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Fyre's Fight Journal, Chapter 14

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Offline FyreCracka

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Fyre's Fight Journal, Chapter 14
« on: February 07, 2017, 06:05:03 PM »
Fyre's Fight Journal, Chapter 15: Pre Fight Preview and Poll

In this chapter, Jake and I are visiting his family on their farm. His stepsister, Jaymie, notices my 'Cat' pin in my room and challenges me out in the pasture as his younger stepsister, Allie, films. We've always been polar opposites, but tolerated each other well enough. I think we both have fantasized about getting ahold of each other for years.

Tale of the tape:

Kelli : 5' 5 1/2", 140 lbs, 37 years old, B cups, blonde hair and brown eyes.  She has been trained by her husband, a self defense instructor, and she loves to brawl. She is mother and does real estate and remodeling. She also works out 3 times a week spin class and Pilates. (seriously, who doesn't know me by now?)


Jaymie: 5'9", 165lbs, 40 years old, C cups, light brown hair and hazel eyes. She was a two sport athlete in high school. She doesn't workout that much, but is in decent shape, with good strength and she fights on a pretty regular basis. She is a teacher and a mother.

So how does the community think this will play out? Will Kelli's edge in speed, toughness and stamina be enough to leave Jaymie in tears and put her in her place, or will the bigger, stronger, meaner, Jaymie leave the smaller woman laying beaten in the pasture?
Fyre: a 5' 5 1/2", 130lbs, 39 years old, blonde hair and brown eyed brawler.

If you're interested in being in a story feel free to contact us.

We are now on Trillian: Fyrecracka