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Ronda Rousey .. did she sow the seeds of her own downfall?

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Offline HumiliationOne

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Re: Ronda Rousey .. did she sow the seeds of her own downfall?
« Reply #15 on: January 04, 2017, 08:37:33 PM »
Edmund denys that she only hit pads and did not spar. But as Krizanti eloquently pointed out, footwork and head movement is mostly God given talent. And as I said because of all the judo and mma , Ronda knees are shot. I bet her hips are right behind them. She is 30 but her joints are like those of a 50 year old. Imagine the wear and tear that she put on her body in all those years of judo, torquing and twisting. The human body, and more so the female human body is not designed for that. She is beautiful,  smart, rich. She does not need MMA anymore. But is she does make huge mistake,  I have to admit that seeing her getting beat silly again by Pennington,  Valentina or Cat would be very hot.


Offline Vassago

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Re: Ronda Rousey .. did she sow the seeds of her own downfall?
« Reply #16 on: January 04, 2017, 10:36:33 PM »
The history of female MMA in the UFC doesn't start with Rhonda Rousey.  It starts with Gina Carano ... a serious and talented fighter.

Carano was the original pin-up girl of the WMMA, everyone knows that. But she's chosen the Hollywood path like so many martial artists before (JC Van Damme, Don The Dragon Wilson or Cynthia Rothrock to name the obvious). I guess her financial income is rather OK and after all, Rousey only entered MMA because judo remains a niche sport - especially financial wise. 

The way UFC is run, it's supposed to take over as the glamour event of the combat sports. The declining interest in US pro boxing left a huge hole on the market that UFC is shooting for. Does anyone really think that McGregor vs Aldo/Diaz could outdraw the numbers for Tyson vs Holyfield/Lewis? Like really?
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Offline DogWithABone

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Re: Ronda Rousey .. did she sow the seeds of her own downfall?
« Reply #17 on: January 04, 2017, 11:16:59 PM »
Edmund denys that she only hit pads and did not spar.

Edmond also says that he trains a ton of superstars while claiming literally $0 in income which has him under investigation by the IRS.
RIP the account of Sophie Cees.


Offline HumiliationOne

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Re: Ronda Rousey .. did she sow the seeds of her own downfall?
« Reply #18 on: January 04, 2017, 11:54:50 PM »
I was not trying to defend Edmund.  He is a joke. I was just saying that we really don't know what went on in Ronda's camp. I did not know about IRS investigation,  but I had heard that one reason Ronda stuck with him was that she is so tight she did not want to pay for a real gym.


Offline jessiefite

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Re: Ronda Rousey .. did she sow the seeds of her own downfall?
« Reply #19 on: January 05, 2017, 07:08:01 AM »
Wow, what nonsense.  Carano never happened?  Drop some more acid.

Rousey came into this league and started giving everyone the arm bar.  She was able to draw a bunch of
fast submissions doing that.  She never had been forced to stand up and fight, until recently.  And once
she had to stand up and fight, she got ROCKED.  HARD.  FAST.  Rousey never happened.  It was all a bunch
of BJJ arm bar BS.  Real fighting has proven that it is superior to gimmick strategies, once again.


Offline Vassago

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Re: Ronda Rousey .. did she sow the seeds of her own downfall?
« Reply #20 on: January 05, 2017, 09:50:59 AM »
Wow, what nonsense.  Carano never happened?  Drop some more acid.

Rousey came into this league and started giving everyone the arm bar.  She was able to draw a bunch of
fast submissions doing that.  She never had been forced to stand up and fight, until recently.  And once
she had to stand up and fight, she got ROCKED.  HARD.  FAST.  Rousey never happened.  It was all a bunch
of BJJ arm bar BS.  Real fighting has proven that it is superior to gimmick strategies, once again.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Rousey was accused of being a one-trick pony and that got to her so she tried to become more versatile. And she couldn't hang on with that stand-up approach. Meanwhile someone like Holly Holm hasn't won a MMA fight via submission yet and most likely never will. So, is she pullng the similar boxing style BS too? And if she somehow applies a winning armbar, will that be some BJJ BS?

Giving yourself the best chance to win is the key to success. And Rousey's best chance is with the armbar which of course is a technique allowed in judo.
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Offline k138

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Re: Ronda Rousey .. did she sow the seeds of her own downfall?
« Reply #21 on: January 07, 2017, 09:15:30 AM »
She trusted her coach. He is a hack. She won her fights on pure skill, set up a highlight reel that talented coaches/fighters could use to expose her with, and it caught up w/ her. Fedor Emelianenko called this before her loss to Holm. He offerred productive criticism of her lack of striking defense years ago. That and Nunes is tough as hell, more productive as of late, and mma is unpredictable as any sport. Both deserve respect though.


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Re: Ronda Rousey .. did she sow the seeds of her own downfall?
« Reply #22 on: January 08, 2017, 08:16:54 AM »
Below is the link to the post fight analysis of Nunes vs. Rousy fight by Firas Zahabi who is one of the best MMA trainers in the world. Some of the notable fighters he has trained are Georges St-Pierre, Rory MacDonald, Kenny Florian. He answers all questions mentioned here regarding the coach, what went wrong, what Ronda should or could have done etc. This is an incredibly good breakdown of this fight by an expert in MMA!


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Re: Ronda Rousey .. did she sow the seeds of her own downfall?
« Reply #23 on: January 08, 2017, 12:45:07 PM »
I think Jessie is on the right track. She was criticised for being a one trick pony with that arm bar, which she did use effectively. So she tried to show she could win striking. She really is poorly trained in boxing and in her 2 fights against experienced boxers she got her ass handed to her.