing breasts with both hands and she squeezed with all her remaining strength. Minnie howled in pain and rage and she reached back and grabbing Dawn’s hair she yanked. Dawn was now screaming as much as Minnie. At last Dawn yielded and Minnie pulled her off of her.

The tawny-haired and platinum blonde buxom beauties lay panting next to each other on the floor. Then they resumed fighting but now at a much slower speed than before. As Dawn tried to rise Minnie slapped her across the face and then lay atop her. They started pulling hair and rolling back and forth again. At one point Dawn bit down on Minnie’s arm, and later Minnie repaid the wound by biting Dawn’s breast while she was lying atop her with her breasts covering Minnie’s face. After that, the two of them were lying side by side facing each other and they attacked each other’s breasts simultaneously; they slapped and gripped each other’s womanly features with savage violence. They mauled each other like that until finally Dawn pushed Minnie onto her back and she climbed on top of her and then she sat on Minnie’s stomach and continued hurting her breasts while Minnie at last released her own and tried to pry her hands off of her features. Now Minnie was sobbing and gasping with pain and Dawn continued to hurt her. Then she suddenly released her breasts and slapped her hard across the face, rocking her back and forth.

The fight was nearing its end now, we could all sense. Dawn rose and pulled Minnie up by the hair. She slapped her across the face but the blonde was a tough woman and she wasn’t done. Minnie wavered but she hit Dawn back. They traded slaps again and then Minnie closed in and pulled her hair. Both of them pulling hair, bent at the waist, they stumbled around the room. And then with a great heave of womanly strength Dawn gripped the blonde and twisting threw her to the ground. Minnie landed on her back, stunned, staring up at Dawn. Then Dawn lowered herself so that she pinned Minnie’s arms under her legs and planted her curvaceous ass on Minnie’s face. Then Dawn began punching and slapping Minnie’s breasts and stomach. At first Minnie tried to struggle against the woman who was now dominating her but then all resistance stopped and Dawn continued punishing her and then after that she was done and Dawn stopped. Still sitting perched atop the woman she had beaten, her bosom rising and falling as she gasped for air, sweat glistening on her red flesh and her tussled hair, she was the image of feminine pugnacity and determination as well as beauty. Then she stood and planted her foot on Minnie’s beaten and raw chest and smiled at me, tossing her hair back out of her face. And she was the dominant woman.


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Emulous Women
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2016, 10:26:57 PM »
emulous = "motivated by a spirit of rivalry"


Offline guzelyali

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Re: Emulous Women
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2016, 10:37:50 PM »
Great start to a hopefully long series


Offline Immortal_Joe

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Re: Emulous Women
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2016, 11:41:14 PM »
Excellent.  I hope to see more chapters.  It truly reminds me of those old pulpy sci-fi novels with the whole lawlessness and space setting.

Still, I gotta ask why set it in the future when the present could easily just as work?  By that, I mean to say if we'll be seeing more to this universe?  Like, I like you exploring different classes on that space station so perhaps we'll see more universe building. 

For example, what if Terran rebels/soldiers fight or kidnap some Hacienda scavengers or security forces (or vice versa)?  Somewhere there, we could have a catfight arranged in a prison setting or on a deserted battlefield.  That's what always happened in those old movies. 

Or perhaps someone challenges or is arranged to fight someone else at a fancy "space castle"/mansion while the rich watch in delight.

Or even a heist type story featuring some Chinese or black thief fighting some sultry white madame who owns a station on the other side of Venus.  Think of an 'exploitation film' set in space.  Kinda like Cleopatra Jones or Cleopatra Wong.

Anyway, I really like the possibilities here.


Offline CoffeeMug

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Re: Emulous Women
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2016, 12:24:53 AM »
Honestly,  I chose the setting because I loved season 1 of Westworld and wanted to do something similar. And it's combined with some material adapted from JT Edson's stuff. There's a thread in the General board called Slip Gun.


Offline Anna the Marine Chick

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Re: Emulous Women
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2016, 07:15:09 AM »
Another masterpiece !!!