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Transgender Boys wins girls tournament - thoughts

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Offline WildAtHeart

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Transgender Boys wins girls tournament - thoughts
« on: February 26, 2017, 09:52:21 PM »
He wanted to be in boy's category but rules force him into girl's tournament.




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« Last Edit: February 26, 2017, 09:53:26 PM by Wild Bill »


Offline tropic55

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Re: Transgender Boys wins girls tournament - thoughts
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2017, 01:38:36 AM »
The world is getting a bit more complex. What bathroom does he use, does he/she wrestle Boys or Girls? Curious  how the members here see it?


Offline Gail Thomas Longfall

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Re: Transgender Boys wins girls tournament - thoughts
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2017, 01:55:13 AM »
Don't they wrestle in weight categories? Does that eliminate some of the problem?
And remember all the uproar when Russia would give hormones to their female athletes to increase their chances of winning gold in the Olympics? It seems like we're venturing into the same territory and facing the same issues. My fear is that being too liberal about this might force XX women to take male hormone shots to be competitive, and that seems like a terrible idea.


Offline wasteland1952

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Re: Transgender Boys wins girls tournament - thoughts
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2017, 04:22:52 AM »
I saw the report on tonight's news.  They interviewed him, some other students, parents, and school officials.

I feel bad for the boy.  He's caught in a bad place, as is everyone involved.  He doesn't want to wrestle against girls; he wants to wrestle against other boys.  But the district and state say he must wrestle against girls because he was born a girl.  This is a good example of why laws, rules, etc., should be updated to reflect modern times.

Here in the US, some states are more progressive in their ways of thinking.  Other states, mostly the super conservative ones, are resisting progressive thought with all their might.  No one should ever be made to feel ashamed or afraid to be who they truly are.  Sorry, but that's just the way I see it.

Interestingly, in some states, girls and boys wrestle against each other.  I always thought that was kind of weird, but I know that's the way it works in some places.  Apparently not in Texas. 


Offline tropic55

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Re: Transgender Boys wins girls tournament - thoughts
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2017, 04:51:02 AM »
Wasteland to need to say sorry, it is a sign of the time and we are in America you have a right to speak you mind. I agree that it very confusing for the trans no matter which way it goes. I curious to see the comments.


Offline ArrogantKitty

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Re: Transgender Boys wins girls tournament - thoughts
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2017, 06:07:15 PM »
This is so stupid...welcome in usa  ???

A born woman using hormon for sex change to boy will be more powerfull than woman..this is really unfair. And a clear discrimination.


Offline tropic55

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Re: Transgender Boys wins girls tournament - thoughts
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2017, 11:30:18 PM »
Juggles you have a good point  He can use the Men bathroom but must wrestle Girls! Guess we can thank the politicians for this one. I feel the more Politicians get involved the more they mess things up!


Offline RedEnforcer

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Re: Transgender Boys wins girls tournament - thoughts
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2017, 04:06:53 PM »
People are going to have to adapt to societal changes and the laws will have to adapt to reflect that.

I find no fault in the wrestler. He only did what he was allowed to do. But with these new situations, laws have to change as well.
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Offline Bear

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Re: Transgender Boys wins girls tournament - thoughts
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2017, 09:07:40 PM »
This is really a tough one, and makes me glad that I'm not coaching anymore.  From what I gather, this young man was a boy born into a girl's body.  He's done what has had to be done in order to remedy that mistake made by nature.  So, if he's a boy, he should do what he wanted to do -- wrestle against boys.  Remember the tennis player, Dr. Renee Richards (born Richard Raskind)?  When he changed to a woman, she played professional tennis against women, and despite the female hormonal injections, played with a considerable advantage. 

We finally did the right thing in athletics by creating a girls' division in wrestling, which meant that high school girls would no longer wrestle against high school boys.  Barb wrote a wonderful piece addressing this issue a long time ago, pointing out that girls wrestling guys was a lose-lose situation. 

My guess is that the politicians want to make an issue out of this, so they're using this young person and this case as their lightening rod.  I'm sure that the right wing talking heads on TV and radio will rail according to the script until the next "big story" moves in and takes over.  BTW, what ever happened to all those murders in Chicago?   Get my drift?


Offline georgegizmo

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Re: Transgender Boys wins girls tournament - thoughts
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2017, 10:55:54 PM »
Texas needs to grow up and move out of the dark ages. Texas laws are preventing this boy from wrestling at the level he desires. In fact, the best move would be make one division; no matter what the birth certificate says if you are in that weight division you wrestle the opponent in front of you.