While doing my routine with my girls before the game kicks off i keep noticing one of the girls in the New England cheer squad giving me dirty looks across the field.
Thinking to myself what is her issue i finish my routine and walk towards her.......as i get nearer i notice that long dark hair which i have pulled on so many times.
It was my old cheerleading nemesis who i had went through college with....we always competed for everything but nothing more than the head cheerleader position which i won.
After an angry argument it didn't take long for us to start pushing each other to cheers from the packed stadium. I loved the attention from the crowd and thought how amazing it would be to finally put this bitch in her place in front of a packed stadium.
It was arranged we would catfight as the halftime entertainment in the middle of the field...........i couldn't wait

Do i kick her ass or does she get revenge for me taking the head cheergirl spot? Thanks everyone xxx