Overall, a fantastic catfight! Highly recommended. I know when these fights are put together you never know exactly what you'll get (which is exciting), but this was 10x better than Leena's last catfight.
+Tara and Leena both very sexy. And wow, that body on Tara!
+Great intensity, very fast-paced
+lots of slapping, breast mauling
+unrivaled production quality and camera work
+Offering different resolutions for purchase
+two great evenly matched girls
-Unlike so many past catfights I've purchased from other producers, never felt the girls were "pulling punches" and going less than 100%. Great to see the excitement of the winner and the disappointment of the loser.
-lack of face-slapping as a rule. While there was lots of slapping, often it seemed like they had to "resist" going for the face and concentrate on somewhere else. In my opinion, just makes the fights look a little odd when one girl is on top of the other and the dominated one just has to worry about getting slapped in the ass or something.
-this might be only for me, but the girls went really hard and seemed exhausted in certain parts and maybe when there is no distinct advantage for either, maybe have a time-out so they can catch their breath? I favor intensity over endurance in catfights.
-Girls seeing each other pre-fight. I know this must be nearly impossible to avoid, but felt them not seeing each other before other Suitefights really ratchets up the intensity and anticipation. But for those worried this wasn't intense, have no worries, they went hard.
-I know the Sponsorships are probably a thing of the past, but would love to see more 'behind the scenes' stuff that was offered in past sponsorships.
Honestly, one of my favorite Suitefights productions that doesn't have face-slapping as a rule. Sexy girls, an intense fight and outstanding production quality make this a no-brainer recommendation. Would love to see both girls back again either in a rougher rules rematch or going against someone new. Just an outstanding production overall and we're lucky to have him making these types of catfights. It's very, very important to support these types of catfight producers and I honestly hope we see these happening much more often in the future. That was a long wait!