Walks up to the front door of the Classless Tramp Mansion, nailing a piece of paper to the front door...
Let it be known that we, the Daughters of Anarchy, after having systematically taken apart the Silk Stocking Girls, hereby declare war on the Classy Tramps, designating them as our "next victims." It seems to be best to fight on Trillian, but i guess we could do a few on here as well. When you aren't busy fighting each other, hopefully you will put up more of a fight than the Silks did.
We enjoy a good challenge, but stand by our previous proclamation. We are, by far, the strongest, toughest and most dominant group on FCF. Welcome to FCF's new era... where all other groups play second fiddle to us. We've proven it to the Silks and the Tramps are next in line to give us a chance to break a sweat...
Bring it on ladies...