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Robertared vs Shay Marie catfight

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Offline WildAtHeart

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Robertared vs Shay Marie catfight
« on: February 23, 2017, 06:59:11 AM »
Both girls are coming off big victories at FCF and I love the idea of getting them both together.  The owner of the Crofoot, a local bar, has been sponsoring a local fetish scene for a few months and has been looking for something new for his customers.  I tell him about the girls I work with at FCF and he seems interested.  I show him some pics of the girls, Robertared and Shay Marie, who he thinks would be great opponents for the first match.

I explain my vision of a no holds barred catfight on the stage and he loves the idea knowing how attractive the girls are.  He puts out some feelers and finds a couple of local guys, including an athlete from one of the local pro teams, that are willing to put up some nice cash for the winner.  I contact Shay Marie and Robertared and when they hear of the $5,000 cash prize for the winner along with the chance to make some extra money by selling photos with the fans.   Plus, they will get free drinks and food at the event.


On the day of the match, the Crofoot put a few chairs on the main floor plus some in the private viewing area from the balcony to highlight this high end event.  The event is cosponsored by Kraken Rum and will have a some burlesque girls performing before and after the event.

The girls arrive at the venue early and we go over the rules. The action will start on the stage but can end anywhere in the building.  I have a webcam guy setting up a screen in case the fight ends up in a part of the venue that doesn't have good sight lines for part of the audience.  The fight will be determined by submission or knock out; you can wear a girl out with a pin but it won't count unless she also submits or passes out.  If you girls talk about it and decide on a separate penalty for the loser after the match, that could be an added bonus which might result in some big tips from the audience members, many who are very well off and looking forward to a good match.

A video of the match will also be made for sale afterwards for members of the audience only and a copy will be given to each of you to sell to your fans if you like.  Each girl will get 33% of profits of video sales with the rest going to me to promote more fights with members of the club.

After a few burlesque girls have graced the stage, the club guys make sure the stage in mostly clear except a few props that might get used in the fight.  The girls are called out and introduced: All the way from Italy, we have at 36yo 5"6' 128lbs, the brunette bombshell, Robertared who comes out in a sexy black outfit and black high heels.


The crowd cheers as she comes onto the stage.

And from Texas we have the sexy blonde Shay Marie at 30 yo 5'4 1/2, 130lbs who is in a hot pink number with white heels and the crowd gives an equally hearty cheer.


As the girls are getting ready for the match to begin, I call the girls together and ask the audience if I should check for foreign objects and they cheer.  I go through the motions of looking for objects, teasing the lifting of Robertared's skirt and looking in Shay's cleavage.  I make sure all jewelry and sharp objects are removed from their outfits and hand them mouth guards.  I kiss both girls on the cheek and wish them a good fight.  One of the barely dressed burlesque girls steps forward, gives a sexy kiss to the crowd and rings a bell.  The girls put up their fists and move forward.

Robertared:  I walk in the the corridor....two line of chairs full of people smoking and drinking...excited for the the show that is going to start....I smile to the audience and I feel the breathing of the people....wearing my red bathrobe....I step up on the platform...and take place on my front of the audience slowly...slowly   take off the robe....and show my quite perfect body to the audience....wearing my black lingerie ...a black lace bra that show partially my small firm breast....which are clearly to show my erect nipples...and my  black string panties....I adjust my lingerie and the audience immediately react with rumors and some claps....I I'm waiting for my adversary ....a little bit nervous....she is a new adversary selected by Wild Bill....a blonde girl....that I never met my long fit legs for the pleasure of the people here.....pass my hands on the dark red hair free on my shoulders....and after caress my bra cups....and smile again seeing the audience so excited….

Shay: I wait back in the dressing room patiently. I won't lie,  I am certainly more than a little nervous. I  have been in numerous fights before,  but nothing like this. I don't even know this woman I am supposed to fight. All I know is that she's some older woman with a reputation of being tough.

I hear the announcement for Robertared to start making her way to the stage. I peek out to get my first glimpse of her. Honestly,  not all that impressed. My nerves start to settle down as I wait to hear my name.

After a couple rounds of cheering and applause,  I hear the announcer call my name. I start making my way to the stage. Unlike Robertared,  I don't waste the time on putting on a robe. I  am ready for a fight, don't want to delay the inevitable with a miniscule display. The crowd erupts as I make my way down the aisle. I am already in my fight gear,  nothing more than a cheap white bikini from Walmart that I really don't care if it gets torn apart. I wave to them as I know I should,  but in all reality,  I am oblivious to them. My mind is focused on one thing.... Tearing this old ass bitch standing up there into a crying heap on the floor. I confidently stride up the stairs onto center stage. Roberta is already trying to size me up and stare me down. I smile at her. As soon as I crest the stage,  I quickly stroll in her direction. A few paces away, I lunge at her,  barely missing a wicked right hook aimed for her jaw as the announcer wraps his arm around my waist and lifts me,  pulling me back to "my" edge of the  stage. "not yet" he blasts over the microphone. But I saw her jump. I saw that sudden,  brief moment of doubt in her eye. I just won the mental edge...

I look my adversary stepping in the club....shit...she is not so bad...strong muscled thighs...big breast....I smile but I get a little more nervous....when she try to run against me suddenly...I avoid her fist....stepping back...and try to reply immediately...when we are divided...and she is pushed to her place....I spit against her before she is away...."little bitch...I'll ruin you this evening...." breathe is a little bit fast for the emotion…

Both girls are looking great and I watch the match from the upper balcony.  The crowd is very responsive to Robertared and her sexy see-through bra and I can see part of her ass she adjusts her string panties.  I smile and find it hard to believe she is playing up the whole sexual angle of the fight having only seen her in more competitive NHB matches.  The audience is really getting behind her.

I hear Shay Marie get announced and she struts onto the stage.  She has a lot of energy under that white bikini and look at that lunge at Robertared.  She came ready to fight.  The way both girls are tonight, I would not be surprised if all hell breaks loose tonight.  I know the audience will get what they pay for tonight.

The girls are on opposite sides on the stage, Shay bouncing on the balls of her feet looking like she is ready to explode while Robertared looks a bit more measured.  The bell rings and Shay Marie makes the first move of the night as the girls come together.  She grabs Robertared's hair and tugs her to one side.  As Robertared reaches for Shay's hair, she is greeted up a hard staggering slap to her face that is heard through the building.  The fans are stunned, some never thinking the fight could be this violent, this quick.

Upset by the slap Robertared cranks back and send a closed fists into Shay's midsection causing her to loosen the grip on her hair.  Shay staggers back a bit as Robertared lands another punch to Shay's left breast causing it to pop out of the bikini top.  Shay winces as Robertared now grabs her hair, bending her down and sends a couple of knees into Shay's hanging breasts and midsection.

Shay is starting to take some blows and is grabbing at Robertared, her claws reach out to her thighs, sharpened nails dragging down Robertared's legs leaving long scratch marks.  The pain makes her loosen the hold as Shay takes the moment to grab Robertared around the waist and pushes her back a bit.  Shay lifts her up and throws Robertared to the ground.

As Robertared scrambles to get up, Shay unleashes a harsh kick to her ass sending Robertared face down on the ground…

hooooo   I try to stand up...and I receive a kick on my ass.....shit....I fall down again with my face on the ground.....only I think that I must give her a lesson...I think to the 5.000 dollars for the winner....I think to the people here....I think that is not possible losing against a"SLUTTTTTTT" I shout........and spit on the ground….

Robertared is lying ass up as Shay comes up behind her and grabs her panties as pulls skyward.  Crawling forward to get out of her grip, I can see Robertared's bare ass while Shay is pulling her panties back.  An off balance back kick hit's Shays knee hard, letting Robertared get her panties pulled back up. She turns around and delivers a hard snap kick across Shay's breasts.

The fans are going wild as these two girls battle for their pleasure.  Shouts rise in support of both girls as Robertared grabs Shay's hair while scratching at her face.  Shay wildly screams as fingernails tear at her cheek and she lashes out with a with a fist above Robertared's pubic mound.

Hands folding over her abdominal area, Robertared is unable to prevent Shay from slapping her hard across the face followed by and elbow to her chest causing her to stagger back holding her breasts.

Shay moves behind Robertared and grabs her around the waist and lifts her up and drops her neck first in a reverse suplex.  Her opponent stunned, Shay plays to the crowd "glad you could be here to watch me beat this Italian slut" she raises her hand as she chants "USA....USA....USA" and the crowd joins in as Robertared tries to get up and clear her cobwebs.

Looking at the items on the stage, Shay grabs a trashcan and slams it against Robertared who attempts to block it but is still driven onto her stomach.  Robertared grabs the can and is ready to push it off when Shay splashes down on it, crushing her chest under the cold metal.  Shay bounces up as Robertared rolls over in agony.  Rolling the can aside, Shay reaches down and grabs Robertared by the hair and drags her across the stage on her back, ripping some of her hair out.  Shay slams Robertared's head down on the stage and sends a stomp to her breast; screaming as her breasts are crushed by Shay's foot. 

Shay looks at her opponent and yells for her to get up.  A bit dazed, Robertared takes a moment and slowly rises.  "C'mon you Italian whore, show me what you got”.  She wants to toy with her opponent, feeling confident that she has the advantage.  Robertared lunges for her opponent who meets her with a round house kick to the stomach and drops her onto her knees.

Her hand raised, Shay slaps Robertared across the face again, some fear showing in her eyes which Shay picks up on and knows this match is hers to lose now.  Moving forward, Shay reaches down for Robertared's hair and in desperation Robertared's hand shoots up towards Shay's pussy.  With moderate force behind it, the blow still hurts Shay as she staggers back a bit but doesn’t prevent her from lunging forward to deliver a kick towards Robertared's head which narrowly misses her.

Shay stands over Robertared and reaches down to grab her thong and gives her a nice wedgie to bring her to her feet.  Halfway up the thong snaps and the crowd goes wild as her half naked form can now be seen by all.  As Robertared tries to cover up, Shay punches her in the side and then grabs her by the hair and swings her around throwing her off the stage to the floor below…

it seems that blonde texan girl is too strong for me....I try to collect all my last strength and try to shame because I'm showing partially my intimacy....try to react....but receive some punches on my protect my belly with my hands....this slut....grab my hair and grabs me off the stage to the floor I hit my nape on the floor....quite dazed.....kicking the on my eyes full of tears...for the pain...the injuries received ....and for the wild temper want react.....I want gain the 5000 dollars and I want humiliate the adversary....but I feel the rumors in the audience cheering for her.......but the game is not over…..

FawnL:  ..sitting on my stool at the counter, sipping my long drink and enjoying the fight....
com'n Roberta, stop playing and put that blonde out for good...adding another scalp to your collection...  Grinning, I cross my naked legs....mmm..slightly excited...always happening when I watch a good fight…

After throwing Roberta from the stage,  I stand there a minute,  admiring my dominance to this point. Then something snaps in my mind, "the fight isn't over dumbass" I think to myself. I jump from the stage and stroll over to my opponent lying on the floor. I can see she is hurt,  but I am well aware of what a wounded tiger is capable of. I watch her closely as I approach her. I look down into her eyes. I see the fear welling up. I unleash a series of stomps to her body... First her already softened belly, once, twice, trice.. And one vicious soccer kick into the side of her tit. Instead of drawing my leg back, I follow through the momentum and plant the foot on the other side of her body and plop down,  dropping my ample ass onto her chest. Kneeling astride her, I begin to wrestle her arms to trap them under my knees…

it seems I'm in a real bad was long time that I didn't meet a girl so wild....the rumor in the room are for her.....she over me....try a reaction.....spit into her face....."blonde slut.....".....I whisper….

Shay has Robertared pinned to the ground and removes her bikini top which was pretty much useless at this point as it was stretched out during the fight, barely covering her anymore.  She takes the top and places it on Robertared's lips.  Holding her nose, Robertared is forced to open her mouth allowing Shay to stuff her top in her mouth "thought you might enjoy a snack” and closes Robertared’s mouth.

Robertared is humiliated at this point and cannot believe the beating Shay is handing down.  Someone hands Shay a beer and she takes a sip and grimaces, “what is this fucking cheap crap and pours the glass over Robertared's head who starts to cry.  "No crying now my Italian slut" as Shay runs her fingers over her eyes wiping away the tears.

"What should I do with her now" Shay asks the audience.  "Show her who has the better tits" she hears someone say.  "OK, I will" Shay responds back, sliding her body down and getting Robertared in a grapevine pin, her pussy spread for the horny crowd.  Shay lowers her tits onto Robertared's and bounces up and down crushing her breasts.  "How do you like my tits now Robertared, bet you thought your were going to pop them instead of being flattened by them".

After a few minutes she moves up a bit more and places them over Robertard's face, her tits engulfing her; helpless to defend herself from this humiliation as the camera guy gets a nice close up of Shay's cleavage and naughty smile.  Robertared is half-heartedly trying to pound on Shay's back but has no strength length to do to much damage but Shay disregards the blows as she continues to smother her opponent.

Robertared is almost smothered out, when Shay lifts herself up, ”you are not going down that easy”.  She drags Robertared over towards a table…..

Honestly I am watching the fight and I am pretty shocked.

I have never seen Roberta lose a match before. She is always a so dominant fighter.
The fact is that this time she is not only losing as the blonde girl is completely dominating my friend.

She has pinned her to the floor, has pushed her top deep into her mouth without Roberta able to stop her and now she is smothering my friend under her huge tits.

Roberta’s pussy is in full view for all to see and most of the audience is cheering the dominating blonde bitch that is playing with my friend.
I don’t know how long before she is smothered out as I see her arms and legs just shaking helplessly now.
Suddenly Shay stops her smother and stands up, smirking.

With a cheeky grin on her face she walks dragging a pretty dazed Roberta to a table right near where I am seated.  It looks that I am going to have a privileged position for the final show of this fight and my heart sinks as I don’t know what is coming next….

I still hope that Roberta can fight back…’n...

I'm dazed...on the floor....the blonde bitch over me....blocking my arms with her knees...someone give her a big glass of beer...and I feel only the cold liquid on my face....she close my nose and so I open the mouth and receive inside the beer...on my face....on my eyes....I close immediately but too I feel my eyes burn ... spit ... I try to breathe....a long moment pass....I'm quite passive....only with my knees try to hit her back...but too weakly....after the blonde stand up and release me....I can breath ...pass my hands on my face and on my eyes...I feel my smal boobs out of the bra...or better I don't feel the bra....and my panties are shredded...try a reaction....but immediately the blonde drag me over towards a finishe me....I want fight again and with my last anger try a reaction.....

As I watch the crowd, the excitement is off the hook; the owner comes up to me to congratulate me on the great match between these extraordinary fighters.  He hands me an envelope that contains some extra cash and hints he'd like to have another match next month if I can find two more sexy ladies to fight.  I look down as Shay is picking Robertared and throwing her over a table; nude except her torn panties around her waist.  I see an older guy picking up Robertared's bra and stuffing it in his pants (good for you old man).

Dressed in only her bikini bottoms, Shay dumps Robertared ass up on a table scattering glasses and food.  Walking over to the stage, Shay grabs a leather strap and walks toward Robertared with a hard smile on her face as she looks at her defeated ass.  She raises the strap "we're about to have some fun boys".

Robertared is trying to move when Shay places her knee on her back and raises the strap above her head and brings it down sharply on her ass.  *Whack* the sound reverberates around the hall as Robertared screams out.

*whack*.....*whack*.....*whack*...the crowd starts to count 5...6....7...Robertared screams out "fuck, please stop Shay, I submit" the tears rolling down her eyes, the fans going wild as they realize Shay has won my spanking her opponent.  *whack*...9....10.  Shay raises her arms with the strap in one hand and a fans hand in the other.

She is giving out high five's as Robertared is rubbing her ass in pain, tears running down her cheek.  I see a guy talking to Shay causing her to laugh; she removes her bikini bottoms and hands them to the guy.  He hands her some cash (I wonder how much those cost him) and sniffs them before putting them in his pocket.

Shay grabs Robertared and puts her on her knees.  Bending over, "OK bitch, I want you to kiss my ass.  When you are done, you are going to tell the camera what a better women and fighter I am and then I will decide what else you will have to do to entertain me".  Robertared looks at Shay's naked ass in front of her and kisses her fully.  The camera zooms in and Robertared proceeds to tell everyone what a better fighter and woman Shay was tonight…….

my face full of tears....sobbing....for the humiliation received and for the ass is on fire after her treatment....and it's not over yet ....   I want disappear.."you....yo....are the.....better fighter and woman----too"   I say in tears    and whisper I hope she release me.....I need go home.... and disappear for some time

I walk downstairs and go over to the bar.  I see Robertared kissing Shay's ass and talking to the camera, probably being made to say how superior Shay is.  Shay now has the opportunity to make Robertared do whatever she wants and I wonder how nasty it might get.

At the bar, I see the most beautiful girl and sit down beside her.  She is wearing a black leather outfit with a short skirt and librarian glasses.

She seems to be enjoying the action as I introduce my self as the promoter of the match tonight and ask if she liked what she saw.  She admits it turned her on but disappointed that Robertared lost, stating she is a friend of hers she met online and was going to meet up with her after the match.  I offer to buy her a drink, mesmerized by her beauty and say I would be happy to take her back stage after she is done doing everything Shay asks (I wonder if I might have a fighter for next month's match).

I put a gentle hand on her bare knee and ask her to tell me about herself as Shay announces Robertard's punishment for losing

..well, the fight is over. Surprised Roberta lost and now we are waiting to know what she is going to do under Shay's requests.
I will wait for the punishments and humiliations to be administered and then I will take Roberta away, to the Spa Resort where I reserved
a suite for the two of us...Jacuzzi...private massages...and all that stuff....hoping to make her forget this unexpected defeat.

I am watching Roberta kissing Shay's ass as out of nowhere an elegant guy comes to seat beside me and kindly offers me another drink, introducing himself as Bill Wild.
Shortly he asks if I might be interested in some fights, coming on next month...I mentally check my agenda and why not...?
I cross my legs as I sip my drink and Bill puts one hand over my knee.
I look at him, smile, my gloved hand goes on his and gently remove it. We are not so intimate for the moment….

To answer Bill's question... The thong sold for a cool $1000. Best $5 Walmart bikini investment ever.

I am absolutely elated as Roberta submits to my every whim. I know that the fact that she had to kiss my ass was totally humiliating, and she did it so willingly. The gentleman that bought my panties calls me over and whispers a request in my ear as he slips me another $1000 and hands me a pair of 4" stilettos. I look at him,  smile and blow him a kiss.

I walk over to Roberta's defeated body,  grab her by the hair, and drag her back to the middle of the stage. I position her on her left side,  ensuring that the gentleman who paid for this has the best view. I slip on the stilettos (wondering how he knew my size). I straddle Roberta's body,  wedge my right foot into her cleavage, and step down,  smashing her left tit between the spike and the stage as I flex for my newest fan. Looking down at Roberta, "scream bitch! Scream for all of  the fans to hear your voice."

..still talking with Bill, but indeed I look at what Shay is doing to my friend Roberta, too spent and dazed to react and also
forced to accept the punishment and humiliation stated by the contract she signed.

The blonde dragging back on the stage and now torturing her tit....making her scream loud in pain..
My blood is boiling but I can not interfere as that is what Roberta knew she was risking...

As the night closes down, I enjoy a pleasant conversation with the sexy FawnL who seems interested in catfighting in my next event at this venue which the owner has already confirmed.  Now I just need to find a good opponent for her in the next 2 weeks.  I look around to see if any potential fighters but stay engaged with FawnL who is just melting my heart.

After Shay presses her heal down on Robertared, her screams echoing throughout the room, things wind down as Shay poses for pictures with fans holding a defeated Robertared.  Somewhere around 2AM, Shay breaks away with a couple of hardcore fans as Robertared lies back looking defeated, mentally and physically.

FawnL and I get up, walking over to Robertared where I reach down and pick her up.  I kiss her forehead and tell her it was an epic fight and she fought a spirited fight.  I lift her up and carry her back to the dressing room where FawnL helps her get dressed.  I take off for a few minutes and when I return I hand Robertared an envelope filled with cash.

Her eyes light up when she sees the amount,  "That's more than I thought we'd make.” and gives me a big hug.  I also get a friendly hug from FawnL as they leave to get healed up in the jacuzzi.  I watch these two sexy ladies walk away, ass swinging side to side, and head back upstairs.

Shay, in her nude glory finally breaks away from the fans and walks back to the dressing room.  When she sees me she smiles and gives me a big hug while I grab her sexy ass and kiss her, "Glad you enjoyed your match; here is your cut for the night”, giving her a nice sized envelope which makes her smile more and she kisses me, "I believe you owe me a dinner".  I grab Shay's hand and take her to the dressing room and wonder if that dinner just might turn into breakfast, or lunch, or all three.

Bill and I stand up and walk to Roberta that is still sobbing on the floor after receiving the punishment from Shay.
Bill helps her back on her feet and we go in the dressing room.
We leave and I just hug Bill, kiss him slightly on his lips, looking in his eyes hoping that he does not forget what he promised to me.

On the way to the luxury resort Roberta keeps silent and I don’t dare disturb her.
I know that the proud Italian girl is more hurt in her spirit than in her body.
Losing a fight is never an option that she considers and she is surely upset now.

Once in our suite overlooking the great scenery of the country side we enter the Jacuzzi pool and let our naked bodies be caressed and massaged by the bubbling warm streams.
I move beside Roberta who has her head back, resting over the edge, eyes closed.
I look at her breast, still blue and purple where Shay pushed her nasty heels and caress it gently.

She opens her dark Mediterranean eyes and look at me.
“You are going to be fine.” I whisper to her, moving even more near…..

**Thanks to Robertared, Shay Marie and FawnL for helping with the story and being three wonderful competitors on this site.



  • Guest
Re: Robertared vs Shay Marie catfight
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2017, 10:49:43 AM » has been a nice, exciting fight...well done guys !!!   ;D ;D