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Seizing the oppertunity (Catfight story)

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Seizing the oppertunity (Catfight story)
« on: October 18, 2008, 03:05:47 AM »
Two work office girls, Sandy is about 5'6" 135ibs and 140lbs, Erin is 5;6" 135lbs both have 36D breast sizes. Neither have liked each other and each time they go home, they complain to their husbands how they don't like each the other girl.
At some point though, their husbands meet each other in town concidentally and don't fall out how their wives hate each other. Instead both use this to their advantage and discuss for a while how they should get their wives to fight one another.
As a result, they go back home and talk to their wives and tell them both, that the other wife agreed they would battle them. Blind with rage, both wives were angry that they had been challenged and that the men had actually made a bet who's wife beat up the other's wife.
Meeting at Sandy's house, Sandy wore a black bra and underwear and Erin had worn white panties and underwear. Sandy looked much older with big blonde hair down to the bottom of her neck and Erin wore brownish black hair and square face. Both were ready to compete on the bed that had been stripped had set out for them, but before the began, Sandy's husband made an announcement with a cracking smile on his face.
"Now I know it's serious between you two, us guy agreed that whoever between you two, the winner's couple would go on holiday and would be fully paid by the loser couple."
There was no difference between the ladies, but could feel a tension as money and a holiday was on the line, let alone the wives were angry the men had made this without their conscent but knew if either of them argued about this, it would show they had no confidence about winning.
Kneeling on the bed, both wives were ready as their husbands sat on their own chair on opposite sides of the bed like ring managers. Fired up and ready they begun.

Starting off both women wanted to show who was truely better and wanted their bodies to show, shuffling their knees towards each other, they embraced each other, arms wrapping around their chests and tightening hands behind their backs. As soon as they were firm they began ramming bodies against each other as well, smashing breasts and making sure clits rubbed behind each other from hidden behind their underwear. Most pressure though was their arms squeezing and forcing them together, their their legs shifting uncomfortably. They pushed their heads together, cheek to cheek trying to move their head aside.

As breasts mashed and pushed underneath, arms tightened uncomfortably and the women gritted, both keeping locked tightly. Both men found this interesting, but at the length it was going at they found it less entertaining. Both women did care anyhow, the rammed and forced their bodies hitting into each other, not giving into one another.

While the battle went on, Sandy grabbed one hand on the back of Erin's hair, furious and fueled Erin pushed against Sandy harder. Finally the two toppled, with Erin on top and wrestling down on the bed. They grabbed at each other's hair and wriggled and squirmed for control, Sandy's husband even got up to see the legs and feet trying to grab and pin, one another as the fought.

They struggled to keep their heads forward as they were pulled back by the hair, Sandy had hooked one of Erin's legs with her own, while Erin's other leg used it's foot against Sandy's ankle pressing her foot into the bed. Body's wriggled and pressed against one another. Erin was still forced against the bed, but threshed hard to get out.

With a push of effort, Erin managed to flip pushing her body hard against Sandy's making the two go onto their side. Quickly managing though, Sandy caught one leg with her own as they turned to their sides and caused Sandy trying to free it. Both wriggled furiously though as they tried to gain control of the battle, ramming chest to chest and still pulling hair.

Both already tired of being on their sides, Erin had let go of Sandy's legs got back to their knees. After pulling each other's hair a while longer, they banged breasts back together, both then did not realise that both bra's were tight and breasts were not starting to pop out from their bras. Pulling hard on each other's hair, they collided again, banging chests into one another again, the breasts had almost erupted. After the third collosion, Sandy's breast spurted out first, but after awhile in the fourth both of Erin's popped out like twins being born and the Sandy's second.

Aknowleging both breasts were free, the two banged them together, naked. The two bags of flesh merged with another and smached side to side, as the two girls got their breasts to fight each other, they still held each other's hair, but were more focused on their chests fight now. Watching them, the men were splendidly entertained watching as the breasts whalloped and lashed into each other.

Neither of the girls though felt they were doing enough damage to each other, secretly agreeing to this, both women set their hands aside from each other's hair and then undress their bras themselves. Throwing away her bra first, Sandy eagerly digged her clothes into Erin's breasts, jolting with unplesant pain, Erin grabbed Sandy's back digging her nails into her's.

They squirmed and wriggled, gritting their teeth as they tried to claw onto the other's breast as tight as they could, digging the nails in and raking them towards each other. Both had no regard weither these breasts were going to rip ripped, popped or shredded, they just wanted to see the other's more damaged. The men watched estatically as they saw each other's hands on their breasts, that they didn't care if they were going to never feel those breasts again just as long as it was because another women had destroyed them.

Both girls were at their peak destroying each other's breasts, but when neither could take any more they threw each other back and both girls clumsily fell backwards onto bed. Leaning themselves up on their elbow, they noticed that their legs were next to each other. Kicking and stomping at each other, the girls feet threshed and kicked against one another, hitting either their legs or knocking feet together. They would even try and aim at the thighs or bum while they kick.

Soon though their feet smacked together and both women groaned as all four feet smacked together but pressed their knees, pushing their feet firm against each other and struggled to bend the other's knee back. Their legs went back a forth as they would trade who's winning depending which leg they focused on. Lifting themselves off their bottom with their shoulders, the feet began to grow swollen as they fought

As their feet slid and shifted their feet against each other, both had slipped one footing on each other and ended up kicking downwards into each other's pussy. It had ended the feet fight and paused the battle as the women rolled to their sides holding their pussys and retreating their legs. Both men chuckled to themselves as well as hold their own groins after finding it both funny and hot.

Ignoring the men, the ladies decided to get back up on their knees and when they did, Erin was suprised to see Sandy pull down her own panties revealing her pussy and bum. Thinking for a moment, Erin finally thought of why she did and turned to her husband and saw him with his eyes popped out and his tonge dripping. Furious that Sandy played such a low trick, Eric pulled down her panties as well and got nude.

Both girls now nude stared at each other sharply with naked pussys as well as breasts ready to get go. The men though were thrilled and excited for what was about to come. After trying to stare down each other naked for long enough, both women sprung at each other chest first and embracing one another around their shoulders. They dug their feet into the bed to hold themselves firm now with legs up and pushing forward. Re-metting one another in a furious, splattering collusion the breasts fought another hard battle, while the two lady's hands were locked.

Pressing and pushing their chests against each other, their bums stood out as they drove against each other. They wriggled and pushed as well fought to keep balance as they tried wrestling each other down the way they wanted. It didn't take them long to capsize to their sides still holding onto each other. Scrambling their legs up to each other, Erin made a quick pin on one of Sandy's feet again, fighting to keep it into the bed, however using her her other leg, Erin kneed Sandy in the groin, causing Sandy to yelp out and furiously kick back at hers. The two traded knee blows at their thighs, as well trying to coil and defend with their legs.

Feeling unable to keep bearhugging each other like this, the both pushed each other back with hands against shoulders. But as they seperated, Sandy had caught one of Erin's legs to stop the pussy kicking, but dived down her hand into Erin's pussy and began clawing and mangling it, crying out, Erin retaliated grabbing her's back. They dug in fingers and nails into their pussys, as well as rake them and yank on the helpless things, the women tried to help out attempting to pull the other girl's hand out but were putting more effort into the hands attacking the pussys.

Struggling underpressure as their pussys were being hurt, Sandy tightened her leg hold of Erin's knee as well as Erin trying to get her head free. They also tried pushing their heads against one another, trying to look down to see what was happening to their pussys. The men were also trying to gain a peek, keeping their distance from the bed but stretching their heads over love the site of seeing their wife hurting another pussy with her hand and her pussy being hurt by another hand at the same time. Both women still groaned and moaned, disgusted by the feeling of another hand on their pussy, but were concerned on how they were being hurt.

Realising she could get up, Erin sat onto her bottom to try and tear her pussy away from her hand, but her head was still caught by Sandy's arm that wasn't using it's hand to harm her pussy and then wrapped her arm around her head, now getting up. Doing the same the women sat both in a head lock and hand in each other's pussy. They slowly go to their knees though as they tried to be high so another.

Kneeling now, Erin smacked the side of her rump and hip against Sandy. Furiously and annoyed, Sandy banged hers back and were now as well banging sides and bum together. As they did they struggled to withstand their pussy pain and humilated as their heads were under each other's arms. Moving on their knees around the bed banging hits, hands in cxnts and headlocked, they continued for a while longer, but soon got fed up and snatched themselves away from each other.

Turning their backs now, the two decided that their bums would get more involved as well. Bashing and ramming their bums together, the girls tried to stay balanced on their knees as both collided with butt cheeks. They would almost fall forward as one girl really tried hard to push her down. As they did both men observed to see the results of their pussys after being clawed and pulled so much, but also observed the spetacular butt bashing battle

But as it just felt silly and getting no where, Sandy grabbed Erin's hips tight with her hands still facing back to back and then really rammed her backside against her's. Furious and embrassed by it, Erin wrapped her elbows around Sandy's instead and pulled forward and pushed her backside against Sandy's. Doing the same, Sandy kept her arms locked together with Sandy and rubbed and mashed her bum against hers forcing tight. Both begin to flatten and scraped against one another, that both girls felt uncomfortable as the cheeks.

However as the two tried to gain higher ground and drag each other, they started getting to their feet slowly onto the bed. They managed almost co-operatively, but then flattened their backs to each bring that it as well now. Both tried to pull the other bending back, but was hard considering the bed was soft and bouncy that it was silly when they tried to lift each other off their feet. They kept serious though growling and gritting teeth trying to lift each other up. The men watched aroused by the sudden action as the women now stood and danced silly back to back, especially when one of the women lifted the other off her feet for a few seconds.

As they tried to lift each other off their feet again, they fell off their feet falling down onto the bed. Sandy and Erin were only stunned for a moment and tried to awknowledge how they were. Sandy was on her knees and hands while Erin was next to her opposite sides on her back. Seeing her breasts vulnerable Sandy took action first, quickly putting her chest over Erin's head and then breast smoother in her and then grabbed both breast infront of her head. With her hands free though, Erin grabbed the back of Sandy's head and forced her down into her breasts.

Still trying to hold onto her breasts, Sandy only stop when Erin was able to flip the two about, still heads to breasts and Sandy kept that way was well now pressing her hands on the back of Erin's head. The two rolled heads either on or between each other's breasts as one tried to get on top and heads out of the other's breasts. Desperate to get their head out of the other's breasts, Erin took a bite of one of Sandy's breast hard and Sandy muffled between Erin's breasts, but bit one of Erin's herself. The husbands were excited as the two wives were now chewing each other's breasts.

The two continued rolling and holding each other's heads trying to continue to hold their arms around the other's head. Eventually they kept rolling until the two rolled off the bed and hit onto the floor with a gentle thump. They had landed in front of Sandy's husband and Erin's husband scurried around the bed to get a better view of the fight, but their was no need. The two had gotten onto their feet, now able to do a solid ground fight.

Standing on feet, the first thing one of them did was Sandy holding onto Erin's pair of nipples and begun twisting on them. Ouching out loud, Erin grabbed her's back and begun twisting and furiously looked down on each other twisting them. As they did so, Sandy tried to kick Erin's leg, but then Erin hooked it with her leg up in the air. There was real excitment from Sandy's husband as he watched the two girls try to pluck out each other's nipples.

Both girls weren't like that for long, Sandy snatched herself away and almost tripped when she took away her leg from Erin. Stepping back hoping Erin would take a breath, Sandy became unprepared when Erin scurried forward and bended herself, making Sandy confused what she was trying to do, until Erin hoisted her hand under her bum cheeks and lifted Sandy helplessly off her feet. As well as just lift her off the ground though and pressed her nude body against her, Erin impaled her backside with her nails and bit one of the breasts infront of her.

Screaming out as nails and claws were digging into her as well as being lifted up in mid air, Sandy wrapped her legs around Erin easily and grabbed Erin's hair with both hands, gritting her teeth to resist the pain. Both husbands wondered how was in the worst position, Sandy had her weight onto, as well as a crushing leg sisscors around Erin's waist and pulling her hair, while Erin had her nails almost popping Sandy's bum, chewing on her vulnerable right breast and had her off her feet, then again neither really cared seeing Sandy laying against Erin like this.

But as Sandy's dominate weight and leg crushing began to take a toll on Erin, she dropped Sandy, bum flat onto the ground. Both girls had stopped fighting for a moment, Erin was hunched over with her back and Sandy was having difficulty getting up with a numb butt. Still able to almost use two legs though, Erin pressed her feet firmly against Sandy's right breast and kicked it. Almost knocked back, Sandy grabbed onto the leg helping herself stay up. Trying to pull her down with her, Sandy tugged on the leg, but Erin managed to push what strength she had left and slam Sandy onto the ground.

Staggering a bit, Erin laid down sitting between Sandy's legs, but with her's curved over them. She then leaned over and then started grabbing and raking Sandy's breasts. Sandy screamed out as Erin had took hold of her breasts and tried to take her wrists off but, Erin had a frim grip on them, luckily though she managed to slip her legs underneath Erin and push back against her stomach forcing Erin down onto her back.

Instead of pursuing though, Sandy got to her feet holding her chest in pain and limped to get back a bit. Erin wasn't down for long though, she quickly got up with hands threatenly. However Sandy knew what she was aiming at and didn't want her breasts to go through another breast grab. Racing to the door, Sandy tried to get out with Erin hurrying after her, but when she attempted open the door, it was locked. Knowing it had to be something to do with husbands as though they predicted this would happen, Sandy still ran with Erin eagerly chasing after her.

As Erin almost had her in the corner, Sandy climbed onto the bed and tried to make it to the other side, but was caught by both her feet by Erin's hands. Spinning onto her back, Sandy tried to keep Sandy off the bed kicking and threshing her feet against Erin's chests and stomach, but Erin managed to reduce the impact holding her ankles and climbed her knees onto the bed. Both men watched thrilled, but a little dissapointed that one had last the will to fight almost.

When she reach up to Sandy still holding her ankles, Erin kneed Sandy's pussy, stunning her with the heavy blow. Throwing her feet away, Erin then climbed herself with both her lower legs against Sandy's thighs, disabling her legs as well as forcing them to spread out. Crying helpless as her legs were being hurt, Sandy did not do anything in time to stop Erin grab both wrists and pushing them against the bed as she leaned over and then bit on Sandy's breast already having a taste for them. Yelling out, Sandy struggled to get free, wriggling her body to get it lose.

It looked like this would almost go on forever and Sandy would not give in, Sandy cried out. "I give up." Hearing that Erin got up, still on her, but no longer holding her wrists, instead she grabbed Sandy's breasts and started shaking Sandy's chest up and down. "What's that, you give up?" She yelled. "Yes, yes I give up!" Whimpered Sandy. Shaking them again, "Really!?" Sandy was hoping one of the men, especially her husband would get her off, but he loved the sight of her breasts being treated like this. She tried one more time, sobbing. "Yes!" Screaming. Sighing, Erin fiercly threw her against the bed. "Fine, such a baby." And got off her.

Getting off the bed, Erin dressed herself, both men had the looks that they were so pleased they saw this, but also the looks dissapointed it was over. Soon as she was dressed though, Erin then grabbed her husband by the shirt and dragged him out forcible weither she was going to tell him off or to go home and celebrate. Susan's husband what Susan was going to do to him once she stop snivelling and holding her breast like they were two babies that had just died.


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Re: Seizing the oppertunity (Catfight story)
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2008, 05:20:33 PM »
Great story. I really enjoyed it.
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Re: Seizing the oppertunity (Catfight story)
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2008, 11:59:07 PM »
Catfight obsessed ,  Thank you for posting this story.  I enjoyed it very much.
