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Tales of the Marine Chick: Redheaded Nightmare Part3

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Offline Anna the Marine Chick

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Tales of the Marine Chick: Redheaded Nightmare Part3
« on: February 08, 2017, 11:59:42 PM »
Tales of the Marine Chick: Redheaded Nightmare Part 3
In the mountains….
A rage was boiling in Ewa, she was preparing to lunge across the table at the older woman, but two strong hands clamped down on her shoulders. Ewa whipped her head around and found Lucy holding her in place.
“Anna,” Lucy cooed, “Can I have some more fun with Ewa here, maybe you can join in too?”
“By all means, Lucy,” Anna said with a smile on her face, “I will watch for now but would love to join in.”
“Oh Ewa,” Lucy purred, “This robe won’t do at all.” Sliding the see-thru material off Ewa’s shoulders; though she was still clad in the black bra and thong. Lucy backed away, removing her own robe, showing off her gorgeous curves in a red bra and thong. Ewa got up and turned around as Lucy backed away, motioning the brunette forward with a crook of her finger. The sparsely furnished room was covered in soft animal skinned rugs and the fire, raging in the fire place, kept the room very warm even against the cold outside. Anna stood and walked over with her tea to a cushioned chair and sat down, but not before opening her robe to reveal she was naked underneath.
“So what am I supposed to do now?” Ewa asked tersely.
“Ewa dear,” Anna said from her chair, “If you can beat Lucy in a catfight, you win your freedom.”
Ewa’s head whipped from the older redhead in the chair to the younger redhead stretching on the rugs. Lucy nodded in agreement with her sister; beckoning Ewa forward with her hands. Lucy crouched and Ewa sprang forward. Both women’s hands went high to hair as their bra covered busts slammed together before the rest of their bodies did, issuing a grunt from each woman’s lips. Heads were yanked back and forth, side to side, feet staggering on the rugs. Lucy kicked Ewa in the shins with her bare foot but Ewa stayed upright only uttering a yelp of pain. Ewa twisted her body to her right, dragging the redhead around by her hair, causing Lucy to cry out in pain. Ewa reversed her momentum, moving her left ankle behind Lucy’s, tripping her, taking the busty redhead down with a grunt, Ewa sprawling out on top of her.
“FUCKING BITCH!” Ewa yelled out as she tried to mount the struggling woman.
Lucy bridged her back and hips sending Ewa off but the brunette still held onto the fiery hair. Lucy’s fingers slipped from the dark locks and pulled at the black bra straps on Ewa’s shoulders. Ewa barely noticed as she and Lucy wrestled for control on the soft floor. Lucy trapped Ewa’s right leg between her thighs and tried to roll the pair. Ewa’s bra straps slipped down her arms and the left cup was pulled down exposed her large breast and hard nipple. Lucy latched onto the exposed breast with her right hand to the new torment of Ewa. But Ewa wanted to even the playing field; removing her hands from the red hair, she reached underneath the set of massive tits, pushing Lucy’s cups up, grasping both breasts and digging her claws in. Lucy screamed out in pain! Ewa rolled them back over as Lucy finished exposing Ewa’s right tit and clawing at it. Ewa was able to get her leg free and she mounted the redhead as the two of them torn at each other’s tits. The massive mounds were pulled into grotesque shapes, ugly welts formed were nails bit into them and nipples were twisted and tweaked. The torture brought tears to the eyes of both women as they struggled. Lucy sent a right knee that connected with Ewa’s tailbone, sending the brunette forward slightly but it also caused them to lose a tight hold on their tits. Ewa slapped her bust down into Lucy’s face, which surprised her. Ewa moved her chest back and forth, tit slapping the redhead with her heavy breasts.
Anna watched the action from her comfortable chair, her hands roamed over her massive breasts and down to her bare sex, now wet. She inserted two fingers to stimulate her womanly juices. Finger fucking herself with one hand, the other hands pulled on her nipples and move the big breasts to her mouth, so she could suck on the nubs.
Lucy raked her nails down Ewa’s sides, Ewa screamed like she was touched by fire! Lucy started pulling on the black thong, twisting the fabric, pulling it to its full elasticity and letting it snap back. Ewa’s back arched and Lucy took the advantage and rolled them over so she was on top. The fingers from her right hands were entwined with Ewa’s thong as she tried to work it down to the brunette’s thighs. Ewa bucked and re-grabbed long red hair, yanking it to the left and right; the two of them rolling over again with Ewa obtaining the top position. The thong Ewa was wearing was not designed for the pulling Lucy was giving it, which was that way by design. It torn away from Ewa and she cursed, clawing her nails down Lucy’s abs, reaching for the redhead’s red thong. Lucy screamed out in pain as the nails slashed at her tummy. She balled up a fist and slugged Ewa in the side, causing the busty brunette to cough, grunt and roll of Lucy. Lucy rolled the opposite way and got to her knees. She inspected the red furrows on her breasts and stomach, she removed her torn bra and slipped out of her thong, smiling over at her sister, who was knuckles deep inside herself. Ewa got up to hands and knees and then straightened, she looked at Lucy stripping and joined in since her bra was around her naval and thong was hanging off her right thigh. The two naked women eyed each other and knee-walked to slam, tit to tit, hands grasping the other’s fingers in a test of strength. Lucy had size on the brunette but Ewa was strong for her small size and her breasts could be described as cannonballs when moving quickly at an opponent. Hands went above their heads, eyes moved down to see the massive breasts merge and mash together. Lucy and Ewa turned their chests and swung their big tits so they would smack into her rivals. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh echoed in the high ceilinged room, mixing with grunts and cries of pain. Back and forth, the now reddened breasts slammed side to side into the others. They moved their chests away from each other and pushed them back in.
On and on they fought with tits only. Lucy was becoming overwhelmed at the ferocity of Ewa. But Ewa was fighting for her life here and found new pools of inner strength to surge forward. Anna cooed from her chair in her first orgasm of the afternoon. She sucked the liquid from her fingers and stood, leaving the terry cloth robe in the chair, her back arching like a cat.
Ewa and Lucy threw their arms around each other in a crushing bear hug. Breasts mushroomed out at the sides, now slick with sweat from the heat of the room and constant skin contact. Ewa tried to bite Lucy’s nose and as the redhead moved her face away, Ewa surged taking them back down to the soft rungs. They rolled back and forth, legs clenching and unclenching, hands locked tightly behind the other’s backs. When Lucy rolled on top, the big redhead was yanked back by her shoulders, breaking her and Ewa apart. Lucy was sent sprawling a few feet away as Anna, her sister dropped onto the prone brunette. Lucy was angry that Anna had interrupted them, but one thing she had learned was you never cross Anna Matthews, EVER!
Ewa expelled the air from her lungs as Anna dropped on top of her. The massive breasts making a meaty slap together, tummies and hips colliding only a fraction of a second later. Ewa’s arms wrapped around the older redhead, hands grasping the red/grey locks from behind and pulling back. Anna grunted in pain as her head was whipped back, her own claws digging into the dark hair of Ewa, nails nicking the scalp. Anna started grinding her large breasts into Ewa’s already sore one. Ewa’s chest was on fire! Ewa now knew the deal was off, the only way she was getting out of this was if she somehow stunned both women and made a brake for it and find a car or something. The cold and snow didn’t register in her mind because all she thought about was escaping. Ewa let go of Anna’s hair with her right hand and jabbed three fingers just below Anna’s left armpit. Anna screamed out and Ewa rolled them over. Anna brought her left arm down to protect her side from Ewa. Ewa sat up on Anna’s waist and grabbed both of Anna’s big tits, digging her nails in, the massive amount of flesh folded around Ewa’s fingers as she groped. Anna screamed out and tried to pry Ewa’s claws from her. But then Ewa was tackled by a busty red blur. Lucy, seeing her older sister in trouble decided to act. Ewa was stunned as Lucy punched her in the mouth first, knocking her head back to the carpeted rug and then punching her in the left breast. Ewa moaned in agony. Anna sat up and surveyed the damage to her breasts, scratch marks and red splotches.
“Sit on her tits!!!” Anna commended Lucy.
Lucy maneuvered her ass to sit down on Ewa’s large bust; Ewa’s arms were trapped at her side. Anna kneeled by Ewa’s legs, spreading them apart and moving in closer to her sister. Anna came up to the highest height she could get on her knees and leaned toward Lucy. The two redheaded sisters came together breast to breast, rubbing the huge tits back and forth lightly. Lucy extended her tongue which met Anna’s. Ewa was trapped with Lucy’s ass sitting on her breasts, rubbing back and forth as she was kissing her sister. Lucy spasmed a little from the titillating contact and her butt moved back an inch. Ewa craned her neck and opened her mouth and bit down on the fleshy part of Lucy’s right ass cheek. Lucy screamed out and was thrust forward, knocking heads with Anna and the two redheads fell off Ewa. Anna was the first to get to her knees but Ewa kicked her in the chest with a right foot. Anna slumped down on top of Lucy’s back. Ewa sprang to her feet as quickly as she could. She had to get out! She turned toward the door and made a break for it. The door opened to frigid air and bright light as the sun reflected off the snow. Ewa made out a dark car or SUV only a hundred yards away and ran towards it. As she cleared the porch, she was hit by a heavy stream of cold water and the shook made her stumble in and fall into the piled snow. She tried to rise but the water kept on coming, her body was so cold.
“IT GETS INSIDE THE HOUSE OR ELSE IT GETS THE HOSE AGAIN!” Came a high pitched taunt, Ewa looked up to see Dina standing a few feet away holding the hose.
The two redheaded sisters came out of the house a few seconds later. Lucy and Dina grabbed Ewa by the hair and arms and dragged her back inside. They threw her down in front of the fireplace. 
“My oh my Ewa,” Anna said putting on her robe, still nursing sore breasts, “You are every bit the hellcat I have heard. Too bad I had planned for the worst in this with young Dina waiting for you. Now you get warmed up dear, I wouldn’t want you catching your death of cold.”
Ewa shivered but still glared the three women staring back at her. “I have to survive” Ewa thought in her head, “My Anna will come for me”. 
Deep in the Heart of Texas (3 Days ago)……
Angelica Johansen, dressed in a thin white blouse, unbuttoned enough to show off her swell of cleavage and a tight black skirt that showed the curve of her hips and shapely ass, sat at her desk with her hands folded on her desk as she listened to her new client, Connie Winters, describe the details of her ordeal. Connie wore dark sunglasses, even inside the office, a brown turtleneck that showed off the curves of her chest and a khaki skirt.
“It stated out innocent enough,” Connie began, “My husband and I wanted to try something new and I brought up the idea of bringing in a woman to a threesome. He was open to the idea but only wanted to make sure it was the perfect woman. We tried online and dive bars but no one seemed to be what we both wanted. We were sitting down to dinner at the Oceanaire and we got a round of drinks sent to us. The waiter pointed out the woman at the bar. She was gorgeous with long brown hair, large breasts that about jumped out of her cocktail dress and long toned legs. She ended up joining us for dinner. She said had a British accent and said her name was Lisa. She was traveling across the States after leaving her job in London. She said she was in consulting there. She was so engaging, so easy to talk with that both my husband and I were mesmerized by her. As the wine kept coming, the talk got bolder. We told her about what we wanted to do, adding another woman to the mix. At first she was shy about it but warmed up and agreed to come home with us and join us for the evening.”
Connie seemed to shiver once and winced as she rubbed her left breast. “My husband drove the car while I was in the back with Lisa. It started with touching of each other’s legs, kissing a little, we both made sure my husband was watching us in the rear view mirror. We played with each other’s breasts. Sort of priming the pump. When we got home we immediately went to the bedroom and had my husband sit in the lazyboy chair while Lisa and I undressed each other. She was gushing about my breasts once they were bared, but then she said hers were better. I thought it was all part of the play, I thought we were mock arguing, and Lisa asked my husband if he wanted to see us titfight, which he did.”
Connie rubbed her breasts again, wincing as her hands touched the covered mounds. “But it started getting rougher, we were slapping them together, lining up our nipples and stabbing each other. We moved them from side to side slapping and also hugged tightly to each other. My husband could see I was not liking it and moved to us to break it up and Lisa went crazy! She did some sort of martial arts thing and kicked him in the chest and then when he was getting up she karate chopped him in the neck, knocking him out. Well I lost it and came at her. I had never been in a catfight but I guess that is what we had. But she was in control the whole time. Then she hit me and it all went black. I woke up tied up on my bed and she had my husband tied up in a chair. She told him she wanted him to open the safe and show her where my good jewelry was. At first he refused but then she got on top of my waist and started punching and scratching my breasts.”
Connie, tears in her eyes, lifted up the bottom of the turtleneck and showed Angelica a pair of bruised and scratched up breasts. Angelica winced just seeing it.
“What happened next Connie?” Angelica asked as she passed some Kleenexes across the desk.
“Bruce opened the safe and she stole around $15,000 in cash, some of my clothes and about $10,000 in jewelry,” Connie said, dabbing her eyes.
“Why didn’t you go to the police?” Angelica asked, already knowing the answer.
“If anyone in our circle found out,” Connie said, fear in her eyes, “We would be the laughing stock of the city.”
“Actually,” Angelica said, “You would be surprised about the number of women I know who would have gladly joined you for some fun.”
“Can you help me?” Connie pleaded.
“I will make some inquiries,” Angelica said, “I will keep everything quiet. Nothing is going to get out that you and your husband don’t want to. I promise.”
Connie stood, a flash of relief on her face, “Thank you so much, Angelica.”
Angelica got onto the nationwide police database she still had access to and type in some search parameters to see if she could find anything, it was a long shot but you have to start somewhere. Angelica had just kicked off her shoes and put her feet up when her computer dinged. She sat up and looked at the screen. There were 3 reports that almost matched what Connie had told her. One in New York City, one in Miami and the last in New Orleans. All rich couples, all descriptions of the same “Lisa”. All assaults to the females breasts. There was even a picture of the “Lisa” from a camera in the Miami club she picked up the couple at. It was grainy but half her face was clear and her deep cleavage was evident. It was the British angle that caused her mind to do a summersault. She took out her phone and started scrolling numbers. She hit dial.
“MC Investigations and Solutions,” answered a proper British voice, “Emilia Kent speaking.”
“Hi Emilia,” Angelica said into the phone, “Don’t know if you remember me, Angelica Johansen, we met at the convention a few years back in Dallas. You were working in London then.”
Angelica heard a slight inhalation of breath. “Why yes,” Emilia said, “How could I forget you? Anna Chambers introduced us. It was right after the incident with His Royal Highness in Las Vegas.”
“Well now I see you are working with Anna,” Angelica said happily, “Good to know I taught her how to spot talent.”
“And that is not all you taught her!” Emilia replied. “What can I help you with?”
Angelica briefed Emilia about “Lisa” and emailed the picture.
“AH, Lisa Summer,” Emilia said, “Nasty one this one is. She was trained by MI-6 and was their seduction weapon. She can charm the knickers off anyone. Especially women. And from what I hear, her calling card is to destroy the women sexually paying a lot of attention on the breasts. Bottom line, one hell of a tit and sexfighter and very dangerous.”
“Well so am I,” Angelica said thinking about where Lisa might go next. “Just as a heads up, it seems she might be heading west, so keep eyes open. How is Anna doing these days?”
“Honestly,” Emilia said softly into the phone, “I am worried about her. She is obsessed with finding Lucy Collett. I do not know if it is out of a sense of revenge or justice. I am a little worried about her. She has been very distant at work, just going through the motions on the outside, but I can tell there is a fire brewing in her.”
“Maybe I need to take a little vacation to come to California,” replied Angelica, “Anna needs her friends near her.”
“Good, then maybe you can tell me about the time in the interrogation room, in detail,” Emilia giggled on the other end.
“Every naked detail!” laughed Angelica. “Thanks again Emilia, hope to see you soon.”
Angelica started thinking about where Lisa would be able to pawn the jewelry quickly and a few places came to mind. She locked the office and went down to hop into her Corvette and drive to ask some questions. The first two places were a bust, but the last place Talanos Pawn looked promising. The place was empty save for the young woman behind the counter.
The 18 year old daughter of the owners, Rita Talanos was working feverously to try and close things up for the day. She didn’t notice Angelica as the blonde walked in. Rita was tapping on the key board of the stores computer and involuntarily adjusted her tube top. Her large breasts wobbled a little, which made Angelica smile. As if she could feel someone staring at her, Rita looked up from her computer and noticed the tall, busty blonde.
“I am sorry,” Rita said apologetically, “I am going to be locking up soon, small emergency.”
“Oh don’t worry hun,” Angelica replied, “This will only take a moment.” She took out the picture of Lisa Summer from a folder and set it down in front of Rita. “Has this woman been in here trying to pawn jewelry?”
Rita’s eyes betrayed her that much Angelica could tell that much as she gaged the girl’s reaction.
“No,” Rita said a little too quickly, “Never seen her before.”
“Maybe you want to rethink your answer sweetie,” Angelica said, arms now folded under her breasts making them surge forth even more, “One phone call and the police show up, your parents store gets shut down and you get hauled in for questioning because the jewelry is stolen.”
“She never said that!!!” Rita exclaimed on the verge of tears, “She said she inherited it. I was closing down to deliver the $5000 to her hotel room.”
“Really?” Angelica asked, “Why don’t you write down the hotel and room number and we can forget she ever came here.”
Rita went to the back looking dejected. She returned and came around the counter with an address to a seedy motel that Angelica had dealt with before. Besides the multi-colored tube top, Rita was also wearing a short jean skit and platform heels. She stood a few inches shorter than Angelica, but she was dressed to kill.
Angelica took the piece of paper from Rita. “Out of curiocity,” Angelica said, her eyes meeting Rita’s, “Why are you dressed like this to drop off the money?”
Rita blushed a little, “I don’t like boys” Rita said in a whisper, “I like girls, well women, women with large breasts.”
“Like these,” Angleica said opening her blouse to show off the barely there bra and immense cleavage. 
“Oh my God!” Rita said as her mouth hung open, “Yours are bigger than hers!” Rita took a step forward.
Angelica took her right hand and unclasped the front hook of her bra and with her left, she pulled down Rita’s tube top. Rita’s youthful breasts popped forth; angelica stepped forward and pressed her breasts into Rita’s.
“OH FUCK!!!” Rita cried out, “You nipples are so long!”
“MMMMM Yes!” Angelica moaned. She rolled her tits with Rita, holding onto the younger girls biceps. “Anytime you want to find a woman to go tit to tit with let me know. Lisa would have hurt you and these beautiful tits.”
Angelica extended her tongue to Rita who stuck her own tongue out until they touched sending a shiver through both bodies.
“MMMMMM,” Angleica moaned again stepping back, a line of spittle still hung between them. She re-clasped her large breasts in her bra and buttoned her blouse up. “Here is my card. I do hope you call.” She spun on her heels and walked out, leaving the Latina staggering, still topless in the middle of the store.
Angelica drove to the motel. It was the site of a few previous stakeouts for her, gathering photos and information about cheating couples. She checked the paper in her hand and started looking at room numbers. The maid service cart was one room away from the one Rita had written down. Angelica got out of the corvette and stood, grabbing her jacket to put on over her blouse. She opened the glove compartment and retrieved her Glock and slipped it into the small of her back, bringing the back of the jacket over it to conceal the pistol. As she walked closer, she noticed the maid was someone she knew. Lupita had once asked Angelica to get her daughter out of a bad crowd and Angelica, though some aggressive negotiations had left the leader of the gang of girls, sobbing naked on the floor.
“Oh my sweet Angel,” Lupita said with a wide smile and accented English, “What are you doing here? Is Carmela ok?”
“Oh I am sure she is fine, Lupita,” Angelica said, “But I need a favor. Can I borrow your master key for just a moment?” 
Lupita thought about it for a moment. “I know I am not supposed to do so, but you have given my daughter back to me. I will take my break now I think.” As she walked away, the master key was dangling on the cart.
Angelica took the key and knocked softly on the door, “Housekeeping,” she said, listening for a response. There was none. Her right hand reached behind her back to grip the butt of the pistol. She inserted the key and turned. The motel room was empty except for a laptop computer open with screen on.
Lisa Summer checked her new Rolex watch as she walked back from the diner. Almost time for Rita to show up with her money. She could have tried harder for more, but she needed a quick exit from Dallas and continue her heading west. The email she had received from an old nemesis this morning had intrigued her. When she worked for British Intelligence, she hunted Anna Matthews. Now that she was on the other side of the fence, the job offer made her pause. She wanted to get to California fast and even though the thought of making $100,000 for a few days’ work for the redheaded woman was tempting, she decided that any trouble Anna Matthews was in, she needed to steer clear of. She had crossed the street with her motel in sight when she noticed a very tall, very busty, very hot blonde go into her room. She cursed to herself. The jewels were still in there. So was her laptop. She fished out the keys to her non-descript car and went to it. Turning the engine on, backing out of the parking lot and heading toward the interstate.
Angelica found the jewelry right away, it wasn’t hidden, just in a bag on top of the dresser. She rummaged through Lisa’s clothing, expensive clothes most like purchased from stolen money. She sat down on the bed facing the open laptop. She opened the bowser and clicked history. The link for an email address popped up and she moved the curser and clicked it. It opened a blacked out window with an automatic prompt that started running an encryption. Jumbled letters started forming sentences and then it finished and the email appeared:
Dearest Lisa,
For many years we have been on opposite sides of a grueling conflict. I was delighted to hear that you had left your former position with the British Government and have branched out on your own. I am need of a confident, deadly and ruthless woman such as yourself. I assume you up to date on the latest goings on in our little world and you will know of my sister’s conflict with the American, Anna Chambers. I will pay $100,000 to any wired account you wish for your services. I need to know as soon as humanly possible. I will send a private jet to where ever you are and bring you to me outside Boulder, Colorado. Any equipment or weapons you prefer will be furnished at no charge. You would be tasked with protection of myself and Lucy as well as our guest. She is a close, close friend of Anna Chambers.
It would be wonderful to see you face to face.
Wonderfully yours,
Anna Matthews
Angelica whistled, well this is interesting. But who is the close friend of Anna she was talking about? She closed the laptop and grabbed the jewelry and opened the door as Lupita was walking back. She smiled at the woman and handed back the key. When Angelica got back to her office, she dialed Emilia’s cell first. It rang and she went to voice mail. The office number for Anna Chambers went to voice mail as well. Angelica checked her watch; she was almost late for a dinner date with Jane and Wendy. She set a reminder to call later, since her attention was going to be taken up by her two girlfriends.
Hours later, showered and still a little worn out from a marathon fuck session between the three women, Angelica checked her phone and saw a text from Anna Chambers:
Anna: Sorry I missed your call. Ewa is missing and I have been tits deep in finding her. Call me when you can and I will fill you in.
Her cell phone was almost dead. She noticed Wendy’s cell next to hers. She hit the numbers from memory. Anna Chambers answered a few seconds later.
In Los Angeles……
“Anna? I understand you are looking for someone in particular. I think I might be able to help you.”
“Oh Angelica, if you were here I would kiss you right now,” I said into my cell phone.
“Honey, if I was there, there would be more than kissing going on!” Angelica Johansen replied.
I put the phone on speaker for the room to hear and Angelica Johansen filled me in on what she got off the laptop. Emilia piped in about Lisa Summers and the danger she posed but that would have to be tabled for now. Angel told me she would call back from her cell once she plugged it in to recharge. She called back a few moments later, but I could her some murmuring in the background and a few moans. Bri hacked into the NSA’s tracking programs and set a few parameters. It only took a few minutes for a few hits to pop up. A private jet had been met by two black SUVs a day ago and pictures popped up of Ewa being escorted from the jet to the waiting vehicles. The men were Asian. I could her a sucking sound coming from the cell phone speaker, than a moan.
“Angel, are you getting your tits sucked?” I asked.
“I can multi-task Anna!” Angel said a little breathy.
For the first time in a long time I started laughing, which started everyone in the room laughing. I looked at the women gathered in the room. Leslie was mobile but still hurt, Emilia was down with a gunshot wound to her arm. That left me, Amal and Sabrina. Though I had seen Bri fight, I didn’t know if she would be good for an assault team. Amal and I were trained…. But so was another woman listening on the phone, well actually she was getting her nipples sucked on by her girlfriends.
“Angel?” I asked.
“Yes, Anna,” she replied, “I am here.”
“If I got you a ride,” I said, “Could you meet me here and then go to Colorado with us?”
Angel seemed to know what I was talking about. “Get the plane here, get the location of the place and we will go from there. Next time we talk it will be in LA.”
“Thank you Angelica,” I said, relief in my voice, “I owe you one.”
“Darling,” she said in that sweet Texas accent, “I stop counting how many you owe me a long time ago.”
I hit end on the cell to cut off the conversation. I turned to the women who were looking at me. I looked over to Emilia.
“I need you to get in touch with A.P.,” I said, “I need a jet to pick up Angel in Dallas and bring her here and a flight from here to Boulder for four passengers and equipment. Me, Angel, Amal and Sabrina.”
“Fuck that I am going too!” Leslie yelled out, sitting up, her face a mask of both pain and determination.
“Leslie,” I said, “I need you here. Em is still hurt and you need to be her back up and watch out for her.” I looked over to Emilia and she and I traded a glance. I have known Em long enough that what I said wasn’t a dig on her but my wanting to watch out for both of them.
Leslie looked dejected but understood. She had feelings for Emilia and when she found out she was shot, Leslie was really concerned. “Fine, Anna,” Leslie said, “But I am here if you need me.”
“I know, thank you,” I said, I turned toward Amal, “Would you like to take a drive with me to meet someone?”
“By all means, Anna,” she said, “That is another reason why I am here, to meet interesting people.”
I went to my wall safe and punched in the code. The small door kicked open and I removed two metal containers and two boxes of 9mm ammunition. Inside the boxes were 2 HK USP 9mm with extra-long threaded barrels and two matching suppressors. Amal and I loaded up 4 magazines of 12 rounds each. Bri gave me the address via text and I hit the map app to get directions there. Amal and I got into my new Tahoe and started for the out of the way house.
Vera awoke with a start. She had been dreaming of Ewa ravaging her breasts. She reached down and cupped her big tits, still sore and scratched from her battle with the Polish beauty. She got up and bumped into the side table near the bed. This was not her normal room. Anna Matthews had suggested she find a safe house to lay low while everything else was sorted out. Vera went to the small bathroom and turned the light on, casting shadows behind her. She splashed cold water on her face and leaned forward to rest her head on the mirror. How did it come to this??? She had needed Anna Matthews to secure her takeover of the organization but the price was becoming too high. Now instead of money laundering, gambling, and escort services, she was involved with international terrorists. The light turned off and she moved her head back, standing up straight. She felt a cold circular piece of metal pressing into the back of her head.
“Scream and the last thing you see will be your brains all over the mirror,” a woman’s voice came from behind her. The light clicked back on. Vera looked the reflection in the mirror and Anna Chambers face came into view. She was holding a suppressed pistol against her head.
“There are a lot of people here who would be very displeased if anything happened to me Chambers,” Vera said, trying to put strength into her voice.
“Oh those people?” I asked mockingly, “Those people are already dead; all 15 of your hired lackeys.”
Vera closed her eyes. This couldn’t be happening. How did they find her? “What do you want?” Vera asked.
“I want the location of Anna Matthews in Colorado,” I said, “I want the layout, surveillance system and number of people she has there. Answer those questions and I let you live. Simple as that.”
“I don’t …” Vera started to say and PFFFT CRASH!!!!
She didn’t hear the pistol go off really, just the shattering of the mirror in front of her.
I grabbed the back of her hair and place my pistol by her right ear. “If you lie to me, or try to bluff your way out of the question, I put a bullet in your right knee, then your left, then your right elbow followed by your left. Then I might just gut shot you and let you bleed out right her on the floor of this shitty room.”
“The place is called Bear Pit,” Vera said with a shakey voice, “It is owned by Regent Willow Inc. All the land and blueprints of the home are on the laptop over there.” She motioned with her head to the the table by the bed. Amal was already moving over there. “The password is…”
“I don’t need your fucking password,” I said, “We found you, we can break your shitty encryption.”
I lead Vera to a chair and placed her in it and flipped on the rest of the lights to the room. Amal studied Vera from across the room. She was dressed head to foot in black with her long, curly black hair pulled back and tied behind her head. I leveled my pistol at Vera again. “If you tell her one word, give her one inclination we are coming and there is not a hole on the planet where you can hide.”
Vera nodded but remained silent for a moment. “If she survives what you are going to do, I am a dead woman, so kill her or put her away somewhere she won’t be able to get out from.”
“Count yourself lucky today,” I said, “If your line of work crosses me or mine again, I will end you. And the debt Ewa has with you is paid. Got it?!?”
Vera nodded her head. I came forward really fast and punched her across the left side of her face and she slumped in her chair.
“You should put a bullet into her head,” Amal said checking the safety on her pistol.
“I am feeling generous today,” I replied, “Let’s get this laptop back to Bri.
Amal and I got back just after 3am to the office. Leslie was sleeping quietly on the couch, her left arm was draped over Emilia’s left shoulder and Em was holding hands with her. Bri was curled up in a chair sleeping. Emilia saw me and was opening her mouth and I shook my head.
“It can wait for a couple of hours,” I whispered. I silently went to my desk and sat in my chair and kicked my feet up. Amal had found and chair and like all operators the world over, all she had to do is bow her head and she was out.
I woke up just after 5:30am. I guess I had drooled a little and wiped my mouth. I could smell fresh coffee being brewed and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes to see Bri walk in with a large pot of coffee and started pouring for everyone who seemed to be awake already.
“How long did you let me sleep?” I asked.
“You were only asleep a half an hour more than we were,” Emilia said. She was next to Leslie on the couch, Leslie pouring a little cream and sugar into Em’s coffee for her. “A.P. called back and said to be at Burbank Airport at 10:30. He has Land Rover waiting in Boulder for you. He said everything is billable upon completion. He didn’t seem all that surprised with what I asked for.”
“A.P. will deliver on whatever he promises,” I said taking a sip of coffee, “I met him on a flight to Cairo a few years back. He is a masterful storyteller and had me on the edge of my seat with some of his tales. His hobby is being person who can get you just about anything you desire, and it is all billable upon completion. Best move $100,000 into the operating fund account.”
Bri was taking a long drink from her mug as she passed me a few sheet of paper. “The overhead shots of Bear Pit with elevation points, roads in and out, and also the blueprints of the house.”
I started marking points on the overhead shots and drew a few lines for ingress and egress points. I made note of the security system and Leslie passed over the jammer.
“Get this within 50 yards of the house and it should cover it.” Leslie said.
“Thank you,” I said, “I know you are pissed but I really need you hear. It is not some ploy to keep you out of it. Even at 75%, you are better than most. But Emilia is a dumb Brit twat that needs your protection.”
Leslie snorted coffee laughing as Emilia gave me the middle finger. I turned to Bri.
“Have you ever shot a gun before?” I asked.
“Only a few times but nothing recently,” she said honestly.
“You are going be going in when things are most chaotic and get Ewa out,” I said, “She is in one of three rooms and you are going to have to be quick about it.”
Bri nodded her head.
“Amal,” I went on, “I think you and I are going to be the main assault with Angelica covering with a long rifle. She keeps bragging on how good of a shot she is, so I am going to let her go at it. We need to make a stop at my storage area for a few things before we fly.”
I said my goodbyes with Emilia and Leslie and Amal, Bri and I piled into my Tahoe for the quick drive to the out of the way storage facility. I drove the SUV up to the entrance to my storage locker and opened the back. I keyed in my code and the main door opened. I walked into the darkened room and flipped the light on to a bare small space. I walked to the back and punched in another code and did my palm print scan and there was a hiss and then the hidden door opened. Amal whistled when she saw my arsenal. Pistols, sub-machine guns, and rifles hung from the walls. In the middle of the room was the higher tech equipment. I opened a black duffle bag placing night vision, ammo, knives, rappelling gear and cold weather clothing. Amal grabbed the FNH SCAR 7.62 rifle with thermal scope and placed it in a metal traveling case. I was happy with the silenced pistol I had, Bri chose a Glock 19 and a thigh holster for it. Amal picked a small sub-machine gun with suppressor and a few throwing knives. All packed up we drove to the Burbank Airport. The gate guard waved us through as we approached. Looks like A.P. can really deliver. The jet was coming to a stop in front of a large hanger. The ramp descended and a beautiful blonde woman walked down. 
“Anna!” Angel said embracing me in a fierce hug, I was swallowed up by her big breasts.
“Christ Angel!!!” Smiling up at her, “Your tits are huge, what are you feeding them?”
“Blondes, redheads and brunettes of course!” Angel said with a smile.
I introduced everyone and noticed the pilot who flew in had his bag and was walking away. Then a black SUV drove up and A.P. stepped out. Angel had to do a double take.
“I know you!” Angel exclaimed, “You were the judge at the contest!”
“Yes I was!” A.P. said with a sly smile, “And what a lovely contest it was! I had to start new heart medication after but it was all worth it.” He winked. “Anna, I thought I would fly you in. I haven’t been to Boulder in a long time and there are a couple of friends I wanted to call on.”
“And by friends, do you mean two rather busty women?” I asked, left eye brow raised.
“I always thought you were one of the brightest Marines I have ever met,” A.P. said as he hoisted his bag up the stairs.
We unloaded the SUV and got everything into the jet. As we took off, one of A.P.’s girls, a very hot looking brunette drove my SUV into the hanger and the door started to close. We sent the next few hours checking weapons, Angel was happy with my choice for her and went over the overhead shots and my plan. We agreed to insert and observed after midnight and then if all was good, hit the house after 2am.
We touched down just after 6pm in Boulder and were met on the tarmac by a black Land Rover that fit all our gear and us in comfortably. A.P. had arranged a safe house in Boulder and we drove there to sleep for a few hours.
We left the house with gear packed. We drove past Bear Pit a few miles until the road went off to another property. We followed that road for a mile and pulled off. We set up with ear pieces and communications gear; we all dressed in the thermal underwear I brought, though it was tighter on Angel and Bri up top; we dressed in the same white with darkened stripes that Special Forces uses in nighttime snowy environments; loaded up weapons and started our hike out. Angel went up the hill side to the position she picked on the map with the highest elevation but best line of sight to the entire compound. Amal, Bri and I walked silently through the woods, making sure everyplace we stepped wouldn’t break a fallen branch and checked constantly for booby-traps. I heard a TSK TSK in my ear from Angel hitting her transmit switch twice. I paused and motioned for Amal and Bri to get down. I heard the snowmobile and then saw the light from the headlight. The beam fell over us but passed on.
“Goddess here….Five men all armed with rifles,” Angel said into my ear piece, “One male on the snowmobile makes six visible. Pick them up just fine on thermal and IR(infrared) and also on the NVGs (night vision goggles). Must have a fire going in the main house because I just pick up the one big heat signature. Will advise if changes, Goddess out.”
We crawled to the crest of a small hill and set up our observation post. We all watched different parts of the compound to gage what if anything would change with the guards. The guys looked miserable, they were shivering and stomping around, some were smoking. Then a high pitched voice called out. I couldn’t make out what she said but the guards tensed up. It was a woman in a white parka and multicolored hair. She smacked one of the men in the mouth with her hand. The man checked his face and saw blood there. The woman licked her fingers of the man’s blood.
“Goddess” I transmitted into the throat microphone.
“Goddess here,” Angel called back.
“If no change we go in 10 mikes, acknowledge,” I said.
“10 mikes, Goddess out,” Angel replied back.
The plan was Angel would drop all the guards she could and we race down the hill and Amal and I would cause a lot of noise and confusion out front and Bri would sneak in the back. The jammer would make them blind from inside. And the charges of C4 I set up in the tree line would go off. It would be like the 4th of July hit this house.
I checked my watch…. 1 minute to go….. 30 seconds…. 10…. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
I keyed my mic, “Execute.”
The guard furthest from the others dropped silently.


Offline FyreCracka

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Re: Tales of the Marine Chick: Redheaded Nightmare Part3
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2017, 07:03:57 AM »
Definitely a solid offering. This story has everything- intrigue, crime, H&K's, Glocks, FN Scars, Catfighters, an evil syndicate. Such an ambitious undertaking, very impressive. 

- Kelli and (mostly) Jake  :D
Fyre: a 5' 5 1/2", 130lbs, 39 years old, blonde hair and brown eyed brawler.

If you're interested in being in a story feel free to contact us.

We are now on Trillian: Fyrecracka


Offline joey

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Re: Tales of the Marine Chick: Redheaded Nightmare Part3
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2017, 07:08:37 PM »
Great as usual, Love your work. Thank you JOEY


Offline BaneThePunisher

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Re: Tales of the Marine Chick: Redheaded Nightmare Part3
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2017, 04:13:48 PM »
Yet another impressive entry. This is really getting good.


Offline Die For Dina

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Re: Tales of the Marine Chick: Redheaded Nightmare Part3
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2017, 05:45:51 AM »
When do I get to hurt someone?  Just curious?  Heh.  Heh. Heh.